NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS, LAW AND JUSTICE IN AFGHANISTAN 26-27 MAY 2003 HOSTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW GROUP SPONSORED BY UNIFEM, THE GOVERNMENT OF GERMANY AND THE GOVERNMENT OF ITALY This report was prepared by IHRLG staff in Washington, DC and Kabul, Afghanistan. International Human Rights Law Group 1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 602, Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: 202-822-4600; Fax: 202-822-4606
[email protected] International Human Rights Law Group House #200, District 4, Street 3, Charahi Ansari, Share-e-Now, Kabul City, Afghanistan Land telephone: 93 20 29 02 25; Satellite telephone: 92 91 84 34 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Summary of conference III. Open discussions IV. Breakout sessions V. Appendices · Appendix 1: Conference Declaration · Appendix 2: Conference Agenda · Appendix 3: Welcome Statement · Appendix 4: Keynote Addresses a) Dr. Sima Samar, Human Rights Commission b) Domenico Giorgi, Italian Ambassador c) Mahboba Hoquqmal, State Minister for Women’s Affairs · Appendix 5: Presentation Papers a) Zainah Anwar, Executive Director of the Sisters in Islam, Kuala Lumpur b) Dr. Sona Khan, Advocate Supreme Court, India c) Sultana Kamal, Executive Director of Aino Salish Kendra, Bangladesh d) Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Professor of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence at the International Islamic University Malaysia e) Dr. Riffat Hassan, Professor of the Religious Studies Program University of Louisville, USA · Appendix 6 Bios of Moderators · Appendix 7: a) Our Work: International Human Rights Law Group (IHRLG) b) Afghanistan Programs, IHRLG c) UNIFEM Afghanistan · Appendix 8: a) Conference Participants b) Conference Team · Appendix 9: Conference Evaluation INTRODUCTION The first National Conference on Women’s Rights, Law and Justice in Afghanistan, held on May 26 and 27, 200 in Kabul, provided an opportunity for Afghan women from a variety of backgrounds to explore progressive interpretations of Islamic laws and how women’s rights fit into such interpretations.