

A Boon to the Trombone A 1925 . Player and his Neighbour! few Winners to date in on . . The Besson •• Mutro·· Trombone Mute AT LAST! THE PERFECT MUTE and the LICHTEST. It weighs only two ounces. ' Net packing and postage Boosey s Fan1ous SOLBRON Contesting lnstrun1ents SentPrice " on 1216 approval ; " against remittanceSd. 13/S. February 28th.-LEICESTER CONTEST: April 11th.-PUDSEY CONTEST: April 1-+th.-CROW EDGE CONTEST: Mr. Halliwell, great Contest Band Trainar, the ct .-ls , Ibstock United (Mr. wt n . Selection.- st, F1·iendly (Mr. C. Dyson). writes:-" The 'Mutro ' is all you claim for it.H on t o Selection.-lst. Friendly M . J. C. Dyson). 2ndFull SeBooseyi Set, A. La ) Full Booseyl Set. J. ( r Ful� Boosey Set. ect on.- nd, March 7th.-SOUTH WALES FESTIVAL: Boosey•sSel i Imperial2 Denholme Basses (Mr. H. Pinches). March.-lst, Hep11·orth Silver (Mr. utt ll). &. CO., LIMIT5Hl', and Euphoniums and IV. K a erndale Prize (Mr. Powell). Trombones. Majority Boosey•s with Imperial Basses. BESSON Class A.-lst, F 1'. J. 196·1881 Euston Rd., LONDON, N.W. t Full Boosey Set. March.-lst, Bradford City ("Mr. 1\"ood). Class B.-1st. Oakdale Reyes). Boosey's Imperial Basses. W. April 1Sth.-ROTH ESAY CONTEST: Full Boosey Set with Imperial(Mr. H. Basses.A. JOHN PARTINGTON April 13th.-BOGNOR CONTEST: 1st, Clydebank Burgh (Mr. Halliwell), W. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. March 14th.-TRURO CONTEST: 2nd Section.-lst, West Crawley Majority Boosey•s. Full Boosey Set with Imperial Basses.(Ml'. "\Y. Smith). 2nd, Darvcl Burgh, (Lieut. G1·ant). Open c ion.-lst, Bugle Silver C�Ir. Adamson). 22, IRED VENUE, BLACKPOOL. Boosey'sSc tImperial Basses. W. Boosey Set, A ALE A April 13th.-BROTHERTON CONTEST: Full (Their F r these Basses) i t Contest with . Selection.-lst, Hickleton Main (Mr. P.prii.-PORTADOWN TOM PROCTOR, Boosey's Imperial Basses, T. Hunter). (Ireland): March 21st.-STALYBRIDGE. SOLO CORNETIST, lst, Glazebury (Mr. J. Jennings). Selection.-2nd, Bradford C ty lst, I.O.R Silver Band (Mr. Vine, F.R.C.O.). i (l\Ir. W. Wood). Full Boosey Set, J. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR". Boosey•s Imperial Basses. . Boosey's Imperial Basses. FL ET STREET, :\'ELSON, LANCS. 9, E Send at once for Illustrated Catalogue and Terms to : WlLLIA.l\ti LAYMAN ------Ltd., 295, Regent Street, London, W.l. BAND TEACH R AND A D UDiiCATO . BOOSEY & CO., E J R Life-long Experience. forms mod.erate. -. ' E , PYLE, ·SOUTH W � ' • • ' NORTH Y Nl ,>, l ' 22, A ,� ' ,. �· ' : • • ,• • • ' • 1 I" : ' • ' • ' �R A ' '' ' ,'\',, ' ' WILLIA!\.1 POLLARD SOLO CORNET, BAND TRAINER, ADJUDICATOR AND • . Winner of o ver 50 Gold and edals Crystal Pa ace Championship. Silveryears' M experience; 11.� with l lHLnds. :l''or terms20 apply- 1\rst-elass RRO K BTRENI', WSHAWB OO'l'H, p A O Near Hawtenstall.ORA ST. HILDA COLLIERY BAND (Conductor: Mr W. HALLIWELL) Again won the THOUSAND GUINEA TROPHY at the CRYSTAL PALACE J. G. DOBBING, SOLO OORNE'f, BAND TR�

STREET, GEO. H. MERCER, 68, ERSKINE TR UMPET, RNE , BAND STR.ETFORD ROAD, CO I NEW WORKS, MANCHESTER. TE CHER ND CONT S l' T JUDI C . BIGBAl¥1 A A E ' AD .il'O R B G BAM . ddress- Strangawaya, Manchester.) SILVER-PLATING (Late of 127, REPAIRS MONA VILLA, BURNGREAVEA STREET, . ''0'.' ''._ 't �- , � • • ,::, \, '• 't\(� "r, ·•�· �!' ,,-...,;••'' '• '-<0 c�ll' \., .,•'I' '�1 the containing Press: History of the Evolution I RUFUS FLETCHER of ten TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR and other makers. All in playing order with of the Cornet and photo gallery of famous Cornet Masters, a valuable . I addition to your Music Library. I OPF..N TO TEAC,I AN BAND, mouthpiece. JUDGE ANYWHERE.AMBITIOUS 00

011 S enl post free receipt of postcard. RAILWAY HOTEL, BLACK LANE. RADOLiliM, MANCHESTER. Send, write or call for full particulars : HAWKES & SON TOM EASTWOOD, 11, Denmu Street, Piccadilly Circus, London, Dept. W.l. :��"c�:��::�:�us.LONDON, SOLO CORNET, BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR. HAWKES&Branches SON, at GLASGOW and ALDERSHOT W.l. OF MUTTON INN, SHOULDER MANCHESTER STREET, H UDDERS.FIBLD. .,.____ _ ------·1-l ·wRIGHT Rocxn's _\ND BRASS BAND NEws MAY ] 1925' .

a . •rCJH,•1•L::&, tor RE IAB BRASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER, Yes, Thank You, Theg are Quite Satisfted. SPECIAL MAV L LE THEY SEND THEM TO REYNOLDS Bass SILVER-PLATER, GILDER, AND ARTI8TIO ENQRAVER. ! Drums :: Tenor Drums A ew orders to hand April. Instruments Guard's Pattern Drums 88, LONDON ROAD, MANCHESTER. UT�:,.:�- f in to Renovate and Triply Plate itJ BRITAIN STREET, the Reynolds unequalled A style works:-t, and quality. Excelsior Drums HAVE YOUR IMBTRUMENTI REPAIRED, PLATED, AND ENGRAVED IY Ua .1. • • Irwell Bank Ba'nd, Farnworth -Set of Besson " Enharmonic" basses ' Regulation Drums THE IS THE HICK, ABSOLUTE IATIBFACTION ALWAYS QIVEN, Church Band, !:.!!.!!! .!:!!! • � 1• 80 Accrington-Part set of Be6son. Always a large quantity Second Hand Instruments in stock, Brass and Clayton-le-Moors Band, Accrington-Set of Besson basses. Plated, aU makes. Burnley Municipal Band-Bcsson, and a set of Boosey Compensating .Solicited. Catalocuee and Eetilnatea eent Poet Free. basses. ALL FITTINGS and ACCESSORIES A Trial Rhos Band, Wrexham-Set of Besson to renovate. Salford United-Boosey instruments to plate, Besson renovated. DRUM REPAIRS NOTICE OF REMOVAL. And many others too numerous to mention in this space. WHY DO THEY SEND THEM TO REYNOLDS? ON THE PREMISE BAND INSTRUMENT . S Answer-- UNEQUALLED WORKMANSHIP! The Dominant Dependable Drum MAKERS & REPAIRERS EN S & House: SEND YOUR INSTRUM T AND BE DELIGHTED AND SATISFIED. CO. T e " Soloist & " WOODS instruments are still selling from our old address to a few yards higher up Westgate � Try samples. are removing . . well. N We Fittings for all makes. Fmest drum vellums. Superior DOUGLAS & SO Road, having secured much larger premises where Instrument cases , LTD. Band The Boosey instruments we recently renovated for the famou Brunswick on to better advantage. This � Street, Glasgow. Making and Repairing can be carried much Besses o' th' Barn Band have given entire satisfaction. will put us in a position to cope with our growing business. THIS IS THE OPINION OF THE WORLD'S CHAMPIONS------SO SEND THEM TO REYNOLDS Wnte for Send along any repairs you may have to us. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Particular.> and Prices. Send for Price List of our Instruments. ADDRESS SENR. & MOTE NEW THOMAS REYNOLDS, PERCY BULLOUGH, CO., 17&, 43, ,CHAPEL SONS BAKD T AC ER AND .i.\.DJUDIOA10R WOODS westgate Rd,, STREET, E H BRASS& INSTRUMENT NEWCASTLE-ON-lYlE.REPAIRERS. T rms on Application. MAKERS AND IIEARLY 60 YEARS. S F RD MANCHESTER e ESTABLISHED FOR AL O , 45, CHORLEY ROAD, BLACKR D O , LA:\'Cg. GEORGE KEMP, 20 wordll1/fl. ld. for eaoll addltlenal 10 wordll. B.AKD TEACHiERi AND ADJUDIOATOTI. Teachers, Adjudicators, and Soloists. Remlttanoe must accompany advertlaemllnt, Band (Contin1Ud from page 1.) and reach us by 24th of the month. SWITHENBANK S'.r'RE WTHORP For Box addrea• at our Offloe count111x word•. OSSE T, YET, KSGA L MINOR OR . CHARLES ANDERSON, ADVERTISEMENTS. aed add 3d for forwarding of repllel. 'l' BANDS This rate doe• not apply to Trade Advtll. of tl1e S lec i s ra BAND TEAOHER ADJUDICATOR, STUBBS, e t on ar nged by AND Re>qUit·ing any A , JOS. late SH'£0N-UNDEF,-l,YNE' t BANDi ,l:lecond CON'fl<:S'l' Annual ASS0-Bra s rrE"'Ol� J;IOR N _new, e, BAND TEAOHER AND AJDJUDICA'fiJl{, the 37, FERN STREET, OLDHAM. CIA ION will hold e r s . latest _model, 75/-; Bariton I 'l h rk £4; Euphonmm, £5; Band Contest, on the 1\IIa et Square, on Whit Shde Trombone B-tlat open MR. ALEX. OWEN 5th, 60/-. carriage Friday Evening, June between the hours of pa.id. Approval tel'ms.-A.' HIND: as R. HUTCHINSON' o a , is for eng-agements (own choice). LEY, Ciumber Street. N ttingh m TEACHER OR JUDGE ANYWB.'ERE. a 5 and 9 p.m. 'l'est-piece: March p to- e ce Fr 6 p (Late Bandmaster, Wingatea Te p ran Band). Entrance ee. First 11rizc. £1&; second, £ ; third, R Should ly m a END Y INS'l'JtUMEN'l'S for a s OWEN , £ 1. Adjudic tor: S OU Rep ir and BA D D JUDICA R 3; fourth, £ Mr. Herbert !:lcott. P a 39, HIGH S'l'RErET, 0 e � A u r Si,lver t to AR'l'HUR G. V.283, St.J:e t, TO P r c s l ing BRASSING'l'ON -----· CREWE_ I TRU'.r.n""'"TEACHER AND R TO :Proceeds in aid of .Local Charities. a i la pa i er te g . ''estern . FOR O A RIO. t Re r to C s n ?vlilita.ry GL _\foss Std , '1 .ru.u:- .r.o.L can be obta-ined from the Contest Secretary-Mr. on t Balvation Army' B R i e "WOODLANDS," PC E LA.NE, ' S re . s on and Mission Bands. Good w�rk at R. ASPIN. Manchester. S AL E 'l BARDSI,EY, 31, 'l'atton t et A ht - . mod.erai:� GARSTON, WATFORHEE D, OII'HE'RTS. under- pnce. Cornets plated !'rom 16s. 6d. BB's from £6 --- � · Ly�------==== Sample .order oolicited. Second-hand instruments I'HONIU:t.mST. = Send SOLO EU always m stock. for Price ·List.-11, Westfielc! Open to Adjudicate ROB RT RIMMER, Terrace, Sheffield. Tco.ch, Pla.y or auywiJ,·r�. BRID GE END HOTEL, ' �'!l , cen c, I AND �:;��Ek���1���f�� ONTEST HELMSHORK � � s , "" TEA "-'HE R AND ADJUDICATOR. M � !: � ::!!i IIospita.l, Whi l<'riday, 6 p.m. Music, own choice. COM I E 1 �� -- t n a C S, please send your orders London). Silver a g Cup, l n �i�;��i'�J�1��20 TT E Near lle e e guineas £10 Manchester. TE::.ACYORKSHIRE MUSICAL FESTIVAL AND ADJUDIOA'rurt. WORKS, SALTLEY, ADJUDICATOR. S which we will send gratis a.nd post free.-.: ·TJ N ACHE BA D E . accompanist to send Copies along with Entry. R m et t AND TRETET, SOUTH SHIELDS. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Co p i ors ma.y bring their B SC RES, formerly nsed by J. JENNINGS, 361, TAYLOR S own accompanist if O r the late Mr. they so desire. Sam Radcliffe. Seven sco es the Alex. BRA.SS BAND TEACHER OF MUSIC. e s of lates Competition, big l n . others for l i n ..ADJUDICATOR. .AND Th r :md H rrnon Post. Date of June 20th. Closing Date Owen's s ectio Fifty e ect o s 'l'eacher of eo a y by Pri cipal : for Entries, May 19th. Adjudicator: Geo. H. Round. Rimmer. etc. Cheap. Particulars from y n , by Now a.t Liberty. GEO. TEBB, A.Mus.V.C.M. E q RADCLIFFE. 32, e Mercer, s . Sheffield. h Mrs. White Str et, Caerphilly, J. C. DYSON. (Gold '11.1:edallist). Syllabus, with full particulars of t e Festival, Giam. FENNEY S'l1REE'l'. HR. BRO GHTO::\ , from VE 87, R U OR ' THEORY, HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT, prioo 6d. (post free) :-Mr. S. HARRISON, liA . B.A..�D CH R. C N , et JF YOU A BOY shows ability as a -- _ __ E E'! Secr€tary, " Ba.nk S re , Stocks­ who - 'l'E.A SOLOR successfully taught. ffi View,". Hope- t Cornet Player, vroyide him with assis­ -�- ' I_A.N_C_H_E_S _'I'E ----'--'�-- UD . bridge, near She eld can the • ADJ IC.A:'l'O Pupils prepared o all Examination•. tance which only be obtained from a ----:-::-WALTE-:- VILLAS. H A D P�\RK, f r R REYNOLDS. , B�SSON CORNE'l' TUTOU (by S.. V. Balfour) 4, THE OWYORKS.R For terma, apply- B �R Teacher ULE>G'KHEATON. W \;[� i �g! His progress will astonish and delight you. and Adjudicator of BO NDAR ST. HELENS. I�VE�t flW�.rs n 6d.: c ------U Y �g��lfilB'S� BraBS Band• J , Price 7s. loth coYers. lOs.; postage 5d. from !"LORENCE O_ , STROUD GREEK, H. ROA!D, building 'l'rades preferred.-Apply, OHNSO n, A. N BES'SON & TD. 1%-8, Euston Road, Londo M, R -\.D OLIVER, Ron. Secretary, 1, Victoria AYenue, Barrow-in­ l CO., L , LONDON. N. JAMES 'WALTER NUTTALL, N.W. . Furness. Hild Colliery Band. Bandmaster, a ADJUDIOATOR. St. AND WAN'I'ED for Stooksbridge Pr·ize Band t,wo good B.ARGAINS.-You will always find the best CHAS. COOPER, TEACHER BAND TEACHEIRDALE BT .R.EE' r, BACUP. A. "HINDLEY'S, Nottingham. A. A�D ADJUDICATOR. players-a Cornet player and •rrombone Bargains at &AND 16, See last page. player-(work found); colliers preferred. Apply STREET, SOUTH SHIEL S, le c s­ ASS TROMBONE SOLO, A. Mus. V.C.M. 46, OXFORD to Mr. J. MIDGJ,EY, Ho House La.ne, Sto k BAND 'l'EACHER, .ADJUDICATOR. . D H. MUDDIMAN, B with PianoforteWRIGH'I aooom Co. DURHAM. bridge, Nr. Sheffield. paniment, " Zenobia," price 1/7.-· · COMPOSER, AND .ARRANGER. BAND ADJUD:OOATOR. ROUND, Er ne Street, Liveri>ooi. · AND ki TEACHER" ASHBURN," ANTED.-Assistant S o & .>4, s Twenty-nine l\.Iilitar5", W ol Cornets. Work found Years' Experience BraSti, WALTER HALSTEAD, ------ALLO.A... cxperience.-ApJJly, for Wfincrs. Contesting 1\". JOHN A. ROWLANDS, Band Teacher, Adjudi·16 Orchestral and Choral. BRASS B AWi\'l:AN, 125, Gateford Road, Worksop. cator of Band and Choral Contests. Band Choral AND 'fRAINER anc). ADJUDICATOR. WILLIE HEAP, I, or Contests Adjudio" years Professional experience with first-class S'l' T ,.,.,1. - Distance no obJect. Mi 7 R E H!UTIIW Al'I'E, A r s- BAND CONDUC1UR AND C�NTEST WANTED for a dland Engineering Works Choirs. Brass, Military and Orchestral Bands. 38, )lEW E S�. dd e s U B RY, ADJUDICATOR. Brass Band. the following: a good Soprano years with Mr. W. Rimmer, at Soutbport.-23, , 11 STONEL1DlOH. Q F1ENS IU r ' Cster, is OPEN TO 'l'RAIN BANDS a.nd FRIEND FARRAND, Blaena.u Festiniog, North Wales. Good and steady 278, DERBY BOLTON. e FRED ROGAN JUDGE. for ADJUDICA'l'E CON'l'ESTS. BAND TEACHER _-\.ND STREET. workS found th rig-ht men. Write to the Hou. e r t.a y S c r Capt. LEWIS DAVIES. Sl\U'I'H o (Conductor, Crosfield's Perfection ENNES ROAD, E·DINBURGH. WILLIAM WEEDALL, e R ol Cornet, Brass Band Trainer and Soall SCI • Adjudicator. is open to teach or judge any. Works Band). 18, TROMBONE SOLOIST, FOH. SALE.-Complete Set of UNI ORMS t , u. n n P (�4 where.-7, Lingerwood C g ADJUDICA'TOR. suits), in good condition. a mi i facing�.-­ o ta e Newtongrange, BAND 'l'EACHER AND A ADJUDlOATOB.. A , .! m ORD HUME, ND App!y, W. CR BTREE Secretary, Walsden, near Midlothian. 108, HOOD LANE SA�'\fKEY, W ARRI�GTON. J. BANDTwenty TEACHERi yeara with all the beat Orohet�traa, R , 'l'odmorden. H EVE'l'TS,-BAND E C E Composer of )Iusic. Brass and Military Banda. · T A H AND ADJUDI· Adjudicator: s Band CATOR, 84. Dougla Street, Derby. (10) B. Bras and Choral QUEEN'S BOOTHSTOWN, FOH. SALK-Peerless B·flat 'l'romiJone, and fitted s POWELL, Competitions. HOTEL, MANCHESTER. case, opens full length, as new.-HOLDS­ · E. SIDEBOTHAM, Band Teacher and Adjudi­ ------J BAND TEACHER _&.ND ---' ------42, RCHARD CRESCEN'l', WORTH. 19, Mellon Terrace, South ,Shields. cator, is OPEN for ENGAGEMENTS.-For .ADJUDICA'l'OR. O Walsall CRESCEX'l' R AD 8T00K LONDON, N7. terms, appiy-110, Road, Willenhall. (121 , OHEE'.rH..-DI HOLLOWAY. FRED THORPE, you WILL BUY IT EVEN'l�UALLY. Why not 17, O HILL, �� S - -- - HOLD WORTH'S "�onpa.reil" 'l'rom­ of John Gladney, MANCHESTER. -�------Oate Solo Euphonium, .Foden's Motor Works Band\, now? l HARRY MOI{'lTMER (Pupil bone Oil, 1/- per bottle; 3 for 2/6.-19, Me lon Esq.\, FREDERIC WORTH, BAND 'fEAC'J:rF)R AND ADJUDICATOlR r e Ter­ Principal Clarinet, Halle Orchestra . ac , Sonth Shielcls. and Liverpool Philharmonic; Conductor, Radio NOEL THORPE AND AD.JUDICATOR. C c (7) TEACHER Soloist for Contest.;; and on erts. Military Band; Bandma-ster, Duke. of Lancaster's KING'S WAY, E:..-\S'J' KIRBY, NOTTS COR�ET, BAND TE.ACHEll . SWANWICK COLLIERIES' SILVER PRIZE BAND. Own; is now a va.il.able as .Adjudioa.tor.--71, Terms apply- 27, SOLO -Wanted Solo •rrombone and Solo Cornet (7) .ADJUU.ICATOR, _1:\'JJ "LEE MOUNT,"For LAUN•DER T'ERHACE, Cronda.ll Street. Moss Side. Manchester. pl-ayers. Good work fomid. Particulars 12, CHURCH UINCS. D. L. KNOTT to-J. STREET, SOUTH GRANTHA-M, SCOTT. 3, Bansa.ll J,ane, Alfreton, Derbyshire. HANGE OF ADDRESS-Bert Lambeth (Late C Near PONTEFRACT_ EL:\I�ALL. BAND '.rEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. Darlington). Ba.nd Teacher a-nd Adjudicator, BANDSMAN to·day, CONDUCTOR to-morrow! 225, New Houghton, Pleasley, Near Mansfield, J. H. WHITE, Arranging and Scoring undertaken. (7) A Treatise on Conducting: 12.000 words. Notts. DAVID A di at r Illustrations and Method fully explained. Most ' aoh , ASPINALL c o . 25. CO-OPERATION STREE'l'. FAILSWOR'l'H, ­ OHN WlJJLIAMS, l' e Composer. Band Teecher, and dju useful book-how to leal'n conduct-ing. Price 2/ J Cornet Soloist, Band e r Honrich - Near },{ANCHF:FlTER. - still op n (Late 'Vingates Temperance and R.Y.I. OJ,DHA:\f ):liLES PLATTING, ------·-- - post free. A bandsman's verdict: "It is anJ Adjudicator is e for engage. at Ba . 196. ):IANOHEST-ER.RO_-\.lJ. champion !"-Bandmaster B. N. COOPER, 23, ments, anywhere and any time-33, Langham n s) M. TUDOR ROBERTS, (7) BA:'oIoney years' practical x iu fir t s O M N," IRtBURN A EN Nottingham. dent Bartdmaster. Home or Abroad. 30 years 20 p Clumber Street, r e contestHtg. VE!R U EH , N V U PERCY MANS LD O expe i nce. HOLGATE FI '.J."'IS. Communications :-13 Bury Old Road, .Ains­ ROAD, NSURE YOUR INSTRUMEN'l'S AGAINS'l' ALL o Cornet, Band Teacher ' WHE.A'l'CROFT RA B t and Adjudicatoc. \Y:lL\RSH, I lUSKS. Splendid cover, low premium. Write worth. ol n. Solo 67 R h ham E LI LEE MOOR ROAD, Near o er . JAMES L S for particulars to-'riPPING, NORWELL & CO .. STANLEY' t K. (Principal Trumpet, Scottish Orchestra). Marine & General Insurance Brokers, 15, Stanley F. KLINK.-Late Principal Trombone, Royal Near WAKEnELD. Str Liverpool. (5) Covent Garden: Halle, Liverpool D W ;;OLOIST. 