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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03731-1 - General Relativity and Gravitation: A Centennial Perspective Edited by Abhay Ashtekar (Editor in Chief), Beverly K. Berger, James Isenberg and Malcolm Maccallum Index More information Index apparent horizons, 352, 358, 364 CDM, 166, 172, 191, 201, 206, 592 area gap, 574, 581, 586, 595 δN formalism, 189–192 area theorem, 28, 142, 614, 618 δN formula, 186 asymptotic flatness, 41, 412, 466 μ-type distortion (of CMB spectrum), 196 asymptotic quantization, 506 σ constant, 486 asymptotic safety, 504–508, 556–567 r-modes, 108 asymptotically flat initial data, 454 2dF survey, 170, 195 asymptotically flat initial data set, 418 asymptotically simple spacetimes, 422 acceleration of the Universe, 35, 166, 659 Atacama Cosmology Telescope, see ACT accretion, 135, 140, 143 averaging problem, 223, 227 disk, 28, 137, 138, 140, 155 AVTD behavior, 450 magnetized, 142 maser radiation, 137 B-mode polarization, 7, 170, 173, 182, 211, 215, 239, acoustic oscillation, 203–205 289, 334 damping, 204 back reaction, 223, 228 ACT, 163, 195, 206 background independence, 555–557, 595, 596 active galactic nuclei, 121, 134, 135, 143, 156, 157 & n-point functions, 597–600 structure resolved by microlensing, 118 & quantum geometry, 571–574 adaptive mesh refinement, 368, 372 BAO, 7–9, 170–171 ADM angular momentum, 622 Bartnik and McKinnon sequence, 377 ADM energy, 418, 419, 423 Bartnik mass, 432 ADM formulation, 18, 297–299, 364, 366, 413, 423, baryon acoustic oscillation, see BAO 433, 443, 569, 570, 593 BATSE, 148 ADM mass, 429,
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