MINISTER'S ORDERS ...... 1150 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 1150

MINISTER'S APPROVALS ...... 1152 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 1152 The Planning and Development Act, 1983 ...... 1152

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES 1152 The Co-operatives Act, 1989 ...... 1152 The Business Corporations Act ...... 1153 The Business Names Registration Act ...... 1158 The Non-profit Corporations Act ...... , ...... 1167

PUBLIC NOTICES ...... 1167 The Change of Name Act ...... 1167 Highway Traffic Board ...... 1168 The Tax Enforcement Act ...... 1174



PART II Correcting Notice ...... 237 . Land Lease-back Regulations ...... 237 The Big Game Open Seasons Regulations, 1992 ...... 254 The Medical Care Insurance Beneficiary and Administration Amendment Regulations, 1992 (No. 4) ...... 265 The Jury Amendment Regulations, 1992 (No. 2) ...... 266 The Saskatchewan Farm Security Amendment Regulations, 1992 (No. 2) . . 267 1150 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

SPECIAL DAYS 1 The horizontal wells shall not be subject to the provisions of MRO 72/87 PO 19. The following month has been designated by the 2 The horizontal wells shall be produced Premier of Saskatchewan as: according to Good Production Practice. "Quality Month" in Saskatchewan - October, Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. 1992.

TATAGWAWEST MIDALE BEDS POOL - The following week has been designated by the HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT Premier of Saskatchewan as: "National Family Week" in Saskatchewan - MRO 294/92. The application submitted by Lat­ October 5 - 11, 1992. eral Vector Resources Ltd., on behalf of A & A Oil Co. Ltd. to conduct a horizontal well project in the Tatagwa West Midale Beds Pool is approved pur­ suant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conserva­ ACTS PROCLAIMED tion Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete one well with The following proclamations have been issued two horizontal sections in the Midale Beds under­ that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: lying the north half of Section 1-6-16 W2M, in accordance with plans and specifications filed The Freedom of Information and Protection of with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu­ Privacy Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.F-22.01. Proclaimed ment No. H.W. 173 and subject to the following in force effective April 1, 1992. provision: The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corpora­ tions Amendment Act, 1990, S.S. 1990-91, c.20. 1 The maximum allowable rate of production Proclaimed in force effective February 17, 1992. for the horizontal well shall be determined accord­ ing to the provisions of MRO 260/91. The Leafcutting Beekeepers Registration Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.L-9.001. Proclaimed in force effec­ Dated at Regina, Sask., September 8, 1992. tive June 1, 1992. The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 1991, S.S. 1991, c.6. Proclaimed in force effective May CEYLON BAKKEN SAND POOL - l 15, 1992. HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT The Police Act, 1990, S.S. 1990-91, c.P-15.01. MODIFICATION Proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1992. The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act, MRO 295/92. The application submitted by Pan­ 1992, S.S. 1992, c.37. Section 18 proclaimed in Canadian Petroleum Limited to modify the hori­ force effective August 14, 1992. zontal well project in the Ceylon Bakken Sand Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The *The Saskatchewan Medical Care Insur­ Oil and Gas Conservation Act. ance Amendment Act, 1992, S.S. 1992, c.75. Proclaimed in force effective September 8, 1992. Permission is granted to extend the horizontal The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiolo­ section into legal subdivision 10-10-6-19 W2M, in gists Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.S-56.2. Proclaimed in accordance with plans and specifications filed force effective May 31, 1992. with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu­ ment No. H.W. 153 and subject to the provisions * A proclamation appearing in this list for included in Minister's Order MRO 194/92 dated the first time is indicated in bold print. June 24, 1992. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 8, 1992. MINISTER'S ORDERS PARKMAN TILSTON-SOURIS VALLEY BEDS The Oil and Gas Conservation Act POOL - HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT MRO 29 6/92. The application submitted by Encor Energy Corporation Inc. to conduct a hori­ ELSWICK MIDALE BEDS POOL - zontal well project in the Parkman Tilston-Souris HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT Valley Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permis­ MRO 29 3/92. The application submitted by sion is granted to construct the facilities and to Canadian Roxy Petroleum Ltd. to conduct a hori­ drill and complete one well with a horizontal zontal will project in the Elswick Midale Beds section in the Tilston-Souris Valley Beds underly­ Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The ing the south-west quarter of Section 22-9-33 Oil and Gas Conservation Act. WlM, in accordance with plans and specifications Permission is granted to construct the facilities filed with the Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as and to drill and complete two wells with horizon­ Document No. H.W. 174 and subject to the follow­ tal sections in the Midale Beds underlying the ing provisions: south-half of Section 4-5-12 W2M, the north-east 1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the quarter of Section 32 and the north-west quarter provisions of MRO 51/84 PO 6. of Section 33-4-12 W2M, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan 2 The horizontal well shall be produced accord­ Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 172 and ing to Good Production Practice. J subject to the following provisions: Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1151

CANTAL FROBISHER-ALIDA BEDS POOL - an approved radioactivity log from total depth to HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT EXPANSION smfacecasing shoe for each well drilled. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 8, 1992. MRO 297 /92. The application submitted by Poco Petroleums Ltd. to expand the horizontal well project in the Canta! Frobisher-Alida Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and TATAGWA WEST MIDALE BEDS POOL Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete MRO 301/92 PB 27. Pursuant to section 17 of one well with a horizontal section in the The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the following Frobisher-Alida Beds underlying the north-west area is designated and identifiedas an oil and gas quarter of Section 20-5-33 WlM in accordance pool named the "Tatagwa West Midale Beds with plans and specifications filed with Saskat­ Pool", effectiveSeptember 1, 1992. chewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. Lands in Township 6, in Range 16, West of the 163 and subject to the following provisions: Second Meridian: 1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the the south-west, the north-west and north-east provisions of MRO 220/88 PO 48. quarters of Section 1, the south-east and north­ 2 The horizontal well shall be produced accord­ east quarters of Section 2, the south-east quarter ing to good production practice. of Section 11, the south-east and south-west quar­ ters of Section 12. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 8, 1992.

NOTTINGHAM NORTH TILSTON BEDS POOL - GOOD PRODUCTION PRACTICE NORTH PREMIER UPPER SHAUNAVON POOL - WATERFLOOD EXPANSION MRO 298/92. Pursuant to subsection 17(1) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, permission is MRO 302/92. The application submitted by granted to Serenpet Inc. to produce the horizontal Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation to con­ wells: duct a waterflood expansion in the North Premier Upper Shaunavon Pool is approved pursuant to Serenpet Lakewood Nttngham N RE HZ section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. 04-24-05-24-6-32 Permission is granted to construct the facilities Serenpet Lakewood Nttngham N HZ and to recomplete the well SaskOil N Premier 13- B8-23-All-24-6-32 12-15-19 as a pressure maintenance water injec­ according to Good Production Practice, effective tion well, in accordance with plans and lJ August 1, 1992. specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. P.M. 523 and subject Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. to the following conditions: 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field representative of Saskatchewan Energy TATAGWA WEST MIDALE BEDS POOL and Mines prior to commencement of water injec­ tion and subsequent to any modification to such MRO 300/92 PO 30. Pursuant to section 17 of installations. The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the following provisions shall apply to the drilling of, and the 2 Annual progress reports shall be submitted production of oil and gas from, vertical oil wells in to the Engineering Services Branch of Saskat­ the Tatagwa West Midale Beds Pool effective Sep­ chewn Energy and Mines. tember 1, 1992. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. 1 The drainage unit shall be comprised of two legal subdivisions in a Section grouped as follows: Legal subdivisions 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 PARKMAN TILSTON SOURIS VALLEY BEDS and 8; 9 and 10; 11 and 12; 13 and 14; 15 and 16. POOL - OFF-TARGET WELL 2 Within a drainage unit, the sides of the target MRO 303/92 A36. Pemoco Ltd. has submitted area shall be one hundred metres from and paral­ an application to drill an off-target well because lel to the corresponding sides of the odd numbered the on-target well is abandoned. A replacement legal subdivision. well was drilled within the drainage unit and is 3 If a well is not completed within the target non-productive. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil area, the minister may reduce the area used as a and Gas Conservation Act, permission is granted factor in determining the MARP. to drill an off-target well to be located in legal 4(a) For the first well drilled in each Section the subdivision 6 of Section 3, in Township 9, in operator shall submit samples of the interval Range 33, West of the first Meridian. from the top of the Second White Specks to total Dated at Regina, Sask., September 3, 1992. depth. (b) For all subsequent wells drilled in each Section the operator shall submit samples of the PARKMAN TILSTON - SOURIS VALEY interval from the top of the Paleozoic strata to BEDS POOL - HORIZONTAL WELL total depth if such wells are intended to be MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATE OF drilled down to or below the top of the Bakken Formation. PRODUCTION 5 As a minimum requirement, the operator MRO 307 /92 PO 34. Pursuant to subsection shall run a resistivity log and either a sonic log or 17(1) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act and in l 1152 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE accordance with the provisions of MRO 260/91, CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES dated September 3, 1991, the horizontal well: Upton URG Parkman HZ A10-34-A9-34-8-33 shall be subject to a maximum allowable rate of The Co-operatives Act, 1989 production effective September 1, 1992, notwith­ standing the provisions contained in Minister's Order MRO 235/92 dated August 6, 1992. CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION Dated at Regina, Sask., September 9, 1992. Name: Cardinal Extended Care Co-operative Date ofIncorporation: July 27, 1992 Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director, Registered Office: 141 Campion Cres., Petroleum and Natural Gas Division, Saskatoon Saskatchewan Energy and Mines. Main Type of Business or Activity: child care services

MINISTER'S APPROVALS Name: Pelly Small Business Loans Co-operative Ltd. Date ofIncorporation: August 5, 1992 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act Registered Office: Pelly Main Type of Business or Activity: Sedco Loan Association NOTICE OF TERMINATION - HATTON GAS UNIT O.C. 592/59. The Department of Energy and CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Mines has granted ministerial approval to termi­ Name: Xcan Grain Pool Ltd. nate the plan ofunit operation for all lands previ­ ously included in the Hatton Gas Unit of Date ofRegistration: August 10, 1992 Southwest Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Oil and Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man. Gas Corporation was the sole unit owner and Head Office: 1200-201 Portage Ave., operator. The termination is provided under the Main Type of Business or Activity: revised clause 1901, of the unit plan (O.C. 765/92) manufacturing, producing, processing, refining and is effective September 1, 1992. and canning of grains, seeds and livestock.

