Y Cymmrodor " Will Be Issued Under Cover of One of the Numbers of Vol
17. e of tf)£ l^onourablc Sflcittg of Caiumroiroricrn FOR 1890—1. EDITED BY EGERTON PHILLIMORE. CONTENTS, V.\GE 1. The True Objects of Welsh Archteology. By J. W. Wili,is-Bukd, F.S.A. (with Notes by the Editor) 103 2. The Publication of Welsh Historical Records. By the Editor . 133 3. The Crofter System of the Western Isles of Scotland, and the Callernish Stoues of Lewis. By A. N. Palmer . .176 4. Henry Vaughan of Scethrog. By P. T. Palgeave . 190 5. The Proposed Umversity for Wales. By Principal T, F. Roberts 224 PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BV GILBERT & RIVINGTON, Limited, ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.G. THE J&onoiirnI)lf i^ofiftK of CKmmrolJ0nan. President. The Most Hon. The MARquESs of Bdte, K.T, Cottncil, Stephen Evans, J.P. {Chairman}. IsAMBARD Owen, M.D., M.A. Hugh Edwards. Egerton Phillimobe, M.A. E. Vincent Evans, Professo» John Rhys, M.A. William Evans. Professor T. W. Rhts-Davids> Ellis Griffith, M.A., LL.B. LL.D. J. Mild Griffith. Professor Frederick T- Roberts, R. Henry Jenkins. M.D., B.Sc. Maior-Geu. R, Owen Jones, R.E., H. Lloyb-Roberts. C.B. R. Arthur Roberts. David Lewis. Richard Roberts, B.A. Owen Lewis (Oivain Dyfed), 1). Lleuver Thomas, B.A. Howel W. Lloyd, M.A. Howel Thomas. Lewis Morris, M.A,, J.P. John Thomas (Pencerdd Gwalia), Alfred Nutt. W. Cave Thomas, F S.S. Edwar© Owen. Professor John Williams, M.D. ' Henry Owen, B.e.L.(Oxon.), T. Howell Williams, F.C.S. F.S.A.
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