'l'EACIIER, ADJUDICATOR. eet, Opera . JAMES Philharmonic. Scottish. London O Theory, Harmony,E &c. SymphonY A. PARKER BAND H AND UDI AT T and Feotivals. Profe"""r W. A C ER ADJ C R. 265. BROAD S T. GLASGOW, E. CONN" CORNET, the wonderful "VICTOR" Orchestras Mnsi�.al Besses TE O RE Ilfodel. lt h Royal 1\fa.nch<>ster Colleg-e, teach all Ba.nd) ig and low pitch. perfect quick speciality);will Brn.o• OORNET (L&te flat. Instrumen s also conduct SOLOIST, BAND WF ':l'l'IBOURNE R AD, ·�:IONTON GREEN, JAS. change B to A and tuning, silver-plated and t (Trombone e East, ' BRIER and rehearse bands. - 386, Moss Lan AN ADJUDICATORTRAINER 73 ... O engraYed, in special strong cases fitted with mnte, )la.nchester. (8). D i NCHESTER. Band Trainer and Adjudicator. £24.-Descriptive Winner of Champion A tools, etc.. Y , circular post free . Record of Wales (22 .lo,irst :l F ELD ROAD, GYNN ESTATE, A. N S Nottingham. S ' Pnzes 1 22). a er e c . OL I from HI DLE ' Clnmber St., THAKGE OF ADDl1EBS.-HA:URY MI H (late 111 9 , �0 years' First-cl ss Ex n e 151, H M BLAOKPOOL. rt.o 'l cf m d r te v i MOSS C Ha n Colliery Band). Gold n.nd Silver J erms o e a . B ASS Dl1UlH, 28iu., new, buff tabs, best quality ::lfedallio;t. p n VILLA. 'l'REH..<\RRIS, S. WALES. HAROLD u O Engagements as Solo Cornet PARK vell m heads. £6 lOs.; Side Drums, 14in .. with on t e for - -- Trombone Soloist and J. BODDICE for C cer s New address, 10, fRmous Bandmasterd knee rest. 55•-. ca.rria.ge paid. Approval terms.­ a.nd CoatestH. 'I'he of Wingat{ls 'l'emperance Ban . Nottingham. Cottagee. Durham Road Ferry Hill, BAND TEACHER A. IDNDLEY, Clumber Street, :Brewery E .• and ADJUDICA'l'OH. DWARD DUNN A.R.�.C.M '£EAOHER SOLO EUPHONIUMIST.ND A JUD A Dnrh.am. E ES OUGll � A D I T R ' M.l.S.M, CHUR CH STR E'l' W . ARGAINS IN INSTl,UMENTS. s 288 . TO , C O B SECOND-HAND (Principal, ::lfanchester Academy of M . . 'l'H SANDWICH R AD, SOUTH SHIELDS. d u i ) O -Conwt. Class A. by Besscm, silYPr plated and NOW READY. Co;tductor. J,a.ncashire Military a c �ear BOLTON. 142, another. ud Carte. B n , I\Iancbester engraved. £6 6s.; by R all plated Symphony l Orchestra.. La.te Conductor, 21st. and nick change fiide. £6 Os ; another, Courtois R.A.M.C. B11as» Band 3rd e HUBBARD, NK a . n ge and C es r Regt THOMAS FRA HARRIS :Model. cha slide, No. 2£ Set of Quartettes- Band. Quinla-n h hi rche t a - Late Halle r CATOR silYer nlatecl, engravecl. quick Opera & O s 'nEAG"HER AND ADJUDI . £6; all new leather cases (inclnsive.l " CONCORDIA" W. Rimmer. (Late Beecham Opera, &c.). complete in Band Coach, Adjudicator' and Composer. BAND BAND 'J'IEACHER AND .ARRA)l'GER, Euphonium. by Silvani and 4-valv<', braAs, .Academy of :uus1c, ook Bar, Bandmaster. Notts. Comrades Siln•r Smith. Br s s :.Uanchester. {Late Bmss Military. £5 5s. Bassoon, lry Boosey. ebonite, higb pitch, "THE MINSTER" W. Rimmer. Telephone. Charlton ax e 496. or t S h . - - - 2/- 96. �UNSJ:<'IELD ROAD, FAIRFIELD, in lea her case. £15. Plated C :Melody op on Prizd Band). r e koys. etc .. new lea.thc·r case. £17 15s. 14in. Price BUXTON. i oll r ALBERT S. S'l'REE\I', TRURO, CORNW.ALL. . flicle Drum, brass shell. 1Jainted. rims. £2 5�. All LEMON' nn t on GRANT an

LAT EST FOR 1925 BETheEVER Oldest and Most'S Reliable UNIFO Firm in the RMSTrade. NEW FLAT PITCH TROMBONE ARRANGEMENT, THE New "Perfectos" GREENWOOD to St. The UNIFORM CONTRACTORS HILDA COLLIERY BAND, Winners of 1h� WO RLD'S CHAM Trumpet. " PIONSHIP, 1912. 1920, 1921 1924. MOUTHPIECE & With quick Rotary Wardtrom FOR ESTABLISHED 1864. change to A-natural. ALL INSTRUMENTS The best balanced Simplex." Carried in the Vest This season's new Trumpet on Sale of In use by hundreds of noted players Pocket. Fits between any make. range of Cloths. bell and slides, INCLUDING un­ Price List and H. SCOTT, Esq. noticed. Price Designs ready £9 9 0 Brass. now Trip.le -plated . Triple-plated £2 2 0 extra. 8/6 Brass . 10/8 Sent Post Free on application. Offices & Showrooms : Establlsbed 1803. Factories :

4, 10, 12., Kings Lane and & Islington Row, St. Anne Street, R. J. l ARB SONS, Liverpool. ARMY CONTRACTORS, BEEVER'S Liverpool. The only Band Instrument, Bugle Branch : (Ja.,...,.•• Elee..,.a:ao & C::o.) and Drum Makers, Repair Specialists 62, Buckhurst Street, Livt!!!rpool. a:rams : "Drummer. and Electro-Platers in Liverpool. Bethnal Gr., London, E. t. 26, ALDER:M:ANBURTelearamsY,: Te I ephonea : 1142, 1143 NORTH. Telephone : ALL WORK, AS ADVERTISED, DONE ON OWN 3171. BeevoaatrePhone PREMISES. CITY LONDON, E.c.z. Lqndon. Telephone : Also at HUDDERSFIELD . Telegrams : 427 HUDDXRSFIXLD. BEEVER, H�DDJ:ftSl'Ui\LO;. OLDHAM NOTES All Correspondence re Uniforms should be addressed to London. contests a1·e now over, some of which Easter OF \\'ere attended by two or three local bands. WHAT ST. HILDA THINKS Oldham -Rifles visiter! the one held in Eccles 'I 'own Hall on Good l!' l'iday, when they gave a bad pol.icy undoubtedly, but there it is ; and if I, j is rendering a grave dissenice to brass instmmoot :Mr. Cavill. '' Novice," or "'l'rotte�," can propose plu,yers generally. t.he other han�, very good show on "·F� choes of the Opera," under On , cor�et . .Anderson's baton. Nothing resulted though, anything rouse them out then· . apa�hy, well, pla�-:rs �v ho disp!a.Y the. cornft s _register, Mr to _oft . tt3 despite the praiseworthy remarks the band let us do it. Nay, let us e domg It. facility, tts capabihttes, E>."( presstve�ess a 111 I�S as FELDMAN NUMBERS ! re<:eived. and from what I have heard a few have ne,·er wavered in the belief that Band �ravura and a �ostenuto mstrnmet;�t, give many I UJH times. the verdict of the judge came in for much Associations are an Rsset, and can be made a !Isteners ne": ?ehghts and open the1r eyes regard­ . of criticism. The band have now entered into powerful o.ne. I further assert th�t we shall �ever �ng the quahbes of t-he cornet and the arttstry '' ' Watermelon' and ' After the Storm " possession of their new headquarters in Budders­ establi�h the band movement soc1ally, finanCially, 1ts players. field ·Road. and musically without them. I believe that a "\Y e want the cornet player ·who undertak�s simply pulled the pa down at to S knitting together of the present united forces play cornet solos to do justice to the capacit-ies Chadderton Old busy on the Belle Vue selection . of Bridlington. All your numbers are for May contest when they will be conducted by (small as they are) would soon justify the experi- , J:tis instrument, _ to show that as a s?lo instrument l\fr. R. Coope1:. How they "·ill fare by com· ment and would V ildschuh." Like the Rifles at Eccles, Royton we Ill 1·eturned home challenge 11s to send over our best band com- ancient instt'Llments ; they have for centuries tlltt'CII·a to rded. pete against their cracks. Also, we are invited in formed the nucleus JAMES SOUTHERN, The contest at "\V esthoughton was held on Easter of the orchestr:-t, a11d their an editorial to express ou r views and opinions repertoires Secretary . ?.Ionday. '.ren bands faced the judge and there � consist of the accumulation of the best thereon. ·well, what do you think ? will compositions was a good audience present. Shaw Band con· I ! of cei>turies. 'fhe sut'\·ival of the briefly, and I hope, clearly, state my views on the best alone provides duct.ed by ·�I r. J. A. Greenwood, is to be com­ l them "· ith repel'tqires unique subject. I think all "· ill agree t.hat contests con- in .quality quant.ity. it should be plimented on securing double honours, first :mel !But viz., ducted on the lines of those held in Australia, remembered that not the instruments, nvr in �f arch. and ditto in sclectio\1. There is com­ would not only be beneficial, but are also essential. posers, All progressive bands should follow the rumour abroad that Dar11·en will be its next are primarily responsible for the solo A a � violin lso that visit to Aust1·alia of our best band music Yenture. of the .and 'cello. Their repertoires (which is our best band?) woLtld stimulate ancl extendecl only as clever and artistic players lead of the World's Champions and play Glodwick were at1c Love " The enormously successful Waltz Ballad other' wind instruments. such as the Flute and . st�1cl_v * " Felix kept on Walking " I Wonder What's Become of Sally .. BAND as well as to acqm_ ASSOCL\'riONS. Clarionet for solo playing. nng and maontalll lll>j techmcal "When its Night-time in TO THE EDITOR OF THE " BRASS BAJI NEWS." : . . expertness. TechniCal • The Savoy American, Irish,Scotch , and Welsh Medleys. expertness crwn the result of colhsoon \nth a few cold, mpression : -th a th e ()'orne . t n st r�n n . h mg, .. I m w u II Wana " Valse etc., etc. a � l11· the_ blowi•og, are the machinery by which H Q N hllln I have closely capable of pla_ymg. any. elabo ate u . ic that an U" Allab " DREAM DADDY. SHOWERS. ' and convincing facts. J. m s It art1st mnst express IN BETWEEN THE hard. fouud ' th t an himself on the If * * the case. as i were, and out some has no repert.<:>u·e of 1ts own, that all hy Mr. Cavill's and be doue on 1t rs to play the plaine t of l The Successrul Fox Tr t primary evidence� " �· o· a and another only You're in Kent ucky �Ju G . : the technique, both are are *" with "No,·ice'H " schemes. and sm·eral others, mcludmg mb rs , to folio", lhe tt_a d of the ballad ' oc,d · lms Those marked * card size. . . , m 1 mpotent. But when the two are co m- BRASS BAND of 2/6 Sure You're Born " wond�rtu1a uu . 'l'rottRr'5 splendid i de . are all ver,v much in 1St, and render Witl_1 even less effeclr-for the equally 10 • • as a bined in one cornet soloist. he has but to airu REED BAND j the far background. have somply realized a fact, appeal of the words, m :n;oany _ca�e the real cause I . high in oo·clcr to beconw "·idely fanoou,. & ALL FREE FOR undeniable one too. that you cannot run a of a song's populan ty, nussmg-some the · of 30 PERFO CE. an IS of BRASS 3/9 PUBl-IC � power, and lubrication. most commonplace ditties. '!.'bey hear these, aud 2d. Write O Piano or 11· ilhout I •• l mac•hine engine Parta rc e Scbem Eztra each for particulars of our Brass, Military, h atra & Solo Subscription • am aware thal "bilst propagandists are only these, from players of repute, and they also I aloo. essential, and a nuisance, and often a hear elaborate solos rendered by violinists eel· ... soweLimes lists. flautists, and clarinetists. What can they uecetisary evil, no one has, as yet. brought out an Ulad to ha,·e a again from C. THE LAWRENCE WRIGHT MUSIC CO., 1iue full the hearts of the think but that the Con1et and comet players are the well-know" _\ [r. J. DYS-ON,says are idea or :;cheme winch has taken Yorkshire . Those marked II Bvo. siu. 1\' EW vel'y poor stuff as soloists'? am teacher. He '' I BAND of WRIGHT HOUSE) uanchmen by do not �now of any keeping very busy with band>. and Hot doing • • (THE BRASS storm. I edl 10 3/· Rd.), LONDON, W.C. :,imilar body of men. do not th mk they ever s p s y eminent comet soloist who perpe­ so badly at contests so far. am very pleased BRASS REED BAND DENMARK STREET (Cbarlng Cross I l\. 11 po I 2. seriously thought about being a w_ell m·gan­ trates a common·placo vocal ditty 16 fer with yoLlr Journal again." 'f hanks, Dyson, & 5/- Not New Tel. No. e . Telell•·ams : "Vocable, Westcent, London." have Mr. •• •• . 4147 n s ofd bau of 30 . e Musical Directors(5 li ) Please call a isecl borly. know thnt they are o m a mood the " Cornet Solo " programmed, an eke,; it ou t and congmtulations on your succ-ess at Slaithwait.e in Manchester: t our Branch Office, t I m re •• Oxford Palace, e , 5 for l ti g wrong principle, and a by playing it fonr times over, as hav.:- hcnrd, and Crow Edg!'. Parts . . each 3d. 27a, [nr. same s Manchester. Central7 04 e n things alone ; a WI? ktra St. id ) 4 ""\VRIGHT AND RouND's BRAss BAND NEws

BOLTON DISTRICT WELBECK DISTRICT NOTES TYNES IDE NOTES & HUDDERSFIELD NOTES For 0nce m a\�hde am ' lymg lo\\ , ' tt's known JBrass lBand Dews \Vorksop Town are strn mg hat d to get along Bands atound the Tyne are busy preparmg for Sla,tlhwatte contest only recetvecl the support .il1 AY, 1925 t' tnts dtstrtct am a mt ot a num skull un ah On Saturday Apnl 11th, they held a ' Leaf Day,' the Con toots h10h I real!) thmk wrll be numerous of five local bands vtz , Hepworth, Marsden somettmes show tt but t Edttm s sent a note up the town and, the band played through the \\ 111 Uns season, as there rs goocl number ad>ertrsecl Lmclley Holme and Hmchchffe Mills unless I Spacil ts aluable be buef ' un ah no what tt streets ad\ertrs111g same I am told a good sum a ACCIDENTALS . \ aheacly mclude Denby Dale as a local Notable abseRtees me tns he thout he cud yer mt teeth chattcun' as of money was rarsccl by th1s effmt Now what I uotc that Durham rll be 1 ept esented at May 11ere ),Ieltham Mtlls Honloy L111thwaite, Scape tho ah wur gum to btte nowt o t s01 t Am so about attendmg some contests M1 Lawman ? 11 The leadmg bands get buster year by year, and Belle Vue thts tune by a band whteh has made Goat Hill and Mrlnsbudge All these bands are ple[tscd to know that Mr \V Iutwam ts also pleased Langwc�th Colhery are sttll fo1gmg ahead, and 1 aprd p10gress that fact hes the oppo1tumty of other bands namely C10okhall Colhmy I from two to s1x or seven mdes from Slatthwa1te, m that Bosses JS rehe\ ed from all finanmal worry wrll attend qurte a number of contests tlus season w1sh tho band and who are well quah£ed, wtth a !tttle extra effort, I then conductor the best of luck and could have been present Why were they Of couise \\ e all have our ' ups and downs , hope you get a good entry and a fine clay for and hope that Carte• can keep up the Durham absent? I thmk I know one reason All the grve concert programmes of approximate ment ::'1!11 io Bosses has h tel good many and have survn ed yollr ontest on �ay 16th No" , ye local bands t\.,socratwn results les! We are glad to see some of them a!tve to thetr a < bands m the prrze ltst Oie packed-mo1e or them all \V tngates had some ups duung the gn;e them yom support note the solo barttone Mornson Cdhery a1e a little short handed at tth plavors from first11 class bands The bands opportumttes, and "e trust they will make a bold I -\\ "ar when th�;y were allow d to keep then men player has removed to ''ork at Cres\\ ell and has piCsent but ate on tb•s a.n1l btd to share, on therr meuts the good engage­ trymg to get £xed up so as to be that were absent p10bably reckoned hat happened to Poor Old Besses? Evely fit JOmed C1 OS\\ ell band piCpat eel fot the commg "ere nil con ments whrch are open to good bands By the V\ Contests You ha' e a saw lhat thcrr chances of a pnze man toed th maJk \V hat Wmgates won clurmg Whtt\\ell D S &S ha1e got hold of fou1 ftesh hard w orkmg bandma•ter Mr Smrth sequently they stopped a" ay This ts not good way, our " Famous Concert Bands' advet ts have Ill the war "ell hope they desened tt Besseo basses Now, what say you M1 Lythc to get hope you dtd ,, clJ \\ hen you I for our bands real end and atm of contest benefited the bands Immensely \V e started rt "e \\ere on Patade for The \\On nothmg, but lost a good tot yet "e kno\\ Mr tmg a few profess!Oilal lessons and attonclmg the Scotswood Dtsaster F unci mg 1s to 1mprove tbe playmg of all the bands solely for that pmpose chargmg only a nommal some of the Whrtwam 111 Ius goodness of heart "rll giVe creclrt local contests, wrth a good start say Ctagheacl Colhety domg "ell \\ tth Mr Gus takmg part m the contest not the awardmg of sum "\V e could get thnce as much from tiaders at Langw1th "he1e due and am pleased he \Httes so good Hargh In command I note a real good cot net puze� to packed bands whvm '' e are unable to accommodate for 1 elbeck Colltery and Shueoaks aloo I feel su1e humouredly and there ts no stmg m hts tale, he and Vi hete and that one of the Shtclcls bands are fixmg By the present system of contestmg our local lack of space Rut we can't poss1hly grve mote th a h ttle outs1cle help "ould gtve a good hts bandsmen are excellent Sports and what !tttle "1 up wtth hun for theu btg engagements Keep bands al e goltmg \\ Ot se Soloists are engaged hom space than the column now oconpted, and we trust account of ttme tn hfe there 1s left to some of us makes 1t themselves Nothmg better than keep your eyo open Mr Ha1g'1 first class bands and our local solorsts never get no band w1ll thmk others are gettmg preferential mg your men mterestecl a too valuable to bother about splttttng st1 a"s or Bumhope Colliery have a few engagements ch mcc The 1emedy rs to 111ake the puze money treatment \V g1ve space 1f and when rt becomes Bolso> er Colhet y wotrymg about how man) prtzcs we have \\ on at are qmte ready for the fray booked up Sorry to hea1 yom Colliery has less m regat d to the first pnze, and lengthen avarlable stnctlyc m rotatton of applJCatwn, to and will attend all possible Belle Vue or '£1 mbuctoo contests M1 Green closed clown as rt ts bound to affect a few of your the puze hst Sla,1Lh" atte gave £50 m cash bands whose contest records are a guarantee of "ood rs paymg them vrstts at 'I Bandsmen all ovfn the countt) wrll be lookmg mtervals he band playe1s and there arc plenty of bands wattmg dtvrclecl mto five puzes If they had dtv1ded the then excellence Ihete 1s wo1k for a hundred recently gave concerts at to see what Bosses a,1o domg and go111g to do New at k 1Hth therr nets puzes mto mne they would have had more entries concertrsmg bands tf they are forthcommg and 11 111 Poolsb10ok Wesleyan had then genetal They have JUSt completed a most successful Easter meetlllg South Moor Colltery are gettrng a mcc hand -most of them local bands £50 pr1ze list "ork the1r field propedy a sho1t tune ago \\ hen M1 Wm A \V ee[, at the Bmgley Hall BHmtngham , I am ogg was elected together agarn and are \\ orkmg hard for New should be 1st £10 2n d £8 lOs , 3rd £7 lOs , sec1 etary the late secretaty havmg:E ICSignecl owmg * * * * * sm e all wl1o hcaid them w1ll agtee \uth me castle Con Lest I note Quat tette party \\ er e 4th £6 lOs , 5th, £5 lOs 6th £4 lOs , 7th £3 to b Ismcos reasons 'I'he band :ue !