The Ruscoommbbee MMaannssiioonn Community Health Center
[email protected] Vol. 4, Issue 4 4801 Yellowwood Ave., Baltimore, MD 21209 April 10, 2009 in the Coldspring Newtown Editor: Laura Cortner 410-367-7300 Founder and Executive Director: Zohara M. Hieronimus Expand Your Mind, Stretch Your Body Spring Cleaning: Have You Considered Colon Hydrotherapy? To be announced - Mirror, Mirror - Journaling for Body Image with Nancy Evans and Dana Knighten. In an atmos- When scrubbing the surfaces of phere of mutual acceptance, respect, and confidentiality, we your outer world, don’t neglect the will use journaling and artmaking techniques to listen to and cleansing of your inner world, too! deepen our relationship with our authentic selves. Colon hydrotherapy, also known 410.461.7440,
[email protected]. as colon irrigation, colon therapy May 29 - 31, 2009 5th Annual Eden Life Journeys Reiki and colon detoxification, can flush and Wellness Retreat organized by Brenda Doetzer- and irrigate your inner world with Pearlstone Conference and Retreat Center in Reisterstown, the infusion of water into the large Presentations by Ruscombe founder Zohara Meyerhoff intestine for colon detoxification. Hieronimus, and herbalist Sara Eisenberg, 410-242-6130, Contact Colon Hydrotherapist Katrina Mahomes to find
[email protected] out if this treatment is right for you. June 23-24 Level I & June 25-29 Level II -Mining Your Our colon cleansing is done in a very quiet and relaxed Metaphors with Gina Campbell. A systematic process for atmosphere. Privacy is maintained at all times, and because working with your client’s metaphors to promote decision- it is a closed system there is no odor or mess.