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3-1994 Regis University Magazine Vol 3 No 3 Spring, 1994

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Perspective ...... 3

Alumni Make a Difference ...... 4

Family Tradition ...... 6

The Fall of 1968 ...... 6

Estate Planning Council ...... 7

New Trustees ...... 8

Regis Regents ...... 8

President's Dinner ...... 9

Alumnews ...... 10

Classnotes ...... 11

Michael f. Sheeran, S.]. REGIS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE is published four times a year by the Office of Pub­ President lic Affairs at Regis University, 3333 Regis Boulevard 80221. It is the official news Robert L. Schmitz, '73 magazine of Regis University. Vice President for Development and Public Affairs Regis University is one of 28 Jesuit institutions of higher education in the United Paul Brocker States. The University serves more than 1,100 students in its four-year program on Associate Vice President for the main campus, while its undergraduate and graduate degree programs Public Affairs for adults serve more that 7,600 students in Boulder, Denver, Loveland, Colorado Jeff Sheppard, '90 Springs, Western Slope communities, Sterling, Colorado; and Cheyenne and Gillette, Director of Publications Wyoming. Lynn Gassman, '91 Manager of Media Relations Becky Zachmeier, '94 Photo Editor Lisa Greco, '94 Student Workship

2 • Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 umni Association Important to Regis Future

s I reflect on the changes led us to a decision that re­ job opportunities. There are social growth and progress structuring was essential if the As­ events and area clubs in a number the Regis University sociation was to continue to serve of cities throughout the country. Alumni Association the growing Alums can help Regis in a has experienced over alumni con­ variety of ways. There are theA past decade, I believe the basis V\tJth the restruc­ stituencies. area receptions throughout of that success is "commitment," the That process turing of the the country for alumni and University's continuing commit­ led us to ex­ Alumni Associa­ hosts are needed. There ment to the intellectual, spiritual pand board tion, we want all of are college nights through­ and social growth of the alumni and membership out the country where the alums continuing commitment in order to our alumni to feel Regis alums can represent to the welfare of the University. The provide full welcome. We need the University and share viability and strength of Regis Uni­ representa­ your participation their experiences with pro­ versity and the Alumni Association tion for the spective students. There are dependent on one another. many new and your ideas. are summer send-offs for The University's commitment to groups of Your input and new students in various ar­ the Alumni Association has been graduates. involvement are eas of the country. But the critical to its growth and success. We also devel­ list is longer than I want The University has provided the oped board essential. Regis' to cover here. It's easy to Alumni Association with the re­ subcommit­ commitment to us find out how to get in­ sources to provide social, educa­ tees to focus did not stop when volved no matter what tional and spiritual opportunities to on and better your interest or the con­ its members. The Alumni must give serve the di­ we left Regis and stituency you represent. back to the University in terms of verse interests our commitment to Just call the Alumni Office time, talent and treasury. The rela­ and needs of Regis should not at Regis. tionship between the alumni and the the Regis Uni­ Unlike many University is mutually beneficial. versity have stopped Alumni Associations The Association, over the last alumni. when we com­ around the nation, Regis decade, has had to mirror the With the pleted our educa­ University does not charge changes in the University itself. restructuring a fee for membership. When With each new graduating class, the of the Alumni tion. you complete your educa­ Alumni Association has endeavored Association, tion at Regis, you become a to ensure all felt welcome and their we want all of member of the Association. interest represented. our alumni to feel welcome. We The one thing that has become The first major change was in need your participation and your clear to me over my years of involve­ the late 60's and early 70's when ideas. Your input and involvement ment at Regis is this. The long-term Regis moved to coeducational status. are essential. Regis' commitment to viability of Regis University is cen­ Next came the introduction of the us did not stop when we left Regis tered in its alumni. Regis' strong adult education program in the and our commitment to Regis should image, in large part, has been shaped School for Professional Studies; just not have stopped when we com­ by us. We are the Regis product. Our a few years ago we welcomed the pleted our education. involvement and support helps keep alumni of Loretto Heights and today Opportunities for participation that image strong. And that is good we welcome nursing students. have increased and involvement is for all of us. The cumulative effect of these growing. Alumni may audit classes at marginal fees. There are Bill Fortune '69 opportunities for network­ Chairman, Regis University Alumni by Bill Fortune ing for those seeking new Association. Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 • 3 ·· ······· ··· ·· ····· · ·· ·· ······ • ········ · · ········· ·· ···· · ···

s the number of alumni at

Regis University continues to "It was really tough to go grow at an exciting rate, the cur- out and try and find out information about a ca­ rent 19,000 active alumni of the reer without a network to support me. I wanted to change that for other University are truly making a dif- Regis students and make the process easier. The ference in important ways. VVith Alumni Career Network gave me the opportunity the help of the Development Of- to give back to other Regis students." fice, Admissions and Career Ser- Gary Fox vices, an extensive network is set

up through the class representa-

tive program, volunteers at out-

of-state college nights and fairs ,

and alumni as resources to cur-

rent students and graduates.

4 o Regis University Magazine o Spring 1994 here are many volunteer nearly impossible to send an admissions · pate in the process of choosing the opportunities for Regis counselor to every one. Enter Regis alum- : right or university. alumni throughout the nus, Mary Jo Acke '90, and other alumni · ther volunteer oppor­ country," explained Joanne like her who come to the rescue and vol- : tunities include visits Hector, Director of unteer at college nights all over the coun- · to local high schools Alumni/Parent Relations. try. "I had a very positive experience at : to update college In the early 1980's the class rep­ Regis as an undergraduate. I'm able to · counselors about resentative program was established give the prospective students a different : Regis and hosting receptions for the and has been successful with its cur­ perspective of Regis. I'm a living and · summer send off program. During the rent number of class reps at 95. The breathing example of a Regis graduate : early months of summer, alumni host program develops cohesiveness and and what a Jesuit education can offer," · summer send-offs for incoming fresh­ identity for each class. Rich Swan '79 said Mary Jo. men, transfer students and their par­ has been a class ents. The receptions are de­ representative for signed to allow students the past six years. from the same area to get to His past experi­ know one another prior to ences at Regis are leaving for Regis. what keep him Alumni are not only corning back. ''I'm a reaching other alumni and class rep because it prospective students, they reminds me of my also support current students wonderful carefree through the Alumni Career times and life-long Network administered friends I made at through the Career Center. Regis and to give The Network enables Regis back to the institu­ students to contact alumni in tion that helped the working world. Students form the person I utilize the informational in­ am today." terview process when talking ''I'm successful with Regis alumni, who give because of Regis; students information about therefore, I want to the current job market, trends, help Regis become how they got to where they more successful. are and information about One of the ways I their job field. can accomplish Gary Fox, RZ '88 remem­ this is through the bers what it was like when class rep program," he was changing his career. expressed Rich. "It was really tough to go Class representa­ out and try to find informa- tives serve as per­ l,.______. tion about a career without sonal liaison to a network to support me. I their classmates and the activities of also adds that when pro- wanted to change that for other Regis the University. They are the principal spective students hear that · students and make the process easier. force behind the volunteer efforts and is an alumnus, they fig- : The Alumni Career Network gave me fundraising success of their class. she can give them the · the opportunity to give back to other Not only do alumni extend a help­ "true scoop" and she feels : Regis students," said Fox. Gary also ing hand to other alumni, they're also those shared stories can really connect · helps students prepare for interviews busy connecting with future prospects the students and make or break the de- : by looking over their resume, helping to Regis University. The Regis volun­ cision to attend Regis. with interviewing skills and making teer program is administered through The Admissions Office doesn't : sure the students are asking the right the Admissions Office of the Univer­ stop at college nights. They also en- · questions. sity. Alumni can participate in various list alumni to help them follow up : "The Regis alumni who are val­ ways. Each year the Admissions Office with congratulatory phone calls to · unteering their time and talent are a receives invitations to numerous col­ accepted students. The purpose is to : real part of the Regis success story," lege night/fair programs. provide the personal touch that is so · Hector pointed out. "They are truly With the numbers so large, it is important to students as they partici- : making a difference."

Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 • 5 Regis Becoming a Family Tradition The Fall of196B

egis University looks from campus after hours. But the The fall semester of 1968 marked more and more like an real plus of being at Regis was mak­ a momentous occasion in the history extended family as ing life-long friends," recalls of Regis University, creating a season generations are passing Dalpes. of growth that would alter the image shared visions The faculty certainly made a of the college forever. and values while establishing bonds lasting impression on Dalpes, as he As male enrollments dropped during World War II, other American in the Jesuit tradition. The legacy of reflects, "Fr. Boyle was brilliant, he Jesuit institutions began going coed. Regis is alive and well through fam­ inspired me to major in English and By 1967, Regis President Fr. Richard Fr. Daly was the only teacher who ily lineage. F. Ryan, S.J., was wrestling with the ever made math make sense." He "I felt strongly that it was a Je­ coeducational decision. suit institution and that would en­ shares this opinion of enjoying the Under doctor's orders, Fr. Ryan sure my daughter of a quality educa­ excellent and involved faculty at was instructed to take a six-month tion with the broad-based, liberal arts Regis with his son Mark. leave in the spring of 1967. In his curriculum," reasoned Stanley "I chose Regis because of the absence, Fr. Frederick Daly, S.J. was Ereckson, Jr., '69 upon encouraging reputation of smaller private appointed acting president. Michelle, '97, to attend Regis. schools," explained Mark Dalpes, Women had been taking classes As Senior VP/General Counsel of '96, a Business Administration and at Regis for some time, but were never Vicorp Restaurants, Inc. in Denver, Communications major and mem­ considered full-time students and Ereckson recalls his fondest memo­ ber of the Lacrosse team. "I enjoy were not allowed to reside on cam­ ries at Regis as time spent in the Stu­ the strong athletic programs at Regis pus. In 1967 Fr. Daly approved space dent Center during the lunch hours. and the support the University pro­ in the Regis dorms for female stu­ "I found Regis to be an excellent vides to athletes." Mark noted that dents. When the all-Jesuit Board of school, it served me well for what I his decision to attend Regis was not Trustees met in the spring of 1967, ended up doing." as influenced by his father's alumni they voted unanimously to admit Understanding the needs of his status as by "the fact that my older women to Regis as full-time students daughter and knowing the atmo­ brother Paul was already at Regis." beginning in the fall of 1968. sphere and personal concern for stu­ Paul Dalpes, '94, a Business Ad­ This academic year, 1993 - 94, marks the 25th anniversary of women dents at Regis, Ereckson felt, "it was ministration major and Communi­ at Regis. To celebrate this memorable a perfect size school for her." cations minor, plays beside his event, a "Celebration of Women" was brother Mark on the Lacrosse team, Michelle, who is the second floor held on the Regis Lowell Campus. wing rep of DeSmet Hall, chose Regis and is also the representative for the During a panel luncheon on because "the students seemed to re­ REACH program. Both sons share March 2nd, Katie Conroy Nichols ally care about school, but they also in the athletic involvement that (Class of 1972), Connie Keough (the knew how to have a good time." Fol­ their father once had at Regis. Paul first Regis Dean of Women), Penny St. lowing in her father's footsteps, also has active leadership positions John (Class of 1973) and Dr. Janay Michelle concentrates her studies in on campus, including being an RA Downing (Associate Professor of En­ the same fields of Psychology and So­ in DeSmet last year, assisting new glish) recalled some of the experi­ ciology. students as part of the SAINTS, and ences they encountered as the first The liberal arts curriculum also currently serving as an Associate women stepped into the dormitories appealed to Daniel Dalpes, '63, Justice for the Judicial Board. The to attend Regis College as full-time Owner/Broker of Alpine Realty & brothers also have extended family students. Land Co. in Idaho Springs, Colorado. relations, with their cousins Joe and "They didn't know exactly what "I believe in a broad-based rather Pete Galmish on campus. to do with us the first year we were than a specialized education, and I "I enjoy the community atmo­ here," Nichols says. "The dorm situ­ feel that Regis provides a good back­ sphere at Regis. Everybody knows ation was definitely set up for men. ground for living life." each other and is very friendly and There were urinals in all of our bath­ Dalpes recalled some of his own the open and caring faculty help in rooms and maybe one bathtub on the experiences at Regis. "I remember the adjustment to college life," Paul whole floor. "We were allowed to wear only climbing the water tower at Loretto said. As a senior, he reflects back skirts to class and to the cafeteria. We Heights and painting Regis on it and on his years at Regis, "I am glad I could wear slacks in our dorm, but another time getting a letter sent came here. At Regis, I learned a lot not shorts." home from Fr. Karst, saying we about life, matured, and made many Nichols told the audience how (which included his twin brother lasting friendships." the 39 female freshman had trouble Denny, '63) had 'absented ourselves'

6 o Regis University Magazine o Spring 1994 fitting in with the 1200 male students. "The seniors were not happy that we were there," she said. "Once my date and I were double-dating with another student who was going with a girl from Loretto Heights. As we went to pick her up I had to duck down in the car on their campus so that Loretto girls didn't see me." Connie Keough, the first Dean of Women at Regis and the one who really bore the brunt in this transformation, was also a speaker at the luncheon. "I remember getting locked into the dorms every night with the girls," Keough told the crowd, "and I don't The members of the Regis University Estate Planning Council met recently in the mean we locked the doors. Someone President's Dining Room in Carroll Hall, site of the historic meeting between Pope fohn else would lock the door and walk Paul II and President Bill Clinton. Left to right, they are: Robert f. Boland '48, M. away with the key!" Edward Timmins '46, Fredric H. Bender, William T. Diss, '50 and f. Michael Farley '54. ''A student came up to me and asked me to sign a petition to get him Estate Planning Council Guides and his six other running mates on the ballot for student government," Growth of Planned Gifts remembers Penny Dempsey St. John Under the guidance of the Regis Ignatian Society, which recognizes '73. "I looked at the names, which University Estate Planning Council, those who have included Regis in were all male, and told him I wouldn't planned gifts to the University have their estate plans. sign it. He didn't have a clue as to shown a dramatic increase. Over the Representing estate and tax law, why." Penny walked away from that last three years, expected commit- accounting, trust management and incident knowing that she would run ments from alumni, parents and insurance, the members of the Coun­ for student government. In 1972-73 friends have grown by more than cil offer a wealth of professional ex­ she was elected president of the stu­ $2.5 million. These gifts include be- perience to the planned-giving effort. dent body and was the first female to quests, gift annuities, charitable "Their support and expertise is in­ ever hold an office in Regis' govern­ trusts and life insurance policies. valuable as we strive to build the ment. Planned giving is an integral part endowment of Regis University," After the women students began of the University's fund-raising pro- said Regis University President to arrive, it was obvious that more gram, with Council Chairman Bill Michael J. Sheeran, S.J. women faculty members were Diss '50 serving as a member of the For more information about in­ needed. Dr. Janay Downing was hired Board of Trustees Development and eluding Regis University in your es­ in the Fall of 1969. "It took the faculty that was here Public Affairs Committee. The tate plans, please complete and re­ time to get used to having women in Council also helped organize the turn the coupon. their classrooms," says Downing, "but ,------, after the initial shock, they liked the Christopher J. Wurster, Director of Planned Giving change." Regis University, 3333 Regis Bonlevard, Denver, Colorado 80221-1099 The Class of 1972 paved a du­ rable path for other Regis women NAME ------PHONE ------to follow, confirming that the de­ ADDRESS ______cision made in the fall of 1968 was a good one. CITY/STATE/ZIP______Later that evening, Judge Celeste CdeBaca '80 was the keynote speak­ D Please send me information about including Regis in my estate planning. er at a gathering celebrating 25 years D Please send me information about the Ignatian Society. of women at Regis. She spoke on her experiences as an undergraduate at Regis has not previously been notified of my planned gift. I have made a recent Regis. provision through: D My will D Trust arrangement D Life insurance policy L------~ Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 • 7 Regis Elects New Trustees

During its Colorado State Univer­ last meeting the Regis sity and his M.D. from University Board of the University of Colo­ Trustees elected three rado School of Medi­ new members to the cine. Dr. Washington board. and his wife, Billye Faye, reside in Castle Rock, REVEREND PAUL Colorado with their two LOCATELLI, S.J. children. Father Locatelli is the Rev. Paul Reginald Louis fohn P. Box '68 president of Santa Locatelli, S.f. Washington,M.D. JOHN P.UACK) BOX Clara University. In Mr. Box is president/ 1974, he joined the ac- CEO of Frederick Ross counting faculty at Santa Clara, tion of Independent California Col­ Company and one of Denver's most served as associate dean for the busi­ leges and Universities and is vice­ respected commercial real estate ness school and Academic Vice chair of the Association of Jesuit practitioners. He has been presi­ President. Fr. Locatelli holds a bach­ Colleges and Universities. dent since 1988 and joined elor's degree in accounting from Frederick Ross in 1975. Box was Santa Clara University, a doctorate named the Denver Board of REAL­ of business administration with an REGINALD LOUIS WASHING­ TORS Commercial Salesperson of emphasis in accounting from the TON, M.D. the Year in 1980, 1984, 1985 and University of Southern California Dr. Washington is Vice President of 1989. He earned his bachelor of sci­ and a master of divinity from the Je­ Rocky Mountain Pediatric Cardiol­ ence degree in business adminis­ suit School of Theology in Berkeley. ogy and Associate Clinical Professor tration from Regis College in 1968. He entered the Jesuit Order in 1962 in the Department of Pediatrics at the He is vice chairman of ONCOR In­ and became a C.P.A. in 1965. Cur­ University of Colorado Health Sci­ ternational, serves on the rently he serves on the Board of ences Center. Dr. Washington is cur­ Archdiocesan Advisory Council Trustees at Saint Louis University, rently on the Board of Directors of and the Board of Trustees at St. the National Catholic Bishops and the National American Heart Asso­ Mary's Academy. Mr. Box and his Presidents' Committee, the Commis­ ciation, the National Council on Pa­ wife, Vicki, make their home in sion for Minority Education of the tient Information and Education, Littleton, Colorado with their five American Council of Education and American Heart Association of Colo­ children. In addtion to serving as the Accounting Education Change rado and the Cleo Parker Robinson a board member, Mr. Box is also Commission. He also chairs the Ex­ Dance Ensemble. He received his currently the Chairman of theRe­ ecutive Committee of the Associa- bachelor of science degree from gents of Regis University.

