.. Grand Circuit Trainer Likes Colt Jloh Pnlrner'H Nor·thern Spy IB Palmer, Lr>sllo t~r•r.llllHIIsl nnrl THE INGHAM hP!ng shlp[H'ri from Mnson In fnr nwr•, bot![lhl Northi.!r'n SJly's Strvenson, Alnhnma, to lw trnlned dnm from fl, A. Lnxlon of Mnson Ninoly- Third Year, No. 46 Mason, Micl,1gan, Thursday, November 13, 1952 Thrco •Soclions, 22 P~gos hy Snundrors llussr•ll. IJI''H fl,dnrrl The dnm hns nnuthr>r l'nlt, now 1111111> of llw j)('~l trolll'rs and strl'ldng. l'nlmL'I Jr]()lwd at on11 p.rrl'rs now on liH' Grand Clr o( his llpple lli'I'H When IH• WIIH State Erects Mason Building in Lansing (till r nnsldr•rlng lllllll!'H, JUst IIH hi• NmiiH'IIl Spl \\Ill ill' 2 In .IIIII· dlrl with Nnttlwr n Sp:, 1 'l iu• County Aslllr lnm Ht1Hii11ll olllcl oi!H'l' IIIII HP.Illl'll Canvass Trims 382 SpPilll'l, ol full slslr•J' to All Spr ru P.t, :l 0 I ~/!i, Nnrllu'r 11 Spy's wl10 holVC' seun Nor tlwrn Spy lw 50-mile Lim~t slico Is J)co)oto !i,liHlVPI !leIs thr• l!rw• :;hP Is nii nrnl' pet fer·t us slico of lltl"nln who wr•nt 2:00 2t C, an\ roll lhry !]avro sl't'll, nusseli ,rl Lroxlnglon llllsoln Is owm•d hy Soll to tr,rln lwr On Lo(al Roads Off Williams Total

lnglt.tlll Slll>l'l\iHIIlS 1\lrllldll\ II' News Index lur·r ·lilt iy a)::ll'l'ti to i In Ingham County Sot l,rJ IJI"VH l'olJ.:I'S I olllli ), J.i 11 in favor of till' limit I'.l!t I, P.tgt• I, P.111 2 Adopllo11 hy lhe lngii<\ITI stqu•r i1• Ingham's offtctal c.tnv,rsli completed TUL·sduy lt•tnmwd Go to 72 for ('hlllril lli'W', l'oll~f' 'i, J',!ll J VIHOIS doGS 1101 JIUI lhr• Hjll'l'nt to lt>g (fl I tmsl ,tlw 111 adddlg. up vot mg mnchi ue tot n Is 111 K JH'ectnct of itrg 21l ~ ( .tprtol in L111sln;..: R d E • t lsintors ,mrl In otllf•t hn.tlfls nf I I L.u1Hing':; sixth ward. In .!i K tlic LltiOffict,\1 count ctwhtcd 'litl'l IIIII hu.rtrl hllst•s lhtll' oa qulpmen SI!Jli'IVISillli J)p)l lnlwrillll'rl 1111• tl I Algct' With iNO votes ollld Wil- l'lu• r.!l fllllll Jn~-:h.trn "'" .IIIII I • 1 lflSillullllll .tl tltfl Otlllbf'J IIHI'I f r I 1111 lltll. !Jltolllf' L llullron, r:tl.l Costing $7770 lng ol lltC' lngh.nn ho IJ'rl It \1 IS 1Jinms 1\lth !1:3H \Vtth lhe \Volltl 1\1 ~lrN.tllllll.t, M.rx j) I I Jll'fl'liPcj to lit• lt•gisltll\t 10111 f l •-· Eddy· Discusses I CI'I'OI' 111 arldittqn COI't ectPd, J:gJ'il'slon Ruir,ntl I' M.llshotll, I miiiPt> Supl'i\lsot ft••x 'lnwnsPtlll j·; i\]get· cart ted the pt·cc·met 8\H Hi.irl l'lll111l1iSsiOII Vevdy ll'jlOtltd rl IJLII Monrl.t\ ) ' Lansing Politics to R:JR • I D.11 ul !{ f'rPt~o. Hrtiri'Jt !) 1:11 hough I $77 Rll7 111 11 th of mtdnn 111rl tleh,rle immu!J,It<>h htnl would Monday, ncfnrc the nlr•nt 11t.r11 f111 gn\t r nor· In tlw rr J{,htrl A 1\lush.tii,'DIIn L 'fwm '!Pifor'rl EquJpnH'nt Co rgnm<> rt ,111rl thPtP rouid hr• 110 ho.ud of supPrvlsors Ch thrnnn sellllld drsltl• I lllH'II' (r.tfll'l h.rl So hill liZ, !