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CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOLUME 40, NUMBER 34 JULY, 1938 When Does Your Boy Need . You Go East or West, Training that is more than mere learning that gives right attitudes and habits of work? Mastery of subjects Stop Off fundamental to his college course? Development of initi- at ative, self-reliance and self-mastery? Perspective as to CORNELL work, play, money, time and health? Understanding of DAILY AIR CONDITIONED TRAINS the real meaning of preparation for college? Solution of WESTWARD Light type, α m. EASTWARD Rea<l Bonn Dark type, p.m. Head Up a program unusual or difficult to complete? Let us tell 7:40 9:10 L< New York Arr 6:50 7:05 7:55 9:25 Newark 6:34 6:49 7:50 9:10 " Philadelphia " 6:20 7:45 you how we try to meet these needs at Cascadilla. 3:21 *4:45 Arr. ITHACA Lv. 11:03 *10:46 Enjoy a Day or Week End in Ithaca 4:45 3:21 Lt. ITHACA Arr. 10:28 11:03 7:40 6:20 Arr Buffalo Lv 7:30 8:15 lay 4:40 7:15 " Pittsburgh " 10:35 10:40 11:19 12:15 Cleveland 12:20 11:45 4:55 7:10 Arr Chicago Lυ. 8:00 *New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at 9 p.m. from Ithaca Fall Registration September 19 ITHACA, N. Y. C. M. DOYLE '02., Headmaster i* Route^f ThΓBlack Diamond Your Best Friend Won't Tell You CORNELL HOSTS . that he has lost touch with Cornell. During the late depression, Good Places to Know you'd be surprised to know how many alumni were forced to drop their weekly contact with Cornell through the Alumni News. ITHACA Now that business is picking up, they have intended to subscribe DINE AT again, but just haven't gotten around to let us know. Too many GILLETTE'S CAFETERIA haven't seen the paper since its recent rejuvination. On College Avenue Where Georgia's Dog Used to Be Air Conditioned the Year 'Round YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! CARL J. GILLETTE '28, Propr. The Alumni News urgently needs more subscribers. Show your latest copy to your best Cornell friend, and suggest that he subscribe. NEW YORK AND VICINITY Then send us his name and address, with request to enter his sub- In Beautiful Bear Mountain Park . scription at the regular rate of $4 a year. We'll do the rest, and he'll BEAR MOUNTAIN INN thank you for putting him in touch with Cornell again. Palisades Interstate Park Commission A. C. BOWDISH '26 Ί Manager Here's Phone Stony Point 1 for Reservations ΓHE CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS: A THACA, N. Y. VIRGINIA Please enter the following Cornellian as a regular subscriber to the Alumni Handy •Jews. Send bill at $4 a year rj to me; r direct to subscriber. ROLAND EATON '27 Coupon Managing Director •ίaine.................................... Class I itreet & No Cavalier (Use separate sheet for additional names) Hotel and Country Club 'ostoffice..... ......State.. VIRGINIA Ay Name.. Class.. iddress . ...... ELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XL, NO. 34 ITHACA, NEW YORK, JULY, 193- PRICE, 15 CENTS PRESIDENT ISSUES RULES d. To review all applications submitted by WOMEN REPORT RESULTS the Cornell clubs for the purpose of mak- For Alumni Scholarships ing sure that all provisions surrounding At Club Federation Meeting Officers of all Cornell Clubs have with- the award of scholarships have been met, At the annual meeting of the Federa- and that candidates can fully meet the in the month received from President entrance requirements of the University, tion of Cornell Women's Clubs, reports Day a formulation of standards governing and that their previous scholastic records of the year's work were presented by Alumni Regional Scholarships, "pending provide reasonable guarantee that they seven committee chairmen. formal action by the University Faculty." will maintain a scholastic standing satis- Mrs. R. H. Shreve (Ruth Bentley) '02. factory to the University. The standard was prepared, the Presi- reported for the committee on Senior V. METHOD OF AWARD: The University re- dent writes, "in accordance with the re- serves the right to make the final decision in Alumnae Scholarships that four scholar- quest of the Alumni Committee on Re- the selection of holders of Alumni Regional ships of Sioo each had been awarded gional Scholarships." It is "for the Scholarships, and, in the event that no suitable this year, forty-two Juniors having ap- guidance of alumni clubs in making candidates are presented for a particular plied, and that the Cornell Women's scholarship, to call for additional nomina- nominations to scholarships during the tions. All nominations shall be submitted for Clubs of New York, Ithaca, and Wash- ensuing year. Its provisions shall apply approval to the Alumni Standing Committee- ington, D. C. contributed to these schol- to scholarships awarded for the academic The Alumni