#547 1 - 7 April 2011 16 pages Rs 30


Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal faces the media following a program organised on the 56th anniversary of the Federation of Nepali Journalists, Wednesday That tingling feeling

wo months since UML Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal managed to Tmanoeuvre himself to power with a little help from his friends in the Maoist party, his government has not even achieved the bare minimum of settling on a full complement of ministers for his cabinet. One of the ministers he has nominated, Bharat Mohan Adhikari, has already rocked the boat by prompting the resignation of the widely admired Finance Secretary Rameshwor Khanal. At the rate the prime minister is going, the process of forming a government may not even be completed by 28 May, when the Constituent Assembly is due to expire. With his enemies within and outside of UML quite happy to see him fail, and the party from which his government derives its chief legitimacy distracted by the much-hyped prospect of a vertical split, Khanal will have to conduct some serious outreach if his tenure is to be seen as more than the lucky aftermath of a slap in the face.

p11 The hold of the past. War lingers in villages like Simigaun, even in peace Matthew Bleiman p13

Power to the people. ’s successful rural electrification scheme is in danger of slipping into darkness. Rubeena Mahato 2 EDITORIAL 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 UNTIED WORKERS hat does the rub their hands in glee at the prospect dissolution of of a Maoists split even if they only Wthe three parallel continue to stumble along in strife, Maoist trade unions mean? for there is no doubt that they are not It means that the situation doing themselves or their support had become untenable in the base a favour. The rest of the political eyes of the public, even if the establishment and India are obvious absurdity of three separate candidates for schadenfreude, but a unions belonging to the one fair section of the media, the business mother party was simply a community, and the rest of the refl ection of the seemingly elite would like no better irreconcilable three-way split than to see the fragmentation of the in the highest echelons of the Maoist party fragmented. not quite United Communist But is Nepal better off with Party of Nepal, Maoist. a monolithic Maoist party that is Whoever is now chosen reluctant to reform, but which at to lead a reformed, united least makes some effort to engage trade union, it will not settle with the rest of the establishment, the larger question of and which still represents one half whether the largest party in of a peace process that it has not the country can keep itself quite abandoned? Or do we want a from falling apart. Whatever split that, let no one be in any doubt, the driving forces – external would be far more signifi cant than and internal manipulation, previous splinters, and which could ideological schisms, egoism, leave us with two or three still large media sensationalism – even and powerful parties? At least one the most diehard Maoist of these parties will then resort to supporter is compelled to unbridled radicalism to claim the concede that the Maoist party revolutionary mantle. has a serious internal problem on its hands. Indeed, most such It’s hardly a surprise either. After all, parties from the full In the short term, the aforementioned stakeholders will diehard supporters, the cadre, have already chosen sides. Those range of Nepal’s political spectrum have and will continue to probably fancy their chances with a Maoist split, in as much as whose maintain that every communist party’s revolutionary spirit endure splits based purely on a lust for power and paisa. The the Maoist party will be weakened. In the medium term, a split derives from the ferment of debate, and that UCPN (Maoist) Maoists have the added complication of ideology to deal with. would do nothing for the peace process and the constitution. is no different, is either lying or blinkered to the realities of You can’t sit on the sharp fence of revolution for very long In the long term, a split, and the inevitable exclusion of the revolutionary communism. It is as much wishful thinking as that without being accused of being an extremist or a reactionary. radicals, could fuel the basis for yet another damaging confl ict. indulged in by of those who do wish to see the Maoists split. But we should worry about the consequences. Many will Be careful what you wish for.

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CUNNING PLAN don’t really understand what change is government? Otherwise,most of the genuine and do business, make money and take it “With public consultations an impossibility likely to happen in this country. Nobody demands have already been addressed or can back to India; many villages have women under the current timeline for constitution has answered the question, what after the be resolved from the CA. with HIVAIDS; the potential remains unused; writing, by now it is probably not a good constitution? Variously upset and jubilant And I am not getting this ‘India’s security and Karnali blues and plays are only to idea for the politicians to rush through a about the disruptive changes in the form of the interests’ from quite a long time now. Was read or see in KTM for fun and sympathy makeshift constitution, even if they abolition of the constitutional monarchy and it its interest in killing Nepali Jamim Shahs amongst selected groups of fans including were able to.” (‘Make haste slowly’, the establishment of secularism, as well as and other Shahs in broad daylight through writers and the media. Editorial, #546) the threats and opportunities likely to emerge contract killers sponsored directly by the Indian In the early 80s, in a response to a I absolutely support this position. from federalism, Nepal’s elites have failed to embassy? Or is that about allowing Tibetans question by a group of donor agency staff What has happened has happened. If you inform the to come to Nepal, so that India can get at least on what I believed the development trend rush into the constitution-making process, ordinary citizens that these are not something worth speaking about against China should be for the far western region, my it will lead to additional complications. But really the changes, but structural adjustment and show it to their masters in the West? With response to them was just help build roads, this being Nepal, they may be planning required for the real changes. the issues of the Bhutanese refugees, the roads and roads. Nepali people will do the to rush through to keep the record of Soni Meghalaya issue, SSB forces terrorising Nepali rest. I still believe it. Don’t you? having last-minute solutions appear out nationals at the border, with the involvement S. Upadhyay of thin air. LOSING MY HEAD of Indians in most of the cases of vandalism, However, the sensible thing for the I have, in a safety locker in my old house terror and drug-related issues in Nepal, I see TIGER, TIGER government to do is to make a clear in Dadeldhura, some 2 lakh Nepali rupee the security problem to Nepal from India and Stories like these make my day (‘Cross- statement of facts, and clear all doubts. notes. All crisp. All with the grumpy face not the other way round! country tiger’, Min Ratna Bajracharya, They must admit that given compulsions of Gyanendra (‘Off with the heads…nah!’, Mahesh #546). Well done to all the staff involved. that they are too embarrassed to talk Paavan Mathema, #546). Raghu about, they could not complete the entire I live in Timbuktu, Africa. And I have the GO WEST process and, therefore, they have a only keys to the locker with me. Obviously, I’m The beautiful Api, Mahakali, Seti River, the cunning plan which would help them sort too paranoid to trust my relatives with the keys. forests, and the beautiful cities: Baitadi, out the situation. If the intelligent people at Rastra Bank again Dadeldhura, Doti, Chainpur, Martadi, The cunning plan would involve decide to declare those currency notes illegal, Kalikot,Sanphe and many others have long the following with the fi rst point most should I buy a plane ticket to Nepal to turn been there (‘Fabulous far west’, Dambar preferred: them in? Krishna Shrestha, #546). So have the wildlife Weekly Internet Poll # 547 a) Conduct fresh elections for the Thurpunsich sanctuaries. The climate allows all kinds of Q. Is the CIAA on the right track with former CA, or b) Do what this editorial suggests crops, vegetables, fruits and herbs from the minister Wagle’s corruption conviction? and provide a pre-set timeline that must WHOSE SECURITY? northernmost Himals to the fl at Tarai, which Total votes: 1,958 be followed. If any of the deadlines are “…address Madhesi issues, and not act also has great fi shery production potential. missed the PM or (someone) would against India’s security interests” (‘All’s not Educated far western folks and their political immediately resign or undergo some lost’, Prashant Jha, #546) leaders live in KTM. The rest? We all go to other sort of penalty. Raising the stakes Madhesi issue?? I am sorry, what issue is India and bring back HIVAIDS. The donors and in this manner will ensure everybody that that, One madhesh one pradesh? So that I/NGOs and government regional offi ces run the government is serious about what Indians can cash in on our resources for dirt- their projects through Nepalganj Unit offi ces they are saying. cheap prices through puppets in the Madhes with AC, vehicles and easier fl ights to KTM A fascinating element about the like Gachchadar, who was advocating an or trips to Lucknow or Delhi or Haridwar. As a Weekly Internet Poll # 548. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.com change in Nepal is that most people economic blockade in Nepal to topple this result, Indians of all skill levels come to work Q. Do you think UCPN (Maoist) will split?