~ Regents of Regis University Announced by Board of Trustees 1 The Regis University Board The Regents are charged The Regents of Regis Univer­ of Trustees has authorized the with developing a critical sity were inaugurated the creation of a national advisory understanding of the Univer­ weekend of March 25th with board, the Regents of Regis sity, helping the University a meeting held in conjunction University. Men and women plan the course it will follow with the Board of Trustees with special expertise repre­ into the twenty-first century, meeting and the annual senting a cross section of and serving as a public President's Dinner. It is antici­ civic, corporate, geographic sounding board for the long­ pated the Regents will meet and educational backgrounds range goals and objectives of formally at Regis once a year. have been asked to serve. the University.

8 • Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Byrne Trustee Dick '57 and Dorothy Campbell Mike and Pat Glinsky. Mike is a Re­ gent and Team Leader for the Busi­ ness and Industry Program.

Trustee Father Leo Weber, S.f., with Trustee Laura '78 and Rick '78 McGrath Regent Tom '70 and Susan Quadracci

Father Ed Maginnis, S.f., Trustee Jack '68 and Vicki LH '68 Box. Jack is and Regent Ed Boyce the Chairman of the Regents of Regis.

Regent Steve '60 and Donna Telatnik Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 • 9 Standing, L to R: Michael Sheeran, S.f., Paula and Bill Gallup, Art Scherr '35, Pete Louree '90, Peggy (Gladbach) Louree '92, William O'Leary, S.f. '50, Shawn Tassone '89. Dennis '62 and Jean (Kuebel) '63 Uf McDaniel with Fa­ Seated, L toR: Julie Ford '90, Tracy and Hannah Tassone. ther Mike Sheeran at the reception the McDaniels hosted The Gallups, parents of Sean '95, recently hosted there­ for the Saint Louis Regis family ception in Omaha, Nebraska.

Ellie (McNary) Knapke '68 LH, Regis President Michael Sheeran, and Rich Knapke '67 in Kansas City. The reception hosted by the Knopkes drew over 130 Regis alumni, parents and friends in the KG area. Rich and Ellie, both alums, are also parents offeff'93, Julie '94 and Ben '97.

Alumni who participated in Alumni Basketball Night: First row, L to R: Doug Farley '81, foe Quadhamer '93, Wil Alston '85, Adam Simental '88, Mike Glorioso '73, Rich Schraeder '69. Second row, L to R: Paul Bergman '71, Bill Trainor '68, Danny Newton '91, Errol Sango '81, Rob Kinnard '91, Bruce Thomas '93, Jon Rapp '65, Bill Shanley '71, Tony DuCros '76, Wes Horton '91 . Alumni and their families totaling more than 650 returned to the Regis Field House to watch the alumni teams play prior to the regularly scheduled Ranger game.

10 • Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 TU = Traditional Undergraduate MA = Master of Community Leadership Rl = RECEP- Colorado Springs UW = University Without Walls R2 = RECEP Denver FZ = Fitzsimons MB = Master of Business Administration LH = Loretto Heights MS = Master of Science in Management RS = Regis Sterling HR = Health Records Information Management NU =Nursing

most of the year in Scottsdale, Ari­ coaching for executives and manag­ in Northern Virginia. His wife, Jill, is REGIS UINVERSITY zona. They do get back to Wisconsin ers in major corporations such as an RN at Fairfax Hospital; son, Brian often to see their 7 children and 11 AT&TandffiM. 22 is a senior at George Mason Uni­ 1939 grandchildren. versity; daughter, Beth 20, is a junior Charles Brittan, TU, is a semi­ 1963 at the University of Virginia in retired general agent for Ohio National 1956 Theodore Benavidez, TU, re­ Charlottesville. Life Insurance Company. He and his Mick Schafbuch, TU, recently tired in August 1992 from Samsonite wife, ]anne spend some time travel­ was named broadcaster of the year by Corporation after 42 years of service. 1968 ing each year. He also enjoys golf, and the Oregon Association of Broadcast­ He was manager of National Ac­ Michael Eiseman, TU, sold his reading and his six grandchildren. ers. He is vice president ofKOIN-TV counts-Credit and Accounts Receiv­ business in Chicago and retired to His oldest grandson is at the Air Force in Portland. able. McKinney, Texas. Academy. Dan Dalpes, TU, reports that the 1957 real estate business is great in the 1969 1943 Robert Gottschalk, TU, is presi­ Colorado mountains west of Denver. James Fitzgerald, TU, is execu­ James Hoare, TU, writes, "My dent, International Association of Fairs Sons, Paul and Mark will graduate tive editor at St. Martin's Press. His wife and I enjoyed our visit to Regis and Expositions for 1993. He has been from Regis University in 1994 and oldest daughter is in college in Bos­ in May 1993 for my 50th Class Re­ employed by the State of Kansas as 1996; Molly attends Whitworth Col­ ton studying theater. Jim is working union. I was impressed and pleased General Manager of the Kansas State lege in Spokane, Washington; Katie is with luminaries such as Leni to see so many of my classmates. I Fair since 1974. a 93 graduate of Knox College in Riefenstahl, Ice-T, Johnny Rotten and was also pleased to find my book "The Galesburg, lllinois; Julie 16, Maggie Roy Rogers on their respective books. Electrochemistry of Oxygen" in the 1958 14, Jim 10, and Monica 6 keep the Dennis Moroney, TU, was ap­ Regis Library. Chuck Graham, TU, retired in cash flowing. Life is great! God pro­ pointed to the Milwaukee County Cir­ June of 1992 after 30 years with Paine vides. cuit Court Branch 20 by Governor 1949 Webber. Francis X. Mondragon, TU, re­ Tommy Thompson. He will run un­ George Detennan, TU, after 13 Ray Nass, TU, retired as presi­ tired from the University of California, opposed in the spring 1994 elections years of teaching in rural schools, is dent/chairman ofJoems Healthcare af­ Berkeley on November 1, 1992 after 21 for a full six-year term. now with Midwest Apiaries fashion­ ter 32 years. He is currently CEO for years of service in the Financial Aid Daniel Smith, TU, has a daugh­ ing wax blocks- a by-product of honey Apollo Corporation and president of Office. Positions held were: Acting ter, Jarni, who is a freshman at Regis. extraction. National Healthcare Products Corpo­ Director, Associate Director and Assis­ Thomas Gargan, TU, founding ration, two small healthcare manufac­ tant Director. 