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July 1941

7-16-1941 Daily Eastern News: July 16, 1941 Eastern Illinois University

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.... by Ed Eastern"Tell T€achers the Truth and Don't Be Afraid" news VOL. XXVI-NO. S>--4 EASTER!N ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, CHARJLESTON WEDNEJSDAY, JULY 16, 1941 Lindbergh 'ght-But ..

Lindbergh seems to believe major problems are strictly Eastern Gridders Seek All-Star Squad Berths 1 and can best be solved in tional marn1.;r. ". . . . our s (are) internal rather than Four Seniors ," she says. El A TJ-/LETES 1-/0PEFUL OF RECOGNITION

further believes that enter­ te present war would only be Vie for Honors : for American . We 1prepared either internally Suddarth, Glenn :ernally, and the odds are ,sly against us. Her con- Lead Candidates is that we mmt put "the Four members of last season's win­ ;h of our influence behind an il€d England ;'or a nego­ ning Panther grid eleven are candi­ peace," and then proceed to dates for berths on the Chicago Tri­ : a new and better world of bune All Star squad which will play vn to face the Nazi chal- the World Champion professional

Chicago Bears in the annual grid ae this is a masterpiece of classic Aug. 28, at 'Soldiers Field, In the first place, while Chicago. The four are William tjor problems may be na­ Glenn, quarte1,back; James Hutton, for the most part, they de­ guard; and Paul Henry and Ray­ Jr their solution in a. dem­ mond Suddarth, halfbacks. manner upon security from Each of the fou gained mention 1ger of external a;:gression. r William Glenn Raymond Sudclarth Paul Henry on one or more !Little Nineteen all­ ·acy does not lend itself well .star teams last fall, and Glenn, who 1tional psychology which is pon fear and hate of neigh­ tions. Go t.o E:ffope for >Of. When one nation re­ Botanists Give Journalist Speaks l democracy for a program At a Varsity club meeting yeste1·­ ·ession, the rest of Europe As Course Number day, Bill Glenn and Paul Henry hat it could not afford the Shrubs Attention decid,ed to drop out of the All­ Jf democracy. Without any Star race. Glenn has already ee of security, they turned Next of Series Describes Experiences si�:ned a contract with the Chi­ only alternative, dictator- cago Bears. Henry expects to be Occurs Tomorrow In Oriental Service called in the near future for training with the U. S. army air :racy has flourished in Eng­ Second in the series of Botany lec­ J&mes R. Young, who was head of corps. i America not only because tures, sponsored by the Botany de­ the International News Service Bu­ ;uliar talent of the Anglo­ partment, was given July 10, by Dr. reau in Tokyo for ten years, will >r self government, but also speak on July 28 at 8 p. m. at East­ of his isolated geographic E. L. Stover, head of the depart­ James Hutton ern as the third number on the which permitted him to ment. Title of the lecture was was mentioned on all of them, was Entertainment C'ourse committee's me and energy in develop- given the quarterba.ck post on the ".Shrubs." summer program. itical institutions of his own second Little All American squad. Dr. Stover announces large and America's first clash in the Paci­ nd energy which other na­ The balloting for the Chicaigo con­ Nine Stunts Form fic, as:suming relations become worse re forced to spend in a con­ enthusiastic audiences during the test began officially last Saturday. with Japan, will most likely occur jl against hostile neighbors. two lectures given thus far, the first Only college seniors may be voted ai Shanghai where inspired inci­ for. !fie developments have of which was presented during the Thursday Program dtnts by Japanese gendarmes could Several hundred votes have al­ the world into our very second week of school on the sub­ easily precipitate a fight. ready been solicited for these men ·ct. And if Germany wins ject of "The Common Trees and Faculty Quartet This is the assertion of James R. in Danville, Fairfield, St. Louis, I see America as one great How to Identify Them." He pre­ Young, noted foreig·n correspondent Mattoon, Ashmore, Oakland, and amp, forced to forego the dicts the largest attendance at the Sings Selections who spent 61 days in a Japanese Charleston. Anyone may cast a vote ; of democracy in order to la-st lecture in which he will tell prison after his arrest for writing Nine stunts, including one by faculty by simply signing a ballot and mail­ e with the rest of the world and show by means of color slides article:s which the police disliked. members, have been registered for ing it to the Chicago Tribune. Votes ill hate her and envy her tow to discriminate 'between poison Young is on a lecture tour of the the Stunt Nig·ht, sponsored by the may be cast collectively or singly, and edible mushrooms. United States and writing two books summer recreation committee, on for all four of the players at once, >tiated peace, on the other His next lecture, whici1 will be on the Far East, during his leave of July 17 at 8 p. m. in the auditorium O".' for any one of them. The re­ ould be nothing more nor given Thursday afternoon, July 17 , e,bsence from International News of the health education building. sults are printed daily in the Chi­ 13 1 a recognition of German a1; 4 p. m., will deal with the pro­ Service which he served for years Most of the acts are musical in cago Tribune. It would please no one bet­ jector and how it may be used in in Tokyo. A native of Illinois, Jim­ nature. Four faculty members, As reported in yesterday's (Tues­ Hitler. C'ertainly he little r.he classroom to show the structure my Young, as he is known through­ whose identity has not been reveal­ day's) Tribune, Suddarth has polled he prospect of subduing the of plants and flowers. The lectures out the Far East, has spent more ed, will strut their stuff as the more v·otes than any of the other the continent, conquering are presented in room 116 of the than half his in the foreign "Guard House Quartet." three, drawing ·2,228 for twelfth spot �racking the British sea ·::dence building. service, covering Europe, Africa and In addition to a variety of student nd invading England. But P_sia, covering revolutions, ­ amcng the halfbai�ks, but Glenn has Most students will be acquainted vo�al and instrumental numbers, in­ rnntage would such an ar- quakes, uprisings, cabinet crises, as­ a ranking of ninth among the quar­ with some of Dr. Stover's slide work cluding· solos, duets, quintettes, and 1t be to the United States? sassinations, tidal waves and epi­ terba:;ks with 1,248 votes. Hutton from the pictures which have been a musical ·saw, there will be a dra­ demics. and Henry rank fourteenth and ild "evolve a new and bet­ shown in chapel recently. mat'.c skit. During his residence in Japan, he twenty-second at their posts respec­ of our own," says Anne i The slides were made last sum­ Some of the students participat­ also managed an American newspa­ tively with scores of 1,055 and 1,056. But for what purpose? h. m.2r when D�·. Stover was a guest of are as follows: Frances Faught, ing The Japan Advertiser, managed "meet the Nazi challenge" r·cr, the University of Wyoming dur­ Zelma Kelly, Owen Harlan, Sarah an advertising agency and operat­ inevit!!ibly mean a bitter 11 ing which time he took pictures of Friedenberger, Haro Wakefield, ld ed a news service bureau. He was force against force, a con­ f Alpine plants at an altitude of 10,- Dale Moore and men from the Pan­ active in the America-Japan Hendrix Captures ;h is bound to be much Society, 000 feet. ther Lair, William Hedges, Milton and for 11 years was a member of rastatin and hopeless for g Btanfield, Lillian Michael, EHzabeth the Rotary cll,lb which the Ja.panesc !d States than entering the Smith, Violet 8aiter, Ruth Weidner, Horse Show Prizes finally ordered disbanded.. -under in­ var. Small chance we will Bea Paul, and others. direct German pressure. Miss Gretrude Hendrix, Mathemat­ solving our internal prob­ Southern Airs Students will be admitted to the t ics critic, and Betty Krohn, Cath­ democratic manner while performance on their recreation tic­ : for such a struggle. kets. Admission to outsiders is ten Band Chooses Lockyer erine Taylor, Joanne Waffle, and ,indbergh suggests that the Furnish Theme cents. Mary Moore, TO high school stu­ of this new world which we Southern songs were the theme for As Summer President dents, were among those who won i can "point the way for- the weekly campus music hour held honors in the Charleston Saddle 1 new era." What self-re­ Jesse Lockyer '44, was recently chos­ Club show put on by exhib­ in the auditorium of the Main build­ en horse 27 nation would follow the ex­ Directs Clowns as president of the gastern band. ing Tuesday at 7:15 p. m. Dr. Ru­ itors from this vicinity last Sun­ the fat and prosperous and He also serves as band manager. dolph Anfinson directed commun­ day afternoon at the Coles County !y powerful nation whose Billie Grant, two-year �raduate of ity singing, with Dean H. F. Heller fair grounds. 5 so flabby that it faltered Hi40, was elected secretary. as the piano accompanist. Miss Moore's Marshall Martin d in the crisis? The band now rehearses twice Owen Harlan '44, presented a and Miss Hendrix' .Society Twig ,indbergh expresse:s the be­ each day. TC students are also ad­ comedy vocal solo. and Miss Bea­ mitted. placed second and third in the Am­ :h is surely more wishful trice Paul, also appeared as vocal ffican saddle horse class. Joanne in conviction, that Ger- "'oloist. Waffle, Betty Krohn and C'atherine 11 not be able to maintain Graduates Attend Taylor placed 1, 2, 3, in the be­ Order in E'urope. "I can­ ginners' horsemanship class. Miss ve that Europe will permit Buzzard Returns U. of I. 8-Week Term Hendrix also placed first in the la­ be permanently governed dies' horsemanship class, in the :tain precepts of that phi­ Former Eastern student3 now at­ From Board Meeting th1ee gaited pleasure horse class she says. tending the University of Illinois showing her Star ILane Chief, and 5 have been established be­ President Robert G. Buzzard return­ summer session ·are: Betty Rice '39, fr1ird in the five gaited saddle horse lstory. They have included ed last Wednesday evening, July 9, Lloyd Kincaid '39, Stanley Efam '38, class on her Society Twigg. as than the projected Ger- from Chicago, where h= had attend­ Ernest Johns::n '40, Nancy Fell '39, Betty Krohn, Joanne Waffle, and 01·der, and equally hetero­ ed the meeting of the state Normal L\'le Henderson '37, Helen C'um­ Mary Moore trotted horses around nd truculent groups of peo- School Board. ming;s '41, and Robert Gibson '38. the track in the second, third, and sidering the weapons at The meeting handled routine fourth fastest times for the day. i the greater distances of matters, including formal action on Betty Krohn and Joanne Waffle i time they were forced to employment of faculties and other Edman Visits Parents Ben F. Edman of E:Vanston spent won the pair horsemanship third eir problem was equally gi­ employees for the coming year, and last week-end here with his parents, prize, and Elizabeth Taylor, a col­ rhey have not been main­ the setting up of budgets for the Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben H. E'dman and lege student, paired with Elwood ;rmanently, of course, hut first fisca-1 year of the new bien­ Betty King, student chairman in a stunt n t other relatives and friends. Popham to take four.th. . tinued On Page Six nium. ch rge of igh program . PAGE TWO EASTERN TEACHER8 NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 1