\propos of the fo1egomg we may say that so ben I say that there IS only one Brass hard at second at Felling lOs , 8th £2 lOs 9th £1 1{)s Each local band 1\ ptactJco wtth a 'tew to uontestmg1 and have umque rs the pOSition of the B B N that "e Band m thrs country that c sat1sfy the bandsmen Fellmg Collrery held theu Solo ,t nd Quai tette wonlcl btmg follo1\ers and swell then gate Each m engaged �fr Foster, of Bolsover Collrery as pro het y fine form e• erythmg bookmgs whJCh he has competed at Slatth\\ mte "1th all the11 mon, £xed up for the band w1th many more penclmg, Hat ton Collro,y played then usual route on 01'11 te1 1pt us grve anyone undue preference the) play 1s on contest faun no p1ece large or the a>CJ age age hem mnetecn and all except to so he tells me Here 1s tl1e list , Goorl F nday mor nmg They are ttymg to fix t" o � small 1s allO\\ ed to pl1yed only afte1 thorough �May 17th two men wmo b10ugnt up the band They * * * * * be e1restet 27th , 31st Chesterfield , good co1 net players to play for them at all engage 111 rehear.al After we hea1d thrtt ehearsal Barney I What about "ete "1th thc1 1 performance cons1deung The Easter Contests have gtven the season a 1 .June 1st WelbecJ, Abbev , 2nd Creswell 4th NC\1castle and Belle Vue sat1sficd , and I made a bee me for tb Red Kmg and talk meContests1ts that half the brmcl 11 me maktng then mrtral good send off and the entrres at all of them havfl Haltfax , 5th, H 1rst (Ashton under L}ne) 6th • about long PhrasmgI -ah d1d fi1st p111t w1thout appe uance on !he contest stage and hope to l;>een qmte good Th 1s 1s a good stgn and shows and 7th, Bradford , 14th �!ton Towet, 20th Ha\\Oith Collte a good lettder m Eccleo band contest held on Good Fuday the We I 1 1 I 1 111 tar1cs to g1ve them a !me mging the b"ndo tv Wa1 re!l East had cited and that he "as bunecl on competmg bands Pmches destres me to bandmaste Sle1gbt Gtve h1m :yom suppmt Eccles own II all appealeel to be a success :\!Ir L 'I enter for the1r contest the hope th tt the re Satmday �Ia1ch 28th the codege bemg headed thank the many persons ,, ho ha'e tendered to him I am sme he rs worthy of rt Ele\ en bands entered and <'ompetecl 111 conunendatwn \\ dl 1esult tn a good Bntty <\s I by ban d numbenng mote than a hundtecl pet sllch hearty congratul ttrons on hrs tmtutl success rgston Ternpmancc-Glad to hBar of your solo I beg to tender my hear tleot congratulatiOns V>i to 1t lS 1111pOSoible to say somethm<;[ e•h abont all formeiSa ftom Ketteung and vauous parts of the and he wts• es to assure them that hrs mten cornet and solo euphomum players brwgmg home Mr R Hosford banclmr:tster of Irlam Pnbhc on 1t IS ilie contests advertised m the B Bf N take oountv the whole bemg unde1 the charge of Jllr t10n to work harder than ever and t1 y to reach the prJZes hom solo contests "\Vhat cl1d I >o tro mer playe1s ful Mr He,forcl a p11vate pnptl of the late L>v 'ntenn 11 ao 'eat!) and often There a1e plentv contestsg hymns at the grave srde M1 East hs dav was Lee :\fount were unsuccessful :tt Puclsey, buL Krbworth Temperance hope all the local Ellwood of Eccles, and often d m -I Mt \V altm 11 ho ad•ert1sed co•ermg pract1cally the "hole of the conteottng He "as were placed stxch at Brothetton out of 21 com bands "11l support then c:onte,t on Junfl 13t'• sl)oke of M1 as a commg shuung !tght a great 'over of band 1 H esfor d country, and we know also there 11r e plenty of teacher of much ment and "ao bandmaster of bando Also successful wmnmg medal The test p10ce 1s w1thm reach of all bands and ha'ie heard .i\Ir Hesford rna ttme< on hts p ert as a result were able to hand over to hrm a very ______._____ chtwn, and we shall hear more of them before bands The Charrman then presented Mr Mar k 1egar dmg h1s famous band ' You have heard handsome sum ' Now gentlemen, are there no NORTH LONDON DISTRICT long ham wtth a srlver mgarette case from the mem the rest Now try the best The cornet solorst, needy cases iliat have come your notwe where a & I have been asked scores of ttmes on what elate bers Mr Markham m a few well chosen �fr W Rushworth was m fine form, mdeed the helpmg hand would be the meansto of grvmg some sentences accepted the g1ft It was a meetmg that band wtts mo1e than dehgbtful At a meetmg of the Executrve of the London the btg Halifax Contest wrll be held th1s year one a little happ111ess There 1s no need make One of the most promment membets of the contest \H II long be remembered by the Ibstock band The vts1tors to Eccles on Good Fuday 9 to Assocratwn last week a presentatiOn m the shape ha.d an elaborate affan of It, get out and let 1t ls me that the1e won't be any contest CORNETIST nothmg but pratse for the young !adiOs who be of a gold atch and cham was made by Mr A comm1ttee tel known that you are collectwg for a worth) obJ ect \1 'Iho contest catered for them 111 the Eccles Bo1o Ideal Band E Horstead on behalf of the executrve mem etther th1s year or any year to come and you wtll be supported ' Do 1t nO\\ 1oom The 1 efreshments were 0 K and pucea of the Assor hope these men could do wonders wrth a band rf they :M contest thrs year at May Belle Vue and I must At tho t1mc of w> 1tmg parttctllars of the Lon I 19th Apnl but at the t1me of "rrtmg I ha, e not cle'erer and better men MODER TO wete g1ven the oppot tumty wam all reade1s they wtll be a hard nut to ClaCk don County Council's fixtmes have not been com A. had the repm t of then dmngs although I know Mr Halliwell 1s down occa&wnally, and 1s work mumcated to the bands and many sem etanes Glad to know that thmgs are bnghter at Great they have a band up to the R M standard wtth Hat 11 ood and they a1e detet mmed that :Mr I wg 1\oncleis wrth the band They a1e well booked apphcatwns to deal wtth from other somces W111gates commenced then unbroken week end a1e at loss to know what to do Rumour has HERCULES of Alloa wntes - Alloa Burgh Hackmg shall have hts chance engall'ements up wtth engagements and mtend also to com a {unbl neatly October) on Apnl 12th Darwen contest �Iay 23rcl ts the fitst pete at Longton and Hanley Jt that the Counml nave clemcled accept an offe1 played at the last otgan and mns1cal 1 em tal of the about at Morecambe, and played at Ttentham Gai clell3 to here Shall expect to see the followmg thm e - 13rdclulph have recently held a pre supper and frou a well known contracto1 take over the 'eason m !<\!loa Town Hall on Apnl 12th Mr H I on the 19th hear Oattermg 1 eports about both to Nelson Old Lowethouse Burnley J-Iumotpal, I 111e JUSt re orgams111g the band Mr Frdler was seatmg at the varwus pal ks and open spaces but M1tdd1man conductor of thP ba,ncl prestded ,1t the Gt thctr playmg and appeaiance so bandsmen may Hatwood Read and Srmonstone, clown on the 18th Apnl w1th a 'tew to "orkmg methmks th1s IS somewhat premature and played severn.! oo[os 111 fine style and Darnolds look out fm them May at the followmg places A.cco1 dmg ll'k 111 up some programmes for the comtng season They !o the published hst less than half hiS conductorslup the band rendetecl \\ Stamford Park, May 3, d Colne lOth W1gan Read and Stmonstone gave ' ate well booked up wrth engagements and mtend a dozen Metropolitan bands 11 rll be heard at 'anoua 1tems mcludmg 'Wtl!tam 'l'ell ' and a con em t at Pac!Iham 17th Oldham 23td , Trentham, 24th , Queen for tre St John's Ambulance � to try an d compete at a contest or two Wembley To St Htlda Colheiy falls the honour ' HalleluJah Ch01 us and the r playtng was vet y Band were con Paik (Bolton) 27th and then commences thmr clucted by Mr Wm Pollarcl, and plavecl very Don t forget to send your entnes early for of pro' 1dmg the musiC for the opemng clay good an d reflected tpeat ctedtt on thell conductor Scotch tou1 when several new places rll 111 I mcely 11 ongton and, Hanley HAWK VIVO and all cancer ned ' LOOMER VlSltecl m addrtwn to the old PROMPTER be I NTGiiT NEws. lvLw J 1925. 5 \"1\TRIGI-IT AKD RouND's BRASS BAND ,


less have recommenaerl The amateur Ill music recel\ es a good deal Northfield Institute business havo a fair band of mostly young players but \han uetice. Professional musicians of to-day are, and .as a J <& MILITARY> l1aven't heard the name of the bandmaster.' I rule, well able to look after their financial ,S4, ERSKINE STREET, LIVERPOOL. WRBRIGHAST S ROUNDBAND JOURNAL. should be pleased have lrne from them. <> sts, but they must not be surp1·isod, if oLOE-T- B�· LIVERPOOLBY t to a mt,'l s PUBLISHED Northfield Village are stt!l in ex1stence but OC<.!aswnally, the am atem· shows himself to be full possessed of an all-round knowledge and appreoia­ coB If he.ve difficulty in gettmg a band togethe;·. I wa3 pleased to see Elliotts \V orks entered for t.ion of music that will put many of them m the QU ICK 0' LANTERN!' W. RIMl'.iER. background. MARC H. Ha�·borne, but they were unable to play, as one of After roadmg the Echlonal hom the " �1\. us­ thmr party had to leave before then· turn to play Euph. > > tralasian Bandsman," 1t g1ves one much food for > nrrn·ed. l\h. Eli Nash is the bandmaster and a lcl-slwuldered in official few words from him, c/o Eclitor, will weJcomecl. �bought. �Iusic IS <'o that be circles, although we hold it to be our greatest _I was rather surprised the following hands educative and Cl\•ilizing force, but its value as a cl 1d no� enter :-Kmgs Heath, Birmingham City, from being realised in Bournvtlle, �Ietropohtan, Haleso" en, Princes End, soc·ial factor is Ycry far t Nothmg could be better for the > and others. con t Oil the doorstep as 1t were tll!s country. A es MotLer Cotmtry than to send a representative and bands outside the cl1stnct walk away w1th Engh,h brass band. \Vhen a courtesy of this kind three of the prizes m the Quartette contest. to us by another country, we ought Surely Birmingham bands can do better than this. is extended an official department quahfted to make a Cheslyn Hay, though not In the prizes at Har­ t.o have > > II su itable return. But what have we ? Will our borne, showed m11ch improvement on th eir form with Associations move? And will move of a year ago at Wolverhampton. 'l' rust they are are only a handful and the gettmg a good band together. them ·t Assomatwns country are not so keen and enthu­ Aldridge Colliery have had some difficulty in b"'ncb of tl11s of Australia. We are not keepmg players, but hope they will soon bo back sJast.le as the bands to make the same s.wriuce as our their old form again. prepat·ed toI brothers down-under. Why ? We are either too am sorry to have named Wtllenhall band lazy to act. We might say the risk wrongly in my reports. Their correct name is bus�- or too musical visits would be 1s too great. Internatwnal 'V illenhall �ilver Prize >Band, late 'I'emperance. understanding and a 'aluable means of promoting >. They were JUSt out of the fir·st prize at Kerne step ... > Bndg·c. gooJ feehng, and should be rcg a1ded as a b1g Better luck next time :Hr. G1·ant. would be a very fine thing 1f we could 1 fonmrcl. It 1 am glad to report that a band has been formed to our GoYernment, Rubber do 1t and show our actions 1 m connectiOn w1th Dunlop Co., Tyburn a no maclJJnory for doin g- this. 11·ho h ve "/ ·works - of" the bde in the a!Ta�irs of Silverwood A tum Harborn[} t:VIilitary show a little more enterpuse place in the near future, and Colliery may take than some m1litary organisatiOns w th 1s ch striot. I to see that levy being wade at am pleased n IS Il _'I' be Royal Co1ps Signall9l s T. Band has been the rolliery towards purchasing new instruments. I is drsbandecl. That there need for reform both 111 players and Tho band of the 5th and 6th Wan\ icks played at other matters is urgent m the extreme. Mr. Dodd ' the Exh1bition at Bmglcy Hall. very poor bas . A longed to see a good band and to his credit show. wonders how some of those bands get made enough players to have I Ono be It said, he has engagements. Bradley has retired, and the bnt that eternal questwn of �h.a a t1 p-top band . band have made pre.entation to hun. The new Mr. kcepmg them when made. has handicapped conductor is !\lr. Hawkes of the Glos. Regt. However, as you are Dodd in his progress. congr:ttulate Bournville on then· long delayecl during the sum- I eJJg�ged to play in Clifton Park I app�arance .at a contest, even though they were met, hope you have in view the education of 1 it. not successfn L Keep trying lads. Perseverance public ta,ste, and not merely to tickle the '-'HIS bcrham Temperance :VI cmories of the old Rot Don't forget the Whitsuntide Contests either at fla,hed ac1·oss my mmd when I dropped in to hear I we Chepstow. Ross, or Lydney. On July 4th have under the command Rothcrham Borough recently, the contest at Smethwick, "hen doubtless many C. E som, and noth mg- but bigh a pp reci a- wdl of �I r. be l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;others have a (ry. hon can re>ssecl of his admira ble work. 1 exp I Basses have playmg vast croll dunng the players would realise his (Mr. 1 been to Js wt qt, thin 1 ang stunt, and the wet season snoilt these. o �e,·en orgam�inr,- such of I letters of congratulatiOn. 'Ihey played at Belpe�·, the Summer season, and at·e making auangements are to be mn,dc to local bands th1s season, but days. •J Lsh acconnts, showing details , 'rhmr unless the1·e is fine weather the collections arc fm to aftern on and _evemng on Easter Monday to go to the outlying dist1·icts. 'I'hev have also bands m"y play for collection 'l'h1s is the e the Justices. They ' r; •·eccipts and e-xnenrliwr �uc _� been engaged for Wembley Exhibition for one no good. I may know more about next to Jikfl d L�dies Committee prowoted and ran very ces ­ this " For" ard_ " City, 1s Will tho bands foolishly ppeu mnch the tailless fox " ho wante month. it? a bP. fmly. a Jumble Sale and J?an e on Apnl l�tn. week, August 31st to September 5th. I am hopma­ accept tlus offe1 I hope not. Meanwhile, all the rest tho pack to sacrifice the1r brushe8. I . . � 'There is to be a contest 1 n eston Park for the r Don of Oughtlb1iclge, My w1fe al" ays ms1sts that �� SilO wants anythmg to hear of them taking part in one or t"� \V certam people are trymg to get the C1ty Counml Valley, havmg Joined the Sheffield AssoCiation bands, which will be a good domg "ell, she has to do rt herself (for peace <;Ontests tb is Jear. to g:'�1·antee £2,500 per annum for five yea1s, to Sheffield Assocmtwn. sl10nld no" make a musical no I one, and take up afternoon and night. March in sake I let her thmk so), but there's denying the was pleased to note the letter from the Secre­ snbs1cltse t�1e City of l3nmingham OrchesLra. t. <� lld aun to fcdfil desir·e so essential to the afternoon. ReJection (own choice), any pffOJ that fact that when a woman gets an Idea, she �ees 1t tary of the Cuml.rerland Assoc1atwn last month \V. & Not a had tdea for those interested people. ·will bando �n p1og-ress, that 15, plenty of ISelectwn, m tho evening. I haven't heard who that me through �uccessfu_ll y, Happy •s the band that _hao and not<; that the Shipyard Band have take� R. the bands take this lying n? I thmk the public practice. r ustm rs a good exampiP, and I ' I 'nil be the judge, but the pnze money and Cups elm\ M A a Lad1e� Comnuttee, they "·ork m a mystenous steps to j01_n th is orga�1 i.sation. Th1s IS a step in w11l take th1s matter up, If the bands stand firmly. hope others will have the <;ftme spiut. 1 . 1 e good this time, so get to work ye Sheffield way their wonders to perform, and they keep the rrght d1rectwn, wh1ch sincerely hope w1ll be a gomg the �Iay do I and If money hao to be spent fot music, the ratepayers Hoyland are strong for i btmcls, '' let' s hear hom ye," to use a football 'l'ow>1 them l uck. the b�nclsmen u� ,to the scratch. When everybody followed by other b,mds in the tFurnes5 ch s trir::t. sh?uld certamly have a 'OJCe m the matter. I at B.V "·ish the best of I 1� L cry. �Ir. H. Smith will have charge of the f'nntP.st I s tr g ccess n ftr at hand. I raise my hat to Now then Steelworks, .."YJ .S., Dalton Ask am, thmk a great majonty would vote for musw 111 the e members the A s,oCl ation r ym •u fl and we •hould like to S<'e th m t}f y what are yo r opinions ? contest, so that can reckon on a good time. yon the l ·dleS ever u before · C1ty 01chestras." n.gam. sure that 1\0llld rnintslenng to ;1 . Mme. . . �· Fulwood at·e one of the go-ahead bands, and Parb, ' rm JOinlb�llg vV .ndsor' Institute cttended their baptiSm at Dalton '!"own st1ll working hanl for thei ft.nds. I OLD BRU:.