THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS business cards. i REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. j The Rani's Secret or Poetic Published every day (Sundays excepted) by. the | MISCELLANEOUS. PRESS. Reticence THE [From the Atlanta Weekly.] PORTLAND PUKI.ISniXR CO., House to Rent or the sub-editor W. c. ( LARK, Hotel Property for Sale ! Warned Lease. APR. 24, 1S7:{ j Yesterday morning came iu- upper tenement of bonne No. THURSDAYMORNING, t > At 109 Exciiaxge St. Portland. MAN who Furniture. rpiIE 31 Emerv St our sanctum and reminded us that we understands repairing X of six rooms, all KOHLING j 103 FEDERAL STREET, Federal St. consisting very pleasantlv“y eUusi'i n- IjST northboro mass. A Apply at 125 ated; with Gas and Sebago Water, hadn’t given out for the fourth Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance 5 Woors East of Temple Si., apr23 ti and J any poetry Assabet House, beautifully situated on public Inquire on tho prcmisca. Gossip Gleanings. rpilE-*• i So we took out the roll of square in center of on 2c aprlDdtf WILLIAM II. HAS GOT HLS page. manuscript THE MAINE STATE the village, Railroad GREEN. PRESS GAS AM) WATER miles from tBostou. House is new and of moderr ! lift wit 1 us by the Poet's wife, and selected stylo, and contains 38 rooms, dance b lliards&e. Tommy wants to know if the backwoods is Titcrsday nail, WANTED. To Let, the published every Morning at S’ 50 a Large stable, 30 stalls. Will be sold at a great bar- following poem, which we read to the year, it paid in at P S PING. Rooms in the House of No. 17 aren’t the lumbar regions? j advauce, S2 oo a year. gain; owuer wishes to retire from business. Applj Boyd street, New Goods suit-editor: ! to D. C. PAGE, Northboro, Mass. IjlOCUconsisting of sitting room, kitchen and two Style Advertising : One ot m>21___tf_ sleeping rooms, Gas and Sebago water, to a small “*"5 inch space, apr23-Cw* — — KNOWN TO ME ONLY. of «. VV. STOC fami with no FOR THU cng.h column, constitutes a K.™ AH, M. W.. to y children. Apply to It is rather cool in a San Francisco to “equate.” BOY to learn Carriage Painting. Apply paper daily livst week: 75 cents per ; \ to aplktf X). F. GERTS. Mine alono is my secret! I hold it .Kb!?lcr BQuare Pliysiei tn and Tor sale. I J\. Z. THOMPSON, JR.. Successor advise a young man to “go West.” insertions, or lee?, SI 00: coutitm- Surgeon. St. Nor over K« otherhtluec J. M. Kimball & Co. 302 and 304 Congress will te l It; apart f,^very day after first week, 50 cents. aO" To Let. & one Congress St., rortland. apr22 dlw_ Spring Slimmer of 1873. From tho woilil and its scoiu I il three insertions or 75 cents; liberal term9, a valuable tract of Timber and _ enfold *i lI^!?are* less, Store on Atlantic near weeK. .sj 50 < Wood lands on Congress St., and An Illinois announces In 00; cents per week after. pp.^sito Hie Park. ON comprising 15,000 acres, situated Horse cars. paper that Edwin the passionate mailSdtf Wanted. ANEW Suitable lor a Shoe Store or IIo lias exorcised hi* clasp of*my heart; special one third additional. the wituiu 90 miles from Port- fancy usual excellent judgment, and Notices, Androscoggin river, and domestic goods or Groeoiies. Booth will “trazodiato” in a In the darkness around it L nder head of 92 00 per squate land. That river and the Grand Trunk SITUATION as a salesman or commercial ApplyPP 1 to S A has selected the certain town. thickchanging “Amusemexts,” CHAS. J. Railway pas* ANDERSON, No. 37 St. Lawrence St. pcsr week; three insertions or less £1 50. SCHUMACHER, through the property; facilities for logging superior traveler, in a Boot and Shoe or estab- Of hatred and terror and A Grocery oi mar*° dlw then gloom Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State and quality and quantity of timber unsurpassjd. lishment, y a man who has had an experience codtf best or An That the world has repaid for inv loving— Press” (which lias a large circulation in every part For further particulars and maps apply to ten years in'I he retail trade. Can give tlio unfortunate calf has been bom in In- of the State) for £1 00 per square for first WM. KRONBERG, Owner. references. Inquire at this Office. To Let. BEST STOCK It hums like a lamp in a tonal'. insertion, FRESCO aprL^tt diana without a tail and is as and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- PAINTER, apr23dlw Nos. 4 and 6 Pine St., N. Y. City. yet all uncon- tion. OFFICES ON EXCHANGE I shont it to blackshadowed Shasta, Wanted. ON®»I1«LET. 9FJHEBE»T scious of the horrors of Address all communications to Enquire of “fly time.” as man Ever Exhibited in this Him. To tho I it low, 5 BOOKKEEPER a young «EO. A. yet City by sagcbnsh whisper ^ PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Dccring Block. FOR SALE, by WHITNEY & CO,. j SITUATONwho understands Double Entry. margin No. Exchange St. I write it in rocks of the cauon, Can furnish references. Address “P.” Till: l John Weston AT S Store in good ASSORTMENT INCLUDES has contracted with Mr. John And it aloud whou thero blow SCSICMAC1IEB BKO HEBS. COUNTRY Gr ocery and Dry Goods apr22dlw* Press Offico. cry a C. BUSINESS aprlO dSmo A Middlesex Co., 1G miles from Boston, with To Let. Merrill to build him a commodious house Fierce storm-winds that shake the strong pinstrses. CARDS! class of customers. good rooms his old To the stars will I lift up my woe. in tho store. Amount of stock about Wanted. r'inii»hcd with board at 110 upon homestead the present summer. Post Office Cumberland cor. of man a chance is offered to Franklin Sts. Tho moon shall pale as slio listens; STBOFI & PORTLAND $1000. To tho right good man in Store and to drive store wagon. grow IlbESIES, do a safe and increasing business. Address YOUNG from 5 to G P. M. COATINGS, none over shall know! Inquire at 175 Middle St., ___tf 1 My secret C. L. HOWARD. adr22 -t A ghost at the West is stealing coal, which Mass. Quiet Board, seems to me very improbable’ Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, apr23dlw WavlanJ, Oi German, French and English is thought to be a better sign than if it stole “All that MACHINEWORKS Laily a home j Boarders Wanted. A °can an.d wi'hi'ig quiet Manufacture, in Straights, Di- ice. said the sub-editor gently “but I daresay it CANAL RANK III II,DING. {formerly c. staples & sox,) House for Sale. Ont«M witl1 board a» No. I or can bo accomodated ?frrrt i,J. ™'1,8aVt 10,0mS four gentlemen from Froe street. One or agonals, Ilair Lines, Basket relieved At that moment our two storied House No. 23 twoZ^^e V, door, his feelings.” Marine, Stationary and [Portable square, dwelling THREEwith board at No. 9 Cotton Street. apr!9*lw " Scntlemsu can be accommodated also. and Diamond Goods, &c ^POXiTLA.1VId, MIC. THEWaterville street; contains twelve finished lan7 The announcement that truth is stranger errand-boy brought in the mail, and we be rooms. This property is plea’santly located and will A. A. BTHOIT. STEAM ENGINES, Wanted. than fiction” is said to to read our letters. “This is an uncon- GEO. F. HOLMES. be sold low to close an estate. A*>plv to depend chiefly upon gin writing a hand. at PAST WM. II. JERRIS, SMART BOY', good Apply STORE TO LET. "GOODS. who tells it. is a man Steam Bleach Boilers and Tanks, Shafting. ,, state of said wo;“bere fcb3_d3m Boilers, Sts. A JAMES & WILLIAMS, genial things” Mill and General of Real Estate Agent, corner Congress and MyrtTo street. Gearing Machinery. Castings d2w apl9eod3t 300 Commercial the Rackleft who wants to bis because we re- GEO. E. COLLINS, and ap22 A sto,re„in Block, corner stop paper iron, brass, composition. Repairing promptly e Ceurch streets—basement ami In this Department, if anywhere, Holding thinks he The Christian Leader declares “that attended to. ffrsi flftnr‘ oi" truly fused to an article of that would ! 8hed aud adaI,tei to jobbing can print his, PHOTOGRAPHIC F'$f*Sevr and Second-hand Engines for sale. Two Xice House Lots for Sale. W A Ts T KT) ar>(lrv goods or other strikers arc, at the best, and wasteful ARTIST, similar trado. clumsy have in a libel a bill for I Ugliest cash prices paid for old Iron. to involve.i;us suit,here’s 31G CONORKS8 on Pine Capt. Geo. Kniglit Apply ALLEN HAINES. methods of STREET, Street, adjoining redressing grievances.” ink,and the hill for those we had last au- 310 Commercial —10x100 on near 54 MAN with the book septlldtf E VE R Y B O L> Y- types Street, ONE feet, and Emery, Spring St., acquainted subscription ______SUIT Is preparer! to make all the various of f «rd styles x84. Terms favorable. Apply to W. II. Jerris, Real A business to take charge of Maine aud employ The soldier makes a tumn,and a letter that the writcrtliinks Pirturr*, JHednliioii.Ar., from W. If. FESSENDEN. Me. pillow of his knap: ack, stating Rrrubrunt, aprll.f Portland, Estate Agent. others to sell a new book. Must have a small capi- 1IIS ASSORTMENT OF KIr8ou<>hr«l this wo _apr!7-3w* our intellectual calibre * Ncgnlim. By procoss tal. 10,000 conies can be sold the first year by the and the civilian makes a of iii* inconsiderable—this W«T rid of Freckles. ITioIcit mid oCltrr iu> nap-sack pil- right man. Address, stating experience, W. J. HOL- UNQUESTIONABLY is’nt of thr. Kliiu. For all of no E. C. JORDAN. For in the Town of West- low. pleasant reading.” “Its too bad"said the prvfvctionh which Sale LAND & Mass, nxtra charge will be made. All work warranted to CO., SpriDglield, SUITINGS ap 19dtf WHOLE sub-editor, sympathizingly. “We might im- please. Call and examine for yourselves. mchlSdtf Civil & brook. Tlie Best Known and Most Thoroughly Engineer Land Surveyor, John C. Merrill hag just finished a itate the and * ,4 FINE residence ono-balf mile from the Railroad Tested good poet, interview the vegetable Lost. Nobbiest ever intro- WILLIAM H. PHINNEY. JA8. L. LOMDAItD. jtJl Depots, Post-office, good Schools and Churches, Embraces some of the Designs dwelling house on the comer of Smith mid Ox- world on the Wo. 841-2 middle duced. subject of our grief,” said we. Sreet., six miles fr< m Portland; House and Ell two storios the cars, or between the depot of Portland & ! ford for Frank 1 streets, who will make thirteen finished rooms, double with marble Rochester R. R. and Preble an ENVE- Wildy, “or we might go round to the contem- (near Canal Bank, parlors ON street, reptile mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in LOPE $150 and papers of various kinds. FAWILI In full confidence that he can suit all tastes, and this bis liotno. PHINNEY & LOMBARD, containing office and talk it over with and Bam 40 x 60 on the Leave with Mr. Portland & Rochester lie those to the porary's or MAINE. good repair, painted blinded, Turner, Supt. all forms, spreads goods open inspec- him, PORTLAND, contain excellent R. foot of Mvrtle or at the Press of all. premises; grounds 15.J acres, land, R., street, Office, tion A Louisville notes the fact that go down to the corner of the street, and but- Real Estate & apr!2 dlra well fenced, 30 apple and pear trees, £ acre choice and be VERY" LIBERALLY rewarded. newspaper Loans, C^Thwc Gooiln will be made in n tonhole one of the strawberries, three good wells of water upon the place apl7dlw* _S. W. CONE. up since the Indiaua Sunday Liquor Law went lobsters in that cart—but and cistern in the cellar, cellar under whole SEWING MACHINE faultiest* stiyc and in a raaauer. No. 153 La Salle Alt ETAS good ^rfect on the whole we decline to write our woes Street, SHURTIEFF, House, fine cement bottom; grounds ornamented Wanted. into operation the larger share of the male up with fine shade trees. This is one oi tho finest resi- ‘oil rocks of the other A SITUATION as HOUSEKEEPER. The best population of New attend canon’—like Hitters.’’ No. G Moxxlton Street. dences in the county. Terms easy. Enquire of 3. R. Albany morning CHICAGO. JrY. of references and Address The sub-editor Davis & Co., or Otis Brown, Westbrook. given required. For all kinds of work, licavy or light, and the most W. H. service on the side of took out the box of brief PORTLAND, ME., Portland, •‘MISS M.,” KOHLING, Kentucky the river. quo- mar21tf Box popular. tations and selected some of — — 1666, Portland. them for our Nnfe iiivcntitM csis ntmlf for uou-rcsitlcnts, WILL SELL OX aprl5dtf and their iniercftts talks Buskin about the carefully nttended to. 99 EXCHANGE STREET. Clinton, Wis., pro- column of items; while we wrote hastily on Farm in Saco for $1350 ! ! ductions of a References:—Chas. B. Sawyer, Pres. 5ih Nat’l COMMISSION! TABLE WAITERS Wheeler & Wilson’s. ap3__ lm lady artist, the chief merit of a manuscript slip, which we unceremonious- Bank, Chicago; Chas. H. Mathews,Capitalist,Schen- which is that she them with V. .T. P. >w AL.li ItnOS BEAL ESTATE. paints her eyes slid across the table to him. edady, Y.; Winsl & Co., Portland, Me.; GOOD FARM of ly He picked it S A. Yiee-Pres. Franklin eight acres; 1-} story house, at the St. Julian. We Shall To Briggp, Bank. Chicago; — ALSO — ham & Wanted Open blindfolded. appreciate them th® and read the G. If. N. A 23x40, p mltry-housa, piggery, \, apple, tf properly up, following lines, inspired by Hosmer, Lcckport, Y.; Phinuoy & Jackson, aud trees and small fruits. One half mile ap8 Portland. Me. pear peach spectator should adopt the same precau- our apil2dtf Loans on from Saco ou Jordan so called. Terms despair. Negotiate Mortgages! depot, road, - on Found* tion. aprlG dtf $900 cash and balance mortgage. Apply to MRS. T-H-I-S D-A-Y, NO ADMITTANCE EXCEPT ON BUSINESS James HANNAH JACKSON, on the premises, or GEO. R. GOLD RING. The owner can have the same j C. Sheridan, DAVIS & Real Estate and Brokers, this office and We remarked on oar griefs to the stpiash-vine. CO., Mortgage A by calling at proving property. A Loudon of the Woman’s dtf mch26 Oue of the Best Assortments of correspondent To a toad wo our (Laic Sheridan, Griffiths & Brackett,) BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y. apo tf J | confided woe, Journal says, “A majority of the Scotch Wo chalked it all out on a For Sale. shingle, NO. f> WASTED! members «f Parliament are in favor of the en- And shouted its cause to a SOUTH STREET, about minutes walk from the crew; Agency for Sewing Machines. Gorham, twenty DRY GOODS! None knew IN Depot, a House aud two acres of land, covered franchisement of women, and I believe the it—except those we mention W. Si. Ho. ili Middle SI. All AT DYER, with apple trees bearing very choice fruit. As the COAT MAKERS CHESLEY’S, From the cold world wo held it kinds of ITIaclaiEirs for sail* anti to let* To be Found in same be said of the aloof; must, be it can be Portland, might Scotch clergy, if Stucco property sold, purchased for half of mch25dtf 167 HUDDLE STREET. Of course the knows Plasterer, Repairing. what tho would cost. Comprising many New and varieties never compositor it, buildings Elegant they were canvassed upon the subject as the — — before seen in this market. And tho man that corrected the AND DANIEL C. EMERY. Lost. proof; Bakers. Gorham, April 15, 1873. apr-d&wtf members have been.” CITY on at the For wc had it run in, in the iffA STIC WORKER. W, Vo COBB, Nos. 38 nnd itO Pearl Street, j 1IALL, Friday evening, j Weekly, AT Bines’ Masquerade, part of a new Waterproof It was in On direct route between New Custom FOR SALE ! This practical and easily machine has now Mr. is in and con- printed ‘‘proof’ and “revise”— Cloak, seams stayed with white tape. Another was managed Browning’s poem type, AH orders in the above line, and also for Whiten- 19ciitm* and Post OiUcc, near the "Market. stood the test of time aud and BLACK at The has subscribers— left in place of the one taken, which the owner can thorough experlmontj SILKS, prices sists the of 4500 It is Weekly many ing. Whitewashing and Coloring, will receive prompt A Superior Hay Farm, eight miles tho thousands who have used frank- says Athenaeum, lines. have by calling at 143 Middle street with the one tak- fortunately ours, Bat we couldn’t help ami attention. — from Portland on the road it the as t’uo in a feeling surprise personal leading en ly give preference, very best, both version of a which Booksellers and Stationers. through mistake. feb23 much below the poetic great tragedy That one out our A large variety oi Centers, Brackets, &c., con- from Portland to Buxton; a largo this country and in Europe. Study, capital and in- Market. any fonnd secret; on l or.o & Middle came before the courts stantly hand, and ai liberal prices. HOYT, 1!RERD,N«.91 two-story house, barn, stable, pig- ventive genius have been devoted to its improvement law of a department And we add a last word to the wise— a n Portland, March 25. 