21, 1962 #Ry Thur»Ttt»Y 82 P———10 C—To Ice of the Peopi Rep
THE WESTFIELD LEADER THB UUDDTO AND MOST WDHU.Y fBOULATBD WIMttY HBWIPAPIl W 0WOJI OOO1TTT I'UblJshtHl SNTY-SECOND YEAB^-No. 26 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSKY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1962 #ry Thur»ttt»y 82 P———10 C—to Ice of the PeopI Rep. Dwyer Enters Newsletters By Young Journalist [Democracy At Work Bid for Primary, Coe Gets Fourth Term Offer Eye Views Of Europe, Asia With this issue, the "Leader" For more than a year, she School In Town Meetings begins a series of ten articles by served as press secretary at the COP Congresswoman a young Westfield free-lance jour- Iranian Embassy in Washington {Two thorny problems for which proposed solutions have met with Pledges to Press nalist, Winifred. Baumer, who will where she was editor of the Em- ance from the citizens were faced headon Saturday morning in write from Paris, Vienna, Yugo- bassy's bi-monthly magazine, "Thc Party Interests slavia. Turkey and Iran. Iran Review." Early last Novem- Post uncil Chambers at separate public hearings. Miss Baumer, daughter of Mr.ber, she began her present tour [The purpose of the meetings—to present council's plan in detail Union County Congresswoman and Mrs. William H. Baumer of of Europe and the Near East. leloeation of the Town Yard—to present the Board of Education's Florence P. Dwyer, considered one 601 St. Marks avenue, writes from Her initial article "Letter from Dr. Rhoda Is Elected 1st for an expanded play area for McKinley School pupils and to of the strongest vote-getters among experiences unusual in one barely Europe" follows: e tenor of the feelings on both from those most affected, the House Republicans, today an- into her twenties.
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