1971 Chairman of the Serra Trust Fund for turers. He is a director for BankOne C. James Saavedra, TU, is now Tom Wodniak, TU, hosted The Vocations, stepped down from that in Stevens Point, Wisconsin; Schier) a senior vice president, Commercial Doctor Tom Ninth Annual United Ce­ position on July 1,1993. He had been Companies; Heineman's Restaurant in Banking Group, at Union Bank in San rebral Palsy Benefit in Chicago on Feb­ Chairman since the beginning of the Milwaukee; Junior Achievement; Francisco. ruary 10, 1994. Proceeds go to U.C.P. Trust Fund in 1985. The Trust Fund Viterbo College in LaCrosse and co­ Endowment Fund. Tom is a dentist financially assists those men and chair for the Stevens Point Catholic 1964 in the Chicago area. women who are in formation for the Schools Capital Campaign. He and Tom Kojis, TU, has been a priesthood and religious life for or his wife, Mary Uoerns) '59 LH, have United Methodist pastor for 10 years. 1972 from the Archdiocese of Denver. six grandchildren. His wife, Jean, is a Psychologist. Their Dale Gardner, TU, successfully George Mueller, TU, retired 20 year old daughter, Jan, is in a the­ completed the 1993 Iditayak kayak from the insurance field after 40 years. 1959 ater program in New York. Kyung is race. Known as "the world's greatest He and his wife, Dee, are traveling RV Kenneth Lane, TU, retired in 18 years old and a senior at Brown wilderness ocean kayak race," the 110 style and enjoying retirement very 1990 as a biology teacher at East Den­ Deer High in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. mile route runs from Pelican, Alaska much. ver High School. Several years before through Ice Straits to Juneau. retirement he began to take seminary 1965 Michael McFadden, TU, has 1950 courses and in November 1991, was George Bruno, TU, retired from joined Hagler, Bailly, Inc. utility ser­ Robert Druding, TU, just re­ ordained a priest [after a year as dea­ Bell System after 27 years; retired as vices department as a principal. turned from Maui, Hawaii and it was con) in the Polish National Catholic president of Teleport Denver after 6 Hagler Bailly is an international man­ great to see my alma mater as host to Church which has recently entered a years and is now a consultant to the agement consulting firm that special­ the recent visit of Pope John Paul II status of limited intercommunion communications industry. He and his izes in the fields of energy and the on national television. with the Roman Church. He is assis­ wife enjoy traveling and being with environment. John Gleason, TU, moved to tant pastor at St. Francis of Assisi Pol­ their children. James "Larry" Bailey, TU, is a Texas in 1979 as manager of compen­ ish National Catholic Church in Den­ Darrell Mudd, TU, retired from priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle. sation for Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. ver, Colorado. Coors Brewery in December 1993. He bas been a Catholic Chaplain in the USAF since 1991. His first assign­ in Fort Worth. He has been married Patrick Moran, TU,isstill work­ Too young to totally retire, he plans part-time work and play, out of state ment was Lowry AFB in Denver. He 41 years to Patricia and has 8 children ing as director of continuing medical property management and volunteer­ volunteered and served a temporary [ages 40 to 28). education at St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado. He also ing time/talents with Regis and Capu­ assignment in Saudi Arabia and Ku­ Ed Hanifen, TU, retired in June chin fundraising plus helping at Sa­ wait from December 1992 to April 1990. He is now serving as Vice Chair­ serves as a medical advisor to several maritan Homeless Shelter and Mother 1993. He presently is on a three-year man and member of the board for other continuing medical education companies. Cabrini Shrine. And, YES, they were assignment at Hickam AFB in Hawaii. Aurora National Banks. His major among the half million people at the Glenn Churchill, TU, was re­ interests are golf, fishing and travel­ cently named director of sales for Pro­ mg. 1961 Pope's Mass in Denver. Donald Cowan, TU, is in real fessional Mortgage Group in Denver 1966 working with residential first mortgages. 1951 estate development in Silver City, New Mexico. Leo Meier, TU, just moved into Paul Milligan, TU, and Tam Jim Shennan, TU, is in the pro­ a brand new house in Amherst, Ohio [Moehn) Milligan '74 TU, are living cess of retiring after 51 years in the 1962 and needs volunteers for yard work. in Tam's hometown of Carroll, Iowa. family truck and equipment business Paul is Executive VP of Commercial in Hastings, Nebraska. Dan McNeill, TU, and his fam­ ily (Brenda and Marne) moved to 1967 Bank and Tam is a substitute teacher. David Thomas, TU, is vice They are also involved in various com­ 1954 Weston Florida in November. Dan continu~s as a partner in the firm of president in charge of Investigations munity groups. They have two sons, George McBride, TU, and his and Security Services for a small firm 15 and 9 years old. wife Ellen are fully retired and live McNeill and Collins which provides

Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 • 11 Lawrence Radice, TU, is a in Cincinnati and is very involved in Lynn Cassman '91 TU, on October 8, Lauralee Williams, R2, recently Maryknoll Missioner on assignment women's studies. 1994. returned to Colorado, has a new job, in Bangkok, Thailand. Ned Phye ill, TU, has changed Lawrence and Marie Varnerin, and became a grandmother. She said his name to Matthew Collin Phye and MA, are now retired and living at Lake it was a GREAT YEAR! 1974 is a country music songwriter and Winnepesaukee in New Hampshire. Debora (Sullivan) Kinney, TU, player. He has 3 top 100 singles, two Larry was chairman of the Electrical 1987 is still working with the Downeast videos and many more to come. He Engineering and Computer Science Marie (Bishop) Banas, TU, and her Health Services in Maine. She is a and his wife, Ruth, reside in Austin, department at Lehigh University be­ husband, John, recently bought a social worker for pregnant and Texas. fore his retirement in 1992. home in Morrison, Colorado. John parenting teens. Her husband, Dave, Jeff Teter, TU, is married with Sheila (Ash] Young, TU, has is a marketing consultant and Marie works for Georgia-Pacific Corporation. three children. He operates a Pepsi moved back to Colorado after living received her Master in Education They have three daughters. franchise in Fargo, North Dakota. He in Maine for 8 years. She has two chil­ from the University of Florida. She Lawrence Kriegshauser, TU, is invites his Regis friends to stop by for dren, Ashley 6 and Sawyer 2. is a 6th grade teacher for the New a busy orthopedic surgeon in St. a beer, but warns to come during the Academy Charter School in Douglas Louis. He and his wife, Diane, have summer. 1985 County, Colorado. three children: Kristen 7, Lori 6, and Vincent "Ace" Wagner, TU, just Laura Dixon, R2, has recently Gayla Hector, TU, will gradu­ Alex 4. completed a three year National Lead­ returned to Colorado and took the Bar ate from Regis University in May with ership Fellowship provided by theW. Exam in February. an MBA in International Business. 1976 K. Kellogg Foundation. Ace and his Nancy (Collingsworth] Heinle, Carla Lemmon, TU, graduated John Gargulak, TU, has left wife, Janet, have three children ages R2, is living in Germany with her hus­ in August 1993, from the University Ernst and Young after 13 years to join 8, 5 and 9 months. band, Charlie. She has her own auto of Denver, with a Doctor of Psychol­ his family's lumber and building sup­ insurance office and is loving every ogy degree. She is employed as Psy­ ply business, Midwest Millwork, Inc. 1981 minute of each day. chologist Resident at Delaunay Fam­ Robin Brown, FZ, recently re­ Patrick Whitten, TU, completed ily of Services in Portland, Oregon. Josie (Timmons] Josif, TU, has ceived the Navy Commendation his internal medicine residency at Les Moore, R2, is on active duty moved to the Chicago area after liv­ Medal. Robin is a Petty Officer in the Northwestern Hospital in Chicago and with the U.S. Navy stationed at Ports­ ing in Denver for 14 years. Her hus­ U.S . Navy currently assigned to the is now doing a pulmonary and criti­ mouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, band, Scott, was transferred with Dow Bureau of Medicine in Washington, cal care medicine fellowship at the Virginia. Chemical. They have two children: D.C. University of New Mexico in Albu­ Teresa Ryan, TU, is a first grade Keelin 4, and John 2. Matt Ruhl, S.J., TU, is associate querque. His wife, Bridget Burke '86 teacher for Aurora Public Schoo1s. Christopher Larson, TU, re­ pastor at St. Joseph's Church in East TU, is doing health care consulting for Cameron Sabo, TU, is currently cently received a Master in Social Sci­ St. Louis, Illinois. Father Ruhl is en­ the New Mexico Medical Society. teaching math and science at The ence from the University of Colorado, joying his ministry in this large pre­ Logan School in Denver. Denver. dominantly African-American parish 1986 Denise (Songy) Pierce, TU, is located in a community beset by seri­ Lisa (Way] Baricevic, TU, is cur­ 1988 happily married with two children. ous economic problems. rently busy with her advertising ca­ Don Bath, R2, moved with his She has been a flight attendant with Susan Walden, R2, has been reer with the Yakima Herald Repub­ family to Florida in 1990 to begin a Delta Airlines for 15 years. promoted to sales manager for US lic newspaper. After spending three career with AT&T after spending 15 Homes and has moved to Colorado years in the San Francisco Bay area years with Eastman Kodak Company. 1977 Springs, For the second year in a row, Lisa and her husband, Lawrence, have He is currently the financial systems Janet Fogarty, TU, was married she had been named the National New relocated to Washington State. They manager for AT&T Universal Card to David Marshall on October 15, 1993 Home Sales Person (for all builders in are enjoying their new custom built Services, one of two business units to in Kansas City. David is a custom the nation]. home and baby girl, Cynthia Marie. win the Baldrige Award in 1992. home builder for Landmark Custom Sister Theresa Bisson, MA, a Jamie Butler, TU,isinherfourtb Homes. The couple resides in Den­ 1982 Dominican Sister, is presently em­ year of Dental School at the Univer­ ver. James Gerken, TU, and Mary ployed as a pastoral associate in a Por­ sity of Illinois. Siefert were married in September tuguese/English bilingual parish in Tory (Bruce] Dewey, TU was 1978 1992 and recently moved to a new Attleboro, Massachusetts. married to Scott Dewey in 1992 and James Fitzgerald, TU, is presi­ home near Castle Rock, Colorado. Pamela (Lytle] Clark, R2,gradu­ they are looking forward to the birth dent of Total TV of California, a cable William Mark O'Day, TU, was ated from the University of Colorado/ of their first child in spring 1994. TV company. He has been married married to Faith Agullana in March Denver with a Master of Arts in Clini­ Robert Fejarang, R2, acquired a 13 years and has three boys. The fam­ 93. The couple lives on Kauai where cal Psychology in May 1993. She has Master of Urban and Regional Plan­ ily is planning a move to Colorado Mark teaches at Kauai High School. opened a private practice in Littleton, ning degree from the School of Envi­ Springs during the summer of 1994. Faith works for the State ofHawaii as Colorado. ronmental Design-California State Dennis McGrath, TU, was mar­ a Public Health Nurse. Shelley Desloge, TU, owns a Polytechnic University, Pomona ried to Carolyn Kozacik on Septem­ Calvin Okey, TU, is in residency photography studio and also works as (1992). His paper was published by ber 25, 1993. Many Regis people at­ at the University of California for a travel agent. She is happily living, the Planning and Transport, Research tended the wedding at Holy Ghost Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. working, and romantically involved and Computation International Asso­ Church in Denver. He and his wife, Marie, have two sons: in St. Louis. She is contemplating a ciation winning the Neil Mansfield Jean Baptiste, almost 3 and Julien 10 move to Hawaii. Memorial Award for the "Best Author 1980 months. Mary Beth (Marquard] Forst, Under the AJ!,e of 35: (presented at the Thomas Barron, TU, has joined TU, recently moved to Louisiana and University or Manchester, U.K., Sep­ the Chicago investment management 1983 is enjoying her status as a full-time tember 1993). He is currently work­ firm of Stein, Roe and Farnham, Inc. Alberta Lopez, MBA, currently mother to her two children: Jacob 3 ing on other studies, one presented as vice president, institutional sales. is doing a lot of job traveling. She also and Rebekah 2. and published by the National Trans­ Julie Caron, TU, is now living in enjoys bowling and says "Hi" to ev­ Mary Grabbe, MA, and her hus­ portation Research Board, January downtown Chicago and is working as a erybody. band, Gene, are pastoral coordinators 1994, in Washington, D.C. Registered Nurse in the spinal cord in­ for two small rural counties (9 fami­ Mary Fitzpatrick, TU, married tensive care unit at Northwestern Me­ 1984 lies] in Mississippi. They are em­ Ray Jones '89 TU, in 1992. Mary is morial Hospital. Thomas Bjorholrn, R2, is project ployed by Glenmary Home currently working in the exhibits de­ Celeste CdeBaca, TU, received leader/mechanical engineer for Missioners to do outreach in counties partment of The Denver Museum of the 1993 Richard M. Davis Award for Philips Consumer Electronics Co. He with little or no Catholic presence. Natural History. community service given by the Den­ has been married for 10 years to George Love, R2, a practicing at­ Deborah (Bouvier) Gavato, TU, ver Bar Foundation. Celeste is a Katherine and they have 2 children, torney, has moved from Omaha, Ne­ is a licensed CPA. She recently placed County Court Judge in Denver. Bjorn 7 and Bree 5. braska to Westminster, Colorado. 2nd in a triathlon. She is the mother Debra (Kearney] Gomez, TU, is Margie Domingo, R2, worked in Lourdes Perea, TU, married of a daughter, Grace Danielle. chief of police at Arapahoe Commu­ Tampa, Florida for 8 months as a con­ Manuel Penton in October 1993. James Manery, R1, is retired nity College. She is attending the sultant at GTE. She has self-published Melissa (Perry] Robillard, TU, from T.R.W. and is building University of Colorado, Denver Execu­ two books of poetry: "Let My Exist­ is married to Gregory Robillard Ill, a earthships. tive MBA program. Her husband, ence Be Born" and ''Let Me Walk Be­ stockbroker for Merrill Lynch. They Peggy Parker Anderies, TU, Rod, is an investigator with Denver's side You." The books are available a reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota. completed a year abroad in China. D.A. office in the gang unit. They have Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver. Patti (Werner] Turco, TV, is teach­ She traveled overland from China to one son, Dakota, who is 3. Jeff Hector, TU, recently pur­ ing economics part-time at the commu­ Europe and is now settled in Marge Kloos, TU, has been the chased a home in Lakewood, Colorado nity college in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Vancouver, B.C., Canada continuing director of communications for the and has spent many hours painting She and her husband, Tim, have a son, Chinese studies while her husband is Sisters of Charity for 6 years. She lives and updating. He is engaged to marry Michael John, and baby #2 on the way. earning a Ph.D. in mathematics.