s· from fishing, which was ' corks with darning needles. 150 Early Birds Attend Sunless 'Guardsmen' Sing farmer driving pigs to marke1 in reality were pushing pota 'Sunrise Prom' Saturday Morn Varied Concert Anything the end of a long pole. J . Paul's Orchestra Gay Nineties Songs B.esides learning the rudim Take Plunge Goes ... the game, the golf enthusias Furnishes Music P rove Favorite s been having a l ot of fun on l by Jeanne Cress and Wednesday evenings at 4 There was only one drawback to Approximately 800 students and dcr the direction of Dr. Mel tc·wnspeople heard the vocal concert Flash-all tennis fans who want to the Sunrise prom at Eastern Satur­ giYen last Thursday nigiit., July 10, serve an ace every time won't want day morning from 4 until 7 a. m. Miss Haight and the softbal by the "Guardsmen Quartet," pop­ to miss the motion picture on ten­ ters have gotten more tha: -the sun didn't rise - it was ular motion picture and radio sing­ nis Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, sore arm, leg, or muscle ii hidden iby clouds throughout the E:rs. The group was composed of July 23, in the building, room t.r. mpaign on catching flies or dance. However, this did not appear Henry Iblings and Irl Hunsaker, r:esday evening·s at 4:30. Th to dim the vitality of the 150 early­ tenors; William Brandt, baritone; 16. Even if you have a wicked tivities are open to all wo1 risers, many of whom had driven Dt:dley Kuzell, bass; and Miss Eliz­ stroke, come and pick up a few school. several miles for the affair. abeth Lair.ct, accompanist pointers. Johnny Paul's 11-piece orchestra, The program presented was var­ a local aggregation of college boys, Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Fling Meowing cats and mooing cows­ Instead of following oth1 iE.d, containing light classical, com­ provided the music for the dance. if one happened to wander into the leges in the fad of wearing 1 edy, western, negro spiritual, and Paul has made several changes in gymnasium last Friday morning to and no hose, Jane Lumbri1 gay nineties favorites. Probably the his band this summer, and it is be­ �-ee where these unusual sounds were Mary Warrington have set ti best received numbers were the three coming increasingly popular for stu­ coming from, you probably stumbled at Eastern by wearing :tnkl Former Students Hestern ballads and numerous gay no dent affairs. over a network of strings that had slippers to their classes. nineties selections. The orchestra made an impressive b8en wound all over the building by The former, "Roundup Lullaby," appearance on the stage, where a Announce Wedding members of the Recreational Lead­ Ross; "Silver on the Sage," Rainger; The advertisers in y u white back-drop was used. They ership class. The big event in pro­ o r Ne� Worcf has been received in Charles­ and "Empty Saddles," Hill; were re­ were all attired in white coats and gress was the entertainment of the make it possible for its publi corded by the quartet for movies dark trousers, and Miss Sara Beth t,or. that Dean Fling and Nina Tefft fifth grade pupis from the training with Bing Crosby and Randolph Negley, vocalist, wore a white blouse Eastern gTaduates with the class of &chool. Scott in "The Texans" &nd "Rhy­ with a black taffeta skirt Palms '40 were married recently at Stock­ Some of the youngsters portrayed thm on the Range." from the .green house were grouped ton, Calif. cats that kept getting into fights FARM AND HOJ The latter .group, the last on the around the auditorium. Fling, who graduated from t he and -:;au�ing a terrific howl, while h program was "a deft and melodious MARKET Miss Negley's rendition of "The "West Point of the Air, Randolp ethers were cows that were content­ melange of old time favorites," pre­ OPEiN EACH Lights of London" was enthusiastic­ Field, Tex., in March, has received ed to just moo. With much the same SATURDA srnted by "The Lady Killers Quar­ ally received. Other solos were giv­ his second lieutenant's commission rnccess, the fourth grader.s were also from 9:30 till 1:00 t::t, Those Gay Blade� of the en by Raymond Potts, Chester An­ in the air corps and is serving as entertained. Foods Fresh from the Fa flying instructor at the U. S. army Gay Nineties." Authentic gay nine­ derson, and Russell Farnsworth. At various times from the hegin- • air base at Stockton. His home is ties costumes and fashion were em­ Most of the girls at the dance 11ing of summer the group has been ployed, containing appropriate slap­ 1st DOOIR SOUTH OF SQl wore informal pastel frocks, but in Windsor. u,1 �rtaining each other with par­ stick action. ON SEVENTH STREE'. there were a number of classic Mrs. Fling taught during the year ties which have included everything For the fourth period of the pro­ black-and-whites. Spectator pumps after her graduation from E'astern. gram, Miss Laird, pianist, played two predominated in footwear. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tefft, Charleston. numbers in the classical vein. They During the intermission at 5 :30 'Vere: "Nocturne" by Gneg, and chefs from the Panther Lair and "Malaguena" by Luconia. Meats, Groceries; School Supplies, Pemberton Hall served coffee and Fresh Et� El Athlete Makes Four encore nt!mbers, one after doughnuts in the front hall. Milton the second section of the proo-ram See Us for Picnic Supplies Stanfield had charge of the Lair's Wedding Vows and three at the end were add.,ed ' part in the refreshments, and Miss Virginia Bubeck represented the Russell "Joe" Curry, former E'ast­ Hall. ern athlete, was ma1Tied July 4, to Mrs. G. Cain Takes Miss Janet Baker of Windsor, in Chaperons included : Dean Eliza ­ Whitehurst'sTenth and Lincoln GroceiiTe lepho ne B beth K. Lawson, Dean and Mrs. Ho­ services conducted at the Windsor Kroger Position bart F. Heller, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Christian church. The couple is now Jvtrs. George Cain has accepted a Scruggs, and Dr. and Mrs. William hc·neymooning in California. They position with the Kroger store, and Coppock. plan to reutrn to Windsor late this tegan her duties ther Monday month to live . Mr. Curry is coach e morning. of high school athletics there. Training School Weirs Entertain MID-SUMMER Forms 35 Pc. Band With Spaghetti Try One of the Harold Lee Hayes, E'dward Ren­ CLEARANC Thirty-five students of Eastern's PLATE L U N CHES nels, and Elbert Fairchild were snmmer training school make up guests Friday evening at a spaghetti at the NOW IN PROGRESS the training school !band, under the dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. direction of Dr. Rudolph Anfinson. Edward Weir. Composed mostly of children from RAINBO Tea ROOM the fifth 1and sixth .grades, 31 of on Tuesday and Thursday nights the .group have already passed tests FRICE 40c qualifying them as musicians second CASH & CARRY Spedal prices to clubs and class. Several beginning students DRASTIC REDUCTION SUITS parties--anytime. have been added. DRESSES O'COATS C ON QUALITY and STYLE MERCHANDIS The band presented a demonstra­ 50 Nice cool place to eat and tion at ·the Summer Education' con­ play bridge. ference held on the campus, July CLEANERS��� SUNDAY SiPECIAL­ 1-2. Fried Chicken Rehearsals are held on Mondays and Wednesdays. Twentv members Reservations Appreciated DRESS-WELL SHOP have achieved perfect �ttendance We Help Women Dress Well thus far. The .group is working on WHITE PHONE 529 300 HAIRIRISON PLUMBING AND HEATING numbers to be used for marching COMPANY next fall. Officers are Hans Olsen, presi- Plumbing, He;iting and Sheet dent; Barbara Heise, secretary; Metal Work PROFESSIONAL Kenneth Freeland, manager. CHARLESTON CARDI TELEPHONE 295 your advertisers. Patronize News Phones: Offtce, 126 ; Residence, 715 CLINTON D. SWICKABI DIR. W. B. TYM S. B.;M. D. r------�J. A. OLIVER, M. D. I DEJNTIST Hours by Appointment Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHYSICIAN AND SURGl!l Headquarters for . . . Charleston National Bank Bldg. Ij Second Floor Lincoln Bldg. 604 'h Sixth S�. Phones: Office, 476 ; Residence, 762 Phones: Office, 30; ResideOOI Charleston, Ill. SPORTING GOODS!! ·--I ------; See Us When In Need of Anything In . . . DR. N. C. IKNAYA.� J. MON'l\GOMERY DR. C. G. B. DVDLEY, M. D. I Office-501 Jackson st. GOLF, TENN IS, ARCHERY, SOFTBALL, DENTIST Office Hours, 1 :00 to 6 :00 BY APPOINTMENT over Ideal Bakery Phone BASEBALL and FISH TACK LE 5111:-2 Jackson: Street 64 Phones: Office, 701 ; Residence, Res. Phone 380 Also Tennis Rackets Restrung in 48 Hours l ------I

