Arctic Science Day
Arctic Science Day An Introduction to Arctic Systems Science Research Conducted at the Centre for Earth Observation Science (U of MB) Produced by: Michelle Watts Schools on Board Program Coordinator Arctic Geography – a brief introduction The Arctic Region is the region around the North Pole, usually understood as the area within the Arctic Circle. It includes parts of Russia, Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic is a single, highly integrated system comprised of a deep, ice covered and nearly isolated ocean surrounded by the land masses of Eurasia and North America. It is made up of a range of land-and seascapes from mountains and glaciers to flat plains, from coastal shallows to deep ocean basins, from polar deserts to sodden wetlands, from large rivers to isolated ponds. Sea ice, permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, and river and lake ice are all characteristic parts of the Arctic’s physical geography (see circumpolar map) Inuit Regions of Canada ( Inuit Regions of Canada – See Map Inuit Nuanagat There are four Inuit regions in Canada, collectively known as Inuit Nunangat. The term “Inuit Nunangat” is a Canadian Inuit term that includes land, water, and ice. Inuit consider the land, water, and ice, of our homeland to be integral to our culture and our way of life. Inuvialuit (Northwest Territories) The Inuvialuit region comprises the northwestern part of the Northwest Territories. In 1984, the Inuvialuit, federal and territorial governments settled a comprehensive land claims agreement, giving Inuvialuit surface and subsurface (mining) rights to most of the region. The Agreement ensures environmental protection, harvesting rights and Inuvialuit participation and support in many economic development initiatives.
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