Publisher: Kunda Dixit | Editor: Rabi Thapa Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd | Chief Operating Offi cer: Sunim Tamang | Hattiban, Godavari Road, Lalitpur | GPO Box 7251 Kathmandu [email protected] | www.nepalitimes.com | www.himalmedia.com | Tel: 01-5250333/845 Fax: +977-1-5251013 Design: Kiran Maharjan | Marketing: Arjun Karki, Surendra Sharma [email protected] | Advertorial/features: Ram Krishna Banjara | Subscription: Santosh Aryal [email protected] Printed at Jagadamba Press | 01-5250017-19 | www.jagadambapr.com OP-ED 3 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 Devendra Raj Panday’s example


s fi nance secretary Rameshwor Khanal resigns after standing up to political pressure, it is an appropriate moment to look back more than Athree decades ago, when another secretary preferred to defend his principles and walked out of government service. Devendra Raj Panday’s decision then, as a mark of opposition to the Panchayat system, was an even bolder one since the regime then did not take too kindly to dissent. Few have done as much since to push the boundaries of social democracy, ignite debates on meaningful development, champion human rights, and argue for integrity in public life as Panday. What makes his life and work even more striking is that a man who was born to a privileged and traditional Bahun family, and had close links with the palace, went beyond his class and caste interests and sought to understand Nepal in all its complexity and diversity. After quitting government service, Panday slowly become involved in the struggle for democracy. He publicly criticised Panchayat development strategies; built close links with NC leaders who often asked him for assistance; expanded links with professionals yearning for an open society; and built networks with the emerging community of human rights activists. All this was to play an important role in 1990, when Panday became the de facto civil society leader for the movement for democracy. In recognition of his role, and the respect in which he was held by all the political forces, interim PM Krishna Prasad Bhattarai appointed him fi nance minister. Panday was frustrated by his limited brief to ‘keep the economy on track’. He often recounts how he could not push welfare measures as the PM wanted the focus to remain on constitution writing and holding the elections, and sought to avoid any complications. As the 1990s progressed, Panday became increasingly disillusioned. He felt there was little attempt to reconceptualise development from a democratic perspective, and the new governments had adopted core elements of the Panchayat development strategy. Except for the new rulers and the rank and fi le of the newly legalised political parties, democracy did not bring about a transformation in the lives of Nepalis. There was no distributive justice, leading to increased inequality. State structure remained exclusionary; inter and intra-party rifts had distorted democracy; politicisation of civil services became entrenched; the armed confl ict was taking its toll on people. History does repeat itself, even for civil servants

Incorporating many of these concerns, Panday produced ‘Failed Development’. He also mounted a stringent criticism of the international aid industry in Nepal, highlighting its failure to aid productive sectors that could generate lasting economic growth and allow a sustainable welfare state. He pointed out that while foreign aid had led to awareness among marginalised groups and enabled them to articulate their demands, it also helped sustain traditional power structures, protecting them from having to adapt to the new consciousness. Panday fl irted for a short while with direct politics in the 1990s, setting up his own party. But his primary role was in civil society, battling corruption and fi ghting for human rights, including at the regional level. As the confl ict deepened, he felt he had a responsibility to fi nd a solution. He was the fi rst civil society leader to meet in the early years of the last decade, and he had a simple message for the Maoist supremo – “Give up violence, and enter open politics. The entire left and social democratic space is vacant, and you will be successful.” As the palace began actively intervening in politics, Panday made the transition from a constitutional monarchist to a republican. The Citizens Movement for Democracy and Peace (CMDP) in 2005-06, which he led, was the game changer in the fi ght against the royal autocracy by mobilising the masses and urging them to have faith in the political parties, which had made such a mess of the 1990s. He was also an active behind-the-scenes player in preparing the ground for the broader Maoist-parties accord. Since 2006, even as other civil society stalwarts have gone around lobbying to become MPs or obtain certain posts, Panday has rejected all that has come his way, including CA membership. Instead of personal gain, he has kept his focus on the bigger picture. At the cost of being called a Maoist, a ludicrous label for a committed democrat and human rights activist, Panday has consistently argued for continued collaboration between the parties and the Maoists in the spirit of the 12-point agreement; stood for inclusion, federalism, a new political culture and radical social welfare measures; spoken out against violence; and opposed all constitutional violations. Thirty years after Panday left government service, it is beyond doubt that the establishment’s loss was a tremendous gain for Nepali democracy. 4 BUSINESS 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 “Qatar values Nepal”

to contribute actively to Nepal Tourism Year 2011, and has set a target of 100,000 passengers. It has been working with Nepal Tourism Board to promote Nepal abroad and is also a sponsor for the Board’s activities. Qatar, with other airlines, has been pushing for a 24- hour Tribhuvan

BIKRAM RAI International Airport. “There hen a destination is flights to 21 a week, despite have been improvements in “Wimportant, an airline competition from other the airport, but a lot can be does at least a flight a day,” Middle Eastern airlines. still done,” says Shivram. says Ramdas Shivram, Qatar The airline was ranked the He suggests upgrading the Airway’s country manager third best in the world in technology used in the airport for Nepal. “We operate the annual 2010 Skytrax and speeding up response. three flights daily from passenger survey. In April, Qatar Airways Kathmandu, so you can “Migrant labourers form celebrates its 100th tell how Qatar Airways part of our clientele but the destination, Aleppo. In a values Nepal.” airline has a good proportion span of 13 years, its fleet Shivram recently joined of business and leisure has grown to 96 aircraft, up the Nepal team and is travellers as well,” says from just 4. Shivram says: positive about the airline’s Shivram. This fiscal year, “Qatar has been expanding future here. With Doha Qatar Airways serviced about internationally, and we growing as a transit hub for 80,000 passengers, and a continue to explore ways to travellers across the globe, majority of them had grow in Nepal as well. We the airline has been able two-way tickets. will soon fly four flights daily to expand its Kathmandu Qatar Airways intends from Kathmandu.” BUSINESS 5 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 A civil servant


n 1979, then Finance Secretary Devendra Raj Panday resigned from his post after a dispute with Prime Minister Iand Finance Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa. Last Tuesday, Rameswor Khanal, Finance Secretary, allegedly tendered his resignation following a major disagreement with Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Bharat Mohan Adhikari. Between the two incidents lies a short ’s administrative service. Nepal first drafted a Civil Service Act in 1957. By 1990, the act had gone through 29 revisions. Revisions were not meant to institutionalise the civil service, but to expand the discretionary power of top-level bureaucrats, ministers and the masters of them all, the Palace mandarins. During the Panchayat years frequent changes in the Act helped the Palace decide who was in and who was out among the ministers and, sometimes, among the bureaucrats. It was with the Palace’s blessing that Thapa decided that Panday should be out, and out went Panday. Administrative procedure be damned! Upon donors’ advice, GP Koirala’s government started the process of streamlining the bureaucracy in 1992. But as so often happens with technocratic advice applied without an understanding of the local context and capacity, the streamlining work soon mutated into an ill-thought out exercise. Laid-off civil servants sued the government, won their cases, and eventually returned to their jobs. Besides, the idea of creating a lean bureaucracy did not go well with political parties, who saw government as a painless source of many low to mid-level jobs for their cadres at the expense of taxpayers and donors.

