A Study of the Influence of Certain Preschool Educational Movements on Contemporary Preschool Practices (:)
DOCUMENT RESUME T'D 039 450 PS 002 742 IATImanr Schmidt, Velma ,,,TmT171, A Study of the Tnfluence of Certain Preschool 7'ducational movements on Contemporary Preschool Practices. TITmTmtrrnTON Nebraska Univ., Lincoln. 7111 "P, rnmr 17Qn. rivDS PT)Tr.r PTV"; nriCem MT' Tn, 7ci PC,sq.0 117SCT)T"nDS *Doctoral. Theses, *Pearly Childhood Education, Plucafional nblectives, *Educational Practice, *PIncational Theories, Historical Reviews, Tnstrucional Materials, Preschool Curriculum, *Preschool Programs, Peview (Reexamination) , Teaching Metl-ods TDNTTr-1-77)S Child Si-nay Movement, vroebel, Head Start, Montessori AHSTPArT Tdentified in this dissertation are the major influences on American preschool education: (1) the Proebel leindergarten, (2) the Montessori movement, (3) the Child Study movement, and (4) Project tread Start. Each movement is described according to history, aim, curriculum, materials, and methods. rriteria for each section o'F the contemporary Preschoolwere identified by analysis and synthesis of opinions of fourcurrent authoritative sources in nrPschool education. The criteriawere then compared to the description of each Preschool movement to identify its influence. The Froebel kinderaarten contributed the view that ,'?ducation is a process of growth and advocated using the methodof self-acts vity through play. The Montessori movement put emphasison responsibility to be aiven to children for care of self and environment. The Child Study movement resulted in increasedattention to the Physical, social, and mental developmental needs of children. Peal start influence can only be Predicted, but effectivefactors may be increased attention to social services, health services,parent and volunteer involvement, and the effort to adapta program to the needs of a specific group of children.A bibliography and chronology fables of significant developments in Preschoolmovements are included.
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