Quenby Wilcox Founder - Global Expats www.global-xpats.com [email protected]

Senator John McCain 218 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Tel: (202) 224-2235

February 5, 2017

Dear Senator McCain,

I am contacting you due to my concerns about the future of the United States of America, under the Administration of Donald Trump. If President Trump does not fulfill his promises to “Drain the Swamp” and transform his rhetoric1 to, reality then the USA will descend into Civil War, and I quote from his Inaugural Address,

“fix our inner cities” and “rebuild our infrastructure” so it's “second to none,” as well as giving every American the “opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential — the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He also promised to "finally take care of our great veterans,” and said he will “harness the creative talents of our people and will call upon our best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It's gonna happen.”

I returned to DC in 2009, right after former President Obama entered into Office. Everyone at the time believed in ‘magic wand’ solutions. The past 8 years has shown that ‘magic wands’ do not exist, and why Donald Trump won the elections with a promise to “Drain the Swamp.” If everyone in “The Swamp” had been doing as I instructed in my correspondence in the past 8 years, “The Swamp’ would have been “drained” a very long time ago. I originally moved to DC in ’81, determined to forge a career in politics, in the international arena. After 5 years on Capitol Hill, and 2 years in the financial markets after my graduation from George Washington University (GWU), I left DC, as well as the USA, disgusted with all of the cocaine-snorting, hedonism of the ‘American Dream.’ Ever since, and during my 20 years of expatriation from the USA, I have been challenging the ‘Fractured American Fairy-tale American Dream;’ explained in my blog, Fractured Fairytale Deb vs. Deb of the Decade: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 282,

Please find attached my correspondence to newly appointed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson regarding the problems and issues American expatriates face—noting at present that there are 7 million Americans living abroad. American consulates around the world are, and have been, criminally negligent in their failure to assist Americans living abroad who have been victims of crimes (approximately 650,000), and re-victimized by corrupt and negligent judicial systems. If the State Department had been doing its JOB

1 http://theweek.com/speedreads/678218/democratic-party-does-not-need-prioritize-new-leadership-says-house- democratic-leader-nancy-pelosi 2 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fractured-fairytale-deb-vs-decade-observations-cso-rep-quenby-wilcox?trk=mp- reader-card

1 under former Secretary of State Kerry and Clinton, the USA would not be faced with the dire straits it is in at present.

I grew up in Arizona, and my mother, Doris Ann Wilcox, has long had ties with the Republican Party, and is a friend of one of your campaign managers during the 2008 Presidential Elections, Mike Hellon. While you were battling it out with former President Obama for your bid for Presidency, I was fighting for my and my children’s rights, and lives, in Spain. Amnesty International Spain estimated that I had ¼ of 1% chance of survival in 2008—thanks to the elevated level of criminal negligence of consulates in Spain to protect and defend the rights of foreigners, and victim of domestic violence residing in the country. My children are still trapped there, and I fear one of my sons might commit suicide, with me powerless to protect him. If he dies, 3 American Ambassadors (Aguirre, Solomont, and Costos) along with Consular agents will be accessory to his death, and under the Spanish penal code guilty of crimes against humanity. Instead of covering-up for the elevated level of corruption in Spanish courts, and revictimization of victims of domestic violence as they are currently guilty of, the American Consulate in Madrid has the opportunity to combat violence against women and children in Spain. However, due to political expediency, and criminal negligence of State Department employees, they choose not to do so.

In 2008, I asked my mother to use her connections in your campaign to assist me in getting the American Embassy in Madrid to do its JOB. But, she told me “McCain is running for President, he won’t want to become involved.” While I would go to the ends of the earth for my children (and have in the past decade) my narcissistic, psychopathic mother would not lift a finger for any of her children, or grandchildren. If your campaign had taken an interest in my case, and assured that the American Consulate in Spain had done its JOB; then you very well might have won the Election in 2008. of New Jersey got lots of media coverage and political goodwill for intervening in the Goldman child abduction case3 in Brazil.

Thanks to the American government, and corrupt courts in Spain, not only have I been unable to protect and nurture my children for the past 9 years, my ex-husband has been at liberty to money-launder for his mafia family’s human-trafficking business. The McCain Institute in Washington is a perfect example of the ‘window-dressing’ initiatives that permeate the “Swamp.” One of the issues it covers is human trafficking. Think tanks, and governments, instead of combating human-trafficking, are instead covering-up all evidence of its existence. See my activism website, www.warondomesticterrorism.com. My ex-husband is one of the ‘crash-n-burn’ bankers responsible for the continual financial collapses and economic crises. He ‘crashed-n-burned’ as Director of Treasury of Banco Ganadero in Colombia in 2002, a subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), where he was employed for 25 years.