The Planning and Development Act, 1983 CO-OPERATIVE RESTORED TO THE l REGISTER Approval of an amendment to the City of Name: The To mpkins Community Ska.ting Rink Saslwtoon's Development Plan Co-operative Pursuant to The Pla.nning and Development Date of Restoral: August 4, 1992 J· - Act, 1983, notice is given of the Ministerial Registered Office: Sask. approval of Bylaw No. 7255 which amends the City of Saskatoon's Development Plan. The Bylaw amends the policy guidelines on the DCD2 NOTICES OF STRIKE-OFF district. Dated at Regina, Sask., September 4, 1992. Name: Churchbridge Co-operative Association Limited Frank Bogdasavich, Deputy Minister of Date: August 5, 1992 Community Services. Jurisdiction: Sask.

Name: Liberty Memorial Hall Co-operative AMENDMENT TO R.M. OF Date: August 5, 1992 MEADOW LAKE NO. 588 Jurisdiction: Sask. Pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 1983, public notice is hereby given of the Name: Tanta.llon Memorial Recreational Minister's approval of Bylaw 2/92 of the Rural Co-operative Limited Municipality of Meadow Lake No. 588, to amend the R.M. ofMeadow Lake No. 588 Basic Planning Date: June 5, 1992 Statement. Jurisdiction: Sask. The intent is to provide policy for the subdivi­ sion oflesser sized sites (less than 64 hectares) in Name: Zenon Park Economic Development the Agricultural Residential District for farm Co-operative debt restructuring and settlement, farmland con­ solidation, estate settlement, and purchase of Date: August 5, 1992 Crown lease land. Jurisdiction: Sask. Dated at Regina, September 9, 1991. Bill Reader, Monte Curle, Deputy Minister. Deputy Registrar ofCo-operatives. SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1153

The Business Co,porations Act Name: Creative Marheting Group Inc. Date oflncorporation: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 608 28th St. W., Saskatoon CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION Main Type of Business: advertising, graphics, Name: B.R.A. T Investments Ltd. illustration, desktop publishing, etc. Date of Incorporation: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 202-1960 Albert St., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company Name: Earing Enterprises Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Mailing Address: 14 Albany Cres., Saskatoon Name: BB's Software Shoppe Inc. Main Type of Business: marketing various items Date oflncorporation: August 11, 1992 Mailing Address: 2506 Dewdney Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: computer software Name: Falcon Collection and Investigations Inc. Date of Incorporation: August 12, 1992 Name: Blach's Sport Centre (Swift Current) Ltd. Mailing Address: 845 Broad St., Regina Main Type of Business: collection, Date of Incorporation: August 28, 1992 investigations and franchising Mailing Address: 60 Central Ave. N., Swift Current Main Type of Business: retail sporting goods Name: Far West Marheting Inc. store Date oflncorporation: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 304-229 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon Name: Bonric Enterprises Inc. Main Type of Business: holding company Date oflncorporation: August 28, 1992 Mailing Address: 206A-3929 8th St. E., Saskatoon Name: Flint Holdings Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding company Date of Incorporation: August 28, 1992 Mailing Address: 700-122 1st Ave. S., Saskatoon Name: Bouchard Bros. Holdings Inc. Main Type of Business: investment/holding company Date oflncorporation: August 25, 1992 lI Mailing Address: 2034 Reynolds St., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company Name: Haigh Financial Group Inc. Date oflncorporation: August 13, 1992 Name: Broadway Automotive Inc. Mailing Address: 202-2255 13th Ave. Regina Date oflncorporation: August 17, 1992 Main Type of Business: financial/investment Mailing Address: 10 Dunning Cres., Saskatoon advisement group Main Type of Business: confectionary and gas, complete automotive services Name: Haigh Holdings Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 13, 1992 Name: Carl's Used Tire Shop Ltd. Mailing Address: 202-2255 13th Ave., Regina Date oflncorporation: August 7, 1992 Main Type of Business: financial/investment Mailing Address: 304-229 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon advisement group Main Type of Business: sale of used tires Name: Heartland Agro Services Ltd. Name: Cecelia's Home Care #1 Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 27, 1992 Date oflncorporation: August 14, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 157, Moose Jaw Mailing Address: 1211-1215 Garnet St., Regina Main Type of Business: sale of bulk petroleum, Main Type of Business: home care supplies and products, ag fertilizers, etc.

Name: Cepta Holdings Inc. Name: Johnson Eng FamilyRestaurant Ltd. Date oflncorporation: August 12, 1992 Date of Incorporation: August 26, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 752, Lanigan Mailing Address: 300-533 Victoria Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: restamant

Name: Cornerstone Consulting Incorporated Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Name: Kannata Ridge Golf Resort Ltd. Mailing Address: 687 Washington Dr., Weyburn Date of Incorporation: August 14, 1992 Main Type of Business: co-ordinate job Mailing Address: Box 203, Silton strategy products for government Main Type of Business: golf course 1154 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: M & L Consulting Ltd. Mailing Address: 1771 Wallace St., Regina Date of Incorporation: August 14, 1992 Main Type of Business: operate a hotel Mailing Address: 3547 Pederson Cres., Regina Main Type of Business: consulting in financial management, train/educate in management Name: Trace Variety Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: 133 Columbia Dr., Saskatoon Name: Munchies Convenience Store Inc. Main Type of Business: confectionery store Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Mailing Address: R.R. 5, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: convenience store Name: TTM Technologies Inc. Date of Incorporation: August 13, 1992 Name: Nu-West Construction Products Inc. Mailing Address: 11 Golf View Cres., Kindersley Date of Incorporation: August 27, 1992 Main Type of Business: instrumentation and Mailing Address: 510-128 4th Ave. 8., Saskatoon sales of electronic equipment Main Type of Business: construction products distribution Name: Unique Dry Cleaners & Laundry Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Name: Porter Property Management Corp. Mailing Address: Box 363, Melville Date of Incorporation: August 12, 1992 Main Type of Business: dry cleaners and Mailing Address: 106 Plainsview Dr., Regina laundry Main Type of Business: property management

Name: The Valley Hockey School (1992) Inc. Name: E. Ratti Transport Inc. Date of Incorporation: August 14, 1992 Date of Incorporation: August 14, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1354, Regina Mailing Address: 1026 Dorothy St., Regina Main Type of Business: hockey school Main Type of Business: transportation of l property Name: Xpress Electronics Inc. Name: Remaur Developments Inc. Date of Incorporation: August 13, 1992 Date of Incorporation: August 27, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 961, Lanigan Mailing Address: 200-110 11th St. E., Main Type of Business: sales and repair of Prince Albert electronic items Main Type of Business: developer of real estate Name: 601264 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: Richmond Heights Development Corp Date of Incorporation: August 11, 1992 Date oflncorporation: August 17, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1037 Mailing Address: 700-2103 11th Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: construction and development Name: 601267 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: Second Impressions Clothing Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 12, 1992 Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 905, North Battleford Mailing Address: 13-7 Assiniboine Dr., Main Type of Business: holding company Saskatoon Main Type of Business: 2nd Hand Designer Clothing Name: 601268 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date oflncorporation: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 905, North Battleford Name: Stirr Enterprises Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding company Date of Incorporation: August 25, 1992 Mailing Address: 2170 Abbott St., Regina Main Type of Business: rental of apartments Name: 601274 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date oflncorporation: August 21, 1992 Name: Tanner Enterprises Ltd. Mailing Address: Box 820, Yorkton Date of Incorporation: August 17, 1992 Main Type of Business: holding company J Mailing Address: Box 338, Aberdeen Main Type of Business: coffee shop and food Name: 601282 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: August 26, 1992 Name: Touchwood Holdings Inc. Mailing Address: 1100 1st Ave. E., Prince Albert Date of Incorporation: August 24, 1992 Main Type of Business: holding company SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1155

Name: 601318 Saskatchewan Ltd. Head or Registered Office: Unit B, 6541 103 St., Date ofIncorporation: August 31, 1992 , Alta. Mailing Address: 1215 B Halifax St., Regina Main Type ofBusiness: retail sales of video games and computer software and hardware Main Type ofBusiness: holding company

Name: 337664 Alberta Ltd. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Name: ADAC Laboratories Canada Limited/Les Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Laboratoires ADAC Canada Limitee Head or Registered Office: Box 1678, Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Wainwright, Alta. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Main Type ofBusiness: retail sales and rentals Head or Registered Office: 26th Floor, 700 West and leasing Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C. Main Type ofBusiness: sales and service of medical diagnostic equipment CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION Name of Amalgamated Corporation: GMC Name: Agra Metals Inc. Holdings Ltd. Name of Amalgamating Corporations: GMC Date ofRegistration: August 17, 1992 Holdings Ltd., 598298 Saskatchewan Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man. Date ofAmalgamation: August 31, 1992 Head or Registered Office: Box 608, Brandon, Registered Office: 700-2103 11th Ave., Regina Man. Main Type of Business: holding company (real Main Type ofBusiness: manufacturer of metal estate) products

Name: E & D Services Corp. Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Greenland Fertilizers Ltd. Date ofRegistration: August 17, 1992 1 Name ofAmalgamating Corporations: Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont. Greenland Fertilizers Ltd., Greenland Head or Registered Office: 4810 Dufferin St., Fertilizers (St. Briex) Ltd. Downsview, Ont. Date of Amalgamation: September 1, 1992 l Main Type ofBusiness: provision of labour Registered Office: 417 Main St., Melfort personnel Main Type ofBusiness: chemicals & fertilizers

Name: Hoek Construction Ltd. Name ofAmalgamated Corporation: STN Date ofRegistration: August 14, 1992 Television Network Incorporated Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man. Name ofAmalgamating Corporations: Head or Registered Office: 2500-360 Main St., Shamrock Television System Inc., CFQC-TV Winnipeg, Man. Limited, STN Television Network Incorporated Main Type ofBusiness: construction company Date of Amalgamation: September 1, 1992 Registered Office: 216 First Ave. N., Saskatoon Main Type ofBusiness: television network Name: Roadmaster Leisure Inc. Date of Registration: August 25, 1992 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont. CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT Head or Registered Office: 6040 Progress St., Niagara Falls, Ont. Name: Tenmac Uranium Limited Main Type ofBusiness: distribution oflighting Date of Amendment: August 26, 1992 products, garden tools, and leisure goods Nature ofAmendment: changed name to Denison Uranium Limited Name: Street Level Clothing Company Limited Date of Registration: August 17, 1992 Name: 599465 Saskatchewan Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment: August 27, 1992 Head or Registered Office: Box 459, Cornwall, Nature of Amendment: changed name to Ont. GMC Holdings Ltd. Main Type ofBusiness: ladies', men's and children's casual wear CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (1991) Name: T & P Video Games & Computers Canada Ltd. Name: Norene Shoes Inc. J Date of Registration: July 22, 1992 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Sask. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date ofRestoral: August 31, 1992 1156 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