~Irion DI'LIISS Fullt•t L lllS\Ilg. olrli'CjU.Jtl' rnfor rr•mr•nl wrtlr(]ilt T'tld1 ,rss.rJIPtl some of tltl' ell'· lr,ts .1r1• l\St•tl lll!'ll' II t•t I' only ll JJt•votPs t.tsl for gll\CIIltll'lhm l'ugt•np V !.1ndtH'I, Dontld L I fr•om Root Sprrng St r.rpi'J flt'l\ tsrll Ch.ulPs JJ,I\tll'n nf Loill .rholtt the drfP.rt of hirnsl•lf and 3 pHsuleut In L.ursrug IIIJPIP \ol Mr !. (' l!oss Ut v.rl \V f.: 1!, rn, zno srng potlliPd oul tlloll offrrPJ s r•.tnl Other Sttpet'l !SOl'S lng nr:rd11nrs .111' usr•d llw rr.rrnr•s ~l.rrrn I 1 1 ol JIII'Hic!Pnlt tl t•nnrlJtl.rtt•s 1\r.te ~fl\VI.rl lliintlri I' Htilllls, BtU<<' Power s.rnrlsptl'drli'l, $1)2110 nnw mtl> nnd tlw em OIH'I s .ttl!! JUS! l' l"tlzgt•t.llrl l'llilip 'I Lu••••,l ftI.JI G Sl,trk IJ,ur~ 10 from i\1ri1Pt E:qlllflllll'lll Co l'drh olllri SupPJI'ISOIS John Rlls sot c lis Jirst the prlndple of the ptt, II\< Is usrng m.rPhrnr•s Jt Sp lliJ rhan 2 lo 1 llll'l' tlw Sll'V< 11 \\ \Vhrtr lw.trl Dou,;l,rs L P.rn Austrn \VI'stfltn motor gr,uler.l slwulrl hl' l.rught to usc• ll,!lm 1tHI tlw 1 , ft Swrr•t t'Z\11'1<1 C\11 it siP D [[o.ll ri, 1t $4)0 ear h, $1 HllO, orn Mm01 , ,1me ft om SUJl!'l'l'lsnr s lltthrtl th.rt mrgltt nol me,t'UI'e up ID•m<~ll~ls 2l,.lli Jtu~spJJ S I lollrd.tv, olt Co Cim tgu. (Count} pres Bui!Pn of Atttl'ltus, Jl'\vr•tt of \'r Yl's, thr st,ttP rs 1 tectmg the Mason hullrllng mtt·otluu•rl ami gulc!ccl the plan thwugh 1111' IPgJs TIJP I llll'llllwr s of the C'Ol1llt'i 1'<'\\" i\llnur l'nr t~ Vot.•s !'Jw F Ilowr HohPr! G l\1.r11, entl) hds 12 st,1u011,1n .uul mo HI} Llo)rl AsPIIJne of AluPrion 111 L.rnsrng Tlwte hils been noJmsl,rkl', ho\1('\Ct. l.rltnl' Vl'tnon J Rtov. n of l\1.1son rs ptc,tdcnt of !111nnt !ldtly r lllflHIItt s !tn nnlwrl G 1)1\1 ns, Milton L. l"r.tlll\ IJrle llllltS) ollld Don.rld CtU[ll' !Pn qlJOINI Crntnl> J!Jglmtv En JUst lh R_mn A onl\ i.)J \tJII's Ill lngh.rm out of a Hrt'l', W,tll~tl' A Carroll, Thomas !jiC,2U:!8 wrth trade In, Irom AI gtlwer l•'r,lllk E1.111s .ts s.t\lng huildrng sh.tr<' thl' same n,tme Both .uc n.rmcrl lOIII!'~ IS PI<' VPtnon L Mmrmv, I11~e. M.rson th.tl secnndaty to.rris .t)C rn o~flr•J SlepiH•ns r. M,rson, J,rsl gpvcrnot of l\!tchr· Through Ihe non profit .cnrpor.rllon the hutld Lw•,rsse John R~tsselllost out Ill p tt\V euHitd.tiPs dtl'\\ ,liB Tlwtt• the pr·rma1 > J. h.. RPNI dtl'l"l of .t \\ l'J 7.i p ogress II'<' otes 28 So Br•t rn.tn F. Pt l'thet, Ilo~rry H. Me· Ford husrness 1nupe, $1,229 00, grneererl for sJlPI'tls 11111 0\1'1 li gan .rs ,1 1ern tory and the first elected goVI'IllOI lngs me being finnneect, the corpotottJon Jssrung c 1 1 LPori, Rirlhll'fl F: Adams Rom1lrl J1o~ Chttstenscn Fmd S.rlcs, Ma lmJJes per hour .lcwl'lt lnlri of r MtrhJg,JII .ts , st,ttP., heart attHck So .rctunlly lullf o( 1 , ~lt>nt 01 CUJl>lllg them Under chang-ed plt•t, stat!' ami count> trr lm At 'I U<•sd.r) ~ m~>Nmg Charr· !'or gov<•t nor tltr• Soc 111list Tr.ursfPt;; lc•,tvtng 1\lth lhc Ing· tcnsen Ford S,tJes, .Mason bn,rtri .tpptovPd" Sl.IOO hrglm.rl li rr.rnl's tn tne Unllc Smith, Huwhrn.m & C:t11ls \lest nf the c•npltol for the