1/1/2021 The Future of Conservatism: Statecraft or Idealogy? | Humphrey School of Public Affairs Humphrey School of Public Affairs The Future of Conservatism: Statecraft or Idealogy?

Willliam F.. Bucklley Jr.. founded the Nationall Review and hellped to build a tradition of conservatism that combined advocacy of lliberty with intelllligence and common sense.. This tradition of practicall conservatism is vitall today as America seeks to renew economic growth and regain its internationall stature.. Ramesh Ponnuru,, an editor of Nationall Review and lleading conservative voice today,, discusses how conservatism can revitallize America and whether today''s Republlican Party is up to the challllenge.. Professor Larry Jacobs willl moderate the conversation..


Ramesh Ponnuru is a senior editor for Nationall Review.. Ponnuru grew up in Kansas City and graduated summa cum llaude from Princeton''s history department..

Ponnuru has publlished articlles in numerous newspapers inclluding ,, ,, the Wallll Street Journall,, the Financiall Times,, Newsday,, and the .. He has allso written for ,, Pollicy Review,, The Weeklly Standard,, The New Republlic,, Reason,, and other publlications.. He is the author of the monograph The Mystery of Japanese Growth (American Enterprise Institute/Centre for Pollicy Studies).. He has been a fellllow at the Institute of Economic Affairs in London and a media fellllow at Stanford University''s Hoover Institution..

He has appeared on CNN''s Inside Pollitics,, NBC''s The McLaughllin Group,, MSNBC''s Buchanan & Press and Donahue,, CNBC''s Kudllow & Cramer,, PBS''s The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,, CSPAN''s Washington Journall,, Comedy Centrall''s Polliticalllly Incorrect,, Fox News,, and NPR''s Morning Edition..


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October 13,, 2011 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM Humphrey Forum,, Humphrey Schooll of Publlic Affairs


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