The Clinton Independent. VOL XXX>K ST
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The Clinton Independent. VOL XXX>k ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1897 . WHOLE NO.-ISY^ \ FIRK IN OLIVE TOWNSHIP. HAPPILY MARRIED. BUSINESS LOCALS VERY MYSTERIOUS! Ham and Contents on the Farm of Win. Green, Consumed. —Insurance, 9775. m »J REASON Frank E. Mulder und Miss Laura E. Gil- «STILL AT LAM! School Books—New und Second. On Friday last, September 3d. the barn lett Wedded at Oberliu. The following is taken from tlieOber- A complete assortment at low prices The Disappearance of Theron with it contents on the farm of William At F. E. Aldrich s. Green, in Olive township, were con Frank G. Schofield Adjudged In lin, O., News : “A quiet wedding oc Sheep-Killing Dogs Continue to Bring your old books to be exchanged. Horton Last Monday, sumed by tire. They were insured in sane at Lansing. curred Wednesday afternoon, the 28th the Clinton County Mutual to the total inst., at 181 West College street, the resi Make Their Presence Felt. At Auction. amount of $775. How the fire originat dence of Mrs. L. M. Bain, her daughter. I will sell at public auction to the ATTENDED THK LAHOIt DAY CELE ed is still a mystery with Mr. Green. Miss Laura E. Gillett, being married to WAS ONCE A PROSPEROUS MANUFAC Frank E. Mulder. highest bidder, on the premises, on HKATION AT OWOSSO. We have since learned that Mr. Green SEVERAL MORE CLAIMS FOR DAM Tuesday, October 5, 1897, at 2 o'clock believes that the barn was fired by TURER AT OVID. “After a season of congratulations and social enjoyment, the company sat AGES ADJUSTED THIS WEEK. p. m., tne Greenbush Grange Hall, in neighbors’children, who were playing cluding the sheds adjoining. The land in it during his absence. down to a delicious lunch. Mauy beau Has Not Yet Keturned Home and no Trace Busin*** Reverse* Brought About HI* Fi tiful presents were in evidence. The is not included. * The building is in ot Him Oau He Found. contracting parties are well known in The Total Amount of Damage Thu* Far good repair and two stories high. AN ASSESSMENT OF THREE MILLS nancial ltuln. Which In Doubtle** the 53-4 Frank Marshall , Sec’y. Theron Horton, a lad about 15 years Oberlin. Mrs. Mulder has spent the Will Reach 9150. Cause of HU Meutal Trouble. past three and one-half years iu the con old, and only sou of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. The sheep-killing dogs are still very The Cloak and Cape House In the Clinton County Mutual, Which Frank G. Schofield, for a number of servatory of music, aud Mr. Mulder, Horton, this village, went to Owosso Will Pay all Losses and Leave a Hand who took a course in mechanical en much in evidence in this township, and of St. Johns, this season, will be located with the crowd of people from here last some Sum In the Treasury. years manager and principal owner of gineering at the University of Michigan, at No. 33 Clinton Avenue, and the name succeeded iu getting in their deadly over the door will be John Hicks . Monday—Labor Day. He was seen by The board of directors of the Farmers’ the Scofield Buggy Co., of Ovid, lias has recently been employed in Cleve work on forty-four sheep the past week. Mutual Fire Insurance Company have been adjusted insane by l’robate Judge land. Mr. aud Mrs. Muider took the some of his young companions, between Albert M. Peck and Frank C. Swain School Supplies. ordered an assessment of three mills, or Porter, of Ingham county. evening train for Cleveland, and from 2 'and 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, not 30 cents on each $100 insured. While whence they were to take a trip on the were the heaviest losers, the former be F. E. Aldrich is headquarters for all Less than five years ago, Mr. Schofield lakes, making visits in Michigan and manner of School Supplies at bottom long before the west bound train was this is lower than for the last two years, ing awarded $26.75 aud the latter $30.75 prices. due at Owosso, on which they were to it will pay all losses and expenses and was one of the best known and most ex New York.” Mr. Mulder was formerly for damages. provide a handsome surplus. a student in the St. Johns High school, return home. tensive manufacturers iu Michigan, The total number of sheep killed or Fall and Winter Dress Goods. but business reverses came, which and has many friends here who wish he As no tidings were received of his and his bride a prosperous life. wouuded thus far is 