Bigbalvi---E -STA-BLI-SHE-D --Bigbal¥1 BIG BAM Bigbal¥1

Bigbalvi---E -STA-BLI-SHE-D --Bigbal¥1 BIG BAM Bigbal¥1

w FOR D 524 LIVERPOOL, MAY 1, 1925. REGISTERED.ABROAD. 3 . } PI<'R No. TRANSMISSION PRICE l'O<'<T A Boon to the Trombone A 1925 . Player and his Neighbour! few Winners to date in on . The Besson •• Mutro·· Trombone Mute AT LAST! THE PERFECT MUTE and the LICHTEST. It weighs only two ounces. ' Net packing and postage Boosey s Fan1ous SOLBRON Contesting lnstrun1ents SentPrice " on 1216 approval ; " against remittanceSd. 13/S. February 28th.-LEICESTER CONTEST: April 11th.-PUDSEY CONTEST: April 1-+th.-CROW EDGE CONTEST: Mr. Halliwell, great Contest Band Trainar, the ct .-ls , Ibstock United (Mr. wt n . Selection.- st, F1·iendly (Mr. C. Dyson). writes:-" The 'Mutro ' is all you claim for it.H on t o Selection.-lst. Friendly M . J. C. Dyson). 2ndFull SeBooseyi Set, A. La ) Full Booseyl Set. J. ( r Ful� Boosey Set. ect on.- nd, March 7th.-SOUTH WALES FESTIVAL: Boosey•sSel i Imperial2 Denholme Basses (Mr. H. Pinches). March.-lst, Hep11·orth Silver (Mr. utt ll). &. CO., LIMIT5Hl', and Euphoniums and IV. K a erndale Prize (Mr. Powell). Trombones. Majority Boosey•s with Imperial Basses. BESSON Class A.-lst, F 1'. J. 196·1881 Euston Rd., LONDON, N.W. t Full Boosey Set. March.-lst, Bradford City ("Mr. 1\"ood). Class B.-1st. Oakdale Reyes). Boosey's Imperial Basses. W. April 1Sth.-ROTH ESAY CONTEST: Full Boosey Set with Imperial(Mr. H. Basses.A. JOHN PARTINGTON April 13th.-BOGNOR CONTEST: 1st, Clydebank Burgh (Mr. Halliwell), W. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. March 14th.-TRURO CONTEST: 2nd Section.-lst, West Crawley Majority Boosey•s. Full Boosey Set with Imperial Basses.(Ml'. "\Y. Smith). 2nd, Darvcl Burgh, (Lieut. G1·ant). Open c ion.-lst, Bugle Silver C�Ir. Adamson). 22, IRED VENUE, BLACKPOOL. Boosey'sSc tImperial Basses. W. Boosey Set, A ALE A April 13th.-BROTHERTON CONTEST: Full (Their F r these Basses) i t Contest with . Selection.-lst, Hickleton Main (Mr. P.prii.-PORTADOWN TOM PROCTOR, Boosey's Imperial Basses, T. Hunter). (Ireland): March 21st.-STALYBRIDGE. SOLO CORNETIST, lst, Glazebury (Mr. J. Jennings). Selection.-2nd, Bradford C ty lst, I.O.R Silver Band (Mr. Vine, F.R.C.O.). i (l\Ir. W. Wood). Full Boosey Set, J. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR". Boosey•s Imperial Basses. Boosey's Imperial Basses. FL ET STREET, :\'ELSON, LANCS. 9, E Send at once for Illustrated Catalogue and Terms to : WlLLIA.l\ti LAYMAN ---------- --------- Ltd., 295, Regent Street, London, W.l. BAND TEACH R AND A D UDiiCATO . BOOSEY & CO., E J R Life-long Experience. forms mod.erate. -. ' E , PYLE, ·SOUTH W � ' • • ' NORTH Y Nl ,>, l ' 22, A ,� ' ,. �· ' : • • ,• • • ' • 1 I" : ' • ' • ' �R A ' '' ' ,'\',, ' ' WILLIA!\.1 POLLARD SOLO CORNET, BAND TRAINER, ADJUDICATOR AND • . Winner of o ver 50 Gold and edals Crystal Pa ace Championship. Silveryears' M experience; 11.� with l lHLnds. :l''or terms20 apply- 1\rst-elass RRO K BTRENI', WSHAWB OO'l'H, p A O Near Hawtenstall.ORA ST. HILDA COLLIERY BAND (Conductor: Mr W. HALLIWELL) Again won the THOUSAND GUINEA TROPHY at the CRYSTAL PALACE J. G. DOBBING, SOLO OORNE'f, BAND TR�<UNER and JUDGi!l FOURTH TIME BESSON SET, for the with their including the greatest PENTRE, RH NDD , SOUTH W�-\LES. O A BESSON TRIUMPH :- J. A. GREENWOOD The Compensator Basses C RNET, CONDUCTOR, COMPOSE&, " A SOLO O JUDGE. NEW STANDARD" 1';f;:.L�:;�Nr':,;E "'!