butldlng program The change •~ more IIIH•ly to be made rial, 1!rew 11 .md till' Pt ohrhttlon ------On J"rrrlot\', Dl'remlwt "> the vr:.ors Asr.ltrne, l:ll'rncnl BttiiPII lnr DPiroll .rr< htll'cls o~ml engineers. Thnl'llson srtr• Is hounded on the west by Plnr! ,mrl I'XII'!Iris In .J,rnU.tr}. c•andrl.rle 1lfi ]'OLIO unol',.; OFF lc·ornmJsslon Will )PI contracts for f'l,Jl(I'S Drll l'ny, JI'\\Ptt Jnhn Gross of Flint h.ts the genc•tal COIJtr.rct. fhe ((]Sf 1rom Al!PgIt<> <.tst'' lt.JI't' ht'l'll rwxl "P.tr's suppl\ of Plll\!'rl pipe son I.PPill.tll, l\t.nshc~ll .P.tlll I of llw hurlrltng m.Hlc o[ lndt.11l,l limestone, Will The StPplll'llS r Maiinll htulrllllg IS lor d(Pd .It till' Luc rn d011 11 lo ~ ''' fot Cia a C Tlw lol,tl lngh.tm Millis Ill ptrv.rtf' lllttirlrngs 111 L.msmg lhe st.tiP set up ,r ment, Ibe g,ts l.tx dtvrswn of 11w ser•t cLtry of ch 11 l<'r and legal declsrons to see I\tcClwr of Stor kbrJdgc got 3' Plrtz Rtrsscll Trrquct '111ltr1H•IJ hurlrhng IOtpowtton It rs lmo\\11 .ts lhe Mtl'h sl.tlr's offu·e, llw <'lVII ~iC! vu•t• commrssron, tlw JUst when L.rnsrng doe~ ehnn~-:e vole'-' for POJ onPr ,111d Ruth Stan \\"all, Wtllmts .tnd hlrll rg.rn St.tlc• Offrce Btnirhngs Cmpnt.tlton Sl'llotlor st.Jtl' rev<'IIIIP r!Pplll tnwnt o~nrl thP sial!' relit<' Its trpresent 1tton on the county )1') >!Ill lfih for rountv dt>lk. J'hu·m·ds Ar•t• UnH~:hl 1 l!.llr\ 1' llrttlf' of tlw Ingh,rmLrvmgston rlislll.ct nll'nl hoarfl In !he basement wtli lw a (afpft•tt.r honHi anrl whether· or not thr. R1ght on tlH• nosfl WC'I<' lhe un On retommPIHI,rtron of the JepresP.nt,1tron must bt• clrosen oflrcr.tl t,tllres fill' RP)Hthllr•ms \I:e of prqiMIP on till' mlssmn \11th .1 dnec lor 111 1 11 • t 1 1 1 t fltc cost wnuld holVC lwr.n $6 000 Mtchrgan went for Genm.rl E.rst L,rnsmg, MIS HPII Schwdd does nol rnr lucie Ingh.rm dot's m,'\1111 \Vo"S" r1!ade tltat Stlpen'lSOIS 1\rkC I' 1111 S In1 .r I em uner1 ,\lOlltl As approved Moml,tl', lite prn llln'·c t!Jl ,\ rnajnt'lt••. It has Jlr·ove the o.;ame on l1c oiiH'l, Ruth Bowles and fawns Tlwr .ue s!ill pro I " > 11 R 1 M M011 1 gram c.rlls (or til!' JH mtmg .rnd ,\lei Nrxon (or presrdent ,rnd VICe· S,rgmaw; M.rx !Iamltn, Mantstec; lectPrl. " good 11rmngem!.!nt for the f.tlr unn!IIe!al lot \', ll Jert nlac mg of piacarcls only al Ktlllng oi does ,mrl [, ns he !Jer•nusc last ~car the county gnmcry g,JIIII'rl bul not enough to pre~trlP.nt That's what lhc 111.!\VS· Thomas P. R.ru, West Branch; 111 rornes legal only nmth oJ J\1·20 bo:hotm count\' for sotn<' un No Mrchtgan votes hnve yet O.rl<; anrl Hcrm.rn F. Luhrs, 1 !Jet· !! Some of thl' supr•r 1 tsrn s B1rnungh.rrn. .1\lt Ple,rs:mt and B.t\' Crt}. ' E:drll fnllowprJ the aP.ll'phnc<• of explainer! re.rson lltet c wctP 10 wunted to It~ meeting on Tw•s !Jrl'n counted 01 even cast fot -----I -- Tht>lt' \\Ill be thl' IISU.tl exodus I tlw 'rc:;rgn.ttlons of Supet\lsors ll\IJI'C prople who r~~v~·cd n~p rl,rys rnstcml of Mond.rvs <~s ha, Grmer.r1 