DEAN A. AMBROSE C. E. GREER, M. D. i P. B. LLOYD, M. D. OPTO/METRIST I r1---DR. I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Office Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted 712 Jackson Street I LOGAN'S HARDWARE Office Phone 94 North Side of Square Phone j 340 Residence Phone 77 694 PHONE 444 NORTH SI DE SQ. I Charleston, Illinois I


cond Grader Displays Rare Co-ed Glorifies Grade Musicians PT A Conducts Set Good Records rand of Generosity, Patriotism Bulletin Boards With an enrollment of 15, ten mem­ School Today bers of Eastern·s training school or­ A Parent-Teachers school of in­ Gives Up Fireworks Points Out Va ried chestra, under the direction of Dr. struction will be held at Eastern Artful Rudolph Anfinson, have made a rec­ To Donate to USO Features of Interest ord of perfect attendance at rehears­ in the Main Auditorium Wed­ uls this .summer. nesday, July 16. It is to be based little training school girl dis­ By Elizabeth Smith The orchestra is composed of sev­ on a.n outline including the twenty ed a brand of patriotism last What if you woke up some sunny en violins, two trumpets, three clar­ "P's" in Parent-Teachers work, for which should put some of her mcrning, looked out of the window, in�ts, two flutes, piano, and one the parent-teacher movement. Of­ indifferent elders to shame. r.nd discovered that all of Eastern's trombone. Rehearsals are held on ficers and committee chairman on beautiful trees were gone? You -aL irley Newell, second grade pupil 'Tuesdays and Thursday 1 p. m. membership, program, projects, would be shocked beyond wordfl er Miss Olive Thompson, had , Officers for the summ2r are Doris publicity and publications, pro­ would you be shocked, too, if So Hussong, president; Leslie Verwiebe, ceedures, per capita dues are some th e big red, white, and blue walking throug·h the Main building vice president; and Mary Arnold, of the topics of the outline. ers advertising the TJSO. She from the west hall, you discovered secretary. 10 m. heard the man on the radio The meeting will begin at a. that the bulletin board was com­ · people to do their share for and last until 12 and reconvene g pletely bare of some type of writ­ ·onal defense by helping the USO again at 1: 15. No provision for ten material. Nearly all of us realize what is being put on the air, the d recreational facilities to lunch has been made and persons that there is a bulletin board, but t;me, and station. gthen the army's morale. may lunch wherever they choose. do we really closely .ex0 mine and irley didn't know the meaning To the right you will find des­ Instructors ar the state board read what is on it? e uch big words as "national de­ Dr. Mildred Whiting cription cf legislation, what bills members and district assistants. Chart Cotton Manufacture are going through the house and " "recreational facilities," or Chairman of general arrange­ Now let us ·3top a moment and senate and a description of each. r J.e." But somehow she did ments for the meeting is Mrs. � kee what has 'been on this small G. 0. that they must be important. S0metim2s propaganda is tacked on space of the Main building for the Rimmerman, the newly elected she wanted to help. U-;e bulletin bsard. Now there is a Sketch Class pa.st week. First over on the south­ president of the Training School dE-:��riptive backing sheet from some d so when the Fourth of July Parent-Teacher Association. east corner are a group of charts. new d around and daddy gave her ci' the b2oks in the library. Last 'Nhat is on them? They are very e money to buy firecrackers, she tut net least, and perhap3 the most Shows Progress iEteresting charts about cotton man­ fully laid aside ten cents out noticed, is the space devoted to The Art club sketching class has ufacturing. One shows pictures of er treasure. V.1os.e who have overdue books, books cotton being processed, another how due today, fine lists notice e didn't have as many fire­ begun to function smoothly, as mem­ , and a "'°' judge fabric·3 as to firmness and kers as the other kids. But she to those who want a certain book, bers have met regularly for criti­ Jong floats, one shows the types of e up for it when a few days lat­ !Jut can not get it until someone GRANTWH,L ROGERS SHOPPE BLDG. . \\'t-aves, how to identify textiles, and he marched proudly up to her cism and discussion. The class has else is finished with it. the use of cotton and cotton seed. The conveniences and informa­ her's desk and handed over the been meeting on Tuesday after­ Farther down you will see a weath­ e-"for the soldiers." tion which the Main building bulle­ � noons at 3 :30, in the norih studio of er map. Really it is more accurate ow she has something that most tin board provides are important to the Art depa1,tment with Dr. Mil­ than the newspaper forecaster. You Van Raalte , us. Last week there the other kids don't have - a were 12 dif­ can judge for yourself where the y USO button and a personal dred Whiting directing the discus­ ferent interests on the board r ang­ storms are to be. It is up to date. r from James Shoemaker, sec­ sions. Anyone is eligible to partici­ ing from cotton manufacturing to The past week the main part of ry of the local Chamber of Com­ pate at any time, regardle·ss of ar­ overdue books. They are arranged . the south board has been covered nea ee who is in charge of the USO tistic abilities tly and in convenient place3. Ex­ with reprints of paintings put into Charleston. Plans of the class are rather loose, �-mine it carefully and let us not have UNDIES magazines. One was in Collier's 1905 and e letter says, in part: "Well, the members making arrangements to the bulletin board being as obvious i�sue. Just think-36 years old! You th of July i:s gone and all the accommodate themselves. Each a& a tree bu t more obvious if cut will find a description of such ex- of shooting firecrackers with it, member sets a weekly goal, so that down. 1,-lorers as De Soto, De Vaca , La maybe during this next year 1t he can do his part without taking r SaUe, and Zebulon Pike. The des­ be fun to know you helped the time from other necessary activi­ SILK HOSE cripticn is not a large one beneath g "Recause You Love and the soldiers and sailors in ties. When plannin purchases, read the picture, but it is informative. your News ads for guidance. various camps. The media thus far have been Nice T'hing·s" Farther west you will find samples henever you see a picture of a limited to pencil work. Subject ot The Mentor, a booklet with the clubhouse or hear it mention­ matter varies-figure drawing, still story of America in pictures. There on the radio, you can think, 'I life, landscapes, etc. WELCOME STUDENTS! Slips .....$1 -$1 . 98 i·s a large map on the board show­ ed with that.' Mayibe that will ing principal routes of early explor­ ore fun than that other pack- CHARLESTON Panties ...... 65c ers, roads, and highways. It is all cf firecrivckers would have been. Hayes Gets Air FRUIT & MEAT MARKET very interesting if just a few min­ of us here hope so." Phone 531 412 Sixth Hose . . . 65c to Coll Sept. 15 vtes are taken to examine the board $1 carefully. Harold Lee Hayes '42, E'astecn ora­ List Theatre Programs tor and News columnist, announces On the north side beginning at vestock Rates that he has been included in the the west end you will discover thea­ class of naval aviation cadets which ter programs. You will see what See Us For ... will begin preliminary training at Wedding Gift movies are on for the current week St. Louis, Sept. 15. Hayes took in­ in Charleston and Mattoon. Some­ CO LD LU NCHES and PIC NICS many years readers of Illinois telligence and aptitude tests at the times other towns are represented. spapers noted with considerable nav'y recruiting headquarters in St. The next interest is radio. There rest lists of wedding presents Louis last week. is advertising and a program of h it was then the custom to LINCOLN AVE. GROCERY ----· ------lish. One such list, says the !!:! Block East of Campus ois Writers' Proj ect, WPA, in­ Is your or a friend's birthday in ed the following items: "From July? A ruby ring is the ideal gift. er and mother of bride, one See our selection of these 1birthstone SAVE Money! By Having Your Sh oes y calf; from bride to groom, rings for both ladies and .gents at wreath made from the hair of moderate prices.�c. P. Goon, Jew­ Invisibly Hal f-Soled entire family, also six wht�e eler, 408 Sixth street. Phone 74 s; from a brother, one book of , one polite letter-writer, and THE GOLDEN RU LE SHOE SHOP �· from an aunt, six hens and a EAST SIDE CAFE Will Call For and Deliver t�r, also a jar of tomato ketch­ OP EN DAY AND NIGHT C. from a cousin one poem, fifteen For the Best in W. Fitzpatrick. 522 Jackson s in all." EAST SIDE SQUARE TELEPHONE 710 is said that although. the cus- Refreshment of publishing wedding gifts has � largely !been discontin11.ed. it is ..• n followed in some pari·s of the Try e. IN CH ARLESTO N RUSKIN NUTSHELL PlllLO!SOPHY, IT'S By OMAR BOLE Y'S h, thou who didst with pitfall and with gm THOMPSON'S Beset the roa,ct I was to wander ICE CREAM MARKET in, ou wilt not with predestined WIJ,L ROGERS THEATRE BUILDING evil round enmesh FREE DEi.IVERY PHONE 156 And then roll out another >bar­ MALTEDSTORE rel. Open Sunday a. m .• 4-6 p. m. MILKS .•.••10C KEITH'S 7-11 Don't Be Deceived CALL BREAD ON HADDOCK For Quality try For Best Meats and Groceries OUR PRICES ARE Boley's 11 ALWAYS RIGHT Ask for it hone 159 Phone 496 611 Seventh 712 Jackson II b y name The BIGGS CLEANERS