-'HE L.:\URELS," VICTORIA ROAD, SEASON opens with another conspicuous Triumph for Besson Instruments TRANMERE, BIRKENHEAD. 19 2 5 LEICESTER CONTEST GEORGE NICHOLLS lst-Bolsover Colliery Mr. J. A. Greenwood This Band Supplied with New BESSON Instruments only weeks previous 3 BAND TRAIN , JUDG·E, A..�D 2nd-Metropolitan Wagon Works 4th-Leicester Imperial ERSOI,OIS'I'. CORNET Mr. Wilson. BESSON SET Mr. Ba�rlow. Three-quarter BESSON SET (Correspondence Cornet Lessons a Speciality.) G. H. H. VILLA, MAR L 1U\.IDGK, 3rd-Amington Band Sth-Rushden Temperance CATARACT DERBYSlURE.P E Mr. W. Pollard Part BESSON SET J. Jennings BESSON SET J. EDWARD FIDLER, SOLO OORNET, BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. OPEN TEAOH OR JUDGE TO ANYWHRR:ii. Addreas- DI LE AVENUE, ORRELL PARK. BESSON, 196-8, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, N. W.1. 32, NG.A.INTREE,Y LIVERPOOL. ------------· ---------------- ----- WM. HALLIWELL . - - BAND TE CH R AND ADJUDICATOR. -STA-BLI- SHE-D -1842_ - A E --E OAK LEA, SPRING K AlVI N , BIGB BIGBAl¥1 B WIGAN. -----------------------A -- -- Brass Band Instruments They Stand on the Top Roc� of Sublime Superiority- ----- , . Wood Instruments and Drums FRANK OWEN, L.L.CM. Longeight Academy Military,Principal Brass, of the of Music. or Soloists skilfullyand Orchestral prepared Bandafor Ohoil'.ll• TWO PARAGONS kinds of competitions. ail QUALITY DURABILITY Adjudicator of JUST THE DIFFERENCE JUST THE DIFFERENCE Band and Choral Ooatestcl. The HIGHAM "PARAGON" CORNET KJ.RKMANSHULME LANE, LQNGSIGHT' et een an ordinary 3, MANCHESTER. B w Inatru­ an ne embodying The HIGHAM "PARAGON" TROMBONE Between ordinary Instru­ ment and o and one giving years of Brilliance of Ton. , Perfee' ment J. MANLEY, e The addition of these incomparable instruments has a wonderfully solid and satisfaction, RAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. Tune, Ease of Blowing, service refining influence on the musical quality of Bands using other low and always years Conductor. Aberdare 'l'own Band. upkeep, a ZO Perfect Valvee and V&lve makes-giving that brilliancy and richness of tone, so characteristic play on-that's B RD E Action-that's the treat to the . in full of the Higham, so much admired and sought after by A E AR HIGHAM Musicians. HIGHAM T. MORGAN, LATCHMERE ROAD, LA VEN:DIEB If you are of the few not using the Higham you The Bast The Best To-day The Best The Bast To-day DO NOT KNOW in 1842. 211b, HILL, LONDON, in 1842. the pleasure of playing on a perfect instrument. S.W. TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. BAND (Late H.M. Coldstream Guards Band and London Tel. Add. "TROMBONE1 MANCHESTER." 'Phone 3639 City. THE WAITING LIST FOR HIGHAM INSTRUMENTS IS GROWING DAILY. Orchestral Profession.) STREET, GEO. H. MERCER, 68, ERSKINE TR UMPET, RNE , BAND STR.ETFORD ROAD, CO I NEW WORKS, MANCHESTER. TE CHER ND CONT S l' T JUDI C . BIGBAl¥1 A A E ' AD .il'O R B G BAM . ddress- Strangawaya, Manchester.) SILVER-PLATING (Late of 127, REPAIRS MONA VILLA, BURNGREAVEA STREET, . ''0'.' ''._ 't �- , � • • ,::, \, '• 't\(� "r, ·•�· �!' ,,-...,;••'' '• '-<0 c�ll' \., .,•'I' '�<t .SHEFFIELD. ... .. ... D J. J. B A Y, , , R A.Mus. V.C.M. .. '.·.·. ' ·, • • r .1 '• , • • ,•, • • • 1 • � • , ·.. • • • ' ··:·.. , .,.,.. •, '• � •, ,I .., 1�· .....rt, : • to: • ' 1� ' , BAND TEACHER AND .ADJUiliCATOR. ' � - · .. (' - '' ·.:. ' .....