TRANSACTIONS of the Fifty-Seventh North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
TRANSACTIONS of the Fifty-seventh North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference Conference theme— Crossroads of Conservation: 500 Years After Columbus Marc/, 27-Apr;V 7. 7992 Radisson Plaza Hotel Charlotte and Charlotte Convention Center Charlotte, North Carolina Edited by Richard E. McCabe i w Published by the Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, DC, 1992 Johnson, M. L. and M, S. Gaines. 1988. Demography of the western harvest mouse, Reithrodon- Managing Genetic Diversity in Captive Breeding tomys megalotis, in eastern Kansas. Oecologia 75:405-411. Kareiva, P. and M, Anderson. 1988. Spatial aspects of .species interactions'. The wedding of models and Reproduction Programs and experiments. In A. Hasting, ed., Community Ecology. Springer-Verlag. New York, NY. Lande, R. 1988. Genetics and demography in biological conservation. Science 241; 1,455-1,460. Levins, R. A. 1980. Extinction. Am. Mathematical Soc. 2:77-107... Katherine Rails and Jonathan D. Ballon Lovejoy, T. B. 1985. Forest fragmentation in the Amazon: A case study. Pages 243-252 in H. Department of Zoological Research Messel, ed., The Study of Populations. Pergamon Press, Sydney, Australia. National Zoological Park Lovejoy, T. E., J. M. Rankin, R. O. Bierregaard, K. S. Brown, L. H. Emmons, and M. E. Van Smithsonian Institution der Voort. 1984. Ecosystem decay of Amazon Forest fragments. Pages 295-325 in M. H. Washington, D.C. Nitecki, ed., Extinctions. Univ. Chicago Press. Chicago, IL. Lovejoy, T. E., R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., A. B. Rylands, J. R. Malcolm, C. E. Quintela, L. H. Harper, K. S. Brown, Jr., A. H. Powell, G. V. N. Powell, H. 0, R.
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