WhiteHatWannabee @HatWannabee

8 Nov 19 • 52 tweets • HatWannabee/status/1192779317597614081

1) Birds of a feather... you know the saying...

They CLAIM to fight child trafficking, but do they REALLY? 

In this thread, we are going to take a look at some who are HIGHLY suspect! http://www.slaveryfreeworld.org/congressman-erik- paulsen-holds-an-anti-trafficking-roundtable-in-dc/

2) We will work backwards through this list as some of these organizations were outed long ago.

The #McCain Institute had a terrible track record! At the very least, "McCain Institute Caught Stealing Millions In Child Trafficking Donations"

McCain Institute Steals Millions In Child Trafficking Donations Th M C i I tit t l i it i t t fi ht h t ffi ki b t d it illi The McCain Institute claims it exists to fight human trafficking, but despite millions in donations none was spent on human trafficking.


3) It is widely believed that the McCains were involved in trafficking in AZ. Here is Cindy McCain sporting her pedo swirl, as well as the tell tale medical boot that suggests she has an ankle monitor. McStain abandoned his first wife to marry into this major crime family.

4) John Kasich was famously filmed admitting that McStain was "put to death" while Meghan McCain's comment "you can't kill him again" was also captured, verifying that the penalty for his Crimes Against Humanity was indeed, severe. 5) Moving on to the next known criminal enterprise, in Q drop 1830, we were advised: Clinton Foundation Linked to National Human Trafficking Hotline

COUNTLESS organizations used this number, most notably, the Polaris Project which is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative

6) We even discovered an organization that distributed the phone number to hotels and events surrounding the Super Bowl; America's event that has the highest incidents of human trafficking. Distribution of the Clinton controlled # assured that any escapees would get recaptured 7) This brings us to 's involvement with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC). For a thorough explanation, we turn to @CoreyDigs

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking? | coreysdigs.… The question on everyone's mind - are Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking? Review evidence and relationships with convicted pedophiles.


8) Rights4Girls is a project of the Tides Foundation

"Tides has grown into the leading platform for laundering away ties between wealthy donors and the radical causes they fund"

Drummond Pike, architect of this org, has close ties to George Soros Tides’ Legal Laundering: Who is Drummond Pike? America's Investigative


9) Drummond Pike and the Tides Foundation assisted George Soros in his attempt to destroy Rupert Murdoch and .

George Soros’ War Against Fox News: Target UK? Even though Glenn Beck has a tremendous following, Soros and his henchmen managed to drive advertisers away from the 5:00 pm (ET) slot, even though the ratings for Glenn Beck’s program were h…


10) In 2008, Pike anonymously donated $1 million to ACORN after Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN's founder Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,607.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations. Many articles speak of ACORNs fraud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drummond_Pike

11) While Thorn is not listed in the article at the beginning of the thread, understanding that Ashton Kutcher was heavily involved with McCain's trafficking efforts will become important further on.

Ashton Kutcher Co-Founder of Thorn, Ashton Kutcher is an actor, entrepreneur, tech investor and philanthropist – focused on using technology to effect positive changes in the world. The goal of Thorn: Digital Defen…

https://www.mccaininstitute.org/staff/ashton-kutcher/ Thorn, Digital Defenders of Children Project: Spotlight Partner: Thorn, Digital Defenders of Children “63% of child sex trafficking survivors were advertised online at some point during their trafficking situation.” – Thorn Exploitation…


12) This brings us to Uber. Look who they list as partners!

The McCain Institute, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Polaris, and Thorn. https://www.uber.com/newsroom/fighting-human-trafficking/

13) Connected to this nefarious bunch is Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R). There are some rather troubling facts and connections associated with the founder, Timothy Ballard. The org has locations in UT (Mormons) and CA (high tech)

Operation Underground Railroad


14) Ballard was CIA and a U.S. Special Agent and undercover operator with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security between 2001-2013.

This overlaps with Hillary Clinton's time as United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

15) By now, most realize that the Clintons have been devastating to Haiti. Corey has many articles about the Clintons and Haiti.

