
September et Bonum 2018


From the Interim Rector

As I write this article, I am coming up on one month serving as your Interim Rector at St. Francis.’ I think that I have done about all of my firsts now: first eucharist, first vestry meeting, first food pantry, first service at Laguna Honda. It is a privilege to take on these ministries and to serve with you on these committees and in prayer and worship.

I look forward to the Parish Retreat coming up in September and the opportunity for refreshment and community-building. I have been thinking a lot about what it means for us to be the community gathered in this particular place at this particular time. In the coming months we will be looking more intentionally at these kinds of questions as we get a better picture of who we are and where we are, what we have to offer to the city and beyond in Christ’s name.

With a guiding theme of journey, I have three areas of concentration for the coming months. First, I hope we can update and centralize our data bases. Knowing who is here, and those in our community feeling known is a priority. I would appreciate a centralized and accessible record of this community, hoping to improve communications and our ability to care for each other. Second, I want to focus on stewardship—what we have been given, what has been entrusted to our care, and how we give thanks for the resources we have been given. Third, I would like to begin steps in the search for the next rector—starting to organize a calling committee and having preliminary conversations about our journey forward.

I am in the office most days Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. I hope that you will stop by or make an appointment. I look forward to getting to know each of you as we journey forward together.

In peace,

Christine +


9am Coffee Hour Volunteers: Ken Quandt, Norma Young, Sr. Ruth Hall, Morag Hall, Daniel Rosenberry 11am Coffee Hour Volunteers: Melinda Lee, Alice and John Gates, Carol Thollander, Carol Fine, Gregg and Lisa Napoli, Beverly Popek and Pat Ho-a-Yun, Kevin and Susan Reamy, Sally Oh, Debbie Jasso, Christina Stephen, the Dick family, Meighan Merono, Francis and David Kriegh, Leanne DeSalles Laguna Honda Volunteers: Bill and Fran Rounds, Wendy Dwyer, Paul Pearson, and Ken Quandt Office Volunteers: Ed Splichal, Anita Jackson, Sally Young, Richard Young, Bob Powell, Dale Richard

Hearing Anew Through Alternative Creeds The Interim Rector

The , or known by its full name the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381 stands as the central liturgical affirmation of faith in Christendom. Formed in the crucible of theological conflict, the creed affirms many tenets of the faith while refuting many others. In Anglicanism it is regarded as one of the three major creeds, along with the Apostles’ Creed and the .

Creeds usually arise in times when heresy threatens a new, emerging or vulnerable faith tradition. At the time of the formulation of the Nicene Creed, the church was trying to distinguish itself from a new, emerging Judaism and from various sects of Gnostic and alternative forms of . The Nicene Creed became the orthodox confession of the church, which is to say the “correct” or “right” belief.

It is no mistake that the creed begins with the words “We believe….” Not only was it a personal affirmation, but, more importantly, it was a corporate statement of faith. In this way, it acted as a kind of skeletal foundation upon which all other faith claims could be hung. In this way, too, it serves as an aspirational script. When one recites this creed they proclaim the faith of the church and not necessarily their personal belief. Indeed, the creed provides an orientation, a context, the content and the aspiration for belief.

In the coming months, we will explore alternative forms of the creed. These alternatives come from trial , from other denominations and from other communities of worship. Many of these affirmations of faith have been approved for use as the church seeks to keep worship enlivened and meaningful. We will be experimenting with different forms as a way of hearing our faith claims in refreshed language which draws on the wealth of biblical imagery. In each case, we will strive to keep the spirit of the claim while exploring alternative ways of articulating it.

At the heart of our Christian tradition lies the importance of word. We say that how we pray shapes our belief. Likewise, our belief shapes the way we pray. As we experiment with new words in our creed, I hope you will open yourself to the ways in which the words shape your belief and to the ways the words take shape in your practice.

Icon depicting the Emperor Constantine, accompanied by the of the First Council of Nicaea (325), holding the Niceno –Constantinopolitan Creed of 381


Godly Play at St. Francis!

When: Godly Play begins Sunday, September 9, 10:00am - approx. 10:45am (students will be brought into the church service during )

What: Our children’s program is Godly Play: based on the Montessori method of learning for students in Kindergarten – 3rd Grade. Different and much more than just “Sunday School,” Godly Play encourages children to use their imagination, sense of wonder, and connection to their world as they learn about sacred Christian stories. A typical Godly Play Session has several short, structured activities. Some of the core activities include listening to sacred stories by a storyteller and “play” afterwards. Children may play with story sets, create art, or participate in other activities. A Prayer and reflection circle is the closing activity.