\f. ne<' ds of your pla,yers by up. expect w1ll gn-e a good performnnco if they enter the Ecules on Good Fnday. and thoug·h I could:t:'t get \V as glad to hear tbmr Whist Dnve and Dance Mr. Cocking of lhe firm of Pace an d Cocking, for tlus event. Mr. Bottom w1ll do his best I ----+---- to tl e cont<:st am told �!�ey cl td very creditably. was so successful. Rheffield, motrurnent repairers. has kindly given , ; l know and the men must do the rest. on t be cl1_scouraged. mgates had to star t at I can't obtain much ne\\s of other local bunds MID-CORNWALL NOTES beautiful Challenge Cup for I D \� Imperial w.1!] soon be finished at the football the �"'- ·�sociation a e he bottom JUSt hke you. PetsevPre and above all but note the L. M.S, were on parade fo1 th� h v report that Cocking t matches, and will, I expect, be booking engage­ compet1L10n I a to Mr. always be eager to learn from the successes and Rugby Football Club the other week. I shall be will bp gl ad to l1enr from olrl and new friends. I ments for commg se ason. PROGRESS.-This 1s the word that has been Yfe!boumc, Australia the faJ!Ltres of others as "'ell as pleased the_ secretaries of the local bands would the 'lf r. Baxter of (late I I yourselves 1f The Health Department are doing very well at constantly passing through my mind this last (} A. have �ecet ved a conple of lettei·s wtth com ­ drop me a lme relattve to then p1ospects and f Lox ev), informs rue IS qurte se ttled. He I rehele Eccles <;Jontost, ono_of_ whiCh_ states : engagements, c/o Bra•s Band News. be Ius J. Ord ;;t the near future. �.1 r. Bottom and h1s men are diggmg around the but have nbt quite got als::> beuis out ld In the face It nposs ble FUR�BSSIAN. 10ots, · last issue D.N.-�He says : of the"· rules, IS H J for I1 real contestors and at·o also busy with engage­ enough "' yet. Others have gone ught down Hume s YJews m of B bauds to try and k<;ep the san;e, when they are [,".th e. the bands out here are Yery good, and nearly all ments. to exact spot and have found out the faults " ckecl up by offimals acceptmg such men as have one. think tboy ate more hn. EAST OF SCOTLAND NOTES. Recreatwn I don't get much news of, bnt hope failmgs, hrwe appbeci the remedy which lllg itself in the hoaltl'Y appeamnce of the dvanccd than our at home." b o the all IS well IS r xt!!e1lOSt, of bands o - do f_ bands they played with." Ba I gl to hear that the ' �a fi members Midland Railway are also cl omg well at re­ tree ttself, or 1ts pawllel-the bands. 'l'h anks Mr. am ad our l ttle e on 3rd cornet knmvs that welcom·>d ,- ltrtc r tlh . Banding in this di�trict is only of a lll :Mr. Jennings is in regular attendance and no closing clown. w�ll be broadcast!ng on June 19th, so all you . I'm sure they would have an anxious time waiting want some stoppmg. doubt this band will want a lot of b�atmg at Leven '!'own another band that is trying hard wueless people w1ll be able to sit at home and for entncs. Why they should keep back their Torquay Town, under Mr. Perrin, made the Glazebury. Glad to hear they are agam well to keep the flag flyin g. hear them. . entries until the last rnmutc I'm at a loss to know. JOurney all the way from Devon to play at the booked for the coming season. Dunferm!.ine Town are doing a b1t of concertis­ Grimesthorpe are still alive, and Mr. Mercer WINCO. . I co!1test, and won third pnze. They put up Hur�t Village attended Eccles contest but were Jng to keep the band together. he�trd them a attends nearly every S�nday morning. a be There fairly good show, and would go a long way with unsuccessful. Don't down-�earted, men ; you few S'!ndays ago, and they played well, but I are one or two vacancies want filling up, and would . some professiOnal turtion. You have a good tone WESSEX NOTES have a good band, and success ts bound to come if doubt 1f they take enough money to clear ' then the band mll soon be back to its old form. but lacking in precision, attack and release. you keep on working bard. expenses. !\1 r. Burgan is a real hard "·orkino- secretary Austell? 0. " What is the matter with St. This is a t Bardsley_ Old are mak1ng steady progress. They Barry Ostlere have a full complement of and nothing is too much trouble for the benefit vV oodfalls Silver and Alderholt Silver are ge . I question everyone is askmg, after the Truro con­ A. pl �yecl de!Jghtfully_ at t)>e Natwnal Park on Good players. Trade IS good here, and all the men are of the band. I haYe no doubt the bad spell will tmg in some good pract1ces under �I r. H. test. It was a vmy poor show. Now come this Fnday. Have .a mce !Jst of <:ngagements booked. m regular work. It is their intentiOn to compete soon pass over, and once more the sun w.ill shine }.luddiman for Silchester contest, on May 30th, won't do at all. You have a good man in' Mr. Droylsden _YI!lage are havmg good rehearsals, at all contests available. at Grimesthorpe. and will probably g1ve a good account of them- ' Colliery Woodhead, but I don't think the fault lies there , and are lookmg forward t? an'?ther good seas<;>n. D11nnikier are having good practices ·Mr: Mercer still keeps busy with Trumpet and selves there. It is good to hear that some of our 7 nt all, I am afraid it is in the band itself. Hope to sec JDU at the '\ hit F1·1day cont;e�t agam. and Mr. Rimmer is in constant attendance whe1� teachmg. Now local bands are venturing further afield. boys, pull together, you have a good record behind Silver Envrlle Hall keep havmg regular v1stts from available. W. Bonnett. of 30, Trippett Lane, informs Bascombe were very quiet last winter. I - Mr. you, and you must try to get back that lost. r. Herbert Scott. G lad to say they have had a Dysart Colhery Sih er are trying to keep the me that Mr. Fred Pace has now thrown in his . have heard nothing of them except at De an Court >M prestige. f ly bu y wmter. b�nd up to full strenfl'th, although hard hit with lot wtth them as repa1rer, and that he (�fr. up on Saturday afternoons. This will have to an � Falmouth Town, under Mr. Beresford put band Stal bndge Old are working l�ard, and from p1ts around them closmg down. They are haviurr ;Bennett) has added the Saxophunc to his list of ' get in some serious work to hold their own in · yI " a r;ood show in the junior section, and got first what hear, they are a m nc� unl:?roved ba nd. Mr. Rimmer periodically. Success to you. 1 nstruments. He already plays euphonium and t.be summer contests, especially rememboung that the pnzo. I must congratulate Mr. Beresford and Shall we see you at the Whit Fnday Contest Grassmarket Silver on other side of trombone. they only gained 2nd place at Fordingbridge last . the h1s boys on their w1n. ' agam ? nver, are havmg good rehearsals, and gained sixth Congratulations to Harold Pinches as conductor May by the narrow marg·in of one point. . . . Greensplat, under Mr. W. Adamson are the Droylsdcn :\I drtary a re hav1ng full _ t• ehearsals, pnze at Rotbesay, on the 18th. They were of Denholme band. Second at Pudsey contest , ' Berwick and Broadcbalk should be getting ea boo d concerts band who, m my estimation, have made the most to and are h vily ke fo the eommg Beason. also billed to give two afternoon anJ amo!1gst some good bands . A good send off, and I work. I cannot hear anything of them. While r . progress of any band 111 Cornwall and must hey are getti g ack to their old form, under evening, in the \V inter Gardens Rothesay on the I "tsh every success to this young Sheflieldcr, of admiring the abil itics of Messrs, Stretch and T Ll h . commend their cho1ce o. f teache;·. Mr. Mr. Adams. 19th. ' ' whom we all feel a b1t proud. OLD BLADE. \V. Gourd, I am of the opimon that a few pounds .� damson has a long experience behind him, and Aud_enshaw and Openshaw have been re- Pcnicuick -l?ilver are jogging along under spent on professiOnal tmtion would not be wasted. by you only follow out h1s toachi11g you will reach sed. be gl ad a few of �roublesome ttmes. I see the Press they are d and l3ourton are preparing for organ1 Shall to have notes a very !ugh slamla\·d. You put up a good show Verwood your· m want of a few players, and I hope they will be ham Longford contests. Verwood progress. c/o The Ed itor. at Truro. Is 1t ragnt you ha\ e got Mr. Roberts, Gilling and able to get the vace.nc1es filled up. SOMERSET DORSET NOTES in a better position this year and Kingston Mills are putting 111 all they know for solo co,·net from St. Austell, w1th you ? If ehoulrl be Newtongrange Siher I fu]Jy expected to see & so, Cup from Dourton who wtll be the Belle Vue M ay Contest, feel sure they you have a good man who wrll be a fine acquisi­ reclaim the and I entered for Rothesay, on the 18th. A 1eport weaker on the basses. ' wdl go with the best wishes of all local bandsmen Alluding to a paragraph in last month notes tion to your band. reaches me from Mr Smith (thanks) in wh1ch be 1f any more of the \V essex Glad to hear they will come to Ashton on vV bit re YeoYil Town Silver, who I thought were lettmg Hayle 11nder Tanne1·, late I am "ondenng says they are busy rehearsing prog�amme music Tm, u, Mr. band. bands will try Gillingham th is year for "Echoes Fnday Plenty of engag e1·. I should advise all "ho can to Foden's soloists, which include others besides th1" year. Before must cong1 atulate Mr. Richards j6' It a success. May the best band win is the wish I hea1· th is famouA b and. as they arc back to tfwir corner men, have secured 39 pnzes and numerous am sorry to lose "Wh1te Horse." of \YessP' of Bugle, on being the recipient of a handsome of- FLSHER LAD. I ,. nld form. We have already booked the specials, and the total haul for the season quartette but ti ust " Obsen-er " is just as .iJJte1·ested as hi� roll-top desk, in recognit,ion of his se1·vices as followrng engagements :-May Hlth, Bacl!p ; and solos mcluded, is one sh ield, three ' cups, and fnend Secr�tary o� the West of England Bandsmen's �I r. Mortime1·, I May 25th to Wth, Wembley , June 7th, Bacup ; aboLtt fifty mednJs. the new band- �1·. J" ANDR•EW.S, Trustee of Oadishead, Chard Municipnl held a dance Festrval whteh ts helrl Bugle eve1·y year. 100 m the Corn at 14th, Colne ; June 20th, Sale , Ju ne 21st master, has per cent. success to his crecl1t as wntes :- I am sorry t.o have to rP-port that we Exchange, on Saturday �:fr. June January, evening and for some am sure Richards is deserv1ng of all th• Otley ; .Tune 28th. Stalybridge ; July 5th, Wake: si 1: ce coming Lo Fodens m he hns n�ver have lost one of our best friends 1n the person of reason the event did not receive ' the support that respect he gets, for his work in connection with R Esq., be fi eld ..Ju ly 9th, �lackburn : July 12th, Keighley ; faded to conduct the wJnmHg quartette. Fodens A. \V atson, our President by rl e.ath, on 1t deserved. Oa Easter Sunday afternoon selections th is festrval is enormous, and could only den ; July 26th, Blackpool ; are now bettet than ever, and yuu know what that Saturday, Apnl 4th. He was highly respected in only July 19th, Hashng of mus1c were played on Cornhr ll. and by com­ accompl ished by an enthusiast. This is tho r was August 2n d, 'fodmorden ; August 3r·d, Stretford ; me:tns They have booked a week at Wembley the drstrict for the "o k he had done for Band mon consent 1t acknowledged that during the te!·m I can th ink of as befitting one like Mr. Will t August Scarborough ; August 13th, Halifax ; Juno 8th to 13th. ry and include a full hst Rugby and AssociaLJOn Football, 1Bowls, Cucket' past year the hand has made temarkable progress. Rwha. cis. Bugle are lucky to be in possession of 9th. Sherbo.rne has August. 15th and 16th. Buxton : August 23rd of their engagements uext month. Wrll all the and also Ch ilchen's out1ngs m Summer, to all of chsb":nded and 1nstruments such a man. whrch he was a good supporter, and will be sadly heard replayed final Blackpool ; August 30th, Trentham ; Septembo; live bands in my chstrict let me have an account handed 111 to the . Counc_1l. Why not start afresh I Wadebrid�e at the of Many more te nders ate out, and of their dmngs? Get a move on Cre"·e bands, also m15sed Tbe band and committees tendeJ· their when Sherborne 's agam marle after a Cornish SO('('er They are a scrappy, but 6th Burn ley. n. f'ity, bit A this band better 'V heelock, :\11ddlewwh, etc. Send a hne to me , deepest 'ympathy to his family in their sad YPn rs lapse, or "onld og if given the right tonic. hit y thinking of engaging had 200 rt be fl gn l!: � n cll'ar} "111 nnpc·o, o of an one ho"e ' tun rng \\Ollld do good. 'l'REPOLPEN. look sharp. c/o Brass Band News." borcaYemont. " CUCKOO. WRIGHT AND RouNn's BRAss BAND NEws MAY 1, 1925 CONC ORDS AND DISCORDS. BUFF of Carlisle Buffaloes wr1tes - Ou1 Rt\.lLWAY::\IAN of Blyth 11 11te, The L PERSONALS euphomum playe1 M1 J E R - WAKEFIELD , CASTLEFORD, B Hills (late of N 1\orkmeu s Puw Band held thctr fifth Fodens) has proved bv a ' aluable acqmsrtwn & U n r S Annual o c t the New Pwtl te House The A.ND PONTEFRACT DISTRICT. C repc;rts Glasgo" S Band the om band to c 11 The of t e " S C W Mr to smce he came back to h1s nat1ve place Tocalzsts 11 010 great form bands h West ha\ e an e JeJ getw fr renc' Scottish Chtunpwns are workmg haul ul)dez 1 a1 d ere gr eatly short time ago He "on the gold medal for app1 CCJated Mr 8 COO!PE;R semetaty fo1 many year W• Croz1er t.o mamtam the leadmg pos1hon \I On a by the audtence "ho shewed thcrr Ill J best euphomum on Easter Monday a r of the Kerne Br1dge contest o Tho contest ng season started rn these d1str10ts at Omhsle p t In no u 1stmtecl 'lh e band N t satiated "1t] at the last Champ10nslup couteRt llwy me ius pn7.o p ecm w I m •n 1<'1 the considerable m n of Lt Brother ton ' dh a b1g entt y of 21 bands and quart<:Jtte also "on first and cup acqurtted themseh es \ ell the dlffer e 1t Items l.Jemg a ou t connected w1t! 1\.11 ougaged for the But1sh Empue E.JniJltiOn .at that event :::\ir C o e wm k Jlayed • • • • • 1 eally good style o p r no' ozgaJHSing a1 othe1 Wembley for the first \leek 111 June and mean tl) gn cr IS 'Wakefield Old tur ned out to the above l'a ke DARTONIAN n 1\iam Colbery band cont<:Jst at L dbrook on Ernpu e Day Ma) e1 1 w a be a big ad' t there for the ope t\t e mm e tes ., * • .. 2 rd y good ad"ce nd get pro You ha'e son e decent Co nze keepmg busy and recently paraded Darton tr�ulars be found among the coni<:Jst a ment �Ir J Green\l ood m heqmmt atl cn of Connah s Quay 3 Pa1 n ' II mateual Don t sav you haven t the chance IS and Kexbrough m aid of Darton and D1stnct 1 1 ad' ert• tn i s ISsue 'Ve tzust the .A i\h J <\. HUGHES utes bands of dance and O\ eiJ member IS orkwb ' 1th a ' Ill W1do11 Old Glad sa:. \\ e are sttll aln e het e e d1d Monmouth t Wakefield City dug m yet Get up and be Peoples' and s Tt eat iBand aze dmug to \\ Gloster and Somerset w11l appreczat1 for this and the many othe1 er gagonwnb he huly \\ ell at Coh yn Bay contest ' mn1 1g first Mr Coopet efforts jomg "ell and lookmg forward to the sumtner, fox con s thmr mterest and that d t puze 111 Ma m W a e e d bn 1 ate season tests md engagements tch and second •electtOll Llan thoy \1 1 l support !urn I hope he k l d dor tg ell 111 1 "1th ample entnes t 1101 fi \1 .. • • cl dulas beat us by t1 pomts had better luck D10p a l e to Tue1 care of lhe M�: * • • • • • • o We w " Mo d at l� drtor r pm Befm e thf' "nr ' ENI�H vSIAST1 of Blacl pool , lttes on u y Coh y Bay 1 quai tette J BHADY+ + + + ::.ecretary THlRAP.SlONI !\.1\ o ts Eastet u 1 1 the \\ell kno\\ 11 teacher and no qL ihc m cor'ltest ' !!11111 g first pli7.C I souy to sav my M1 J There \\ ete changes LS ega1 ds Stanloy o 1t of apston boasted a good contostrng and concer t 'lhez e 1s e•bou lh arg nents of brnos m adJudtcatot ' 11tes hke T10tte1 s Tlu tt father Hug stilt Ill 'I luck t o g band But after the reactwn baud enthus1asts spread many e us the hes) bt t he takes a very and expic stons the Apu] B zemark•rl h u h \\ar-owmg to I 111 (W IS m thml fwm O\a e1v � keon mterest the domgs of the band He has vety s B N I None of the ell ba 1ds tmnecl out con suppose-they got slack nnd "ent bad to col of the B B e played a 'el) 1m m valuable aduce and vezy appwprrate to the Rotlm to on s N 1 been off foz t e 1d on testmg on Easter Monday "orse nntll a yeat ago "e had b1g JOb muster pm tar t pa1 t rn "hettmg the appeht of the msi eh mor ths a I m s y to need of the take teciH Iq te fo gt Anted .a e 1 1 O\\ tunes \Ve Altofts W R d y 1s yea1 W ? band at all So called a General 31[eetmg cal bl by bnngmg e then say thez e JS not much sign of hnn start11 g a a good bands and e no ' eed roncluctor•r d n t tJ t hy a \le befm notice lhe o- 11 m h rs for C t h pt o he band Ita, ., JUSt a for to t t e Hope to see you soon got some of the old strckers to come bacl enhsted excellent b1 ass bands of countr y and tlus as ) et 'I had benefit concett str ess the techmquc so much as often done the hzm 1n recogr They IS Krppax Old turned out but tbts band caa a mmber of learners and "1th M1 J lletcher e' rclenccd by success of he rece 1t vtSit of the ubon h1s years sen tee and am can "ell affor d to conce 1trate on mror preta do the t pleased to Sa) 1 of 2iO better Success next trme as ndmast<:J and Stobie as Secretary St Hdda. Ban d t<:> Blackpool I Jeally cannot t \\ as well attended e mtend tlon and after all rt erp1etat r IS n that tells ba \l t !)fl "W om to compete at as \"\ story un mt w a Garfortb only fan ' e set io o k m the good old ' a� and unde1stl rl the attitude of a mnsic 1l cuttc to one many contests as possrble but d capbv ttes lrstenCI • T1otter of unfmtunately e are � 11l �!hcldefield same 1eward ' as a record yea1 Duung this last In out Jocnl pap 1 s E' en to m nt n the , OIU' P.ot allo eel to compete at be plea•cd lll\tSICJUn as :i\l t Brad ' e e w to find swJh a y ter \\ e ha\ e contmued to \\ Ork hard and 'e can b1 ass cl to hun s hke 'a\mg a zed flag Ha" arden on Wlut )l[ond y as the� t •upport11 go 1 g l11S cot tent!on Routh Mf'�otG RIS "utmg of th0 e , nc ' f Norton s Bath )1Icl 1\ :M TUDOR e\ er ts before they ro 1test Are booked up well 1s 21a Huddm stield Road Oldhnm ' hme It tecord ? 