Vol. 22 (2), 2015 Published twice per year by the Bernoulli Society ISSN 1360-6727 Contents News from the Bernoulli A VIEW FROM THE PRESIDENT Society p. 2 Prizes, Awards and Special Lectures p. 3 New Executive Members of the Bernoulli Society p. 4 Articles and Letters The Development of Modern Mathematics in Mongolia p. 6 Past Conferences, Sara van de Geer receives the Bernoulli Book from Wilfrid Kendall during the General MeetinGs and Workshops Assembly of the Bernoulli Society ISI World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. p. 11 Dear Bernoulli Society Members, ForthcominG Conferences, MeetinGs and Workshops, It is an immense honour for me to write here as new president of the Bernoulli Society. The baton was handed over to me by Wilfrid Kendall, now our past-president, at the ISI World and Calendar of Events Statistics Congress in Rio de Janeiro. I am extremely grateful to Wilfrid for his perfect p. 17 handling of Bernoulli matters in the past two years. My thanks also goes to Ed Waymire, now past past-president. These two wise men helped me through president-electancy and I hope to be able to approximate their standards. Let me welcome Susan Murphy as our new president- elect. I am very much looking forward to work with Susan, with Wilfrid and with the Editor executive committee, council, standing committees and all of you as active Bernoulli Miguel de Carvalho supporters. The new members of council are Arup Bose, Valerie Isham, Victor Rivero, Akira Faculty oF Mathematics Sakai, Lorenzo Zambotti, and Johanna Ziegel. PUC, Chile To meet them, see elsewhere in this issue! Contact Looking at the famous Bernoulli book where pages are reserved for presidents to put their
[email protected] signature, one sees there is one name standing much more to the right of the page (see __________________________________________ www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/history).