Clintons' Haitian Black Magic Secret | coreysdigs.com wrote about his voodoo experience in Haiti in his book, but what he didn't talk about was his and Hillary Clinton's Haitian black magic.

https://www.coreysdigs.com/haiti/clintons-haitian-black-magic-secret/ 16) This article speaks of #LauraSilsby who was arrested for trying to smuggle children out of #Haiti and the Clinton's intervention. It also mentions that there were nine others who were with her, but NOT arrested. Immunity as govt employees perhaps?

Hillary Violated State Department Policy to Get Con…


17) "As a member of the Internet Crimes against Children Taskforce and the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team, Ballard helped infiltrate and dismantle dozens of trafficking orgs that kidnapped children and forced them into the sex slave industry” Did he? With #HRC so close? 類

18) It is notable that they both left in 2013, and it's odd that O.U.R. was founded soon after and the first mission was in Haiti. In addition, in this article, we are now seeing a connection to UT and the Mormons Search for Haitian boy rescues hundreds of children from human traffi… On Super Bowl Sunday, many Americans were having parties, eating hot wings and watching the big game. But a local nonprofit organization that fights human trafficking spent that weekend in Haiti in a…


19) The Mormons are a 'department' of the #illuminati. With every day that passes we are seeing more situations that involve this group.


Is the Mormon Church Behind a Worldwide Child Sex Trafficking Ring … The second episode of the Medical Kidnap Show aired on KFNX 1100 Radio in Phoenix on October 10, 2019. Host Rick Wood and producer Brian Shilhavy started off the show discussing how most of the natio…


21) Tim Ballard happens to be a Mormon. mormonwiki.com/Tim_Ballard

22) Glenn Beck also happens to be a Mormon. He now acts as the promotional arm for O.U.R. When Billy Graham acknowledged Glenn Beck as a Mormon and Chris… In a 2014 interview shared on the day Billy Graham died, Glenn Beck recalled hearing the evangelist preacher acknowledge him as a Mormon and Christian.


23) A note about Billy Graham

24) Another Mormon involved in Human Trafficking is Paul Petersen. He had some interesting connections...

Elected Arizona Official Paul Petersen Busted Selling Babies To Morm… Human Trafficking - Mormon Style: Elected Arizona official Paul Petersen, a Mormon, has been charged with bribing and deceiving pregnant women from the Marshall Islands into giving up their children …

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2019/10/elected-arizona-… 25) In Feb 2017, Ashton Kutcher gave a dramatic PERFORMANCE (remember, he's an actor) in front of Congress. Keep in mind his association with the criminal McCain Institute, and realize that O.U.R. promotes his drama http://ourrescue.org/blog/ashton-kutcher-tears-up-as-he-urges-senate-to-fight-sex- slavery/

26) Another nefarious connection to O.U.R. is Tony Robbins https://m.facebook.com/story.php? story_fbid=230843514273184&id=111783969059&_rdr

27) http://ourrescue.org/blog/tony-robbins-teams-up-with-o-u-r-to-fight-the-good- fight/

28) Tony has run into some trouble as of late https://wewitchesthree.com/tony- robbins-nxivm-predators-exposed-in-the-self-help-community-metoo/


Tony Robbins Is A Major Jerk (And Other Reasons You Should Follow … Tony Robbins’ approach is nothing new. The most successful cult leaders, revivalists, revolutionaries, and business gurus in history have been using it for ages.


30) "Tony Robbins perfectly fits the CIA archetype the Agency uses to influence pop culture: a loner who was plucked from obscurity, no formal education beyond high school, charismatic, beautiful, charming, a bit creepy, and just too good to be true." The Psychosexual Misdeeds of Tony Robbins: Who Is Really To Blame? All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. For more than four decades, Tony Robbins got away with inappropriate behavior with his fans and members of his staff, and he was w…


31) Glenn Beck is actually quite involved as he partnered with Ballard for the Nazarene Fund

O.U.R.'s Tim Ballard partners with Glenn Beck's The Nazarene Fund to … Timothy Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, and Glenn Beck, founder of Mercury One's The Nazarene Fund, announced a new partnership Monday with the goal to earn $25 million to save mo…


32) Beck's Mercury One logo sure looks like Saturn... (Saturn and the Black Cube are worshipped by the Cabal) https://mercuryone.org/nazarene%20fund/

33) Mercury One sends future leaders, pastors and others to Israel for training...  類 Passages Israel - Leadership Training Program Partnership Mercury One, in partnership with Passages Israel, is proud to offer Christian college students a once in a lifetime leadership training program. Learn More.