70, the total dam We have just received our new Dress caused him to lose his mind, and last age being about $150. Goods and shall consider it a favor to whereabouts up to yesterday morning, week au application was made by Gil iiave you look them over. All the his almost frantic parents placed the bert M. Hasty, a friend, for his com The following is an additional list of latest styles and weaves are shown in case in the hands of Sheriff Dunn, who mitment to the asylum for the insane. farmers in this township who have had the line. went straight-way to Owosso in quest of The Lansing Journal, in speaking of sheep bitten aud killed by dogs since John Hicks . the matter, says: our last issue: the missing boy. Later in the day Mr. For Mr. and Mrs. Townsend and “Mr. Schofield has been a familiar fig September 6.—H. M. Hoerner, 1 sheep Composition Books aud Tablets. Dunn telephoned Mr. Horton from Mr. and Mrs. Parrott. ure in Lansing for nearly two years. Miss Millie Comstock, of Owosso, killed, $3.50. 1 The best assortment ever before Owosso that he had no clue of his son He was at one time mauager ot the Same date, Peter Smith, second lot, Wrapped One Around Her, 2 sheep killed. $8. opened in St. Johns at F. E. Aldrich’s. up to that time. Schofield BuggyCo. at Ovid, which was AT THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. J. S. engaged extensively in the manufacture « 8 sheep and lambs Where l)o You Dine 1 Mr. Horton thinking that he might of carriages. Through some misfortune killed, $26.75. OSGOOD ON TROWBRIDGE STREET. W HILE SUFFERING FROM A MENTAL Persons looking for a good clean place, have gone to Milan, this state, where the institution became financially em Jule Sauvageot, 3 sheep and 1 lamb, where good, wholesome and well-cooked relatives reside, boarded this morning's barrassed and its affairs got into the BREAKDOWN. damage not yet assessed. meals may be procured, should keep in courts with the result that Mr. Scho September 7~William Welhousen, 2 train for that place, with the hope that Thin Pretty and Hospitable Home Tlirowu mind the fact that I have moved to the field became a poor man. He came to lambs killed, $6; 2 wounded. Damage next room to my old quarters, which are he may find him there. Open for This Social Event. Lansing about two years ago anu for a Feared That Her Sicknen* Would Impov not yet assessed. Same date, Frank C. Swain, 15 lambs pleasanter, and where I shall be pleased Theron is a bright boy, and at first his The Young Men’s society of the M. long time stopped at the Hudson House, erish Her Mother—Death Relieved to meet my old friends and new patrons. father seemed satisfied that he would taking his meals at irregular intervals killed and wounded. $30.75. E. church conceived the idea of giving at a restaurant. Her of Her Suffering*. H. P. Gage, 2 ewes killed and 1 misr W.. H. Watts . turn up all right. But as time passed Messrs. Townsend and Parrott, instruc “He believes that he has been defraud Miss Millie Comstock, of Owosso, a sing. Damage not yet assessed. on, and the mother's anxiety became al September 8 —W. a . Hunt, 1 badly Popular Pr.’c d Cloaks tors in our excellent schools, and their ed of his property, and for a long time cousin of O. A. Whitlock, of this village, most unindurable, he became more and labored under the delusion that his offten and 2 gone. Damage not assessed. are numerous in our new Fall and Wint estimable young brides, a reception and committed suicide in a most horrible er styles, just opened at Jonx Hicks ’. more convinced that he may have been grievances were being adjusted in the B. Iletler, 1 nice ewe badly bitten. hearty welcome on their return from supreme court. Month after month lie manner last Sunday morning. Damage not yet assessed. inducee to go away on some gold-digging their recent wedding lour. waited in vain for the court to decide Miss Comstock, who was the daugh John Beadle, 1 killed and 3 wounded. Wanted —Steady position by young expedition, or with some bad and ill- Damage not assessed. man, handy with horses. Apply at this In response to their earnest desires, his case, his coat growing more and ter of the late Luther Comstock, was a designing persons. more threadbare and himself becoming Would it not be well for the authorities office. and in keeping with their plans, music teacher and had been in poor to offer a reward for the dog or dogs, I p to the hour of going to press to more and more despondent. N'ew Line of Cloaks and ('apes.