Rameswor Khanal’s resignation is a protest against the pernicious influence of politics on the civil service, but don’t expect anything to change

With the stage set thus, the following 15 years saw party- political influence penetrating deep into the fibre of the civil service. Secretaries who agreed to help siphon funds to party headquarters or the pockets of politicians were tolerated and promoted. Those who did not cooperate were sidelined. Career paths for bureaucrats became unstable and unpredictable. For patronage, they started becoming fixtures at party headquarters and at politicians’ homes. Trade unions with overt political affiliations started signing up civil servants as members, treating them as though they were wage labourers. By the time of Jana Andolan II in 2006, the mood at government offices had become politically electric and polarised. In some way, that helped contribute to the protest movement against the king. But the cost was that the virus of partisan politics became firmly entrenched in the fabric of the civil service. In the last two years, with stories of ministers assaulting civil servants and locking them up in bathrooms, Nepal’s ‘civil service’ has become neither civil nor service-oriented. Years of political interference by democratically elected netas who outdid the Panchayat mandarins in weakening all potentially strong and independent institutions have meant that the civil service is now an ‘anything goes’ institution. As such, even if one were to start civil service reforms tomorrow, pushing the reforms through the system to make it independent and strong is not an easy task. By most accounts, Khanal disagreed that the files on alleged tax cheats should be closed. The Finance Minister, apparently with the Prime Minister’s backing, thought otherwise. Khanal therefore walked away from his job. And the optics surrounding a straightforward civil servant standing up to powerful vested interests make the government beholden to thugs who pass themselves off as businessmen who wear bespoke suits. In the absence of a sustained public outcry, Adhikari is likely to keep his head low for a few days and let the issue die out. Something similar happened in 1979. Thapa stayed powerful. Panday went on to become a democracy activist. On Wednesday, Khanal’s comment on his Facebook page was: “There is a wider civil society in which we can work together . . . for the change that our country needs.” 6 OP-ED 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547

must unequivocally say it is the Maoist party that should Chance for redemption lead the government. Nepali Congress’ sidelining in national and Nepali Congress further politics notwithstanding, MY TAKE apart. Neither the peace the Maoists would do well process nor the constitution to take its threat seriously: Damakant Jayshi will see the light unless these that Nepali Congress will two come together. not allow the promulgation The reasons, if they of the constitution unless n the Bollywood movie needed any reinforcement, the Maoists honour their Hyderabad Blues, two are obvious. commitment on ex- Ipairs of brides and grooms It has taken less than combatants. It is right in are about to tie the knot. At two months for the parties asserting that there cannot, the last moment, one of the to realise – they are loath to and should not, be another brides ditches her groom to admit it in public, though election with the Maoist be with her true love, who – what a mess they have Without Nepali Congress, the party still effectively himself is on the verge of created. Khanal’s is already a commanding the reins of marrying another woman. non-functioning government, Khanal-Dahal government a private army. If Dahal- Nepal’s situation is not and not just for his failure to Khanal refuse to listen and so different. The Maoists give full shape to his cabinet isn’t going anywhere try to go ahead as per their and UML have been in a even two months since he seven-point deal, it will relationship since the seven- took over as the top executive said, a political two-thirds party and to be more specific, lead to what no democrat point deal between their party of the country. majority is the need of Pushpa Kamal Dahal. The in the country wants to see chairmen, which paved the This is an unnatural the hour. One may accuse chairman can say all he wants, happen: the dismissal of way for UML’s Jhala Nath coalition, even though it him of overstepping his shout himself hoarse over the Khanal government by Khanal to become PM. Nepali is heavily communist in constitutional brief, but India’s meddling in internal President Yadav around 28 Congress, for all its recent character, with the country’s beneath the planted news of politics (not unjustified, as May with the covert backing bungling, still has at least two two leading communist a PM said to be ‘unhappy’ recent events corroborate of Nepali Congress and other aces up its sleeve. For a truly parties and an ex-communist about the president’s his allegations), and issue political parties, including a effective coalition would led Madhesi party being part statement, there is a much- threats. But he and his party powerful faction of UML. be one between the Maoists of it. President Yadav has needed nudge to reverse the cannot afford to ignore Nepali The Nepali Congress and Nepali Congress, with pointed out that decisions slide downhill. Congress. He needs to speak to threat is not an empty UML and the Madhesi parties by the coalition (which as The whole idea about those in the party with whom one. They know that the playing a supporting role. a two-thirds majority in the acting as per the mandate of he first got in touch to effect president is ready to act out Ego, pigheadedness and CA) will have no meaning the people expressed through the 12-point agreement, agree his role as protector of the the personal ambitions of if such decisions don’t have their ballots, and embracing to implement the agreements constitution with the army their leaders, along with a the political backing of all the reality of post-conflict on integration/rehabilitation standing firmly behind heavy dose of suspicion about the major political forces. transition, was always of Maoist combatants, and him. each other’s intentions, have More than the numerical pointing to one direction – a agree on constitution-drafting. May better sense prevail. however pushed the Maoists two-thirds, President Yadav government led by the Maoist In return, Nepali Congress [email protected]


CIAA officials charged The Supreme Court has recommended action against former acting chief commissioner of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), Lalit Bahadur Limbu, and commissioner Bed Prakash Siwakoti. The court has accused them of abusing their authority to register public land used by the UN Park in Thapathali in an individual’s name. This is the fi rst incident in which action is being taken against offi cials of an anti-graft body. The court has also ordered former minister and NC leader Khum Bahadur Khadka to appear within 15 days to defend himself against charges of corruption. He has been accused of embezzling Rs 23.6 million and abusing his powers as a minister at different ministries post-1990. Khadka was cleared by the Special Court in 2006.

Finance secretary resigns Finance Secretary Rameswor Khanal tendered his resignation citing differences with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bharat Mohan Adhikari on Tuesday. Khanal had been pushing for action against fake VAT receipt racketeers recently. He had also been strongly pushing for corrective measures to control the asset bubble and reinvigorate the economy. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) summoned Adhikari and Chief Secretary Madhav Prasad Ghimire for clarifi cation, but the minister failed to be present for the meeting on Thursday.

USAID The US Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its Nepal Economic, Agriculture and Trade (NEAT) Project in Nepal on Tuesday. A US$30 million project will help engage the private sector to improve the country’s foundations for rapid, sustained, and inclusive private-sector led economic growth. “This program is an important new endeavour that seeks to improve the business environment, work with the government of Nepal to strengthen fi scal and trade policies, encourage competitiveness and exports, enhance food security, and increase the access to fi nancial services,” US ambassador Scott H. DeLisi has said. LIFE TIMES 7 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547



isiting Achham last month, it was heartening to see that the airport in Saphebagar, which Vwas blown up during a Maoist attack in February 2002, is finally being rebuilt. A new terminal building with a blue tin roof is already up, and all that remains now is the construction of the control tower. The runway may have fallen into disuse for aviation purposes, but hasn’t gone to waste: this year the Saphe Mahotsav was celebrated at one end! Hopefully once flights resume, events such as these will find other venues. Back in 2002, the Maoists laid siege to Saphebagar and the headquarters of Achham, Mangalsen, on the same night. In Mangalsen, progress in rebuilding the old palace that went up in smoke that night seems to have slowed. Construction is yet to move beyond the windows on the ground floor. Nevertheless, it feels good to see Nepal inching back to some sense of normalcy following the violent conflict. But just so we don’t forget what the war was like for our fellow Nepalis, particularly in the countryside, the government should preserve at least some of the destroyed structures in the condition that they are in now. These ‘monuments’ would serve as a reminder of how bad things were and how it could be just as bad in the future if we are not careful. One such building is the police post in Chaukhute village, Achham. This post, strategically located on a mound to the right of the highway just as one drives into Achham from Doti, is a striking sight. The concrete roof and walls have caved in, in the most dramatic fashion. Fortunately for the wary policemen once posted there, they were spending the night in the jungle when the blast brought the post down. A replacement police post can easily be built elsewhere in the vicinity. Chaukhute could be part of a series of ‘war and peace’ exhibits around the country, included in educational and other historical tours. It can then take its place alongside other reminders of the recent conflict, as well as the forts of yore. 8 LIFE TIMES 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 EVENTS