Standing Committee shall for- arships. Following a combined report year 1938-39 and thereafter until further ward approved nominations, together with of the Federation committee on scholar- the material upon which they are based, to notice. Present holders of scholarships the Secretary of the University, who shall in ships and loans, headed by Mrs. Oswald will be advised immediately of the con- turn submit them to the University Committee Milligan (Clara Cagwin) '07, and Mrs. ditions of tenure, with which they are on Regional Scholarships. This committee, Shreve's committee, a resolution was expected to conform." which shall consist of the President of the unanimously adopted that: University, the Secretary of the University, Inquiries for further information are the Director of Admissions, the Dean of the "The Federation of Cornell Women's invited to be addressed to Ray S. Ashbery University Faculty, and the Chairman of the Clubs approves the report of the scholar- '2.5, Alumni Field Secretary and secretary Faculty Committee on Scholarships, shall ship committees and authorizes the ex- of the Alumni Committee on Regional select the holders of scholarships from nomina- ecutive committee of the Federation to tions made by the Alumni clubs and approved prepare and present to the President and Scholarships. The standard as sent to by the Alumni Standing Committee. The Clubs follows: awards shall be made by the President of the Trustees of the University a proposal for I. PURPOSE: The purpose of every Alumni University. A scholarship shall not be awarded the establishment of a scholarship fund Regional Scholarship shall be the higher edu- until the funds in support of that scholarship to be known as the Federation Scholar- cation of the ablest and most promising have been received by the Comptroller of the ship Fund or by some other suitable secondary school graduates within the area of University. name, and in consultation with President the club providing the funds. Every other VI. TENURE OF SCHOLARSHIPS: Every Alumni objective shall be subordinate. Regional Scholarship shall be established for Day and the Cornellian Council to de- II. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOLARSHIPS: Alum- a period of not less than two years. Such velop a plan for the Fund." ni Regional Scholarships shall be described in grants made for the freshman and sophomore M. Lucile West '17, chairman of the the General Information Number of the Uni- years shall be renewed for the junior and membership committee, reported that versity Publications, which shall contain also senior years provided (i) the incumbent can a list of the supporting clubs. All supporting show financial need therefor; (2.) his record in three new Clubs have been formed during clubs shall notify members of conditions of the University proves his merit; (3) the sup- the year, the Cornell Women's Club of eligibility well in advance of the final date for porting club has funds available for the con- Long Island, the Cornell Women's Club nominating candidates, in order that a reason- tinuance of the scholarship. of Western New York, and the Cornell ably large number of applications may be se- VII. WITHDRAWAL OF SCHOLARSHIPS: Under Women's Club of Middletown, and that cured and the best possible representatives of no avoidable circumstances shall a scholar- the district brought up for consideration. ship be terminated for reasons arising outside additional Clubs were in prospect in III. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY : The holders of the University. In the event that a club Dayton, Ohio, Closter, N. J., Easton, of all Alumni Regional Scholarships shall be wishes to have a scholarship withdrawn or to Pa., Binghamton, and Westchester chosen from nominations made by the sup- allow a two-year grant to expire without re- County. porting alumni clubs. Except under unusual newal, the University Committee shall be circumstances, a club shall nominate at least notified immediately through the Secretary of For the committee on relations with two candidates for each scholarship to be the University, in order that the matter may secondary schools, Mrs. Edwin S. Knauss awarded. In nominating several candidates, be settled between the University and the sup- (Dorothy Pond) Ί8 reported that teas the club shall be at liberty to indicate the porting club. All candidates shall be advised for prospective students had been given order of its preference among these candidates. upon making application that the Committee Qualities of character, scholastic ability, and may withdraw a scholarship in the event that during spring recess, with undergradu- physical fitness shall be considered in the the incumbent's academic average for any ates as speakers, by the Cornell Women's selection of nominees.