Everything for the Home 716 Jackson-Yi Block East of Sq. Builder KEITH'S


D. Day Reviews Recent Story Heat Causes Pr1 Eastern"Tell theTe truthac andhe don'trs be afraiNd" ews Published each Wednesday of the school year by the stu­ Of Pre-War England Family Life To Act Queerly dents of the Eastern Illinois State Teachers College at Charleston. Novel Offers Light Class Wakens to Summer Reading Mrs. J. Thompson Entered as second class matter November 8, 1915, at the Empty Chair Post Office at Charleston, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, Visits Home Folk By Dorothy Day It was uncomfortably warm i 1879. "The Bird in the Tree" by Elizabeth Mrs. James M. Thompson has E. [.,. Stover's Botany i22 � -Printed by the Cour.ier Publishing Company Yorl�, gone to Sturgis, S . D., where she ------Gouctge (New Coward, Hl40) room one day last week-wh will spend several weeks with her EDWARD WEIR ...... EDITOR sll(;1;!d prove w�i:;·)me sum '!!. � · read­ said to be a not uncommon parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Forbes . STANLEY GIBSON ...... ASSOCIATE EDITOR nomenon during summer se: ing- for ·3tuden's tired of propagan­ This week she and two of her sis­ Dr. Sto•ver wa·3 struggling EARL BAUGHMAN ...... "······· BUSINESS MANAGER wi da, ·.var tirade5, and tPxtbo-:h� W:.;t­ ters, Miss Anna Forbes, of Danville , SETH SEND ...... ADVISER his might to hold the attenti FES EN a ten in just-pre-war England, with :\llrs. Peterson, of vVil ­ :md E. A. a drowsy class. Seeing WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1941 the . 1938 setting, this delightful novel liamsport, are enjoying a re­ Pa., gle was in vain, he remarked steers clear of any problem deeper union and traveling in the Black ually, "Well, let's go out an than the time -honored one of hap­ Hills. how many trees you can name, piness of the individual versus hap­ left the room. piness of the family group. No one stirred until someom US Arms Output Increases To the Eliots, Damerosehay alization that the spirit of man does denly di·scovered that That class of isolationists known as defeatists who hide their The thr; t meant peace and escape and home have wings. stories of Jeremy had suddenly disappeared. cowardice behind the t heo ry that America cannot match the -a haven where the blac�bir sang and Christopher and Aramante, and d hurriedly left the room to sear1 forever in the ilex tree under which Grandmother Lucilla herself, make dictator countries in production of arms, will have to find a n ew the missing instructor and f Jeremy was buried - "and buried fascina ting reading. And the charm­ 4. found him west of the c excuse since the issue of Life magazine which appeared July ­ very shallow !" In "The Bird in the ing children, Ben, Tommy and Car This issue showed in graphic diagrams how much the pointing out trees - to an im just Tree," as in all her other books, oline, with their dogs Pooh-Bah and United States is producing in the line of military supples. ary class . Elizabeth Goudge has woven a story The Bastard, their secret gardens The backbone of any army, the infantry, prior t o 1940, was of a family about a pleasing symbol­ and their delicate imaginations, will completely capture the most hard­ already partially equipped with the finest infantry rifle in the ism who3e meaning the reader can­ Gene Lederer '37 , of Centraliw ened heart. world-the Garand semi-automatic. Between 1940 and June, not escape, whether he agrees with has been teaching· in Lake E 1942, 370,000 more Garands ·will have been placed in the hands her philosophy or not. Miss Goudge, although she has visited Eastern and friends in failed to create any characters as of our rapidly growing army, and by June, 1943, 1,094,000 will To Lucille E.liot the Fates, while Jeston la·st Friday, July 11. living as Henrietta in "City of Bells," be in use, all manufactured in the last three years. Our entire not overly-generous, had not been old Angus in "The Middle Window," I wholly unkind. They had given her expeditionary force in 'Narld \V ar totaled slightly over two or Joyeuse M , a comfortable Victorian life, even in "Towers in the ist " million men, many of which were non-rifle bearing troops or (all books for your must list) has '43 though she didn't love her husband attaches. The figure in Garands, then, 1Y ill be almost large written "The Bird and lost the only one of her five in the Tree" with enough to equip as large a force as our 1918 overseas army, the children she had loved. Sut she same smooth, poetic touch which an distinguishes all her work. SPECIA giving our army more fire power th any other in the world. Her had her grandson David, whose elf­ CASH symbol of wings for the spirit is &CARRY The next most i mpo rtant arm of the war machine, the air­ ish charm and leaping grace became rather old, to be sure, but she has force, is a rapidly growing baby, too. Beginning ·with 1940 and famous on the London stage. It FREE-With any Felt Hal endowed it with newness in her ending v.-it h June, 1943, the industrial plants of the United was David who had helped her dis­ Cleaned and Blocked t€chnique of tying it in with the States will have turned out 8,336 army fighters and 5,628 army cover Damerosehay and had made tree. "The Bird in the Tree" is not bombers, which with 2,064 navy fighters ;:,nd 2,700 navy bomb­ her sure that this was the home she her best work, but its merit is suf­ Any Plain Dress 18,728 must establish for the sake of fam­ ers gi ves our combined armed forces an aggregate of ficient to continue E:Jizabet G ­ ily. It was to Damerosehay, many h ou or Suits fighting planes, none of which will be over three years old. dge's high reputation among years later, that she had brought con­ These figures do not include the present air forces or the 10,000- temporary writers. Ben and Tommy a.nd Caroline when odd trainers which will also be turned out in that length of their father and mother, her son time. George and Nadine, were divorced. 3 RING Our '43, 8.040 An now it was to Damerosehay land forces by June, will be supplemented by d ZIPPER t� OTEBOOKS &OC tanks 4,660 that David came with the disquiet­ light and medium tanks. There is, however, and MONTGOME ·w ill be, a serious absence of heavy tanks, of which we own none. ing news that he and Nadine were $1.00 A large fleet of "blitz-buggies," heavy and armored trncks and to marry and break up all the se­ curity for which Lucilla and this cars will also be included in the mechanized forces. BOB house that was a part of them had HIL L By '43 should to none. In , our navy be second the same stood. In the end it is Damerosehay CLEANER 70 41 three-year period, six heavy battleships, destroyers, sub­ that makes the decision, through the 3 3 marines, cruisers and aircraft carriers will have been added discovery of David of its history to the US fleet, comprising a total addition of 123 of the finest from the time the blue bird was car­ seacraft in the world. This will also be supplemented by an ried singing through the storm from armed merchant marine anrl 4, 188,000 tnns of merchant ship­ the wrecked grain ship and his re- ping to serve as troop and supplies transport�. For FINEST Dairy Product Taking into consideraticm the superior quality of American Those who are skeptical of the CALL products and the newness of all the listed arn1aments. this po�sibilities of a German empire should le::i.ve America a s the top armed nation in the world, refuse to acknowledge the validity especially since our production ·will be geared by that time to a of any analogy between the German speed which can take care of all replacements and some to spare. plans and the success of empire5 in the past. "These are modern LELAND DAIR times," they say. But they forget PHONE th at the Nazis are using modern 220 I-lit/er Plans New Empire methods. To those quaint souls who believe so confidently that Hitler cannot build an Empire in Europe if he wins this war ; to those P.RADING'S who say, "But just think, he'll have to police al l those millions of people !" ; to those who are resolved to wait placidly, trusting SHOE REPAIRIN G with simple faith that the goodness of time will reward Hitler's Quality Materials and 'Belle Sharmee villainy with ruin, the article written by Peter Drucker, former :Prompt Service financial editor of the Frankfurter General Anzeiger, in a recent 117 Seventh St. PHONE In issue of Nation magazine should be enlightening. It furnishes further evidence that Hitler intends to bul­ NYLONS wark his new order by centering all industry in Germany and Beautiful s:1mmer shades in all using the "inferior peoples" as agricultural and industrial slayes. sizes. Priced to meet the college He will reduce his policing problem to a minimum simply by girl's budget. leaving no possible weapon except a pitch fork in the hands ot the non - German. Relax ... Alre_ady, says Drucker, the process has begun. Nine million and people have already been deported from Holland, Belgium, , $1.35 Czechoslovakia, Poland, and \ l sace Lorraine ; and their places a re being taken by "Ary ans." Where it is too inconvenient for BE REFRESHED Germans to move in, industries will be destroyed or moved within the boundaries of Germ any . STEP OVER ALEXANDER' ORDER YOUR WINTER COAL NOW­ to the Blue Diamond ...Ke ntucky Block Green Marked Coal Andrews Lumber & Mill Co. KO-OP PHONE !!5 6th & :RAILROAD We extend an invitation