KJC’s choir classes, by Australian bassist Marcus Dengate, jazz, gospel and popular music. Every Friday, 5 to 6pm, Jhamsikhel, 5013554, [email protected]


Alfresco, for homemade pasta and other lip-smacking delights. Soaltee Crowne Plaza, 4273999

Brick by Brick, a multimedia event to promote clean and green bricks, with photo exhibition by Achinto, Nepal’s fi rst Flashmob. This The “Domino Effect”, with live music and a contemporary art performance by Karl Knapp will also take place Momotarou, serves Japanese food 9 April, 4pm, Jawalakhel Football that is top value for money. Ground, free entry, www.brickclean. Extravagant taste yet humble in net presentation. Thamel and Sanepa Koto Restaurant, the fi rst Japanese restaurant in Kathmandu, serves Lives and Faces, pictures from OR2K, one of the few vegetarian up 25 years of history. Whether it’s the Maoist insurgency in India by restaurants in the town, their Middle the fresh sashimi, sushi, sukiyaki Mustafa Quraishi. 17 March to Eastern platter is delicious and their or tempura, their experienced 17 April, 11am to 4pm, closed on cocktails robust. Mandala Street, Japanese and Nepali chefs are sure Tuesdays, Shanti Sangrahalaya, Thamel, 4422097 to impress. Darbar Marg Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, Patan Dhoka, 5549948

Nature through Lens 6, exhibition of photographs for nature conservation. 3 to 6 April, 10am onwards, Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal

Mithila Cosmos: New Narratives, an exhibition of Mithila paintings by SC Suman. Till 5 April, Babar Mahal Ghangri Café, a quiet place with Revisited, 4218048 comfortable sofas and a lovely GETAWAYS courtyard, perfect for those sunny Watercolour paintings of afternoons. Although famous for unique and exquisite orchids, their open sui mai, they offer a few by Hemlata Pradhan. Till 1 May, other great dishes as well. Serindia Gallery, O.P. Garden, Soi Pulchowk Charoenkrung 36, Charoenkrung Road, Bangkok, 022386410, Newa de Café, won’t be surprised [email protected] if there is a Newari mama in the kitchen churning out chhoila, sukuti, KJC Spring Camp for Kids 2011, kachila and bara at this restaurant a 10-day camp for 6 to 13-year-old right amidst the bright lights of children. Starts 4 April, 5013554, Thamel. Try Newari delicacies like [email protected] deep-fried buffalo tongue, brain and intestines. You will be blown away. Teen Art Competition, organized Next to Kathmandu Guest House, by AmarJyoti Foundation. 16 April, open everyday Trikuti Colony, Battisputali, 4482868, 9851023958 Fulbari’s domestic tourism promotion package, includes sfd ;fgf] 7'nf] eGg] x'“b}g . kl;gfsf] s'g} Call for entries for Film 2 Nights/ 3 Days deluxe Southasia, a festival of South Asian accommodation, bed and breakfast, /ª / hft klg x'“b}g . sfd u/]/ vfg nhfpg' documentaries. 29 September to 2 one special dinner, welcome drinks klg x'“b}g . rf]/]/, 9f“6]/, 5n]/, n'6]/ vfg October, early submission deadline: and free tennis, gym and swimming 31 May 2011, fi nal submission pool facilities at Rs 6,500 nett per kf] nhfpg'k5{ . hf] hxf“ /x]/ h'g sfd u5{ pm deadline (for fi lms made after person. The Fulbari Resort & Spa, April 2010): 31 June 2011, Film Pokhara, 4461918, 4462248 To;}df /dfpg'k5{ uf}/a ug'{k5{ / ;dlk{t Southasia Secretariat, Patan Dhoka, eP/ ug{'k5{ . sfd g} zlQm xf], elQm xf] / 5552141, www.fi lmsouthasia.org, Club Himalaya, for amazing fsa@fi lmsouthasia.org mountain views and refreshing d'lQm xf] . sfdsf] OHht u/f}+, weekend escapades, special kl;gfsf] ;Ddfg u/f}+ . package available for Nepalis and MUSIC Le Bistro Restaurant & Bar, the expatriates. Nagarkot, 4410432 outdoor dining area invokes a great Freedom in the Groove, the atmosphere for a night of drinks Grand Norling Hotel, countryside g]kfn ;/sf/ Acoustic Bass in Case, KJC’s with friends and family. While they weekend package offering suite ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ dGqfno master class by Ian Eustis, 4 April, serve a plethora of dishes, it is the room, swimming, gym, massage, ;"rgf ljefu 5pm, KJC, Jhamsikhel, 5013554, Indian food they pride themselves and discounts on other facilities. [email protected] on. Thamel, 4701170 Gokarna, 4910193 LIFE TIMES 9 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 The storytellers

wenty emerging Nepali photographers recently concluded a four-week Tphotography course titled Introduction to Visual Storytelling. The course, organised by photo.circle and tutored by a mix of Nepali and Bangladeshi experts, aimed to introduce participating photographers to a wide range of visual styles and aesthetics. It focused on building narratives, which the participants duly attempted with stories set in the city around them. The result is a delightful, thoughtful mix of photos that remind us just how variegated life in the Kathmandu Valley is. Over three dozen photos by the participants will be on display at Nepal Art Council next week in the exhibition Kathmandu, Kathmandu.

7-13 April, 12-7pm, Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal ARJUN KARKI PRASIT STHAPIT DECHENLING

of backpackers. Dechenling Chentse, was wonderful, if Garden, right before you only for the novelty of the enter the maw of Thamel, is celery with meat. one of these. Dechenling has a fair bit The pleasant, spacious more to offer, including Phing garden seating under canvas (rice noodle) combinations, SOMEPLACE ELSE tops somewhat negated by more conventional Tibetan the rattle of the generator stews, and the ubiqitous and fluorescent lighting, momos. It could make more t’s worth remembering we ventured further in to of a lovely setting by working that Jhamel traces its discover warmly lit indoor harder on the presentation Iroots to Thamel, the first seating. But my attempt of its fare, and some might neighbourhood to attract to recall the memory of quibble with the size of some young Nepalis seeking a little a honeyed cocktail of a portions. But if you want more than home dalbhat winter’s eve didn’t work a change from the usual and Nepal Television for too well. The Dechenling continental mishmash, and an evening’s entertainment. Special with vodka, gin, be in Thamel without feeling Despite the proliferation of soda and honey, completely like you’re in the heart of sleaze and poverty, there are flat and unappealing in a the misshapen beast, then still establishments here that wine glass with a straw, Dechenling’s a charmer, and are more about food than was only redeemed by ideal for couples and big the happy hour cocktails, lemon juice on demand. specials the place is not think it would work gatherings alike. leaden rock classics, and Beer please! And on to the known for. when you saw the creamy Nepali Kukur popcorn baskets so beloved Tibetan and Bhutanese The Shapta and concoction but it does, Shabhalay – the waiters though there could be more Entering Thamel, cut right are happy to explain this vegetables in the mix. The just below Himalayan Java is sliced and fried buff or Tibetan Shabrel was as solid and walk some way down chicken, and meat in a pastry as only meatballs can be, but the street to the entrance on – were both scrumptious its compatriot, the Sha Tema your left. enough for us to save some for home. It was harder to Space choose between the mains, since there were so many Bread ‘n water intriguingly unknown Service quantities. But how could we resist the Bhutanese Erma Deal-icious Dhatsi, a chilli, cheese and Rep-eat? mushroom curry? You’d 10 HAPPENINGS 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 GUFFADI WEEKEND WEATHER by NGAMINDRA DAHAL