CORPORATIONS STRUCK OFF THE Name: Jurisdiction: REGISTER PURSUANT TO CLAUSE 290(1)(a) Bremner Electrical Ltd. Sask. (August 31, 1992) Brenton Capital Video Inc. B.C. Name: Jurisdiction: Bridgestone/Firestone Canada 173141 Canada Ltd. Canada Inc. Ont. 306688 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Bulk Carriers Company Ltd. Ont. 307898 Sashatchewan Ltd. Sask. Burdette's Limited Sask. 309329 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Sask. BVR Enterprises Limited Man. 310833 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Sask. C & J Enterprises Ltd. Sask. 380074 Alberta Ltd. Alta. C.D.D. Mechanical Services Sask. 43384 Sashatchewan C01p. Sask. Limited 4th Ave. Martinizing Ltd. Sask. Cadet Holdings Ltd. Sask. Sask. Cammac Management Services 573551 Saskatchewan Ltd. Inc. Sask. Sask. 573774 Sashatchewan Ltd. Campbell Trottier Consulting Inc. Sask. Sask. 589817 Sashatchewan Ltd. Canadian Heritage Goldsmiths 590026 Sashatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Canada 593444 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. CanAmerica Investment Fund 593496 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Inc. Sask. 593504 Sashatchewan Ltd. Sask. Carles Investments Ltd. Sask. 593528 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Cascade Fertiliziers Ltd. Alta. 593554 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Century 21 Tom Johns Limited Alta. 593590 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Chennene's Shoes Ltd. Sask. 593607 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Sask. Cimber Holdings Inc. Sask. 593710 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Circumpolar Holdings Ltd. Sask. 593711 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Clarh Transport Ltd. Sask. 596850 Sashatchewan Ltd. Sask. Comstar Distributors Inc. Sask. 596906 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Sask. Concept-2 Consultants Ltd. Sask. 72474 Manitoba Limited Man. Consumertrack Research 90817 Canada Inc. Canada Co,poration Canada A & F Drive-In Theatre Ltd. Sask. Craebar Holdings Ltd. Sask. AG. Transport Ltd. Sask. Cravings - Specialty Foods Ltd. Sask. A.H. Cunningham Sales Ltd. Sask. Creative Image Ltd. Sask. Aberpiel Holdings Ltd. Sask. CTK Developments Ltd. Sask. Action Sanitary Services Ltd. Sask. Custom Electric (Sask.) Ltd. Sask. Advance Building Construction Custom Electric Ltd. Alta. Ltd. Sask. Cutting Edge Management Ltd. Sask. Agritech Trading Company (USA) Ind. Cypress Investment Group Inc. Sask. Al's Tree Service Ltd. Sask. D & D Enterprises Co. Ltd. Sask. Allied Import Export Services Ltd. Sask. D & S Homes Ltd. Sask. Amed Enterprises Ltd. Sask. D.P. Ganje Holdings Ltd. Sask. Angell Air Ltd. Sask. D.R.P. Welding Co. Ltd. Sask. Annaperce Holdings Ltd. Sask. Dalwta Masonry Construction Aphetow House Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Arneson Construction Ltd. Sask. Del's Trucking & Fencing Arneson Farms Ltd. Sask. Supplies Ltd. Sask. ArnoldF Dales Ltd. Sask. Deltronics Inc. Sask. Audette Farms Ltd. Sask. Deluxe Cmpet Care Ltd. Sask. Avatar Promotions Ltd. Sask. Den-Mark Holdings Ltd. Sask. Deringa HoneyLtd. Sask. B. C. Pacific Capital Co,poration B.C. Dial Telecom Ltd. Sask. Baaco Pizza Systems Ltd. Canada Diversified Financial Services Inc. Sask. Bahrey Holdings Ltd. Sask. Dovetail Business Services Inc. Canada Berg Aviators Incorporated Sask. Betts Holdings Ltd. Sask. E.M.A. Properties Ltd. Sask. Birhs Jewellers Canada Ltd.!Les Eighth & Acadia Investments Ltd. Sask. Joailliers Birks Canada Ltee Canada Electro Metrics Limited Sask. Birmar Restaurants Inc. Sask. EMR Services Ltd. Sask. Bluegrass Holdings Ltd. Sask. Envirokem Products Inc. Sask. Bo Rox Oil Ltd. Sask. Eugene's Transport Ltd. B.C. Bomar Management Ltd. Sask. F & G. Bachhoe Ltd. Sask. Bredna Holdings Ltd. Sask. FC. Royho Investments Inc. Sask. SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1157

Name: Jurisdiction: Name: Jurisdiction: Fidyk Holdings Ltd. Sask. Lenius Electric 1983 Ltd. Sask. Finishing Touch Accesso,y LGS Group Inc. - Groupe LGS Franchises Ltd. Sask. Inc. Que. First City Capital (1987) Ltd. B.C. Life Extension Inc. Alta. Food Port Ltd. Sask. Machrele Manufacturing Fox's Jazz Fitness Inc. Sask. Incorporated Sask. Framemasters Galle1y Inc. Sask. Major Management Ltd. Sask. Frank's Audio-TV.Repair Ltd. Sask. Mak III Holdings Ltd. Sask. Fre Composites Inc. Canada Marie's Loungerie & Bath G & U Enterprises Company Boutique Inc. Sask. Limited Sask. Marlatt Holdings Ltd. Sask. Garner Enterprises Inc. Sask. Masada Petroleum Ltd. Alta. Garth Murphy Productions Inc. Sask. MCT Micro Computer Training Gerspacher Feeds Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Sask. Getto Production Inc. Sask. Miles Management Ltd. Gold-Miller Resources Ltd. Sask. Millennium Consulting Ltd. Sask. Ont. Moose Jaw Union Centre Great West Energy Ltd. Building Limited Sask. Greenwood Farm Equipment Ltd. Sask. Movers Overload Inc. Ont. Greenwood Instrumentation Ltd. Sask. MTC Micro Training Centre Ltd. Sask. Grenfell Home Supply Ltd. Sask. N. Hydamacka Trucking Ltd. Sask. Guardian Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Network Auto Brokers & Auto Guyson Holdings Incorporated Sask. Transport Prince Albert Co. Ltd. Sask. H.A. Metal Recycling Ltd. Sask. New Beginnings Counselling H.D. Towing Ltd. Sask. Services Inc. Sask. Habco Industries Ltd. Sask. New Noble Distributors Inc. Alta. Hansen's Wood'n Specialties Inc. Sask. 0. K. Eavestroughing Ltd. Sask. Happy Cheong Restaurant Ltd. Sask. Oahridge Industries Ltd. Sask. Harris Construction Ltd. Sask. Oliver X-Ray!Management Ltd. Sask. Harvey's Transport Ltd. Sask. Omega Research Ltd. Sask. Heather Holdings Inc. Sask. Ostrander Investments Ltd. Sask. Hebda Mag Inc. Canada Panatlas Energy Inc. Ont. Herizen Builders Ltd. Sask. Par-El Holdings Ltd. Sask. Ile a la Crosse Young Paradise Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Entrepreneurs Loans Paraseal of Canada Inc. Sask. Corporation Sask. Imperial Gold Resources Park Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Corporation Sask. Parkland Management Ltd. Sask. Ink Masters Incorporated Sask. Pellettieri Holdings Ltd. Sask. Inpro Management Company Ltd. Sask. Ferret's Insurance Agency Ltd. Sask. lnterpro Contractors Ltd. B.C. Phazer Farm Implements Inc. Sask. JJ Boychuh & Associates Inc. Sask. Prospect Trucking Inc. Sask. JK. Matthews & Co. Ltd. Alta. Provincial Window & Door Ltd. Sask. Jae-Lin Holdings Ltd. Sask. Pyramid Construction Ltd. Sask. Jardine Crop Dusting Ltd. Sask. Quest Health-Care Services Ltd. Sask. Johnnies Plumbing & Heating Quest Investment Corporation Sask. (1978) Ltd. Sask. R & E Bulk Sales Ltd. Sask. K & H Management Services Ltd. Sask. R.A.M. Enterprises Ltd. Sask. K & L Holdings Ltd. Sask. R.C.A. Janitorial Services Ltd. Sask. K3 Holdings Inc. Sask. Raiwet Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Kangaroo Express Ltd. Sask. Ralph Holdings Inc. Sask. Kastleheep Capital Corporation B.C. Ram Investments Ltd. Sask. Kerth Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Redlick Farms Ltd. Sask. Kilo Holdings Ltd. Sask. Regina Body Reform Ltd. Sask. Kimble Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Regina Natural Beauty Products Kipling Auto Supply Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Knightsbridge Sports Marketing Regina Trailer Sales Ltd. Sask. Inc. Sask. Reklaw Investments Ltd. Sask. Krause Petroleum Inc. Sask. Ren-Mar Enterprises Ltd. Sask. J L.J Christie Holdings Ltd. Sask. RKW Standardbred Associates Lashburn Auto Body Ltd. Sask. Inc. Ont. 1158 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZET TE