1873. mar26dlm Wtreet. __ house, splcndin cellar, cistei and Wanted. for now wit years, till, in the north of last If don’t want a good well of and oth- France, year, and the you tldugs known by t he pub’ic, water, orchard, pear, grapes, PLEASANT room on Spring St., or er fruits: .and all conveniences to make a farm. vicinity, The moral is—don’t advertise! Book Binders. good furnished or unfurnished. Without board. BLACK and WHITE poet has in the outlines of the close- L. B. JOHN JL. A story kept DENNETT, CURTIS, janlOtt Address BOX 1336. ITS NEW SILENT FEED, WM. A. Room Printer’. then tf South Gorham. to the with the view of to The sub-editor looked at us l(ONCV, 11, apl4d&wl\v* -- ■ .- ly facts, present ing with much Exchange, No. Ill Exchange Wt. I Cheeked and Couraseiloi* set our present “Lock-Stich” Machine has no In Strip- the reader’s mind the to them in human aud remarked & Plum equal key respect enthusiastically,” law, N.1IALL »IEAi!KFORl),No.33 .a new nuusc jui oaiw j the world. Tlio WHEELER & WILSON’S is relia- EDUCATIONAL. T ou Wired. economical and passion. always keep au eye to VO. 1 EXCHANGE ble, noiseless. It answers the wants ed Silks, at business, STREET, :. .™.. = of the household very '—: completely, and even though the other eye be fixed on the Carpenters and Builders. commodious house on the westerly corner aangstey says: it you wtsu to be miserable, PORTLAND. ME. of Cumberland and Anderson streets. of WHITNEY & MEANS, Peorl Street, op- A’ery Brunswick School. ANY KIND OF SEWING ATTRACTIVE must think about glittering peak Parnassus.” We modestly janlO if convenient for two families. Gas and High PRICES ! you yourself; about what polite Park. MThe Sebago. declined the as the Now rents $525 per annum. Pleasant location and what compliment, obvious de- Needed in tho Family can be done upon it with you want, you like, what respect peo- neighborhood. Can he had on favorable terms. grcat- ROSS & good or rapidity and ease of execution to thau duction would be that we were afflicted with STURDIVANT, Dentists. to WANTED beginners ple ought to pay you, what think of Apply can be on any other. It has received people WM. II. Real Estate accomplished an unpleasant of is not WHOLESALE COAX DEALERS BR. W. «. JOIIWSOW, over II. ■(. Un,’a. JERRIS, Agent, A FEMALE ASSISTANT in the Brunswick the HIGHEST PREMIUMS over all-as a A and assort- and then to will be obliquity vision,which Cahoon Block. High Family Large complete you; you nothing pure. _ School. Machine—on both sides of the the case. The apr!2dtf_ Atlantic. You will sub-editor carefully smoother, 179 Commercial St., Portland. Application to be made to H. A. Randall, Clfffk of ment of spoil^ everything you touch; you Dye-Honse. The JHarr Farm for Sale or to Let. out the Poet’s laid it beside Board of Agents, Brunswick, Me. Those who want the best, should obtain will make sin and misery for out of manuscript, ours, Sole agents in Maine for the sale and of F. SYfflONM, India St. Yflrei C lonk* in A. Clerk. yourseli shipment Scarborough, and for sale low. It apr22(13tII. RANDALL, SHAWLS! and compared them with a dyed and finished. a God sends will be as carefully puzzled the Celebrated Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- SITUATEDbeing stock farm, any one desiring such would WHEELER & S everything you; you FOSTER’S 24 Union do well to call and see it before else- WILSON expression on his face. “I don’t see but mett NeiH & Go., of Philadelphia. Rye House, Street.* purchasing From the lowest to the best wretched as you choose. yours where. Navigation School! grades. is as sensible as it We have also lor sale at lowest market MILEXT FEED his—but doesn’t sound so” price, Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. Apply at once corner of Middle and India Streets, and Pittston or on the premises. An editor said he, at “It is as sensi- •^ilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, aprl2dtjuul* VIGATION SCHOOL will be at No. i All are invited to a of enterprising lately length. exactly Ooals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- WALTER COBEY A CO., Arcade, Wo. opened cordially personal inspection Free fcfrect. March to be under I our electrified the c and bis sub- ble”, we; “if we wanted to one sels procured for the tranportation of coals from IS For Sale—Summer Bcsoit on Che- ANA15£ Exchange street, 3d, stock. pubi lengthened replied talk, the charge of Capt. Edward Breen and C. H. Family Sewing 3Iachine, pDrt of shipment any point desired. GEORGE A. No. 50 Ex- Farley. list a new is as as a tfapr27 WHITNEY, beague Island. Instruction will be given afternoon Cant. scription by announcing story by thing good another, squash-vine is change St. of all kind* every by AND TAKE NO OTHER. Up.hols&eri ug A house with 12 ami and C. II. N ovell & Bret “written as a done so order. good dwelling Breen, Monday Friday evenings by Company, Ilarle, especially for this pa- good conversationalist as Mount Shasta.” rooms in good repair, a story and a Farley. The course will begin with decmal arithme- the in of the sub-editor wasn’t, GAS K!?i half store, good well of 22 tic, and well comprise Plane, Traverse, Parallel Mid- Machines sold on per;” story being, point fact, an Still, quite satisfied—the Furniture and House Hoods. water, Monthly Instalments. CONGRESS COR. BROWN STS. Furnishing lit ac,eB °1 land, five in tlllago, and the dle Latitude sailing; the use of Logarithms; theuso All kinds ot Sewing Machine Thread emanation from the brain of his fact he is — — '-yifjAfL Supplies, Silk, teeming lit- is, young yet, and hasn't learned AJSD BEN J. ADAMS, eor. Exchange and Fed- Mrest in wood and pasture land; 28 and adjustment of Nautical Instruments; Latitude Needles, &c. aprlG dtf fruit Mr. that eral Streets. young trees, part in bearing order. The land by Sun and Stars, and Longitude by Chronometer. Machine Stitching in all its branches done in the erary reporter. Ilarte, learning of the the universe doesn't often take the is very free from rocks and is situated close to the Lunar observations will not be included in the course best manner. HOOPER & Old Post * wrote on an trouble to EATON, Office, sea shore. A chance to store but will be if desired. affair, for explanation, and gets combine to crush an and WATER FIXTURES Exchange Street. good keep Enquire or taught ~i¥TtoCK ! aspiring CHAS. The instruction will be boforo the In SAWYER, evening given * reply the following dispatch: “All right. deserving genius. E. F. HOYT, No. 11 Preble Street. Up- 123 Commercial St., Portland. whole class, when the various problems involved in J. L. HA YD E done to order. JtpDtt Hr, Wi statement holstering navigation will be worked out upon the black-board publish tomorrow, and give J. and One ol the largest assortments of A IIastt WlDDUto.—The KINSMAN, FOR SALE. illustrated by suitable diagrams and apparatus, Gcn’l Agent for Maine, name of author.” Springfield Fnrnitnre and Upholstering. and the use and adjustmeat of instruments explain- (Mass.) Republican says: “There is.always a LOT of vacant land, situated on the west side ed. Subjects collateral to navigation such as Mete- charm about No. 128 EXCHANGE DAVID W, DEAIVE, Wo. 89 Federal 8«. Experiments made in to show the ef- weddings—the blissful exincta STREET, A of High, between Pleasaut, and Danforth, Sts. orolgy, Ocean Currents, &c., will also be introduced 163 Middle Italy, the AH kinds of < and St., Portland, Me. tions, little anxieties, and the flutter of PORTLAND. Upbols ring Repairing This let has a front of about G1 feet and is about 194 at the evening sessions. For terms, apply to C. H. ROOM PAPERS fect of different colored done to order. light upon respiration interest the Im feet and plans have been drawn How, for a Farley, No. 4 Exchange street. fcbl9tf mch31d3m preparation prosaic and gild hours ap3_ deep, by TO 15 E have resulted in block of seven or nine genteel and convenient resi- FOUND IS THE CITY. showing that green and yel- to look back upon through life. It is perhaps and for same. of Portland. Hair Hoods and Toilet Articles. dences, adapted the Enquire of City low rays, which are most to true, also, that the of in- HENRY F. T7 MERRILL, Also all new important the delights courtship EDWIN CHURCHILL, DIVINITY SCHOOL. daily receiving styles. as J. F. SHERRY, Wo. 9 Clapp’* Kloclt Is of tensify its duration shortens. Wo infer No. 4 Portland Pier, Board Health, t vegetable kingdom in taking up carbonic acid COUNSELOR AT Congress Street, opposite Old City Hall. mar28 12 to 2 1873. that these are so, from the LAW, | From o’clock, P. M, __ April 21st, ( things circum- —OF— that until otherwise Stamped Gold, are also most favorable to the of No. 30 Excbnugc £t., Portland. /|RDERED, directed we do respiration stances of a union which tool: place in tills Beal XJ hereby designate the dump at the foot of Hano- of the U. S. avid Horse Shoeing and Carriage repairing Estate. j animals; that is, to euable them to off city, a or two At the Formerly Treasury Department ver street (City Stable lot), and tho at the foot Bronze, give day ago. depot, just be- in all the courts in the District of Rone in the best possible manner hr S. or lease for a term of the dump fore train Attorney oiumbia, Sale, years, proper- of Franklin and Smith streets, as tho places for de- the most carbonic acid. Here is a hint re- time, numerous hackmen stood will attend to the prosecution of < laima fceiore the YOUNG &c CO.. No. 100 Fore St. FORty belonging to the estale of Francis O Harvard Libby, University posito of rubbish, such as dirt, shavings, Patent washable and when a sud- Court of Claims and the various at and formerly him on the corner of Free sawdust, plain Tints, the kind of colors best fitted for wall chaffing laughing policeman departments occupied by ashes, cinders, soot, hair, shreds, mauure, oyster, garding Washington. octll-tf and High Streets. SCHOOL is Open to persons of all denomina- of denly tapped one’s shoulder and invited him and Fine Watches. or lobster shells, or any other matter ot kind every or household ornament. ~ Jewelry HARRISON J. 1 THIStions. Pecuniary aid is aftorded to those who any shade, paper to a brief ‘constitutional.’ it is LIBBY, A"m rF* (except dead animals) which mav be removed from Now, well ABNER LOWELL, JlOl Congress Street. FRANK W. are needy and The next Academic Year LIBBY, ( deserving. any,house, cellar, yard, or other place within tho Citv Fresco Borders, known that hackmen never think of JOST & KEILER, Agents for Howard Watch Company. raar24 tf will begin The best of in the anything limits. piece news, literary way, little sacrifices for others, hence this one fol- Approved April 21st, 1873. of is lowed the overseer FEESC© PAINTER Fann for Sale or SEPTEMBER 26lh. New Patterns formanyaday, the announcement that of ordinances to the steps £5, Man»f;., Hirers' of Trunks, Valises and Fxcliniige. I hereby give notice that the “City Ordinances” of the Mas«assoit A Farm in Hall Mark Twain aud Charles Warner have House, whero a beautiful Office 134 Middle superior Hay the town Farther information will he given on application to relating to the deposit of rubbish in anv Street, Lane. Decorations, Dudley St., up stairs. Carpet-Bags. of three and a half girl, whom it would be to Deering, miles Alley, Court, Square, Public Plaeo or unoccupied lots written a novel in It will utterly impossible J. re. BUKAW A 1»I middle and from Portland. Prof, OLH ER STEARNS, ». I> partnership! be pub- stood PORTLA XD, ME. CO., within the city limits, except tho lots designated in Satins, Ac. describe, pctisitely regarding a shallow ISO Federal Streets. This farm contains about Go acres tho order, will he enforced lished about the end of the summer, and will mirror the Orders may be left at F. F. Hale’s picture gallery or Prof. E, J. YOPNfi. foregoing strictly pool in, lace of heaven—in short ___ of excellent “cut GO ana O. M. & F. P. 333 mowing land, GEO. W. X'ARKEIt, Citv Marshal. be a Brooks’, No. Congress St. tons of last season.” in from octavo in form and illustrated. mud-puddle. ‘Ho you know this Masons and Builders. _iay Good orchard near the Mass, and Advertiser copy. Every variety fact, the best to the cheapest profusely lady?' E^AW Order* promptly att; ude.d to. house. Cambridge, Argus ap23ed3m asked the in paper made, nil of which will be sold nt low The book deals w.th the officer, in whose bosom the tf I W. E. REDI.OW, 833 1-3 Congees* 81. ar27-lam tj el-thenedtj y 1 salient features of pangs f1an25_ Buildings consist of a two-story and a one-story TOE FINEST LAUNDRY WORK prices. of match-making already bestirred themselves. a new barn Dur American life of easi- house, 40x80, with other out-buildings. to-day; and,as might The mar. PORTRAIT the request of many of our we have young seemed lace Window and Also, farming tools. Part of the purchase money patrons CALL AS.N*X> TGXAJttIJtfE, deeply moved,his Taper Hangings, Shades, to l Gent’s and ly be divined, is in the nature of a satire. flushed aud can lay on a mortgage, or will be for a Maine Gen. ATarrangements aundry Collars alternately paled with an exchanged Hospital Fair. Cutfs. article will intensity JT. O. Carpetings. house in the city, or a peice of a vessel. Every be finished in the same of delight, and so great was his that he CLOUDMAN, and made to look joy 61 Exlinuge For further particulars enquire of GEORGE shapo, precisely as whon it was Mrs. sent to before would have I.OTIireOF,»EVEW8ACO, first new. The HALL. L. Thrifty up my room, rushed away to hide his 148 EXCHANGE ST. Srcet and 4S market St. SMITH, No. 13 Boyd St.marlOtf prices are as follows: DAVIS feeliugs, jan22tf Tlic following Rules have been adopted breakfast, a raw egg, to be swallowed in a had not the presence of the man in uniform Collars per dozcu 3tt Cents. restrained him. Photographers. 53 St. glass of as an and The by-standers reverently The “Limerick the Execntifc Committee. Cuffs per dozen pairs 72 Cent*. Exchange sherry, appetizer strengtli- Housed’ by took otr their hats, and at the fair one J. IS. U llSOT'. A. 8. DAVIS & CO., Wo. 89 middle Street. aprS ener. I if she would have length As these are about one half the __dim doubt, though, 1 ve come.’ 3. II. 153 middle Cross. 1st—Tables shall be and lot prices only usual spoke: ‘Well, ‘Will you uiairy I.AAISOW, 8t.,cor. FOR numbered, assigned by of the we shall sent me an SALE. poorest work, only receive and PROPOSALS egg-sling so early in the day, if I her or go to jail?’ added the and 2d—Nothing shall be sold on commission. SriceOliver them at our store, and no package will be de- policeman, Every had not called her attention to the circum- the swain, looking down the vista of PHOTOGRAPHER, ! Plumbers. The suo.