12 • Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 Bobbi Schmitt, TU, received a Ron Stinson, TU, is a lieutenant Master of Science degree in 1993 and Elizabeth O'Flaherty, TU, is Thlsa and was recently named Direc­ in the U~ Navy. He recently returned teaching English, History, Religion tor of Oil and Gas Operations for accepted a position in Thompson fr?m a SIX-month Western Pacific, In­ and Spanish to junior high students School District as a Counseling Psy­ Forbes Investment Company. dian Ocean and Persian Gulf deploy­ at a Catholic grade school in the Kan­ MA, is chologist. Sister Jacqueline Sailer, ment with Fighter Squadron 213 sas City diocese. director of Nazareth House in Minne­ Kevin Skillen, MA, spent a year aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. His Chris Pieroni, TU, is currently sota and Deming, New Mexico. teaching in New Zealand. He is now squadron flies the F-14 Tomcat air su­ studying at Mt. Saint Mary's Seminary Scot Sturzebecker, TU and '79 at home in Arvada, Colorado. periority fighter which can attack and discerning vocation to the priesthood. FZ, is currently supervising the larg­ destroy multiple airborne targets. Evan Santistevan, R2, hopes to est Biomedical Equipment Mainte­ 1989 Dawn Tio, R2, graduated from complete his action research project nance activity in the US Army with a Michael Blanchard, R2 & '93 the Master of before August 1994 to earn his Mas­ staff of 55 personnel. They support MB, received a CPA certificate in No­ Computer Information System pro­ ter of Science in Management from Somalia, Panama, Europe, South/Cen­ vember 1993. gram in June 1993. She is currently Regis. tral America, Southwest Asia, 2/3 of Sharon (Henderson) Callahan, employed with SCC, Inc., in Boulder, Val Vonheeder, R2, is employed the USA from west of the Mississippi MA, recently was promoted to Direc­ CC?lorado as a software engineer, in as Tech Writer in Virginia Beach by River to the West Coast, Baharan, and tor of Master of Arts in Pastoral Stud­ chent-server, SQL and distributed Florida-based, disadvantaged small Kuwait. ies at the Institute for Theological database environment. business Quantum Technology Ser­ Studies, Seattle University. She is cur­ Lou Wittenberg, TU, and vices, Inc. on mentor-protege contract 1992 rently half finished with doctoral Rebecca Penniman were married on with New York-based Grumman Air­ Carol Clark, R2, is teaching work in Educational Leadership. June 19, 1993 in St. Louis, Missouri. craft Corporation updating docu­ marketing classes and doing student Tony Echrich, TU, and Jennifer ments for the Navy's A-6E Intruder, advising at front Range Community (fu:k) Eckrich, TU, are looking for­ 1990 F-14D Tomcat, and E-2c Hawkeye College. She is in the UWW Master ward to the birth of their first child in Linda Carr, R2, is administra­ tailhook aircraft. of Education program Regis Univer­ spring 1994. Tony has joined Kids tive manager for the Greater Denver Richard Wiest, RS, is executive sity. Newsline, a monthly children's news­ Corporation (a sister corporation of the director of Black Hills Healthcare Net­ Julie (Hewgley) Gretz, TU,mar­ paper as Marketing VP. Greater Denver Chamber of Com­ work in South Dakota and Thomas ried Jeff Gretz, '91 TU, on September Rick Fouts, R2, is VP/Control­ merce). It is the economic develop­ Loff, '92 RS, serves as finance direc­ 11, 1993. The couple is living in ler for the Missouri Higher Education ment funding arm for the creation of tor. The Network, within three com­ Mountain View, California where Julie Loan Authority in St. Louis, Missouri. jobs in Metro Denver. munities, consists of three hospitals, works for Kelly Computer Systems Ann Fox, TU, is engaged to Gary Christy (Boone) Conley, TU, three longterm care facilities, two and Jeff is VP of Palo Alto Lumber Zallar and will be married on June completed the teaching program at home health agencies and multiple Company. 18 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Colorado College and now teaches 6th clinics in the northern Black Hills re­ Nick Jackson, TU, recently re­ Tomas Fredricks, R1, earned a grade science at Eagleview Middle gion. ceived initial acceptance into the Lay Master of Science in Educational School in Colorado Springs. Her Mission-Helpers, a Los Angeles-based Leadership from Troy State Univer­ daughter, Kelsey Elizabeth, was born 1991 Catholic lay missionary organization. sity. June 5, 1993. Tanya (Popken) Bachman, TU, He will be spending at least two years Brad Hector, TU, will marry An­ David Cummings, TU, married was married on July 3, 1993. Shere­ overseas beginning in 1994. drea Petersen on May 7, 1994. Brad Janet Provost on July 10, 1993 at ceived an MA in Sociology from Jodee Pedersen McClure, RC, is a Key Accounts Rep for Coors Dis­ Rockland Community Church in Baylor University in December 1993. was recently named marketing direc­ tributing Company. Golden, Colorado. Allan Bumgartner TU, is em­ tor for frontier Mall, located in Chey­ Steven Johnston, TU, was mar­ Janet Emlich, TU, received an ployed as a chemist at the USGS. He enne, Wyoming. frontier Mall was ried to Bonnie Ella on May 8, 1993. MA in English in May 1993. She is teaches math part-time at Red Rocks selected by the ICSC as one of the top He is currently the Golf Project Man­ current!y teaching English at Jackson­ Community College and is in the 50 shopping centers in the US in in­ ager for Pocket Guide Publications, ville State University in Alabama. master's degree program at the Colo­ volvement in community service. Inc. in St. Louis. Marty Gaughan, TU, is self em­ rado School of Mines in Operations Pat Milton, UW, is in graduate Ray Jones, TU, married Mary ployed in the marketing field. He is Research. school at the University of Denver. Fitzpatrick, '88 TU, in August 1992. married with two daughters and lives Emily Carbaugh, TU, is en­ Loretta O'Connor, UW, is a first He works in the Accounting Depart­ in Chicago, illinois. gaged to be married to Ethan Whitehill year law student at the University of ment of the Westin Hotel in Denver. Tim Hartigan, TU, and Franny of Kansas City, Missouri. Ethan is an Colorado. Dean Kolker, R1, was recently Fehnan, 90 TU, will be married on advertiser in Kansas City and Emily Jeffrey Orlowski, MS, has ac­ promoted to Command Sergeant Ma­ May 7,1994. is owner of Image Extraordinaire, an cepted a new position as manager of jor in the US Army. He is with the Lisa (Swisher) Hylton, TU, is a image and beauty consulting business tissue procurement and processing 84th Chemical Battalion in Ft. supervisor/technical advisor for Mass in Prairie Village, Kansas. with Mile High Transplant Bank in McClellan, Alabama. Mutual Life Insurance. She is also Brian Gallagher, TU, is engaged Denver, Colorado. Gretchen (Hem) Lavigne, TU, writing children's books. to be married to Regan Gallup on Sep­ Patricia Quintero, TU, is pres­ is a special education teacher. She David Mangum, TU, a fresh­ tember 24, 1994. ently in her 2nd year as hall director was married in October 1993. man varsity soccer player for the Regis John Goeken, TU,isworkingfor at Plymouth State College. She is also Elizabeth (Owens) Poole, UW, Rangers in 1986-87, played profes­ General Electric as a finance admin­ working on her master's degree in is counselor/consultant for Bethesda sional soccer in London, England af­ istrator. Educational Administration and Su­ Employee Assistance Services. She ter leaving Regis. Antonio Harter, TU, works for pervision. earnedanMAinPsychology in 1991. Jimmy Marsh, TU, is still liv­ Colorado National Bank in Denver. Margarita Rosales, R1, is with She is also in private practice as a Psy­ ing in Portland, Oregon but has done Lybbi Hintze, TU, is regional the US Army at Ft. Lewis, Washing­ chotherapist in Boulder. In fall 1993 a lot of travelling to classmates wed­ office manager for CGI Systems, Inc., ton working as a Safety and Occupa­ she traveled to Ukraine to conduct dings. When he gets married he ex­ one of Europe's leading suppliers of tional Health Specialist. business and do research. pects all of them to attend... especially software and computer services. She Kathleen R. Srock, TU, is a sec­ Elizabeth (Orleans) Powers, Wayne Farrell. is currently working on her CNE (Cer­ ond year medical student at the Uni­ TU, graduated from the University of Phyllis Matthews, NU, is nurs­ tified N etware Engineer). versity of Colorado Health Sciences California/Berkeley School of Optom­ ing supervisor at Denver Veterans' Af­ Christopher Jones, FZ, is em­ Center. etry in May 1993. In August 1993, fairs Medical Center. She is attend­ ployed with D.C. General Hospital as Molly St. Denis-Hamann, R2, she was married to Michael Powers. ing classes and pursuing acceptance a BMET. He is enjoying life on the and her husband recently built their Rich Rock, TU, and Kelly in UCHSC master's program in Adult Chesapeake Bay and the East Coast. own home in Golden, Colorado. Beutner were married at Mission Health Nurse Practitioner. Jeny Malia, TU, is working in Marsha Weiss, RS, is a substi­ Santa Clara, in Santa Clara, Califor­ Meghan (Stewart) McDonagh, print media for the Burnstein Adver­ tute teacher with Weldon Valley nia on October 31, 1993. TU, married Michael McDonagh on tising Agency. The agency ranked #4 Schools in northeastern Colorado. Dorothy Rodgers, MA, is direc­ January2, 1993 inS~fran.cisc? , CaJ!­ in Washington, D.C. and deals prima­ Monika Coulter, TU, is em­ tor of a Montessori School for 38 chil­ fornia. It was a Regis affair With Liz rily with Real Estate advertising. ployed as graduate coordinator of ju­ dren ages 2 1/2 to 6. She has self-pub­ Howard, '90 TU, as maid of honor; Scott McKay, R2, graduated dicial affairs at George Mason Univer­ lished a book Wellsprings ofWellness Deb Waldman, '90 TU, Amy Blach, from the Regis University Master of sity in Virginia. She is working toward in your Vel)' Young Child. 88 TU, and Sara Holzberlein, '87 TU, Science in Management program in an MAin sociology. Jay Simon, TU, is engaged to as bridesmaids. Father Guyer offici­ December. 1993 marry Jeanie Potter of Cleveland, ated and several Regis alums and fac­ Mary Nelson, R2, is working for Douglas Dryburg, TU, is cur­ Ohio. He currently works for VidFilm ulty attended the wedding. The AT&T as a telecommunication teclmi­ rently utilizing his international busi­ in Glendale, California on Buena couple now lives in Boise, Idaho cian maintaining and doing analysis ness and Japanese language skills Vista's "Home Improvement." Here­ where Meghan teaches 4th grade and for 3B20 and switching computers. learned at Regis. He is working on international trade policy for the Heri­ cently purchased a home in Michael is a clerk for the State Su­ Patrick Paluso, TU, is a third­ year law student at the University of tage Foundation in Washington, D.C. Westchester, California. preme Court.