Name: Jurisdiction: Name: Jurisdiction: Rochglen Consortium Ltd. Sask. Wilmoore Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Ron Singer Truch Lines Ltd. Alta Won Ton Holdings Ltd. Sask. Saba Capital Corporation Sask. Yorhton Stretch Sewing Centre Saba Fund Management Inc. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Saslw Development Ltd. Sask. Scholar Holdings Ltd. Sask. P. J.Flory, Selhirh House Corp. Sask. Director. Settlers Savings and Mortgage Corporation Canada Shaughnessy Electric (1987) Ltd. Sask. The Business Names Registration Act Silicon Valley Computers Inc. Sask. Silver Properties Ltd. Sask. CANCELLATIONS (1992) Siluerado Water Hauling Co. Ltd. Sask. Soda Footwear (Sashatchewan) Place of Ltd. Sask. Name: Date: Business: Southern Manitoba Potato Co. A-1 Stucco Aug. 6 Regina Ltd. Man. A.B.C. Petroleum Sperling Construction Limited Man. Services July 17 Saskatoon Star City Const. Ltd. Sask. AA Aardvarh Rentals July 17 Regina Steve Remoil Ltd. Sask. Age Wave Marheting Aug. 5 Regina Sunset Hills Farms Ltd. Sask. Amil's Grant Hall Sweet Manufacturing Ltd. Sask. Taxi Aug. 4 Moose Jaw l Tangs Enterprises Inc. Sask. B & D Purchasing Services & Taurus Furniture Gallery Ltd. Sask. Consulting July 15 Yorkton Techno Marheting Inc. Sask. Buch's Dollar Store July 28 Regina Terra Consulting Inc. Sask. S. Buchle Livestoch I The Music Box Company of San Equip. July 20 York ton Francisco Inc. Canada Crossroads Music July 17 Saskatoon Thordarson Livestoch and Farms D & F Welding July 15 Kerrobert Ltd. Sask. July 16 Moose Jaw Timberland Building and Dales Jewellery Developments Ltd. Sask. Diamond Ta..1:i Aug.4 Moose Jaw Tacaido Trading Company Inc. Sask. East Central Watson Torch River Logging Inc. Sask. Connection July 24 Trail-Rite Flatdechs Ltd. Sask. Emera/ Oil July 27 Creelman j Traxis Inc. Canada Estetica Hair Salon & Body Shop July 24 Maple Creek Treeline Equipment Leasing Inc. Sask. Fred's Repair & Trew Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Upholstery Aug.19 Tisdale Tri-PJS InternationalInc. Canada J Genailles' Parts Aug.4 Ester hazy Tridale Construction Co. Ltd. Alta. Gingerbread Nursery Triple ''A" Enterprises Ltd. Sask. School July 27 Regina Triple Eight and Seven GLDesign July 22 Regina Investments Corporation Sask. Holiday Express Aug.7 Regina Uhrich Steel Construction Ltd. Sask. J.J. Sales Agency July 15 Regina Velteh Investments Ltd. Sask. JCM Productions Aug. 5 Lebret Vichi Lee Ramsay Enterprises David S Jessiman Limited Sask. Essa Petroleum Holdings Ltd. Sask. Agent July 17 Lucky Lake W S Investments Ltd. Sask. John's Air WC. Phillips & Associates Ltd. Sask. Conditioning & Refridgeration July 27 Montmartre Watson Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd. Sask. KMB CoffeeRoad Wedge Resources Ltd. Alta. Service July 17 Livelong Wes Drummond Construction Ltd. Sask. Kozy Noah Bahery July 17 Neil burg WesternDatacom Inc. Canada Lanigan-Zimmer Western Fusion Ltd. Sask. Travel July 15 Regina Western Homeservice Ltd. Sask. Mac Pheat's Piping & Western Welding & Equipment Vessels July 24 Medicine Hat Ltd. Sask. Melville Grocery July 17 Melville White Fox Forages Ltd. Sask. Moods Hair J Wilde Redevelopment Corp. Sask. Technology July 23 Regina J SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1159

Place of Name: The Dean Austin Venture Company Name: Date: Business: Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Munchkins Kid's Mailing Address: Ste. 178-912C Albert St., Wear July 17 Martensville Regina Murray Construction July 20 Chaplin Main Type of Business: golf contract North End services/club assembly Construction July 15 Marcelin Northern Castings July 20 Saskatoon Northland Motel July 17 Waskesiu Name: B & G Useful Used Printwest Aug. 7 Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 The Quick Stop Mailing Address: Box 1540, Meadow Lake Conuenience Store July 17 Biggar Main Type of Business: second hand store R. B. A. Career Designs Aug. 4 Regina Reliable Automatic Name: Bach and Beyond Distribution July 16 Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 River Park Holiday Mailing Address: 5966 McKinley Ave., Regina Fann July 29 Saskatoon Main Type of Business: record & tape retailer S.L. Chocolate Treasury July 24 Dalmeny Sazynski Name: Bar-J Welding & Crafts Construction July 15 Regina Date of Registration: August 15, 1992 The Sewing Patch July 29 Midale Mailing Address: Box 811, Gravelbourg Starlite Gifts July 30 Regina Main Type of Business: welding & crafts Stoneage Marketing July 21 Saskatoon Stott's Lucky Dollar Foods July 13 Radisson Name: Barb & Lana's Fixin's By The Dozen Teela Abstracts July 23 Scarborough Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Teela Market Surveys July 23 Scarborough Mailing Address: Box 793, Eston Tony's Inspection Main Type of Business: baking for order Services June 15 Regina 6 & 3 Service July 27 Melfort Name: Bartel Construction and Insulating Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 REGISTRATIONS Mailing Address: Box 333, Saltcoats Main Type of Business: building construction Name: AAA Paving and insulating Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 62 Hunt Cres., Regina Main Type of Business: paving Name: Bashnick Electric Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 1255 McNeil! Cres., Regina Name: Aerobus Canada Main Type of Business: electrical contractor Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Mailing Address: 1500-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina Name: Beaver Lumber (PA.) Main Type of Business: motor coach service Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 3925 2nd Ave. W., Name: All Shine Blind Cleaners Prince Albert Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Main Type of Business: retail lumber, building Mailing Address: R.R. 3, Box 133, Saskatoon materials and related hardgoods Main Type of Business: blind cleaning Name: Beaver Lumber (Regina Ea.) Name: Allsask Bingo Management & Consulting Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 914, Regina Mailing Address: 201-1074 Retallack St., Regina Main Type of Business: retail lumber, building Main Type of Business: management and materials and related hardgoods consulting Name: Blach & Yellow Signs Name: Assiniboia Agro Sales Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 2313 Hanselman Pl., Mailing Address: Box 1000, Weyburn Saskatoon Main Type of Business: machinery dealership Main Type of Business: sign distributor I 1160 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: Blonclo's On Broadway Name: Central Boohheeping Services Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 836 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 277, North Battleford Main Type of Business: hairdressing and Main Type of Business: bookkeeping and esthetics accounting services

Bowel Management Services Name: Name: Certified & Collision Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 2206E Hanover Cres., Regina Mailing Address: 1111 Campbell Ave., Main Type of Business: management Saskatoon consultants Main Type of Business: autobody shop

Name: FA Boylw Enterprises Date of Registration: August 19, 1992 Name: Cha.l'a. Florist Shop Mailing Address: 111-1222 Alberta Ave., Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Saskatoon Mailing Address: 2802 Dewdney Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: rentals, investments and Main Type of Business: florist shop property

Name: Cityscape Magazine Name: The Broadway Building Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: 218 103rd St. E., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 205-315 22nd St. E., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: entertainment/arts Main Type of Business: property development magazine

Name: CJ Dollar Store Name: Count!)' Setting Hair Designs Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 l Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 206 4th Ave. S., Yorkton Mailing Address: R.R. 5, Site 16, Box 39, Main Type of Business: retail assorted Prince Albert merchandise (consumer products, housewares, etc.) Main Type of Business: hair stylist, beauty salon j

Name: Cactus Drilling Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Name: Crestco Em.broicle1)' Mailing Address: 3300-205 5th Ave. S.W., Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 J Calgary Mailing Address: 902 Spadina Cres. E., Main Type of Business: oil and gas well drilling Saskatoon contractor Main Type of Business: manufacturing and supplying crests and/or embroidered garments Can-Al Services J Name: Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Name: Crown Confectio1ia1)' (1992) Mailing Address: 217 Oakview Dr., Regina Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Main Type of Business: cleaning aircraft Mailing Address: 920-B 6th Ave. E., Prince Albert Name: Canada Technology Trading Main Type of Business: confectionary Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1201, Regina Name: CSM - Canadian Steel Manufacturing Main Type of Business: transfer technology, Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 import/export merchandise Mailing Address: 10022 29th Ave., Edmonton Main Type of Business: manufacturer of formed Name: Captain's Choice Gourmet Products steel products Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 967 Graham Rd., Regina Main Type of Business: direct seller of frozen Name: Custom.Announcements foods Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Mailing Address: 311 Skeena Cres., Saskatoon Name: The Ceiling Cleaners Sa.shatoon Main Type of Business: desktop publishing Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: 306 Acadia Dr., Saskatoon Name: D-R Freightlines Main Type of Business: cleaning ceilings Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 J SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1161

Mailing Address: 139 Rundlecairn Rd. N.E., Name: Encyclopaedia Britannica North Calgary America!Frv,: Main Type of Business: trucking Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: 175 Holiday Inn Dr., Britannica Pl., Cambridge, Ont. Name: Dalfin Marketing Co. Main Type of Business: distributors of Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 educational and reference materials Mailing Address: 1338 Ave. IN., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: retail sales Name: Energy Plus Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Name: Dalin International Trading Co. Mailing Address: 183 Thomson Ave., Regina Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Main Type of Business: furnace cleaning Mailing Address: 102-20 Kleisinger Cres., Regina Main Type of Business: import/export business Name: Enviro Heating Systems Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 513, Watrous Name: Davlynn Enterprises Main Type of Business: dealers of pellet burning Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 stoves Mailing Address: Box 426, Macklin Main Type of Business: network marketing Name: Excalibur Amusements Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Name: Defehr Furniture & Appliances Mailing Address: 5 Rutley Cres., Kindersley Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Main Type of Business: amusements and games Mailing Address: c/o 2100 Smith St., Regina arcade Main Type of Business: retail furniture business Name: Farmer's Gold Spreaders Name: Diamond "T" Marketing Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 -1I Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 323, Cupar Mailing Address: 4602 Queen St., Regina Main Type of Business: corral cleaning Main Type of Business: product marketer Name: Five "M" Farms Name: Dihket's Filipino Food Store Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: c/o 410 Lake Cres., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 209-895 Confederation Dr., Main Type of Business: farming Saskatoon Main Type of Business: retail Filipino foods Name: Four Seasons Furnace & Duct Cleaning Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Name: Ruby Dorion Taxi Mailing Address: 121 McCannel St., Regina Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Main Type of Business: furnace and duct Mailing Address: Box 147, Cumberland House cleaning Main Type of Business: taxi driver Name: P Franklin Enterprises Name: A. Douglas Holdings Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Mailing Address: 10 Kind.rachuk Cres., Mailing Address: Box 442, Dodsland Saskatoon Main Type of Business: snack vending Main Type of Business: professional engineer

Name: E & L & Sons Transport Name: Freedom Services Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 31 Turner Cres., Regina Mailing Address: 7323 5th Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: trucking Main Type of Business: office furniture rental