Nepal received about half its quota of rainfall last month. The Kathmandu Valley, for example, KATHMANDU Nepal’s phinest received 17mm of its 30mm monthly quota. Weather wise, there are no signifi cant changes on the horizon this week, due to the stable ere we go again...our great taal ko bathroom baatuh bhagyo than them sailors kya! position of two gigantic low pressure zones at the eastern and western edges of Asia. A narrow low- police-wallahs have once rey…haha! Well…we can’t blame the pressure ‘trough’ is acting as a bridge connecting Hagain done us proud! Central And where were them cops? laathi-chargers...for they still act the two zones on the northern side of the greater jail must be a fun place to be hola! They were drunk sleeping kya! I like they did during them Panchey Himalaya. Fresh satellite pictures indicate that FRI SAT SUN dusty skies will continue to predominate over You can plan them extortion, murder think it’s about tyam...our Home days and our NA still acts like it’s Nepal and northern India and the possibility of surder...get shot at...play marriage ministry bans them cell phones and 1931…heheh…Rana Sashun ko a good cleansing storm is almost nil. Expect and 99% of them inmates feel safe whisky bottles during duty hours bela jastai! While the police-wallahs sunny intervals, turbulent winds and fl uctuating rey except Yunus Dai...haha! kya! talk like they never went to school... mercury levels over the weekend. 27-11 29-11 30-12 Did you know that Charles Few weeks ago, there our NA folks still use the ‘Rana’ Sobhraj gets them ‘wine was some bandh sandh in bhasa…haha! swine’ and them Maharajgunj...why? A liquor Them police-wallahs will cheese stuff from store right next to a police say...’Sir, Yo R@#! ko C@#$ lai some guy from the beat was burglarised and muh thok-dim?’...ani Nepal Army French embassy? the tole-baasis were mad ma chahi ‘Shaap, Hajur lay marji How come Charles at them cops rey! Hahah… hos, muh yeslai thoki haalchoo...’ hasn’t escaped yet... abuh raat bhari tyehi raksi hahah! either he is really pasal ko twat chor-dai, piu- My Uncle was in the NA once... enjoying his stay or dai...geet seet soonyo holan hahah...he went from talking like just getting old hola ni! tuh mora haroo lay! this...’Ye.. Bhat khanoos’ to ...’Hajur Yunus Ansari is probably Hello…US Embassy... Jew Narayan gari-see-eos ki boxy- having a Hyderbaadi biryaani timro government ko aid said is see-wos’…or something like that... and thanking the heavens above for not working kya! Instead of giving BS! being alive. And the only place them our Police them communication And a friend of mine married cell phones have better reception is equipments and what not...just open some general ko chori and at them jail sail kya…khoi hamro tuh a ‘Dunkin Donuts’ kya… and maybe whenever he calls his mother-in- tower nai tip-dai naw! ‘free coffee & donuts’ will help our law...he goes...’Hajur Maha-raani... Milan Chakre dai is probably cops stay wide awake and also bulk something baksi something gari- gorging on Choco-Fun while doing a up as well...hahah! see-wos...’ one-hand push up because his other If we look at our Nepal The Ranas left the building hand is all mangled up kyaaruh! police…all them offi cers are moto- 60 years ago…the Shahs are And now...a Pakistani inmate has ghaato and them constables are all leaving as well…but we really can’t escaped...thanks to our ‘drunk’ looreys...khana naw-kha jasto! And blame our LMG (Limbu-Magar- policemen! instead of better training, bhatta Gurung) army generals and other Well, he didn’t escape from and ration...they just carry their ‘khandaani’ folks for acting like them jail sail...he fainted, got bamboo sticks, chew Pan Parag them RST (Rana-Shah-Thakuris)... checked up by them doctors and and get drunk on duty! Ye…and not because...at the end of the day...we was transferred to the ‘Heart’ to forget...we don’t have a Navy but all want to be ‘Shree Tin’ Maharaja hospital...ani raati 11 bajey aspaw- our police-wallahs can curse more kya! MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA

ON DUTY: A sniffer dog makes the fi nal security checks at a program in the Academy Hall, Kamaladi, before the arrival of Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal on Wednesday. The program was organised to celebrate Deadly Hepatitis E the Federation of Nepali Journalists’ 56th anniversary.

take a turn for the worse. Twenty to thirty DHANVANTARI per cent of pregnant women with Hepatitis E Buddha Basnyat, MD die of liver failure. Twenty-one-year old Gyanu Thapa, an affluent housewife in Kathmandu, always drank boiled water at home. But when she epatitis E is the commonest cause was pregnant she craved the momos from a of adult jaundice in Nepal. The little restaurant on the street. She thought Hinfectious diseases hospital in Teku it was OK to drink the tap water served will soon witness the annual rise in Hepatitis there, only to come down with jaundice E patients. This viral disease is transmitted and eventually Hepatitis E. Within weeks (to put it crudely) through the consumption she died of fulminant liver failure despite of faeces. In Kathmandu, this act is not the best efforts of her physicians. A vaccine difficult to envision. Vegetables washed in the could have prevented her tragic death. MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA Bishnumati River are brought to party palaces An effective Hepatitis E vaccine and restaurants and served as fresh green DODGE!: The Juddha Fire Brigade team gives Ajima temple in Ason, was developed five years ago with the Kathmandu, a much needed spring clean, Friday. The cleaning took salad. If they were properly cooked or soaked collaboration of the Nepal Army, Glaxo place on the initiation of the local Machhindra Club. in adequately iodinated water for at least 20 Smith Kline, and the US Army. But Glaxo minutes, there would be less of a problem; but lost interest in its commercial development eating these vegetables uncooked increases when it realised that this product would not the risk of acquiring Hepatitis E and other rake in the money. The good news is that the interesting organisms. Most people that are Chinese have recently developed an effective afflicted by this disease eventually recover, Hepatitis E vaccine (HEV 239) and appear but if you are pregnant, things could easily to be determined to make sure it does not go the Glaxo way. A dependable supply of clean drinking water would eliminate this problem. But that, of MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA course, is BEYOND THE HOUR: The Lumbini Garden, Lumbini, lit up on Saturday easier said to mark Earth Hour, a global initiative in partnership with WWF. The than done in Lumbini Development Trust has taken several eco-friendly decisions, Nepal. including the proposed plantation of 108,000 saplings in the garden. WHO 2008 NATION 11 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547

