Portland Daily Press: April 24,1873
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PORTLAND ] ESTABLISHED JUXE 3:i. 1S03. VOL. 13. PORTLAND THORS DAT THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS business cards. i REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. j The Rani's Secret or Poetic Published every day (Sundays excepted) by. the | MISCELLANEOUS. PRESS. Reticence THE [From the Atlanta Weekly.] PORTLAND PUKI.ISniXR CO., House to Rent or the sub-editor W. c. ( LARK, Hotel Property for Sale ! Warned Lease. APR. 24, 1S7:{ j Yesterday morning came iu- upper tenement of bonne No. THURSDAYMORNING, t > At 109 Exciiaxge St. Portland. MAN who Furniture. rpiIE 31 Emerv St our sanctum and reminded us that we understands repairing X of six rooms, all KOHLING j 103 FEDERAL STREET, Federal St. consisting very pleasantlv“y eUusi'i n- IjST northboro mass. A Apply at 125 ated; with Gas and Sebago Water, hadn’t given out for the fourth Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance 5 Woors East of Temple Si., apr23 ti and J any poetry Assabet House, beautifully situated on public Inquire on tho prcmisca. Gossip Gleanings. rpilE-*• i So we took out the roll of square in center of on 2c aprlDdtf WILLIAM II. HAS GOT HLS page. manuscript THE MAINE STATE the village, Railroad GREEN. PRESS GAS AM) WATER miles from tBostou. House is new and of moderr ! lift wit 1 us by the Poet's wife, and selected stylo, and contains 38 rooms, dance b lliards&e. Tommy wants to know if the backwoods is Titcrsday nail, WANTED. To Let, the published every Morning at S’ 50 a Large stable, 30 stalls. Will be sold at a great bar- following poem, which we read to the year, it paid in at P S PING. Rooms in the House of No. 17 aren’t the lumbar regions? j advauce, S2 oo a year. gain; owuer wishes to retire from business. Applj Boyd street, New Goods suit-editor: ! to D. C. PAGE, Northboro, Mass. IjlOCUconsisting of sitting room, kitchen and two Style Advertising : One ot m>21___tf_ sleeping rooms, Gas and Sebago water, to a small “*"5 inch space, apr23-Cw* — — KNOWN TO ME ONLY. of «. VV. STOC fami with no FOR THU cng.h column, constitutes a K.™ AH, M. W.. to y children. Apply to It is rather cool in a San Francisco to “equate.” BOY to learn Carriage Painting. Apply paper daily livst week: 75 cents per ; \ to aplktf X). F. GERTS. Mine alono is my secret! I hold it .Kb!?lcr BQuare Pliysiei tn and Tor sale. I J\. Z. THOMPSON, JR.. Successor advise a young man to “go West.” insertions, or lee?, SI 00: coutitm- Surgeon. St. Nor over K« otherhtluec J. M. Kimball & Co. 302 and 304 Congress will te l It; apart f,^very day after first week, 50 cents. aO" To Let. & one Congress St., rortland. apr22 dlw_ Spring Slimmer of 1873. From tho woilil and its scoiu I il three insertions or 75 cents; liberal term9, a valuable tract of Timber and _ enfold *i lI^!?are* less, Store on Atlantic near weeK. .sj 50 < Wood lands on Congress St., and An Illinois announces In 00; cents per week after. pp.^sito Hie Park. ON comprising 15,000 acres, situated Horse cars. paper that Edwin the passionate mailSdtf Wanted. ANEW Suitable lor a Shoe Store or IIo lias exorcised hi* clasp of*my heart; special one third additional. the wituiu 90 miles from Port- fancy usual excellent judgment, and Notices, Androscoggin river, and domestic goods or Groeoiies. Booth will “trazodiato” in a In the darkness around it L nder head of 92 00 per squate land. That river and the Grand Trunk SITUATION as a salesman or commercial ApplyPP 1 to S A has selected the certain town. thickchanging “Amusemexts,” CHAS. J. Railway pas* ANDERSON, No. 37 St. Lawrence St. pcsr week; three insertions or less £1 50. SCHUMACHER, through the property; facilities for logging superior traveler, in a Boot and Shoe or estab- Of hatred and terror and A Grocery oi mar*° dlw then gloom Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State and quality and quantity of timber unsurpassjd. lishment, y a man who has had an experience codtf best or An That the world has repaid for inv loving— Press” (which lias a large circulation in every part For further particulars and maps apply to ten years in'I he retail trade. Can give tlio unfortunate calf has been bom in In- of the State) for £1 00 per square for first WM. KRONBERG, Owner. references. Inquire at this Office. To Let. BEST STOCK It hums like a lamp in a tonal'. insertion, FRESCO aprL^tt diana without a tail and is as and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- PAINTER, apr23dlw Nos. 4 and 6 Pine