Name: Eagle Ventures Name: Fresh and Tasty Lunch Bar Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 175, Pangman Mailing Address: 431 24th St. E., Prince albert Main Type of Business: trucking and travel Main Type of Business: restaurant 1162 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: From Hair On BeautyBoutique Main Type of Business: business centre and Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 secretarial service Mailing Address: Box 22, Kelvington Main Type of Business: cosmetologist Name: Inland Enviro Chem Mfg. Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Name: G & E Supply Company Mailing Address: Box 1824, Swift Current Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Main Type of Business: chemical manufacturing Mailing Address: 209 Brock Cres., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: household supply Name: J & J's Oilfield Contracting 007 company Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 377, Macklin Name: G.M.C. Contracting Main Type of Business: oilfield contract operator Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Mailing Address: 159 Edward St., Regina Name: Jakubowski Enterprises Main Type of Business: asbestos removal & general construction Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 144, Endeavour Main Type of Business: logging/excavating Name: Gartner's Ref & AJCMobile Service Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: 1702 99th St., North Name: BernieKadachuk's Electric Battleford Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Main Type of Business: refrigeration and air Mailing Address: Box 292, Cumberland House conditioning repair service (residential/auto) Main Type of Business: electrical contractor Name: Glaslyn Electric Name: Kai's Mobile Welding Service J Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: General Delivery, Glaslyn Mailing Address: Box 1666, Fort Qu'Appelle Main Type of Business: electrical contracting Main Type of Business: mobile welding

Name: H.M. Long Name: Kel-T-Graphix Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 2255 Cavendish Blvd., Mailing Address: Box 86, Penzance , Que. Main Type of Business: sign painter, graphics j . - Main Type of Business: wholesaler of metal artist products

Name: Kelliir Business Solutions Name: Happy Homes Renovations Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Date of Registration: August 26, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1241, North Battleford Mailing Address: 1641A lOOth St., North Main Type of Business: consultant (computer Battleford and business) Main Type of Business: renovations

Name: Kelsey's Krafts & Koffee Name: Happy Tails Pet Services Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: Main St., Cabri Mailing Address: Box 508, Dalmeny Main Type of Business: crafts and coffee shop Main Type of Business: in-home petsitting and grooming Name: Kindersley Rentex Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Name: High & Dry Music Mailing Address: 205 Main St., Kindersley Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Main Type of Business: rental property Mailing Address: 628-B Broadway Ave., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: music publisher Name: Bill King Herbalife Independent Distributor Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Name: Hrs/Final Touch Business Centre Mailing Address: Box 1408, Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Main Type of Business: retail/wholesale Mailing Address: 106-2255 13th Ave., Regina Herbalife health products SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1163

Name: Klemmer Woodworhs Mailing Address: 300-2114 11th Ave., Regina Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Main Type of Business: hair salon Mailing Address: 608 Staveley Cres., Weyburn Main Type of Business: fine woodworking Name: Magicuts (Queenston) Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Name: Larson Consultants Mailing Address: 300-2114 11th Ave., Regina Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Main Type of Business: hair salon Mailing Address: 222 O'Brien Te rrace, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: consulting/counselling Name: Manz's Auctioneering Service Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 578, Davidson Name: Lasting Memories Main Type of Business: auctioneering Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 2727, Kindersley Main Type of Business: laminating obituary Name: Mayfair Motel (92) notices Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1071, Gravelbourg Name: Lavender and Fehr Word and Image Main Type of Business: motel - dining room Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 17-2135 Halifax St., Regina Name: Mexico Joe's Restaurant Main Type of Business: writing and design firm Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 516 33rd St. W., Saskatoon Name: Little Gaffers Childcare Main Type of Business: restaurant Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 1 Mailing Address: 8916 Bowers Dr., North Battleford Name: Micro Messenger "The Company That Main Type of Business: childcare provider Cares" Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Mailing Address: 820 Erin St., Winnipeg Name: Loretta Manor Main Type of Business: courier/messenger Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 service Mailing Address: Box 3012, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: bed and breakfast Name: Mihe's Repair Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Name: M.J Automotive Mailing Address: Box 218, Domremy Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Main Type of Business: autobody repair Mailing Address: Box 244, Manor Main Type of Business: autobody Name: Milo Monogram Date of Registration: July 31, 1992 Name: Macoun Lahe Island Lodge Mailing Address: Box 2336, Kindersley Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Main Type of Business: monogram business Mailing Address: 526 Clover Avenue, Box 9, Dalmeny Main Type of Business: commercial fishing Name: Moosehorn Paintball Games camp Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 278, Maidstone Name: Magicuts (Barlin) Main Type of Business: paintball games Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Mailing Address: 300-2114 11th Ave., Regina Name: Mr Fix It Renovations Main Type of Business: hair salon Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: R.R. 3, Box 133, Saskatoon Name: Magicuts (Cordova) Main Type of Business: renovations Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 Mailing Address: 300-2114 11th Ave., Regina Name: Main Type of Business: hair salon Mr Waterman Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: 1003 Middleton Cres., Regina Name: Magicuts (Lombard) Main Type of Business: water coolers, bottled Date of Registration: August 14, 1992 water, water softners and salt 1164 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: M,: Fudge-It Mfg. Name: Pioneer Family Restaurant (1992) Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 91 Morton Dr., Kanata, Ont. Mailing Address: 78 2nd Ave. N.E., Main Type of Business: wholesale/retail candy Swift Current and fudge maker Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Nature's Own Health Foods Name: Prairie Guide Quarterly Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 337, Kindersley Mailing Address: 218 103rd St. E., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: health food retailer Main Type of Business: tourism/travel magazine

Name: John Neigum's Plumbing & Heating Name: Provocative Touch Escorts Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Date of Registration: August 31, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 25, Unity Mailing Address: 1647 Montague St., Lower Level, Regina Main Type of Business: plumbing and heating Main Type of Business: escort service

Name: Neil's Landscaping Name: Purich Publishing Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: 1314 Courtney St., Regina Mailing Address: Box 23032, Market Mall Main Type of Business: landscaping Outlet, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: educational publisher Name: Nickeline Tools Auto Division Date of Registration: August 31, 1992 Name: R & L Bookkeeping Centre Mailing Address: Box 87, R.R. 5, Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 I Main Type of Business: used car dealer Mailing Address: Box 296, Langenburg Main Type of Business: bookkeeping Name: Northern Pawn and Second Hand Date of Registration: August 26, 1992 Name: Realty World Chateau Real Estate LI Mailing Address: 1641A lOOth St., Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 North Battleford Mailing Address: 360 5th Ave. N.W., Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: pawn shop, second hand Main Type of Business: real estate shop J Name: Regency Holiday House Care Name: Noua Developments Date of Registration: August 21, 1992 Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: 27 Bell Cres., Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 189, Redvers Main Type of Business: housecare service J Main Type of Business: real estate developers and managers Name: Reliable Plumbing & Gas Fitting Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Name: Omen Golf Products Mailing Address: Box 1553, Humboldt Date of Registration: August 20, 1992 Main Type of Business: journeyman plumber Mailing Address: 2620 Albert St., Regina and gas fitter Main Type of Business: manufacture, wholesale/retail golf products Name: Rister Trncking Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 P.A. Name: Promotions Mailing Address: 2832 24th Ave., Regina Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Main Type of Business: trucking Mailing Address: 16 Dier Rd., Prince Albert Main Type of Business: grocery store, food demonstrations Name: River Bend Ranches Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 115, McCord Name: Parkland Insurance & Realty Main Type of Business: ranching Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1372, Yorkton Main Type of Business: Name: Rose Distributing insurance/realty/investments Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1165

Mailing Address: Box 187, Lebret Name: Son Woodcraft Main Type of Business: publishing and reducing Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 foods Mailing Address: 619 Colonel Otter Dr., Swift Current Main Type of Business: cabinet maker and Name: Sand Dock Ent. millwork shop Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1587, Maple Creek Main Type of Business: retail sales and service Name: South-Sask Schools Gymnastics Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 132, McTaggart Name: Sante Fe Beverage Co. Main Type of Business: gymnastic club Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Mailing Address: 175 Bloor St., E., N. Tower, Name: Spencer Arms Main Type of Business: import, market and Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 distribute beverages Mailing Address: Box 1851, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: dealer of arms, militaria, antiques, etc. Name: Saskatoon Rent To Own Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Name: Springfeld Crafty Creations & Books Mailing Address: 247 5th Ave. N., Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Main Type of Business: retail leases and sales in all kinds of personal property items Mailing Address: R.R. 1, Wymark Main Type of Business: craft shop/book place

Name: The Saskatoon Sewing Workshop Name: Stamps & Creations By Judie Date of Registration: August 5, 1992 Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 715 Trent Cres., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 77 Centennial Dr., Yorkton Main Type of Business: sewing instruction Main Type of Business: home workshops - sales

Name: Seniors Barber Shop Name: Steve's Shop Services Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1408, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 1301 Cumberland Ave., Main Type of Business: barber stylist Saskatoon Main Type of Business: plastic mold making services Name: Senwood Resources Intl. Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Name: Mailing Address: 34 Clare Cres., Saskatoon Strube's Gen Store Main Type of Business: development of natural Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 resources through Canada and USA Mailing Address: General Delivery, Holbein Main Type of Business: retail merchant

Name: Sew Fine Alterations, Custom Sewing, Crafts& Costumes Name: Sutherland Automotive Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 3490, Melfort Mailing Address: 1-1015 Central Ave., Main Type of Business: seamstress Saskatoon Main Type of Business: sale of automotive parts and accessories Name: Skinny Dawg Advertising Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Name: Taylor's Video Mailing Address: Box 37, Wadena Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Main Type of Business: designing, printing and Mailing Address: Box 291, Yellow Grass distributing advertising material Main Type of Business: video rentals

Name: Solid Construction Name: TCHIIELTAC Tutorial and Consulting Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Services For The Hearing/Abbi: Mailing Address: 83 St. Lawrence Cres., Date of Registration: June 24, 1992 Saskatoon Mailing Address: 908 Saskatchewan Cres. E., Main Type of Business: carpentry Saskatoon j 1166 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Main Type of Business: tutor and consultant for Name: The True Bread Bahery hearing impaired Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 3008, Melfort Name: Team Fuel Sales Main Type of Business: bakery Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 180, Laird Name: Tusome Pamoja Consulting Services Main Type of Business: bulk fuel Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: 1011-606 Victoria Ave., Saskatoon Name: Teasing Talent Strippers Main Type of Business: computer consulting Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 service Mailing Address: 23-1816 7th Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: strippers/escorts Name: Tuxford Computers Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Name: Tedi Holdings Mailing Address: Box 88, Tuxford Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Main Type of Business: computer software Mailing Address: Box 340, Lumsden developer and consultant Main Type of Business: rental property

Name: Universal SoftwareHouse Name: Tele-Sight-Information Line For The Blind and Visually Impaired Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 320 Hamilton St., Regina Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Main Type of Business: selling computer Mailing Address: 2260 Queen St., Regina software by mail order Main Type of Business: information phone line

