TheAmerican Dowser

Volume 60, No. 1 Winter 2020-2021

Table of Contents ASD Headquarters & 2 ASD Mission Statement Bookstore 3 ASD Trustees & Regional Coordinators 4 President’s Message 5 Editor’s Column/ Letters to the Editor Phone: 802-684-3417 7 In Memoriam: Marge Hefty 184 Brainerd Street 8 Headquarter News PO Box 24 8 Bookstore News Danville, VT 05828 9 ASD 2021 Convention Committee Update 11 Free Monthly Workshops for Members Bookstore: [email protected] 12 ASD Presents… Tuesday and Monday Teleconferences 14 Board Member Bio - Sue Whittaker Manager: Lisa Lacoss, 15 Across All Dimensions and Across All Time - Dick Tippett [email protected] 17 Manifestation Through Dowsing - Chris Goin-Anderson Digest Editorial Team: 21 Letting Go of Distortions and Attachments in 3D Land [email protected] - William Gee 24 What is Your Real Percentage Rate of Finding Water? - James Douglas Gamble 25 You’ve Gotta Love The Irish - Wayne Follett 27 Dowsing and the Power of Intention - Diane Marcotte 29 Putting the Kettle On; A Strategy For Trying Times - Melinda Iverson Inn 31 Does the Cook’s Intention Affect the Quality of the Food? - Dean Radin 33 Dowsers With Their Tools Photo Collage 34 Sponsor Ads 35 ASD Facebook Page 36 Submissions and Rights to Publish 37 ASD Policy Statement on Healing American Society of Dowsers Mission Statement

The American Society of Dowsers, Inc. is a scientific and educational non-profit organization whose mission is “to support, encourage and promote dowsing and dowsers in a manner consistent with the highest standards of personal integrity and behavior; to provide dowsing education and training to dowsers and non-dowsers alike to bring them to a level of proficiency they are comfortable with; and to promote and foster communication and fellowship among all persons in any way interested in dowsing.”

In line with our stated mission, members of the American Society of Dowser will work: ● to unite for an interchange of experiences, ideas, and good fellowship ● to build up records of dowsing accomplishments ● to advance the systematic and responsible use of dowsing ● to declare and demonstrate that dowsing for water must be included as one means of overcoming the increasingly serious international water shortage ● to cooperate with any professional or research groups that wish to learn about dowsing, on the basis that dowsing is an established living experience ● to assist anyone who wishes to develop the use of any faculty for dowsing that he/she possesses ● to encourage humility in dowsers about the possibility of human error in their findings


Making connections is more important than ever. There is no need to feel isolated or restricted with so many resources available through ASD. It seems like the perfect time to enjoy our memberships: take part in Teleconference calls – whether live or replay; read up on past Digest articles; and connect with dowsers on Facebook. And why not invite a friend or relative to join you on your dowsing journey? Maybe they would appreciate a membership to access all that an ASD membership brings. Maybe they would love to have you as a Dowsing Buddy... No need to wait for a special occasion; get your buddy on board now!

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 2 ASD Trustees & Regional Coordinators

Board of Trustees 2020-2021 President Keith Schaffer (610) 689-5164 [email protected] Vice President Sandra Isgro (207) 246-2922 [email protected] Vice President Carl Letson (407) 312-6073 [email protected] Secretary Richard Tippett (408) 402-1148 [email protected] Treasurer Tick Gaudreau (518) 233-1290 [email protected] Trustee Leedra Yablonsky (845) 596-8550 [email protected] Trustee Beth Roszman (831) 275-0633 [email protected] Trustee Sue Whittaker (503) 851-7927 [email protected]

ASD Regional Coordinators Northwest To be Appointed California (North) To be Appointed California (South) To be Appointed Southwest To be Appointed Midwest Robert Callan (763) 260-1323 [email protected] Great Lakes To be Appointed Southern Carol Gader (941) 981-9478 [email protected] Northeast Diane Bull (215) 348-5229 [email protected]

States by Region Northwest Region: WA, OR, ID, MT, WY Southern Region: DC, KY, WV, VA, NC, SC, California Region: CA, HI, AK, NV TN, MS, AL, GA, FL, AR, LA Southwest Region: UT, AZ, CO, NM, TX, OK Northeastern Region: ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, Midwest Region: ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, MO RI, NY, PA, NJ, MD, DE Great Lakes Region: MN, WI, IL, IN, OH, MI

Check our website,, for current chapter information and scheduled meetings.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 3 President’s Message

Dear Fellow Dowsers,

It has been almost a year now since our new life began on this planet we call Earth; without seeing people’s facial expressions, shaking hands, or greeting friends with that, ‘Hi, I’ve missed you’ hug! But we must carry on.

Now is a time of learning and sharing of knowledge.

Fortunately, ASD has a small fund set up in Memory of Walt Woods for Education. We have ten workshops, free for members, scheduled for the coming months via Zoom. Tune in. You don't want to miss these!

Unfortunately, there is not going to be an in-person convention at Plymouth State University again this year. The Convention Committee asked the Trustees to cancel the in-person event as planned. However, we will still hold the Convention, virtually! The committee is working diligently to bring you the best possible virtual convention for 2021. There will be speakers, vendors, wellness practitioners, and sponsors. Watch for details.

Non-profits are having a hard time now, and ASD is no exception. We need volunteers! There are several committees that are looking for assistance. Please contact Lisa at Headquarters to let us know how you can be of service.

As a new or experienced Dowser, we all need confirmation. Sometimes it comes from within, or from a fellow dowser. It may come from a successfully dug well or from your mentor. However it may be, please STAY SAFE and STAY HEALTHY!

Thank you,

Keith Schaffer, President

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 4 Editor’s Column Hello, fellow dowsers!

Dowsing is a most miraculous process, allowing us to see in the physical world what is going on in energetic realms. With every phrase that we use to the turn and spin of the tool, we delve into what most would think of as make-believe, too-good-to-be-true or balderdash. We, as dowsers, know better. Dowsing can bring us to facts, as well as spiritual truths. This issue of the Digest shares a story of dowsing for a water well, the most fundamental of survival skills. Learn the importance of a well driller’s loyalty when drilling your exact placement. A few of our authors share theories on intention, and how important our focus is to manifesting what we want in our world. From the words that we say and surround ourselves with, to the actions that back them up, our intentions are the foundation to the dowsing that is to follow. Also covered in this issue are the desires and processes to move out the energy of the things we would rather not have in our lives, the distortions and detrimental. We can learn about that here, too.