Regis University Magazine o Spring 1994 o 13 Christine Hilkemeiei; NU,is an Peter Colleton '47 TU, in 1993 ing, and biking. However, number Virginia (Cosca) Yatzeck, Ul, Ensign in the US Navy and recently after an eight year illness. one enjoyment is her grandchildren. lives in Springfield, Virginia and completed the Officer Indoctrination EdwardPhillipsen '57TU,on works for the US Department of De­ School. January 21, 1994. l9i5 fense as a program analyst. Stephanie Roller. TU, is work­ JamesDanahey'581U,onNo­ Lois Diehl, Ul, volunteers at Se­ ing as a communications assistant in vember 20, 1993. nior Mealsite three times a week. She 1$4 the Securities Department of Jones John O'Rourke '59TU,onMay also tutors at schools in reading and linda (Skipton) Beny, U1 NU, Intercable. 18, 1993. US History. She is on a study panel - teaches nursing at Front Range Com­ Rose Ann (Aguilar) Stem, NU, Louis Rotter '591U,on January Future of the Schools into the 21st munity College/Larimer Campus. She was married to Matthew Stern in 16, 1994. Century. received her MS in Nursing from the June 1993. She is in the Army Nurse Michael Connelly '65 TU, on University ofNorthem Colorado. She Corps at Ft. Benning, Georgia. February 21, 1994. llli6 loves her job and is happy her three James Day '67 TU, on Decem­ AliciaRamirez,SL.,UI,taught children are now independent. BIRIHS ber 17, 1994. school for 20 years before doing mis­ Jessica (Reinhart) Raymaker. Tom '72 TU and Mary Ann John Flynn '681U,onFebruary sion work in Nicaragua. She has been LH, earned an MS degree in Commu­ (Carney) '75 TU, Niccoli, welcomed 7, 1994. doing nursing work for the last 13 nity Human ServicesAdrninistration their fourth child and first son, Luke, \WentinePrisjatschew'701U, years. from the University of Wisconsin/ on October 21, 1993. on February 13, 1994. Green Bay inAugust 1993. She is cur­ Christopher Larson '76 TU, Donald Erpelding '76 TU, on 1.!E8 rently Director of Childrens Services and his wife Kathleen announce the January 3, 1994. Martha Urioste, Ul, is princi­ at Cerebral Palsy, Inc. in Green Bay. birth of a daughter, Heather Kathleen, William Slaughter '82 R1, in pal for Mitchell Montessori Elemen­ on January 19,1993. 1993. tary School- magnet for the city- age 100) Stephen '78 TU and Cathy Anne (Adamski) Graefen '83 3-12; f.lanning to expand to middle Judy (Bach) Allan, Ul, lives in (Davis) '80 TU, Dixon, are pleased to R2,onDecember15, 1993. schoo. New Jersey. Her daughter, Cynthia, announce that William Michael joined Ruth (Ware) Cleary '90 TU, in graduated from Loyola College in Bal­ theirfamilyonJune24, 1993. He joins 1993. :um timore and is now teaching in Marlton, three sisters, Erin 9, Emily 6 and Molly Dennis Chambedain '92NU,cn Sally Beatty, LH NU, retired New Jersey. Another daughter, 2. February 7,1994. from the State of Colorado Depart­ Heather, is in her third year of nursing Elonide (Caldwell) Semmes '79 ment of Health and took a position as at the University of Pennsylvania. TU, and her husband announce the program officer at the Colorado Trust births of Eleanor [Nellie) and Benedict LORETTO HEIGHTS Foundation. liB) [Ben) on October 23, 1993. Mary (Joerns) Nass, Ul, is mar­ Jean(Scbattenbetg)Bames, Ul, Kris (Walter) Falk '81 TU, and 1943 ried to Ray Nass '58 TU, and they and her husband, Bob, celebrated her husband, Robert, are thrilled to Sister Loretto Ann Madden, LH, have six grandchildren. Mary is chair their 25th wedding anniversary with announce the birth of their first child, reports that the Class of 1943 had a of the St. Stephen Peace and Justice a trip to San Francisco and the wine William Joseph, on July 19, 1993. special golden jubilee reunion in July Committee. country. Bob is a cardiovascular sur­ Mark Schlickman '81 TU and 1993. Six members of the class gath­ Lucy (Del Missier) Schwartz, geon at St. Luke's Hospital in Boise, Tami welcomed a new baby, Grace ered for a post-r eunion luncheon at Ul, enjoys her five grandchildren. Idaho. Jean volunteers and substitutes Kendall, on December 18, 1992. She the Loretto Center in October. Those She is involved in SCORE, a part of at Boise High Library. Daughter, joins sister Lanie. Grace was baptized attending were: Shirley (Horan) the Small Business Administration Rachel is a junior at Duke University byMattRuhi,S.J_, '81 TU_ Christophe~; Frances Finnegan, Sis­ doing small business counseling. majoring in Religion with plans for Mark '82 TU and Nancy ter Karen Madden, Regina Physical Therapy grad school and (Vialpando) '84 TU, Bauman, had (Reitemeier) Rush and Mary Rose llH) daughter, Caroline a senior in high their third child, Katherine, in July (NoD) Sonnleitner and Sister Loretto Katha (Geary) Hartley, LH, School. She runs cross country and 1993. They have two other children, Ann.. writes that she and her husband, John, is a cheer leader. Michelle 4 and Lyle 5. "are truly experiencing the toughest Stsm (Fisher) Btmyan. Ul,just .Tun Adams '84 TU, and his wife 1915 jobs we've ever loved." She is a completed her 25th year as a Kinder­ had their second son, Sean Michael, Cathey(Schrodt) Ott, Ul,isvol­ teacher-trainer in rural Grenada - re­ garten teacher at Lincoln Elementary on December 30, 1993. First son, Pe­ unteering at Maria Droste Services, a medial reading rate of 84%, no pen­ School in Dodge City, Kansas. She ter, is 3 1/2. non-profit counseling service provid­ cils, scissors, books, crayons, paper, and her husband have been teaching Debbie (F1ittie) Hermanns '84 ing professional help to all on a slid­ etc. Great children, very poor; hard­ together at the same school for 22 of TU, and husband, Karl, are proud to an­ ing fee scale. working but untrained teachers. John the 25 years. He teaches 5th grade nounce the birth of their son, Ian John, is an advisor to Community Develop­ and coaches intramurals. onApril18, 1993. They are expectiog JM7 ment for the Division of Ministry of Selma (KaiiD) Durham, UINU, their second child in May 1994. Doris (O'Brien) Clarke, Ul, en­ Labour and having great success. biked in Europe in May 1993 visiting ~e Klekos '84 TU, and wife joys travelling and volunteering. She They'll be home in June 1994. Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Maria are ihe proud parents of Max is currently "Storyteller" with Denver Austria, Switzerland, and Elias born July 18,1993. Public Schools. She also enjoys J.$1 Liechtenstein. In September 1993, Catherine (Chapman) '86 TU grandparentiog her 21 grandchildren. Marge (Ely) Dean, Ul, earned a she was selected to travel to San Fran­ and Ted '85 TU, Mackel welcomed doctorate in Education Administra­ cisco to write test questions for James Edward on December 6, 1993. 1918 tion in July 1993. She is currently NCLEX/CPT state board items for They have a three year old daughter, Elena (Val Des Perdomo) Assistant Superintendent for Instruc­ practical nurses. Elizabeth Catherine. WJ.lenchik, Ul, is Director ofEduca­ tional Services in a San Diego County Laura (Flood) Brewer '87 TU tion of Florida National College, a pri­ School District for 18,000 students. 1007 and husband, Chuck, announce the vate vocational school with Liberal Sheandhusband,TomDean '59TU, Mary Jean (Fitzpatrick) Brod, birth of Brittany on April9, 1993. Arts programs. The institution has enjoy their three grandchildren. LH, isAdjunctAssociate Professor of Christy (Boone) Conley '90TU received candidacy from SACS/CDC. Mathematical Sciences at the Univer­ announces the birth of Kelsey Eliza­ 1.952 sity of Montana and has directed the beth on June 5,1993. 1£61 Donna (Grimes) Fenske, LH Basic Skills Mathematics Program for Melissa (Noon) Dallum '90 TU Viola Faye (Saykally) Ramos, NU, is a public health nurse for the over 16 years. and husband, John, welcomed a baby LH, recently moved to Colorado State of Alaska. She flies to remote Lynn (Cosgrove) Crowley, Ul, girl, Ashley Rama, on November 16, Springs, Colorado. She has three sons, villages to provide health care. She is president of Crowley Realty and 19!12 . three daughters, and 12 grandchil­ earned an MPH degree from Lorna Management and just completed a dren. Linda University and an MA from three year term on the board of the DECEASED ALUMNI Felding in California. National Apartment Association. Her 1$2 Margaret (Hedges) Serpico, Ul, son, Ryan, is a freshman business Joseph Musso '32TU,onFeb­ Mary (Baroch) Bement, LH, wrote and administered a successful major at Santa Clara University. ruary 13, 1994. writes that her 22nd grandchild ar­ $17,400 grant program bringing li­ Daughter Courtney is a sophomore at Monsignor Richardlnester '33 rived in November 1993. brary services to preschools in Xavier College Prep. Her husband, TU, on November 23, 1993. WibnaJean (Shadley) Hart. Ul Piscataway, New Jersey. She was Dan Crowley '66 TU, works with her WilliamJosephBaum '42 TU, NU, lives six months a year in named Librarian of the Year in in the company. on January 2,1994. Rancho Mirage, California and the Middlesex County [NJ) and received Ellen (O'Brien) Elliott. Ul, oom­ John Lombardi '451U,onJanu­ other six months in Denver, Colo­ a national award for the preschool pleted her master's degree in Library ary 26, 1994. rado. program which paid her way to the Media from the University of Colo­ William Anderson '47 TU, on Joan (Shaklee) Scott, Ul NU, American Library Association's con­ rado/Denver in May 1993. She and February 7, 1994. enjoys retirement by traveling, golf- vention in New Orleans in June 1993. her husband, Tom Elliott '65 TU,have three daughters. 