-criber offers for sale his Hotel article brought into the Hall for sa o becomes there- livered until paid for The name of tho owner years, in Limerick the of the must be in indelible ink on each article. aud, by faith, seeing his JAMES MILLER. Wo. 91 Federal Street. pro]»rty Village, York County. by entirely property Fair, and it must not will be received at ibis office until 10 stance that slings were known to and patron- grandchildren prais- The house has 22 rooms all in be given away, or disjxjsed of in any manner not Citizens of Portland, wo oftrif you the A. ing him. responded “I No. 152 Middle Street. Every description of Water Fixtures ar- good repair, ap- opportunity PROPOSALSo’clock M., on THURSDAY tlio 8th dav of one tremulously s’pose I've with shed and two stables proved the Executive Committee. to in the of a new ized by of the men of the old to.’ ranged ami set np in the best manner. large adjoining: by indulge luxury always wearing and May next, for improving the following named river godliest got Over the remaining scenes we draw PORTLAND, MB. two welle of water on the premises, and perfectly laundried collar, and at a that must and viz Jobbing promptly attended to. I_ 3d—The of all price harbors, Testament. “No less a pe is on ago Mrs. a veil, only waiting to see the every convenience for a first-class Hotel. prices articles will he fixed by the commend itself. city clerk smile and done to order. The Executive Committee. 1. Boston Harbor Massachusetts.—For about 75, I “than as he the Copying enlarging “Limerick House” is well situated for securing CHARLES Thrifty,” said, David was accus- politely pockets wedding fee, and Stucco &c. liberal CCTSTIS & CO.. 000 cubic yards of dredging on the Upper Middle the Plasterer, Worker, patronage. 4th—All articles are to bo youth, teariug himselt from his bride of All the new Medallion, marked and sold at rea- 293 Slrcof. I Bar; also for extending the granite sea wall on tomed to sling, and we read that when a styles, Berlins, Rembrants, P. FEENY, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- Enquire further of the owner. sonable Coiisitm an hour, back to or prices. Point Allerton, about 250 linear and that on morf* a going elements he Porcelain, Mezzotint card, and the retouched lin Sts. JOSEPH G. HARMON, feet, sfpinlintr hn tnnlr «lintr nrwl ioitrirwli. thefbcggarly ap*_dtf island Head about 540 linear feet. ot back-drivitia out of—the 11PW Wnrlrl info card, by which now process we get rid of freckles mar!3dtfLimerick, Me. 5th— All responsible parties—whether individuals. Long and all 2. Portland Harbor Maine.—For about 75,000 cub- as are tueold. molea,wrinkles imperfections of the skin. Call VI ULULT tUe City ot Portland. itely thereafter, you aware, he sle w and for Real Estate Agents. UlgUUlZUUOUH—LUrOUgUOUt 1 ic yards of dredging in the inner harbor. judge yourselves. Suite, desiring apace at the Fair, may have tables vm LLLKK 8 1*1.5. Goliath! the JOIIW Wo. 93 Asiuii; tor ^aic* UFITICE, April ll», 3. Penobscot River Maine.—For the removal of sling, probably, gave him Motto—Good vrcrlt at Moderate C. PROCTER, Exchange assigned t hem on application to the Ex&cutivo Com the of Edward H. for MlPPIst. petition Gillespie, per- about 575 cubic yards c f sunken ledge and for the ex- A “little leaenino” is said to be a Price*. Aim to Please. 20 mittee at their Headquarters, 120 Middle street. mission ro erect a wooden used strength to perform this feat,” Mrs. dan- may UPON build ng, to bo cavation and removal of about 30,000 cubic yards of Thrifty, 0120. K. DAYI8 &c Co.. No. 301 1-2 fon- as a Bowling Alley, on the lot owned by the Collins gerous thing. An incident is at HOUSE AND LOT NO. 76 STATE Gth—Thero shall be a general table to be called the slabs, edgings, &c., in the channel, at and near Ban- hough puzzled, was not but said hand to greHH Street. ST., heirs, on Federal Street,—Notice is hereby that convinced, J • ££• JK xr w XJ1 “Portland Table,” for the reception and given gor. show that is disposal of on the litth of at seven she never considered the great learning not without its Lot contains 31.000 feet of with all articles received the Executive MONDAY, day May next, Persons desiring to make proposals for any of the passage in that laid, fine iuit gar- by Committee, and a half P. M.. at the Aldermen's in the Silver Smith and {told and Silver l’laler. etc. to and of all other articles not for Room, above works, are requested to to the calamitous consequences. A Camden den, cold, grapery, Apply designed other tables. a will be had of all in- apply undersign- light. “So says Barry lady Attorney and Counsellor at M. City Building, hearing parties ed, at his office No. 11 Gray.” Law, \ PEARSON, No. 22 Temple St., near W- H. FESSENDEN. terested in said Clapp’s Block, Congress Street, tired of her 7th—There will also be a State table for the petition. Per order or grew husband. She didn’t want Congress. All kind* of Silver and Plated marOtf 215 Commdfeial Street. dispo Portland, Me., at No. 2 Bulflnch Street, B >ston, sition of all articles contributed without H. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk. for to Ware Repaired. assignment Mass., specifications and further information con- poison him—that was too and 1191-2 EXCHANGE ST., to any table from outside of Portland. dtd the same. Secrets of the Dyeing common, For Sale. apr21__ cerning Trade.—Judg- she CHAS. E. JOSE, Secretary. The reserves the yet yearned to have him anil Silver anil Plated house on State the un- undersigned right to reject all bids ment has been in a suit be- gathered to his (Corner of Exchange Federal Sts.,) Ware. Street, occupied by aptOdSw City ot Portlaud, which in his recently given THEdersigned. This house is thoroughly built of opinion are not reasonable; also, the ancestors. One this ABIEB LOtfEM., :{QI Ci,n;rfM Hirer!. City Clerk’s bids of any who iu his belief, tween a firm of in day paragraph came un feb27 PORTLAND, ATE. tf brick and atone and has all modern conveniences. Office, April 19,1873. person will not faithful- dyers Bradford, Yorkshire, ESTABLISHED 1821. the of L. «1. Hill & ly, promptly and satisfactorily perform tho contract. der her observation: Schools. ALLEN HAINES. petition Co., lor permis- and Paisley, some of the details being as Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872.sep!9-tt UPONsion to erect ami maintain a stationary steam GEO. THOM, says that JAiUES .. A;;assiz any full-grown man can O’DOMELL, Einiiisn mill * BENCH I.'iO engine in wooden building corner of Cross and Fore Lient. Col. of Engineers. follows, quoted from the North British SCIiOOI,, live for ten a of boots. Street. & is that on Bvt. Brig. Gen. V. S. A. days by chewing pair (’ougrfKs JSyron Grcenough Streets,—Notice hereby given MONDAY, TT Q Mail: AT Co., the U. S. Engineer Her COUNSELLOR LAW,, FOR SALE! 5th day of May next, at 7£ o’clock P. M., at the Office, husband was a “full-grown man, and Aldermens room in the a Portland, Me,, April 19, 1873. I aprl9-6t It appears that about the a she resolved to has removed to Stair Builder. 140 middle city Building, hearing year 1856, class try an experiment. She loek- Street, will be had of all parties interested in said petition. of called K. F. l.BBBV.Lo. 252 Fore Street, cor. goods mohair checks was in great trniTut. amt served !iim an NO. S i 1-2 miDDI,E STREET, Per orders up Cross St., in Rrleno’* Mill. II. I. DRUGGISTS STAND demand for ladies’ dresses, but that the hair 11 p*' door lielow Canal TEBBETS" PORTLAND. ME. ROBINSON, City Clerk. (2nd Bank,) O. L. HOOPER & CO., Successors to HOUSE, dtd or wool of the mohair goat, which constitu- Eitflefieid & Cor. York & Ma- «pr21_ (MAAIISIE. Wilson, ted the weft of the goods at that time. JQfrQ I than either PORTLAND, Street*. SPRINGVALE. military, 1 f Firemen’*, oipftjettorealeulated calf ©ncow- ple City of Portland. FOR SALE I greatly in It became of hide to Grand Army, ! j Bnsc Ball, price. importance prolong life, and yet the ungrateful Commissioner of deeds for ibe several State?. Navy, City Clerk’s Office, April 19,1873. that some substitute should be found which brute died in. four and fcblO tf Watches, Jewelry, &c. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP! One of the very best stauds in the just days seventeen Nasanir, J the petition of Cornelius Connolly, for per- city take the of hours. J. W. & H. IS. Ili.J.He (Club. might place mohair weft. A Clearly Agassiz is almost as IICHCEFEE,Cor. As the owner wants to go West. UPONmission *»o erect a wooden on Centro respon- Sts. building for a Druggist, is on the corner of Fore Yorkshire spinner a sible for this man’s as if lie & Union Street, to be used as a notice is here- produced particidarlv life, had taken it WILIdAU IIEYRV CLIFFORD, SAMUEL HATS, CAPS AND CHAPEAUS. dwelling house, hard janSl D. TEBBETS. that on the 5th of next spun 28 yard which had all the himself.—Commercial Adxertieer. by given Monday, May at and India Streets, which is now offered Justrc Counsellor MADE 7 1-2 o’clock, P. M. at the Aldermen’s Room in the appearance of mohair, but which owing to at Law and in Patent TO ORDER, a will bo had of all I To Innholders and City Building, hearing parties in- for Sale. curling or snarling in process of lost Yictualers in terested in said petition. Per order dyeing, tllSCEIAANEVia NOTICES. Causes, -A-t th.e Lowest Frines. JS~> its similarity to it in the finished the City of Portland. H. I. ROBIN SOW, City Clerk. For particulars inquire of product. Samples sent on application, and all orders filled at immediately An idea occurred to one of the NO. 80 short notice. apr21______dtd petitioners MIDDLE ST., aprdtf Lufkin & Co., No. 2 Woodman Block. that if the yam cloud could be to Children cry—for Pitcher’s Castoria. It is hereby given that the LICENSING subjected -PORTL-ANm. the hot water while iu a state of and the wind NOTICEBOARD OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, will MRS. ELIZA A. tension, regulates stomach, cures colic and meet at the Aldermen’s on MONDAY HAMBURGS! CUSHMAN. allowed to cool the £3^“Attends to all kinds of Patent business Room, the fifth Notice to Ladies'! objection might be reme- causes natural It is a substitute for of at for the sleep. marlO 'iPim day May, 7£ o’clock, purpose of granting Portland, Apiil 15,1873. aprl5dtf died. They invented a machine which licenses to Inholaers and who then easier oil. apr24-eodlw&wlt Yictualers, may shall open this one of the and best effectual. Mohair checks with- and there apply therefor. Making Shirts, or putting Bosoms i day largest proved made WEline of Edges and Insertions ever In for out Given under our hands this dav of into Old Shirts. opened Spring Styles Ladies Dresses any mohair continued to please the pub- Grand Trunk Co. twenty-second Portland, and at prices that defy competition SoreXiitles.—The suffering which Railway April. A. D. 1873. lic, and remained ascheap as before, notwith- many GEO. P. ladies experience from caked breasts and j WESCOTT. THE PATENT and Street Garments, at MISS M. standing the advanced prices of mohair: sore J. S. YORK, GREAT The it nipples, is little realized by men. A I WILLIAM GOOLI). BARGAINS AT Glasgow manufacturers, appears, remedy “Reinforced” at to has now come to and Z. A. SMITH, Shirt Bosom G. preferred the colors produced Paisley them, the wonder is tha t H. No. 11 at EDWARD DAVEIS. ■ MAGUIRE’S, Clapp’s those that could be attained Yorkshire, it has not been discovered Is a great improvement on the common before. The Centaur OEO. MICAH SAMPSON, Bosom. DO 121-2c, SOc, 5©c. the freedom of the Yorkshire A, NOT CRACK OR SLIT OUT IN THE 25c, but marked Liniment is as delicate and WHITNEY & CO., FRED’K W. CLARK, PnAITS; irom and at- soothing as a cos- — — will Iron much and set than Block, up stairs. cockling snarling ron H. W. HERSEY, Taeasurcr, Smoother, better the old dyed yams metic, and affords such style. They need only bo scon to be apr!6 tracted attention, and caused speedy and i>ennanent MASCTACTCBEF.S or H. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk, appreciated. (f complaints .«» IS COVELL & I1F.ALKB — The that we are Licensing Board of the City of Portland FOR SALE BY COMPARY. against Paisley dyers. retort was that relief, showered down with tliauks. Advertiser and Argus copy. apr23dtd Messrs. J. It. the fault was in the yarn supplied, but in- It is a CORKY, notTce simply wouderfnl thing for all sores ROLLING STOCK ! VICKERY & showed that it was not so. Mr. OF LRir.nTO.lt, I quiry Mac- lameness and swdlings. DISSOLUTION COPARTNER- « of started FURNITURE! EASTMAN BROTHERS, gregor, Paisley, for Yorkshire SHIP. hambFrgs I where he discovered the “ E. A. MARRETT. secret, and artanged As a tf certifies that I have to iny sou, diaphoretic, di- dlm&vrlt ■lan'-'j_ relinquished with the petitioners for the to deohstruent, alterative, aprl6 THISOliver S. the iemainuer of his minority right use their uretical solvent and will be received tbo undersigned up Staples, of his It was tonic, there is no medicine by MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, and shall claim none of his wages nor pay any patent. kept a secret in Mr. TENDERSto D o’clock on tbe 3rd of I IV-OTICE is hereby given that tbo firm of S. II. NEW Mac- .SATURDAY, May OYSTER if 0 U S E debts after this date. work till it jet discovered so reliable as Smolaxder’s IJu- 1873, for tbe viz:— I * Co., is hereby dissolved b\* mutual con- STAPLES. Gregors became rumored through following Rolling Stock, SAMUEL he trade in chu. Unsettled accounts will be adjusted by S. H. apr22rtlw» Paisley that means had been dis- Kidney, bladder and glandular diseases, 000 Cattle or Box and over 42 & Piko New Machine T. S. HATCH Bald* in, April 10,1873. jcvered Freight Cars. No. 46, Sewing1 by which yams were in diabetes, female and all informs Notice. distended gravel, complaiuts, 200 Platform Cars. ItcepectfuUy bis friends and tbe nubile that lie hot water. DAVIS. that I have tbis Application was then maladies of the are re- _ai.ric.il"_CHAS.lt! up in good stme TTFREBY irivcn day given my nado to urino-genital organs, 2000 Sets of 44 St., Booms shaW No! Stevens liberty to trade and act for Mr. Thomas moved Trucks for Box Cars, Exchange ^haafrasedandfltt^ Brown Isward Francis Reed, engineer or counteracted its street A ™ nearly opposite a by agency. “ “ street. A £dlfull supply ot fresh liimself. and I shall not claim any of his earnings nor Paisley, by Paisley to 500 “ CROASD ALE’S Oysters, cooked in this dyer, invent Platform every style, and for iviv anv ofo his debts after date, i machine to effect No. sale by the quart or con- pay any this and apr22-eodlw PORTLAND, MAINE. 286 gallon FKEEMAN HARDING GREEN. purpose, the re- Specifications and can be Of- Congress Street, .celebrated eon- sult was that two drawings seen at ihe to Ice froam 22.1873. machine as that firc of the Mechanical of K ]|f piled parties on call. Gorham April apr23*3w inventedibv Does Advertising Pay?—There is u» in- Supt. tbo Company at gr f nf g,; OPPOSITE PREBEE mch5tf gentleman were sold to the Mon real. HOUSE, respondents, and stance on record of a well sustained system of Tenders to state the Rare Chance for similar machines were numbers of each sort of car Agents. pretty extensively sold judicious advertising failing of snccess. and sets of trucks that can be HONE TO ORDER, UP Horse and for Sale- to *15 a Business n Hi* delivered by tbe 1st of UPHOESTJEBINO STAIRS. Sleigli (£»C light and pleasant. Paisley. in his note success is to in ad- at 1 day. lordship, “My owing my liberality October, 1873, ami the price for cash car and set of ti SUPERPHOSPHATE Gail loiiuan Place from 1251. ti'l 3 P. ;d to his append- M„ interlocutor, says it was ti!,L Bonner. trucks. Delivery will have to be made at Stratford aprl___ All first-class Sewing aud from 6 to 8 P. M., or address with vertising.”