W Hy Read Did 100 Years Leupnttig
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MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1968 PAGE TWENTY ManrhifBtpr lEopuins fipralU A w n g e Dully Net Press Rin For The WeA Ended The Weather Toser Oroup of Second Con Bolton Jsnasry 6, IMS Clear tonight. Low, zero to 10 About Town gregational Church will have a STAR GAXEK* WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES potluck and meeting tomorrow lEupnttig below. Tomorrow mostly sunny. -----------By CLAY R. POLLAN------------ UanchMter Rotary Club will at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. AMit 1 5 ,5 3 4 High in teens and low 20s. MAR. 22 Vour Daily Activity Guide Ralph Conlon W ill Speak Manchester—A City of Village Charm mMt totnorrow at 6:80 p.m. at Michael Keropian, 71 Baldwin 't According to the Stan. Day In...Day Out... the Manchester Country Chib. To develop message for Tuesday, Mrs. Ann T. O na, a former Rd. 4- 5-10-24 At Honor Society Induction (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1968 (ClhMwIfled Advertiahij' on Phce 17) '31-42-74 read words corresporaing to numbers VOL. LX X X V n, NO. 89 PRICE SEVEN CENTS R o t a r y 'FeUowriilp scholar, will j f TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. see speak. Members of the Army- Navy Ralph Conlon, former princl- Kinney of South Methodist on PRESCRIPTIONS Club will meet tonight at 7 p.m. 1 Investigate 31 Own 61 To OCT. 24 i pal and acting superintendent of Church and Mrs. Haiel Lock- at the Holmes Funeral Home, I MAY 21 2 U ie 32 Home 62 Better NOV. .23 Manchester Ctvltan Club will 3- 6-17-19 3 A 33 Take 63 Written Btdton Junior-Senior High School ward of the Bolton church. Mrs. ... resulting in meaningful observe Mr. and Mrs. Clvitan 400 Main St., to pay respects cg/22-28-85-87 4 You 34 Opportunity 64 Are 126-27-3835^ will be the speaker at Induction Janice Owen will lead devotions, Merger Plane Order, Troops Affected to the late John Hutton, a mem 5 May 35 A 65 Statements 48 5 8 6 2 vS ceremonies of the Philip C. to members df the ladles socie- savings to you every day! AnsiSverBery Ntght txjsnonrowat OCMINI 6 Time 36 A ffo ir 66 Get SAOITTARIUI Willie’s Steak House. Dinner ber. 7 Caution 37 Of 67 Make Llguoii ChEtpter of the National Uea of the other three churches No ups and downs In your Prescription 8 An 38 Should 66 Down NOV. 23 Honor Society Wednesday at 11 to be guests at this meeting. will be served at 8 p.m. after a J s j JUNE 22 9 Attroctive 39 It 69 A DEC* 22 oosts—no "dlsooimts” today, "Regidar cocktaU hour at 7. Enter The Permanent Memorial 41-45-51-55 lO Be 40 Pleasant 70 Decision a.m. In the high school gym. St. George’s Notes prices” tomorrow! Seen Good Major Cuts Slated Day committee will meet to 11 Wedding 41 Give 71 Nome This Is the first induction of The' youth discussion group tainment will begin at 9. '61-67-70: l66-76^-! 0 I2 A 42 Worst 72 On the school year. TTiere will be will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. No "reduoed specials”—no “tempoiary night at 7:80 in the Probate CANCSR 13 Forget 43 Turn 73 Due CAPMCOIN icduotloas” on Prescrlptloiis to lure The Women’s Society of Com Court room at the Municipal , JUNE 23 14 Bells 44 A 74 Enemy DEC. 23 a reception for new members at St. George’s Episcopal oostomera! 15 Heart 45 Someone 75 Ploce For Rails munity Baptist Church will Building. ^ JULY 23 JA N . 20 and their parents after the cere Church. There will be a cele For Britain Budget 16 Concerning 46 In 76 Other At the same time, there Is never any meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. llni the 17 To 47 Ooy 77 Number mony. bration of Holy Eucharist at 8 2- 7-16-201 11-14-29-i oompromlse in servloe or quality! NEW YORK (AP) — H m Fellowship Room at the church. John Mather Chapter, Order 1 8 0 r 46 Surprises 78 Future School will close at noon at p.m. EUid the Inquirers’ class LONDON (AP) — In a drive tioning our troops in Germany.” 5^25-63^5 19 Entertoln 49 Over 79 Or <a^73 chief executive officers of the to make Britain solvent. Prime W Qrover Howard, a teacher In the of DeMolay will have a busi 20 Speech 50 For 80 It AQUAMUI the high school and 1 p.m. at wUl nwet at J:80. YOU GET OUR LOWEST ito FerniaylvanUi and New York Minister Harold Wilson an The future of Britain's armed East Hartford School System, ness meeting tonight at 7:30 at JULY 24 21 Someone's 51 Enough 81 Addrfss JA N . 