14 • Regis University Magazine • Spring 1994 lllB biking, camJ?i~!?· hiking and many Debby (McLogan) Nelson '68 ner program at the University of New 191) volunteer actiVIties. She is beginning Mexico. Leticia Diniega, LH, is still UINU, Holly (Shepard) Dahlgren, a Mary Kay cosmetic business. '69 LH NU and Margaret (Rooney) single and working hard as a medical . Claudia (Eggert) West, Ul NU, l9i9 doctor in an Obstetrics and Gynecol­ Crocket '71 LH NU, were three of the IS O? th~ faculty of the University of six member Selection Board to pro­ Anna Wheeler Gentry, lH. has ogy residency program in Hawaii. Cahf?rma/San Francisco, School of moved back to Denver after living and Karen Mynes, LH NU, now lives mote Navy Nurse Corps officers to the N~smg. She is co-editor and con­ raoks of Captain and Commander in performing in New York City. She was on the southwestern coast of Oregon. tributor ?f "Pa ~ophysiological Phe­ recently married and is now doing She works for the Coos County Health Washington, D.C. in May 1993. nomena m Nursmg," published in its MaryJo (Kutter) Querry, Ul, production musical direction, per­ Department as a public health nurse. second edition by W. B. Saunders forming and teaching voice profes­ She works mostly with children that thoroughly enjoyed the reunion last Company. sionally in the Denver metro area. have social or physical risks. She is july and sends thanks to everyone engaged to be married. who helped organize it. She was pro­ 1971 UB) Elizabeth Sullivan Lee, LH, is moted to Vice President of her com­ ~aureen . (Mcinerney) Steven Epstein, lH. is currently still dancing with The jan Justis Dance pany, Scientific Spectrum, Inc., in Hendricks, Ul, IS a homemaker with working on the Broadway hit musi­ Company; and booking dancers for live September after the employees de- three children, Molly 7th grade, cal "The Who's Tommy." He recently shows, industrials and commercials purchased a co-op apartment in New with Curtain Call Entertainment. York City. Rob Utesch, LH, and his wife, Pam, recently celebrated their 2-year Iml anniversary: Rob works for the VIne­ Laure (Gravino) O'Keefe, yard Christian Fellowship Church. now staying home with her son, Patrick and says that staying home is 1937 more work than teaching full time, Kirsten (Brewer) Clary, UINU, but she is enjoying the time with and husband, Christopher, lived for 2 Patrick. Her husband, Tim, is an as­ 1/2 years in Europe. Their first child sistant professor at the University of was born in Germany. Kirsten is now Wisconsin/Oshkosh. Clinical Nurse Specialist in tlie NICU Robert Vos, Ul NU, is the direc­ at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San tor ofNursingDevelopmentat the Rob­ Antonio, Texas. She is committee ert F. Kennedy Medical Center in Cali­ chairman for Primary Nursing Com­ fornia. He enjoys his three children, mittee. jonathan 5, Elaine 3 and Bobby 1. Pat McCullough, LH uww, is promoting and producing "Ireland's 1982 Ambassador of Music," Phil Coulter. Anastasia Homer/Reed, UINU, Coulter opened a North American con­ was married on September 11, 1993 cert tour in November 1993 at the his­ to joe Reed. The couple honeymooned toric Paramount Theater in Denver. Left to Right: Margaret Crockett, Debby Nelson and Holly Dahlgren in France. Her daughter, Stasha is in Cathie (Luster) Rutkin, LH, is the 5th grade. The family resides in happily married and living in Laguna Seattle where Anastasia works for the Beach, California. She is working on a cided to buy the company- 4 owners Michael 5th fade and Megan 3rd University of Washington. Master of Science degree at California sharing equally in the profits and she's grade at AI Soul's School in Barbara (Graham) Meie~; Ul, State University in Long Beach. the onTy woman. A nice feeling! Englewood, Colorado. Her husband, has been married to Dr. Craig Meier Patricia (Egerer) Reichert, '68 Michael, is a geologist. for ten years and they have two daugh­ DECEASED ALUMNI LH NU, is allergy coordinator for ters, Bianca and Monica. Barbara owns Bristol Park Medical Group in Foun­ I9i2 a dance and gymnastics school in Co­ Bernice (Lattin) Milan, '311H. tain Valley; California. She has two Mary Nickolaus, LH NU, is on nifer, Colorado. She keeps up her on October 12, 1993. She was the grandchildren, Tiffany 4 and Heidi 3. the University of Southern Colorado teaching certification for future use. mother ofLorraine (Milan) Bradley, nursing faculty teaching Community Michelle (Sprague) Tow, Ul, '54 Ill, Eugenie(Milan)Alk:ml, '60UI, um Health. was licensed to practice law in the Jessiel.eigbMilan, '601H. andJudith Gail (Gardetto) Campanella, State of California in june 1993. She (Milan)KohleJ; '62UL LH, is enjoying life in the south San 1.973 opened an office emphasizing estate MaryEllen (Maginnis) Fleming, Francisco Bay area. She is active in St. James McKernan, Ul, is a bro­ planning and civil litigation. '33 LH, on October 30, 1993. Mary's parish in Los Gatos working in ker for McKernan Real Estate serving Guy Williams, LH, was married Jewell (McGovern) Cronin, ':rl music and youth ministries. She is Northern Palm Beach and Southern to Lisa Mumpton in New York in late Ul,onjanuary27, 1994. looking forward to the 25-year reunion. Martin counties in Florida. summer 1993. SisterRitaPastore, '47LH,on Lynn (Gantt) \\\>rley, Ul NU, is january 18, 1994. l9iO retired from nursing. Her interests are 1984 Regina (Hoatson) McWilliams, Bernice Bass de Martinez, Ul, ranching, Girl Scouts, camping, soft­ Celia Nobles, Ul, is still living 52LH,onFebruary13, 1994. Shewas has been appointed to the position of ball, education in public schools, in­ in east Tennesse. She is working in the wife ofJohn "l.any" McWilliams, Assistant Provost for Mills College in terior design and stained glass. environmental restoration and also '52nJ. Oakland, California. working on an MBA which she plans Clara (Martinez) Rudolph, '62 Darlene (Basile) Brown, UINU, 1974 to complete in Spring 1994. LH, on October 14,1993. is attending the College of Notre Dame Dorie (Cordes) Porte~; Ul NU, Thomas James, '72LHNU ,on ofMaryland. She is a captain in the US says that School Nursing makes for l!B) january 5, 1994. Army 92nd Field Hospital and a staff great Mom working hours, low pay Kristine Alix Baillie, LH, Joseph Davie, '77 LH NU, on nurse at WashingtonAdventist Hospi­ but lots of hugs! Anyone going to the worked her third session as a dialect january 24, 1994. tal in Takoma Parle, Maryland. She has reunion- I'd like to hear from you. coach at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Carole (Burnside) FosteJ; '78UI one son Paul and two grandchildren. Faire. She also works as a folk musi­ UWW,onFebruary 2, 1994. Maureen (McCarty) Gottron, 1.975 cian. In Fall1993, she began work on Kenneth Alexander, '83 Ul LH, has a daughter, Megan who is a Connie WHgne~; UINU,changed a Ph.D. in Musicology at the Catholic UWW. on November 29, 1993. freshman at the University of Colo­ jobs in December 1993 to Special University ofAmerica in Washington, ~ado/Boulder. She is a percussionist Project Coordinator for Nebraska D.C. where she received a full tuition Fonner I.orettofilculty: m the College of Music. Health Care Association. In April she Paul Hanly Furfey Scholarship. Sister Ursula Griffin, S.L., on Kathy(Hesse)Bragg,UINU,be­ September 29, 1993. Darlene (Santi) ~ers. UINU, was promoted to Director of Education has been in the US Navy1or 11 years. and Health Services at NHCA. came a proud new Mom on january 4, Sister Marie Joseph Scott, s.L, She is currently stationed at the Na­ Randall "Ron"Olive~;UINU, 1993 to a beautiful daughter, Katie. on February 14, 1994. val School of Health Sciences in San retired from the Army Nurse Corps RobertWHgne~; Ul,justco-pro­ Diego, California. She is married and inAugust 1992. He is enjoying life in duced the new original musical "Car has two sons, Matthew 3 and Ryan 2. the beautiful Star Valley of northwest­ 1\mes." He is also performing as one Susan (Brewer} Samuelson. lH. ern Wyoming. of the leads in the same production. is married to Steve and they have two He works for the L.A. Philharmonic daughters, Leslie 7 and Holly 5 1/2. l9iS part time. ~be is a stay-at-home Mom and en­ Jane Newman, LH NU, is cur­ JOys cross country skiing, mountain rently in the Family Nurse Practitio-

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