TheThe holdhold ofof thethe pastpast

TEXT & PICS by MATTHEW BLEIMAN Simigaon is a typical Nepali hill village - idyllic on the surface, but alking through this serene village nestled in the rolling beset by the lingering Whills of Dolakha district, it effects of the conflict is difficult to imagine things were ever any different here. Between 200 and 400 people reside in Simigaon today, the majority of who are Sherpa villagers that the full extent of the or Tamang, and most men leave the civil war’s impact becomes apparent. village for seasonal trekking work. A The emotional baggage of their small hydroelectric generator powers wartime experiences weighs heavily households and a single phone on the disposition of many Simigaon connects the villagers to the outside residents today. When working in the world. fields, women prefer gossip to talk of Yet Simigaon, while never the site politics. But almost every aspect of of a battle between the Maoists and their everyday lives has been coloured state forces, was right on the fault lines by the shadow of the war. of the civil war. By 2001, the Maoists As a result of the war, the VDC frequented the hills surrounding the positions are still vacant. There was village. Initially, plainclothes fighters once a police station, but a Maoist established bases of operation but as bomb threat scared the police away. must trek a day to the nearest trading the village during the war, while often the war progressed, uniformed Maoist All for the better, thought the villagers, post where they can buy or exchange necessary, was particularly dangerous. soldiers began to appear in the area. who often feuded with the police their produce for rice, peppers, and Ambushes occurred frequently along The Nepal Army too entered the region in any case. Last year though, after a other commodities. A road was to the roads and paranoid soldiers could and although it had no formal presence violent fight at a festival, the villagers be built that would have made the not always distinguish between Maoist in Simigaon, it operated bases nearby had to walk the assailant for hours to exchange of goods much easier, but the fighters and villagers. As Anglakpa, a and engaged the Maoists in skirmishes the nearest police station. war diverted resources and the project village leader, explained, explosives around the village. The village farms grow millet, remains incomplete today. The trouble were strewn all around the village. The It is only when one speaks to the potatoes, corn, and wheat. Villagers does not end with the long walk, either. poster in the health centre warning Once at the trade post, villagers find residents speaks of the enduring threat. that goods are much more expensive Maoists often came to the houses in than they used to be, a result of inflation Simigaon demanding food and shelter, during the war. and villagers such as Tendi Ama (see Tendi Ama Education is another source of box) had no choice but to acquiesce, persistent frustration. Kochhiri, a even though they would be threatened n opinionated and passionate woman, student during the war, explained by the Army subsequently. ATendi Ama remains haunted by that during the war the Maoists would Coverage of the war has usually her experiences during the war. She often come to the school in Simigaon focused either on the overarching bitterly recalls the time when Maoist and interrupt the usual curriculum political aspects of the struggle or on fi ghters occupied her home forcibly and to teach Maoist ideology. Such areas where heavy conflict or atrocities a bolt-action rifl e went off indoors. In the intrusions sapped the effectiveness of took place. Yet there were many more confusion that ensued, she feared for her the already mediocre education system villages like Simigaon that were life. She had to spend several nights away in Simigaon. The effects linger today, equally if more indirectly traumatised from her house, only to return to fi nd her food supplies exhausted and livestock both because students fell behind by the presence of the Maoists and slaughtered. Ever defi ant, Tendi Ama has during such interruptions and because the Army. The residents of Simigaon, not forgiven the intruders and claims that without a local VDC, the local school like villagers throughout the hills of if they ever return, she will face them with lacks direction and structural support. Nepal, became the pawns of a political a khukuri. And of course, the spectre of struggle far removed from their own violence that haunted the village then lives, and it is stories like theirs that has never quite gone away. Leaving often fall into the cracks of history. 12 INTERNATIONAL 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547

the band plans to use local and have a great style of languages on the next album. singing that’s unique. We also “We are working on hear foreign rock bands but another album where the now we have our own and it songs are in our national feels great to be listening to languages Pashto, Dari Afghan rock singers.” and Uzbeki, and it will be Nasir Ahmad Sarmast released in the next two is the president of months. Most of our lyrics Afghanistan National are very positive, we sing Institute of Music and he about love – love of your says rock music is something country, love of your mother very new to Afghanistan. and friends, and love for “Rock music made its way everyone,” he says. to Afghanistan around 2001. One of their songs, in One of the best things about Persian, talks about the need Afghanistan when it comes for unity among Afghans to music is that our society and it is often heard on the is very open to accepting airwaves. Kabul Rock Radio, different types of music. We Afghanistan’s only FM are seeing a strong interest station dedicated to rock, has in rock music among young been particularly supportive people, but we will have to of the band. wait and see whether it will “We felt Afghans find a long-term place in needed to be cheered up Afghanistan,” he says. Rocking out after 30 years of war so we For Sediq Ahmad, the established Kabul Rock Radio guitarist and third member of MALYAR SADEQ AZAD in March 2009. Later, the Kabul Dreams, it’s not easy in KABUL members of Kabul Dreams being the country’s only rock in Afghanistan started working for us. They band. are producers and presenters “To keep the band going t the American dreaming big. are going really well,” says at the station and they also is not an easy task. The first University in Kabul “One of the main goals Mujtaba Habibi, the band’s fully run the station now,” challenge that we are facing Aaround 500 people of this band is to show a drummer. says Najiba Ayubi, managing and we have faced since the are watching Kabul Dreams – different side of Afghanistan The three members of director of The Killid Group, beginning is financial. Not a Afghanistan’s only rock band to the world, to show that Kabul Dreams are from which owns the station. lot of people are interested in – play live on stage. The band Afghanistan is not just the different parts of Afghanistan “In my free time I like sponsoring us and there are is going wild and a group of home of war, violence, and speak different listening to rock music, not many venues or facilities fans are shouting and raising killings, political debates and languages, so many of the especially Kabul Dreams, for recording,” he says. their hands in excitement. explosions. The rock band songs on their first album are because they are really However, he adds, there’s Rock music is still nascent has got people interested in English. However, different from other Afghan no doubt it’s the start of in Afghanistan, but that and helps create a positive 20-year-old lead singer bands,” says fan Rohullah something great. hasn’t stopped the band from image of Afghanistan. Things Sulaiman Qardash says Samadi. “They are original www.asiacalling.org. ENERGY 13 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 so that those in power can use the 20-80 fund for their interests. Why else would a successfully running Power to the people program be interrupted?” There may be good reason to believe this is already happening. RUBEENA MAHATO This year, consumers deposited Rs Transformer built by the With the Electricity Users Group in 160 million into the 20-80 fund, which Bhardeu, South Lalitpur dismantling of should have attracted epal’s successful experiment Rs 640 million in government with community electrifi cation, the department funding for community electrifi cation. Nwhich has connected 135,000 responsible Since the department’s dissolution, households to the grid in just seven however, just Rs 310 million has been years, is facing a major setback with for rural allocated. “The remaining amount will the dissolution of the Community electrification, the now be spent according to the whims Rural Electrifi cation Department. On of the ministers and offi cials,” Ghimire 13 October, just before the start of government seems says. the Dasain holidays, a meeting of determined to When asked about the the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) allegations, joint spokesperson at abruptly dissolved the department. It undermine another the Ministry of Energy Purusottam was justifi ed as part of a restructuring community-led Acharya conceded that he had drive in NEA. But the move has not no idea what transpired in the just created an institutional vacuum, Nepali success fateful meeting that terminated pushing the work of about 300 the department of community electrifi cation user groups across the RUBEENA MAHATO electrifi cation. Secretary at the country into limbo. More pertinently Ministry of Energy, Shital Babu for NEA, it has allowed for its greater computers, health posts have started the rounds of NEA and the Energy Bharat Mohan Adhikari, who is Regmi, declined to comment. control over the consumer-led refrigerating vaccines, and small- Ministry for a month now to get back also from Morang, has apparently Faced with crippling power cuts program, sparking fears that NEA’s scale industries are being set up. money belonging to his community. promised to fi nd him in the capital, it is easy to forget endemic corruption will now seep into The dissolution of the The Aangdim Sewa Users Group Rs 5 million. Never mind the about the 55 per cent of rural Nepal the movement. department, however, has put the that he belongs to collected unknown provenance of said Rs that isn’t connected to the grid. But Under the community-led future of the program in jeopardy. Rs 4.1 million fi ve years ago and 5 million, what about other user community electrifi cation is one of model, user groups partnered with “Consumers have invested more deposited it into the 20-80 fund groups who may have already Nepal’s few success stories, and the government to being electricity than Rs 750 million so far, and along with the government’s invested their communities’ savings? high-level visits from Bhutan and to villages that were off the grid. 93,000 households are awaiting contribution. But instead of paying Dilli Ghimire is indignant. “We Laos indicated international interest Communities took charge of connection. We have managed to the contractor responsible for have never faced such problems in the model. By forcibly incorporating distribution, maintenance, and even keep the program alive but there construction, NEA used the money before. With the department, we a community-driven program into the shared 20 per cent of construction is a great deal of uncertainty about to pay its own staff. Now the could at least be sure that the centralised and ineffective institution costs, with government providing the the road ahead,” says Dilli Ghimire, contractor has refused to continue consumers’ money would be used that is NEA, the government is rest. These community-managed Chairperson of National Association work and the villagers are angry and where it was meant to be. NEA guaranteeing that its success will systems are so well administered of Community Electrifi cation Users in tired of waiting. “I have been held is so unmanageably corrupt that be short-lived. that pilferage is non-existent and Nepal (NACEUN). captive three times by the villagers. I any program it handles is bound to most are making decent profi ts. The cracks are already can’t go back before I get the money fail,” he says. Narayan Gyawali, nepalitimes.com This is in stark contrast to the badly beginning to show. Tanka Kafl e, back and the contractors agree to General Secretary of NACEUN, is Power sharing, Nepali style, managed and nearly insolvent NEA. along with over a dozen others, work,” Kafl e says. equally clear in his condemnation. #523 Following electrifi cation under this has travelled all the way from Tandi Ultimately Kafl e may be one of “There are no two ways about it. The model, schools have introduced in Morang and has been making the luckier ones. Finance Minister department was dissolved suddenly 14 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 No, minister Energy crisis

