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Frwmwwk 1 1 Tom Brown Inrl PAGE 4 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES .TAN. 25, 1936 CANTOR TURNS FROM MOUSE TO MAN IN 'STRIKE ME PINK' Screen Enjoy WHERE, WHAT, WHEN While We Freeze, Ladies of the Picnic APOLLO ie's "The Widow Prom Monfe Carlo." Edd Battles With Racketeers with Del Rio and Warren Lead Donkey Dolores Head William, at 11:06. 12 55. 2:44. 4 33. 6:22. 8:11 and 10 00. CIRCLE 'Pane and Claw." with Prank Him and Parkyakarkus Through Hectic Mask Worn Buck, at 11. 1:50. 4 40. 7:30 and 10 20. Also. “Another Face.' with Brian Donlevy and PhvlliT Brooks, at 12:40. 3:30 6:20 and 9 10. INDIANA Scenes; Fewer Less Singing by • Captain Blood." with Errol Flvnn 'Bottom' Rath- 'Beauties/ Olivia De HaviUand and Basil bone. at 11:42. 2:10 4 40 . 7:10 and 9:40. — LOEW’S Charlie Chan Still Is Alive THE MOVIES ‘Widow From Monte Carlo’ Mr. Cagney Uses Headgear "Strike Me Pink." with Eddie Can- tor. Parkvakarkas Sallv Ellers and APOLLO — The Widow From Ethel Merman, at 11:28. 1 35. 3 42. Playing at Lyric in at Apollo—Circle Has in Film, ‘A Midsummer and 10:03 Monte Carlo.” Dolores Del Rio . a fl a- vk' . 5.49. 7:56 m LYRIC and Warren William caper Mystery Film. ‘Another Face.’ Night’s Dream.’ "Charlie Chan's Secret.” with through a jolly intrigue story Warner Oland. on the screen at JOHN W. THOMPSON with Louise Fazenda doing her several 11:26. 2:14. 5.02. 7:50 and 10 29 On BY daring feats. The act Is Not only a work of art, but a me- at one vaudeville, work tee. hour of at While Eddie Cantor turns from best talkie as a scandal- billed as the “Three Flames.” chanical masterpiece is the donkey's 1.05. 3:53. 6:41 and 9:29 monger, That little jackass. Uno, OHIO mouse to man, “Strike Me Pink.” smart is by James Cagney CIRCLE “Another Face.” back again' with his master, Red head mask worn "Sanders of the River," with Paul this at Loew’s, Robeson, at 10:58. 212 .5:26 and his picture week Surprisingly good little picture Donohue. This donkey is one of as “Bottom" in “A Midsummer 8:50. Also "The Key." with William goes per- Powell, at 12 33. 3:47 7:01 and comes in like a lamb and out about a gangster who has his vaudeville’s most intelligent Night’s Dream.” The Shakespearan 10:55. like a lion. face changed. and goes to formers. He creates comedy situa- classic is to open Wednesday for a Hollwood In- tions equal to and surpassing many In this one Eddie is a timid little as anew man. engagement Phyllis Brooks, of week’s at Keith's. tailor handy man at a rough- troduces one man-made schemes. mask speaks, wags its and brightest stars. Also kicking top-notch terpsi- The ears and-tumble university. He is the the new His is and breathes. Heidt's Troupe and Claw,” film of chore and he seems to like it. So butt of many practical jokes and “Fang the mask, the work of trek and of what did the audience yesterday. This intricate gets paid whenever the feel Frank Buck’s from a students A bright spot on the program Percy Westmore, was made it. They pan about his he brought back alive. Fair en- real don- like nim comes with Don plastic impression of a Stage of Lennox, night tertainment, with usual shots the stout Zelaya, was Uses Big worship Joyce club who also piano. He makes key’s head. This impression Eddie col- of galloping game. plays the into Ringer, whose pictures a and used as a mold which plaster lects. INDlANA—"Captain Blood.” quite speech against jazz, was Kreisler's “Funeral March” in poured. One of the students, Butch, a Errol Flynn and Olivia De plays A mechanical arrangement Prepares for Sunday a nice jazz tempo arrangement. special Roof dumb half back who is in his sev- Haviland make movie bows in allows the jaws to open and close Then he plays in for was enth year at the school, is loyal to one of the flashiest action “I’m the Mood While Indianapolis in the (above), who seems to be reaching and the serious lady at the right with the weight of Mr. Cagney's Night Appearance. Love” as Mr. Kreisler might have Eddie. Eddie sends for a corre- dramas yet. Guy Kibbee with grip of sub-zero weather, these for a Swedish roll, appears in the is Margaret Callahan, who played chin. The result is said to be un- spondence course, in character beard is expert who written it. film “Another Face,” at the Circle in “Seven Keys To Baldpate.” Horace Heidt’s engagement at the camon the three movie girls went on a sum- cannily life-like. and mastery others. The shouts with glee at bloodshed. The