'Ihere 'Ill be some fnendly rn alry be Paulton Otutton SodbL l) lJ thcr Loughborough E1steddfod contests he JUdged but IS sorner Sm lh Htcndley Ryhrll and Crofton ploddmg 1g "ell Glad to heal that this famous band t Hlen these t bands as Mr T Bed on IS mgton Ole\ edon East Compton etc We ha\ e too late for our last rssue says ' It "ns a treat elm o f l on of old IS still thrivmg e see no reason '' hy It bandmaster of Stearn Shed and Ius son Mr S engaged Mr T Hynes (late of Foclells) as to hear a real solo contest agam and to have \1 Gumethorpe muddh 1g oH still rid 1ot become a zank band agam Bedford bandmaster of Town Band Swam Shed adJudicator ho JS a muorcran and a gentleman such splendid playmg felt 1t mv bounden duty CollrCI� Get sho front \\ I on Ith the on Sun \\ hom no band fea1 to allocate the max1mum B tt anyho" 1t has on Its present standmg every pa1aded But1sh LegiOn East.er need compete unde1 'I'he marks to the pnze oo o ' choice of to and dmo r got mto the hst 'cason to be proud of Itself and every encourage and tn the afternoon gave a conceo two beautiful selectwn • of e al meut >mner only 2 les, to the magmficent second Wharncliffe I' pnzc cia> t to a u at Brother ton Took tJ1e ught cour,e and got Mz m ce Pall B I' and qmte easy for h q best-and ovei� other performer "as qmte worthy mont to al the most of Its talents goou aud1e1 111 Caldocott H �11 t e aver age b should N Thorpe to tr am them c a I 1 mel of a first pnze not • • • • • t ry at e shU ehear smg as usual hone to prov1de more entertam n for the p tbhe , ho hurl better performances beaten y 1 I e t There are mat bands tins drstuct "ho could TO summm un must be consider ed to them The playmg of the lst and 2nd pnze m Mr ANDER N Secretary of the Rivmg tmn out a good band this Old Bilton vi e ate hopmg gn e medals do much better 1f they ' oulc! only see the ught '1 order for all soloists Schedule a 1d ca players especmllv "11! r mam my memory for ton Pnzc iBnnd \VIItes Enclosed rs an lut\ e a good muste1 of members but arc ather s are r c n be c way and get someone to tram them The cost rs Lawford a t c lv t a long 111 for p cel of specwlihes We aie startmg short of top cornets Long are ac h d Sargen he pab ons and offic111ls of the a u I 1 f10m M:r t1me 'I only small compared "Ith the returns )Otu you twally out of debt and aze hopmg to ha' c a Eisteddfod regretted that we could not hear them a hbrary for tho use of our bandsmen and • • • • Results of Spellow Solo Contest "tll be found 111 ery fiLuly agam m the evemng pz ogzamme but \\e can send anythmg smtable to the Htlue of ren It good season Y little can be heard of Dtn HOPEFUL of Ktdsgro1 e 'lites - K1dsgro'e \\Ol C Contest Results column TRINR ch overcro\1 ded "tth the of auou 'ocal tance A splendid Idea Not entu elv a ne chm smce Chustmas Rugby Vorl sop '!own are domg very \\ ell and grO\ e m ard \ bands Ihe Solo and around m th1s directwn he s cal of Mr Walte1 Lea bandmaster of d Contests thts 1\ h llavmg good rehearsals 'Ihey are \\Orkmg ha d Kiclsgt ' rll not fail h1m an e helteve what "e say drstuct Quartette ostabhsbcd but they dtsappomted us Ho e\ er r o' e To\\ n ho has not been able to follow \ wtll •hmtly at an end for tlus season \1 But we ould as] them to enter at once to h(} Rn1 tgton Band aie to be cornplunented ' e hope on Echoes of the Opera and other rest pieces his em p oyment for the past fonr years tluou"h \\ a 1d sevezal of our bands ' rll be anxwuslv ' artmg­ and hkelv be l ehe> e the aux1ety of promoters and to enable ' Ill most gomg to Langwith 'Ih"y Illness to say 1 for the fizst the books "Ill be onculated and pr act1sed When Pleased toe band "ere able "to pro l whrch band contest wh10h I tlunk rs to be held a most successful Flag Day on 11th them to ad>eztrse the bands per y each member ts master of each book-and that hand over to h m a 'er y handsome sum A band IS I eld at Wdlmgton on May 23rd also Blackhall Apnl rs 1 as much to the benefit of the Lands as of the JS possrble-RH mgton "1ll have a band ot t of tl e • • * • • fino asset to a t01 n or 'til age Jn cases of the follo\Hng Saturda' I hope these contests "zll Mr F TOMLINSON of Pleasle:5 ColhetJ 1 contest No band can foresee how much they may or chnary \\ e commend the 1dea et band­ II chanty and I am confident that rf many of our "ell support<:Jd "S I am med there are to e1 v wr1tes It seems qmte a \\ lule srnce yon hear d benefit e> entually from a httle advertisement be In£01 an expenditure of a fe\\ sh!llmgs In tlus duectwn - bauds m these small vzJ!ages would do hkewrse some splendid puzes to be ' ardod from me and though you may thmk we have been throughout the d1strwt ' dl come back many tunes they would benefit 'er y much by Jt more "ays Mamsforth captuzed first prrzc rn Quartette at m the dark at Pleasley I can assure you we ha...e m • • * • • than one Glad to eport that tl1e band have a + + + + Hor den but solo1sts failed to get a puze m Soie engaged a t ip * • • • We mtend oompetmg at the local contests and I spec1ahst "ho c lled to see us a fe" many players "ho hve m Irlam "ho no doubt umfoun a top cornet player to ass1st them at Conte,ts RA1L\\ of Ba1101 mFmness Mr J,ambeth ke<:Jpmg us hard at work Last cia, He epm t• busn ess as bemg 'ery brisk AY:\iAN \\IIWS "Ill '[Illy rou 1d and 10111 a1 d so do a' a1 s ago 1 .E eu� Hill Bnb•h Legwn tned out foz the­ L M S R r band held the1r monthly meet IS t am Broad t a hi!J.y month ' e had an aud1t10n at No t gh 1th e mgp me st ou h at a good attendance en m t ,,eel of bono f1om other + .. + + e pnl 11th to pia the Football mg on the 1st Apnl \\hen castmg Statton rathez a sens"'t10n but "e ga' ' h n e lea 1 that '.Ir RO AL has res1gned Ins fu L111 .A v ot 1 e ba 1d• t mat-ch band has on!� been gomg t\\ 'ened the proceedmgs ne comrmttee satrsfachon and hcmg enguged sho1 tly My \\ l+ of PerfectiOnG "' 8oap" orks 'Ih1s o J O of posrtwn as conduct.or month, not tty for suppm ftom the ga a of the progi ess of arey md good band here e arnbztwn ha\ e Band Th 1� "1!1 be blo11 to the band as he e y \\ 1 y t meurbe1sh aucotmt Hm l' to t a a t luch prO\ ed h1ghly wter estmg and I thr tL vo long h Lvc se' er a! had a 'ery successful trme ' 1th them Still colh 1c R l\1 [ k t ue \\ e BRISTOL DISTRICT has h1t o th I.Jit shortha 1decl at present Tho band tmned out on Satmday the 11th OJ dates booked ' hat zs one band s loss IS anothm s gam and we II z ate .a Club Hope see the contest held t[u, season behalf of the BariO\\ Rugby Supporters * * * * • feel Mr Rogan ' Ill not be long rclle If to von o 1 not we m t n "as Wmdleston still JOggmg along Har vmg to a fe1 of our member s bemg on holzdays w11tes must express my sym pleased to a ee i g held at Stile anc r under L\fx dy 0 HAR!NER - I V "IY anv band m tho L1vm pool and M heste drs Se, era] the men h e n then lot "1th fortunate 111 securmg the senICes of pathy to B1r wood of Gnmsby Boro Ius Port1•head to constder the of band 1 n o m ' e "ere m trwts rs ant of a zeal lne teache1 they should of tlu M1 k formatiOn o seea !t m w other bands the cltstuct o 1 g to the colhery severtl members of the Barrow Labour Band for Illness and hope for a speedy recovery Boro The chan man ren arked that he d1d n t y 1th ::\h o a m " get to wh ' R n at once bemg closed do" n Mr J 'V ught the1r band played m Gumsby Park ou Easter Sunday A they should engage a band from mother tm n rf II g this parude uwludmg to E gn Grzmsby they could possibly form one of their O\ and It + + + + Chalk Farm S Band pa1d a lSlt crry master Th1s the sp1r1t we hke \\ ith ne•ghbom massed band concert "as en by !M rlt CongratulattOJJs to Mr J !\. I CE sec <\ IS of m ru m n Hrll on Good Frida) Man of the smroundmg zng bands con tmue to get good ehearsals tary Gnmsby Brrtish Legwn and Cleethorpes dectded tD get set st en value £500 '\ r-; N r y c 1 \\as a ts retary of Litherland Prrze Band on luo attammg Corps ' ere also represented and pla) mg of the the \1 ctm slup of H Wught and Silver and ez y attractive rtems "ere tendered Recen ed m mtez esimg accou 1t f1 om M 'V J under condt ' the digmty of Councillor the d D �[ East 1 band 'a, exceptiOnally fine ' 1tl some belp from the quarter� \\ Ill make Immmgham has lost by death a vwe president Davage secretary of BllsLol •remperance of Councrl of L1thedan U ught Du b 11d of It who was well kno\\ n as father of the band Mr therr Ann tal ner and Soc1al \\hen a ruatble YILL!\.GER 1 a Geo 'lavlor He "as kno\\ n to a great number timeptece p1 esented to l\Ir George Wlute 1d10 + ...... • • • • \>US REES of Pembroke Dock '11tes m o of bandsmen th10 rghm t the kmgdom and wtll has been bandmaster for o�er years (and rs stilt :Yir F G �Ir CH RS the famo tr b ne that he hao taken O\ er the posrtwn of ban elm J t\.IJ:.n u ts o . the1r secretary su1tabl:v30 1ster HARROGATE NOTES solm•t and o1gamser of Ston eho se Sth ez utcs be gt eatly m1ssed Also Mr gotl\g stwng) Mr 'V h1te replymg said of Pemb roke Dock Iown (late ':tempe c< l e a1 t\s ma) e of terest to n a read r� of ank Hrll has been mmeel to Do11caste1 and as that the success of the band due to the fact Hazell ha' es1gned ul l\ ft rt 1v F1 ' a.s rng and asks that c tr b m I HI� \\ 01 he had no ounte6 1 ta t splendidly at Easter the iB B thought mrght ch op 30u a few succeeded uy Mr Greenfield k "as that fa, but treated all ahke respondence etc foo the band shot lcl be Harrogate Bom s r ed N I gz eatl) app1 ec1ated and at a band somal on although he had many - llllQs on o tr commg seaoon s actn rtt Last year Mr Da' age remarked that acldres.ed tf lnm �Illt on Tori ace Fern play mg programmes to great cro1 Easter es Good x cb on ' as but thts year IB gomg Fuel he �>as presm ted with a leather smt years e penen e ' ttl bands the tune he had spent at 43 Saturday Sunday and Monday the Valley a record for the band •Y c broke Doc! m en !\.s orgamser for the case m the Bu sto! East 'Temperance had been the most + Gardens I hope tlus ts the forerunner of a good e better commg + to be v ha' e parts • • • • • happy +pleased + e season. noticed the Liverpool J mnal season I engagements booked m all We a1e 'ery to ar that Mr RHD o v;ae m Mr YOUNG bandmaster of Radstook Nm• h l 1 of the cot nh and e may find time do C banos competed at Kerne Bndge on Eaowr DI�\I MOCK has deCided to gn Ius "holn tuue evidence � \\ to i\.m1tem ntes - am sorr to ha\ e to report Iesult found e at pos�1bly th ree contests Every "eek end Is booked I y Monday the will be m another t<:> band teathmg and 1s uo11 free to te tch au) arrog ce are now gettmg thezr the death of om esteemed conductor Mz column H e 1Lmpcrar the end of May bit Sept.ember "Ith only Elihn where He Ins bee M D at Queen s H 1ll ranks filled a 1d bcttm practices are bemg held f10m James 1>ho passed ay;ay OH MaHh the 28th after R 1 to t e e t o dates to be tilled rn wh10h I hope to fix "1thm BI Istol N U "e e drsappor 1ted not get m Palmer s Green for the 1st ten earo but the Th r a rumom that they mtend gomg to a ' ery long Illness lasLmg nearly two ye trs and ) IS or ban d are better than the p1 1zes at Kerne Budge but perhaps some of I sen Thusk cont.eot He expectmg to ha' e theu the next eel •o 'l'he en l borne to 111creasmg demands for h1s as tc:tchet a cl e 'ery pab t v Mr James helped form the \Vlntsnntide conteots on th� same pwce \\Ill ICeo p1 o hortly er nd ha' st added the famous bm 25 together "1th h1s love band teachmg has s e "C n rth the Radstock !\.matem band about years ago p rdo them w1th nt� \Y e lne and of on April cornet1st Anderoon made h1• 1 ame ' rov opportn dec1ded lum to giTe Ins ' hole tune to the bands Borobudge at Harxogatc 11th T \\ho and has held the position as bandmaster up to an "et" tt tlus ba1 d before gomg lyde nk ha\ e learn so better luck next t1me Ihrs band no\\ about 20 stzong Keep to C ba I th e trme of hrs death but has not been able to IS at or tom mne da) s July Kmgs" ood E' angel tid not compet 0\1 rng +the +a of+ + Boosey & Co Mr anglev Get a full band then t1 a contest gam�ed t splend1d m actn e p r for O\ year co e to On Apnl 15th s ff Mess1s I y fo1 e take any a t er a e \\ as a of members but a ar seem t get up a contest at B m obudge place� to be '!Sited 1clude St dr s H J!lness p t f10rr that thoy honomed therr coll ague W 'IOTMAN or rhe 1 At w 'e 1ble and enthusiastiC conductor and took to b e Mr t\ 1 s n Elgm Pete1 head Forfar etc � e smgu larly mactivc and tins 1s cer tamly the presentmg hmi "1th a handsome silver The d th1s d1stnct are eager fo1 a <'OJ test Inverness :Nan the band to se e al tesb "1th success 111 the by ba I1 I a r em \l lO 1g tuue of the sear to be so They are tall mg o o of neal home There bemg no 2n Sectwn Contest etc eJghteen to\\ ns all ha\ A ulso had old days b or v rt CJgarett<:J case h n ur hrs completion of 50 d "111 as ef e the \\ ar and s a somco m at as th1s yeat the band, "o 1ld most busy season myself Ith concerts etc I "as wa of of con pehng at ]anford ear, sen 10e \\ 1 th the rrn Mr Bro\\ n the IlM1 great egret that \\ hen the first contest to be held 1 1th d\ eit1smg rs a slogan vluch as J fi C probably enter contest" neaz on other test Dumfnes "' d up N th as fa1 as J manager of the band mstrument department made 01 far South as m m Raclstock took place he "as unable to take T t w !\. 11 home cit \\ mtcr I a a adopted at famous London Conference last year ll kn n preces Elgm E,ery \\eek 111 g the h d Ill \\US to i own L the presentation Mr Totman rs "e part It btit \ery pleased see h s a cl to n rt fits ba ow to Summerbudge a1 d Dame comp!'tl'd at Pudsey the e\\ ea I did most my urd brass tds most aptly band omen all 01 er the co ur hM mg represented few concerts At r !I band u and carry off fhst pnze illr 1 on Easter N Y 'as �orne '!'hey are usually iruthft l then uttcu yeaz,try day but ' ere outclassed and thi:> successful tour up No1 th for fm tnt,;ltt I p 1n stating p the firm for 0\ et tlurty at Belle Vue and Satu1 1 h tel 'ery otwng hopes of recove11ng and to excepitoHS perhaps \\ as agamst bands \\ Jthlll 50 mile radws of Wales �Ia10h fortu1ght J m es hus the 011 ly may be the the Crystal Palace smce 1ts mcephon Long may down South a ue able to come back t o the baud ag.am He Those w Hano m m for splend1d reper t01re of first cla•o lUUSIC wl uch to Cally on gate ho read a pre1 wus repo1 t of ss1stmg the champwn \\ clsh band mn cae slwng supporter of he be spared mllle G" ' as a the Ll\ elpool Journal 1sn t al ays up to the representatiOn 'Ih<> force m the B B \\ rll knoll to what I refer Neve r en setws of n N m a a d a eadet of the B B N for many years The .. + mmd Summer 1l a Gun; conccr ts of the slogan struck me recently when sa' In a lettei from+ Mr+ 'V B of Gwaun budge Keep at i succeo• * * * • • band pa1d then last respects to their lm eel leader I EVANS "1lt "'veot tally cro\1 n yom efforts d \l utes aesteg Catho tc aclvett1sed th 1t the Crofts End Sther Pnze would cae-Gun en l e mforrns us that G band are '.I !\.ES'IF�GIAN M when he \ as lard to rest They headed the C G lJ be m fLttendance tt a certam Spotts Meetmg fo1 at September 7th R1pon C1t� sbll contmuc to do good re Mrss10 are getbng along mcely 1th �r funeral pwcessron e �gaged a week W wor k \ � ' to the c lUrch and played hrs emblev you gomg contest agam tlns year ? a u te of g No I onsrd r th1s rs unJust to a genu me Pnze to 12th We ate glad to hear tlus famous Welsh Corey Tum t tho helm Q 1 a lot f ,om 1te c e boto Thn•k vom a hymn A.berystwyth at the grave Band t boen an Kna1es ro re h ca1 sals have been ' ery poor! l'rv yot r lu k at Llandovery stele know that some membet> of he combmatton has sucoe,sful m sec umg v playe1 s band :::\11 Jame. \\as 61 ' hen he dred and \Ji e all s band 1tte1 ded latel) In f t thm e rn th1s ou v band ba peculiar vre1 c;ontests engagement at the Exhibibon and feel sure they a rs a umour about very pleased at the rmpiO\ emcnt a e m Lde ]us 1 il ar a c 1 emoves one of the best musicians the 01 e that they wte1 d to ) I 1 111 th :� arouse bet >een bands a1 d fo y uphold the 1 putat10n tl ey have disband-but I am ll1 the the result of wgular attendance at zehearsals death will wonhrl tO\\ n of Rad stock theihat enmitvreason ea re ! look fa posrbon lu that such as nc t the case The 011 e app nt Ith d1s n air eady gamed Terutouals a1c still go1 g l m ' our < 1 stale Maesteg ' l • • • • • o t of) , ne•stl ad been attendmg regulazly but th et c sptte of t l e band 1\I r 'V D E c mpe t othe>s although fan member, 1 se' era! changes RER reports - Thete a good t n e efforts m + + + + bemg no 2nd Sectron at Hawes them m e1 \\ ili IS m 1st st te th tt the e mber of th< mem :.1r " te enJoyed Judg floored Oorey then solo cornet and sectetaiy has s chance fot bands thts di•trrct on Whit a are a 11 LLS u . - I pi e1ed m I ho ' ould JUmpr contest b t G NICHOn at Eccleo Bndge henee the bad actiCes Thrs rs not the "ay \\lth to gomg da at bers ' at a nfArtun mg the te ts Kerne connectiOn the band o"mg Satur y and Monday T\\ o grand contests u 1 co s and eep a band together No" to h1s of atcly th y at e 1 th e so that bemg so feel ga' e l l (he ba 1ds advice at both contests Crag Rats lel Lbroad and :Mr Davies semetary Black hall t" o cups and fifteen gold and srlver 1 I e n mm1Cl ort tv t I Can t me be able g'IIe a b te repo1t about you 11e'-t R latea po e may prwse to co s e1 ' het e h xaked !