21 the elementary school for cur- Area‘ Youth" Forum will meet PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE 22 Exercise 52 Cooperotion 82 Person's Thursday at 8 p.m. cmd the chil W e D eliver Central Railroads say the U.S. nounced today cancellation of a forces. Wilson said, will then will present an education^ film, Masonic Temple. AUG 23 23 Talk FEB.’ 19 riouhim study by the irtaffs. 53 To 83 Plans dren’s confirmation class Satur YEAR . AND YOU SAVE Supreme Oourt’a railroad merg blllion-dollar order for U.S. F ill "He mainly in Europe.” Britain and lead a discussion after the ,44^47-53-58 24 Your 54 Better 84 Bring Grade Bobool Hearing E veiyw here er approval opens the way for film. Members of the Mary r v 25 And 55 Time 85 Exchange day at 10 a.m. MORE THROUGHOUT THE bombers, and a withdrawal of will still face "the problem of The Ladles Aid of the Luther 2-788889 26 Money 56 And The hearing on the new ele- improvement of rail service in a Oreene Circle will serve as hos 86 Yourself Bulletin Board YEAR . ON ALL YOUR all British armwl forces from the heavy continuing cost in for an Women's Misslonar yLeague VIROO 27 Motters 57 Jot 87 Ideas mets mentairy ocbool has been set for PRESORIPnON NEEDS. vast region of the United States the Far E ^ t and the Persian eign exchange of stationing our tesses for the meeting. 28 And 58 Concentrate 66 Joy FEB . 2 0 ^ Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the high The selectmen will meet to of Zion Evangelical Lutheran 29 Ring 59 Do 89 Desires night at 7:80 in the town offices. and Canada. Gulf by 1971. troops in Germany." Church will meet Wednesday at 30 Lock 60 Oistont 90 Opinion M AR. 21 ^ school. The Boards of Educa Stuart T. Saunders, chairman The Washington School PTA A voter-making session will be TRY US AND SEE Wilson told the House of Com Wilson said informal talks 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room 0 \1 2-15-1832 54-57-6&^^ tion and Finance lutd the Public of the Pennsylvania, and Alfred mons he also plans slashes in will observe its 20th anniversary 5/36-388488 )Good Adverse Neutral 71-77-7Mr held tonight from 6 to 8 in the have already been held in Bonn at the church for a topic dis Building Commission will give E. Perlman, president of the social welfare benefits, cuts in in an effort to persuade the with a potkick supper in the cussion. Mrs. George Magnuson, an lllustyrated presentation on town offices. Central, Issued a Joint state cafeteria, tomorrow at 6:30.p.m. education, housing and road West German government to Mrs. Raymond Miller and Mrs. the new *e!ementary school and The fire department auxllifiry ment hailing Monday's decisioin building, and virtual abeindon- Quest speaker will be Thomas Simboskt, 180 Avery iSt., Wap underwrite the foreign exchange Wolfgang Mueller will be hos Hospital Notes future school building plsuis and will meet t<ml|ht at 8 in the clearing the way for the merger ment of the civil defense pro cost of maintaining Britain’s F. Ferguson, co-publisher of The tesses for the event. ping; Janet Sombric, 97 Ox estimated costs. firehouse. Mrs. Richard Morra of their railroads. gram. When he mentioned an Herald. The meeting will include ford St.; Amt Spoetto, 1 Avon __ forces In the North Atlantic The elementary school PTA and Mra. William Rattazzl are They also took note of im- end to free medical prescrip T r^ ty Organization. a community sing and a penny visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. St.; Harry Stailger, 66 Keeney n ,;;o n i‘~Mh^'dul^ for Wednes- in charge of refreshments Past Matrons of Temple Chap in all areas excepting mater provemonta made posaible by tions, some Laborltes shouted, Spending by local authorities auction. ter, OES, will meet Wednesday S t; Mire. Loretta Staiiklewlcz, canceled, and par- Bolton Homemakers wUl meet nity where they are 2:80 to 4 that part of the decision which "Resign! Resign!" The pres will be cut back. An already an at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 356 Heejther 'Rd., EaHngton; ents E ir e urged to attend the Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the approved Interstate Commerce criptions will now cost 30 cents. nounced increase in family al Members of the VFW Auxili W. S. ’Turklngton of 67 Hamlin p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., and pri Mra.