Name: Vangool Enterprises 1 Name: John Thomas Enterprises Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 99, Vanscoy Mailing Address: Box 37, Bienfait Main Type of Business: auto dealer Main Type of Business: acquiring and leasing 1· personal property Name: Way-Rad Clothing Co. Name: Timberwolf Log Homes Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Mailing Address: 3028 Hill Ave., Regina Mailing Address: Box 386, Pemberton, B.C. Main Type of Business: clothing and craft manufacturers Main Type of Business: log house building

Western Lighting Manufacturing Name: TJL Enterprises Name: & Date of Registration: August 12, 1992 Date of Registration: August 10, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 316, Waldheim Mailing Address: Box 3522, Regina Main Type of Business: computer programming Main Type of Business: lighting kits and accessories Name: Winners Circle Lottery Kiosh Name: Torquay Cafe Date of Registration: August 6, 1992 Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: 431 24th St. E., Prince Albert Mailing Address: Box 36, Torquay Main Type of Business: lottery sales Main Type of Business: restaurant and confectionery Name: WT Moboshop Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Name: Total Spectrum Cwpet Cleaning Mailing Address: 222C Reid Rd., Saskatoon Date of Registration: August 7, 1992 Main Type of Business: mobile Mailing Address: 4700 7th Ave., Regina mechanic/welding shop Main Type of Business: carpet cleaning

Name: Xena Sales and Service Name: Triumph Consulting Date of Registration: August 11, 1992 Date of Registration: August 13, 1992 Mailing Address: 1821 Easthill, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 1106 10th Ave. E., Regina Main Type of Business: home renovations and J Main Type of Business: computer consulting repair J SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1167

Name: Zankl Tile Mailing Address: Box 537, Turtleford Date of Registration: August 4, 1992 Main Type of Activities: advance Mailing Address: 1115 Broadway Ave., Regina social/cultural/economic needs of first nations Main Type of Business: tile setter people

Name: 210675 Saskatchewan Inc. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION Date of Incorporation: August 28, 1992 Name: Ferd's Upholstery & Repair Mailing Address: 600-410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon Date of Amendment: August 27, 1992 Main Type of Activities: to incorporate a labour Nature of Amendment: changed name to sponsored venture capital corp. Quality Upholstery & Repair Name: 210676 Saskatchewan Inc. P. J. Flory, Date of Incorporation: July 22, 1992 Registrar. Mailing Address: 216-728 Spadina Cres. E., Saskatoon The Non-profit C01porations Act Main Type of Activities: private museum

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT Name: Albert School Parent Association Inc. Name: "People of Praise" Community Date of Incorporation: August 10, 1992 Date of Amendment: August 26, 1992 Mailing Address: 1203 Robinson St., Regina Nature of Amendment: changed name to Main Type of Activities: parent association Emmanuel Catholic Community Saskatoon Inc.

Name: The B's and D's Sport and Social Club P. J. Flory, Inc. Director. Date of Incorporation: August 7, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 915, Kelvington l Main Type of Activities: sports and social club PUBLIC NOTICES

Name: The Canara Charities Association Inc. The Change of Name Act Date of Incorporation: August 27, 1992 Mailing Address: Box 1516, Canora Main Type of Activities: bingo hall for REGISTRATIONS OF CHANGE OF NAME charitable and non-profit organizations The followingchanges of name are hereby regis­ tered under the provisions of The Change of Name Name: Metis Family and Community Justice Act of Saskatchewan. Services of Saskatchewan Inc. Former Name: William John CHEGASKY Date of Incorporation: August 24, 1992 (k/a CHESKY) Mailing Address: 2nd Floor, 219 Robin Cres., Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatoon Name Changed To: William John CHESKY Main Type of Activities: program/services Date: September 4, 1992 relating to Metis children/families and justice Former Name: Gerald Carl WOJDA Name: Regina East End Volleyball Club Inc. Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Date of Incorporation: August 28, 1992 Name Changed To: Gerald Carl WIEDER Mailing Address: 403 Holland Ave., Regina Date: September 4, 1992 Main Type of Activities: volleyball club

Former Name: Trena Dawn PENNER Name: Saskalone Social Club 1992 Inc. Address: Regina, Saskatchewan Date oflncorporation: August 28, 1992 Name Changed To: Trena Dawn DANBROOK Mailing Address: 1630 Ave. I N., Saskatoon Date: September 4, 1992 Main Type of Activities: social/support club for single adults Former Name: Diana Sonja RAK Name: Saskatoon Treaty and First Nations Address: Regina, Saskatchewan Assembly Inc. Name Changed To: Dena Sonja BRACKEN Date oflncorporation: August 25, 1992 Date: September 8, 1992 1168 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Former Name: Kristin Joan MACINTOSH storage, repair and maintenance facilities Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan maintained by the certificate holder in Regina. Name Changed To: Kristin Joan MCDONALD Date: September 9, 1992 Applicant: TRI-HOSPITAL PATIENT TRANSPORT & COURIER LTD. Former Name: Marcia Hattie WILLMS Address: 2 Murray Place, Saskatoon, Sask. S7L 6R3 Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan File: B/92/395 Name Changed To: Marcia Hattie PAVLIS Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ Date: September 10, 1992 ing Authority Certificate to include the following: This application is for authority to replace that Given under my hand at the City of Regina, held by Gloria Sikorski o/a Tri -Hospital Patient Sask. Transport & Courier who has applied to discon­ Wilmer Berg, tinue service as follows: Director of Vital Statistics. Intra-Provincial 1 To transport medically stable ambulatory patients and other persons who accompany the Highway Traffic Board patient only between the following locations within the City of Saskatoon: a) Royal Univeristy Hospital NOTICES OF APPLICATIONS b) City Hospital 1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of c) St. Paul's Hospital receipt of the following applications. d) Saskatoon Cancer Centre 2 Any party wishing to oppose an application e) Wall Street Medical Building must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before October 13, 1992. Please reference D Cancer Patient Lodge the file number when filing opposition. g) Medical Specialists' Offices 3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a 2 To transport medically stable non­ public hearing will be scheduled. All hearing ambulatory patients in wheelchairs or on participants will be advised of the hearing date. stretchers and other persons who accompany the Any interested party may contact the Board at patient only between the following locations (306) 787-4040 to obtain information respecting within the City of Saskatoon: hearing dates and locations. a) Royal University Hospital Barry B. Weafer, b) City Hospital Board Secretary. c) St. Paul's Hospital d) Wall Street Medical Building Applicant: WALTERS, GENE e) Saskatoon Cancer Centre Address: 7102 Clipsham Av e., Regina, Sask. Items 1 and 2 are restricted as follows: S4X 2Tl a) No more than four passengers per vehicle. File: B/91/195 b) Patients transported must be designated Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ as medically stable for transportation by the icate as follows: health care facilities. Intra-Provincial Commodity Description - Passengers and their baggage NOTICES OF APPLICATION Origin - Points in Sask. 1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of Destination - Points in Sask. receipt of the following applications. Conditions - See below 2 Any party wishing to oppose an application a) Restricted to the use of vehicles equipped must complete and file a Statement of Objection to accommodate wheelchairs. on or before October 13, 1992. Please reference b) This authority is valid only for vehicles the file number when filing opposition which, prior to each trip, are stored, repaired, 3 Where opposition is filed, a public hearing maintained and dispatched only from the office, will be scheduled within 28 days of the due date. storage, repair and maintenance facilities All parties will be expected to be available. Any maintained by the certificate holder in Regina. requests for adjournments will need to be filed Extra-Provincial with the Board. Commodity Description - Passengers and their 4 Where a hearing is scheduled, applicants will baggage be required to demonstrate that there is a demand or a need for the service by users or the public. Origin - Points in Sask. Objectors will be required to demonstrate public Destination - All boundaries and vice versa detriment and why the service is not needed or Conditions - See below would not benefit the public interest. a) Restricted to the use of vehicles equipped Any interested party may contact the Board at to accommodate wheelchairs. (306) 787-4040 to obtain information respecting b) This authority is valid only for vehicles hearing dates and locations. which, prior to each trip, are stored, repaired, Barry B. Weafer, J maintained and dispatched only from the office, Board Secretary. SEP TEMBER 18, 1992 1169

Applicant: B & R ECKEIJS TRANSPORT u) The Royal Canadian Legion Meadow Lake LTD. Branch 76 Address: Box 6249, Bonnyville, Alta. T9N 2G8 v) Meadow Lake Co-op Association Ltd., o/a File: B/91/376 Co-op Family Fashions Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ ing Authority Certificate to include the following: Intra-Provincial Applicant: TED MCKENZIE TRUCKING LTD. Commodity Description - Goods Address: Box 389, Big River, Sask. SOJ OEO Origin - Saskatoon File: B/92/250 Destination - Meadow Lake, Pierceland and Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ vice versa ing Authority Certificate to include the following: Conditions - Goods owned by, originating at or Intra-Provincial destined to the facilities of: Commodity Description - Forestry and Lumber a) J.D.B. Investments Ltd. o/a The Video Equipment Store - Meadow Lake Origin - Points in Sask. b) Syl's Mechanical Co. Ltd. Destination - Points in Sask. c) R.M. of Beaver River No. 622 Conditions - Nil d) Tupper's Construction Ltd. Commodity Description - Construction Equip- e) Superior Propane Inc. ment f) Millar's Fertilizer Service Ltd. Origin - Points in Sask. Destination - Points in Sask. Conditions - Nil Applicant: B & R ECKEIJS TRANSPORT "Construction Equipment" means those com­ LTD. modities used to join, connect, fasten, form or Address: Box 6249, Bonnyville, Alta. alter materials during the formation of the con­ I T9N 2G8 structed item, but which do not themselves File: B/91/392 become an intrinsic part of the item. Construction t Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ equipment includes road construction equipment, ing Authority Certificate to include the following: highway construction equipment, street construc­ tion equipment, bridge construction equipment, Intra-Provincial and where not excluded, also includes equipment Commodity Description - Goods for the construction of such items as canals, dams, Origin - Saskatoon dikes, airports, etc. Destination - Meadow Lake and vice versa Conditions - Goods owned by, consigned to or Applicant: HORNOI LEASING LTD. originating at or destined to the facilities of: Address: 845 McDonald St., Regina, Sask. a) Empire Motor Hotel (Meadow Lake) Lim- S4N 2X5 ited File: B/92/296 b) E J's Restaurant & Gas Bar Co. Ltd. Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ c) Keith Adrian, o/a A & A Consignments icate as follows: d) Bryan Treptow, o/a A-1 Esso e) Westside Service Centre Ltd., o/a Meadow Intra-Provincial Lake Furniture & Appliances Commodity Description - Construction Equip- f) Musqua Holdings Ltd., o/a Flowers & Inspi­ ment rations Boutique Origin - Points in Sask. g) Meadow North Agencies Ltd. Destination - Points in Sask. h) David Leboeuf, o/a Leboeuf Plumbing & Conditions - Nil Heating "Construction Equipment" means those com­ i) Ron's Plumbing & Heating (1980) Ltd. modities used to join, connect, fasten, form or j) Dave G. Burnett, o/a Dave's Electric alter materials during the formation of the con­ structed item, but which do not themselves k) Mark's Custom Carpentry Ltd. become an intrinsic part of the item. Construction 1) Ali Achkar, o/a Fiddler's Family Restau­ equipment includes road construction equipment, rant highway construction equipment, street construc­ m) Allen Forrester, o/a Al's Mechanical Serv­ tion equipment, bridge construction equipment, ice and where not excluded, also includes equipment n) Greenbelt Holdings Ltd., o/a Hannigans for the construction of such items as canals, dams, Restaurant - Meadow Lake dikes, airports, etc. o) Howell Enterprises Ltd., o/a Howell Agen- cies p) Meadow Lake Housing Authority Applicant: SPEARING SERVICE LTD. q) Roy Fillion, o/a Capri Motor Inn Address: Box 83, Oxbow, Sask. SOC 2BO r) Genteel Jewellers File: B/92/308 s) S & E Holdings Co. Ltd. Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ t) Pioneer Grain Co. Ltd. icate as follows: J 1170 THE SASKATCHEWANGA ZETIE