I am one of the TRUE LEADERS in Washington at present, but cannot even get an entry level job. As the 1st head-hunter I met with in 2009 told me “I am going to have a hard time finding you a job, because anyone who interviews you will be afraid that in 6-months you will have their job.” And, time and time again that has been my problem in “re-insertion” in the work-force as a “deposed, trophy-wife.” If everyone in “The Swamp” who have been trying to exploit and silence me in the past 8 years were heeding my words4; then the USA would not be facing a situation, that if not confronted with draconian action will culminate in a Civil War, and a blood-bath like the world has never seen. See my Linkedin profile5. One of the many jobs I have applied for is with the think tank ‘New America’6 whose annual

3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldman_child_abduction_case 4 https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/0_2X0uYNqjBuvShozj2ituGL?trk=prof-sm 5 https://www.linkedin.com/in/quenby-wilcox-73923024?trk=hp-identity-name 6 https://www.newamerica.org/

2 budget is $25 million with 150 employees. The research and rhetoric of that think tank is the same I as mine, which I have produced with no funding and no employees. The $25 million, plus billions of dollars more being spent by think tanks in Washington to further enrich, the rich and powerful, to espouse more empty rhetoric; are a perfect example of faulty resource allocation in Washington and the USA.

My family tree goes back to Thomas Wilcox, co-author of the ‘Puritan Manifesto,’ 1572, and is one of the early documents of the Puritan movement—which gave genesis to the modern human rights movement. My family tree also includes John Dickinson (Penman of the Revolution) and John Paul Jones from the American Revolution, and Winston Churchill, on top of my grand-father, who was the first white man to successfully defend a black man (1910). It was his first case after graduating from law school, and Congressman Taylor7 (AL), was so impressed with his argumentation that he brought my grand-father to Washington where he served as a spy before and during WWI. Additionally, my father8 (William C. Wilcox, MD) is world re-known for his pioneer work in the treatment of thrombosis; but a victim of my mother who suffers from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.

After I left the USA, in ’88, I moved to Europe, and ended up as a “trailing-spouse” and “stay-at-home- mom,” with NO regrets to having left the ‘Rat-Race.’ However, I never gave up my dedication or desire to enter into public service, and promote democratic principle and good governance in the communities I serve. One of the reasons you lost your bid for Presidency in 2008 was because your running-mate, Sarah Palin was a “loose cannon,” who does not think before opening her mouth—like Donald Trump, whose attacks on you during his campaign were disgusting and ‘low-class.’ The ‘Tea-party’ movement, as well as ‘Occupy Wall Street’ were unsuccessful because they lacked an ideological and political platform, as well as leadership and direction. In all of my rhetoric and ‘contentious correspondence’ to public authorities in the past decade, not only have I produced the ideological base, but also the political platform the ‘Tea party movement’ and ‘Occupy Wall Street’ lack the previous time around

Financial markets are on the brink of collapse due to the failure of policy-makers to have successfully addressed the underlying problems in the aftermath of 2008 financial crisis. However, this time around, not only do the disgruntled citizens have a uniform ideological base, but they also have a LEADER who understand why they are so Angry at those in “The Swamp.” On your Wikipedia profile it quotes you saying, “if I sound angry, it is because I am angry!,” and it is time that EVERYONE starts getting angry. Washington, DC at present is filled with Stepford wives who only know how to bow-n-scrap to whoever is in power at the moment. Affirmative action, along with an alpha, narcissistic western feminist movement, are in large part responsible for the enormous inefficient bureaucratic mess that “The Swamp” is at present, with minority women, and their quest for power, and ladder-grappling, at the top of the heap.

I know you were a supporter of Reaganomics and his trickle-down theory of economics. However, as time has shown, Reaganomics has only served to concentrate money into hands of a wealthy elite who are hoarding money in off-shore accounts ($21-32 trillion) while gluttoning markets with luxury and semi- luxury goods and services. One of the greatest problems within the business community is faulty resource allocations. The US economy, as well as global economies, need to focus on producing goods and services for the middle and lower classes, rather than for the upper-classes. My start-up company, Global Expats9 (which would be producing around 3000 jobs in Arizona if Mike Hellon had taken an interest, in 2013 when I contacted him about seed funding) is dedicated to serving the 7 million Americans (and 300 million expats globally) that reside abroad. Everyone in the global mobility industry agrees that my project is brilliant. Additionally, the web platform/business model I was creating in 2006 is currently generating $1+ billion/year—as I predicted and found in my market research of the time. However, since

7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Taylor_(politician) 8 https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-curits-wilcox-29197911a 9 http://warondomesticterrorism.com/www-global-xpats-com/

3 the business community is a closed network of ‘ol white, grey-haired men, who are building-bankruptcies at rates of 70-90% (with Donald Trump a perfect example); the project is still in its infancy. One of the reasons my divorce war with my ex-husband started was that he told me if I did not stop working on Global Expats10 he would take my children, all my assets and throw me on the street with nothing.

Not only have I researched and prepared a case for the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination of Women (CEDAW), which challenges the 2nd jurisprudence of Violence Against Women (VAW) as human rights violations Gonzalez Carreño vs. Spain11, 2014; but I have also researched and prepared a case against the American government challenging their defense in the 1st jurisprudence of VAW as human rights violations, Gonzales (Lenahan) vs. USA,12 2011. The Spanish government’s defense in Gonzalez Carreño vs. Spain13 was judicial error and a failure to exhaust domestic remedies. What I have demonstrated in the past 9 years is that “judicial errors” are not errors, but rather intentional manipulations of greedy, misogynistic lawyers.