— Machines, new aud second FIXE driving, well broke and vtyllsh four year stamp, hat the inveutiou of has furnished me with a com- and Montreal. hand. It Will pay to examine all Bobes for ®- Reed’s machines di “Advertising E3T*Kichcr in Ammonin and kinds togethers'51**'* and A old COLT, with Harrcs. and MEEK, Me. wal lioxt>horic judge for yourself which is the Sleigh, Portland, •ectly traceable to the petence.”—Amos Lawrence. best. eale at a bargain. apr23-lw* petitioner and made mon- BSVBGES, Aciil. than Aliy Other Fertilizer in the Apnlyat WteKd “I advertised my productions Book Stores hough made in bona hv him . Cheapest Market. fides apl5.,12w _managing IMrcctor. PLUM STREET STABLES, WOOD S WOOD bought he was ey.0— Nicholas IrOVfflcorth. W. S. inventin'*wm/thh,*’ “Constant and persistent advertising is a sure DYEB, lO Plum Street. tew, it was q Notice. IN THE . Agent. UeclD No. piracy from the fa to wealth.—Stephen Girarrf. apM and SOFT WOOD for sale at No. 13 L!h petitioned prelude in \V. PIERCE of Portiand, retires from our I & lm “lie who invests one dollar business should LD Books bought. Fold, or exchanged, or loaned CONANT —'____ CO’S Enf?ll3h Writing, HARDcoin street. Also Dry Edgings. hoWs CHAS.firm, and bis iutorest and responsibility ceases RAND, T-mTT7"r>TsnrTUWAKK ^ invest one dollar in advertisiug that business.0 from for one cent, per day. Send three cents for cir- To Black and never fades. Sole HUSE. vspo^dr4nsUrecei‘iSil0rtl3hip to use the tbi. date Owners of l|\K SI Tnkwriles or culars. wanted. Jersey Cows All JVC5 S.-Sohexck Tag Co __WM. nachhies ^! n? —A. T Stewart. MILLS Agents AGENTS FOR MAI is E. A„,.”"tm U. the yams in said man- NORTON CO., ALBERT COLBY & SONS, Job -Printing.—Every of ler Tlio PrePjlre “Without the aid of advertisemenis I could I,umber Manufacture?, 55 Beekman St., N. description Jos had the lly Portland, _mar7d3m Printing executed and at put Zj8 infringed pa have done in I have Mills Fond .Vt. Exchange St, Mass., 153 Commercial Street. Portland. promptly, the lowee resP®pdents nothing my speculations. i.lnTui P 1 -)orfon and Island Mil T's&^sssx'iftss&r a^e to in dam- _, and 150 Baltimore St., Baltimore, at the the most faith in Ad- lebuni Pond, OB PRINT*!!0 neatly execute.! at tNs prices, Daily Press House ktoo't. petitioners complete printer’s ink. Sept. 5,1872. e7tt feb20 ap3 9,'‘ 10 assaulted the steamboat James Eastern Star and on a strictly business, IIIbo Banking in,t’ lor ! liv ev .'Ular attache of the Press is furnished which he is confined m Ai, Vt ?^1,1 discovered in the attic of the Machigonnc, Portland Banking SldehK J™™*own, Call, room in iloore, from which a of wheelwright shop Encamp- Booms now National Bank, irliu the same j they fired bolts, sample ments to take part in tho oceanied by tbe Second a card certificate countersigned Stanley T. 1 winch we of the Maine State Prison. In a short intending parade on Sat- in “BANK by N.H.,Sunday night.The four men deposit in your office. The besieged time.by Portland, Maine, miller the style of the Editor. All te Exeter jail, had the action of the the 20th inst., arc requested to meet SI'OKEX. Pullen, railway, steamboat and la rigged np a of fastening prompt engine companies, t'ue urday, at Old OF PORTLAND” and as sncll, will receive Deposits were aroused by liis couple guns by was under and make March 2. lat 937 N. Ion 33 will confer a in the room violence, of fire got control, and after burning Hall this (Thursday) ovcnlng, at iu the course of the 20, barnue managers favor upon us by demanding j lengths gas pipo on rafter timbers, blocking City 7J o’clock, for Discounts, regular Portland lor Huc-uos Sarah, from j him dressed and about an hour it was Banking Business. Ayres. ALLEN ertsl n rials of to onr when they found armed with ! up one end with a and drilling a completely subdued. The the of drilling. of & (JO. every person claiming represent pine plug, purpose April 17. Hatteras, bri^ Isaac Carve r frnm damage by fire and water was at _ W. N. GOOLD. cr, from Ma- |I four as several "bum- and in a touch-hole. One of these was hursted wl ile estimated Por order of Com. of tauzas for Baltimore. isl, we have Information that a razor, apparently frenzy. He was ! about It was Arrangements, Portland, June 24th, 187° of the it some before the the oth- $5000. supposed to he the work S A men” aro courtesies in the name the trying days fight,and H. H. RICH, Chief Marshal. then sn tf bafqUC St^”’ seeking by timely of the men er of an One of the _juu23aewlt even pa3 prevented waking has not the appearance of having been used. incendiary. convicts while Ur&Mffiw York!15’ an to be. 24, A Pi:ttss, 1 wo have no disposition one assisting in out the Portland, April 1873._salt BOOK I'Olt from fatally cutting or more of them. the MAssaciiE. putting flame3,fcll and was EVlilU MAN. s velv, a fraud. party to such quite severely injured. For Sale. OR PRES- When awakened, ho was Some time the afternoon the FkV ati'dn” «Cm i?F, .f.-TF1” SELF greatly surprised during besieged [Camden 0,1 ‘ho Cause and Correspondence.] hurt OI V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ami burst into tears. The were drive from the fight aud from their Preble House Hack and Livery Stock. Consisting Cl1|roo?EibAi.stenr.\llilUStC >BSOVS CHOICE STEEL & WIRE. mate We have received several letters irom tlie river two and hurl- numerous and fine shade ilowcr beds and back, by two, executed, the E. & N. A. railroad, to a trees, THOMASTON BRASS COMPANY. accept position there aro a hundred fruit and ed into the river. We caused to be buried in on the Riviere du hedges, nearly trees, apple, WELLINGTON MILLS, EMERY AND CLOTH. Should ouce Stowe Denmark relative to one of those Lonp road. they, however, comprehend tlie ditch, near.the court-house, the remains of crab-apple, pear, peacli and cherry, ten grape vines, HORTON & CUSHMAN’S CHUCKS. MORSE that too The burnt district in Lincoln is to be re-built and a good garden containing currant bushes, DRILLS AND CHUCKS. the idea that is inflicted for the frequently disgrace neigh- 34 colored men, three of whom were so T-A-B E-E S-A-U-C-E- many DRILL COMPANY’S punishment badly at once. gooseberry bushes, strawberry and asparagus beds of HARD Fine Gentlemen's Wear ! borhoods burned as to Also in st- ck a complete line WARE, and religious and which bo unrecognizable. There were tine A-c. There are about 33 acres | protection and advantage of society—for the societies, The pieplant, oflaml, Tools, Machinists and Black-smiths Supplies. Car- inside the court-house tlie charred bones of one Whig says that the Penobscot river is and choice house lots. we would no sooner admit to our columns affording pasturage many Piano-forte makers, Moulders, good of the whole and not as the clear 120 miles from its mouth. Thc best Sauce and Relish of JOHN W. PERK IKS. or vers, Cabinetmakers, prosecu- other, and five bodies we gave to their friends Inquire Portland, Rev. Machinists, Rlaeksmiths and Carpenters’ Tools. than an to our house. for interment Geo. A. I'erkins. on the premises. marl2sntf tion of a sort of vendetta upon the individual enraged tiger i elsewhere. We saw also twelve Two hundred and fifty men are at work on Stubs Liles Tools and Steel Wire, English, French ! wounded colored men, two of whom will cer- the & railroad. The and Swiss Files, Anvils. Vices, Lathes, Mitre Boxes offender, they would find their conclusion Bueksport Bangor Whig Made in any Fart ot the World BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. TnE State Prison was damaged about i tainly die, and others of whom are very unlike- states that the grading will be completed by &c. aprUieodlw ■raffish like the baseless fabric of a dream. 1 ly to recover. We are informed that since the the first of This spleudid Hair Dye is tbe be3t in the world. $5000 by fire early Tuesday September. Tbe True and Harmless Reliable night. 1 Perfect fight of armed men have been only Dye. The Modoes most be and the lead- parties scouring The first raft of the —FOR— and no pursued the season reached Bangor Instantaneous; norlisappointment; ridiculous low and country surrounding Col lax, taking the on tints or odor. Remedies tbe ill effects of open ready ing warriors exterminated because mules and Tuesday. unpleasant certainly The Indian Policy. other property of the colored peo- bad dyes washes. Produces Immediately a superb Please Call and Examine Shipping business is lively at Ban- for at Fitz- »ny otber connw would be unsafe. But any To the Editor of the Preas: ple- opening E-aA-M-1-X.-Y TT-S-E. Black on Natural Brown, and leaves the hair inspection •‘since writing the above report we have seen gor. clean, soft and beautiful. Tbe genuine, signed W. A. unnecessary arsr’ty or in this would There is no of national SAGADAHOC COUNTY. aichelor. Sold all ferocity probably question on board the steamboat the colored man, Leon by Drnggistu. gerald & a full CHAS. Co.’s, •rouse insttyA .. ;iA on BATCHELOR, Prop., A. F. universal deprecation policy which there are more widely differ- Allen, who commanded tlie parties holding the Bath is waking up on the subject of the Pint* ...... ;»0 4. cat* Id&w Ivrs n and court-liouse, He assures us that not a I from all our css*. r. they spirit sion. 277 about in was Friday nightand $20 scrip taken. articles for can which some of our veneered Mo- An who should visit some new Instituted the Fair, purchase them at my store, ments. vwagsance, Englishman since. It An entrance was effected by breaking a pane 81 In Lewiston, Willard and Eliza- doss exhibit to war I civilized wc settlement in the interior of Arkansas and of in the door. An attempt had Middle Street, April 4, Furlong criminals, Total. 288 glass evidently beth L. Hannah. _.apr21tl been made to forco the door with an iron bar. fear vre have not lica rd the last of the fiendish from his observation there form an estimate Number of charters A X FIRST COST! In Lewiston, April 1G, Edward Dachas and Miss Lodges surrendering rests upon a man who around Ellen M. Doo. last annual session. 11 Suspicion hung Extra barbarities which too many of American character and culture and should _sincc the store in the of that Baldwin OF O TJ R O W N already disfigure Number of Lodges charter anil fail- evening day. and have them sent home. In Wilton, April 5, Chas. M. Lawrence an l Louise Apples forfeiting M. Furbish. of our History. write of us as a people liviug in our ing to make returns for one year. 17 John Swain, foreman iron in the bu- pages log huts, plater Please meution whon you cornu that you want the In 5, Thcs J. of reau of construction and at the Kitterv Bridgton, April Douglass Bridgtcn hogs, chickens and children living in intimate repairs and Miss Eliza J. Ward of Sebago. of Total...„. 28 while a boiler goods for the Fab, and no porfit will be asked. | Evts for marines, the yarn the New Navy Yard, testing by hydraulic iWJ I companionship, would give as correct a X ILBCUl ULUilUCI XjUUJ'UB..... on was knocked BARRELS, York Herald about the three Modocs and the judg- pressure Monday aftcrueon, ment as the average verdict passed upon the Number of members reported last aunvul ses- over by the hose (the coupling having given A. Q. LEACH _DIED. shell that one of Gen. Gillem’s mortars so Extra Baldwin DESIGN AND Indian. sion. 22,603 away) and much hurt that he was unable to Apples, repacked MANUFACTURE, Initiated since. 3,539 attend to his duties next 81 IQiMdic Street. In tliis citv. Mrs. Ellen in their lacks much of E\_ 1 n day. April 23, Mary Goold, wife tliis placed midst, very Admitted card. 303 Nathan week and landing utuiwn n tv ten by aprS SDoW of Goold, aged 47 years 11 months 23 days. u«j3 Estimated number N. L. of has Black Jim's mother-in-law tells the of membei'B of now Lodges 200 Capt. Thompson Kennebunk, In 22, Dr. Sani’l Anderson, C6 vrs. density. to build another WHAT TO TEACH THE BOYS. Batli, April aged shocked hy the report of the cold-blooded contracted ship for New Bed- In Woolwich, 19, Mrs. wife of jas. “A shell fell near a of Modocs April Elizabeth, TO-DAY, •lory. group murder Whole number.. .7.. 26,645 ford parties. Toach tlio dear Boys while they are young Blair, aged 81 years. of two of cur commissioners — — hy To make use of all tfceir FOR SALE BY and “One eyed Jake,” one ot the Shacknasty Withdrawn from the Older. 607 The. Biddeford Times says that And- good time; treacherous and the too Capt. To watch with care their which lms the same Modocs, general feel- by card. 910 rews has a force of about men greatest tongue. genteel ran and it and took it over ninety employed And make use each DEt’ARTl'BE OF OCEAN STEAMERS family picked up has Died. 167 good of spare dime; ing found utterance, “The Indian ought excavating for the new Laconia Mill, ami the To be to those around them to John Schonchin and another Indian when Expelled. 1,524 kind; X.niE FROM FOR DATE WM. ALLEN, JR. work is forward to to be exterminated.” Estimated membershin of lodges that have being pushed quite rapidly. \ Do what they can each one bless; j City of Merida.New York .Hav A’Nassau.Apl 24 as those made all tried to bite it. At this surrendered and forfeited Thus their own happiness they’ll find ! of Limerick.. New York.. 24 appearance they interesting We have not heard of charters. 2,090 City Liverpool.Apl 11 war being declared Virus in the Air Interested by others’ happiness; Albemarle. Now York. 24 Exchange Street. the shell and the three sav- .Bermuda.Apl Juncture exploded the fatheiiand of Total. And teach them when they need new “Clothes” Frisia.New York. .Hamburg.Apl 24 apr21 dlw against Wagner because of 5,238 Hat and Shoos were hot interested in further in- We know that a peculiar poison i8 evolved from Coat. Pant, Vest, complete, City of London.New York. .Liverpool_Apl 26 «gcs any Number oi members now in good standing... 21,407 That can them at ! to order. his infamous crime on .. Smutty Nose island, or marshy ground and from the decomposing filth of they buy Fenko’s, Polynesian. Portland .Liverpool.... Apl 26 of fuse The Modocs FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Corner of Beach and Washington street. Baltic.New York. 2G Bards. Birds. Birds. vestigation projectiles. of an sent to cities the sunsliino of and that .Liverpool_Apl army being exterminate the by spring, this ele- India.New' York 26 are too smart to be into an The following is a partial report of tho Secretary: apr23_sndf.t .Glasgow.Apl A FINE ASSORTMENT OF beguiled attempt because of ment which is too subtle to be detected by scientific Claribel.New York.. J.. 29 Louisianians, the slaughter of 200 Cash received for tax to 35 CAN BE CURE!) Kingston, .Apl to make a dinner of mortar shells an d an ex April 1, 1873.,.§1,402 CONSUMPTION Moro Castle.New York. 29 Cash 206 28 analysis, produces epidemic fevers, aggravates dys- .Havana.Apl Trained helpless negroes at Colfax court-house Mc- supplies.(. York. 29 Canaries, Bulfinches, by Paid for &c. 109 12 and all bilious disturbs the Mandingo.Now .Havana.Apl change declares that “the Shacknasty family” postage, pepsia disorders, bowels SCIKEXCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP, Cuba.New York. 30 Biack Til ruffians. There are whole tribes of Assets of the 412 05 .Liverpool.Apl Birds, rushes, Sterlings, Enery's Lodge. relaxes the nerves and debilitates tho Manhattan.New York. 30 is altogether too high toned to be of. Due State 66 24 general system j .Liverpool.Apl ! 