Society of Hnttquaries of Scotlanb
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hnttquarieyo f Scotlano s b PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotlanfc SESSION MCMXXXIV.-MCMXXXV. VOL. LXIX. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. IX. nburgb PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD. MCMXXXV. TABL F CONTENTEO S PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1934, ........... 1 More Shetland Tombstones r GEORGSi y B E. MACDONALD, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Litt., P.B.A., S.R.S.A., President, ...........7 2 . Excavation of the Vitrified Fort of Finavon, Angus. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 49 Note somn so e Dun Islayn si Professo y B . GORDOV r N CHILDE, B.Litt., 1 F.S.A.Scot.8 . , An Account of the Excavation, on behalf of H.M. Office of Works, of another Prehistoric Dwellin gt Jarlshofa (No) V. , Sumburgh, Shetland e Summeth n i ,f 1934y o r B . ALEXANDE . CURLERO , C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., .....5 8 . A For t Skittenta , Wick, Caithness, with Note Flinn so t Implements fro same mth e County. By Mrs L. DUFF-DUNBAR, F.S.A.Scot., ......... 108 Bock Sculpturings on Traprain Law, East Lothian. By ARTHUR J. H. EDWARDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keepe Nationae th f o r l Museu Antiquitief mo 2 Scotland12 f so . , Early Scottish Spoons. By Commander G. E. P. How, R.N., F.S.A.Scot., . 138 Unrecorded Berwickshire Antiquities, being the Chalmers-Jervise Prize Essay for 1933. By ROBERT KINGHORN, ..........7 15 . An Accoun e Excavatioth f o te Ston th f eno Circl t Loanheaa e e th f Daviotf o do d an , Standing Stones of Cullerlie, Echt, both in Aberdeenshire, on behalf of H.M.
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