\.t Eccles test the m out stat1dmg fat It ' �s to e x Maesteg H1bernmn has been p ted his medals What about Old Operatrc I understand OJ e ba1 d o os ut t m m the JU•t rficatwn of Fuze f l'here rs a the eathmg method bv r eal good oornet trme 1 ' e place abo a new oomm1tteo has been foi'med they Intend cornpetmg at all azlable contests on bad bi h LOOKER OJ'\ a\ ba nd ou bkn ts of the \ o wm a pia) er, a 1d a lrke ccles Io Hall or Blaengwynfi are very qmet Bad trade m the Good Easmgton Colher:r are trymg fix up on the t< 1 cl cl m 1oom E 1 to pnze 1881 so they me Jl lStrfied perhaps m act thet Hall th1s \\ Ould add to the d1 and unempl ment plavmg ha' oc "1th B d t A band her e Horden m o an' loco.! col her) IS a an mas er good f 1 s CENTRAL J) c n on Cwfts End huve a d1ffer•mt ot tlook the "ord 1e of ar J dge I 'ell membe1 SCOTLAND NOTES with th1s fine ba1 d but the) a1e sl a vmg Colhezs are gettmg a pro Thts wrll speak for 011 pleas y c e "\It 11 Pr 1ze 1\s I mentwned !1st summer they may Rrmme1 opet g y eyes tb1s po nt to •ee you conte,t g aga1n soon No ne • to hear Mr ostez 'ery rll r 01 "ns Hope r 1tself Sony fCI>\\ hen>Old, I e e st ] IS loo upon t1fioates for cnhbagcs 01 recommf'ncla playmg ' rtl ell Sprmgs In a h rhe fitoL from Llanconoyd but bel tne the.) a1 tll Shott<>n Cotlter� have a ne1 set o£ mstruments cc1 I1 conte.t of the season took pl ace I twn" tchelteo prizes sho 'ed here ' as at I hope the Rotheoa' n 1t keepmg the old colom s fiylllg D10p nrc lme and 11 te-1 d tn mg few contests this year Black 1 w 1 fault o the 18th ult md altho 1gh some con a a fot as \\ ESIIERN cou 1 :; 1 at I •a 1 then Colhmy BOO�f study s•derable d sta hom thts quarte1 syth n somebod) are wondmfully Improved band et playe 111 1 cl to m te l 'Io hall a 11' made the tJOurne) a uame R t • • • • • su ce the-y got therr ne\\ conductor 'f hey are 1C'TT 81 kS nd the puze hst cm a m Mr G l\IOHRIS of Blackpool to be con II) o! eel p fm conce1 t "ork Hope ) on rs t nl) 'er y good 11 deed constdeung thC' IS hea\ bo + + + + of the Tlu, t S HODKINSON Secretary est claso an petu l g1 atul Lted on h1s fozes1ght and enterpnse 'ent ure at Whtt \l eek-end \\ Ill be a great success PRESTON NOTES �Ir 1\\ of b d g and pl CkJ Krlsyth a1e m houghton Contest tells us that thezr contest was to be atu, latedcon engaging the St Hilda Collier} Band for \\eek Sea ham Harbou a e alrrght and ready for the co gr OJL lotng so ell hopt> a 1 vet) successful the weather ' as very kmd an be a 1 ' and I end at Blackpool Then VISit a roused tremend frav Harton Colliery will spung a few su1p1 1ses d It wtll 11 centn e fo1 them to go hrgher st ll Ken arc m fan orde1 They arc brmg the people suppo1ted the ntu re r1ght royallv ous m!R1est the to' n and \ast aud1enoes th 1s yea1 'lhey ate ha\lng Ha11 k ns as often Drcl s ve There 1> be no coutest at t 1 m Mr �It tug V\Tmgates and Beases to theu Park when I P e e heaz of your success Hodkmsou Stulmg h s y('az 111 to them at each concert as hon l Colliery 111 fine form to assembled hear poss1ble l ey me hope to see all our bandsmen there It good l as d t<:> .Mr connection ' 1th the Agucultut al Sho 1s Morns sent sheaf of e" spa pet cuttmgs all Ha \\kllls at the helm mgate e 1S a + great prt 1\ e e ' rh1s a us a 1 th Ul edt catron musrl)ally to 1zear these bands FINNEY+ +the + kuol\ n dj u t oi ) a, there taken tt s on nt \\ u[ I w contosts \\ ell a d Cat LS keen mt t st t of "'hLCh 1sh p1 e he band and soloists dou g 1 rcely and expoot to attend a fm\ M1 J year d I qu te behove the:v ' ould have had 1 v ar pro' 1d€d Preston Town are 111 'e1:v good order and are callo;cl 111 to •ee us on ius returu from Douglas last Ll for the excellent m tswal treat this \ea Hesleclen ha'e sent thell mstrumm ts c a greater succeos thi> �ear at full strength agam They played at the nson I M ete he had been mdgmg ontest ar d * * * 1 poss hle to on P 0 I a * * rn recently and a r o r we gathe1 from Ius remarks that he gave the fi e here are qmte a number of s t) !\ltJ ba�k r• • car1 v g e a good pe rma we BRITISH L of cham • • & ' 'I l!lo et Sf o be "EGlON r f con petmg band, •ome good sound advice l>f held and I am glad to see Poh wnt gc sh Good t and Al\ 1RADE ' utes It ts With Bar ton s havmg only poor rehearsals Hope g he 'lrmpc!ley OLD C0'. oi nte t It t g On �uday - get o 01 t summer "hwh they would do well to take notice f a band co 1s be hop d the Pr•ze Ba 1d 'lSI ted ll the cenotaphs thell regret I ha> e to record the death Mz Samuel yo ur band der for he . to e n 111 of 1 y m fash on wtll spr ead so that he bands hy mn one of the Grllard c nd to Ogmm e Valley Temperance :ffixoolswr about the same and are look rng "1ll drbhiCt 'l'bey plavcd and o uc r of + + + + i to get thet be a weeks Jllncss WI le b SI 1ess m the Notth E a e round a btt be oz e Chan p10nsh local clergy gM e a •hort address '!'il ls \\ as Silver "ho after a few pas eel a" a;r forw at d to a good summez s "ork on a tour "M l h f S" of Oallenders Cable Works c1lled comes 01 1 apprec1:rted by the pnbhc (We on 4th of .Aprrl Mr Gillaid \\hO \\as \\ell knm n North Lanes m good order Ha'e been play gr eatly INDELLr a chat \\ vel) pleased to h1 o n o took mg at Morccambe durmg Easter and dre\\ big rn fo a tel er see This br ng• to tmd thal S rs to hands t l ghont the c t thwugho rt the gm rc Valley a \ery great 'c n 1' u>ed mend th u ll t\ O band o e orks rs 1 1 t1 c A R \ 01 t bands and musiC He had been a cro\1 ds They are busy summer and wmter nn d \lith a for tunate to ha> e con rests f 2 d clas baud, d bke1 d) m s A c ecte \\ 'ery o m they do -1< ere t rn bemg able to e11ltst the rnterest and sen wes of h t d cl 3! .a Ise? • member and tr ustec of the above bane! for 26 Preston Mrhtary have good band for tl m t at thm e "ere challenge cups for th se event• * .. • a o Tho band n many urore at a gentleman r Swmdell s pOSitiOn rhat he Why are these contests 'n abe\ e of 'l'I charus \\ Illes yeats present a d a great summer Hope to soe you out Wh1tsunhde 111 ui unoe ? here VICI'ORY except playmg 1s mterested 1s p1 ctl bv the enor mous a mot nt of ' or here for be exec rtn e 'I 1 band ha\ e lwd then )Oung men had been tramed by Mr Gillard and West Lanes not dorng much O\ Workmen s work do 1e and for the I t conductor they 11l feel thetr loss very keenly for he "as at football matches Hope to see you stmke out he has both for the band Both 1 a td an elon used to h a6 Easter unde1 theu new 11 Lr1n1 Psto this summer London and Home Oountzes As.oc1atlon of annuaL events bL t have C the1 c Donlan and e heeu successful gammg the best frrend a bandsman e'er had The baud for bigger tlungs heard uothmg about ta' m pnze at whwh he \\ ntrl qmte recentl:v Secret a! y thrs year 1 ypool and fourth attended the funeral although by request they Matthew s Mtsswn are havmg fatr rehear sal• lS L »econd puze at Pont St >hen bustnPSS call. Bands good start and fore drd not play They earned tho remains of then and ha\e purchased new umform and mstr resignmg only prevented ltm arc k ng a av as best they ca t n 1de1 Kerne Bndge this 1s a a a. t k "01 Mr Donlan late conductor to Hope Church for the Sen rce rnents They a1e domg well and played mcelv gtv ng the tune to do the "or the depressed condlhons of better thmgs--so gn e a m ncces•an 1 • 11nr er or m there and hom thence to the local cemetery the pa k at F:aster PROUD PRESTO:\ thoroughh fait sp t g chance ' S \. NDY uicSCOTIIJ 7 \YmGHT AKD RouND's BRASs lto\:�m �EIYS. }fAY 1, 1923. 'strj,� . �, LY DBROOK, ROSS-ON-WYE Clyde bank Burgb Band , 2'�k " CurAcho " Brass Band Contest and Spol·ts e CONDUCTOR J. D. SCOINS. Empire Day, 23rcl, at Conrtiield Parl5 . IICeut • Rec@rd Scottish Champions. Lydbrook Junction·�Iay Station, W. R. T est-pi ece : " &hoes of the Opera " (W. G. irst pri e be One of the Finest Concert in Great & R.). F . Open for EngagemenBa.ndets, anywhere, andBritain. £15 ; second prize, £10 ; third prize, £4. � for any period owu hoice), £1. djudirr.tor: i?olal'C'li supply everyFOR need of Bandsmen at lowest possible prices consistent with goods of ( ,A W. Halstead. · For Terms Apply:- Secretaryc : ::v.Tr. S. J. Coope::VIr.r, Bishopswood , A BA�AI�N DSORDERMEN. DEPAR ENT ens es care1ul REQUISITEShigh-grade quality. special � . RUSHWORTH & DREAPER � CEO IRVINE, SECRETARY, BANNERMAN IIerefordshi re. � tch. All goods are supplied subject to refund of the purchase pnce they do not meet w:�th customer !! approval. STREET, CLYDEBA35.NK . attention and prompt despa tf o! CHESTERFIELD Glaze bury Prize Band Second Annual Brass Ba.nd Contest (promotad ORDERS VA LUE 10/- OR OVER ARE DESPA TCHED POST FR EE. Committee), in · by Chesterfield Sports' Quee;,·, A BAND WHICH HAS CO ME RAPIDLY TO TH E BRASS INSTRUMENT VALVE SPRINGS. MUTES. P.ark, Che,terfiel d, Saturday, •�lay 30th. I 2/6 'L'ost­ Finest Qua.lity. Cornet-Leather Covered .. . . each FRONT. p•cce "I�choes of tho Opera " '· Der \V i ld MOUTHPIECES. 1/3 .. " 6/- , or ­ Cornet and Tenor . . . . per set Brass .• oa •• 100 Prizes Won out of Contes s Attended (Value \V . a.nd H .cbutz " (both R.). :First prize, £20 Silver-Plated. Baritone and Enphoniun1 .. 1/6 Silver-Plated . . .. 10/- over £1,000)112 in recentt years. & 3/6 , .. the Che&tcrfiel d Chamber of 'l'racle Challenge Corne� e:lo()h on ...... 21- Trombone-Leather Covered...... 5/- Six Prizes won at Eelle Vue, in ludin g / Bom bard Cup ; second, £l2 ; third, £8 ; fo rth, £4 ; fifth. Tenor Horn .. 5 - Polished Wood .. .. " 8/6 Cllampionship Contest. c LYRES. £2. -:\larch Contest, u J.,w­ Baritone 61- Band of Fine Tonal Quality." Well finished, strong springs. ot· "British Letest-piecegion b "Jt ack o' ). Tenor Trombone 6/- ACCESSORIES. "A tel'll " " Cornet and eno . . eachBr 1/6ass. . Plated Brilliant Soloists. Engaged for 15 Successive ( o h •\V . & R 6/6 'f r -· Water Key Springs each First £2 ; second, £1. Entrance fee, 20s. Baritone and Euphonium . . , 2/- ... 2/93/3 4d. Seasons to give Concerts in the Principal Bass ,, 6/6 Valve Corks . each ba111'izr',nd. Entries close �:Iay 23rd. AdjudicatN. Euphonium .. biU'don . . . . , 2i6 " 4/­ per set !/­ Manchester Parks. 8/6 Ligature Scre'ft'S ... 6d. Dr. St ton, �fu•. Doc. E·•'la.t Bass .. 'frombone-B·FlatBorn . . , 5/- .. 7/6 Large and Up.. to-Date Repertoire of Music. a .• 6d. each J. F. BB-�'lat , . . .. 10/- .. , 5/6 .. S/- Valve Tops .. . . Plated p Secretary, Caffery, 6, �larkct Hal l .. each, Brass 9d. Splendid Appearance and De or men Open " G·Bass for Engagements. t t. Cha mbers, C}h.hest e ,J.rfic .T. d. "APOLLO " TROMBONE OIL Cleanses and Lubricates - 1/- per Bottle, For Terms :- l ARTHUR W. HOLDEN, HON. SECRETARY, BLAENAU FESTINIOG Spec ia l attention devoted to Sand Instrument Repairs in modernly equipped at the Islington establishment. is workshops CLAZEBURY, Near MANCHESTER. Brass Band Coute t, Sa ur a , 30th, under the Rules of the Norsth Walest d Braasy :\f nyBand Associa­ LTD. South Moor Colliery Band tion, and limited to members the Association. Test i e e : "Hiawatha " i\V. of Pri e , £35. THE FINEST CONCERT BAND TRAVELLINC p c z s Hymn- '1\me Coutest : First prize,& H..). £2 2s. ; second, i nners Thousan ds Pounds in Prizes. W Numerousof Cups and cfShields, includi g £1 ls. .Solo on any brass band i nstnuneut ( p n), RUSHWOFOR BANDRTH INSTR UMENT S, SILVER-PLATINGDR ANDEA REPAIRPERS, o e Chronic e " Cup (value 250n competitor's own choice. Adiudicator : '1' . RPO the · ·Newcastle Guineas. l1924\. Kei ghley, Esq., }Jus. l-Ion. lcellow R. :H.C. � I., ISLINGTON . LIVE 0 L. D., 11-17 , Also Prize Wim1ers iu tli e Championship at Crys al Pal ce. l\lanchester.Full particHl ars from the Secretary : Richard t a Mr. Bottomley, the Renowned Cornet Soloist. Huglws, �, High tre t, ill laenau Ffilstiniog. Mr. o. Pickersgi ll, the Celebrated Euphonium _ S e CONTEST RESULTS BAND J. Soloist. INSTRUMENT BLACKHALL CO LLIERY ' CHAS •E CORNET VIRTUOSO 'l'his Fine Opon for Engagements • FOOTE LTD • SPECIALISTS. AmtUal Band ont sts promoted anywlwrcCombination and fori� any period. C e ( by Bay, March 28th. " Hiawatha " (W. THE HOUSE FOR VALUE. SCHOOL OF MUSIC CBrasao l e y B and), Saturday, May Colwyn & For Terms Apply:- Blackhall l i r Fll'st prize Llanddulas (J. E. F1dler) ; SOOO?J-d, 30th. Contest limited toWhit m embers of the R.). , NICHOLLS THOS. DAV ISON; LIME ST REET, SOUTH Oonnah' Quay (J. reenw . M ar h Principal-GEORGEVILLA, MARPLE BRIDGE, DERBYSHIRE MOOR, STANL20, EY, Co. DURHAM. D A .B. B. A. Test-piece, " Hia\\atha " (W. R. ). s A. G ood) e pnz�t . & Oonnah's Quay. Also competed-Summers S eel The Catalogue of the "FOOTE " BAND CATARACT First prize, £8 lOs., and Cross Cl1allenge Cup ; Works Llandudno, Royal Oakeley, Gresford Ooi­ 1925 Have you weak lips second, £5 ; t hird, £3 ; fourth, £1. Medals for ? Jiery. dj udicat r, )lr. Hynes. dy. Have you a thick tont1ue best soloists, etc. Adjudicator, ' INSTRUMENTS No Rea 1 HARRY BARLOW, A o T. IS w Have you poor tone production h it Monday June 1st, Open Mr.Co ntvVe. gtDawson.. 'f est· Portadown Championship Contests April 4th. POST on application. Have you trouble hi!lh and low? register (Conductor, Uesses-o' -Barn . -th' pieWce, " Echoes of tho Opera. " (W. First Brass bands (Senior Section). " I Lo bardi FREE In ? Band) & R.). " ( W. The above are four poioters of bad faults with many 'f E-\.CHER AND ADJUDICATOR. p i e, anr;] Doggart's Challenge Cup : First Prize and Challenge Shieldm : I.O.R. Liberal Discount for Cash . Terms Easy arranged. Cornet Soloists and other Instrumentalists B.-\ND seconr z d, £8£4 lOs.lOs. thnd, £3 ; o th £1. ed b .& R.) n r Late of the S ate Concerts, Buckingham Palace ; f ur , M a Resou� Tent .Belfast (John Vine . Ju io and soon rectified byBrass my Bandexpert advice, being : ) a t for soloists. Adjudicator, Mr. l,V , Dawson. Section " Co try Fi rst Prize of Second-hand Instruments­ CornetcanSoloist he of great repute during the Royal Opera, Couveut Garden ; Halle, Liverpool �n Life " (W. & R.), Large last25 years. All entries to be sent to :O.Ir. J. Spavin. 13. .and Ch llenge Cup : 55th Old Boys, Belfast (James Stock Fee -£3 3 per tenn of lessons. Philharmon ic and London Symphony Orchestr as ; � West Street. B lackhrtl l Colliery, Co. .Durham. Mc.:Fadden). Brass and Reed Section, First Prize Payable0 Advance.10 and the Principal :Musical FestiYals. _ ALL MAKES. io and Challenge Cup : Willowfield (John Craig). a11d ParliculMs 1m DOUGLAS VILLA S, CLIF'l'O ROA D , HEBDEN BRIDGE _-\ djudicator : G. Mercer, Sheffield. Prices application. N ::H r. H. PRESTWICH, )lANC!HESTER. Brass Band Contest promoted by the Hebden Quart<>ttes. i rst prize, .a.re in 1rim for the ( .Bnlkington. April 4th. F REPA IRS.-See 1ha� your instruments Bri dge ami Calder. V al ey Agricultmal Society) . The work ! FoJeus No. sec nd John Thompson's ,lv.orks ; Season' s work. We specialise in Repairs. Saturday, May 30th. 'I'est-piece : " Eahoes of the 1; o , Workshops. is third. Leiceste r Imperial : fourth. Kib,mrth done by Skilled Craftsmen in Model Opera " !W. prize, .£14 ; second, No. )ob-quick delivery, and moderate charae. A Estimatesthorough & R). 1. _.\!so competed : Shed, CoYent•·y £8 ; third, £4 ; fourth. E'irst£2. Ma rch Gontest. ]'irst Crewe l'ltPHnt goodsubmitte d . It will a to send to Siher. Coventry Va.uxhall, 2 . Mid­ ERT BANDS. prize, £2 ; second, £1. Medal s for Soloists. Kibworth 'Jo. PAY YOU us. CO'l'lwNC followill't.g Famm/..8 Bands m·e ------somer ort n , Rugby Stea (four pa rties), Foote always at your Adjudicat. second to nonel as a Conci ert Band pieces : CHEPSTOW Slaithwaite, April 13th . "Der .j]dschut.z" (W. R.). 4th Section Bras�, "Hiawatha " (W. . Jack Mackintosh, The Pr nce of Soloists. & Band and Choral Contests in Ohepstow Cast e. R.). F i st prize, Sowcrby WBndge TROMBONES R.). Whit Monday, l Mr. Ceorge Hawkins, i i . & June Test-piece, ·(W.Jhlli &wcll) ; secondr la bu J ni gs (W. The Em nent Conductor For partic l ars apply ; Hon. Secretary, E. A. G e y • thi rd, the Open. " (W. 1st.R.). E'irst prize,·" Echoes£20 and of z r (J. ·n n ); Stevens, 11, uHighdown Road, Ho"Ye. · F1·iendly (J. Dyson fourth, Lindley (J. For Tet"ms: and ome Challenge& C. our h 'Cup ; second, :£10 ; t hird, .Dyson) : fifth.C. D obcross) ; (J. Jenning;). March, Have you tried Special B-flat JOHN TRELEASE, SECRETARY, 41, BEW ICK ST., s ' £5. !\larch, " Th e British Legion " (W. R.). '· British Legi u " prize, SOUTH SHIELDS. LANGWITH s Silver tone - przce Fi r t priz•�. £4 4s. ; second, £2 2s. Adjudic& ator, 1· r dgoe sec(W.on d.