\ - -----·- '.'.'!'t1 .. ... • ------ • !Jr N TERRACE, MOSSLEY HILL. 16, A LEY • ----•n•=-J• LIVERPOOL. Here it IS: /, JOHN FINNEY COMPOSER AND ARRANGER, BAND STUPENDOUSOF SALE TRAINER AND AD.JUDICATOR.. Life-long Experien e. " c THE CLIPPERTONE CORNET �. BOROUGH ROAD, SEAOOMBN' BAND INSTRUMENTS Just what I've been lool�ing for! CHESHIRE. Wonderful Opportunity for A A.MUSL.C.:r.L Learners and Young Bands I A. TIFFANY Why do prefer a Clippertone ? ' Honoun T.C.L. I Composer of the popular Ser I has brilliant tone and true intonation S.C. ies New EdgwareWorks,now Because-It of Compo�ition�.) Owing to removal to It is BRITISH throughout CONTES ADJUDICATOR. MADE T nearing completion, So offer It is easy to blow HAWKES & N Anywhere-Any Time. Write for existing Secondhand Stock, upwards of 1,000 It is played by Britain's leading Soloists Address­ T�Illll.. at absolutely LINDLEY, HUDDERSFIELD. BAND lNST:tUMENTS KNOCKOUT This stock also includes a selection Besides, can get this Cornet on a liberal Easy Payment Plan I I PRICES. I of experimental models and the accumulation I years' sample instruments by British Handsome new Cornet cataloguel>1 the containing Press: History of the Evolution I RUFUS FLETCHER of ten TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR and other makers. All in playing order with of the Cornet and photo gallery of famous Cornet Masters, a valuable . I addition to your Music Library. I OPF..N TO TEAC,I AN BAND, mouthpiece. JUDGE ANYWHERE.AMBITIOUS 00 011 S enl post free receipt of postcard. RAILWAY HOTEL, BLACK LANE. RADOLiliM, MANCHESTER. Send, write or call for full particulars : HAWKES & SON TOM EASTWOOD, 11, Denmu Street, Piccadilly Circus, London, Dept. W.l. :��"c�:��::�:�us.LONDON, SOLO CORNET, BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR. HAWKES&Branches SON, at GLASGOW and ALDERSHOT W.l. OF MUTTON INN, SHOULDER MANCHESTER STREET, H UDDERS.FIBLD. .,.____ _ ---- - ---- - ---- ----- ---------·1-l ·wRIGHT Rocxn's _\ND BRASS BAND NEws MAY ] ' 1925 . a . •rCJH,•1•L::&, tor RE IAB BRASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER, Yes, Thank You, Theg are Quite Satisfted. SPECIAL MAV L LE THEY SEND THEM TO REYNOLDS Bass SILVER-PLATER, GILDER, AND ARTI8TIO ENQRAVER. ! Drums :: Tenor Drums A ew orders to hand April. Instruments Guard's Pattern Drums 88, LONDON ROAD, MANCHESTER. UT�:,.:�- f in to Renovate and Triply Plate itJ BRITAIN STREET, the Reynolds unequalled A style works:-t, and quality. Excelsior Drums HAVE YOUR IMBTRUMENTI REPAIRED, PLATED, AND ENGRAVED IY Ua .1. • • Irwell Bank Ba'nd, Farnworth -Set of Besson " Enharmonic" basses ' Regulation Drums THE IS THE HICK, ABSOLUTE IATIBFACTION ALWAYS QIVEN, Church Band, !:.!!.!!! .!:!!!• � 1• 80 Accrington-Part set of Be6son. Always a large quantity Second Hand Instruments in stock, Brass and Clayton-le-Moors Band, Accrington-Set of Besson basses. Plated, aU makes. Burnley Municipal Band-Bcsson, and a set of Boosey Compensating .Solicited. Catalocuee and Eetilnatea eent Poet Free. basses. ALL FITTINGS and ACCESSORIES A Trial Rhos Band, Wrexham-Set of Besson to renovate. Salford United-Boosey instruments to plate, Besson renovated. DRUM REPAIRS NOTICE OF REMOVAL. And many others too numerous to mention in this space. WHY DO THEY SEND THEM TO REYNOLDS? ON THE PREMISE BAND INSTRUMENT .

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