We also have special days in the program where children create craft projects around St. Francis Day, Dia de los Muertos, the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and various other opportunities for learning throughout the year. In December, the children’s program performs the story of ’ birth at the St. Francis’ Family Service on Christmas Eve.

How: Bring your child to the Godly Play room, across from the Nursery on the south end of the courtyard by 9:55 am on Sundays. No prior registration necessary. If you are interested in volunteering to host a project or would like to be a storyteller, we would love to hear from you.

For more information or to lead a Godly Play class, contact:

Amy Cole-Farrell [email protected] 650.649.8577 Parish Workday

The Facilities Committee will host a parish workday on the morning of Saturday, September 15 from 9 am-12 pm. Bring gardening tools, as we will have some exterior projects. Donuts will be provided for the hearty volunteers who come and work.


The Faces of St. Francis' Janet Giannini

St. Francis' has welcomed a number of new folks to our community recently, including our Interim Rector, Christine Trainor. So that we can all get better acquainted, the Membership Committee hopes you will partici- pate in our new project, “Getting to Know You.” Here’s how:

• Take a “photo frame paper” [see below] home with you (available in the back of the sanctuary). • Find or take a photo you like (individual or household group). • Attach it to the photo frame paper (double-stick tape or glue work fine). • Write the names of your household members and something about them, if you wish. Return it to church and put it in the designated box in the back of the sanctuary.

Look for the “Getting to Know You” display boards in the back of the Parish Hall. Questions? Talk to Janet Giannini or Carol Thollander.

Morag Hall A dog who helps with coffee hour after the . 8 a.m. service - mostly by eating the food!

Long Range Planning Committee

Convened and led ably by Fizzy Fyfe, the Long-range Planning Committee of St. Francis’ has begun meeting regularly. The committee is concerned with devising and implementing strategies to ensure the parish’s continuity, sustainability, and overall health in the immediate years and decades to come.

Fizzy Fyfe, Kate Kassuba, Bob Powell, Kevin Reamy, and Christine Trainor serve as the core members and will be tapping others to help them generate a vision and the implementation of a plan. They will work in conjunction with other key committees: Vestry, Membership and Parish Life, Fundraising, Finance, Stewardship, and Facilities.

As a shorter term goal, this committee seeks to close the current income gap in the coming program year. Please speak to these members with your ideas. They will meet again September 30.




Thank you for your enjoyment of my Mom's recipe that was served at the August 12th, 2018 Fellowship hour, and the request to publish it! It was one of my Mom's favorites and I still have it lovingly written down on her 3 x 5 recipe index card. What is interesting is that it is neither impossible, nor a quesadilla – nor even a pie!

1 can (8oz) chopped green chilies, drain 4 cups (16 oz) shredded cheddar cheese, 2 cups milk, 1 cup heart healthy bisquick baking mix, 4 eggs, 4 sliced zucchinis, a bunch of asparagus, chopped finely into bits but save the spears.

Lightly oil an 11" x 8" casserole pan, sprinkle cheese and chilies evenly. Layer the zucchini slices and asparagus bits on top of the cheese and chilies.

Blend eggs, milk and bisquick in a blender for 1 minute or until smooth. Pour on top evenly. Then arrange the asparagus spears on top as you wish; along the borders or as a heart in the middle.

Bake at 390 degrees for +/-40 minutes. Check in as all ovens are different. Remove from the oven when set, especially in the middle, and is a golden color.

Let stand for 5-10 minutes. Serve with sour cream, salsa, guacamole on the side, or let it speak for itself.


The Food Basket Alice Gates

The food basket at the back of the church has participated in our outreach again. September 6 we delivered 10 boxes of food to the Bay Area Women's and Children's Center. This food is used to supplement the diets of people living in the Tenderloin. Thank you for your generosity


St. Francis’ Feast and Blessing of the Animals

Bring your furry, feathered, and scaly friends for the St. Francis’ Feast and Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 7 at the 8 and 10 am services. Invite friends and neighbors for a frolicking menagerie and lively worship. For your pets’ safety and those of others, please bring your beloved pets properly restrained. Stuffed animals are also welcome.

Baptism Sunday, November 4, The Feast of All Saints’/All Souls’

The next Sunday for baptism is Sunday, November 4. If you would like baptism for yourself or another, please speak with The Rev. Christine Trainor, Interim Rector.

Traditional site of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptizer


Parish Retreat Weekend, Combined Service on September 23

While many in the parish will be away at the retreat at ’s Ranch the weekend of September 21-23, those who will be here in San Francisco please welcome the Rev. John Porter who will preach and celebrate on Sunday, September 23 at a combined service at 10 am. Father Porter joins us from the Church of the of Christ the King in Hayes Valley. Please note that there will only be one service that day at 10 am.

Friends of....