If you have a theory on how to dowse for something, a story of a dowsing day that others might benefit from, send it in. We would love to hear from you -and we would love to display more photos of our members with tools in them to: [email protected]

If you can think to do it, you can dowse for it.

I wish to thank our editors for their work on this issue of the Digest: Alison Kelley and Joan Gallo and proofreaders; Sharry Hope, Jeannette and Susan McNeill Spuler.

Take care! Best of Blessings...

Sharon Mahany, Coordinating Editor Our Editors: Alison Kelley and Joan Gallo

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 5 Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Hi - I'm a member of ASD but I haven't looked at your website in quite a number of months. Today I opened it and saw the new ASD website lay-out (nice job!), and a photo submitted of a labyrinth someone created over the summer. There must be something in the air because we, too, had a gentleman come out and set a labyrinth in the yard with stone! I used Freddy Silva's “Templemaking” DVD suggestions to activate the labyrinth to restore balance, healing, and good energies to the entire region. This area known as Tualatin has a LOT of water thanks to the nearby river, and a history of abuse to the land, elements and indigenous from the early settlers. My hope was to help heal those wounds and restore the spirit of place.

The link below, if you're interested in reading, shows how I incorporated the labyrinth in an inspirational blog.

Best wishes!

Regina Chante ~~

Tualatin, Oregon, USA 503.422.6247

In the photo is Jake, our friend who built the labyrinth, and my dog, Bodhi.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 6 IN MEMORIAM

Marge Hefty Our beloved friend and mentor, passed away on August 13, 2020

Sadly, a foundational member of our community has transitioned from using her earthly dowsing skills and knowledge to a new membership in the Sky Dowsers.

Marge Hefty had been dowsing for over 30 years and joined our group in 1986. She was an active member of our chapter and was extremely generous in sharing her knowledge of dowsing through local presentations and workshops.

Her topics ranged from looking for what was lost, hidden, or underground to her strident reminders to be clear about how to ask for what one is looking for (the phrasing of a question) and how to keep one’s focus (being aware of your thoughts) when dowsing. She presented on various methods of detection, map dowsing, and approaches to looking for water, specifying the location, depth, and quality of the water.

Thank you for sharing your dowsing wisdom and for the gift of your leadership to the Tucson Chapter,

Marge! May your pendulum always be swinging in Joy.

- The Tucson Dowsers

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 7 HQ HEADQUARTER NEWS

A great big THANK YOU to all of the new members of ASD and a special thank you to all of our members for their continued support during these uncertain times. Another HUGE thank you goes to all of you who helped us raise money to update our computers. We are beginning 2021 with the exciting news that ASD will be going virtual again with our Annual Dowsing Convention.

Information will be posted on our convention page of the website as it becomes available. We are working hard to bring you a convention that will be remembered. We are hard at work lining up fascinating vendors and wellness practitioners on a virtual platform to bring you a groundbreaking convention safely.

Attention all Chapters: Remember that your meetings and event details will be posted on our website...but only if we are aware of them. Be sure to call the office if you have any questions and need instructions...and, on that same note, please keep the office updated on any changes in your contact and meeting information.


For those members who purchase on Amazon, we would like to remind you that ASD is registered on Just use that address in place of with your username and password, then choose The American Society of Dowsers as your favorite Charity. Amazon donates 5% of most of your purchases directly to us.

Be sure to check out our Clearance Items at, as titles are added frequently.

BOOK REVIEW We are seeking members who are interested in reading and writing reviews on books of interest to our members due to their relation to dowsing or elements involved with dowsing such as scientific theory, energy of geographic sites, intention, mind power, mind-body connection, intuition, energy, remote viewing, health, natural resources, and other similar topics. If interested, please send your contact information and/or book title with Book Review in the subject bar to [email protected].

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 8 It is Convention Time!

The American Society of Dowsers Presents the 61st Dowsing Convention and Metaphysical Expo

VIRTUAL CONVENTION: Riding the Crest June 9 – 13, 2021

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 9 Convention Committee Update: This year, we will be hosting a gem of a convention where you can engage in lively, loving, colorful, and fun online events. We will miss being able to hug our friends in person, but we are gratified that we are keeping everyone safe. Many of us are now embracing the new reality of interacting with family, friends, and events on Zoom and similar platforms.

It was crucial that we “pivot” to a virtual-only convention in time to plan and prepare. This year we have better tools, better skills, and more people ready to support and encourage everyone. We have come a long way since last winter. Virtual Convention is an opportunity to attract more people from around the world, connect with other communities of energy workers and metaphysical seekers, and provide innovative resources for local dowsing chapters.

Similar to past conventions, we will have a schedule of presentations and workshops. Wellness practitioners and vendors are welcome to purchase a one-minute advertisement for shoppers. There will also be a Lounge with breakout rooms, a calendar for chapter meetings, and recordings.

Yes, I am an optimist; I’m often correct. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy; a law of attraction and result. We will make waves in the world’s oceans and help everyone involved elevate their spiritual experience.

Please be sure to check the website,, for information and updates. What is this? is a High Intention.

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” ― Aristotle

How else do we get anything done?

Wishing you serenity, safety, and joy.

Sheila Oranch, Your humble 2021 Convention Chair who wants your feedback and suggestions. To comment or volunteer, e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] or call Sheila at 603-744-5036 after noon EST.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 10 ASD PRESENTS… Free Monthly Workshops for Members American Society of Dowsers is excited to bring to YOU, our members, free monthly workshops. These dowsing classes are meant to provide information, teach dowsing skills, bring new awarenesses, and transform through live on-line video and audio interaction.

Free to ASD members! These year-round workshops will be held monthly, except June and December. Recordings will be available on our Members Only page.

Registration is limited to 100 participants, so get your reservation in early by visiting the ‘Members Only’ page at and signing up in advance. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you with the event link. Click on the event link just before class time to join the workshop. Funded by the Walt Woods Educational Fund, these monthly workshops are being offered free of charge to ASD members.

