YORKSHIRE EVENING POST 1890 to 1900 1 3 December 1890 An inquest was held yesterday on the body of Sarah Jackson, 37, the wife of a canal boatman. Deceased had only arrived in Salford with her husband, when she went ashore with him. On returning to the flat some little time before him, the deceased, it is believed, missed her footing in the darkness and fell into the canal at Oldfield Road. Search was made for the body, which was found near the shore side. A verdict of “Found drowned” was returned. 2 26 December 1890 CHRISTMASTIDE IN LEEDS Of all the holidays in the year, Christmastide is perhaps looked forward to with the most interest, inasmuch as to many people it means their annual visit to the best and oldest friends they have got, and to a reuniting of old ties. Then, of all times in the year, is it that the family circle is met together, old differences are healed, and the occasion is made one of festivity. This Christmas has been no exception to the rule, in the latter respect, at any rate ; but, unfortunately, the weather has not been so auspicious as it might have been. In the early part of the week, it appeared probable that we should have a real old fashioned Christmas, with real frost and snow. A thaw, however, set in on Wednesday, and on Christmas Eve, the streets of the town were in A VERY DISAGREEABLE CONDITION rendering “sight seeing” and “shopping” less popular than they would have been. On the same night, and early on Christmas morning too, it is said that the principal streets from time to time were the scene of rowdyism of the most disgraceful kind.
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