OUR STOCK OF SUMMER all f astern students to ta :REFTRE SHMENTS IS DRY CLEANING - PRESSING - FUR ALWAYS COMPLETE advantage of STORAGE - REPAIRING rendered by this instituti We Call For and Deliver Milk Scheidker Cleaners · Furriers Shakes ...1o e 710 LINCOLN PHONE 234 PHONE 424 WE DELIVER CHARLESTON NATIONAL BA NESDAY, JULY 16, 1941 EA.STERN TEACHERS NEWS PAGE FIVE ntramural Track Men Begin Suddarth Gets Intramural Bill J. Brown Observes Begins on Monday Zoology Classes

6 Wednesday, July 1 -Lajr vs. Fi­ Juanita Brown '39, of Mattoon, ob ­ ractice Sessions for Big Day Pro Grid Chance delis. served Zoology classes in the Sci­ Monday, July 21 -- Homann vs. ence building last week. Miss Hutton Announces Milwaukee Chiefs Lair. Brown, who has her masters degree Booster Wednesday July 23----Phi Sigs vs. Rules of Field Meet Offer Contract in 'Botany from Northwestern Uni­ Fidelis. versity, taught last year al, Wright ily practice sessions for the intra­ Raymond Suddarth '41, star back­ Monday, July 28 - Homann vs. Junior college in Chicago. Fi delis. al tJ·ack and field meet, sched­ field man on the Panther football Monday, August 4-Phi Sigs vs. d for July 30, began Monday, squad, has received an offer to play Lair. y ,14, at 4 p. m. All track en­ during the coming season with the You will find your News advertisers usiasts, a mateur or otherwise, have Wilwaukee Chiefs professional foot­ courteous, accommoctating, friendly. ball team. n inv'ited to participate. Accord­ TC Grad Revisits Make their acquaintance. to James Hutton, manager of In addition to the football con­ e track and field meet, the rules tract, the offer stipulates that Sud ­ Charleston Friends as follows : (1) No manager may darth will be provided with a job ter more than three men in any during the off-season. He has not Ehodora Jones, TC graduate with event; (2) No contestant may yet. signed the contract. the clas of '41, i·s in Charleston for WERDEN'S GROCERY pete in more than three events During last season, Howard Car­ an extended visit with her mother, relay; (3) Managers must have son, brother of Coach Gilbert "Ted" Mrs. G. F. Mey.ers. Miss Jones is in Just off the Squ'\re on es of entrants turned in to Carson, played with the Chiefs, and nurses' training at St. Luke's hos­ Sixth St. es Hutton by July 25. it is reported that he will be with pital in Chicago. She plans to re­ turn there about Sept. 1. (4) All entrants must have had them during the next season. You'll Like to Trade cursory physical examination tforehand ; (5) There wiH be three at Werden's Senior Phi Sigs Patronize your News advertisers. aces in each event ; ( 6 ) The points I be awarded, 5-3-1, for the first Entertain Brothers ree places ; (7) Awards will be giv­ to first and second place win- Wayne Saxton and Frank Tate, sen­ Charles P. Lantz iors, were hosts to a party of 36 at a Following is the list of events : breakfast in Fox Ridge State pa.rk -yard dash, 100-yard dash, shot Saturday morning following the CALL 249 ! Sunrise prom . TA XI (12 lb .) , discus, baseball throw ETNIRE SERVICE f distance, 440 yard relay, running Lantz Scout Work Trips p, step, and jump, running high Ruth Rains Takes See Us for Prices on Out-of-Town lllP, javelin throw, running broad np. Proves Judgment Decatur Position 21-HOUrR SERVICE BOB ETNIRE

