A Year of Activities 2019-2020 KSHSAA YEARBOOK the official historical publication of the Kansas State High School Activities Association containing results of all KSHSAA sponsored state events held in 2019-2020 601 SW Commerce Place | PO Box 495 | Topeka, KS 66601-0495 Phone: 785-273-5329 | Fax: 785-271-0236 |
[email protected] | www.kshsaa.org The KSHSAA Story PURPOSE: To contribute to the education of the high school boys and girls of Kansas by: administering a program of interscholastic activities, festivals, clinics and contests among member schools; elevating the standards of good sportsmanship and encour- aging the growth of good citizenship, not only for high school boys and girls, but also for adults and all others who come into contact with school activities; protecting member schools from exploitation by special interests; encouraging pride in scholastic achievement as a fundamental basis for a well-balanced activity program; serving the best interests of all member schools by influencing the proper type of legislation or any other desirable means. The Kansas State High School Activities Association came into existence in 1937, but prior to that year there were other associa- tions governing various types of interscholastic activities, all of which cooperated in formulating a unification program that re- sulted in the birth of the present Association. In the early 1930s a movement was started to organize an association to embrace all existing associations dealing with interschool events and with authority to supervise and regulate all interscholastic activities. After a number of years of study and planning by committees representing the High School Principals Association and other organizations such as the Debate League, Typists Association and Music Educators Association, the Board of Control and head- quarters staff of the Athletic Association were requested to assist in the formation of a new activities association and take over its administration.