Editorial in Nagarik, 30 March A true employee can resist pressure Editorial in Naya Patrika, 24 March from any sector but the political leadership. In this respect, either he Finance Secretary Rameshwor Khanal’s has to obey his orders, or quit. Khanal’s The government has declared an energy emergency. resignation came at a time when he was resignation has elevated his own stature, Deputy PM Bharat Mohan Adhikari proclaimed an investigating the fake VAT bill scam. but has truncated that of the government. energy crisis over the next four years, and announced the Since Khanal was already under pressure The coalition government is guilty of government’s action plan. from a certain group of businessmen, he insulting honest and dedicated employees Earlier, the Dahal-led government had also declared an decided to quit once he learned that the like Khanal, and the prime minister should energy emergency, following which there was extensive political leadership was not willing to take firm action to fix the image of his debate on energy alternatives. The pros and cons of support him. government and steer the economy back on diesel plants were discussed. But politics pushed the Known for his track. energy debate onto the backburner. The lesson is that no honesty and integrity, Asking for the plan really works until the country’s politics is settled. Khanal had already said resignation of Finance The present government may have declared an energy he would rather resign Minister Bharat Mohan emergency, but with a half-formed cabinet, its goals are than compromise. The Adhikari is the first thing unlikely to be realised. resignation of one of most PM Khanal should do. capable and untainted Adhikari is guilty of failing secretaries in the country to protect his secretary, is a stain on the record allowing unnecessary of Jhala Nath Khanal’s pressure to be heaped government. The ouster on him, and imposing of the secretary, who was his political interests on admired for his financial him. It was the result of reforms, has made it more Adhikari’s inept leadership difficult to achieve the that Khanal was forced out. good governance needed Adhikari should thus take to save the country’s moral responsibility and failing economy. This resign from his post. If he is an issue of national does not, the PM should dignity. dismiss Adhikari, paving the way for The VAT scam was not the only Khanal to return to his ministry. reason for Khanal’s resignation. The new Khanal’s return is necessary to government could not digest the practical keep financial administration efficient, suggestion of a supplementary budget competent and fair in the country, as either. As the political parties routinely well as to elevate the spirit of other milk the ministries to fund their parties, government employees. By undermining the coalition did not want Khanal to be a civil servant, the political leadership heading the finance ministry. has precipitated its own moral downfall. To approve Khanal’s resignation PM Khanal has not done anything in BIKRAM RAI would be to ridicule the administrative the two months since he entered Singha The declaration of an energy emergency implies that professionalism, capability and Darbar. If he accepts Rameshwor Khanal’s national economic policy will be focused on tiding over impartiality of the Finance Ministry, not resignation, the first thing he will have the energy shortage in the next four years. But we should to mention demoralise ministry staff. done is to promote political anarchy in the be focused on developing a comprehensive energy plan The bureaucracy will be further administration. The finance secretary may and implementing it. We should find an alternative to politicised and corrupted, and it will set a be an individual, but the issue is a larger petroleum, keeping in mind that the hydropower regime wrong precedent. one. is rife with corruption and power politics. Political will is central to addressing the energy crisis. To split or not to split?

Analysis in Dristi, 29 March activities of Maoist leaders show that they are headed in the same direction. Prachanda is in a dilemma about whether Given the language used by the Maoist to take action against Bhattarai before he leaders and the dirty games they are playing, actually splits from the party or to wait for one can’t help but wonder how long the him to make a move. Party insiders say party will survive. Shalikram Jamarkattel, Prachanda wants Bhattarai to declare the the chairperson of the All split so that he can blame all Nepal Trade Union (Maoist) the failures of the ten-year said in a meeting at Khanna war on him and clear himself Garment that Baburam of any wrongdoing. He also Bhattarai should be smeared wants to woo the Baidya with soot for trying to split the faction so that he can project party, and that Netra Bikram the image of an undivided Chand should be boycotted. party under him. He even ordered physical But the Bhattarai faction action against Bhattarai and has got wind of Prachanda’s his supporters at a program intentions. Their plan is to organised at Everest Hotel, stay put in spite of all the saying that he would be ready pressure until Prachanda to face the consequences. initiates party action against YCL Newa Committee-in them. Once that happens they charge Chandra Bahadur Thapa will portray themselves as has gone so far as to say that martyrs and then form a new the Baidya and Bhattarai factions should party. Bhattarai is busy soliciting the support Shopkeeper: Take the fi rewood, brother. Those who declared be buried alive. Recently, even Maoist of CA members, and there are around five the energy crisis took all the cooking gas away. Chairman Prachanda indicated party action dozen MPs supporting Bhattarai at the could be taken against Bhattarai. moment. The Prachanda-Baidya faction is UML’s example is enough to show how trying hard to stop other MPs from going to Batsyayan in Kantipur, 26 March internal struggles within a party can weaken Bhattarai’s side, and to win back those who it and push it to disintegration. The recent have already declared their allegiance. ENVIRONMENT 15 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 Get moving