Intra-Provincial "OilfieldCommodities" means: Commodity Description - Oilfield Commodi- i) equipment and materials used in well drill­ ties ing, well maintenance and well servicing; Origin - Points in Sask. ii) equipment and materials used in the con­ Destination - Points in Sask. struction, maintenance and servicing of oilfield Conditions - Nil satellites and batteries, gas or oil pipelines, and gas or oil compressor stations; "Oilfield Commodities" means: iii) equipment and materials used in the con­ i) equipment and materials used in well drill­ struction and maintenance of sites for gas or oil ing, well maintenance and well servicing; wells, batteries, satellites, gas or oil pipelines, ii) equipment and materials used in the con­ gas or oil compressor stations. struciton, maintenance and servicing of oilfield satellites and batteries, gas or oil pipelines, and gas or oil compressor stations; NOTICES OF INTENT iii) equipment and materials used in the con­ struciton and maintenance of sites forgas or oil The Highway Traffic Board hereby gives notice wells, batteries, satellites, gas or oil pipelines, of its intent to grant the following applications(s). gas or oil compressor stations. Any party wishing to oppose the application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before October 13, 1992. Please reference Applicant: SPEARING SERVICE LTD. the file number when filing opposition. Address: Box 83, Oxbow, Sask. SOC 2BO Objectors must file a valid written objection File: B/92/309 providing evidence on one or more of the following Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ criteria that granting an application will icate as follows: adversely impact on the users of transportation services, hinder economic or social development Intra-Provincial or impede national or international commerce: Commodity Description - Hydrochloric Acid (a) adverse impact on the stability of the Origin - Estevan trucking industry as demonstrated by a reduc­ Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa tion in service availability, in transport choices/ Conditions - Nil options or in dependability of service; 1 (b) the applicant is unfit, unwilling or unable to provide the intended service; Applicant: TJR INTERPROVINCIAL (c) undue reduction in competition; PROJECTS LTD o/a REINHART (d) market concentration or dominance; TRUCKING J· (e) discrimination in the areas of price, serv- Address: Box 1829, Lloydminster, Sask. ice, capacity; S9V 1N4 (f) detriment to the consumer; File: B/92/326 (g) net employment impacts; Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ ing Authority Certificateto include the following: (h) adverese effect on the respondent; (i) any public policy considerations declared Intra-Provincial by government. Commodity Description - Oilwell casing and pump jacks, drilling tools, tanks, mud tank and A decision whether to hold a public hearing will cement tanks, skid shacks, compressors, engines, be based on a review of written Statements of and sucker rods Objection. As this decision will be made on the strength of the material received, please ensure Origin - Points in Saskatchewan all relevant information is included in the submis­ Destination - Points in Saskatchewan sion. Where necessary, attach exhibits and sup­ Conditions - Nil porting documents. Where the Board decides a valid objection has been made by the Objector(s), a public hearing Applicant: SPARTAN OILFIELD will be scheduled. CONSTRUCTION LTD. If a public hearing is scheduled, all hearing Address: Box 1741, Lloydminster, Sask. S9V lM participants will be advised of the hearing date. File: B/92/376 Any interested party may telephone the Board Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ - 787-4040 - for further information. icate as follows: Barry B. Weafer, Intra Provincial Board Secretary. Commodity Description - Tanks Origin - Points in Sask. Applicant: HAMES, FREDERICK ARTHUR Destination - Points in Sask. Address: Box 644, Nisku, Alta. TOC 2GO Conditions - Nil File: B/92/151 Commodity Description - Oilfield Commodi- Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ ties icate as follows: Origin - Points in Sask. Extra-Provincial Destination - Points in Sask. Commodity Description - General merchan­ Conditions - Nil dise u SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1171

Origin - All boundaries Conditions - No more than three shippers' and Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa three consignees' goods at any one time Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time Applicant: TAYLOR HARVESTING LTD. Address: 881 3-114, Lethbridge, Alta. TlJ 4B3 Applicant: STEWART, BRUCE File: B/92/306 Address: Box 727, Russell, Man. ROJ lLl Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ File: B/92/243 icate as follows: Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Extra-Provincial icate as follows: Commodity Description - General merchan- Extra-Provincial dise Commodity Description - General merchan- Origin - All boundaries dise Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Origin - All boundaries Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa four consignees' goods at any one time Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time Applicant: ANNE-MOR EXPRESS LTD. Address: #230-3700 78th Ave. S.E., Calgary, Applicant: SUMMIT DELIVERY SERVICES Alta. T2C 2L8 LTD. File: B/92/312 Address: 3827 15A St. S.E., Calgary, Alta. Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ T2G 3N7 icate as follows: File: N/92/249 Extra-Provincial Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ Commodity Description - General merchan- ing Authority Certificate to include the following: dise Extra-Provincial Origin - All boundaries Commodity Description - General Merchan- Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa dise Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Origin - Alta/Sask. boundary four consignees' goods at any one time lI Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Conditions - No more than three shippers' and Applicant: D.M. MCDONALD TRUCKING three consignees' goods at any one time LTD. Address: Box 120, Blackfoot, Alta. TOB OLO Applicant: DICK SIMON TRUCKING INC. File: B/92/316 Address: Box 26297, Salt Lake City, UT 84126 Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ File: B/92/276 ing Authority Certificate to include the following: Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Extra-Provincial icate as follows: Commodity Description - General mercha.n- dise Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - General merchan- Origin - All boundaries dise Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Origin - All boundaries Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa four consignees' goods at any one time Conditions - International Traffic Only Commodity Description - General merchan- Applicant: STROSS TRUCKING LTD. dise Address: Box 7100, Stn. M, Edmonton, Alta. Origin - All boundaries T5E 589 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa File: B/92/317 Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ four consignees' goods at any one time. icate as follows: Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - General merchan- Applicant: ZIMMER, LYLE EDWARD dise Address: Box 106, Red Deer, Alta. T4N 5E7 Origin - All boundaries File: B/92/300 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice veersa Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Conditions - No more than four shippers' and icate as follows: four consignees' goods at any one time Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - General merchan­ dise Applicant: GRENGS TRUCKING, INC. Origin - All boundaries Address: R.R. 2, Box 54, Mohall, ND 58761 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa File: B/92/318 J 1172 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ i) No more than five shippers' and five con­ icate as follows: signees' goods at any one time Extra-Provincial ii) Restricted to the use of flatdeck equipment Commodity Description - General merchan- dise Applicant: LOTSA TRANSPORT INC. Origin - All boundaries Address: 28587 108th Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C. Destination - Points in Sask. and vice veersa V2X 8Y6 Conditions - International traffic only File: B/92/322 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ icate as follows: Applicant: ARNONE SUPERIOR MOVING INC. Extra-Provincial Address: 600 Simpson St., Thunder Bay, Ont. Commodity Description - General merchan- P7C 3J7 dise File: B/92/319 Origin - All boundaries Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa icate as follows: Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - Household Goods Origin - Alta/Sask. & Man/Sask. Boundaries Applicant: FIRST TEAM MOVING SYSTEMS Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa GROUP LTD. Conditions - Nil Address: 6440 Kestrel Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1Z7 "Household Goods" means property generally requiring the full services of carriers who use File: B/92/323 specialized equipment such as packing containers Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ pads, belts and hooks, and who employ personnel icate as follows: especially trained to pack, load, unload and Extra-Provincial unpack the articles transported, and includes: Commodity Description - Household goods l i) the contents of a household, office, factory, Origin - All boundaries store, museum, hospital, institution or other Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa establishment when such contents are not for sale or speculation; Conditions - Nil "Household Goods" means property generally ii) automobiles or recreational vehicles requiring the full services of carriers who use moved in conjunction with items described in clause (i) when such automobiles or recreational specialized equipment such as packing containers pads, belts and hooks, and who employ personnel vehicles are not for sale or speculation; especially trained to pack, load, unload and iii) new unpackaged or uncrated furniture, unpack the articles transported, and includes: fixtures, appliances and furnishings when such i) the contents of a household, office, factory, articles are not for sale or speculation; store, museum, hospital, institution and other iv) works of art, antiques, musical instru­ establishment when such contents are not for ments, exhibits, electronic equipment and com­ sale or speculation; ponent parts when such articles are unusually ii) automobiles or recreational vehicles susceptible to damage and require specialized moved in conjunction with items described in handling and care. clause (i) when such automobiles or recreational vehicles are not for sale or speculation; iii) new unpackaged or uncrated furniture, Applicant: SAWKA, WARREN fixtures, appliances and furnishings when such o/a WARBON TRANSPORT articles are not for sale or speculation; Address: 234 Tyndall Av e., Box 51004, iv) works of art, antiques, musical instru­ Winnipeg, Man. R2R lTO ments, exhibits, electronic equipment and com­ File: B/92/321 ponent parts when such articles are unusually susceptible to damage and require specialized Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ handling and care. icate as follows: Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - General merchan- Applicant: MCKEE MOVING (TISDALE) LTD. dise Address: Box 805, Tisdale, Sask. SOE 1 TO Origin - All boundaries File: B/92/327 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ Conditions - No more than one company's or ing Authority Certificateto include the following: one individual's goods at any one time Extra-Provincial Commodity Description - General merchan- Commodity Description - New furniture dise Origin - Points in Sask. Origin - All boundaries Destination - Alta/Sask. Boundary and vice Destination - Points In Sask. and vice versa versa Conditions - Conditions - Nil SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1173