less said about Lynn this week. The blond on the Notice the streamlined picnic The Roof tomorrow night has building of Burno the They don’t mery picnic the other day. Molly problem of breathing was Indiana result is that he attempts to hypno- LOEW’S—“Strike Pink.” revue, better. left (busy with a chicken leg) trailer the girls take on their mechanically. enlargement of the Me to get going solved The one ob- necessitated tize everyone who crosses his path. girl interest of ever seem with their Lamont, brunet in the center is Lucille Ball, a young comer, jaunts. jection Cagney Lacks other act dances, tap so- Mr. made to his stage to accommodate the band's 25 Butch’s mother and her young Goldwyn but brings of Indian and was was so shows, prano singing. mask that it hot he friend, Claribel, come for Butch’s Eddie Cantor in some of his could wear it only half an hour at musicians and entertainers. graduation, and when Butch’s funniest skits. Ethel Merman "ANOTHER FACE” a time. Consequently, frequent rest Mr. Heidt and his company are mother, an amusement shouts in num- Dramatic periods were necessary during film- a dance and show who owns well the song That new menace, Brian Don- Teachers Smooth Path Appear at Ohio to present floor park, hears Eddie’s self mastery gab, bers. Parkyakarkus is there. ing of the picture. at 9 tomorrow be- gets his face in “Anotntr n n program, starting she immediately asks him to LYRlC—“Charlie Chan's Se- levy, lifted Besides Mr. Cagney, the all-star manager of her park. cast Joe night. come cret” on screen. Warner Oland Face” at the Circle, and like no to Hollywood ‘Shipmates includes E. Brown, Dick Film Success in Forever’ on Powell, Jean Muir, Victor With the Heidt ensemble are to jaunts through maze of mys- smart crook, leaves a witness alive Jory, Predecessor “Bumped” Verree Teasdale, Anita Louise. Hugh terious happenings in usual and goes Hollywood, trying be be Alvino Rey, steel guitar olayer; to to Double Week-End Bill. Herbert, Frank McMugh, Mickey At the park Eddie finds that the fashion. New faces in this one. an actor. But like no intelligent Radio Ramblers; Art Thorsen, Many of Outstanding Players Found Early Impetus in Rooney and scores of others. the former manager was “bumped off'’ Herbert Mundin captures show. gangster we ever heard of, he lets who does imitations of Pop Eye the Vaudeville on Lyric stage not most “squealer” The Dick Powell-Ruby Keeler by a group of gangsters who want the likely walk right Teachings of High School, College Sailor; Bob McCoy, bass soloist, a up to par this week. Lee Sims nurse at- Instructors. special, “Shipmates Forever,” and to put slot machines in 'Dream- out of his life. She, the Martens to original Desert plays piano well, as also does tending while his features were Times Special a comedy, “Personal Maid’s Se- Return member of the Donnelly, land," Ma Carson’s park. Ma allows Don Zelaya, pprtly gentleman straightened, proves his undoing. HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 25.—1f you hope for a movie career, Holly- cret,” starring Ruth Song” cast, a male chorus; the no on and Warren sisters, Ernie gambling her grounds. who denounces jazz and plays A Hollywood press agent discov- wood experience shows that you profit from instruction by your high Margaret Lindsay Popular Piano Team Campbell and Passoja, The gangsters use Joyce Lennox it well. Smart little donkey and ers who this new actor really is and school or college dramatic coach. So do not talk when corrected Hull,- are to be who can hit high notes on the trom- back features as a “come-on” for Eddie and he roller skaters are fairly inter- decides to capture all the glory for for failure to say your lines correctly. Hollywood is full of actors and week-end Return engagement of the popu- bone. agrees to permit 150 slot machines esting. himself and his studio. That’s acresseg who. but for their training in high school and colleges at the Ohio. lar British two-piano team of Bart- in the in to “save” under In EAST SIDE park order what makes “Another Face” good. supervision of drama instructors, might never have reached filmdom. “Shipmates lett and Robinson is to be the next Joyce’s life in a situation gang Forever,” attraction, Feb. 9, the And an excellent cast pulls tins For instance, behind careers of— Mr. Martens-Concerts mmm i 4020 E. w York has concocted. a good heroine and Helen Lowell is story out of the fire.
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