City with a Mission He San Gabriel Mission District Was Dedicated on July 30, 1 9 9 4

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City with a Mission He San Gabriel Mission District Was Dedicated on July 30, 1 9 9 4 City with a Mission he San Gabriel Mission District was dedicated on July 30, 1 9 9 4 . Our histor- Tical walk is an important component of the Mission Distri c t . We begin our walk where the Los Angeles region began ove r 200 ye a rs ago, at the San Gabriel Mission. The tiles in our historic walk, created by 600 fo u rth grade students at local schools, will lead you to all of the interesting places that tell the story of San Gabriel — the b i rthplace of the Los Angeles Region. Welcome to San Gabriel, a city dedicated to pres e r ving the culture, vision and ideals of our heritage.” Mission life in America reached its fullest development in Califor n i a , and in no other city is this more evi d e n t . When surrounding areas wer e still frontier lands, the Franciscan Fathers wer e engaged in founding a Mission; a Mission that would serve as a major catalyst in the growth of Southern Califor n i a . San Gabriel possesses a multi-faceted background – rich in history, cu l t u r e and beauty.The tone and style of the early Mission City has been sustained by a co m m unity atmosphere of spirit and pride, while pres e r ving it for the benefit and enjoyment of all. Join us on a walking tour to times and places of da ys past. Step into history in the San Gabriel Mission District where the Los Angeles region began over 200 years ago. Fol l o w in the footsteps of the Gabrielino-Tongva Indians and Spanish settlers and enjoy a glimpse of early California life. Delight in our culinary trea t s , and allow us to be you r hosts – discover San Gabriel! (The tile mur al depicted above is located at City Hall.A stylized replica of the fir st known painting of the Mission painted in 1832 by German- born Naturalist Fer dinand Deppe, the mur al was created by local artist George Robles, who also produced the tiles in the historic walk throughout the Mission Distric t . ) He r e, in the vicinity of this park and the Mission San Gabriel, stood the Gabrielino-Tongva town of Sibangna, a community of per- ha ps 150 or more men, women and children . The Gabrielino-Tongva wer e the indige- nous people occupying pres e n t - d a y Los Angeles County and Orange County.Am o n g the most sophisticated, complex and wealthiest people of Southern Califo r n i a ,t h ey included more than 5,000 people inhabiting towns and settlements from the foo t h i l l s to the coast, and beyond to Catalina and the Channel Islands. Excellent hunter-g a t h e r - ers and craftsmen, their seasonal ceremonies and religious beliefs promoted the wel - San fa r e of the community and strengthened its relationships with the supernatural wor l d s . During the 1700s and 1800s, ma n y Gabrielino-Tongva wer e incorporated into mis- sion life.The decline of traditional towns and loss of hunting and gathering area s , for ced the Gabrielino-Tongva to abandon their lifestyle and seek work throughout the reg i o n . The early infrastructure of the Los Angeles reg i o n , including the missions was built with their labor. Despite the dramatic changes in their lifestyle and culture, th e Ga b r i e l i n o - T ongva never left their homeland.Th e y have alwa ys been here.The park is Gabriel dedicated to the Gabrielino-Tongva and their descendents living in the San Gabriel Val l e y. The park expansion fea t u r es replicas of village structures and a dry stream cree k H I S TO R I C A L WA L K bed surrounded by boulders and species of trees and plants used for baske t s ,c l o t h i n g , food and medicine.The picnic area also includes a large concrete compass indicating di r ections that wer e important to the indigenous people. Another unique fea t u r e of the park expansion is the hand-painted 6’x18’ entrance tile mural created by local art i s t , Dixie Giering.The mural fea t u r es historically accurate and educational visuals depicting scenes of Gabrielino-Tongva lifes t y l e , including colorful flora and fauna. (E n j o y the out-of-doors while learning more about the Gabrie l i n o - To n g v a . Visit Smith Park located on Broa d w ay near the Mission Distric t . ) Top Bell: Cast by G. Ho l b r ook of Massachusetts, an app r entice of Paul FIRST BANK BUILDING pleted for the 1927 season, with stage and dressing rooms large enough to Re ver e. Soon after our incorporation as a city in 1913, this building accommodate the cast of 150 for the 4 1/2 hour prod u c t i o n . The exterior is Center row, le f t : The gift of a Russian sea Capt a i n , cast in Russia. was constructed for the Bank of San Gabriel, which was later patterned after the Mission San Antonio De Padua and the interior décor is a Center row, ce n t e r : also cast by G. Ho l b ro o k sold to California Bank. Since 1969, it has been used by the San blend of Spanish, Indian and Mexican influences. In the courty a r d on the north Center row, ri g h t : An “A ve Maria” bell cast in Spain Gabriel Fine Ar ts Association for art shows , wo r k s h o p s ,c l a s s e s , side are replicas of all 21 California Missions. Bottom row, le f t : La Gorda , was orde r ed from Mexico in 1830.A req u e s t and the display of art wo r k .( H o u r s : Tue s - S a t . 12-4 p.m . or by app o i n t m e n t . The Playhouse was acquired by the City in 1945, fulfilling McGroa rt y ’ s wish was filed at the time of the order asking that the bell be loud enough to be Ph o n e : (626) 282-1448) that it belong for ever to the people. He went on to become a two- t e r m he a r d for nine miles, thus reminding Los Angeles of a borrowed bell which they The San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce is located nearby at 620 East Santa Co n g re s s m a n , and was Poet Laureate of California from 1933 until his death in had not ret u r n e d . The bell was returned in 1930. Anita St. (Chamber open M-F 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m . , (626) 576-2525.) 19 4 4 . Bottom row, ri g h t : Second of the “A ve Maria” bells. The theater is now a modern facility that is the home of many outstanding Plaza Park is also the original site of the famous “Mission Play” which was OLD CITY HALL SITE pe r f orming arts grou p s , including the Music Theater of Southern Califor n i a pe r f ormed here in a wo o d - f r a m e d ,t i n - ro o fed building from 1912 through the A . J .C u n e o, the first mayor of San Gabriel, owned a two- s t o r y which has presented successful seasons of the Best of Broa d w a y since 1984. 1926 season. It was then moved to the new building, no w the Mission building on this site that was used for the City offices and jail (F or performance and ticket infor m a t i o n , call (626) 308-2868. For tours, ava i l - Playhouse. after the City was incorporated in 1913. It was later the site of able by app o i n t m e n t , call (626) 308-2865.) Pa n c h i t o ’ s Restaurant from 1956 to 1993. FORMER PLAYHOUSE GIFT SHOP SALCIDO STORE The Padillo Room, or i g i n a l l y the Gift Shop for the Playh o u s e , is No w the San Gabriel Parks & Recreation Dept., this building no w a Recreation Department facility and, along with the Gr ap e vine Room, is continuo u s l y in use for meetings, cl a s s e s , MISSION SAN GABRIEL ARCANGEL dates from 1915 and was the only General Store for miles social functions, and senior citizens’ activities. Founded in 1771, San Gabriel Mission is the 4th mission estab- aro u n d . The Salcido Store served residents of the area with basic necessities – farm implements, cl o t h i n g , and bags and bushels of lished in the Franciscan chain of 21 California Missions. Its bell GRAPEVINE ROOM to wer and outside stairway are ver y differ ent from the other foodstuffs whose aromas scented the whole store. La t e r , the building was used The Grape vine Room was built in recent years on the site of Mi s s i o n s , as is its construction of stone, brick and mortar – as a blacksmith’s shop with an outdoor for g e .
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