87 MIDDLE STREET capable Indians their reserva- Lodges. SCHENCK^S SEAWEED TO.YIC, Goldfinches, Linnets, peacefully cultivating Duo 208 49 Luckily an antidote to this atmospheric virus, and a -— -1-- —-— this sort of a thing, though Black?Jim may be County Lodges. | Mule Birds aud tions who probably never heard of Jack Amount paid out under appropriations made specific for the diseases it generates, lias been SCHE^CK’S RAIUDRARE Miniature Alumnae. April *14. Larks, at the Capt. provid- PILLS, happy loss of his mother-in-law and at last annual session. 2,091 46 ed. For a neriod of more than twenty years Hostet- i Sunrises.5.05 I Moon rises. 4.05 AM and who have no more with or re- recently imported from sympathy ler's Stomach a medicine in which the finest Are the medicines that will care will gladlv spare her to the Herald commis- The report of the Secretary states that while Bitters, only Pulmonary ! Sunsets.6.52! High water .8.45 AVI A sponsibility for the tragedy of the Lava beds vegetable tonics and alterative are combined with consumption. Hartz sioner as as he is fascinated her there are over 21,000 members on the roll there a pure has taken of Sometimes medicines that will a will of- Mountains, Germany, long by than has perfectly stimulant, precedence stop cough Bismarck for Wagner’s crime or the every other as a specific for the ailments ten occasion the death of the It locks the PORTLAND. fables. are not probably more than 16,000 pay members preparation, patient. up Can bo seen and purchased at private s«lc for a few citizens of most prevalent at this aeasen of the year It is liver, stops the circulation of the ^IA-TtTiXTC jNTEWS. Maine for tiie inhuman butchery of in blood, hemorrhage days at Salesroom of the Order in this State to-day. During the unseeable as well as effectual, and eminently safe and follows, and, in fact, the action of the The California state that Chinese Grant Parish. clogging very papers summer and when we in the wholesome. organs that caused the cough. O. BAILEY & The Indian should be treated as a months, Jwere PORT OF PORTLAND. F. CO., 1873. WF«fcM3w is a failure on man. If Liver complaint and dyspepsia are the causes of April 16, cheap labor the Pacific eoast midst of au apr24-3t 18 Exchange Street. lie is a murderer he should be made to suffer exciting political campaign, many two-tbiids of the cases of consumption. Many are and that manufacturers there are now with dull in Wednesday, 2‘J. preparing ths penalty of his crime; if he is disposed to Lodges suspended their meetings entirely, complaining pain the side, the bow- April SPECIAL NOTICES. els sometimes costive ami sometimes too loose, tongue ARRIVED. For Waldoboro aud Damariscotta. to rid of their Celestial The lie should h: and sotno of a get employees. obey law, protected by law; these after great deal of correspond- coated, pain in the shoulder blade, feeling someiimes Steamer Chesapoakc. Mangum, New an York—passen- very curious reason given by manufac- enlightened philanthropy sees in him, ence resumed their meetings, and after consid- E. very restless, and at other times drowsy; the food gers and mdse to Henry Fox T. ELDER! A O O., is aken lie6 on The Steamer however degraded it may find him, the pos- that heavily the stomach, accompani- Steamer New York, Winchester, Bostou for East- turers for the failure of the erable weeding, are now among our most active ed with and of wind. These NB. CHARLES HOUGHTON almond-eyed sibilities of a civilized and the success acidity belching symp- port and St John, H7M7PAYS0N & CO., man; and have in- usually irom a disordered condition of Sch Sami to W Alex. Farnbaxa. Jr., will wretch as an operative is simply that he is that lias in energetic Lodges in tho State, and toms originate Gilman, Kelley, Philadelphia—coal Master, many quarters attended tho pres- the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affected, if E Dennison. on aud after 30th inst., leave At- itiated a batter class of man and women. There not a rcachine; so that, when' he learns ent Indian policy, warrants us in believing NOW OFFER they take one or two heavy colds, and if the cough in Sch Annie E Glover, Terry, Boston, to load for lantic Wharf every Wednesday at Bankers and Brokers, are other that with a little mis- these cases be suddenly stopped, tlio liyer and Charleston. 6 o’clock, A. M., for Round Pond'anil to make shoes he will no make that Secretary Delano is right in looking for- many Lodges lungs, Boothbay, well, longer stomach clog, and remain torpid and inactive, anti Sch Idaho. Creamer. Doston. | Wald boro, and every at 7 o’clock A. ward to the when the the labor bo made as Saturday M., OFFER FOB S1IJE them for so much a but to make day Indian, taught sionary might equally strong before the patient is aware of his situation, the lungs Sch I.illio Rich, Perkins, Boston. : for Boothbay, Hogdon’s Mills and Damariscotta. day begins arts shall of peace, be a valuable citizen of and The reeom mends the At are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, and death is the Sch Isle. Returning, will leave Damariscotta every them for himself then him- permanent. report One Price and no Vari- Empire, Stanley, Cranberry Monday Portland .... 8’ and sell them for our instead of the curse inevitable result. at 7 o’clock A. M., and Waldoboro, every City republic expensive of a in in CLEARED. Thursday employment lecturer ev^ry county the Schenck’s Pulmonic is an at 6 o’clock A. with the Bangor 6* self at such low rates as to ruin his former he has been in the past. Viator. ation. Syrup expectorant which Barque Blanche How, Buenos M., connecting Railroads and the does not contain nor calculated Ingcrsoll, Ayres— Boats for Boston. and than St. Lonis ----- State during year, whose dnty it shall ho to any opium, anything A & S E Spring. Freight passage cheaper 6's So as John would make the to check a by other route. received alter •mployer. long A Political Experiment.—It will not and weak and to cough suddenly. Sch A R Weeks. Farr, & Jack- .any Freight One St Lonis 7’s encourage streugthen Lodges, Schenck’s Seaweed tonic diss v the food, mixes Cardenas—Phimiey 0*c!otk P. M., days previous to County same shoes for a the other laborers son. sailing. Cook 7’s $1.25 day that General Butler an- save the and with the juice of the sto of Connty surprise anybody fallen, others from falling. gastric acli, digests easily, Sch George & Albert, New York—Chas Inquire asked for he in the estimation nourishes the system, aud creat a circula- Woodbury, Chicago 7’s $2.50 was, nounces his intention of 20 Pieces ucn Jap Silks for 25c healthy Sawver. HARRIS, ATWOOD & CO.. promoting himself to style tion of the blood. When the els are costive, skin • News and Other Sch Maria Rudolf, NS—John 145 Commercial St. Columbus, Ohio 8’s of the manufacturer, a success. Now Items. and the is a billious Joseph, (Bi) Halifax, the Governorship of Massachusetts, or that usnal 38c. shallow, patient habit, Porteous. Portland, April 23, 1873. apr24tf Ohio 8’s | yard; retail price Schenck’s Mandrake Pills are Dayton, that he has gone a further iu pro- lie is confident not of the Re- Ned Buntline has cleared by tho In- required. Sch Alice, St John. NB—J Porteous. |jyArgus copy. step only receiving §300,000 These medicines arc Dr. J. H. (Br) Glasgow, Leeds & Farmington R.R., guaranteed 8's prepaired by Sch Marsh, St John. NB—master. thus the for- publican nomination but of election. In the dian drama. SCIIENCK & Noitheast corner of Sixth and Naiad, (Br) Portland & Rochester R. R. 7’s ducing cheap shoes, driving SON, Sch Hope, (Br) Hill, Hillsboro. NB—master. of assurance or brazen 22 Pieces best for 50c neU Arch streets, Philadelphia. Penn., and tor sale mer out of the he is a failure. way proclamation 'of San Francisco is to have quality yard by Sch Bramhall, Clark’s to load for Maine Central R. R. 7’s employer field, ajnew Republican GEO. C. GOODWIN & 38 Hanover Bos- Hamilton, Island, NEW TAMARINDS. his own merits'apd prospects, anything com- CO., street, New York—Chas Sawyer. Central R. R. of Iowa Gold 7's Thus it appears that the present idea of fail- evening newspaper. worth 75c ton, and John F. Henry, 8 College place, New York. ing from Butler no longer surprises the pub- yard. For sale Chicago, Danville & Vincennes R. R., Colored linen is in vogue again by Druggists generally. septSsuemltf DOMESTIC PORTS. ure is based the that the lic. But it wiH be a if coming ------upon proposition surprise indeed Massa- Me anil I’ll «!o Gold, 7’s among young ladies for collars and cuffs. “Buy you liood.”—-Dli. NEW ORLEANS—Below 17th, sch Lady Wood- are made for the manufacturer—a fact chusetts ever shall choose sucii a man for AND Northern Pa.ifle R. R. Gold 7-SO’s people A!1 of our Black Silks at Equally Low LANGT.EY’S ROOT HERB BITTETS. No bury, Woodbury, from Utilla. I Governor, and it will take more than Tho Sultan of Turkey is trying to introduce no poisons, but perhaps, hut not self evident to the major- Mr. drugs, nothing deleterious, nothing KEY WEST-Ar 9th, sch Clara G Loud, West, 124 KEGS! Butler's assertion to that the the hat. Prices. healthy roots and herbs, each as Sarsaparilla, Wild Baltimore. Bank prove Republi- stove-pipe Yellow Government Bonds, Stocks ity. can is so as to Cherry, Dock, Prickly Ash, Thoroughwort, JACKSONVILLE—Cld 9th, sch _ party poor accept him as a have reserved scats at revival Eveline, Bagiey, They meetings Mandrake, Rhubarb, Dandelion,&c., so compounded Boston. New and Gold aud Sold. leader outside of his district. There as Crop Martinique Tamarinds, Bought The Postmaster General has made a very would in Denver, Cal. to reaoh the fountains ot‘ disease, and absolutely Ar 15th, 6Ch Louisa Smith. Webber, he one One Case assorted Satin Striped Piques cure all Liver and Billious Wilmington; cousoiation, however, from his candi Humors. Diseases, Jaun- G L Bradley, Chipman, New York. clear statement of the case of the Govern- The Modoes do not appear to he so much sur- aud ail diffi- 32 dacy through the of a dice, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Scrofula, SAVANNAH—Cld 21st inst, ship Southern Rights, just received per “Hattie Wheel- Exchange Street, regular machinery par- for 37c 62 culties from a diseased or ment the in the rounded as were a or two yard; worth l-2c. arising stomaeh impure Woodbu y, Revel, (Russia.) against railway companies ty, and that is tho that he they day ago, They blood. possibility might Twenty years of unrivalled success has prov- SATILLA sch PORTLAND’ are not as to MILLS—Ar 13th, Frank Jameson, car He has caused a table to be buried under a so inclined, yet, lie down ed them to be the best medicine in the world. er,” aud for sale by : postal dispute. popular majority large peacefully GEO. Knowlton, Portland, 31 day* passage. that his C. GOODWIN & and all _ap2 _ __cm the com- political career would be closed for- in their littlo lava beds. Trefouse best Kids CO., Boston, druggists. NORFOLK—Ar 19th. sells Delia Hodgkins, Ber- be made by which the charges of qnality $1,25 pair. marG sucodl6w ever.—N. T. Evening Post Harris aud with their nard. Portland; Telegraph, Clark, Rockport. for first and second class are Bishops Kingsley, BALTIMORE—Ar WM. JR. panies freights i ■’ 20th, brig Torrent, Tibbetts, AULE1V, BONDS. families, sailed for Europe ou Seizure ol Goods. Cardenas. compared with the allowance for mail car- TIIE LOUISIANA MASSACRE. Saturday. apr31__ d2w Delane, the British Thunderer’s editor, is District of Portland and Falmouth, 1 Ar 21st. brig Isaac Carver, Williams, Caibarien; Portland City ... 8’s riage under the new law. Iu the three rail- Custom House, Portland, April 15, 1873. J sch H H Fisk, Wixon, Portland. coming to this country. Cld 21st, brig R S Hassell, Hodgdon, Clenfaegcs, Pressman Wanted Rockland City 8’s as it is shown that the is hereby g ven that the following de- roads given examples, Official cf (and sailed.) Ilrpsrt llsc Officers of General It is that the immense scribed were seized in this district on the — — Bath expected tunnel now NONICE goods PHILADELPHIA—Ar 21st, brig Liberty. Dcvc- AT City.6’s will be for the mail service days hereinafter mentioned, for violation of the rev- companies paid under tho of Baltimore tho SPECIALTIES. reux. Havana; sch Irvine, McLarren. Arecilio. t .... I^oiignU-cet’s Staff. building city by enue laws, aud are detained in public store at this augor City G’s a Cld 2!st, eclis Nellie Cafes, B J & $411,813 for a space and service which be- or the same are Shaw, Cienfuegos; SMITH, MORGAN Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be fin- port; any person persons claiming sch J Ward. BUTLER’S, St. to aud make such claim within Willard, Woodbury, Mutanzas; Mary LonisCity.8’s devoted to would ished in iu requested appear Ward. Satilla River. ing freight carriage yield about two months. It will ,eost three (20) days from the date of this Cor. Miildle & Market Sts. Leeds & 8’s The official report of Colonels William Bargains twenty publication. NEW YORK—Ar 21st, Farmington, (Gnarantced,) but for such now de- millions of June on board Steamer Carlotta, G bottles ships Ncptuno. Spencer. only $221,290.48, they dollars. 22,1872, 23 do 32 apr24 tf Maine Wright and T. W. De of General Whiskey, 6 bottles Gin: 19th, 5 bottles Gin, 3 Liverpool days; Valparaiso, Munson, days; Central, Consolidated. 7’s mand From this it that Klyne, Long- Another brilliant has July barque Frank, Wallace, Cardenas 11 days; brigs Un- $025,388.48. appears youth hung'himself for H O TJ SEIEEPIS6 GOODS bottles Whiskey, 11 ottlc Brandy; Nov. 12 bot- L'»t on Elm Street lor Cook stiect’s staff, wlio were sent out to Grant Par- 8th, cle sam, Grover, Hutuacoa; Walter Sale. County, Illinois, 7’s is lib- fun. Ho dwelt at and tles Whiskey, 7 bottles Wine, G bottles 1 bottle Smith, Smith, the offer of the Government sufficiently Elmore, Vt., was play- Gin, Montevideo G3 days; Angelia, Bray.Cienfuegos 19ds; to suit purchasers, on tlio side of ish to investigate tiie troubles there, in Brandy; Nov. 27th, on board St. John Steamer, 4 westerly Wayne Couuty, Illinois, 7’s appears on tho stairs with a Five Brothers. Zaza 15 H Houston. Elm Street, between aud Cumberland eral and that the companies have no cause foir ing rope, when he attached bottles Brandy, 1 bottle Gin; Dec. 14th, at R. ii. Randall, days; LOTS Congress the New Orleans of It ful- 11 upper, Mansanilla 1G days ; Antelope, Rumball, streets. Apply to Win. II. Jcrns, Real Estate Iowa Central, Gold.7’s Republican Friday^ one end of the each. Wharf, 1 Trunk, 18 bottles 1 Agent Public will not permit line to the balusters and the oth- One Case Bates Quilts $1.00 Whiskey; piece (13J Maranzas It days; Clara J Sagua Cahwm Block, next East of Cilv Hall. complaint. opinion ly confirms the first reports of the Colfax yards) Velveteen, 1 Shawl,6 pairs Stockings; Jan. 28, Adams, McFadden, S Toledo, Ohio, 7.80‘s er to his and see 9 days; schs Mary A e assail, April 24, 1873. the authorities to submit to the demands so neck, leaned forward to how it 1873, at G. T. Depot, 1 Carpet Bag, G pairs Pants, William, Kelley, NP; ap24(l*3w Massacre: (2 Almeda, Smith. Pembroke ; Laconia, Hall. Rock- Northern Pacific Gold, 7.80’s would feel. He did not live to on the Dam- Coats, 3 Vests; Jan. 30th, on board Steamer Carlotta, } unreasonable and even as the rail- Wo report 10 Pieces best quality Turkey Red laud; Union. Sawyer, from Providence; Annie outrageous reached Piueville, 3 bottles Whiskey, 1 bottle *in, 10 yards Frye, West Wisconsin R. ■ opposite Alexandria, sensation for the benefit of hut it is Velveteen; Smith, Fall River; Tvott King, Bradford, and HE R., Gold, 7’s this ntt*.?.0 a. m.,011 tho 14th science, Feb. 21st, on Steamer New Brunswick, 21 pairs roads make. If the corporations insist, Monday, instant, ask for rery cheap. Wellman, Verrill, Calais; H S Billings, Billings, do; where we were informed that a revere actiou generally believed that there was not much fun $1.00 yard, Socks; March 5tb, 1 China Tea Set; March 7th, on EXHIBITION. Is a fair and broad field which to test S. S. 1 Frock 1 1 Viola, Nichols, Machias; Alaska, Clark, Pascagoula; I Atlantic & St. Lawrence Ii. R. upon had taken place at Colfax the day before (Sun- in it. Corinthian, Coat, pair Pants, Vest, Nellie Crowell, Crowell, Pensacola; E C Gates, Free- 4 pairs Kid Gloves, 3 pairs Wool Stockings; March the whether the have been day): that from 150 to 200 colored men had lor man, and Senator Grimes, Philbrook, Providence; Stock and Defered Rent question, people The farmers movement in Iowa seems to be We shall sell our 2d qua’ity 75c 26th, on S. S. Moravian, 1 2 (7 been that two white men Shawl, pieces yards) Neptune’s and Lacon, Kilpatrick, for the use of or killed; named Had- Woolen Cloth. Bride, Grierson, created the railroads the Some Providence. I to inform not and Harris, were wounded, the former making rapid headway. 