Donato Environmental Services ABN: 68083 254 015 Mobile: 0417 819 196 Int’l mobile: +61 417 819 196 Email:
[email protected] Phone: +61 8 8842 1181 Fax +61 8 8842 1186 Influences of hypersaline tailings on wildlife cyanide toxicosis: Granny Smith Gold Mine Report to: Barrick Granny Smith Gold Mine 20 December 2010 FINAL REPORT Influences of hypersaline tailings on wildlife cyanide toxicosis: Granny Smith Gold Mine Disclaimer This report has been prepared and produced by Donato Environmental Services (ABN 68083 254 015) in good faith. However, Donato Environmental Services accepts no liability (including liability of negligence) and takes no responsibility for any loss that a user of this report or any third party may suffer or incur as a result of reliance or use, as stated or inferred in this report, and in particular for: • any errors, misinterpretations or omissions in the report; • any inaccuracy in the information and data on which this report is based or contained in this report; and • any interpretations, recommendations or opinions stated in, or which may be inferred from, this report. Citation Smith G.B., Donato, D.B., and Madden-Hallett, D., 2010, Influences of hypersaline tailings on wildlife cyanide toxicosis, Granny Smith Gold Mine, Draft Report, September, Donato Environmental Services, Darwin. Distribution Receivers Copies Date Issued Issued by Frances Mills, Leon Hill, Arlene Rofe Draft (electronic) 15 Sept 2010 DES Frances Mills, Leon Hill, Arlene Rofe Second draft 18 November 2010 DES (electronic) Peer reviews, Owen Nichols Second draft 18 November 2010 BGS (electronic) Frances Mills, Leon Hill, Arlene Rofe Final (electronic) 20 December 2010 DES ii Influences of hypersaline tailings on wildlife cyanide toxicosis: Granny Smith Gold Mine Preface This preface is to provide peer reviewers with the context and ramifications of this report in terms of the International Cyanide Management Code (Code) and Code compliance at Barrick Granny Smith Gold Mine (BGS).