& Frie H..).ndly. b' irAlsst o com­ £8 8 0 The Fourth Annual Brass Band Contest (pro­ Sowerb i ; Lieut. J. Ord Hu me. ·peted : ·�LH·sB den. H l e, Dann<'mOJ·a Steel \V rks, moted by the Langwith Colliery Prize Band), will o or Wingates 'J'emperance Band. W. Waters, Hon. Sec., HaHlwick I-IC'pworth, Royton . o Dme by Dale, Jhn<·hliffe Mil l. be held on Satm day, May 16th. 'I'est-P.iece : A. 15, Winners of over £13,000 in Prizes. Chepstow, Glos. A\·enl!e, \djudieatol' : . n Brass " £7 0 0 ' ' Echoes of the Opera· " (W. R.), or "Dt;Jr Winners of the Belle Vue, Manchester & :M r ...,\ , Lawton. Wi ldschutz " (W. R.). Fi1·st prize, £12 arid ROSS-ON-WYE Kow e Bl'tdge. Aprtl 13th . " Echoes uf the Championship, 1921 and 192.3. £8 ; & o £2 lOs. Also Oakdttle H. Champion Soloists. an d the most consistently Cup ; second, third, £5 ; f urth, Brass Ba nd Contest and Athletic Sports on pe•·a " (W. First _( REPAIRS BY HIGHLY SKILLED WORKMEN: · . ·O & � . ) . prize, h d successfu Band in Britain. �pecial:;. Uaruh, "Jack o' Lantcm R.). Whit-Monday, June lst. '!'est- iece :-'-' Echoes Hcyes) : secon d, \VJ!. lenhall F1sher) ; u l " (IV. & (\\. H. t . , OPEN FOR CONCERTS. BOOK NOW. First prize. £2 ; secolld, £1. i udicato �Jr. of Opera. ". (W. R.). Firstp prize, £20 · Y kl Valenti ne) ; focnth, 1'reharri� ( J. Ad r, t.h.e & Ol' ey ('1'. SUCCESS CERTAIN. S. Grant. seeond, £10 ; thi rd, £5. :March (own choice ; £2 Donlan ; fifth 'J.U.R L ym n) ONL Y ADDRESS- : ) . .. Bri;otol (\V. a a ; R. WHITWAM, Secretary, A.E. Olarke, Secretary, 14, 'l'he Woodlands, Lang­ Adjudicator : �Ir. Brier. ) >ixth, Lyd ne (R. Hoclgeo). �[a co�1test J. ) . A. ,.,.h -� djlHlJ­ Manchester Road, westhoughton, Bolton. with, near Mansfield. Particulars from G. Arrowsmith Chase Road, prize : Oakdale. N11w Hands c·nmpcted. St. BIRMINGHAM. 178, ' 28/32, Longmore , Scottish Ag ent- Ross-on- Wye. eator, �J r. · ----- · C:. Nicholl•. Mr. A. Brit ton, Stevens Parade, Clasgow. HOLM FIRTH Uadisle, April !,luartct.tes, st .20, 13th. Fi r Fi£tl.1 Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted by BISHOP AUCKLAND, Co. DURHAM .C a isle Buffaloes ; second, a li sle .St. Stepl:cn'pnz s:o, rl C r the Holme Valley Contest Committee). Saturday, Annual Bruss nnd Contest (promoted by t. hird. Workin n Solos, Fi s prir.·�, Creswell Colliery Institute Band B ' gto r t May 16th. Test-piece : "Der Wildschutz " (W. Bishop Society), Whit �lon­ , Town. c ,T . Hi)ls euphoni u (Uarl isle Buffeloes) se ond , 'l' he Finest Contest and Concert Band the R.). First pri e, £15 and second day, JuneAuckland lst. 'l'est' Temporn.nce-pieue. own selection of' B. (C'alm 'lisle third '" Midlands. of & Silver Cup ; , nnnn, COI'IIet · REP AIRS £12 ; thi rd, £9 ; fourth, £6 ; fifth, £3. March R. W Itzes, 1924-1925. Fi r t prize, .£10 ; second,W. & . J'. o St. Bnl'lteplffaloe,\w·J'. y, Mr. F. .amsden, emperance '· First, Blackpool Carnival Contest, 1924 . · n Hia11 l &. :\I all i on, Secretary, 57 New Gate, Holm- Office. 25, Victori a Str·eet, BishoTp Au nd Ho.ll Fil'st prize, ::'\antlle i d any o t h e r Instrument , ckla . _ ' . . Greart. Soloists, including : H. m second,R ) L anidloes Y>tle (J. E.rch F. Fierr,t.i : firth. near Hut.! dersfield (l:t. Benbow). :\{n promptly executed by-- Master JOSEPH FARRINGTON, England's WEST Nantlle Vale.l Adj udicatot·, Hyne,. Createst Boy Cornet Soloist. WALES ASSOCIATION OF BANDS �h. 'I'. Mr. FRANK WEBB, the Renowned Euphonium SKELMERSDALE LLANDOVERY C ontest, Whit-�Ionday Jt e Orow Edge, A pri 14th. "Der Wildschutz " · West Street, Soloist. Second Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted ist. Test-piece, Class A: " Eroi ca " (W. R.m). (W. R.). First prizel Friendly (J. C. Dyson) ; H. POTTER & Co. Clwinc croaa Rlf.. LONDON ' Terms from Bandmaster and Corresponding by Skelmersdale Old Prize Band), Satmday, May B: "Der Wildschutz " ('V. R.). & Class ,, econ&d , Lindl y Th orpe ; third Hinchl iffe Mililaty Mu.ic..Z Instrument Makers. Est. 1810. retary C:Class ems & e (N. Sec - 16th. '! 'est-piece :-" Echoes of the Opera " •· G He y Bi shop " (W. R.) 1Iill Thorpe ; fourth. Hepworth) Silver (W. (·W. & of Sir Mr. DAVID ASPINA LL. New Village, Creswell, R.). Fi rst prize, £20 and Cha leng Cup value ·£25 ; l SIS'I'ERS nrCon est, Saturday,& June (N. ) l ,'\ EVE:\' Nuttall). � arc , " B iti h Leg on Nea1· Mansfield,78, Notts. e t l h r s i " (W. & R. ). second, £10; third, £6 ; fourth £4 ; fi fth, £2. 27t}L '!'est-piece, Class Fly ing Dutch­ First prize, Hepw01·th Silver ; second, Friendly. he Adjudicator l\lr. Harold Moss, \V esthoughton. J)l an " ( \V. R.). Cla�sA: ·• T·'Daughter of Also c mpeted : Ha.de Ed ge, Drtnnf'mora, Denby &. To Ensure Satisfao.tion . Full parti�ulars from the Secretary, Mr. John Reginwnt " ( W. ClassB: C. : '• Hiawaththea" ;-Dale. oHolme Silver. Adjudi at r : Mr. D. & R.). c o ENGAG'E 'l'HE FAMOUS WELSH COMBINATION, Sutch, 71, Ormskil'k Road, Skelmersdale. (W. �\ spinall. &: R.). J. Williams.. Assoc·iation Secretary Gra ig .T. ' Pontypool, A.pt'il 14tb. p ra Cory's Band (Pentre) WEN Road, '.Prebanos, P,onta cl a\\ e. Glam. " wbo play Comet-Trumpet- DAR First prize " Oa.kda.leEelto(>s of C LheolheOrye (H. r · . . Trombone-BariBandtone-menFrench (Condnotor : Mr. J. G. Dobbing). E ighteenth .c\ nnual B rass Rand Contest in the He(W.y &e ) : R.).second, Treharris \'i-orkmen (J. D n l an ); · HAWA RDEN Horn-CJuinct-Saxophone AN EXCELLENT CONCERT ORGANISATION. beautiful .Bold Venture :Park, Saturday, :\Jay 23rcl. thi1·d,s o y h i w "'illiams). o}1aJ·ch Tr ed r Town (J. · South Wales Champions. and moBt Test-piece. 'Echoes of the Opera ' or ' Der \V ild­ Brass Bnnd .Contest, in the beautiful Hawarden C to First Oakdal" (:olli<'L'.Y ; TROUBLED WITH on st, prize Hl�h Tones-Low Tones-Weak Lips-Sluggish consistent Welsh Band. schutz ' (both R.). :First prize, £20 and the Park, \V hit �ion day. June 1 t. est scroncl, '.r -p iece, l'reh rri s \V orkm<'n., .\lso competed : Cwm, Llan­ Tongue - Staccato - Poor Tone--Jazzing-and1·· l Repertoire, Soloists and Uniform, Al. ·w. & "Echoes of the O s a Industrial Co-op. Society's Solid Silver Challenge 1 pera. Fi rst prize real of Instrument , should send for our " (W. & R.). ' hilleth Colliery, Brymmtwr. A dj ud cator : Mr. For Terms : J. CARTER, Secretary, Cup, value £20; second, £10 auJ the J. Fish £20 and Ins ment value £10 lOs. · second £10 · i mastery .S. tl'U J. B. Yorke. "FREE POINTERS," 60, Bronllwyn, Ton Pentre, Solid Silver Challen e Oup, ·value £12/12/- ; thi rd , £5 ; also Specia s. }fal'ch '(own choice.): Rothesay, April 18th. First prize. Clydebank Clam., Wales. third, £5 ; ourth, 10/- ; fifth, £1/10/-. Also, First r:ize. £2 ; second,l £1. A djud s. f icato : Mr. £·3 � Geo. N tcholls. r Burgh ; second, Darvel : hi rd, Parkhead Forge ; the Jaqws Hindle So id Silver Challenge Cup, t fourth, Motherwell and Wishaw ; fifth, i syth ; value £10/10/- for best solo comet player RchBclrdes f rom Wilcock Secretary, l Pendleton Public Prize Band. m �lr. J. �ixth, Grassmarket }lission. DeportmentK pri7e, selection ; and other special prizes. A dj udicator, Friendly Societies' Fete. Ha warden,' Chester. P easing a nd Por>ular. · Grassmarket .�fission. Also co peted : P.t .Jo hu's tV323IRTUO1,�S 011•MMAINUS.tCmeSC STREET,HOOL Mr. D. Aspinall. :_ Winners of overl Pr es (over 60 Prizes in (Port Glasgow), Cl'Oy Pari ;;mh and Ba.. rrhen d. Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A. iz Schedules and full particu ars from the Hon. GARNDIFFAITH 3001922·23-24 ). l Adjudicator : Mr. J. Jenn ings. . Secratary :-Mr. Jarues W. Smith, 25, Snape Brass H1.1 1d Cont�st (promoted by Garnclifhith 1st Prize Belle Vue, July, � Street. Da.rwen. !'.fusical Club). Wh tt-::\Ionday, J une 1st. est Douglas. I.O.�I.. A pril 20t h. " Gems of Sir 1924. •r - Splendid Soloists. Magnificent Uniforms . piece, . Class C: Henry Bi shop R.). Fi rst pri ze, i)f etro­ "Lurlin First " (\V. & Open for Engagement's Sa.tisfaction guaranteed. WILLINGTON, Co. Durham prize. £8 and Trades1 en'se "Sih (W.·er Ch& alleR.).nge politan Castletown (W. H. Cubbon) : sec-ond. St. NORTHER:\! BANDS OTE. Cup ; • . l - second, £4 ; third, £3. :'llatth s •Dou�las (G. Thomley) ; th ird Ram­ N App y Annual Brass Ba.nd Contest (promoted by �!arch Contest (own ew' Secretary, C. W. ROB I NSON, H lst ad Avenue, . , a Brancepeth 'Col i ery Silver iBand), Saturday, a-y choice : prize. £1 sey '. Pown ('!'. l li neu� . _. \lso competed­ Barr Hill, Pendleton, near3, Manchee ster. ) J. 1\lu ) E. SUTTON 23rd. est pielce " Hiawatha " ("W. J\rR.). Secretary : ·�rr. ls. 11 Smith, Bailey Doug as Adjudicator, Mr. J. Fi ney. TEACHER AND AIDJ UDICATOR. '!' - Street, Peel , l 'Tow n. n prize, : & Garncliffaitb, :\Ion. J. .-\ . First £8 tl'lton ;pcon d, THE IDEAL CONCERT BAND. First prize. £2 ; second, £1 : third, 108. p om t d by Great Har­ BA D & wood AgnI r t �1 ain) : W. ::>< TEACHE·R AND 1\.DJUDJ.OATOR. A rljud icator !'.Ir. J. Partingt.o11. cultural Society , Whit Tuesday, June ir i'\mith co e th irrl. F:dwarcb, Deportment a Speciality. Smart Naval m (Bulcroft) : IV. : on the S ow Field. 'rest) i d J<;uph�nium (Carlton Main). Boys : First J. years of first-class xperience) . Uniforms. Secre�ary : Lockwood, 13. E , p ece. " Echoes of (30 E Mr. A. Hard 21llt �e!, e h Farr·ingtoJL r , ��· f�n�r�s d� �e, �n ·�T���· ·c�lc�l�et�· s� e nd ! p a" pr'ize, £15 and (C es\Y el Colliery) ; secon d, -:- Hardy "YNY.SLA.S," 26, ORPINGTI{)N ROAD Fine Soloists. Principal Cornet : Mr. A. Co upe fi� �. lc�l �. ------O (W. ! ' S>lver Crhallenge Cnp,& R.). val neFi 25rst ·�u ine (Askern Colliery\. Bass Robinson WINC'H�IOR HILL, L NDON, N. Soloi t.) as · second, E £10 {IIi"kletmJl. moual : J. O (A brilliant s PlEASLEY ; thin!. £5. to be won ' twice in For terms, etc., a pply-F. MULLETT, (The Cup Sec., C.Road, Luton, Beds.Hon. Rand Contest (promoted tlllc in all before becomi ng �uu.rtettes and .Solos. Quartettes : Secoucl Annual Brnss snccetl1eirssion. bttt e times "Rienzi," 25, Kenilworth by Pleas}ey Uol li cry �ri ze R3.nd) Satmday. 0\\ n proper' tv.) _- \djndicator : �lr. A. �' irHarborne.st prize. FodcnI s No. 2: second. \V oodgate No. ERNEST BEAUMONT • • 23rd . 'I est-p1ece : · 'Echoes j }lay Tiffan y. Silver : fourth. BAND TEACHER. CORNE'J' SOLOIST A 'D of 1e Opera " ip 2 ; third. Co eJJtJ·y R ugby Town ' - t (\Y. Ent forms v Marsden Colliery Band R.). Fi rst prize, £10 ; econd £5 ; th ird, y frolll T. �[errer, 23, ).rthu r !-;il ver. ::lolos ; Fi rst. R. oecollCl, H. V. _\.D ,JUDICATOR. & s r �Ir. F. ::\l ooro : Combination. £2 lOs. ; fourth, £1. Medals for fout· best Street. Great Harwood.:_ 'Phone, 159. Emery ; third. fonrth R y ol ds. SHEPHERJYS RERT H OTEL, SOWERBY An Excellent n tl1c Lanes. U. Stukes : 'J . e n Open for Engageme ts. Basses. Silver-nCcond, amonnewsgst thatAma teur bandsmHJJ. thro<�gu his C'vnncc­ EUPHON Boddice R). m1d A ���ii�IOA'l'OR , For Terms, apply to : open only to Lands who have not "oConn a tests£10 £1,5 ; tbii·d. £10 ; fnvrth. £5. .\ fi,·,;t adjll­ ti on  are cia-> Halif:>x ConLest k"ri �2 THOMAS CUNNINGHAM. SECRETARY. JOHN priz,... withi n the la>t 12 to appointed. with Bldiack ! Dik111 eL oBanclol. ''"J WES'l'B OURNE TE��IRRACE.�J� QUEE::\fSBURY. ' i Committee, N WILLIAMSON STREET, SOUTH175 C'•·acldock,11 Secretary,mont.hs. 212, d tmEntriesr will to bo8ecr etal·y, Leeo,', Court "• Houghton, .• er lH ll April 28th. aKod BHADJ.'ORD. J. I. SHIELDS, DURHAM. Derby"hi ::\'cw House, L9ng!on, \fr:. . IV T. 45. r(•. !:l!.oke·OH-'l'rent. 8 W AND RouND's BRAss BAND NEws. RIGHT MAY 1, 1925 . ,. �eeer·=-r:eu�r Dl dh! LYDNEY ECKINGTON HOLBEACH, LINGS. BRIGG Memorial Annual ' Eis�ddfocl aod Brass Thiru Annual Grand Brass in the Brass Band Contest (in connection "·ith �m''. . ContesL (promoLcd hy the B r g 'W:u Bnmi Cont es't. H. ,] . Band i g Band Contest in Lydney Park, Whit Tuesday, Rectory :Field. Ecki11gton. Saturday, .f11ne 27th. beach Horticultural Shn"· i::lpo ts), in Car­ Hand}. S t rday. August 15th. Test­ and r Pn7.c ::ith-or "V,i a u June 2nd. Class Test-piece : " Echoes o-f the '!'est-piece : "Echi>es the Ope (W. R.). ter's Park, \Vednesday, July 22ncl Open to bands pteuJ : Dor ldschutz " (\V. First priz<', A: of ra " & £12 n'· & R.). Opera " Fir-st prize, £20 ; soconcl, £10 F: i r t priz,•, £ 1 and Cup ; second, £10 ; third. £5. not exceeding in,tnnuerJtalists and non­ a d Sergennt Co.'s Sih·er Challenge Cup (W. & R). s 5 16 a (Yal & Olass B- .(con£ned to Gloucestershire Bands) : 'f est Medals for Soloists. �larch : Test-piece : Sa l ute playing· conduc or, who have not won a cash pize no 36 guineas) ; second £7 ; third. £4 fourth NUMBERED AND PERFORATED. •· t · J3 ra,-e " R.}. l<'irst prize, .82 ; SN'ond, of £ the l\1arch : ·' The Brit eg n piece : "Lurline " First prize, £8[8 ; the 0 during eighteen months ending June �?- i�h L io " ' R.): FO R CHECKING RECEIPTS AT (W. & R.). (\V. & 1 1925. c , rst £1 ; second, d (W. & second, £31 3. Adjudicator : Mr. Jesse Manley. £1. efficient adjudic-ator will be 30th ' 'l'es -pie " Echoes of the Opowa " FI A j udicator : An Pnr;ago;cL t o Mapnze,nlcv, Aberdare. lOs. l\fr. BAN D CONTESTS. For 'Schecl ulcs and Entrv Forms apply to Secretary : Mr. I-Iohues. 22, Market Street, (W. R.). pri e, £9 ; second, £5 ; third, J. F H. & First z particulars Harrison Hon. Sec., Park Road, Eokington, near Sheffield. £2 lOs. ; fourth . £1. Medals for soloists. �1:arch For fu fl d entry forms, apply . a n to OFFICI 2, BathLtrst Contest, own choice. First prize, £2 second, £1 ; 1\fr. Rands. S cret rv 13 T a e ALS' BADGE� Lydney, Gloucester. Dand o a West err c ------Acljudicat.or. Worth.; Brigg, Lincolushire. · GAINSBOROUGH third, lOs. ·' ' Mr. �h. F. ALL KINDS DF PRINTINS Secretary, Slorr, eac , fOR HAWES Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted by '1'. ·west o . Lines. End, H lb h NELSON BANDS AN D BAND CONTESTS Annual CoHtest, Satlll·cl ay, June 6th. Test- Gainsboro' Britannia Prize Band), Saturday, piece : "Der \V ild chu z " R.): 1!'ir,t J una 27th. Test-piece, " Echoes of the Opera " Bras> Band Contest and Flower Show (promoted PRICE liST POST FREE. s t (\V. & SH REBROOK prize. £4-0, and Cup ; second, £ 30 ; t.hn·d, £20 ; (W. R.). First prize, £15 ; second, £10 ; third, I by Nelson District Smallholders' Associati011}, & The Annual Brass Band & fourth, £10. Adj ud i cator : l\1r. Herbert Scott. £5 ; fourth, £3. March. own choice. First prize, Contest (promoted by Saturday, August 22nd, on the N elsoh Cricket the Shirebrook Colliery Cricket E. Blythe, Contest Secretary, ITown Foot, Hawes £2; second, £1. Adjudicator : Mr. G. H. Mercer. ·Club), will be Ground. L.J. wst-piece. Further particulars held on e ter . Mr. J. Blacklog. Band Secretary, 13, Prospect Saturday, July 25th, when Prizes to th la . £65 Terrace, Gainsb ro'. value of will be given, including splendid A. Wadsworth, Hon. Secretary, 156, SPONDON o Pine Street, Challenge Cup (holders : Bolso·ver ColliE>ry). Test­ Nelson. Lanes. Fourth Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted by DOUGLAS , I. O. M. pieces from L.J. ; name of judge, and all particu­ Spon on Brass Band), Saturday, June �th cl Grange lars will be announced later. Brass Band BUGLE, CORNWALL Test-piece :-" Hiawatha " R.). F! rst Brass lland Contest (promoted by the Douglas (W. & A Secretarioo are asked to kindly make a note of T e ::'-re for s i'>'la•·ch :w ei Slurebrook. near Mansfiel pnzes will bo of CONTEST Set-<'boice). i r t prize. £1; second. 10,. '' Echoes of the Opera" (W. R.). cl. lered. Test-piece Cl ss F 8 £1 � & " Euryanthe.'' B: a A ;· b wiuninil' tlte scie<'tton. AdJ L dt Reduced fare and peci al sailings for the com- Class " Songs df Ireland.' Secret:ny of and t s TUNLEY, BATH Class C: "Hynm cator : }Jr. Torn Eastwood. petitors. Other particula s from Mr. �I. to Music " (all W. R.}. r s P. Conteet Selected Hymn Tune & SOUVENIR Schedules and Entry Forms from �ir. T Shitrur.in, Town Hall, Dough , I.O.'M. Brass Band (promoted by 'l'unley and and March. t s .Adjudicators, Mr. Her Bennett Wright, Contest Secretary, 27, Oxford Street, District Hortict1ltural A sociat-ion) on the 1Show bert and Mr. Jennings. J. Spondon. Ground, Saturday, July 25th. '! 'est-pi ece, ' Echoes Full particulars in next is ue. HANLEY ' s ------of the r pr l-Ion Secretary. Mr. F. T ALBUM Ban a t c a Opera " (W. R.}. l!'i st ize, £5 and J. P. Richards, e Brass d Contest, t the H r i ultur l Fete, & Bugle, h o Challenge Shield, value £20, to h el d by SqLmre. Cornwall. in Hanley Park, Thursday, July 2nd. Test-ptccc : be OF FULL Kl BWORTH, near Leicester. ning hand for eleven months : seco.nd, £3. \\·in­ Third Annual Brass Band Cont-est {promoted by " Der Wildsohutz " R.). First prize, £50 ; March 40 PACES (W. & Contes·t, own choice. irst, £1 ; second .. BURNLEY Kib"·orth Silver Band), Saturday, June 13th. second, £35 ; third, £25 ; fourth £20. March (time Jf lOs of h Entrance fee, lOs. Open to bands within a radius Br11;ss Band_ Contest ( o ed u l Test-piece "Echoes e Opera " (W. R. ) permitt-ing) "British Legion " (W. R.). First o m ey and SOLO CORNET COPIES t & & of ten miles of Show Grou d. D1stnct fiortteult ra pr m t by H Also )Jat:ch Contest-, own choice. G1·and Chal p ize, £3 ; second, £2. u l August n s - Society), Saturclny, lange al £40, £30 h r For further particulars apply to Mr. 22nd. 