We have a new tradition at St. Francis’ called “Friends of” so named by Ed Splichal. It emerged organically. We found that there were two people who wanted to help with the needs of the Guild (washing/ironing linens and seamstress duties) but did not have the time to be full blown members of the group. So, they are now considered Friends of the Altar Guild. There are other groups with similar needs. For example, we would love to have people volunteer to lead the children’s Sunday School class or the Teen/Tween class, maybe once a year, not necessarily using a lesson but instead sharing a skill or a project with them. If we had six people volunteer to do that, in one academic year, then the regular teachers would be able to take a breather. We would love to have more Scripture readers for the Sunday services. You may wish to read only occasionally. That is fine! You do not need to sign your life away to be involved. The Friends of....category enables people to participate, but not over commit. Other needs: Ushers, Greeters, and help with Coffee Hour. To volunteer, or for more information, talk to the Senior Warden, Diane Dick, the Junior Warden, Ed Splichal, or the chair listed on the next page.

BINGO Wednesday September 26 at 7 pm

Volunteers needed for cash donations, small-denomination gift cards, standard bed pillows, or earbuds. The organizers are also looking for volunteers who would like to help run the event, by calling numbers, handing out prizes, etc. Safe Harbor is located at 295 N. Access Road, South San Francisco. Contact Frances Kriegh at [email protected] or 714-904-1618 for more information.

J E S U S John 3:16 Matthew 20:16 Luke 5:31-32 Mark 2:17 Matthew 11:19 John 1:1-14 Mark 12:17 Matthew 19:23 Luke 6:29 Luke 6:20 John 8:7 Luke 6:39 ABSOLUTION Matthew 18:22 Luke 6:32 John 6:35 Matthew 4:7 Mark 1:17 Mark 4:28 Matthew 10:16 John 14:6 Mark 12:38 Luke 6:3 Luke 8:18 Mark 2:27-28


There are many opportunities to join in the ministry of St. Francis’. We have a wide range of ways to get in- volved. The following is a list of activities, organizations, and outreach opportunities with a contact person for each. Please call the parish office if you need contact info:

Acolytes – Susan Reamy/Keith Smith

All Saints’ Guild (women) – Norma Young, Mary Beth Paul

Altar Guild – Ed Splichal

Book Cart – Alice Gates

Building and Grounds – Ed Splichal

Choir – Dale Richard

Christmas Eve Children’s Service – Amy-Cole Farrell

Coffee Hour Coordinator – Lisa Napoli

Communications – David Kriegh, Christina Stephen/Drake Pike

Eucharistic Ministers – the Interim Rector

Food Basket -- Alice Gates

Food Pantry – Carol Thollander, Sally Oh

Friends of Francis (men) – Ron Giannini

Fundraising --Debbie Jasso, Wendy Dwyer

Godly Play -- Amy Cole-Farrell and Beverly Popek

Greeters--Carol Thollander

Laguna Honda Ministry – the Interim Rector

Membership – Carol Thollander

Outreach – Wendy Dwyer, Claudia Quinn

Readers – Keith Smith

Stewardship – Bob Powell, Kevin Reamy

Teen/Tween Class – Beverly Popek

Ushers – Richard Young


Grocery shopping, starting a DYI project or buying birthday gifts? Please remember the St. Francis’ Gift Card program. It’s an easy way to give to the church, and take care of your shopping at the same time. Need family gifts? Macys, Nordstrom, Bed Bath Beyond, Zappos, Best Buy, Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic, Carters, Gymboree, J. Crew, LL Bean are all available. Need gifts for the office or other small “work” appreciation? Starbucks, Target, i Tunes, See’s Candies, Amazon, AMC and UA Theaters, Walgreens, CVS, Ulta, Sephora. And for foodstuff, Safeway/Albertson’s, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Raley/Nob Hill/BelAir are available. And if you’re dining out – Red Lobster, Chilis, Olive Garden, Red Robin are great places to grab that bite to eat. If you’re doing decorating or repairs – we can order Sears, Home Depot or Lowes for you. Travelling? We have gas credit cards and fast foods. Taco Bell, Subway, Wendy’s, Burger King. Don’t forget your pets!! Petco and Petsmart are available. It’s as easy as filling out an order blank – available at Coffee Hour or to buy online, visit our website for more detailed instructions. On the home page, look for Gift Card Fundraiser under the Events section. Questions – call or email Claudia Quinn. [email protected] or 650-228-4698. The Lynn Douthit School Of Dance

The next season for The Lynn Douthit School Of Dance begins on September 10. Each class is taught in a combination of tap, jazz and tumbling for pre-school through teens. Adult tap classes are also offered. All classes meet in the Parish Hall and are one hour long, one day per week. Classes are taught Monday through Thursday. Please contact Lynn at [email protected] for further information.

