Felix Issue 044, 1953
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3 VERY fmiot IMPERIAL COLLEGE J3 NOVEM8ER 1963 DR.LOGAN REASSURES particularly touchy about anytning purely techno-'] Commemoration Day, October 29th, dawned cold logical, the general feeling being tha$ lt does 1 and gray oyer I.C. It was obvious from the extra- not have the makings of a full University (Aoeord- ordinary number of people wearing suits that some- ing to him, teaohing modern languages to first- thing was on. Also from the early orowds for year science students is not exactly popular in lunoh. The order of procession remained unaltered the teaching circles; in fact, it is rumoured but its direction was reversed due to the traffic that even the Maths lecturers in Engineering diversion along Prince Consort Road, and when at faculties are not completely happy about their last it started to move, we noticed a large body jobs.). So, a new technological University was of quiet R.C.S. students leading, a very small out. After this, the ehoioe of I.C. was almost body of Miners throwing fireworks following and a inevitable. The plans are now almost completely large group of noisy Guildsraen. Then followed drawn up, and rapid expansion on and near the the magnlfioent gowns and oaps, moving solemnly existing site is due. Dr. Logan then expressed and graciously. his satisfaction at seeing the oo-Operation Boreen Goodway presenting a bouquet to the Dr. Logan and C. Kirkpatric, the Student "visitor's lady. Orator, making their speeches. An excellent R.C.M. orchestra and a fan-fare between I.C. and other London Colleges - L.S.E. in welcomed the guests into the Great Hall. The new particular - concerned mainly with Arts. It is fellows. Diplomat** and Associates were presented the only method by which the few shortcomings of a la the traditional manner, and then the guest of scattered University can be overcome, and he hoped honour, Dr. B.W.Logan, Prinoipal of the University that this idea will be pursued furthen. He of London, was Introduced. finished his speech by expressing his good wishes for "I.C. and promising it full support on behalf Dr. Logan reviewed the relations of I.C. and of the University. Dr. Logan's speech was short, the Universiterslty over the years. For several years clear and-to the point. It was punctuated by after 1907, when I.C. became a Sohool of the several excellent and appropriate quotations from University, they remained, Dr, Logan, said, strained t- the Classics, on which he is an authority. When the University migrated to Bloomsbury and we were no longer neighbours, they began to improve, The Rector, Sir Roderio Hill, thanked till now they are almost oordial. One clear sign Dr. Logan for coming htre and giving Us an is the faet that our Reotor is also the Tioe- •excellent address. He also thanked the Heads Chaneellor of the University. Dr. Logan then of other Colleges and members of the Guilds of dwelled on the proposed large-scale expansion gt 'London that were present. The procession then I.C. The expansion, with emphasis on the techno- moved out to the conversazione in the main R.C.S. logical side, was decided upon after great deli- building. .Exhibits were also arranged in the beration. Ho other technical College in the"*"* Huxley building; the tea for students that was country was so well suited and well equipped for supposed to be there was suddenly transferred to that purpose as I.C. To start a completely new the Upper Dining Hall, to the great dismay and University devoted exclusively to technology pre- oonstemation of many a hopeful student. sents many difficulties: the cities have no suit- able spaces left; the countryside means going to In the evening, the Union was full, and it great expense in new buildings, starting from was great to see so many old faces turning up scratch. Also, a well established institution again in the good old building. To those who naturally attracts better talent - both students feel that Commemoration Day is stuffy and a waste and staff - than a uranu-uew one, however good the of time, this one would have been - if only they latter -night be. Staff, Dr. Logan said, was had cared to attend it - an eye-opener, the Ball that was to foLlow next night . that is"another story. COMMEMOMTION BALL The Commemoration Ball was held this year at the Royal ART Festival Hall. Only 746 members of I.G. and their friends attended, to the disappointment of the "ntertainments Committee) The Art Exhibition arranged in the ICWA who had estimated the presence of 750. This deficiency of 4 Lounge is an extremely