1200 ‘'granges,” yd; usual price 91.00 yd. I. Collector. beg leave my Cuntower* Script Bought. railroads for the WASHBURN, JR., Cld 2ist. sells Witch Hazel. Springer, Mosquito In- people. mortally, and that Colfax, or part of had with 100,000 members of the order of Patrons of ap!5 dlawSwTw mad the in dins I it, lot; Mol lie, jfctherton, for Charleston; A II Lennox, Public general will FOR SALE BY been burned. Upon crossing the river to Al- have Husbandry been formed, and the farmers Grav, Gloucester. exhibit The New York World, having become exandria, we became cognizant of the existence 100 doz Turkey Red Doylies $1.00 dozen. IVlViHVin I AIl llLAj inLl/ALCf) PROVIDENCK-Ar 22d,schs Saxon. Eliza- intend to control the next Legislature. ILVcb, of the “ex- of a violent, though suppressed, popular ex- bethport; Ann. Marshall, Hoboken; Union, Dolivev, W1I. E. WOOD, quite forgetful past twenty years, A Anil TAN, use PERRY’S Moth and Freckle Iiotinn. (Inlnis. Ag% ciiiriuciiu m aiisu uiuciaii) c.\pcoi?cu muuiatnco sympathetic Troy policeman who had shot dilates the It is RELI ABLE and harmless. Sold by Druggists Sid Kch Comet. Sept 07 Si ultingly upon1’ inextinguishable as apprehensive of an outbreak iu Alexandria, an three times in tho head 22d, Dow, Calais. 7-dtfi»__ Exchange escaping prisoner everywhere. Depot, 49 Bond St., N. Y. VINEYARD HAVEN—Ar sells Harriet Ba- the Democratic directed the colored men and the offi- 9» 21st, 23. vitality “of party, and in view against and side, offered, on his recapture, to out mar22 dftwsnCmU ker. Elizabeth port for Hamburg. Wednesday, April cials holding office under the administration of pick Portland; Squall, of this kind of insists on the halls with his hut the Machias for Ncv York. J. B. Brown & Sons. vitality very properly Governor We were to pocket knife, inap- Kellogg. urged procure WONDERFUL CURES 1 Ar 22d, schs Clara \V Elwell, Giles, Havana 11 davs TKE LATEST NOVELTIES maintaining the solidity of the organization. the presence of troops as speedily as possible. preciative prisoner insisted on having a sur- GREAT VARIETY OP for Portland; Judge Low, Hallowell, Elizabetliport tor Boston: York for We left Alexandria at about 11.30 a. m. Dur- and the two took a tho D K. Hattie,Huckins.New Eastport; The World however, which speaks for the geon, horse-car in most CRANK, Arcturue. and ing our stay there mounted men were con- Wentworth, Y'aukee, Higgins, Port- —or— manner in search of medical aid. land tor New York; Honest Abe. P L whol» Democratic nartv, nroposes to throw stantly crossing the river, from the di- friendly Gould; Smith, coming OF BOSTON, Upton, and J P Ames, Snow, Portland lor do; Ad- BANKERS, all the it has the rection of Colfax, as wo left, a The Utica Ilcrald says that the man who was down images worshiped in and, just party Line n Damasks* die Todd, Corson, Calais for do; Arabella Smith, of mounted and for 1 past and all the musty traditions it has twenty, armed, apparently, digging round in the mud on the main street Who has made so many Wonderful Cures all over the Portland Providence. SPRING GOOOS forget with crossed the river in a is at Sid, schs C P Eddie F Gov A©. lO shot-guns, body. of that on that New England States, the Lake, Gerrish, Treat, Exdianjfc St., handed down'and the of in- city Saturday explained he had and Juliet, M J D given authority DEPLORABLE CONDITION OF AFFAIRS. Towels Napkins Coney, Mead, Xiiueua, Ellis, Idaho, lost a wheelbarrow and P L Smith, Olive, Volant, Arabella. Clara W and takes one issue for tho somewhere there, he Etwcll, spiration single Having secured an ambulance, we {crossed W E Barnes, Judge Low. P L Smith, llattic. Sarah :mear, NYork; tive point in the next it don't And will Remain a Few Weeks. Keren in campaign—if Colfax, distant about fifteen miles. We found Happuch, Oliver, Georgetown; Nile, Oliver, the greatest variety. Soliciting your Business the same an an Jennie Howtfld, Bath. Incor change its mind. The New York Tribune the in a most state. The Temple of Honor—The Seventh Annual Georgetown: Knight, path deplorable crops Cld 22d, H H schs esteemed calls to examine goods and are invalid shon d seo no matter what their brig Wright, Meyers, Bangor; Bank. and the iron be ng neglected, many of the residents, Session of the Grand of Maine Every him, porated pig Pennsylvanian may object; Temple Temp- be, Hoj>ewell, Turner, Portland ; Delia Hinds, Wells, both white and colored, have left their homes, lars complaint may Calais. prices. Tribune that now of Honor and will meet with MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Interest allowed on but it is the Democratic tis and a general sense of which Temperance Ar schs Hattie Deposits. insecurity prevails Union 20,000 Patients have been Treated by him within the 23d, Ross, Ulrick, Matanzas Gth inst; rival ot the and what are we are satisfied can only bo removed by the Temple at Halloweil, on Tuesday, May W A Crocker, Megathlin, Nellie the alarming World; last ten years, with Wonderful Success. Philadelphia; Carr, 1 remain, yours very respectfully, Dealers in Government Bonds. presence of troops. About one-third of a mile 27th. Randall, Port Johnsou; Henry, FalMugham, Eli/.a- makers with the __ a few compared below the court-house we came a betliport; Sinaloa, Caleb Gold pig-iron upon party of Bead the Wonderful Cnrcn in Sawyer, do; Eaton, Hop- and Foreign Exchange. colored men and women following kins, New York; Pilot’s and vast hosts of the farmers of the West who will carrying away a Hlaiacs Bride, Btewstcr, Lake, wounded colored man upon a sled. At a little STATE NEWS. Rogers, do; Nautilus, Crockett,do; Sassanoa,Weeks, T. L 0 B ENSTEIX, Investment Securities constant- to the free trade standard borne aloft by Bath. rally distance in the field were the dead bodies of Dr. who lias made so -wonderful cures MOURNING GOODS! Urann, many Cld 23d, barque Roht Porter. Kilmara, for Buenos ly on hand. the ? two colored meu. About two hundred in this town and others, will remain in town but a World yards brig J II DiliinMiam, Treat, Cardenas; sell were three dead short t irac He has had success. The Ayres; NO. 4 DEERING IILOCK. nearer the court-house bodies ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY.. longer. good W Morse, Oliver, Bath. Ja-M___h»tl has from that to f case of Mr. J. B. Redman. Attorney at Law in this The Supreme Court of Massachusetts of colored men, and point the court Tickets for PORTSMOUTH—Ar 20th, sells Henrietta, Smith, np21 ____ Boston, over tho Boston & Maine town, is truly a wonderful one, when Dr. Urann was house and ils vicinity the was are for sale in Hoboken for Portlaud; Sea Queen, Moon, Philadel- recently decided that companies arc ground thickly Lewiston and calied to see him a week ago he was not able telegraph were unable to find Auburn Fiiday, phia for Saco; Frank Wood, Elizabetliport BONDS strewn with dead. We the °n Of at to turn himself In hois now Maria, not a child of James Every Description Popular bed; able to walk the for do. BONDS. responsible for error in transmittingmes- of a white or to ascertain the loss of | Tufday Tracy of An- and is body man, burn, foil down stairs and street daily gaining strength.—[Ellsworth women assert that two broke one of her Prices. American. FOR SAL E. sages unless the same are repeated in accord- the whites. Colored FOREIGN PORT?*. loads Whites dead and weunded. The above statement, so far as I am 13 ance with the wagon loads of concerned, Feb Adelia Carlton, New York y of the com- Gea. A. but the and I Sid fm ITorg Kong 27, barque ■ City printed regulations were carried but it is denied | J: Hall, Inspector General for the simple truth, cheerfully endorse it as away, persistently is in an act of to New York. pany. Now the State, Lewiston for the justice Dr. Urann, and earnestly recom- Carlton, “ “ “ Portland City « s courts of Illinois in recent de- anv of the whites claiming to have knowl- purposo of i Ar at St Helena 9tli mat, ship Gnspec, Drummond, “ by spec ting and into the mend all persons afflicted with Rheumatism, Neu- o> Bangor «’s hold the actual that mustering State sory ccL Cdbu. (and sailed llth lor Boston.) cisions, that the have no edge of loss, they asserting ralgia. or other kindred whether acute or “ telegraphs right the Androscoggin Light WHITE GOODS complaints, Cld at Havre 7th inst. pliips John O Baker. Spear, St. Louis it’s but one man on their side was aud Had- Artillery. to him a- that he to charge one for killed, chronic, give call, being sanguine Lizzie Moses, Cox, Delaware Break- BrookiyuClty 6’s price the work at al* were Messrs. Reed and Small of will cure them. B. Philadelphia; X. .1.7’s doing uot aud Harris wounded. We may state Lewiston, l-.ave JOHN REDMAN. water. Elizabeth, acdai extra taken a contract to build twelve “ price for it here that Hadnot has since died in Alexandria. miles of the Ellsworth, Jan. 7,1873. At Barbadoes 10th inst, Lewis Cleveland 7’s doing correctly. brig Clarx, Smith, Jersey Oily 7’s “ They hold that We send herewith a plan of the court house Portland and Ogdensburg railroad, so says the from New Orleans, ar 4th. Toledo ... 8*« correctness is the very essence A This will that I was troubled with Sciatic defences. A of about 200 Journal Fall Assortment at Decided certify Ar at Martinique 7tli inst, brig William • Cook 7’s of the contract of the and its space yards Bargains. Rheumatism and suffered pain, was unable to Robertson, Elizabeth City 7’« Connty, 111.. a great Maguire, Baltimore. Telegraph Company and was inclosed in slight earthwork, Beniamin R Prescott of Turner, died sud- I without could not walk. I Marion Ind., S’s cannot be square sleep taking morphine, Sid fm Cienfuegos 12th iust,sch G V Richards. r,ar- County, legally separated The ditch was from 10 to 18 was to Dr. Urann’» ofllcc, at the DcWitt R. from it and charg- with ditch inside. denly last Saturday. Heart disease the | was carried ton, Portland. Canada Sonthcrn It. It., Gold, 7’. Maine Central R. 7’s breastwork in the front and after one treatment was free from pain, ed as an extra accommodation. inches in ceptb, and the cause. House, At Hmnacoa 31st ult, brig Persia Portland & Roehester R. R. 7’s able to work ever sinco. Hinkley, Small ? of it from 20 to 30 inches in height, and was and have been from Wilmington, disg. to load for New York. B. & Cedar It. & Xante 7’s Tho Lewiston Journal says that West Minot A. W. BAILEY. Rapids It,, Gold, 7’s Atchison. Topeka I'c Gold The Advertiser in front planking. On TOIUET At Caibarien llth ins*\ barques David Chanin publishes protected by SOj-inch is to have a cheese «IUIUTS, Auburn, May 7,18G9. Northern Pacific It. R. Gold 7-fiO’s TTetter from of the court-house the greater factory. Bunker, for Baltimore; Fannie H Korin*. 1 Northern Pacific It. 7-30’ in the lower side orm*’ It., Gold, Dan. Steven,, How, Swan & nearly Oct. Adams, fclfll_ ISaiTctl, “naturally has many noble is on either A Home for and Ellswortii, 8,1857. Psid J nR,S,orer> Philadelphia. qualities, the gaged side it is impossible for us to Aged Indigent Women is in Dr, " B,ckmori;. for North of at To the Machiar Republican.—Gents:—As Hittera*. Uculey, embodiment of and form any definite we are satisfied successful operation Augusta. and a too iTIIDDILi: STREET. courage, if sometimes idea, though Urann, of Boston, is about visiting your place, that the parties most sc’> Copartnership. • cruel and it is because holding the court house were Tho Boston and Kennebec Steamboat Com- strangor in these parts, 1 know very well, like .Lavolta, Lord, Savannah. _’__eedtl revengeful, he is out- less in number than their DEN looked with sus- It B Austin, for (Masons and 13uiD^P^s•, assailants. It is as- are the damage done*hv the ice E. T. El &CO. physician? traveling, he will be upon New i Ineluac- lawed. sir. serted bv the colored pany repairing look miraculous. 1 for Morrill is convinced that people that the a»saiiauts picion, particularly as his cures 1,U01’tT- "'>•1J- a Cleaned expe- of from to their buildings. for one year, the have entwrf «"M copart- Carpets rience has consisted parties the parishes of Winn had been obliged to walk on crutches ; undersigned, on proved thattbe mv foot to iblX *8Ul \\TE, of cnrrving the —AT— present policy to- KNOX COUNTY. and for nine months wa« not able to pur i"st' Br,? Bcorge, Barrett, from I ? nership fur the pnrposo the Kapides, Natchitoches, Catahoula and Caddo’ as under the Arm ward Indians is to those no Varlatiou. the floor. arm were also so lame to l>ortlaneen LEVEE AND rarmins ed the nose of tho weaker. visitors. Our lady readers shonld not fail to to hear the January ,,,u“b1^ room was crowded to-day Officer, Washington, D. C., > 451.011 cases, against 470,438 cases for the same the a con- densely peri- ,.r'^i the The colored students giro attend. m the 23. 8 (P. last < >N It) £“«*?“• press Hampton decision in a motion made yesterday April MA 1 od year. vJ o’clock A. \l th.. riA' Al’ril 24th, at The and olas :i' M ty be obtained at the Periodical of Fes- at Hall on the 3th District Attorney Phelps. area of l°wcst Business is evidently slacking up, although a Ilasty Farm in !ll° Mch- Depots cert C^y proximo. Wonderful Stolces case by continue barometer will will lako In the V«t> ScarKwifTS KnoS!l10 6cu leu Brunell & Cure.—Many of our readers of errors «£3e many offers arc continually veceived from vari- SOCIAL gathevin!! place road, containing aevcnt\•«•/,! ,.,'Ul'vink River Bros., Marquis. Robinson, 9°* a silver as was to set aside the allegation Carolina coasts good on the Aitei- *‘ * Mr. Charles has offered cup will motion for Thursday 1?BcCast 1>cVoad are for small lots that are wauted A ry of the First Baptist Church, lots ol Salt Marsh. 1 ulul Glendenning Moses, Hcnder- Day, jr. remember Miss Mary ,T. who has Davis ous sectinis, they 1 liurtf- The bui'i ii',,,* ;UI Andrews,Wentworth, ot Marston, made the defendant’s attorney. Judj?e States noon and Evenings of %Ve«liie»«li»)' and ion, and Chisholm on all trains that run out in annual shoot of the Forest by les- temperatu A*,an-tic falliuR at once. ling house, cJL carriage Imam, and Bros., prize tho spring goue about our streets with crutches for the the motion. This decision re'and ^"3, dny, April *J.