Applicant: ENGELHARDT, FRANK Extra-Provincial MICHAEL AND KYNL, JAROMIR Commodity Description - General merchan- Address: 12657 93rd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3V 7J6 dise File: B/92/354 Origin - All boundaries Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa icate as follows: Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Extra-Provincial four consignees' goods at any one time Commodity Description - General merchan- dise Origin - All boundaries Applicant: SL ADE'S CARTAGE LIMITED Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Address: 4126 Midland Ave., Scarborough, Ont. Conditions - No more than three shippers' and MlY lKO three consignees' goods at any one time File: B/92/369 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ icate as follows: Applicant: MOWHAWK TRANSPORTATION, Extra-Provincial INC. Commodity Description - General merchan- Address: Box 65517, Vancouver, WA 98665 dise File: B/92/361 Origin - All boundaries Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa icate as follows: Conditions - One company's or one individual's Extra-Provincial goods at any one time Commodity Description - General merchan- dise Origin - All boundaries Applicant: AMTRUCK INTERNATIONAL Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa INC. Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Address: Box 640, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 3L7 four consignees' goods at any one time File: B/92/371 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ icate as follows: Applicant: ROD STREEPER TRUCKING LTD. Extra-Provincial Address: Box 652, Grande Prairie, Alta. T8V 3A8 Commodity Description - General merchan- dise File: B/92/364 Origin - Points in Sask. Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ icate as follows: Destination - All boundaries and vice versa Extra-Provincial Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Commodity Description - General merchan- four consignees' goods at any one time dise Origin - All boundaries Applicant: INTER-RAIL TRANSPORT LTD. Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Address: 19 Notre Dame Cres., Leduc, Alta. Conditions - No more than four shippers' and T9E 6H9 four consignees' goods at any one time File: B/92/372 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Applicant: TED ARTHUR TRUCKING LTD. icate as follows: Address: 29 Huget Cres., Red Deer, Alta. Extra-Provincial T4N 6N3 Commodity Description - Materials and equip­ File: B/92/365 ment used in the construction and maintenance of Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ railroads icate as follows: Origin - Alta/Sask. Boundary Extra-Provincial Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Commodity Description - General Merchan- Conditions - Nil dise Origin - All boundaries Applicant: ROSEDALE TRANSPORT Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa LIMITED Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Address: 6875 Invader Cres., Mississauga, Ont. four consignees' goods at any one time L5T 2B7 File: B/92/373 Applicant: VALLEY PAPER COMPANY INC. Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ Address: 700 Scott St., Fort Frances, Ont. icate as follows: P9A 1H8 Extra-Provincial File: B/92/367 Commodity Description - General merchan­ 1 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ dise icate as follows: Origin - All boundaries 1174 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Destination - Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa and vice versa Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Conditions - Nil four consignees' goods at any one time Commodity Description General merchan- dise Origin - All boundaries The Tax Enforcement Act Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time TAX ENFORCEMENT LISTS Rural Municipality of Cote No. 271: Applicant: S-G TRANSPORT LTD. Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ Address: Box 3344, Stn. A, , N.B. ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ E3 A 5Hl ing opposite the land described in the following File: B/92/374 list are fully paid before November 18, 1992, a tax Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ lien will be registered against the land. icate as follows: Note: A sum of$3.00 for costs is included in the Extra-Provincial amount shown against each parcel. Commodity Description - General merchan­ Description of Arrears & Costs dise Property $ .. Origin - All boundaries SE 14-27-30wl...... $337.80 Destination - Saskatoon, Regina, Moose Jaw SW 14-27-30wl...... 217.80 and vice versa NE 31-27 -30wl ...... 285.00 Conditions - Nil SE 33-27-30wl...... 503.40 Pt. SE 15-28-30wl (as described in Commodity Description General merchan- Certificate of Title #90Y05602) ...... 66.60 dise Pt. NE 15-28-31wl (as described in Origin - All boundaries Certificate of Title #90Y09385B) ...... 93.00 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa NW 2-28-31wl...... 277.80 SW 2-28-31wl...... 406.20 1 Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time NE 3-28-31wl ...... 670.20 NW 3-28-31wl ...... 605.40 Commodity Description - General merchan- NE 4-28-31wl ...... 522.60 dise NE 9-28-31wl ...... 703.80 Origin - All boundaries NW 9-28-31wl ...... 833.40 J' Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa SE 21-28-31wl ...... 705.00 Conditions - International traffic only NW 28-28-31wl ...... 675.00 SE 22-28-32wl ...... 763.80 SW 22-28-32wl ...... 755.40 L.S.D. 15 13-29-33wl (as described in Applicant: SPARTAN OILFIELD Certificate of Title #82Y09235) ...... 199.27 CONSTRUCTION LTD. L.S.D. 10 13-29-33wl (as described in Address: Box 1741, Lloydminster, Sask. Certificate of Title #92Y07417) ...... 178.20 S9V 1M6 SE 13-29-33...... 718.20 File: B/92/379 SW 4-29-32wl ...... 905.09 J Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­ NE 16-29-32wl ...... 572.20 cate as follows: SE 17-29-32wl...... 861.00 Extra-Provincial NW 32-28-30wl ...... 489.00 SW 34-28-30wl ...... 648.60 Commodity Description - General merchan- Pt. SW 6-29-30wl (as described in dise Certificate of Title #60Y04207) ...... 523.80 Origin - All boundaries NW 20-29-30wl ...... 243.00 Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa Pt. NE 3-30-31wl (as described in Conditions - No more than four shippers' and Certificate of Title #89Y08219) ...... 617.40 four consignees' goods at any one time SE 3-30-31wl...... 660.60 SW 3-30-31wl ...... 630.60 L.S.D. 1 & 8 9-30-31wl (as described in Certificate of Title #76Y07808) ...... 1,728.60 Applicant: BERG GRAIN & PRODUCE, INC. SE 9-30-31wl (as described in Address: 2202 5th Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102 Certificate of Title #76Y07807) ...... 749.40 File: B/92/394 SE 22-29-32wl...... 814.20 Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­ SW 22-29-32wl ...... 916.20 icate as follows: Pt. NE 3-30-32wl (as described in Certificate of Title #92Y01943) ...... 34.20 This application is for authority to replace that held by Berg, Arnold Jr., who has applied for Description Arrears & Costs permission to discontinue service. Lot Blk. $ cf Extra-Provincial Hamlet of Runnymede: Commodity Description - General merchan­ Plan AH 3995 dise 6 ...... 1 ...... 489.00 J Origin - All boundaries 11 ...... 1 ...... 533.77 SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 1175

Description of Arrears & Costs LEGISLATI VE ASSEMBLY OF THE Property $ ¢ PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Pt. NW 31-28-30wl (as described in Cert. of Title #88Y01744) ...... 436.20 Dated at Kamsack, Sask., September 18, 1992. RULES RELATING TO Evan A. Strelioff, PETITIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS Administrator. The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time forfiling Petitions and Private Bills with the Village of Kisbey: Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ obtained at any time by those interested, on appli­ ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ cation to: ing opposite the land described in the following Gwenn Ronyk, list are fully paid beforeNovember 16, 1992 a Tax Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Lien will be registered against the land. Room 239, Legislative Building, Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by Regina, Sask. 848 OBS subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each par­ cel. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Description Arrears & Costs Lot Blk. $ ¢ All material for publication in The Saskatche­ Plan L4610 wan Gazette 20, 21 ...... B ...... 589.93 must be in the Office of the Queen's 13 ...... C ...... 467.63 Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, 8th Floor, 1874 24 ··········································· C ...... 469.93 Scarth Street, Regina, Sask. S4P 3V7 Tel. (306) Plan 1793 787-6896, by noon on the Friday previous to the 11, 12, 26 ...... D ...... 1,027.12 week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the Plan 03 week of publication, the deadline is set back to 23, 25 ...... D ...... 680.86 noon of the previous Thursday. At least one full Plan AG4739 week should be allowed formail delivery. SE Corner Part ...... M...... 1,009.24 Each document must be complete in the Plan T-550 form required for publication and must be 22 ··········································· 3 ...... 330.91 separate from the covering lette1: Signatures Plan 03240 on all documents must be typewritten or .1 19, 20 ...... 13 ...... 829.72 clearly printed immediately below the writ­ Plan 85R04374 ten signatures. Publication of any material will 8, 9 ...... 16 ...... 1,922.78 be delayed if received late. Plan AB3388 Prepayment is required for ALL advertis­ C of T Pt. SE Corner ...... 19 ...... 1,736.46 ing placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non­ Dated at Kisbey, Saskatchewan, September 9, government advertisers. Cheques or money 1992. orders must be made payable to the Queen's V. M. Reed, Printer Revolving Fund. Please include the Clerk. GST in addition to regular charges at the rate of 7% each for those items listed below under "GST Payable". Any order not including the Village of Stenen: GST will not be filled. Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ The minimum charge for publication of notices ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ not specified below shall be $16.00 for each notice, ing opposite the land described in the following which sum shall accompany the material when list are fully paid before Nov. 20, 1992, a tax lien forwarded for publication. will be registered against the land. The following are minimum rates for advertis­ Note: A sum forcosts in an amount required by ing in The Saslwtchewan Gazette: subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each par­ GST Payable: cel. Notices in accordance with The Description Arrears & Costs Sashatchewan Insurance Act: Lot Blk. $ ¢ Two issues ...... 35.00 Plan Z.4665 1 ...... 2 ...... 1,234.20 Notices to Creditors in accordance with Plan C.B. 4425 The Bulk Sales Act: 30 ··········································· 7 ...... 594.58 One issue ...... 17 .50 Plan C.E. 6053 Notice oflntention to Apply for a 8 ...... 421.34 Private Bill: 8 ...... 674.03 Two issues ...... 40.00 �t�.�:.��.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Plan B.N. 2159 H ...... F...... 1,370.69 Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments: Plan B.C. 645 One issue ...... 17.50 Part of...... G ...... 126.07 Notices in accordance with The Tax Dated September 11, 1992. Enforcement Act: V. S. Tanton, Five parcels or less, for a minimum Treasurer. charge of ...... 20.00 1176 THE SA SKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

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