It rea(js a bit like fiction, this recital Ruth Rains has accepted a teach­ ing position in the primary rummond Urges of the advent of Jim Phipps, East­ grade in the Ullrich School in Decatur for olfers to Hurry ern outfielder, into organized base­ the coming year. SPORT I NG GOODS for the SPORTSMAN 'Wt Drummond, supervisor of the ball. Jim's good friends, Athletic WILSON GOLF IRONS ...... $2.75 g mination intramural olf tourna­ Director Charles P. Lantz of WILSON GOLiF BAL'l.S ...... 25 c !nt, urges all participants to fin- . TENNIS BALLS ...... 25c Eastern, contacted Chicago White Invisible .. . 1 their fimt round of play as soon WIRE CAMP GRIDS ...... 49c Sox officials in Phipps' behalf. Shoe Repairing is here to stay. possible. We do our work just that way. 3econd round competition should "He's a steady outfielder, hit ;in this week. Oompetition in around .350 for us, wants to FRO MMEL HARDWARE Campbell's Shoe Shop SOUTH SIDE SQUARE PHONE 492 and field events are scheduled .ck play professional baseball," Direc­ Just South of Square on 7th begin soon. Manager of the track tor Lantz said. So on that rec­ mts, James Hutton, hopes to be- 1 as soon as the golf tourney is immendation Billy Webb, the head �r. man of White Sox m!nor--league �th letic Director Charles P. Lantz, operations, sent Phipps to the tes that he is ready to present Jonesboro (Ark.) club. And in Jim's _____e ! trophy as soon as the winner is first game he hit a ninth-inning nounc d. home run to give Jonesboro a vic­ WILL ROGERS e FRIDAY-SATURDAY-DOUBLE FEATURE- MAT. 20c-EVE. 35c .fr. Lantz is formulating plans tory . · a tournament among mem,bers his physical education class. THF.RE IS NO SUBSTITUTE K ER N�i'.�oN Softball Standings FOR QUALITY :� � Sweethearts Campus A good hair cut just doesn't hap­ of the :earn- Won Lost pen-it is the result of long ex­ Cesar ROMERO mann ...... 2 0 perience and careful attention. plus Carol LANDIS lelis ...... 2 O You can get tihat kind of service ...... with ir . .. 1 . 2 at the DANCE HALL i Sigs ...... 0 3 HOLME S BARBER SHOP Southwest Corner of �quare SUN DAY-MON DAY- JULY 20 and 21 II them you saw it in the News. I

IT'S A HEA·RT-TO-HEART EXPLOSION! Call us and see A hard-boiled guy and a hard-boiled �ow the difference . Open! gal ...give you the romantic GULF SERVICE We h,1 ve an accurate schedule explosion of the year! STATION for any kind of taxi service dist.ant, local, hour, or day. Across from Library JAMES BETTE



MILK with STUART ERWIN is delightfully flavored with the cream, which is broken up in smaller particles and evenly distributed throughout the EUGENE PA LLETTE milk. YOU'LL LIKE IT. JACK CARSON At All Meadow Gold Dealers GEORGE TOBIAS A WARNER BROS. PICTURE or Phone 7


