Tljdž RdžǗdžǓdžǏDž GǂǓǓdžǕǕ M. O’BǓNJdžǏ, J.C.L. DdžǂDŽǐǏ CljǓNJǔ J. DNJGǓǂDžǐ, M.D. Next Week: 724 CǂǎǑ SǕǓdždžǕ Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ, LǐǖNJǔNJǂǏǂ 70130 Corpus Christi 504.525.4413 Thursday, June 11: ǔǕǑǂǕǓNJDŽnj@ǂǓDŽljǏǐ.ǐǓLj 6pm ~ Solemn High Mass and ǘǘǘ.ǐǍDžǔǕǑǂǕǓNJDŽnjǔ.ǐǓLj outdoor sidewalk procession (no reservations required) St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ HNJǔǕǐǓNJDŽ LǂǏDžǎǂǓnj Sunday, June 14: EǔǕǂǃǍNJǔljdžDž 1851 Normal Mass Schedule St. John the Baptist Masses 9:15am ~ Mass and Benediction with Saturday 4 p.m., Sunday 9:15 a.m. RdžǗ. RǂǏDžǚ RǐǖǙ, CljǂǑǍǂNJǏ First Holy Communion (If you are not friends or family of First 1139 OǓdžǕljǂ CǂǔǕǍdž HǂǍdžǚ BǍǗDž. Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ, LǐǖNJǔNJǂǏǂ 70113 Communicants, please make reservations to attend on our website) WdžǍDŽǐǎdž Ǖǐ ǐǖǓ VNJǔNJǕǐǓǔ SǖǏDžǂǚ, JǖǏdž 7, 2020 Please make St. Patrick’s your spiritual home whenever you are in New Orleans. VǐǍ. LXVI Nǐ. 23 PǂǓNJǔlj Ndžǘǔ UǑDŽǐǎNJǏLj SǑdžDŽNJǂǍ Mǂǔǔdžǔ (LǂǕNJǏ) Requiem June 9, 7:15 a.m. SǕǂLJLJ ǂǏDž CǐǏǕǂDŽǕǔ Corpus Christi June 11, 6:00 p.m. 504.525.4413 External Solemnity of Corpus Christi June 14, 9:15 a.m. Fax: 504.568.1324 Sacred Heart of Jesus June 19, 6:30 p.m. Clergy Most Precious Blood of our Lord July 1, 6:30 p.m. Rev. Fr. Garrett M. O’Brien ~
[email protected], ext. 1004 Requiem July 17, 7:15 a.m. Deacon Chris DiGrado ~
[email protected] Transfiguration of our Lord August 6, 6:30 p.m. Office Manager Mrs. Jan Merington ~
[email protected], ext.