interesting one. Many resulted in the floor being comfortably full instead of will not believe that . t is the wort of science overcrowded. That there were always so many people dancing students and staff. includes a great number of sturt in part be attributed to the excellent music of Geraldos of landscapes in all media, some arohitedtural ath»s«y orchestra but also to the fantastically high charges -studies and various other paintings. It also has for drinks - and the even more fantastic charges for corkage' a very Modern sculpture. A full preview whioh .. — which discouraged people from just sitting and drinking, we had ready to go in could not be put in for *a# drinking and talking .. less expansive diversion lack of spaoe, but do go and see this really from dsooing wea eating and enjoying the view over the river good effort. It closes today. Our review will • fTora"'Insiae ( the Festival Hall), a in the next FELIX. 1" FIRE BREAKS OUT* PROFILE Bonfire night this year saw I.C. breaking off into two main groups: one supporting the official Hop a t Harlington and the other going • off with a portable bonfire to another destina- tion. Harlington was ready to receive the five double-decker loads with a fully decorated hall, fireworks thrown by local kids and a very loud loudspeaker playing music. Many- arrived by cars, motorcycles and bus, making a crowd of 300 plus. Just as the crowd inside was getting to be too much, the bonfire was announced and started. It had the I.C.W.A. <5 Guy on top and ourned merrily for a long time, while the crowd gathered round it, threw and dodged fireworks. Then the fireworks display began just as the fog started to come down. ''It might be fog now," said someone, "but by Consternation, Not a single nomination the time we leave it'll be smog." The display for Geology represen tative on the R.C.S. was extremely good, entertained and suffocated Contai ttee. The Pre sident, looking in his the crowd and gave many a free hair-singe. top hat of office fo half the world like a Then ba ok to the pavilion for more danc- cross between Archie Andrews and Bing Crosby, ing, drinks and coffee. Why the music should surveys the Union .Me eting benevolently, have been turned on full blast in the other "Till any geologists present please stand up?" room beat me. It made speech quite impossible ne says. The House rustles uneasily, und a there, leaving the drinkers speechless. Thank solitary man rises, Mr. Anderson looks'at goodness it wasn't the same in the bar Itself. ai.a and smiles. "I declare you elected," Many bangers went off on the floor, some of he says. them being thrown in by the people outside. At one stage a battle of rockets raged between J in Anderson comes from Tyneside, where two rival groups, but it was soon abandoned as men are footballers and where every married too wasteful and too dangerous. woman is the centre of a loyal family. The country near his home is strong and inhospitable, were to start coming back at 10.30, and tne people make up for it by being the most Out took a long time to fill up. The transport friendly and patriotic in the world. Anyone this year was fully adequate, though we shudder who has seen the extraordinarily personal way to think what would have happened if the other in which Newcastle worships its football team rag had been cancelled. will understand Jim Anderson's attitude to football. He is I.C. Soccer Captain, and he The Other Half• would rather die than fail to turn up for a game, or be unsportsmanlike. The celebrations at I.C. began at mid-day with the conclusion of the rag meeting. Members of the R.C.S Inter- Tyneside lingers in his speech, though planetary society invaded the tennis courts in full regalia the seductive ease of the Southern tongue has and with full equipment to leave this world - in one way or made its mark on him. Nevertheless, it is another. After several small rockets had been sent up to related that, on his visit to Finland for the warn the moon of its intended arrival, a large rocket was set off. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the moon) there Olympic Games (and $ox some vacation work on a was a difference of opinion inside the rocket as to which timber camp), he was once regaling a crowd of way it was going with the result that flaming missiles came Finnish students with "Blaydon Races" when a out in all directions. Londoner, recognising the tune, asked his Due to the poor organisation of the rag ooimittee, about. Finnish interpreter to ask Jim what the words 100 of I.C. gathered at Bedford College, which had been meant in English.