Migrating Students Recite Placement Bureau Skidmore Entertains Anne Lindbergh Raper at Home Is Right-But .. Issues Report Ruby Raper, of Montrose, a student Continued From Page O Adventures on El Summer Tour in summer school, and Howard Skid­ Following is a continuation of the more were supper guests at the for -very long periods of time. M. Bland Discovers placements report which was begun home of his parents, :vrr. and Mrs. have been maintained because Magician Fools in a previous issue of the News. . Denman Skidmore of Villa. Urove, Thrill of Ocean Swim orous and ambitious p ople p< Gladys Irene Reel, rural, Edgar Tuesday evening. Miss Raper will e a monopoly of . ..Again co n Ind. West ed organized fo Washington, D. C., Students u ty; Tony Reed, Arts, teach this coming school year in a Jr. S., Louisville, Ky. ; Betty rural school near History is on the side of July 3, 1941. At the weekly assembly for faculty H. Monnu,;�. Rhodes, Home Ee, Girls P. E., Ro­ many . A German empire in I Just as Dr. Buzzard predicted at members and students which was hester S., Ill. ; iMarjorie is by no means a remote poss held Tue3day at a. m . in the c C. H. Stu­ 10:30 th e first meeting of the Field - Schuch, Commerce, Bethany, Ill.; Invites Hill for she will possess a monop health education building, a special Uncle Sam dies group, we found, during our Gerald George Shafer, Dept., coach­ organized force, the like of program was given by V-Roy, a pro­ Porter Hill '41, student director of early Sunday morning swim, that ing, Mt. Zion, Ill. ; iHelen Smittkamp, has never .been possessed b: fessional magician. Eastern's ha1:d, has been notified the ocean really is salty. rural, Edgar county ; Alvin Spries, empire in history. But she c that he will be drafted on Aug. 15. 1 We were camped near Gape Hen­ rural, Vermilion county ; Marilyn create, maintain, or fully He plans to enlist as soon as sum­ ry, Va., on Chesapeake Bay and Steagall, grades 3-4, Stewardson, that empire while she is a. Va., ha:s been reproduced in colonial mer term closes. Ill. ; Phyllis Ann Stuebe, rural, opposed by any other sizeable only a short distance, too, from Vir­ manner by the millions of John D. Champaign c unty. for she will not possess ginia Beach on the Atlantic. Who Rockefeller. At Mount Vernon, the o the E. Wade Goes to Cumberland sary monopoly of force. Miss can think of a better place for a group saw the bed in which George rural, Clay county ; Inez Virginia Eleanor Wade, rural, Cumberland bergh would give her the op!)( week-end? Washington died and also his tomb. Bubeck, Home Ee., Anna ; J. El­ county ; Margaret Weber, rural, Eli­ ity. Sunday is considered a free day The most interesting church ob­ mer Pentecost., Hist., Govt., Econom­ gar county ; �uth Frances Weidner, Continued Next Week for campers, but if all week-ends served this week was the St. John's ics, Chem., East Lynne; Claud Dun ­ Music, Edwardsville Jr. H. S., Ill.; are so full we'll no doubt have to church of Richmond in which Pat­ lap; Helen Hoffman, , Ruth White , Music, Art, Lincoln set Monday aside as a special day rick Henry made his famous "Liber­ Latin, English, DeLand ; Clarence E. School, Robinson, Ill.; Olin Wieneke, Mrs. Awty Visits at of rest. ty or Death" speech. '..V eil, principal, 7 and 8 teacher, Lo­ rural, Christian county ; Homer Win­ Takes First Salt Sea Dip On Monday evening, the group ami ; Vallona Mae Ramsey, rural, ter, rural, Jasper county ; Audrey \IV inkleblack Home A few brave souls crawled out of stood upon the spot where Captain Ford county; Ralph White, rural, Wilson, rural, Edgar county ; Inna their tent homes early Sunday John Smith and the London com­ Jasper county ; Helen Jean Thomas, Mrs. W. J. Awty, of Briganti Jean Woerner, rural, Fayette coun­ morning to take their first dtp in pany made their first settlement at Home E'cs., Oakland. J., arrived this week for a ty ; Sophia Wright, rural, Cumber­ genuine salt water. Those sleepy Jamestown. Very unu3ual as a side She is staying at the home o land county; Mary Julia Young , ru­ Cowden Signs l\1a theny heads who stayed behind missed the point was the tree growing out in John Winklcbl:1ck. 935 Sixth ral, Macon county. L:werne Matheny, Gen. Sci., Phy­ thrill of the James river about 50 feet from their . They missed o . Lois Reed, rural, Coles county ; sics, Bi l , Coach., Cowden; Norma that exciting shiver which goes the shore. Old settlers have told Bor..d Lottie Leeds, grade 4, Robinson ; Don Strdff, rural, county ; Martha down your spine as you dip your that they can remember when that E Shields, superintendent, History and Margaret Finley, Home Ee ., ng ­ foot in the ocean for the first time, tree was on the land of the ,James­ J. Engiish, Ludlow ; Martha Lucille lish, Niantic ; Cynthia Rennels, t.he wonderful feeling of surprise town set.tlement. Since then the a Greer, grades 4, 5, 6, Sadorus ; Har­ elementary grades, Ch rleston ; An­ when you are slapped by a breaker, James has eroded away the land. vey Preston, Ind. Arts, Fairbury ; drew Meurlot , principal, Neoga ; Dor­ Battlefields Prove Interesting YOUR CA and the glorious feeling of being Hom.