Ongoing Formation Offerings Children and Youth Programs Our Godly Play group has returned from its summer hiatus and is meeting at 10 am in the courtyard classroom. For ages K-5th grade, this gathering uses a Montessori-style method to bring the biblical stories to life. A new Tween and Teen Youth Group is also meeting at the same time in the Guild Hall for games, food, and discussions about real-life stuff. This group will also learn about the Bible and how its principles affect our lives. Topics include parents, social media, friendships, Jesus, trusting God, and dealing with doubt, fear, and stress. Contact Beverly Popek if you have questions.

Adult Bible Study An adult Bible study group meets every Sunday between services from 9:00 to 10:00 in the Guild Hall. The group is led by Sr. Ruth Hall. The current topic is the book of Genesis.


Ongoing Weekly Events . Monday to Friday YMCA Preschool in SessionCALENDAR—8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday Lynn Douthit School of Dance 3;00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.-Parish Hall Monday to Thursday Julie Vernon tutoring 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.-Godly Play Room Tuesday INTO Bible Study and Lunch 11:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.—Guild Hall Tuesday Café Shalom—Israeli Folk Dance 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.—Parish Hall Wednesday Music Together Classes—9:00 a.m.to a.m., 11a.m.—Guild Hall T u e s d a y Café Shalom Israeli Dance Group--Parish Hall--8:00-11:00 p.m. Wednesday Food Pantry, 3:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Courtyard/Kitchen/Guild Hall Thursday St. Francis’ Choir Rehearsal—7 p.m.—Church Friday INTO Youth Group —7:00 p.m.-9:00 pm—Guild Hall Friday Tai Chi--10:00-11:30--Parish Hall Saturday Yoga class—8:00 a.m., 9:15 a.m.,10:30 a.m.— (Guild Hall) Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Church) and Coffee Hour—Kitchen 9:15a.m., Bible Study in the Guild Hall 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Church) and Coffee Hour, Parish Hall 10:00 Godly Play—Sunday School room Teen and Tween Class, Guild Hall 1 p.m. Church Service, INTO , and Coffee Hour /Parish Hall


Birthdays Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to list a birthday.

Nancy Carpe—September 3 Theodore Taruskin—September 3 Nick Unkovic—September 8 Martha Wessitsh—September 8 Laura Giannini—September 10 Michelle Herrera—September 10 Susan Reamy—September 12 Pam Catlett—September 13 Gavan Dagnese—September 15 Patrick Popek—September 15 Po Wong—September 16 Faustino Florio—September 16 Anna Neil—September 16 Dominic George—September 18 Carol Fine—September 18 Cameron Dwyer—September 20 Kelly (Dwyer) Taruskin—September 20 Charlton Finch—September 21 Lexi Neil—September 21 John Napoli—September 22 Mark Lieu—September 23 Amy Cole-Farrell—September 25 Heather Cooper—September 26 Anny Tasto—September 26 Lori Hartwick—September 29




September 2 Song of Solomon 2:8-13 Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10 James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

September 9 Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125 James 2:1-10, [11-13], 14-17 Mark 7:24-37

September 16 Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

September 23 James the Just Proverbs 31:10-31 (Russian Icon) Psalm 1 or Wisdom of Solomon 1:16-2:1, 12-22 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37

September 30 Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 Psalm 124 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50

Esther talking to Mordecai


Staff St. Francis’ Episcopal Church 2018 Vestry

399 San Fernando Way San Francisco, CA 94127 Diane Dick (2018) Sr .Warden Interim Rector www.stfrancisepiscopal.org Ed Splichal, (2020) Jr .Warden The Rev. Christine Trainor Class of 2018 Office: (415) 334-1590 Wendy Dwyer Assisting Clergy Home: (415) 571-8420 Michelle Herrera The Rev. Dominic George, T.S.S.F. Email: [email protected] Debbie Jasso The Rev. Robert Kossler Kevin Reamy Class of 2019 Music Director Keith A. Smith, AHC Nicholas Cole-Farrell Dale Richards Parish Administrator Meighan Merono Organist Office: (415) 334-1590 Class of 2020 Jason Jia Fax: (415) 334-1591 Shae Brown Email: Kate Kassuba Parish Administrator [email protected] David Kriegh Keith A. Smith, AHC

Drake Pike, Treasurer Sunday School Coordinators CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Amy Cole-Farrell and Beverly Popek M-TH: 10am to 5pm Deanery Delegates F: 10AM to Noon Nursery Caregiver Alice Gates Carol Fine Richard Young Betsey Zobell Sextons Sally Young (alt) Masad and Abla Bajjalieh