Walt Woods Educational Fund Upon the inspiration of Jeanne Gehringer and the blessings of Walt’s family, a fund has been created to honor and receive thanks for Walt Wood’s life work in dowsing. Donations can be sent to: Walter Woods Memorial Education Fund American Society of Dowsers PO Box 24 Danville, VT 05828


Tuesday, April 20 at 8:00 P.M. EST Gale West - Money Come Dance with Me Because money trauma is a big issue with so many people, both collectively and individually, and since most money trauma is ancestral, we will first work with the ancestral timeline. Identify and scramble the frequency of all trauma held in the ancestral timeline and implanting a new empowering symbol. We will check alignment with the spirit of happy money, raise its energy, and invite it into the participant’s life. If time allows, introduce them to their money guides. Participants are to bring a pendulum or bobber, etc. A handout will be supplied. Register for Gale West by 4/10/2021.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 11 Tuesday, May 18 at 8:00 P.M. EST – Jayme Westrom Enhancing and Protecting Your Biofield (Resonators, Rocks, Paint, and Sky Gates) Most of the population is living in chaotic and draining energetic environments. This has negative impacts on one’s health and longevity. By learning how to “see” and shift these invisible energies, they can become beneficial for our bodies and help charge our human battery and also trees. Participants will dowse before-and-after photographs to “see” energetic changes after simple remediation techniques to household items such as electric meters, rebarred windows and sculptures. Needed: basic dowsing knowledge and ability to get a “yes” or “no” response. Bring a dowsing tool. Deadline to register for Jayme Westrom, 5/10/2021.

Summer Workshops Watch for more information to register for workshops from instructors: Hayden Crawford and Joey Korn

ASD PRESENTS… These Tuesday Dowsing Presentations were formerly called Discover Dowsing. Past recordings may be found on the website. Here is the information to join the live Zoom Calls:

You can log in at or by phone One tap mobile +19292056099,126360394# US (New York) +13017158592,126360394# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 126 360 394

Mar 9 8:00pm EST Lynn Walker – Q&A (recording available) Apr 13 8:00pm EST Tick Gaudreau – Spirit Talks May 11 8:00pm EST Keith Schaffer – Archeological Dowsing


Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 12 Chapter Events: These Teleconferences are open to all. Hosted by the chapters listed below. See the video call information for the meeting connections.

Dowsers Video Conference Call Third Mondays at 8 P.M. EST/ 7 P.M. CST/ 6 P.M. MT/ 5 P.M. PST

Hosted by Sharry Hope of Gold Country Dowsers; Jeannette of NorCal Dowsers; and Susan McNeill Spuhler of Boston Dowsers photo courtesy Susan McNeill Spuhler

Guests are interviewed with a brief question/answer period at the end. No charge for this presentation. Talks are typically an hour long. (Previously under the name Water Dowser’s Conference Call)

If your chapter has an event or is hosting a speaker, please let ASD know and we will put it on the calendar and in the Digest if enough lead time.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 13 BOARD MEMBER BIO


Sue Whittaker grew up in remote Alaska with primitive love and a closeness to nature few can imagine. Fate had her become a teacher and meet Steve Jobs as he began making computers. He visited her classroom many times and said Sue is gifted with vision and guidance from above as he awarded her the “I changed the world” T-shirt for her innovation and leadership.

In 1983, her extraordinary formaldehyde poisoning cure inspired her to become an activist for alternative medicine. After teaching children for 25 years, she studied identity theft, became a keynote presenter and co-authored Oregon’s law against it. Next, she spent seven years as Suzie Solar in Costco stores nationwide, selling solar powered generators and breaking sales records.

Five years ago, she was told by a higher guide to become a medical medium with a mission. She was led to create weightless supplements, a form of vibrational medicine, using morphic resonance, the universal pattern principle, quantum physics, intention, and love to provide a service with daily bio-energy clearings and EMF protection, and to write 14 encyclopedic Dowser’s Guides to Wellness in five months.

Sue says she is just a simple person who grew-up in remote Alaska and has nothing special to give, except love. But, her out-of-body experiences, psychic channeling, telepathy, time-travel, remote viewing, and healing capabilities indicate she’s a bit more than that. She is also a brand new ASD Trustee. And, in the past few weeks, she has become a spoon bender.

Sue Whittaker [email protected] 503.851.7927

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 14 Across All Dimensions and Across All Time

Dick Tippett

We reincarnate with at least four sets of memories either attached or available to us.

First and foremost are our memories of our own past lives. They may be obscured from our immediate consciousness. Yet, they are there, and influence our subconscious, even our conscious actions and reactions to people, an event, and things in our environment.

Second are the memories of our ancestors, our true family members (those whom we choose to reincarnate with) that we share with them, carry forward, and add to ourselves. Events that occurred to them and that we may not have directly experienced are still part of our field and still influence our thoughts and outlook. A classic present-day example is our reaction to the COVID virus. Some of our ancestors lived through the Spanish flu and the even deadlier plagues in medieval Europe. It is the memories of their fears, alive within us, that enliven our fears and drive us into masks and quarantine.

Third and fourth would be the memories of the race and culture that we chose to be born into. These memories are mostly subconscious until, sometimes, education may bring them to the surface to be experienced.

Celtic, French or Romanian, Eastern European or Ethiopian Jew, Mexican (native or Spanish-descended, or a blend of both), American Indian, Eastern or Western US, urban or rural, Japanese or Samoan and the several Asian races all have distinct, yet often similar memories of conquest, religion, slavery, culture, and government. There is no race that has not, at one time, been enslaved by another. There is no culture that did not, at some time, suffer under the yoke of poor governance or accept that there might be more than one god or goddess and worship them all.

Memories are energy, carried from our past forward to the present event that triggered the memory and then often projected into the future. The energy of the present event was partly created by our emotional reaction to the event that we “remembered” and still carry the energy into the

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 15 present. That energy has now been carried forward from the past and added to the energy of the present event.

When we or a client have an experience that triggers an unpleasant or painful memory, it may be necessary to neutralize the energy of both the event and the memory so that we, or the client, can “get beyond” the pain and inhibition that the memory invokes.

These energies can be cleared by neutralizing and scrambling the energy of the memory and the events, both in the present and in the past. Both the present and the past must be cleared together as they are linked by the energy of memory.

The energies must also be cleared “in all dimensions.” There is much discussion about whether memory resides in us (and if so, where--in our brain, our heart, our muscles, an organ?). Or, does it reside in a “morphic” field somewhere outside us? And, if it does, in what dimension does the morphic field reside?

When clearing energies that are non-beneficial or detrimental to us or others, here is a useful approach:

Do the work with your pendulum working counterclockwise.

“Please, Spirits (or whoever you call upon to do the work) neutralize and scramble all energy that is non-beneficial or detrimental to ______, and please neutralize and scramble the non-beneficial or detrimental energy across all dimensions and across all time. Please give this neutralized and scrambled energy harmless and formless back to the universe to be recycled as beneficial energy wherever it can best be made use of.

When the work is complete, your pendulum will stop moving counterclockwise and start moving in the “yes” position.

Have fun with this!

Dick Tippett was introduced to dowsing about 2o years ago through Harold McCoy and Raymon Grace. He quickly learned to use these techniques in the business world with contractors in construction. Dick taught beginning dowsing at the Golden Gate Chapter, West Coast Conference, and a California charter school to junior high students. He currently chairs the San Jose Chapter and acts as Trustee for the ASD Board.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 16 Manifestation through Dowsing

Chris Goin-Anderson

In a previous newsletter I wrote Dowsing the Chakras. This is a valuable skill for monitoring our own health and repairing our energy field. We can further develop this skill for using it to manifest our dreams.

Chakras are the encyclopedia of your life, just as the body is the barometer of the soul. Health malfunctions reveal how well we are handling the experiences of our lives, which are stored in our chakras.

When we are dowsing the chakras for health, we are simply looking for the outer edge of our energy field. This tells us which chakras are strong and which need to be strengthened. When dowsing for our ability to manifest our desires, our thought focus is slightly different. Rather than asking “show me the outer edge of my root chakra energy field,” we ask something like “show me my root chakra's ability to manifest my desires,” etc.

These subtle energies are deeply affected by thoughts amplified using the pendulum. Once we know our weak areas, we can start working on them. As dowsers, many of us find it easiest to build these with the pendulum. While swinging the pendulum over one of the weak chakras, think of or say your desired intention. For some people generic statements are adequate. Others need to be very specific. This may be because of our own expectations–or perhaps what we came here to learn for our soul's journey. Possibilities include the following:

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 17 ● When the foot chakra is one of the smaller (weaker) energy fields, then the issue is likely to be around the path we are walking, or around not walking the path our soul intended. While spinning the pendulum over the foot chakra, think: “I walk the path my soul wants me to walk.”

● When the root chakra is the smaller one, then the issue is likely to be around feeling safe, or perhaps some level of our being doesn't feel as if it would be safe to manifest our desires. Possible intention: “It is safe for me to manifest my desires.”

● When our sacral chakra is the weak one, then it's likely to have an emotional cause. Perhaps our subconscious doesn't feel as if we can emotionally handle the manifestation when it arrives. Possible intention: “I am emotionally ready, willing, and able to manifest my desires.”

● When our solar plexus chakra is the weak one, then it's likely to be an egoic issue. Perhaps we don't believe in our ability to manifest: we simply won't allow this manifestation because of our need to control life and not let change occur, or we simply won't allow ourselves to stand out as an individual by manifesting our desires. Possible intention: “I am ready, willing, and able to thrive as my life changes and I manifest my desires.”

● When our heart chakra is the weak one, then it's a matter of directing our love and passion. Possible intention: “I am ready, willing, and able to love humanity even more as I manifest my desires. I am worthy of giving and receiving pleasure.”

● When our throat chakra is the weak one, then it's a matter of feeling ready, willing, and able to express our truth and who we are to the world, as well as being willing to hear the truth of others. Possible intention: “I am ready, willing, and able to express myself to the world as I manifest my desires.”

● When our third eye chakra is the weak one, then it's a matter of feeling safe to see, hear, and know beyond what our physical senses can see, hear, and know. Possible intention: “I am ready, willing, and able to see, hear, and know that which I need to manifest my desires.”

● When our crown chakra is the weak one, then it's a matter of feeling ready, willing, and able to connect with the divine forces of the universe. Possible intention: “I connect with the divine forces who are here to work with me as I manifest my desires. I stand in my highest destiny.”

An alternate technique is to place one hand on the back of the head at the bottom of the skull and the other hand on the forehead. This brings information from the soul into the body and vice versa. While holding this position, drop into your heart to connect with your soul, think: “I also hold the intention of connecting with the highest frequencies of the earth and the highest frequencies of the heavens.”

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 18 Then repeat something like the following; “I activate the codes for feeling safe in the world for my root chakra.” ● “I activate the codes in my sacral chakra to be ready, willing, and able to manifest my desires.” ● “I activate the codes in my solar plexus chakra for being ready, willing, and able to change and step out of my perceived limitations and into my power.” ● “I activate the codes in my heart chakra for giving and receiving love and pleasure to myself and the rest of humanity.” ● “I activate the codes in my throat chakra to be ready, willing, and able to express myself to the world and help others to express themselves.” ● “I activate the codes in my third eye chakra to help me see, hear, and know beyond my physical senses.” ● “I activate the codes in my crown chakra to integrate the light of my soul within my body.”


Activating the codes is very similar to programming a computer except that after being created in our energy field, the codes need to be practiced. Just as learning in the brain requires repetition, information in the chakras requires repetition to become strong enough to last.

My first goal is to bring all my chakras into balance with my largest one. Next, I repair the synergy between the chakras. When you find a depleted chakra, weave it into the chakras before and/or after it. This can be done with a pendulum or by swirling your finger in a figure 8 over the two chakras.

Next, we want to measure and build the elements. Elements are the vibratory imprint of how we flow through life and are loosely translated into wood, water, metal, fire, and earth. The one most of us need to build is metal, which reflects our ability to change. With the rods we simply find our overall energy field, then ask them to show us the energy field of each element within our body. Build the low ones with the pendulum or the hand positions mentioned earlier.

It has been my experience in groups like the dowsing community that our upper chakras are very strong and our lower chakras are very weak. That's because we are very connected with the spiritual world but not so well integrated with the earth plane. We absolutely must connect with the energy of the earth to manifest our desires.

Look up the picture, Theologue, by Alex Gray. It shows you a man sitting on the earth being surrounded by the earth's Basic Grid. You also have this Basic Grid in your energy field. When your energy field is large, your Basic Grid is also large. This is how we send and receive information to and through the entire planet, perhaps even the entire universe. This is also why the earth is suffering so much. Too few people are connecting with her on a deep level by sending her appreciation and unconditional love. Instead, we are like parasites just feeding off of her. It is absolutely imperative

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 19 that we learn to connect with earth at a deeper level. Not only will she become stronger with our love, but we will also get what we wish to manifest as our connections to the world around us become larger.

It's all about connecting what has been disconnected! Using the measurement of your overall energy field to represent 100%, ask the rods to show you what percentage represents how well you are connecting your Basic Grid with the Basic Grid of the earth and build it with the techniques already mentioned.

Finally, put some of your paper money in a pile lining up all the bills in the same direction. Put your pendulum over the serial number and ask the pendulum to show you the direction of the vortex your money holds. In the beginning it will always spin counterclockwise. Many theories exist about why this is true. On the surface we can be sure there is a lot of negative energy around money. We don't think we're worthy of abundance, we think rich people are selfish, and so on. Regardless of the reason for this negative flow, we need to correct it. So again, holding your pendulum above the serial number, spin it clockwise holding the intention that the preexisting vortex of the cash be neutralized. After about one minute ask again for the pendulum to show you the direction of the vortex your money holds. This time the pendulum will remain still!

Step into your power.

Be persistent.

Keep working on it until it holds!

Chris Goin-Anderson, C.N.T. is a Certified Natural Therapist, Shaman, and the author of two books: Self-Healing Techniques to Bridge the Gap between Heaven Earth and Dowsing to Heal Body, Home and Earth. Chris may be reached at 573-746-0864 and

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 20 Letting Go of Distortions and Attachments in 3D Land

William Gee

For those of us who are small business owners, the Age of COVID has been particularly challenging. It has forced us to change the way we do our business in ways we could not imagine possible just a year ago. It has meant learning whole new ways of reaching out to customers and clients, it has meant navigating new government programs, and for many of us, it has meant a complete abandonment of our old business model in favor of an early retirement.

As a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Consultant, the Age of COVID has been hard on my business, but not devastating. Today, I see all of my clients on Zoom, I attend and teach at conferences and workshops in my basement office in front of a computer, and I have found myself with more time to read, write, and reinvent what it means to be an energy healer in what they are calling the “new normal.”

As I sit to write this article for all the good dowsers of the world, I thought I would set the intention for what I imagine we all want out of our businesses and our lives by coming up with a series of words that we could associate with what we would like to attract to ourselves. The words provided by my fellow SRT Practitioners are:

Income, Impact, Abundance, Prosperity, Power, Success, Nourishment, Evolve Positive, Destiny, Surrender, Connection, Raise Vibration, Trust, Light, and Gratitude.

I then asked SPIRIT to provide me with some guidance through the SRT charts as to how all of these intentions come together. The following three charts were indicated:

18 - Higher Level Blocks

Blocks from God Over Sun

4 - Programs, When & Cast of Characters (aka: Incarnational Influences)

Nothing specific came up here, but SPIRIT indicated that the theme is "Karma"

14 - Creating the Illusion

Other Souls Bonded to the Soul

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 21 The pattern that emerged was about the importance of letting go of the attachments we have to everything we may have held onto before in our lives, because all of those old attachments and beliefs are simply distortions of what is the true reality of the Universe and consciousness.

We are all guilty of holding onto unhealthy attachments to things on the physical dimension. After all, the physical dimension is where our conscious attention is currently focused, and it can be very difficult to let that go. However, I believe the one major lesson that 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is that what we believed to be real in the physical world is but a fraction of the totality of consciousness in the Universe, and that the more we try to hold onto our old paradigms of what we believed was real, the more likely we start to feel disconnected and lost as the new paradigm of the Great Awakening of humanity comes upon us.

The Higher Level Block of "Blocks from God Over Sun'' (Chart 18) illustrates this point quite well. SRT’s founder, Robert Detzler says, "when we incarnate in a solar system, the God over the sun in that solar system sets up blocks to wisdom and light so that we walk in darkness and ignorance as part of the learning process" (Soul Re-Creation, pg 130). All entities in creation share a common consciousness, both living things like plants, animals, and people, but also non-living things like rocks, gasses, and even whole planets that inhabit our physical reality. Our sun and all of the stars in our galaxy belong to this collective consciousness as well. In fact, there are many who believe that the entities that inhabit the stars are highly advanced beings who assist the Creator entity in creating the sandbox which we see as physical reality. When immortal souls come into physical existence, our collective memories are stripped down to a micro-fraction of the true perception of reality so that we may understand what it is to walk in darkness and seek the light-- when in reality, the light was there all along!

The mechanism for this journey from extreme ignorance to enlightenment is Karma. Specifically, the idea that what we do in each of our lifetimes in the physical incarnation either strengthens or weakens our quest to seek the light of SOURCE energy. This then creates a distortion of what it means to be connected to SOURCE to where we commit error after error, lifetime after lifetime, until we get to a point where it becomes difficult to see the light, or worse, we work really hard at what we believe is moving towards the light, when we are actually moving in the opposite direction!

This difficult journey is further confounded by our attachments to the other souls within our soul families and their attachments to us, or as Chart 14 calls it, "Other Souls Bonded to the Soul." Now we have an even more difficult task in finding the light because our actions and/or inaction can be either helped or hindered by those other souls who are bonded to us and vice versa. Further, we have no idea whether we are even traveling in the right direction due to the extreme narrowness of our perception of reality, so it is entirely possible we could be leading others down an incorrect path for them!

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 22 Before COVID-19, it was very easy for us to get caught up in the physical world. We had places to go, people to see, and trips to take. After COVID impacted the world, we had to seek new ways to connect with the world. For some, this was a time of grieving, in which we remained stuck in our old paradigms. For many of us, this was an opportunity to go within and to see the world around us for what it actually is. An illusion filled with little plays, and little dramas, and the more we see the dissonance of what is "real" versus what is "really real," we find ourselves looking more and more within ourselves and within universal consciousness for answers than at any other time in human history.

How this has manifested in my clients is an extreme need to let go of the needs of the past. This has included jobs that were not right for them, relationships that no longer work, and most important, the looping dramas and timelines that only lead us over the same path over and over again without getting us any closer to our highest and most creative destinies. In fact, during the lockdown, my wife and I started working on a new set of dowsing charts and protocols designed specifically to help our clients toward their most creative and fulfilling life direction, which I plan to present as a workshop at the next ASD Convention.

As Light Workers, Light Warriors, and Dowsers, who connect to the energies of our Mother Earth, it is important for us to let go of the things or ideas that leave us perpetuating our attachments to what was before, and embrace a new path that will lead us in a more creative direction. This requires further research and clearing of our karmic patterns through the work that we do, but as you do the work, you need to be clear of your expectations of what the words "success," "surrender," "trust," "light" etc., mean to you within the context of your physical incarnation. This may involve a complete re-invention of who you are, and you need to be okay with that, too.

The time of the next Great Awakening is upon us! Are you ready to let go of everything you thought you knew in order to see and commit to your highest creative self?

Thank you, SPIRIT!

William Gee is a certified SRT Consultant from Rutland, Vermont and author of Conscious Conduit: A User’s Guide to Ascension. He may be reached at 215-582-3539. Check out his VITAL Bioenergetics website at

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 23 What is Your Real Percentage Rate of Finding Water? James Douglas Gamble

I am a professional water dowser. I have found 429 water sources in California. I worked the area from Fort Bragg, working my way south, to Paso Robles. That was a lot of driving!

Occasionally, a client asks me what my success rate is for percentage of water dowsed. An old timer in the business said to always give myself a little bit of "wiggle room." Then I can "miss" a water source once in a while. I found that 92% was the agreed-upon number for water dowsers.

In truth, my "L-Rods," my "Y Rod," and my pendulum always told me exactly where the water was. They also told me everything I needed to know for my client. Unless a client called me and said that I was wrong, I never had to go back and dowse the property again. My dowsing was right on.

There were some "conditions" I addressed when dowsing, which most likely increased my percentage; sometimes there might be a slab of granite that needed to be pierced if the client was to get water from that source. This did not happen very often. However, after my first year I did check my pendulum to determine whether there was an obstruction in the drilling process. Another obstruction that came up was whether the water "down there" was inside clay. If the water was inside clay, the dowsing would confirm that there was water where I dowsed. But if the water was inside clay, it could not be pumped to the surface. If I dowsed water in clay, I needed to find another water source.

The question of my "percentage" of good water being pumped to the surface almost never came to be questioned. If it was still a question in the mind of the client, then it needed to be addressed for my own peace of mind.

The answer to this dilemma about the "percentage" finally came up at a farm in Salinas. I had dowsed that there was water for my client and it would produce 65 gallons a minute. I put a wooden stake where the optimum place to drill was. I also used my iPhone to determine the exact GPS of the place to drill. A week later the client called me to say that the well drilled by the water well driller was only producing 5 gallons a minute. I did not believe that and I got into my car and drove another three and a half hours to get back to that farm.

When I pulled into the farmer's land, the client was angry because of the poor quantity of water that he thought I dowsed. Then he and I walked up to the well site. When we got there, the same wooden stake was still where I pounded it in a week ago. The water well driller had decided that he

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 24 would get better water about 75 feet from where I put the stake in. Or he thought he would get to drill another well. The driller tried to blame me for getting only 5 gallons a minute.

When my client noticed that the well was drilled 75 feet from my stake, he made the driller do it again. When he drilled again where my stake was, he got the 65 gallons a minute.

It was then that I understood the "percentage of water found." Unless the client made sure the drilling was done where the dowser said the water was, the driller might set up the drill wherever he thought he could get his truck in.

If you Google water dowsing you will find some extremely negative information. One presenter on You Tube says that the dowser really cannot find water using a wand; that the dowser doesn't really know where the water is and he is only successful less than a third of the time.

On the other hand, the driller will tell the water prospect that he has been working this area of land for two generations and that he can find water most of the time without any help from "anyone else." Then the driller will show the prospect a contract of four sheets of paper, printed single spaced on both sides.

Usually, the prospect signs the contract without reading it all the way through. On the last page of the driller's contract there will be this paragraph: "No one knows where the water is most of the time. We can't guarantee that we will find water. We will do our best to find the water. However, we do get paid for drilling a hole. If we don't find water, you still have to pay us for the hole." Then the driller chooses a place to drill.

The water driller will keep on drilling random holes until finding water or until the client refuses to pay any more. In many instances, a prospect finds me after spending $30,000 for multiple dry holes. This is something that prospects must understand: Drillers get paid for drilling! The reason that water drillers do not like dowsers is not because they think we are witches, but because when there is a water dowser on the property, the driller only gets to drill one hole.

There are people who need a water well and will not use a water dowser. I suggest that they rewrite the contract with the driller to read that the driller is only paid for one hole regardless of how many holes the water driller has to drill.

Now we are back to where we started. The reason that we, the dowsers, don't have a 100% success ratio is because the driller comes in without telling the dowser, and they drill some place other than where the dowser put the stake. If you as the dowser have the time, you can be on site when and where the water driller makes his hole. You don't have to be there all day for the drilling to be finished. You just need to be there when they start the drilling, right where you tell them to drill. Then your percentage rate of successful water wells will be 100%. Every time!

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 25 James Douglas Gamble is a professional water dowser from the San Francisco area who trained with Shirley Runco in 2007 and has attended several West Coast Conferences. James has taken up “Ghost Whispering” and has written previous articles for the Digest: James may be contacted at [email protected].

You’ve Gotta Love the Irish

From Wayne Follett

Reprinted from Dowsers Society of NSW – March 2016 Page 25 article which originated from the Canadian Society of Quester, Spring 2003

This is the transcription of the ACTUAL radio conversation between the British and the Irish off the coast of Kerry, October 1998. Radio conversation released by the chief of naval operations, 10.10.98.

Irish: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.

British: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision.

Irish: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.

British: This is a Captain of a British Navy Ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Irish: Negative. I say again you will have to divert YOUR course.

British: This is the Aircraft Carrier HMS Britannia, the second largest ship in the British Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels.

I demand you change YOUR course 15 degrees north. I say again, that is 15 degrees north or counter measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

Irish: This is a lighthouse... Your call.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 26 Dowsing and the Power of Intention

Diane Marcotte

Reprint from Canadian Society of Dowsers website

In 2007, our birch tree was showing severe signs of stress. It appeared our beloved tree was infested with bronze birch borers which start at the top of the tree and eat their way down. Once a tree is infested, there is little to be done and death of the tree results.

Not willing to accept this, I decided to dowse for a solution. I had seen in an issue of the CSD journal an advertisement for “Tree Pipes.” These small pipes, about 4 or 5 inches long with a diameter of about 1 inch, were to be buried next to a tree that was in need of healing. Although I don’t usually use a man-made object for “holding my intent” (preferring a rock or even writing out my intent on a slip of paper), I decided to order one.

My intent in regards to our birch was that it be able to reject any further onslaught of the bronze birch borer. I believe that the future is not yet written and that there are many probable futures with each one occurring in different probable universes. It was my desire that the probable future where my tree lives for another few years would be in the universe I inhabit!

I like to use my bobber for this type of work. The movement of the bobber is an indicator of how well my intention is being infused into the tree pipe (by observing the strength of the circular movements) and of how long I need to continue. (The bobber will slow down and stop when the process is complete.)

When it was time to bury the tree pipe, a few questions came to mind. Where do I bury it? How deep do I bury it? What is the most beneficial orientation? More dowsing was in order. Starting at my front door with L-rods in hand, I asked for direction to the spot where it would be most beneficial to bury the tree pipe. The rods brought me to a spot about 6 feet to the right of the tree as seen from the street. Now it was time for my pendulum. Although I don’t remember just how deep I buried it, my standard protocol would be along the lines of “Five inches or more?” If I got a yes, then my next question would be “Ten inches or more?” If I got a no, then I would have called off the inches one by one starting at five and progressing towards nine until my pendulum changed its swing from its SEARCHING position to my YES position. Now, one last thing to consider: how do I orient the tree pipe? Using my pendulum again, I would have gone through all the possible positions. Vertical to the ground? Horizontal to the ground? Facing north, northeast, etc? Using a small trowel, I dug the hole

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 27 and placed the tree pipe as determined by my dowsing. All that remained to be done was to give thanks – confident that my intention was clear and that I could now leave it in the hands of spirit.

Our tree not only lived, but thrived – albeit slightly bedraggled – for another 4 years until the summer of 2011. In the spring of 2010, an off-shoot near the tree sprang up which survived the following winter. Was this little sapling healthy enough to replace our existing birch? The answer seemed to be yes, so with a heavy heart we hired a young chap to draw up a plan for new plant beds and to cut down our beloved birch tree. He removed the stump carefully so as not to disturb the young sapling. The soil was made ready for new plants and our front garden was revitalized.

I named the new little sapling “Sunshine.” One day shortly afterward as I was admiring the garden I realized that, in all the digging we had done preparing the soil and installing the new plants, the tree pipe had not been found. Thinking back to that day five years ago I realized just where the tree pipe is buried – directly beneath “Sunshine!”

Does intention work? You bet it does! Can dowsing strengthen the power of intention? Oh yes! It seems I had found not only the spot that would best hold my “intention” but also the best spot for our stressed mature tree to sprout forth anew.

Verification of our dowsing can come when we least expect it, bringing a little sunshine into our lives.

Copyright Diane Marcotte 2014. Diane has been dowsing since 1997 and was a Board member of the Canadian Society of Dowsers from 2001 to 2003. She taught dowsing to individuals and groups and could be reached at [email protected].

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 28 Putting the Kettle On: A Strategy For Trying Times

Melinda Iverson Inn

“I’ll put the kettle on.”

If you’re a British-drama fan, as I am, you’ll recognize this phrase and smile. It seems as if no matter what’s happening in a British film or TV episode about family, business, or global drama, tea is the one constant that brings the scene back to focus, calms the nerves, and gives everyone concerned time to think.

Putting the kettle on signals an attempt at finding a solution to the current problem—no matter what’s happening, once those onscreen know the kettle is on, everyone’s nervous system begins to settle down, and there’s a feeling that all will, eventually, be right with the world.

That may be somewhat of a simplified example, and yet, is it? In a film or on TV, where problems on the whole get wrapped up pretty quickly, preparing tea seems to be a kind of shorthand for coming together to noodle out the conundrum or to just sit with one another in support.

Putting the kettle on signals an attempt at finding a solution to the current problem—no matter what’s happening…

In my own way, I guess that I’m trying to put a “Global Kettle” on for all of us. I want to give us a metaphorical moment to pause, waiting for the water to boil, while in the meantime executing the soothing tasks of preparing the teapot and setting out the cups. How many cups do you think we’ll need for this current situation?

Well, just for now, let’s start with one actual cup of tea for you.

Allow the time in between the steeping and pouring to be that of breathing and sinking deeply into yourself. One of the beauties of tea is that it’s safe and neutral. It’s no accident that the Japanese have elevated its preparation into a ritual that verges on the spiritual.

When you’re pouring that hot liquid into your cup, your attention is focused, and you’re completely present, removed from all other situations. For that one moment, your mind is not wandering; you’re one with the action. With this moment of concentration, you’ve given yourself a reprieve from the constant chatter coming from inside your mind and from the outside world.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 29 When I say, “chatter,” I mean the fear-based thinking that’s either being fed to you through your physical senses or brought up internally by your psyche as a means of release. A moment of reprieve from that outside noise means that you have a bit of time to make friends with your inner world.

Surprisingly, when the monkey mind is tamed, focused, and quiet, it has great energy and power.

The outer chatter we’re all experiencing now is on a global scale, on a level that the Buddhists refer to as “monkey mind.” I see it as a state of being profoundly ungrounded. The trick of transcending monkey mind is to have the proper filter in place. To create such a filter, you need to find a stillness/mindfulness/meditation technique that works for you.

Here’s an excerpt from an article by Carolyn Rose Gimian: What is Monkey Mind

Meditation is a vehicle to tame monkey mind. By sitting simply, being present, following our breath, and labeling our thoughts, we entice the monkey to come down from the trees and rest. It takes repeated effort, but eventually monkey mind calms down.

Surprisingly, when monkey mind is tamed, focused, and quiet, it has great energy and power. Meditation teacher Chögyam Trungpa said that we might discover that the monkey is actually a gorilla—much more potent and expansive than we imagined. It might, in fact, be Buddhamind.

According to the latest brain research by Dr. Michael Gazzaniga, it’s also quite possible that the two halves of the brain can act independently, one side projecting fear and stress, and the other fully capable of making calm decisions and knowing that everything on a deep level is actually okay.

Perhaps the answer lies in offering your monkey mind, and all of the parts of your brain, a cup of tea, knowing we WILL get through whatever this is together.

If you have dowsed quite a bit, you may notice that as you pick up your dowsing tool and begin to set intention that the monkey mind quells. You settle into your objective mind, and your protocols naturally take over. Just the act of holding your pendulum in a ready position is like offering your brain a cup of tea.

Many Blessings, Melinda

Melinda Iverson-Inn is a dowser, intuitive & self-healing facilitator, founder of The Inn Method® for Clearing Unconscious Blocks and Soul Conversations With Kids®, MA Reiki Usui Method, Crystal Health Grids, and MA NLP & NLP Health Management. Melinda may be reached by email and website at [email protected] and

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 30 Does the Cook’s Intention Affect the Quality of the Food? Dean Radin With Permission, Reprint IONS May 5, 2020

Folklore around the world maintains that a cook’s intentions affect the quality of prepared foods and beverages. The act of blessing water, wine, and bread plays a central role in many religious rituals, and even in secular contexts the practice of offering good tidings with food or drink is universal. Are such beliefs mere superstitions, or as we approach Mother’s Day, do we find that mom’s chicken soup tastes better because it contains a spice missing from canned soup – the secret ingredient called love?

To study this question, we conducted a series of experiments investigating the effects of “blessing” food and water. These studies all used the gold standard design in clinical research: the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled protocol. This type of design is used to offset bias from the expectations of the investigators or the participants.

In one experiment, “Effects of Intentionally Enhanced Chocolate on Mood,” participants were asked to eat dark chocolate pastilles. Some were intentionally blessed by Buddhist monks and a Mongolian shaman. Some were from the same source but were not blessed. The results showed that participants eating the blessed chocolate reported significantly better mood as compared to those eating the control chocolate.

In a second study, “Metaphysics of the Tea Ceremony: A Randomized Trial Investigating the Roles of Intention and Belief on Mood While Drinking Tea,” participants were invited to drink tea blessed by Buddhist monks, or to drink the same tea that had not been blessed. The results showed that the group that drank blessed tea reported significantly improved mood. We also found an interesting interaction between people’s beliefs and the power of an intentional blessing. People who drank the blessed tea (they did not know which tea they were given) and believed that their tea was blessed had a much greater improvement in mood. People who drank the same blessed tea but did not believe it was blessed did not have as strong of an effect.

In another study, “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Effects of Intentionally Treated Water on Growth of Arabidopsis Thaliana Seeds with Cryptochrome Mutations,” water was blessed by Buddhist monks to see if seeds hydrated by that water would show enhanced growth compared to non-blessed water from the same source. The plants germinated by blessed water resulted in

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 31 significantly healthier plants, as measured by the length of the seedling’s stem and amounts of chlorophyll and anthocyanin in the plant. A recent follow-up experiment, “Effects of Intentionally Treated Water and Seeds on the Growth of Arabidopsis Thaliana,” again showed that blessed water resulted in enhanced plant growth.

The bottom line is that beneficial intentions do seem to influence both subjective responses to and objective measurements of food and beverages. Check it out yourself. The next time you prepare a meal or beverage for someone, add the secret spice of loving intention, and watch the results.

Dean Radin, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences ( and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and the author of many books and articles regarding consciousness research. IONS is the organization’s publication.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 32 Dowsers with their Tools

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 33 Sponsor Ads

Dale Miller Dowsing Devices 919-414-5040

Lost Objects, Water Sources, Map Dowsing Requests

Please visit my website: at

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 34 JOIN THE ASD




WEBSITE ADS are also available

Join Alicja Centre of Well-Being, Sohia Johanson, Acoustic Therapeutix, Music Apothecary, Dale Miller and Kim Williamson in being a 2021 ASD Website Sponsor. Or join Robert Thomason ([email protected]) here on the Digest pages.

For only $150.00 for a full year, support ASD programs and operations while promoting your business with a sponsor ad on the ASD website that links directly to your business website. It’s like an invitation to your personal storefront. Contact ASD Headquarters at 802-684-3417 for more information and to sign up. This opportunity will also include a link to your business here on our NEW Digital Digest! Give it a click!

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 35 Submissions and Rights to Publish

The ASD is a non-profit, educational and scientific society open to all interested people. The American Dowser, its quarterly digest (a.k.a. the Digest) is an open forum where the full range of dowsing theories, ideas, techniques, applications, and personal experiences are presented for consideration and discussion. Authors’ views are personal and bear no official stamp of approval or acceptance by ASD.

As an academic journal, we do not consider articles promoting individuals, their businesses, modalities or client testimonials. Insights and stories based upon dowsers’ experiences are welcome. The Editorial Team offers suggestions to authors on how to increase article interest, clarity, and brevity. Major changes must be approved by the author before publication. Published articles may be archived and posted on the member’s website. They may also be reprinted by other dowsing journals with whom we have reciprocal arrangement. Authors retain all other rights to their work. If an author’s article has previously appeared in print or online, please provide a written permission to reprint to the Editorial Team at the time of submission.

Please provide a short bio and contact information along with a personal high-resolution headshot and any relevant digital photos. Send your manuscript and images as attachments to [email protected], with ASD Digest (and your title) in the subject bar. A typed or legibly handwritten submission may be sent by mail to Editors, ASD, PO Box 24, Danville, VT 05828.

Deadline to submit: We are collecting material for future publications now.

If interested in advertisement space in our monthly e-mailed newsletters, quarterly Digest, or website, please contact the Bookstore Manager at [email protected].

ASD member items available on the website:

ASD Mission Statement ASD Policy: Healing Disclaimer Code of Ethics


We hoped you enjoyed this issue of The American Dowser.

Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 36 ASD BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ POLICY STATEMENT ON HEALING

Whereas Authority for the existence and incorporation of ASD flows from its Articles of Association granted by the State of Vermont, which Articles cannot and do not authorize legally as a corporate purpose the practice of diagnosis or healing or their promotion or sponsorship; and whereas under Vermont Statute “Medicine and Surgery”, Chapter 23, T. 26 Sec. 1311-12 and 1314, anyone who practices medicine “by any system or method,”including those of “faith cure,” “laying on of hands” and “mind healing” (excepting practice of the religious tenets of one’s church), “shall be deemed a physician or practitioner of medicine or surgery” and shall require licensing by the State of Vermont, or be subject to prosecution, the following policy has been adopted by your Board of Trustees:

Members of the Society wishing to diagnose or heal are notified they do so, not as members of ASD, but personally, and at their own risk, and subject to the interpretation of the laws of their own State and the Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act passed by the U.S. Congress, which makes it a felony to diagnose or heal without a license, and with the interstate use of an instrument or device.

Defense against prosecution by a State or the Federal Government could be a consuming, costly affair, and members cannot be entitled to legal or financial support from ASD for what may be an illegal act.

Members who wish to write or talk on bodily diagnosis or treatment, on the other hand, are entitled to do so under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees them freedom of speech; in view of ASD’s position, however, they may not hold themselves out, in so doing, as representing ASD in any way, but rather as presenting a personal position.

Requests coming from a licensed medical doctor in this country should be considered in the context of applicable law, and at the member’s own risk. It is pointed out that requests originating with a doctor outside the country, who is not duly licensed in the U.S., constitutes such a risk.

The question of the legality of discussion or treatment of radiation detrimental to health turns on whether one is holding oneself out as curing disease; it is noted that it would be attempted by a prosecuting attorney to show that this was done by a system or method that was prohibited.


Top The American Dowser Vol. 60, Issue No. 1- Winter 2020-2021 page 37