> Sallee, upper grades, Seymour ; is Lu cille Quinn, rural, Clay coun­ ...will be as iifted by the waves as you go farther Two tours of old battlefields were Harry D. Lovelass ; Jennie Garner, ty ; Herbert Clawson, grade 5, Hinds­ cool as the very interesting. First was the bat­ out into the ocean. Some of us (per­ o rur­ Home Ee and girls' P. E., Catlin ; bor ; Katherine Jean Johnson, Penguin- tlefield of Yorktown where Wash­ haps we have webhed feet) felt that al. DeWitt county ; Morris Hender­ Henry Myers, rural, Effingham you use this was one of the most eventful ington and the French troops de­ IF county ; George Crawford, rural, son, rural, Jasper county ; Leola May days of our lives. feated Cornwallis in 1781 to help our products. Shelby county ; Ray Duncan, H . S. Shaw, rural, Crawford county ; Suffer Minor Casualties in3ure American independence. principal, Martinsville; Mary Jane Charles Jenkins, C ommerce, coach­ Naturally, we had our minor cas­ Howev'er, the historical highlight Harrington, grade 1, Tolono; Myra ing, Marine ; William Raymond .AJb ­ • ualties. Martena Snearley has was Tuesday afternoon when we vis­ Allison, rura1, Coles county ; Helen ernathy, Soc. and Elem. Sci., Char­ sc:-eamed every time anyone even ited and re-enacted the defeat of Smith Commerce, Oakland ; Frances leston Jr. H. S.; Jess Robert Beard, Phillips General Burnside by the C'onfed­ looked as if he wanted to pat her rural, Christian county ; Mary Mar­ Pyro, English, Latin, girls ' P. E., on the back. Lee Heim and Lloyd erafos in 1862 at Fredericksburg, Va. Trenton ; R.oibert Fick, Music, Gray­ .garet Negley, rural, Coles county ; Elam attempted to save each other A comparatively new park has been ville ; Mac Waldrip, New Holland. Leland Murphy, Mech. Dr. and Blue­ established here and the manner just at the place where a huge wave a NEWELL' Seymour Calls D. Smith print, Great Lakes Hav l Station, P!'Oke. Imagine the result. Others and completeness of the guide and Dale C. Smith, coach, Am. Hist., 'Waukegan . SERVICE STATH of the group have undergone a com­ the material was most unusual. Govt., shorthand, typing, P. E., Sey­ South Side of Lincoln Stre plete change of complexion-from Possibly had General Burnside mour ; Anna Fay Herron, Music and AT TENTH beetish red to chocolate brown. known before he started the attack Art in grades, Louisville ; Edith Ap ­ For our evening meal Sunday at Marye"::; Heights what we learn­ i:el, rural, Madison county ; Edna PHOTOGRAPH night we had a wiener roast on the ed and observed he would never have A Irene Taylor, Home Ee. and girls' P. shore of the Chesapeake. Who can attempted the conquest. is the next thing to you. Send E.; Rosemary K. Quade, grades one mride by the Art Graft imagine a more wonderful setting Elven so things did not seem as bad 3, 4, Findlay ; Myona Schnautz, Studio today. for a song-fest? As we looked into as some things we have since read the water we saw jelly-fish making in the newspapers regarding the ------tiny, intermittent lights; farther out European situation. We really live STU DIO Tell them yol! saw it the ARTC RAFT on in News. we could see the blinking lights of in the past this trip. South Side of the Square the lighthouses and light buoys, and ROY J. GRIEBEL. F. L. RYA1'1 PHONE 508 then still farther away the lights of passing vessels. It was all a very MYERS and McKINNEY perfect ending to a marvelous week. Boley Obtains Job MIRIAM BLAND. Robert Boley, son of Mr. and Mrs. GULF SERVICE BLandU[ FASHION FLASHES G. W. Boley, has been employed to F'ORMEIR EI STUDENTS Fredericksburg, Va. tea-ch geography in the McKinley for the Warm Days lVladison at 16th Phone 23 Upon leaving the Smoky Mountains sc,hool at Vandalia Class Room, Campus the tour proceeded north through and Street. Virginia and the significant spots of Real Values $2.98 and $3.98 historic value connected with the Exclusive Sale of Rollins Non- Revolutionary and Civil wars. Runs-$1.19 values at ...... $1. 00 Visit T. Jefferson's Home 0 her qualities in chiffons The one visit of greatest interest at ...... 69c to $1.00 WHIT[ on Friday was the visit to Monti­ SUNFEDIS A VITAMI NBR BREAD EAD cello, the home of Thomas Jeffer­ son. 1Since then we have visited You Can See and Taste the Difference Ethyl's Shop Phone 451 East Side Square many homes of the southland, but Ask for Sunfed Bread at Your Gl'Ocer with the exception of Stratford Hall, home of the Robert E. Lee family, none have held the interest of the group more than Monticello. Much of the last four days has IDEALNORTH SIDBAE SQUAREKER Y been spent visiting homes of his­ toric significance. Williamsburg, Keep

For Up-to-Date SHOE REPAllRING FOU NTAIN SERVICE Refreshed ... try By Stepping Across Welton's Shoe Shop ••1 Oc SPECTATO Between 5th & 6th on Route lf BANANA SPLITS the Street Golf Balls - Tennis Balls PUMPS to Welcome College the M:urice ;;: I • tvith low he Students to KINPHONE 428 G @�WESTBROS SIDE SQUARE

SESNRVICEAPPY JNN LITTLE 6th and Jackson St. To Close 0 THE HOME OF THE CAMPUS 5c"BUY Hambu 'EM BY THErge SACK"rs EARL SNYDER LVNCHES-,SANDWICHES You'll like 'em the SALA.DS way we fry 'em. TA ILOR $198 SODAS-SUNDAES MILK SHAKES ...... 10<' 610 Sixth St. Phones 404-884 FOUNTAIN DRINKS Open 6:00 A. M. to 1:00 A. M.