'le t p ece : choice of · Y ue cas ptizes, and Medah Secretary, }'J:r. Wm. Poulson, Town Hall, Ran­ A. S. 1Der the t.:up. Sperring. Poot. Office, 'l'unley, Bath. Opera " or '- Wildsc!1 11tz -- Echoes of OF THE for soloist>. Adjudicat01·, ::\Ir. H. Scott. ley, Stoke-on-Trent. . " Fnst pnze. £20 ; seco1tcl. (both \\�. & R.). Secretary. H. Bla d, Paget Street, ih i rcl. fc,urth n BRISTO £ £10 ; £5 : Kibworth. lVll- . E. L 2. March : O"·n choice. Fint, £2 scconcl, £1: Leice•ter. SEDGEFIELD, Co. Durham ; Nt·. Whitehall Horticultural Society. The rass Acljucl icator, �Ir. !B G. H. �lc l'ce<'. Latest Brass Band Numbers SAW LEY Second .Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted Band Contest (Open}, in connec-tion with the . Contest Sec eta ry. Herb01-t J acbou. Sports r Yft·. ' lghten- by Sedgafield Committee) Saturday, FIIORAL FEITE, will be held in hill Bu ley, :Brass Band Contest (promoted by Sawley_ Sports ; IHU:STOL _ P July 4th. Test-piece : Own choice from "Echoes l ark Lodge, rn ON SALE AT CONTESTS PRICE Committee} Satu rday, Ju e 13th. '!'est-piece :­ Packer's Recreation Grounds, Whitehall, 'Bri to of the Opera," "Hiawatha," or "Dar Wild­ e s RADSTOCK •' o (W.n R.). (by kind permission of Messrs. H. J. Pack r Echoes f the Opera " Fir�!, prize, R.). & & schutz " (all First prize, Hardwick Ltd.), on Saturday, July 25th. Guinea Second Annual Band Contest (promote £10 and Challenge Cup ; second, thu-d, £4. W. & CO. 20 d by the £6 ; Challenge Cup value, £15 and cash £8 ; second, £�0 Radst ck Horticultmal �ieclals for best Soprano, Solo Cornet, Horn, Ch�llenge Cup and in Cash Prizes. Test- {) Association). Saturda;r, £4-; third, £2 ; fou th, 10/6. :M arch (om1 choice). of e Opera " A_ugust 29th. Test-piece SIXPEN(By Post Sd.) CE 'l'wmbone, and Euphonium. March (own choioo). r piece : Choice n Echoes of th (W. : "Hiawatha " (W. R.). First pri ze, £2 ; second, £1. Adjudi ca o : & F st p & £2 ; and "Lurline " R.). Adjudicator : I;r nze, £10 and Silver Cup ; second. £6; First prize, second, £1. Entrance fee 10/6. t h a t r �Ir. R), (W. & . S r ug . M1·. Hynes. th1rd. £4. Special for best local £3. Adjudicator, · Mr. D. As inal!. W. R K. a n band -f Secretary : R. H. Kenny, Rectory Row, Sedge­ T. R. 7, March Contest : £2. Schedules and Entry llorms from the Secretary, Entry Forms from : IS. Sargant, Kenning- Adjudicator : Mr. G. H. field, Durham. 'Yilson. 1\l r. Wilcox, t.on Avenue, Bishopston, BristoL H. Sunn� Den� Sawle� Derbys. · Reuent st. Schedules with full particulars from : Mr. D. 295 . HO NLEV Davies. HEN LEY-ON-THAMES STANTON HILL l\ .C.P., S.T.M.C., Hon. Secretary, Raci- .. LONDON, W. l Annual Brass Banu Oontest (promoted by Fifth Annual Contest (promoted by Hanley Show _s tock, Bath. Booseg I • .Second Annual Band Contest at "Norman­ 1 LT D. Society), Saturday, Aug-ust 1st. Test-piece, "Der \1 stead," Saturday, June 13th. Lieut. 'Stanton Hill Silver Prize Band), &turday, July Adjudicator : \V ildschutz " own eh01cc. BARROWFORD CO "Echoes of •R.). �\ hrch, J. Ord Hume. 4th. Test-piece : the Opera," o(W. & or Acljudicato1·; ·H alstead. t r particu- I Sixth Annual Brass t No. 1 " Lurline " bot.h R.). March (ow11 choice). .Mr. il:i' r h e Con st {promoted by Section : open to brass band. Quick ( W. & ·w. u Di Bancl e any Adjudicator : H. r -he Jars l ater. lBand an <;Ou la�t secr taries plea�e Banowford strict H rtic ltural and Allot­ March Oontest : "Clear the Road " (J. Ore! d & o n Mr. G. '�1m·cer. FLt l r date. !'l ments S ci ety) in the particulars later. note on r o ark 1\fill Holme, Barrow- Hume, Junr.) Selectiou : '' Der Wildschutz " Secrelary, ford. P W. Secretary : Mr. A. Thompson, High Street, Mr. B. Holmes, 14-, GrO\·e Houses, Saturday. August 29th. Test-piece "Echoes ( of the_ p r & R) Stanton Hill, Near Mansfield, N otts. Houley, Nr. Huddersfiel 50 gumea " (IV. & r : Section : £5 Challenge Cup : second, £15 ; third, radius, who have not won a pr-izo exceeding HIGH LANE, Near STOCKPORT £I : LINCOLN q _ fourth. :!37 ; fifth, £4. Quick-step, own in cash since 1920. Quick �'[a rch Contest : t BEST Third Annual Brass Baud Contest (promoted by c�owe. Fi s p�Ize. £2 lOs. ; second, £1 lOs. Adju­ " Changi-ng a·uard " (J. Ore! Hum e). Selection : Brass Band ction. " " Salute the Brave " (all seccmd 1�1arclt QOLD. & R�) & R.). Lurline " and OIYn c'hoice. Fi,:st, £2 ; second, £1. Adjudicator, MUKER IN First prize. £8/10 and Pease Partners' 50 guinea \V . -- - ...... R.). Second Section limited to bands in Mr. H. Mercer. s Challenge £5/10& ; & G. B'-:ass Band Qonte t (promoted by 'Cup ; second, third, £� ; fom:th, the Somerset coalfields. .Adjudicator's name and Secretary : Mr. Ibb . 18, Double Row, Swaledale s i . Match, own chmce. t ,J. s Agrteultural Soctety), on the Show Field, £1/10. Also pec als Fnst all par iculars to be announced later. Co�Ypen Colliery, No•·t\1nmberland. Wednes­ day, September 16th. Test-piece PRICES ON APPLICATION. prize, £1; second, 10/-. Open onl:y to bands '� ho Secretary, Mr. Barfoot, 2, Haydon Hill, Rad­ : " Echoes of the . ,J. Opera " (W. have not won a cash pnze exceedmg £ 10 dunng t ck, So e set. GILLINGHAM, DORSET . R.). First prize, £20 second, - s o m r £12 ; th!l'd, £6.& ; 1924 and- up to date of entry. Entran e fee t :March (own choice). First prize, c 10/6 Second Annual Brass Band Contest (under he £1 ; 10/-. Adjudicator, Mr. Percy Holgate. SMETHWICK A.uspices of the Gillingham Liberal Association l!'urthersocond, Saddons Go.. Secretary, Be lle Vue partict;lars from Mr. Williams, Glen­ Se ond W. T. Raw, •• El. C!nb. c An nual Brass Band Contest and Gala and - Club), Monday, August 3rd (Bank Holiday). Se reta y, The Rash, Richmond, Orook. r �:Iuker, Yorks. & Arlidgo Day, in Victoria Park, Satul'day, J-uly 11th ; open First Svction : ·Tcst-piecu ' -h es of Ope a c KETTERING. Ltd holme. 0:>. Durh,.,.. · ' E< o tho z· " FISHPONDS, BRISTOL only to bands in Warwickshire, Staffordshire, i'W. & R.). First prize, £12 cash, Silver Cup. W oroostershire, and Shropshire. Test-piece : value 10 guineas (to won three times in succes­ Brass Band Contest at Fishponds An ual Car­ "Echoes of � n the Opera " (W. First prize, sion) and set of five medals ; second, £5 ; third, & R.). nival Saturday. June 13th. Test-piece, " Hia­ £15 and Hewitson Challenge Cup, value £10 ; £2. ' March : Own choice. First, £1; second, EVANS' UNIFORMS wath� " (W. R.). First prize, £10 ; second, £5 ; & second, £10 ; third, £5 ; fourth, £3 ; fifth, £2. 10/-. Entrance fee 15{·. Second Section for band; third, £3. Adjudicator, l\:Ir. J. Dobbing. r Noted for exceptiona.l value. G. ch, choice. First prize, £2 ; second, £1. of not more than players, who have not won a Schedules from Mr. W. J. Fowles, Secretary, Ma ()WTI 18 Prize money guaranteed. Adjudicators : •M essrs. cash prize of more than £5 since 1922. Test-piece : i n 1, D Copy of our ramoua F shpo ds Carni;-al, rive, Fishponds, I. Penin and J. Brier. Entrance fee, 10/6. "Hiawatha " (W. R.). Fir�t prize, £5 c��:sh, Sil­ Repr....,ntativeCOLOURED &cnt toLIST : al110 Bristol. •Beechen & Samples and measure Full particulars from Hon. �and Contest) ver Cup value £9[10/- (to be \Yon three tunes 111 Free of Charge. Secretary, H. .Sheppard, Highfield Road, succession , and set of five me?als ; se?Ond £2 ; BARTON-ON-HUMBER 26, ) Smethwick. - third, £1. March : Own chmce. Fll'st, £1; Annual Bruss Band Contest (promoted by B-ar­ second, 10/- Entrance fee 10/-. Adjudicator, Mr. and :Saturday. 13th. Te st-piece : OFFICIAL CONTRACTORS TO THE ton Town B } , June DONCASTER C. o er. · "Echoes of the Opera " (\Y. R.). First prize, A. C op ar i f from the FOLLOWING :- & Fifth Annual Further p t- culars and entry orms value Brass Band Contest (promoted by · £12 and Challenge Cup, £30 (now helcf ecreta ry. R. Chalkley, 5, Lawrence WINGATES TEMPERANCE by the Infirmary Friendly Societies), will be held BAND. Bentley Colliery) ; -second. £8 ; third, £4-; fourth, 'I'eS i'race. GillinMr.gham, -8. Dor Saturday, July 11th. Test-pieces and particu­ set. I·RWELL SPRINGS £2. March contest. " British Le �ion R.) on " (W. & lars lat&r. Band Secretai'ies please note the d&te. BAND. First prize, £1-; second, E ntry forms must AUDLEY, STOKE-ON-TRENT FODEN'S MOTOR WORKS BAND. lOs. 'Vm. Temperton, Secretary, 44, Bentinck be in by first post J unc 8th. Adjudicator, Mr. Street, Brass Band Contest- (promoted by ROSFI LD'S PE IO 'I'. Aruma! C RF T N B ND. Eastwood. Donoaster. Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society), Bank E EC A Hon. S cret ary. Herbert Greenwood, 2. HORWICH R.M.I. BA ..l\"D. e �ifr. LANGLEY MOOR, Holiday Monday, August 3rd. Details later. Lane, Barton-on-Humber, L i es. CO. DURHAM S Secret'a1·y, Mr. R. J. !\Iarler, "Beechwood," CR W LL COLLIERY BA ND. Hewson's n Second Annual Brass Band Contest (pl'()moted E E Audley. near Stoke-on-Trent. ELDON : TUN.BRIDGE WELLS by Langley oar A. C. Sports ·Committee), COLLIERY BAND. II'!: :I!'. Brass ' and Contest (promoted by the Royal .Saturday, July 11th. Test-piece from L.J., 1925. PWLLHELI BOLDON COLLIERY BAND. B · Full particulars Tunbridge · Wells and District Band Contest Secretaries please noto elate. The Our Pre- War Overcoats later. Royal National Eisteddfod of W!l-�es : LUTON RED CROSS. Comm-ittee, affiliated . to the Southern Counties August 3rd 8th. Brass Band Competition. "Invincible Cloth " and Secretary : �Ir. M. Carroll, to Etc., Mackintoshes .Association). Frederick en R.). Ete. Street 14- Olass (op ) Test-piece, " Mignon " Test-pieces, First Section :-" Lurline " (W. South, Meadowfield, Co. Durham., .A : (W. & now available at greatly & First prize. £100;seco nd, £20. Class "Scenes W 6te Second Section :-" Echoes of the O:eera " of Be 'B : reduced pricee. for details ol R.) ; auty " fW. First prize, £30 ; second, "SPECIAL IN PORTABLE BANDSTAND Special (W. R.) ; Third Section :-" Hiawatha " (W. HUDDERSFIELD & R). 8d. NET. Send for Offer. & & £10. M.arch (own choice) : £6. So1o for any brass LINE 2s. Particulars. Fourth Section :-" Comrades in Arms " Huddersfield and District Association .Annual band instrument (oWn choice) : £3 3s. R.) ; or THE UNIFORM CLOTHING EQUIPMENT (W. Waltz "Vanity Fair " (W. R.). Coutest, Greenhead Park . Huddersfielcl, Satur­ :Mr. D. Oaradog Evans, -General Secretary, 67, & CO LTD., & R) Sec., Mt·.& C. in .• Full particulars from the Ron. day, July 11th. Test-pieces : ·selection, "Der � EvANS). 5/10111, Clerkenwell Brook, W. Heol Fawr. Pwllheli. N. Wales. Green, Farrin&don Rd., London, Bridger. Wraysbury House, Jarvis Sussex. Wililschutz "; Chorus, " Hymn to Mu&ic " (both Direaor : FUD W. E.C. Representative • Mr. �. CLARKSON. 47, Ba11rfteld 1. ABERDARE Nortflert Road. Pendleton. Manchester. \Y . & R.). Mr. NORTH OF ENGLAN D MUSICAL Secretary : G. Garner, 33, Trinity Street, Brass Band Contest {promoted by the Aberdare Huddersfield. Horticultural Society), in Abernant Park, Tues­ TO URNAMENT day August 4-th. Class C Test-piece : " Echoes of THE STENALEES, CORNWALL the 'opera " (W. R.). First prize, £9 and Silver 1925 LJ. Send Post Card NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. &. for Price List of �rass Band Festival, Sat day, July 11th. Challet1ge Cup ; second, £5 ; third, £2. March nr Third Section. Test-pieces : Select io " Lurline" ; (own choice) : first. £1 ; second, lOs. t u, BRASS BAND CONTESTS, Hymn Tune, " Holly "; March, " Salute .the John Eynon, Secretary, 31, Cardiff Street, £455. Brave " (all W. Eleven trophies, aud Aberdare. Saturday, 20th June. rrizes Value & R.). To Bandmasters ! prizes value £500. Brass and Mil Open Sedion : The "Newcastle Chronicle " For the benefit Bandma.sters who wish to itary Secretary, Richa ds, Stenalees, St. CLAY CROSS of Trophy (value 250 guineas} and £205 in cash. �fr. C. J. r teach quickly and thoroughly, we have prepare Auatell, Cornwa ll. First Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted by FULL SCORES f{)r the following 11ieces :- d Confined Section : The " 'l.'yneside Scottish " the Clay Cross Silver Band), Feast Saturday, Price. Memorial Gup, and £30 in cash. WORKSOP August 8th. Test-piece : " Echoes of the Opera " "EROICA " SYMPHONY R.) (W. Band (W. or "Hiawatha " Secre­ Ins t 'I'he 2n tru Only of r 4/6 ments a limited number en ies can be accepted. d Annual Band Contest (promoted by the & . & R). "DER WI LOSCH UTZ " Worksop Town Band), Saturday, July 18th. taries please note. Full particulars later. "LURLINE " 4/6 Entries definitely close on June (10 o'olollk t A. 6, 6th Test-pieces : " Echoes he Opera " 1md March 'Wild�, Secretary, Greyfriars, Thanet " ECHOES OF TH E OPERA "· 4/6 a.m.). of "British Legion " (both W. R.). Good cash Street, Clay Cross, Near Chesterfield. 4/8 & "HIAWATHA '' Schedules and full pa ticulars from C. Curry. prizes, Cu p (holders Bolsove1· Colliery), Shiel d r A. C .ITHEROE 4/6 General Secretary, North of England l\Iusicnt (holders Bulcroft). and medals. Adjudicator, Mr. These will be the Contest Pieees for 1925. Order Tournament, Ellison Place, N ewcastle-on-Tyne. Annual Brass Band Contest (Clitheroe Castle B, D. Aspinall. Soores at once avoid disa-ppointment, as these BASS & Jfete), in Castle Grounds, Saturday August 8th. to SIDE Lawman, Scores cannot be re-printed when present stock is DRUMS Secretary, Mr. W. 125, Gateford Road, ;, Test-piece : " Echoes of the Opera (W. R.). out. HOLLINGWORTH Worksop. & Side Drum Jazz Outfi �1arch Contest (own choice). Prizes for Soloists. sold ts from ted We are pleased to announce that these S'Cores Fourth Annual Brass Band Contest (promo OXFORD AND DISTRICT BAND Prizes. with 50 Guinea ·Cup, upwards of £112. are produced excellently. As regards clea.rness by Hollingworth Prize Band) will he held on £310 0 Adjudicator, Mr. Walter Halstead. and style are equa.l to pre-war production"-. Saturday, June 20th. Test-piece : "Echoes of the ASSOCIATION Entry Forms from Hon. Secretary Cowgill, They are theyvery chea-p, costing little more than Opera " (W. First : G. scoring paper. & R). prize, £18 and the Third Annual Contest will be held at Oxford on Sa. Chatburn Road. Clitheroe. Gong Drum Jazz Outfits from " Colonel Rhodes " Challenge Cup, value £20 ; Saturday, July 18th. Test-piece ; 1st (Association) SCORINC PAPER NOW IN STOCK. second, £10 ; third, £6 ; fourth, £3. Adjudicator : Section :-" Echoes of the Opera " (W. R.). BIRDWELL Mr. W. Pollard. & Contest, staves Brass Band, £7 0 Three other Sections, including one for Reed Third Annual Brass Band Saturday, for with 7 John Salmon, .Secretary, 113, Woolley Laae, namesEighteen of parts printed. per quire, 11ostclefs free.and Bands. August 15th. W. R. Test-piece. Further par­ 4S. Hollingworth, near Manchester. & Full particulars from the secretary, Mr. ticulars later. Adjudicator wanted. Bands ple,ase iF. l c �to , RIPLEY Forman, B et hin n Oxon. note date. Instruments and Effects supplied Secretary, Mr. W. Askey, 20, Sheffield Road, at Lowest Cash Second Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted ALDBOURNE Birdwell, Near . Prices, by Ripley United Silver Prize Band), Saturday ; Brass Band Contest, Saturday, July 25th. Cash Carriage Paid, by June 20th. Test-piece, "Echoes of the Opera.' TIDESWEL_L Prizes, Cup, and Specials. Second Section test­ or " Hiawatha " (both W. R.). March & piece, "Lurline " (W. R.). Fifth Annual Brass Band Contest (promoted "British egion R.). Prizes to value of & L " (W. & Full particulars from T. D. Barnes, Secretary, by Ticleswell and District Ex-Servicemen's Club}. over £70, .including- Cups and three Gold t\YO The ,Square, Aldbourne, Wilts. Saturday August 15th. Test-piece, "Echoes of !lfeclals. Entrance fee, lOs. 6d. ,Adjudicator, Mr the Opcr� " R ). Band Secretaries please A. POUNDER, A. D. Aspinall. (W. &. MAKEB INSTRUMENT CASES, HINDLEY, note the date. Particu l a s later. OF 21 , CLUMBER ST., Secretary, Mr. H. Fallows, Crossley Street, SH EFFIELD r NOTTINGHAM H. Ca meron, Lochiel Villa, Tideswell, via Rinlcy, Derby. Grand Brass Band Contest (under the auspices CARD CASES. WAIST, DRU�if _o\.N D Buxton. CROSS BELTS. of Sheffield City Council), in ·weston Park, Satur­ Printed HAWES £ And all Leather Articles used in connection with by "Daily Post " Printers, and Published day, July 25th. Selection contest prizes, 25 TRAWDEN b.v Brass and Military Bands. P oprie o rs, E. A. (limited to bands within a Cash. March. £5 Cash. Open only to bands Fonrt.h Annual Show Brass Band Contest, Wheeler,WRIGHT T. &C. ROUND ( r Brass Band Contest and Edwards. Rimmer),t at No. affiliated to Sheffield District Band Association. All goods made upon the premises. Price List free. W. 20 miles radius). Saturday, June 27th. T13st.--pieoo, Sa rday, August 15th. W. R. Test-piece. Er_skine Street, in the City of Liverpool, efficient adjudicator will be engaged. tu & to34, which address all Comm i " Dawn of Spring " First prize, £10 ; An Furthee particulars later. un cations for the IW. & R}. Secreta Note the Address- Editor are requested to be addressed. second. £5 ; third, £3 ; fourth, £2. ry : Mr. H. Smith, 599, Fitzw.illiam Secretary, ::\fr. A. Broadhead, 1, Bright Terrace, E. Blythe, Contest Secret�l·y, Foot, Road, Rothorham. Trawden, near Colne. M.ANSFiiEL.D ROAD, MAY, 1925 'fawn Hawes 148, NOTTINGHAM. .