‘i«t mil *Jltli; when u variety ot Sral.t ,*dwel"*ood thee tty. to-day granted with rtjpair, Also Farming Tools and a a-1 i.rtiJVi which comes off a new trial. cloudy weatherFor® CnW^ tSt"°rth w<;ft useful ami fancy articles will be for sale. At of City Club, to-day. last six years. She sustained a to sens Stokes’s chances of obtaining States north hold Furniture, 10 l Uthel* of Grainund Biddcford, Pillsbury. severe injury and north-west winds iflnrkci** Refreshments each from 6* until about 8 1 At threw inrr.,3 Domeiitic Q^Also Evening of Saco of L, Hodgdon. with murderous intent tho knee Tkc IVatiounl Board of Underwriters. Western Gulf 10 o’clock. Hay. At Somebody joint about eight years ago while get- dull and V, O. A' Waterville, of »J. S. Carter. street sidewalk, Board of Un- weather and lowerCo'Sst’3i?£r“Mvb'^ New York, April 23—Evemng--Cotton A cordial invitation Is extended to all CO.) Auctioneers At piece of orange peel on Middle upon a railroad At a meeting of the National temperature f Gorham, of News Agent. ting car. Chronic inflammation were unchanged; sales750 bales; Midtiling uplands 19&c. apr22 d3tv did At to down derwriters the following companies die and Eastern States sales 16,- apn______Bath, ofJ. O. Sliaw. causing a lady slip and she was to-day risiogbarom,3,3, Flour in demand and a shade firmer; yesterday, thereby ensued, obliged to betake herself and north-west winds and good 90 W Isiiiwiucl at At Lewiston, ot'French Bros. represented: generally 200 bbls; State 5 70 @8 25; Round hoop Ohio G Steamship Auction. and brui3C herself severely. to crutches. Boston, the For Lake cloudy oO.^ At Kennebuuk, of C. E. Miller. __i During these eight years she has From Bangor, the Union; from weather. region rising barometer 10 50; Western 5 70 @ 10 50; Southern 5 85 ® 1 On FRIDAY,April 25,1813, at arc 500 from Glcu winds and closedJZ E1YTERTAIIOIEIVT Works The Portland Company employing been under the care Fanueil Hall and North American; diminishing northerly and Wheat less active, 1 @ 2c higher o’clock, at Atlantic Wharf, of our ablest physicians, cloudy weath- opened bush Falls, the Glen from Mass., er with slightly higher temperature. Caution- weaker, holders anxious to realize; sales 36.000 ; ^ Fast Boston, ihe steamship Whirl operatives. but has been afforded weeks Falls; Springfield, No 1 3 at ST. CITY AND VICINITY. little relief. Four the from the Atlantic, will continue at Spring 1 73 @ 1 774; No 2 do 1 57 @ 1 G9; No ST. LAWRENCE VESTHV, •wind, length l:!'1 f et, hold 17 3-10 tells of a Portland girl visit- Springfield; Providence, ary signals Wilmington and White i -10 The Advertiser Winter Red Western at 169 __ beam 24 feet, tonnage ago Dr. Urann took her ease in baud, and in Equitable, Narragansott aud Providence; from Norfolk. @193; rlfeet, who made herself so ___ Michigan l yo @ 2 30. Corn in fair demand and a 24. 371; built of Connect lout oak and chestnut in 1803, in a neighboring city, one the Orient and from Mcii- THURSDAY EVENING, April Yew Advertisement* Te-Day. ing week’s time she had thrown away her Hartford, Phoenix; <*l«»sing dull; sales bush; new has two schooner direct acting vertical her hosts would not let her the Peo- Mw. Srmer» 74,000 decks, tigged, attractive to they den, the Meriden; from Middletown, choice old 69e. Oats engine, cylin er dra'i loaded 13 boil- crutches and was enabled to walk without their T o K KI o jN Hnii iLYu8tern67@68c; very The committee in charge having spent several weeks 32x30, deep feet, Her father was to call also delegates from all parts of this State avy 43.000 White Slate 51c; er and engine in good ordi r. AUCTION COLUMN. return home. obliged aid. ple’s: now w. ;.8,aK'8 bush; this entertainment feel conlident it will Since that time she has been steadily im- and from tile west and Europe. The Treasur- at 51 ® M- Beef is quiet amt in preparing For further particulais to Deal Estate—F. O. & Co. aid of the Marshal to rescue his stcaivVCpnr?-MnXC<1 a liberal patronage. the good apply Bailey in the City the funds to be i n coil flrmer; new mess 20 00. Lard firmer be worthy Among O. proving, and uow walks distances every er’s report showed good at 0? ® in ,, ,! be the of the beauti- Liuens, «Sfcc.—F. Bailey & Co. long S.ost ®m» things ottered will performance WHITNEY & Boston, Mass.. child. There was a young man in the case. ditiou. President Oakley delivered an address The Steitmuhip. State® steady; Ohio 30^38; SAMPSON, Furniture Abram & Bro. without or It is a ® ful “Cantata of The Christian Graces” by a chorus day inconvenience fatigue. at at ® 91c- Rlce “ Tickets for the Oratorio of St. to be congratulating the association upon its pros- are under to C. Bedlow steady 7} @ Hie tj eMWL of and three soloists. Also, the .Jubilee Or HENRY WINSOR & CO., ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. Peter, cure. We obligation Mr.gC. Coffee in 40, Singers wonderful that its were for the en- gnol T* will be and render a the are perity asserting and Mr. ® ‘D GolJ--9C' not of Fisk University present Philadelphia, Pa. I. O. O. F.—54th given by Haydn Society, selling well. objects of the Western Union Telegraph Co., Molasses .fuiot an l ttrm. v.».. l8*,: Anniversary. hancement of insurance. The interests J " few selections, such as “Roll dorian Roll,” Turn Sale lo weather, through- Stores—Splr its pushivt apl SPECIAL NOTICES. -A New York that Frank Bak- Nearly all the tickets for the were Crane of the Portland for the m back me troin sinking despatch says Complimen- out the country being attended with good office, following: or at 3 23 fur Tur,.muitmZadv $%80: ^ Pharaoh’s Army, &c., (“Keep strained. Petrnhu,Vn ;5n :,f{os,n lrm,' Tho “Songs ot Furniture at Auction 'and SIo.s-i*’ E. T. Eldon & Co.—Dry Goods. er, who died at St. at Fluent Hall evening, have results. He said the and Boston fires N. 23.—In conversation refined at Down.”) Poem by Jean Ingelow, suddenly tho Nicholas, tary Hop Friday Chicago Halifax, S., April @9Jci 20c. “i «&c. All for No*.ice—Y. M. C. A. Hall. demonstrated that the in Wool in fair TaHnw'^™^ Seven,” will be recited and illustrated. Cor itent. Special been more can be obtained insuring companies request and in 1. O. O. F.—Drill Meeting. Monday night, has been taken to Portland for sold. A few by with the third officer, (Brady) of the Atlantic, buyersJur3I1™r. favor Vidnmesllc the benetit of our Sunday School. (Dear friends, who charge a small competition on fleece 16 @ 521c; pulled 40c. WEDNESDAY. April 3.1th, nt 1# o’clock A. For Sale—Joshua Davis & Co. burial. to the premium in the I ]‘lease gladden us by tlius do a good 10 early application managers. risks was so low that when cams who leaves for New York morning, Freights to Liverpool quiet ami youvprvsenco, ON M., we shall sell the Furniture in House heavy losses unchanged; wainGrain deed while you can.) 'TicuctM 25 CVul* Exer- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. steam at 6*d. Bramhall stroct. consisting of Park r Furnituro In The St. Paul’s Guild Fair finished a success- they were not able to meet the learn that 209 bodies still remain to bo recover- per cises commence at o’clcn k. Jr. thempind policy precisely 7J ap22dtd Black Center 11 ere. Easy Chair, New Tamarinds—Win. Allen, NOTH'E*. holders had to suffer. Boston Chicago, April 23. Flour is in fair Walnut, Table, as Co. ful career last TI1SCE1.1ANEOIS Referring to the ed. Merritt of the New York Coast demand and Chromos. Paint line V Stat- Fancy Goods—Fitzgerald & evening. fire he said the Capt. firm; extra Spring 6 00 eg G 75. Wheat Feed tlio ides. Engravings, aw:', & Co. total loss is estimated at $70,- unsettled Hungry and Clothe the Naked. uettes, Black Walnut Chestnut Chamber Setts, Birds—F. O. Bailey The levee and of Socie- of tho wreck and weak, and for cash nearly and fair the First Baptist On this was Massa- Wrecking Company, takes charge lower, closing nominal Cans t*. Wanted—Smith & Co. dress Sbirt—Tho Portland Shirt. 000,000. there insurance in from 1 Spring Beds, Curtains, In-raiu and Tapestry Pressman The best at 1 22*; seller May ranged 23* @ i 25*; seller Plat -d Allen, Jr, ty opened well yesterday. It will he continued chusetts companies of over $15,000,- with ten divers.* A left to-day for New at Sofa, Black Walnut Extension Table, Silver Apples—Wiliiam $35,000,000, brig Juno 1 26 @ @ 1 27*. closing inside ! Urtir Ma- H. Jerris—Lot on Elm Street. 000 in over quotations; and Festival Ware, Ice Gl ass and Crockery, Wui. this afternoon and A cordial invita- companies in other States, and York with a of the No 3 at 1 23; nominal. Com unset- Pitcher, Castor, evening. Dr. O. Fitzgerald, the wonderful Clairvoy- large portion personal bag- Spring rejected Cook Stove. Portable Fo ges—A. J. Wilkinson & Co. $4,000,000 in of other and and closed No 2 Mixed at gee companies countries, tled and lower dull; 37c — " Atwood & Co. tion is extended to all. will AT — Also, at 12 one Rifle, new, Steamer Clias. Houghton- Harris, ant and Surgeon visit,by request, of this gage, on for seller for seller o’clock, Remington Physician amount $36,870,343 have been paid, regular spot; 37|c May; 39|c phot Gun, with A bluff has been vic- Oats in demand.— ammunition. Also, one double barrel looking Englishman Portland again at Preble House, Thursday, which makes 65 73-100 per cent, of the entire The weather has been so had that no work June; rejected sold at 31c. good and unchanged; No 2 fresh at 69c. fixtures. Stated Meetings. over merchants and three Don’t losses. the rates he said that after has been dono Williams re- Rye quiet Barley ALLEN MISSION CHAPEL House will be leased for one to three years. timizing by buying goods April 2Itli, remaining days only. Regarding this week. Capt. No 2 Fall nominal at 72c for regular: fresh the steady; O. Aurnoums. for them in hills on the 15 Chicago fire, when it was found necessary F. O. if AILi£Y & t paying years explod- fail to see him, his cures nre truly wonderful. to mains to identify the bodies. sold ot 78c. Provisions buoyant, unsettled and high- tltd CITY GOVERNMENT. advance the rates 50 per cent the met lots locust a;d9 ed hank of Ciifton. Canada About were public er. Pork and nominally at 18 20 for round street, first S300 apr23 tf it with fee and Rpashh matters. quiet The Board of Mayor and Aldermen meets the good ling cheerfully acqniescedTn on spot and active for June, selling at 18 75 @ 19 00, AdiiiinislraJor's Sale, of each month. iu circulation. the advance. The had learned that the Madrid, 23.—The commit- at 18 75. Lard in fair demand and for & Monday evening put public April permanent closing higher Thursday Friday, 24th and 25th from the of Frotwile Steel Knives and of Table of hut tee of the N to- at 9 35 for seller 9 C5 do June.— to license Judge The Common Council moots the second Monday to the a monument is to every description safety insurance was not only in capital ational Assembly held a session future delivery May: 1 ►hall se.l at According Argus and sales lbs iust, afternoon IJUKSUANTfor the County of man- d rates on risks, Tho ministers were at the meet- Bulk meals active 960,000 shoul- and Cumbyrland, \ lnton, m Pert- evening of each month. be the of Ware Plated, or Replated in the very best depende greatly upon adequate day. present higher; Evening. public auction, at the office of \\ H. erected in Deering “to memory Mary which ail ders last half May sales 490,000 lbs; short clear eve- made the and the poli- ing and are now entertained that G|c; land on 30th, 1K73, at 10 o clee. A. The School Committee meet the fourth Monday ner at short notice and at a reasonable at companies strong hopes loose on seller June. Ba- Useful anil Fancy articles ami Wednesday April and of Jesus price, cies secure. The last will be two middles at 9 @ 9Jc spot; 9Jc Refreshment* for of the laic KUzu i Rush, sis ning of each mouth. Magdalene, frjeml protegee average per cent, year agreement reached between these at sale. Thursday the lailics of M.f the personal estate Market con in good demand at full prices; shoulders 7*c; evening the Mission Chairs, Mirror, Bed Christ.” Atwood’s New Rooms, 27 Square. paid in New York State on the invested branches of the government. will Stive an Antiquarian Also l»er inventory consisting of Sofa, [ capital clear rib sides 9$c; clear sides 10c; Hams 12* @ 14, all Supper. Singing by surd Ware. feb25-eodtf was 72 a off of four cent. The Gen. Pavia has the General- the children. Concert the Bedding. Stove, Crcekeiy MASONIC Mr. Adam is at the 1-100, falling per resigned Captain Whiskey firm at 86 @ 87c. Friday evening by "Old Also John R. of Brown of Woifboro’, of of Madi id. packed. Folks.” six notes of hand agaiu»t Coyle Street. reports committees were read and commit- ship bbls flour, 9.U00 bush wheat, 75,- one with in- At Masonic Hall, Xo. 95 Ex:ha:ige United States Receipts—7,000 Admission afternoons free. bundled uollaiB each, pajablc annually Hotel. He has been furnishing to fej tees for the next year after which 000 bush corn, 47,000 bush oats, 0,000 bush rye, 7,000 Thursday evening ad- YORK RITE*. In the distressing complaints peculiar appointed, mission 10 25 cents. terest, Terms cash. to Boston for the convention till to morrow. ni.NOIi TELEGUA.TIS. bush barley, 00,000 bogs. dents; Supper Friday eveniug Administrator. first Wednes- money parties re-building pur- we have a Panacea in Gold- adjourned admission 20 cents. Tickets at the door. SAMUERS. MURRY, Blue Lodges—Ancient Land-Mark, males, Duponco’s obis flour, 9,000 bush wheat, 50,- Pori A il 1 w third and in the burnt dis Various Matters. Mrs. Annie in New Shipments—8,000 Contributions will be received. land, pi 22, 1 $73. :ipr*22d day; Portland, second Wednesday; Atlantic, poses, taking mortgages en Pills. Hennessey, residing 000 bush corn, 33,000 bush oats, 0,000 bush rye, 7,000 thankfully apr23-cod3t&wlt chocked 4t Wednesday. trict. Henry Bergh was arrested to-day in suit of York, her two children to death Wed- bash barley, 0000 hogs. ap22 Bstatc and Adiiisiiisir.uor’ssjiiTo^i^ Chapters—GreenleofR. A. C., first Monday; Mt. for Dennis Cbestie, for false nesday, them roasted the bodies while la- demand and The entertainment at the St. Lawrence St. Advertisers naturally seek the means imprisonment. Bergh j. ole do. April 23.—Flour in fair high- Public ViirliiM^u R. A. C., third Monday. was released on bail. under a fit of Vernon, boring insanity. er at 8 73 @ 9 00. Wheat steady; No 1 White Michi- R. & S. Masters, second church this will be found of reaching the largest number of readers, and MUSIC_FIA.LL. from the ilrn. Council—Portland C. evening worthy City Sanitary Inspector James reports that of No more dead heads on the gan Amber Michigan on 1 70*; seller May HYPnfw, £*»"«?