34) It seems that Glenn Beck has been involved with the Clinton Foundation. This article discusses varying opinions about the validity of this document

Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Paid Glenn Beck & Bill Kristol To Supp… A bombshell of a document popped up on the Internet yesterday — a page allegedly from the Clinton Foundation Confidential Accounts Payable Invoice for the month of October, which lists Glenn Beck and…

https://americatalks.com/politics/bombshell-clinton-foundation-paid-glenn-beck-bill-krist… 35) This tweet may be extremely relevant here

Majestic 12 @TS_SCI_MAJIC12

Previously "Never Trumper" now covers stories in a "pro-Trump" light RE Epstein&Co. Why? Damage Control. Trust the untrustables. They showed you their true colors. Are you going to fall for their tricks again? Clowns. Clowns. Clowns. ??|??|??|GB|MR|BS|??|??|?? Enjoy the show!

471 3:07 PM - Nov 7, 2019

244 people are talking about this

36) A major sponsor of O.U.R. is Asea Global. This company operates in many areas of high human trafficking such as Thailand. Its corporate headquarters are in UT, home of the MLM companies https://aseaimpact.com/blog/tag/operation- underground-railroad/

37) There are a few things that make me pause. The founder, Verdis Norton, hailed from Kraft Foods, one of the companies known to use fetal cells in their food. https://www.redoxsignalingwater.com/company/management-team

38) http://www.thenatemaxproject.com/2017/03/19/list-of-companies-using-fetal- cells-from-aborted-babies-to-flavour-products/

39) The description of Asea's products

40) Reminds me of this. Maybe I'm just paranoid. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-01-17/startup-offers- young-blood-transfusions-to-rejuvenate-the-body

41) Trouble is, my paranoia is not tempered when we consider the theory of these images; that there is a cache of kids underground in Moab, UT

42) Anyhow.... wrapping up the commentary on the article at the beginning of this thread, the last org Foundation for a Slavery Free World received an award from Obama. We've seen similar before... #ChildTrafficking #ClintonFoundation #McCainInstitute #AshtonKutcher #Thorn

43) The moral of this thread is you should never take what a charitable organization claims it does at face value. Quite often it does the exact opposite. We've seen time and again that the very limited efforts that are on the up and up are often a cover for extreme evil. 

44) Question EVERYTHING. Look for connections to known problematic (or even CONVICTED) people and orgs. If the effort is said to be in the best interest of children, assume there are extreme misdeeds afoot until proven otherwise. Many are INVOLVED in #ChildTrafficking @threadreaderapp unroll

14a) INTERESTING timeline.... 類 #EpsteinCoverup #ClintonFoundation #Haiti

14b) State Department Press Release

#AMBERAlert #LauraSilsby There are 45 tweets to this thread, but it seems that when I added these three extras, it messed up the order. Make sure you find the rest of it! Good stuff!

Tiffany FitzHenry @Tiff_FitzHenry

Tony Robbins Accused Of Sexually Assaulting High Schooler

Eleven women have now accused Tony Robbins of sexual misconduct over three decades – including now, a minor.

The new allegation are corroborated by dozens of others, eyewitnesses & evidence buzzfeednews.com/article/katiej…

Tony Robbins Has Been Accused Of Sexually Assaulting A Hi… The self-help megastar arrived at the summer camp as a star guest. He left with one accuser, two eyewitnesses, and dozens of others buzzfeednews.com

1,971 7:56 PM - Nov 23, 2019

1 620 people are talking about this 1,620 people are talking about this

Oops! Looks like our hunch was correct!

Uber co-founder and former CEO to resign from company’s board - Na… Travis Kalanick recently sold more than $2.5 billion worth of shares in the company, more than 90 per cent of his holdings.



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