4 Wolfgang Taucher - Mathias Vogl - Peter Webinger THE KURDS History - Religion - Language - Politics Wolfgang Taucher - Mathias Vogl - Peter Webinger THE KURDS History - Religion - Language - Politics Imprint Published by Wolfgang Taucher Mathias Vogl Peter Webinger Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior Herrengasse 7 / 1010 Vienna / Austria
[email protected] Editors Alexander Schahbasi Thomas Schrott Editorial Team Stefanie Rieder Sarah Kratschmayr Layout Martin Angel Print Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior Disclaimer The content of this publication was researched and edited with utmost care. Liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of contents cannot be incurred. The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, the publishers, the editors, authors and individuals involved in the publication do not assume any liability for possible damages or consequences arising from the usage, application or dissemination of the contents offered. The responsibility for the correctness of information provided by third parties lies with respective publishers and thus excludes liability by the publishers of this volume. The articles in this publication reflect the opinions and views of the authors and do not represent positions of the publishers or the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior. Articles by the Country of Origin Information Unit of the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum adhere to the scientific standards as defined by the advisory board of the Country of Origin Information Unit and are based on the quoted sources. The publication does not claim completeness and does not provide conclusions for the assessment of any individual asylum application. The publication is furthermore not to be seen as a political statement by the Country of Origin Information Unit or the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum.