History of the Army Ground Forces. Study Number 25. the Airborne Command and Center
THE AIRBORNE COMMAND AND CENTER All" i ,,1, Study No. 25 <I ELECTE HistoCal Section. Amy Grond Forea 1946 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED DISTRIBUTION A *_-..j . - . *, -.. - -. .- ;,--. .,C . - . -C .c- • .- - - ;, - . ;: • •,-r-e..-,.- .. -.. -; .' .. ..... .'-...... .• .: . .*; . - . ; . '.' ."...-•. - , '• ,•.. : '..'. •P- .-. .' ' '- . .. -. .- * -_ .- - .-. _ . * .. ..-.-.,. .-.-.... * *. - ., *-- . -- .- -.- . .- -. ..- . .. ...- - .. - *-%---- ... P. _ --. •• .*•....... ... ,..................-. ~-.---...-.-.-. ..-..-.- The Army Ground Forces THE AIRBORNE COMMAND AND CENTER "S.' Study No. 25 jCo•%j B~y to~ IA. CoL. John T. Ellis Jr. -' .................. HistoricThSection - Arry Ground Forces 1946 7 S- - - - -- - - -- - - WASHIEGW 25, D. C. 314•.7( Sept 19Wi6)(UI 1 September 19115 SUBMET: Stud:ies In the History of Aug Ground Forces TO: All Interested Agencies 1. The history of the Amy Ground Forces as a cumand was prepared during the course of the war and cupleted imneddiate! thereafter. The studies prepared in Headquarters Amy Ground Forces, were written by professional historians, three of whcm served as camissioned officers, and one as a civilian. The histories of the subordinate co s were prepared by historical officers, who except in Seccid AnW, acted as such in addition to other duties. 2. Frcm the first, the history was designed primarily for the Army. Its object is to give an account of what was done from the point of view of the caman preparing the history, including a candid, and factual account of difficulties, mistakes recognized as 6=ch, the mans by which, In the opinion of those concerned, they mdiht have been avoided, the measures used to overco•e then, and the effectiveness of such measures. The history is not intended to be lavdatory. 3- The history of the Anv Ground Forces is ccupoeed of monographs an the subJecta selected, and of two volumee In which an overalI history is presented.
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