« Jud*>ts. Union Pacific 186; spot ’•* '■ at Tile beautiful cantata of the those of the best Tho Press 540 cellars examined between Houston street 1 71 1 seller June 1 73; No 1 Rod 1 76; No 2 do Manager.MR. THEO. HAMILTON. ™ UthUcrl,ln,10ou",>>1 Monday. patronage. quality. Daily Railroad, says President Clark. @ 714; iiSucPauet!onf 0,000 light demand, firm; 3SJc Thursday, Friday Saturday Evcn’gs 1:,nd *kuated on Tuesday evening recitations, given. idle men 39c. the ro ad leading t om Fw’reJtot Grand 3 l\ Grand Com- Factory after the exhaustion Bailey sold eight locomotives belonging into the streets of New York last er; Michigan 25th aud 20th. Council, Wednesday m.; The third Operatives, to-day April 24tn, P-'*""’ grand assembly of the Longshore to the New York Central Railroad, seized for winter. Receipts—0,900 bbls flour, 7,000 bush wheat, 3,000 a^atnilcRfr^Fr”^^,^1! inandery, Wednesday evening. of their long of labor in overheated and bush bosh oats. Delineator of the in*, pasturage, Boat Club comes off at day corn, 1,000 The far-famed Comedian, and Ac., ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES. Lancaster Hall this non-payment of taxes. They realized $22,750 Icelanders are for Also about three acres of ventilated rooms need a stimulant that having splendid spectacles Shipments—-1000 bbls flour, 21,000 bush wheat, 5,000 Pathetic and Comic Drama, salt » poorly and were on behalf of the mare? Lodge—Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection, first evening. A fine time is anticipated. Bay- bought company. nothing. The vo'c.vcoej arc active. bush corn, 1,000 bush oats. is nourishing as well as warming. Neither tea Friday. mond’s Quadrille Band furnishes the music. The Atlantic cable companies will raise the Detroit, April 23.—Flour quiet and unchanged. E. Council—Portland Council P. of second Fri- nor coffee with all their agreeable properties to a word Wheat dull and extra White at 2 00; No 1 Mr. JOHN OWENS! I,r0pcrty ^ J., the found a circular price $1.50 in gold. lower; «the^ Tuesday police gray WASHINGTON. White at. 1 92; Amber Michigan at 173. Corii steady: £oeaKuf.l1bt"J day. is so eminently suited to meet this need as is Terms made known at lime of small and Scotch on Indianapolis had four inches of snow Mon- Yellow Mixed 46c. Oats in Mixed his own talented Dramatic Organiza- sale. Rose Croix d« third cloak, cape cap, Brown 47c; good demand; Supported by E11W Chapter—Dunlap Chapter H., Cocoa or Chocolate. That Walter day State 39c. to accompany him during AKD 1* OXVAUTt prepared by night. tion, expressly engaged Ailm’r of Friday. street, between the offices of Drs. Gilman and bbls his extended tour of the Uuited States. Estate of 1*5 a?S’ Baker & Co.. Boston, has the highest reputa- A $30,000 hotel was burned Tuesday night in Receipts—2.000 flour, 5,000 bush wheat, 2,000 1873. Consistory—Maine S. P. R. S., fourth Clark. The are tho The Coinage Question. bush coru, 0.000 bush oats. Freeport, AprllZ2, Consistory, garments at police station Indiana. __ Friday iu Match, Jane, September and December. tion the world over. Try it! Mitchell, Shipments—1,000 bbls Hour, 0,000 bush wheat, THURSDAY EYRN’G the performance will an owner. Washington. April 23. —The director of the 6,000 at awaiting Gen. Pope thinks that the surveyors murder- bush corn, 2,000 bush oats. commence with tho of the Linens, Ac., Auction. mint has fixed the charge for coining the new delightful comedy I. O. O. F. There were three drunks at the station last ed on the Kansas borders were the victims of close we shall trade dollar at one-half ncr cent, per piece, Charleston, April 23.—Cotton quiet; Middling consignments noli on Satnnlnv white horse thieves, rather than Indians. victims, TO April 26th, at 10 o’clock, at a flue 1 t At Odd Fellows' Hall, No. 88 Exchange Street. which is the lowest possible rate under the law. uplands 18*e. office, of night._ Table Damask, Marsailles Quits, Towel*, Books Sta- Lodges—Maine, on Monday evenings; Ancient Great are entertained of the trade Recorder Haclcett of New York, lias received Savannah, April 23.— Cotton quiet; Middling up- Joshua Butterby.Mr. J. E. Owen?. Victims and Solon Shingle.—The expectations lands at tionery, Ready-made Clothing, Fan?y Soaps.1 Silvervcr on on Friday delight- BY a letters for to lgge. To conclude with Mr. Owens’ of Brothers, Thursday evenings; Ligonia, TEIEGRAPH. dollar as a means of home demand threatening sentencing great specialty PlateiI Ware, two Ac. of creating prisoners Watches, evenings; Beacon, on Tuesday evenings; Ivy, J)., ful commedy of “Victims” will bo presented at for bullion and keepingj-old in the long terms of imprisonment. Mobile, April 23.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- F. O. BAILED A CO., Auctioneer* second and fourth Saturday. departing lands SOLO* SHINGLE ! IL, Music Hall this Mr. John E. the The of Hayti, Ecuador Eli a well known 18*c. apr21t(l first and third Wed- evening, Owens country. republic Brown, western burglar, Solon J. E. Owens. Encampments—Machigonno, are anx- New 23.—Colton Shingle.Mr. the and other South American republics counterfeiter, was arrested in New York Orleans, April steady; Middling By Abram A Bro,. 2’i.i Federal nesdays ; Eastern Star, second and fourth Wednes- taking leading part of Josiah Butterby. Tho &c., As him the entire | Htxetf, MATTERS IN MAINE. ious that their coinage he executed by the He lias for uplands 18Je. performed by throughout English under the U. Hold. days; Portland, first aud third Saturdays. entertainment will conclude with yesterday. eseaped many years. of 2000 Mr. Owens' United but there is no law which will World, upwards niglita. Relief association—Every third Tuesday in the States, The Priuce Edward Island has famous of “Solon in which to be done. It is that Con- government Providence Print UlnrUct. month. specialty Shingle,” permit this probable been at the defeated, polls, aud Hon. J. C. Pope Providence, 23’.—Print Cloths firm at FRIDAY EVKUDO will be prosented Coyne’s Furniture. he takes the title role. The are that (Special to tno Frees.) will autlirize such services. has April 6J @ in 3 prospects grq^i forrnod a new ministry. 7c for 6-1 and X 61 best with fair and active celebrated Comedy, acts, cntitlod TEMPLARS OF HONOR. goods ahull sell SATURDAY, April Will, at the hall will he filled a and fashiona- Contract Awarded. sales thus far for the week over EVERYBODY’!! FRIEND! 1873, by large Eev. Dr. Fulton, of Tremont will demands; 10,000 pie- WEour Store a lot of Bod, Dining and Sitting Room At Templars' Hall, Xo. 100 Exchange Street. Temple, ces. ble audience. Fiue acting doesn’t come to us Skowiif.gan, April 23.—The County Com- WAK. probably accept the of tho Hanson Maj. De Boots the Swashbuckler... Mr. J. E. Owens. Furnituro, Bedding, Sheets, Stoves, Ac., «2fcc | first and third in each THE MODOC pastorate Council—Maine, Mondays missioners have awarded the contract of build- Place church, N. Y. To be followed Mr. Owens’ Farce of Sale commences at 10J A. M. apriMtf month. so often that we can afford to neglect it. Mr. Brooklyn, finropeag Jlarheia. by original -Lnomas c. of •dt U V V X XN XX O Temple—Forest No. 1 Owens’ is said to be unusually ing the new court house in this town to Messrs. Drown, NewJIaven, shot him- Ileal Estate on and Mat- City, every Wednesday support fine, self to London, 23—11.00.—Consols at Exchange Foster not to be found* death yesterday. April opened 93} Horatio Sprriggins.Mr. J. E. Owens. evening. Miss M. E. Golden commend- & Dutton of Bethel. The whole cost Capi. Jack for money and for account. being especially Sir NATIJRDAY the will be which ex-Gov. Coburn donates Samuel Baker, and party arc safe in the American securities— U. S. 5-29N 18G3, old. at 915: fiVElY’O, (and positively ket Streets at Auction. ed for her wit and grace. There are«till a feu- $10,000, last of Mr. will ex- Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— African jungles. do 1867, 93J; do 10-408, 89} ? now 5s, 90. Eric Rail- night Owens.) be produced the Corner of and Ca co streets. First Thurs- to the Comedy of at 12 o’clock Congress seats for sale at Stockbridgc’s. gggg) connty. from the An way at 51. quisite SATURDAY, May 31. M.,Wc in each mouth. New York, April 23.—A despatch eminent German professor advise the shall sell the desirable lot of land situated day Grand Lodge of Good Templars. 23—1.30 P. M.—Consols closed at LIFE! ON very The last time Mr. Owens here he did lava beds the Modocs were seen in their Japanese embassadors not to to estab- London,April 03} IJlXRRIED on of Young Men’s Christian Association- Comer played says attempt for account. Exchange and Market Streets, north the uld 23.—The was called to and the lish the Christian as Douc.Mr. J. E. Owens. and Casco streets. not us the whole of Solon We Augusta, April lodge camps yesterday (Tuesday) morning, religion the Slate religion. Henry Post Office lot, in Portland, ami bummed, beginning Congress Every evening. give Shingle. 23—1.30 P. order in Meonian Hall by G. W. C. T. Warm Spring Indians are to he put on their The professor tells them that it is only vital Liverpool, April M.—Cotton closed To conclude with the Owens specialty,—SOLON on the westerly side of Market street, seventy-sevc-u Portland Fraternity—No. 353$ Congress street. trust he will not follow his own bad example Hall. and sales 2000 cf which ami track at once. Our camp was not attacked on when it from the quiet steady; 12,000 bales, SHINGLE. eight-tcutna feet from the southerly side of Con- Over 180 were initiated. The Secre- springs people. were for anil Every evening. for it is little short of a swindle of the delegates speculation export. gress street, thence by land of heirs to-night, Monday night, as was anticipated. A light A bill has the Nova south-westerly Knights of Pythias—Bramhall Lodge, No. 3, and address of G. W. C. T. Hall passed Scotia Assembly of James Deering fifty-four loot, to Exchange street, tary’s report fall of snow yesterday afforded water to the to establish PRICES OF ADMISSION.—'General Thursday evenings; Munjoy Lodge, No. 6, Wednos- public. a lire alarm in Halifax* Admission thenco north-wc.-dorly by said Exchange street sev- were of G. W. Modocs hidden in the rocks. More teamsters i At their Bloek, Market very interesting. Reports 75c. Reserved seats, SI. Gallery. 90c. enty-one feet to a thence iy evenings. Hail, Clapp's I*. L. I.—The the Recently 110 Indians dashed into a in PROBATE NOTICES. stake, north-easterly paral- Light Infantry elected fol- were reported fired on Monday cveniug and a camp The sale of Reserved scats for Mr. Owens, will lel with the line herein for- tf^uare. Treasurer and Superintendent of Cold Water 3D horses. south-easterly described Modoe ambush was discovered. The Sidney, Nebraska, stealing commence on Tuesday morning, April 22d, at Ira C. more or Portland Army and Navy Union- Corner lowing officers last evening: N. CL Fessenden, troops To nil Person* interested in either of the ty-eight feet, less, to Market street, thenco Templars were made. Important resolutions Music Store, No. 156 Street. and Brown streets. First in each have been stationed to fire upon any Modocs go- Estates hereinafter named: Stockbridge’s Exchange south-easterly by said Market street seviuty-uno Congress Tuesday Frederic McCullock, 1st Lieutenant; Owens will in on Mon- Captain; were and referred. to the lake for All the are CEF“Mr. perform Lewiston, teet, more or lean, to the of beginning. mouth. presented ing water, troops FINANCIAL ANI> COiTLlIFKClAL. a Court of Probate held at Portland within 28th. point D. P. 15. Pride, 2d Lieutenant. Mr. McCul- day Eve’ng, April aprl9d5t For particulars call on J. & E. M. Kami, 121 Mid- Sons ok No. In the after the usual busiuess was doing well, and the for the and for the of Cumberland on the third Temperance—Portland Division, 93; evening, prospects bagging AT County dle street, or Sons’ of Hall. loch, "who is Orderly Sargeaut of the company, whole tribe are of Apri in the of our Lord Temperance Friday evening. transacted, Gov. Perliam was introduced to the brightening. Tuesday year eight- V. O. BAILEY & AncliourrM. lie view of Portland JIarkcts. een hundred and seventy-three, the matters ~L. 8. 13. C> CO., Independent Order of Good Templars—Ar- declined the office of Lieutenant, aud the fill- San Fnancisco, April 22—A courier from the following apr24t(l lodge and made a speech. Remarks been presented for the action h jrc- cana, Mission, Wednesday;—in Williams* telling front arrived at Yreka this Some of Week Ending April 23,1S73. having thereupon Monday; ing of the vacancy was postponed. Colonel morning. inafter indicated, it is hereby THE J. street. Thursday; Atlantic, were made Messrs. Briekett of It has been a week for business in wholesale Ordered, M. BAILBV & O), block, Congress Mystic, by Augusta, the volunteers who escorted Hovey’s remains fair That notice thereof be given to all inter- Saturday;—at Sons’ ol Hall, Congress Mattocks, the retiring captain, made some re persons Temperance Payson and Crockett of Dow of to town had a talk with Fairchild and ascer- circles it has been rather by a of this order to be LONGSHORE BOAT street, tron Clad, at West End; Pccanon- Rockland, notwithstanding unfair ested, causing copy published CLUB, Thursday, marks in which he urged upon the company a tained that is not the threo weeks in the Maine State Presg at Areaua Hall. and others. Scar-facedOharley killed, weather. The ico is now out of the rivers and they successively will give their Commission ta*, Thursday, Portland, and Eastern papers at Portland afore- Merchants, attention to drill and in view body supposed to be his being that of Shack- are the steamers. Tho f Argus, priuted | Portland Typographical No. 75—Cor- rigid discipline [To the Associated navigable by stoamor jr that at a Union, Pres?.] Jim. Schoncbin was not killed Mea- said, they may appear Probate Court to be ner and Casco streets. Second in of the He stated that cutters nasty by —ASH— Congress Saturday May training. Vessel Ashore. Bangor left on Tuesday filled with freight for that re- held at said Portland on the third Tuesday of May 3rd Grand each month. eham, hut only wounded in the breast. He of Assembly, were from New York to meas- and tho next, at at ten (be clcclc in the forenoon, and hourly expected Bath, April 23.—Schooner Addie Walton, was killed a and the whole of liis gion, Macliias boat is loaded every trip. The Payson Literary Society.—Meetings every by shell, body be^ieard thereon, and object if they see cause. ure the meu for the new uniform. After the below the breast was torn to Another markets aro very with but fluctuations. A. Monday evening, Brown’s Block, cor. Brown and Rich, from Philadelphia for this port, with 430 pieces. steady, slight WILLrAM STANWOOD late of Bruns- CJOTIONEIEltS was PERRY, LANCASTER HALL streets, at 7d o’clock. election of officers the to a yonng Modoc named Watchatalle recog- The long continued in the money market wick. deceased. Will and for Congress compauy adjourned tons of coal, run on to five stringency petition the probate no. ■ Young’s Rock,about nized the dead. The shell that killed w exchange: strel r. Bos worth Post G. A. every Friday among seems to have been broken in New York and tlii3 thereof, presented by William L. Putuam, one of the On R.—Meetings good supper at Heed’s. miles below this this forenoon at Thursday Evening, April 24th. evening in Mechanics’ Hall, corner of Congress and city high Schoncbin and others was picked up by Watch- week Exoeui ors therein named. opened with more offers of money than were FLOOB D1EECTOB.P. McICeon Next below Casco streets. water. Her cargo is into atalle before it From the way CHARLES RYONSON. minor child and of Merchants* Exchange. of two being discharged exploded. things down the rales of interest to some- heir Somnambulism.—Colley Gray brought looked in the the of wanted, sending Edward late of aids:—P. Sullivan. Mow:. O’Brien, J. Sullivan, P. JOSEPH S. GEO. W. and the Adelia, which has to cave, finding ammunition, Ryonson, Brunswick, deceased. Pe- BAILEY, PARKER. horses of aud in with the lighters tug gone thing near the legal rate. Gold advanced the tition for license to sell and real O’Donnell, William Dechan. Huprcaur Judicial Conri. Simpson, company provisions and other articles; it was evident during convey estate, pre- Reference*— Moots. H. J. Libby