St., N. Y. City. yet all uncon- tion. OFFICES ON EXCHANGE I shont it to blackshadowed Shasta, Wanted. ON®»I1«LET. 9FJHEBE»T scious of the horrors of Address all communications to Enquire of “fly time.” as man Ever Exhibited in this Him. To tho I it low, 5 BOOKKEEPER a young «EO. A. yet City by sagcbnsh whisper ^ PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Dccring Block. FOR SALE, by WHITNEY & CO,. j SITUATONwho understands Double Entry. margin No. Exchange St. I write it in rocks of the cauon, Can furnish references. Address “P.” Till: l John Weston AT S Store in good ASSORTMENT INCLUDES has contracted with Mr. John And it aloud whou thero blow SCSICMAC1IEB BKO HEBS. COUNTRY Gr ocery and Dry Goods apr22dlw* Press Offico. cry a C. BUSINESS aprlO dSmo A Middlesex Co., 1G miles from Boston, with To Let. Merrill to build him a commodious house Fierce storm-winds that shake the strong pinstrses. CARDS! class of customers. good rooms his old To the stars will I lift up my woe. in tho store. Amount of stock about Wanted. r'inii»hcd with board at 110 upon homestead the present summer. Post Office Cumberland cor. of man a chance is offered to Franklin Sts. Tho moon shall pale as slio listens; STBOFI & PORTLAND $1000. To tho right good man in Store and to drive store wagon. grow IlbESIES, do a safe and increasing business. Address YOUNG from 5 to G P. M. COATINGS, none over shall know! Inquire at 175 Middle St., ___tf 1 My secret C. L. HOWARD. adr22 -t A ghost at the West is stealing coal, which Mass. Quiet Board, seems to me very improbable’ Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, apr23dlw WavlanJ, Oi German, French and English is thought to be a better sign than if it stole “All that MACHINEWORKS Laily a home j Boarders Wanted. A °can an.d wi'hi'ig quiet Manufacture, in Straights, Di- ice. said the sub-editor gently “but I daresay it CANAL RANK III II,DING. {formerly c. staples & sox,) House for Sale. Ont«M witl1 board a» No. I or can bo accomodated ?frrrt i,J. ™'1,8aVt 10,0mS four gentlemen from Froe street. One or agonals, Ilair Lines, Basket relieved At that moment our two storied House No. 23 twoZ^^e V, door, his feelings.” Marine, Stationary and [Portable square, dwelling THREEwith board at No. 9 Cotton Street. apr!9*lw " Scntlemsu can be accommodated also. and Diamond Goods, &c ^POXiTLA.1VId, MIC. THEWaterville street; contains twelve finished lan7 The announcement that truth is stranger errand-boy brought in the mail, and we be rooms. This property is plea’santly located and will A. A. BTHOIT. STEAM ENGINES, Wanted. than fiction” is said to to read our letters. “This is an uncon- GEO. F. HOLMES. be sold low to close an estate. A*>plv to depend chiefly upon gin writing a hand. at PAST WM. II. JERRIS, SMART BOY', good Apply STORE TO LET. "GOODS. who tells it. is a man Steam Bleach Boilers and Tanks, Shafting. ,, state of said wo;“bere fcb3_d3m Boilers, Sts. A JAMES & WILLIAMS, genial things” Mill and General of Real Estate Agent, corner Congress and MyrtTo street. Gearing Machinery. Castings d2w apl9eod3t 300 Commercial the Rackleft who wants to bis because we re- GEO. E. COLLINS, and ap22 A sto,re„in Block, corner stop paper iron, brass, composition. Repairing promptly e Ceurch streets—basement ami In this Department, if anywhere, Holding thinks he The Christian Leader declares “that attended to. ffrsi flftnr‘ oi" truly fused to an article of that would ! 8hed aud adaI,tei to jobbing can print his, PHOTOGRAPHIC F'$f*Sevr and Second-hand Engines for sale. Two Xice House Lots for Sale. W A Ts T KT) ar>(lrv goods or other strikers arc, at the best, and wasteful ARTIST, similar trado. clumsy have in a libel a bill for I Ugliest cash prices paid for old Iron. to involve.i;us suit,here’s 31G CONORKS8 on Pine Capt. Geo. Kniglit Apply ALLEN HAINES. methods of STREET, Street, adjoining redressing grievances.” ink,and the hill for those we had last au- 310 Commercial —10x100 on near 54 MAN with the book septlldtf E VE R Y B O L> Y- types Street, ONE feet, and Emery, Spring St., acquainted subscription ________ SUIT Is preparer! to make all the various of f «rd styles x84. Terms favorable. Apply to W. II. Jerris, Real A business to take charge of Maine aud employ The soldier makes a tumn,and a letter that the writcrtliinks Pirturr*, JHednliioii.Ar., from W. If. FESSENDEN. Me. pillow of his knap: ack, stating Rrrubrunt, aprll.f Portland, Estate Agent. others to sell a new book. Must have a small capi- 1IIS ASSORTMENT OF KIr8ou<>hr«l this wo _apr!7-3w* our intellectual calibre * Ncgnlim.