Biotherapeutic Drainage Biotherapeutic Drainage is a treatment method aimed at supporting the body’s natural routes of elimination and enhancing the cellular function of the organs and tissues within the body. Within this method a combination of: lifestyle elements, single homeopathic remedies, the UNDA numbered compounds, plant based remedies and nutrients are used to rid the body of accumulated toxicity. Toxicity, combined with your habits and predispositions, can be found a the root of most modern disease. The goal of this non-toxic and natural remedy, is to allow the body to react, self-regulate and ultimately return to optimum healthy functioning.

What is Biotherapeutic Drainage? Drainage is more than just detoxification. Drainage is a two-fold process:

1. Putting into the body, moving intracellular and extracellular toxicity 2. Opening the routes of elimination to facilitate the removal of toxicity

Traditional detoxification methods such as , cleansing diets and colon cleansing are very good at mobilizing the extracellular toxicity, but do nothing to open the drainage routes. One could use the analogy of cleaning garbage out of your house. With the traditional methods you collect all the visible garbage and to eliminate it, throw it at a closed door. If the garbage is hurled enough times or with enough force, the door will break open causing the body to experience a healing crisis or discomforting side effects. Drainage, on the other hand, picks up both the visible and microscopic garbage in all the hard to reach places. The garbage is collected and via the secondary action of drainage, the doors are opened and the garbage is effectively removed from the body.

History The process of biotherapeutic drainage relies on using the UNDA numbered compounds and other homeopathic remedies. The UNDA numbers were created nearly 100 years ago in Europe based on Chinese , as well as homeopathic and anthroposophic principles. They are a unique combination of homeopathic formulas, combining homeopathic herbal preparations which act at a specific organ level and metals that act on the energetic sensitivity of the individual. They facilitate the removal of the blockages that hinder your body’s natural ability to heal itself. The key attribute of the UNDA numbers is their ability to detoxify at both the extra and intracellular level. What You Can Expect  Gentle elimination of leading to restored energy and vitality  Optimal enzyme functions, reducing the need for large amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements  Restored function of organs and systems, including: digestion, circulation and hormones  Restoration of the terrain such that parasites, yeast, bacteria and other unfriendly organisms no longer survive  Reduction or elimination of allergies and food sensitivities  Improved effectiveness of adjunctive therapies such as massage, single homeopathic remedies and herbs.

Frequently Asked Questions What can I expect after I start using the UNDA numbers? Patients report any number of detox reactions, from mild symptoms, like a change in frequency of urination or increase in perspiration, to moderate symptoms, such as or . However, within one to two weeks most patients report an increase in energy and wellness.

How long does it take to see results? Each person is unique, some responding more quickly or slowly than others. Some positive changes may occur immediately, others over months. Depending on the severity of your illness and healing capacity of your body, your may require drainage remedies for a short or long period of time. Maintenance visits should be expected.

Do the UNDA numbers interact with my other medications? The great news here is two fold–these compounds do not interact with your other medications, and they may ultimately require you to take less of these medications over time. For example, if you are currently using Lipitor, the UNDA numbers may allow your liver to metabolize cholesterol more effectively, requiring less medication. Clearly, any changes in your prescriptions will need to be done in conjunction with the doctor prescribing them. I am happy to work in tandem with your other doctor(s) so you may get the best treatment–and results–possible.