In 1970 the American Bar Association published the Clark Report, which exposed that 70% of lawyers were deficient in filing motions, arguing cases, and understanding the law. Since then, not only has nothing been done to address the problems, but law schools have flooded the market with greedy lawyers who are unscrupulously filing superficial and malicious litigation, targeting the marginalized and defenseless. To make matters worse for victims, is that the NGOs who should be combating the problem, defending citizens, and their rights, are filled with incompetent PhDs whose only concern is advancing their careers, as well as cashing their pay-checks and pensions. In the 1st jurisprudence of VAW as human rights violations, Gonzales (Lenahan) vs. USA14, 2011, the American government’s defense was that the US federal government did not have “jurisdiction” over their states, and their judicial branch—basically nullifying the raison d’etre of the US government and its Constitution. As long as the US government continues to claim that they do not have ‘jurisdiction’ and ‘legal responsibility’ for it lower courts, I will continue to called for its dissolution, and creation of a new government under a new Constitution using the Spanish Constitution (1978) and civil and penal codes as a model. The Spanish legal system is EXEMPLARY. Unfortunately, the Spanish lawyers do not know how to use it, any better than the American lawyers know how to use their Constitution and laws. If executive and legislative branches continue to renege on their obligation to oversee the judicial branch, and racial targeting continues to escalate, the civil unrest in the USA will terminate in a blood-bath.

Global Expats15 is modelled after the Federation of American Women’s Club Overseas (FAWCO), but transforms the model into a revenue-generating enterprise which remunerates all of its employees. FAWCO was created in 1931, and since the ‘80s other countries and organizations have copied the model to assist their expatriated constituency. However, these ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ are no more successful in fulfilling their missions than FAWCO, which attracts less than 1% of the American expat population to its membership. Unfortunately, board members of these clubs are all too often more attracted to getting their photo taken with the Ambassador’s wife, and Embassy officials than assisting and serving their constituency.

10 http://warondomesticterrorism.com/www-global-xpats-com/ 11 http://www2.womenslinkworldwide.org/wlw/new.php?modo=detalle_proyectos&dc=62&lang=en 12 http://www.law.columbia.edu/human-rights-institute/inter-american-human-rights-system/jessica-gonzales-v- us 13 http://www2.womenslinkworldwide.org/wlw/new.php?modo=detalle_proyectos&dc=62&lang=en 14 http://www.law.columbia.edu/human-rights-institute/inter-american-human-rights-system/jessica-gonzales-v- us 15 http://warondomesticterrorism.com/www-global-xpats-com/


One of the greatest problems social mobility between classes produces is that the nouveau riche (women and men) have not been educated to take leadership roles in governance. Children of upper, and upper- middle classes are indoctrinated from birth that “with privilege comes responsibility.” Not only have I been “primped and primed” from birth as to the “social graces” of society by my social-climbing, manipulative mother—attending exclusive boarding schools in England and the USA. But, I have also been taught by my father16, with his words as much as his actions, that honor, integrity, transparency, accountability, and good governance is not accomplished through empty rhetoric, and more empty rhetoric, but rather through hard-work, and dedication to serving our communities.

The American social model is no longer the ‘American Dream,’ but rather a ‘Fractured Fairy-tale,’ which will degrade into a Civil War if the American government continues to play ostrich to the MANY problems the American people face. If everyone in the State Department, White House, and Congress had been doing as I instructed in my correspondences during the past 8 years (see right-side bar on www.warondomesticterrorism.com) “The Swamp” would have been “Drained” long ago; and the world would not be facing yet another financial collapse, and ‘The Great Depression.’ Once again millions of people will be losing homes and jobs. However, this time it is imperative that all of the bankers, financiers, economists, policy-makers, and other ‘experts’ who are the motor behind the continual crash- n-burn economies be held accountable for decades of negligence and stupidity. The abusive and autocratic forces that I have been fighting for the past decade are the same that many in my family tree have been fighting since the 16th century and the early Puritan movement (see my blog, Economic Stability, the Puritan Manifesto and the Two Mr. Penns – Part 1,17

If the American government wishes to avoid a blood-bath, with Afro-American men who have been victimized and re-victimized in the New Jim Crow18, raping and pillage those in Washington suburbs (Chevy Chase, Bethesda, McLean, Potomac, etc.); they will stop playing ostrich with ‘window-dressing’ of think tanks, Dupont Circle NGOs, and IMF, World Bank, State Department and White House initiatives. If the McCain Institute (and other think tanks) really wish to ‘Enlighten’ the world and encourage LEADERSHIP; they will give me a VOICE instead of trying silence me. See my blog A Global Voice for Women: the Right to Be Heard19 (2014). A downloadable version of this correspondence is available on the link20.


Quenby Wilcox

16 https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-curits-wilcox-29197911a 17 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/economic-stability-puritan-manifesto-two-mr-penns-part-quenby- wilcox?trk=mp-author-card 18 http://newjimcrow.com/ 19 http://news.trust.org/item/20140515175041-nae3m/ 20 http://warondomesticterrorism.com/category/0-trump-administration/