olitical uncertainty Phas delayed Nepal’s ratification not just of the amendments to the Montreal Protocol, but also four other international treaties ECHO CHAMBER: Kabindra on money laundering, Rai, Narmaya Tamang enforced dissapearances, and Lakpa Tenzing of the migratory workers, Khumjung School’s Eco and the International Club at Syangboche last Criminal Court. week, raising awareness Officials say this has about Nepal’s failure to ratify seriously undermined the treaties to phase out the use of chemicals that are melting country’s reputation at Himalayan glaciers and international fora. affecting the climate. Marco Gonzales, Executive Secretary of the Nairobi-based United Nations Environment Programme’s Ozone Secretariat, was in GREEN SCENE Kathmandu last week to meet government DAMBAR KRISHNA SHRESTHA ministers and lawmakers to convince them to expedite ratification. “Nepal has a great track record in Cooling without heating compliance to phase-out schedules of ozone- depleting chemicals DAMBAR K SHRESTHA used in refrigeration and air- that the chemical that saves “The draft laws were under the Montreal in SYANGBOCHE conditioning. the ozone layer is causing approved by the previous protocol,” Gonzales told HCFCs replaced the the earth to warm even government, but because of Nepali Times, “and there CFCs that were the main more,” Narmaya says. the delays in the formation is now an opportunity to cause of the depletion of Narmaya, Kabindra of the new cabinet and send a positive message and effective signal to armaya Tamang is the earth’s ozone layer that and Lakpa took part in an parliamentary sittings the the outside world by a Grade 8 student protects the planet’s surface interaction last week at treaty has not been ratified ratifying all five treaties at the Khumjung from harmful ultraviolet Syangboche organised by the yet,” explains Sitaram Joshi, N in a single package.” School and says she sees rays. The Montreal Protocol United Nations Environment head of the Department of signs of climate change all phased out all CFCs by Programme (UNEP) to draw Standards and Metrology. around her. The snowline is 2010, and the ozone the attention of Nepal’s Ozone depletion in the receding on Ama Dablam, hole over Antarctica has legislators to the twin southern hemisphere has which she sees from her increased the incidence of said in Syangboche that early classroom window. It is skin cancer and cataracts, ratification by Nepal of the getting warmer year by Nepal is the only country in Asia that affecting even livestock Copenhagen and Beijing year, and there is less hasn’t ratified an international treaty to and plants. Because CFCs Amendments to the Montreal winter snow. phase out coolants that warm the earth remove the earth’s ozone Protocol would unlock up Narmaya, with classmates sun block, people living in to US$2 million in technical Kabindra Rai and Lakpa Nepal’s high altitude areas assistance for a phase-out. Tenzing, are members of the stopped growing. But are also more susceptible. “Nepal has an excellent Eco Club at the Khumjung while solving one problem dangers of ozone depletion The other danger is that past record in compliance, School, and they thought (ozone depletion) another and climate change. the continued emission of but the need to address they knew what caused this: was created. HCFC is Although Nepal ratified harmful refrigerants and both ozone depletion and emissions from fossil fuel 2,000 times more potent the Monteral Protocol and air-conditioning gases, climate change has given burning that led to global than carbon dioxide as a phased out CFC imports especially by industries in ratification an added warming. What they didn’t greenhouse gas. last year, it is now the only India and China, exacerbate urgency,” Shende added. know is that there is another, “We knew that the country in Asia not to have climate change. Official sources say the even more dangerous depletion of the ozone layer ratified amendments to the The head of UNEP’s draft law and documentation greenhouse gas: hydro- was causing cancers and Montreal Protocol to replace Paris-based Ozone Action a now awaiting a slot in the cholorofluorocarbon (HCFC), cataracts, but now we know HCFCs. Program, Rajendra Shende, parliamentary schedule.

COVER Deadline: May 28 Under the Shadow of a Gun Maoist Rift over Ideology, Power and Money

EDITORIAL Prevent a Disaster

REPORT Achham’s AIDS Epidemic Corruption Network in Local Bodies Hindi-speakers and the Census

COLUMNS Saru Joshi Shrestha: Learning from India’s Census Purshottam Dahal: Madhesi Parties in Identity Crisis HIMAL Abha Setu Singh: Waiting for KHABARPATRIKA Reproductive Rights 30 March - 13 April Ang Tsering Sherpa: A Call from Shikharpur 16 BACK SIDE 1 - 7 APRIL 2011 #547 www.nepalitimes.com www.nepalitimes.com

Liquidity crisis in blood bank

y favourite headline only fitting that he should getting answers via SMS bidder. To which I can only b. Forum wallahs want phoren till Tuesday was the attend the annual jamboree and taking dictation through say: it is like letting the c. Baddies want home Mabove, and I thought of the Nepal Scouts in mobiles. A CA member got donkey guard the haystack. d. Oli’s boys want in nothing could beat that till Lainchour the other day. He her daughter to sit for exams it was dislodged by this one wore a khaki uniform (not and when she was found FG 2. Why does Chairman (pictured). An abir jatra and shorts, thankfully) a kerchief, out, came to give her exams It was only a matter of Awesome keep going to nagar parikrama coming right and gave the host a smart herself the next day with time before the All-Nepal Singapore? up for the sub in question. three-finger salute. And then, bodyguards who apparently Intellectual Federation a. Stop by at StanChart at lo and behold, Rain Man helped her with the test. A (Revolutionary) was also Suntec tower FG raised his hand and took the DEO was caught writing the going to split into the ANIF b. Meet uncooked handlers Comrade Rain Man is still the Boy Scout oath, repeating in answers on the blackboard, (Revisionist), the ANIF (Not- c. Meet wok operatives commander of the People’s lip sync: “On my honour, I while another DEO who so-revolutionary-anymore) d. All of the above Liberation Army and now will do my best to do my prevented cheating was and the ANIF (Ass Lickers). also Piece Minister so it was duty to God, and my Country beaten to a pulp in Palpa. Which must be why the 3. What is the real reason the and to obey the Scout Journalists who got access Jam Cuttle faction has been Baddies are at each others’ Law, to keep myself to exam rooms to take distributing pistols to casino throats? mentally strong and pictures for the papers were bouncers in case the Budge a. They are doing to morally straight…” He caught in flagrante helping Gain Gang decides to get themselves what they did to should have just publicly relatives with answers. The bowtick. others renounced violence Ministry of Re-education says FG b. Jam Cuttle is keeping the as long as he was at it, it is deliberately allowing casino cash all to himself since it looks cheating because, as one As part of our effort to gauge c. BRB and PKD are bitter like the PLA is turning official put it, “How else the public’s awareness of rivals in Stalin Look-alike into a Cub Scout Pack are these students going to political issues, Backside is Contest anyway. fit into a society of thugs?” conducting a poll. Please fill d. They’re hoodwinking us all FG Never thought of it that out this questionnaire by by pretending to fight way: cheating in exams is an ticking one answer and For those who are still integral part of vocational send to ass@nepalitimes. 4. Why can’t the Kangresis get asking “Have we turned education in this kleptocratic com. The first all correct off their asses? into a nation of crooks?” republic. answer will receive a gift a. Because they possess big let me once and for all hamper of oatmeal. Women bottoms put the uncertainty to FG are encouraged to apply and b. Hey, watch who you’re rest with a firm “Yes.” And now we know why. Past cheating is allowed: calling an ass And proof of that is the officials of the Commission c. As a donkey I take umbrage rampant ‘chit’-ing in for the Investigation of the 1. Two months later, why at all this the ongoing SLC exams, Abuse of Authority it seems hasn’t the prime minister d. As a donkey which has surpassed all themselves had their hands still not been able to you shouldn’t previous records. Chits in goo with illicit land complete the cabinet? be using the ‘a’ have gone digital, with deals, selling off the Bagmati a. Carpenters have all gone to word students now floodplains to the highest the Gulf ISSN 1814-2613 CDO Regd No 194/056/57 Lalitpur, Central Region Postal Regd. No 09/066/67