Ersenhower and Scn.rtor o( hunters lo the nmlh J'nd.r> Dell mel Collet· flotn the county Ch,tr·Jes E Potter .Is · · scna or Ntxon Those who put their been customan I dltrl Satmda} .tccotrltng to the j fnu· committee The) asked to be fot thP" te.mPy tlt~n for tlw fu•ll· mfl!I(S under the names of Elsen· Blocks Go Up cmrs(•rv.ttJon department With rPltc1crl "because of ill health" te11n. And there \\etc RG7 r7wcr 1 lwWPJ .rml Ntxon nn the lJ,tllot.~ rle<•t mnrc numewus 111 Inghdm IThe lm.n r1 ,u•ccpted llw res!gna· voters who w.rnterl to lver bef!JI<' m r'd ~-:.tn law tbev must meet m the era! contra1•t, h.rs almost com gel tired o[ using thcu• petwlls morl.! will come up fm· hear tng al senate ch.tmhel' of the capllol 111 plcted the footings The blocl( L tnsutg ,11 2 p m. Wcrlnesd.w. laying crew ha~ :;tarted the walls One Man in Cement Plant That w,tsn't so this year. The the coum 1! ch.rmbl.!r Monday mght. T.1ntt.tl'\ 7 to cast trw1r voles If on the south Pnd of the scllool shcrrll's oflt< c 111 second plncc drew mor•e votes than the prose The hlocl\ h,rs been zoned ,rnrl ,my elector has rhed or IS SIC I< m The Mason ho,nrl of educ.rtlon PUtors ollrrc Thl' county clerk's dezoned .md rezoned for the past for some ot het 1 e.1son can not at· h.1s chosen vartcolmcd face briclt tend or refuse~ to al't the quail· Halts Paving on US-127 ontce 111 11111 rl pl.rce (It ew even 5 years Because of n fif,":ht over In light shades for the exterior more than the :;hcrrff's o!Ttce · the :1.0r11ng, tlw trrangular ))JeeP fieri electot s present may fill the The hrtck arc m.rde by the Me 1\nt WaJJt of ,l fPW h:ley of Mt,rmr Flortcla I her She lecelved .r $5 000 scholar .. piece at the Sycmnorc·St,tte tn It wns m l!l28 when lust the \V oods ,md fields and even wllh his how and m 1011' When .June of 1953. Voters JUI11pr.cl 0\ er the su· gr:rcerl the Syc.rmore v<~ller shrp to any sl'itonl In the eoun· tc>rsection and wants the blof'l( ll' offterals. nor• appear~ lo be .r ccrt,\lnt~·· the Nash de,rler 111 M.1~un and hct e ,n e the 20 men .utrl women residents closely w.ttch all rub Whh the canvass completed In fore winning the beauty crown aries In the rmclrllc o( rhe fisc,1t blsh fires to prevent spread· Co of SaghMw. When co""lpletecl, the llnl;: will L,mslng. Ione for each congt'elislllan and all exc!•pt Wa~·Iw thl' lend of Gov­ She plans to retmn to the school ~cnr. Grading on the hy·p.r~s wIll he a drvldccl htghway stretchln:.: Ml11s Amerrca appeared at the each U. S sCln.rtnrl who you lng. tJt'nor Wtlliams st,rnrls at 7,924. In Georgia nfter a year of public continue lhlollgh the Wl\11el' olS from D,n I wad north of Mason LIOns club dinner m Mason. Dur- elected: ' Democrats have gone to Wash· appearances. ... J\ Heco1tl f1nm the M H>~Ht Hnm1 All Stl ,.\. Al1d11A rnt I :OO.:Jt•rt \\Itch rtJillh planned. Jlowcvel', the paving to the :;outh Iltnlts of Holt. The • lng het• 3 day stay in Mrrhlgan 1111 lnglolt in their try to save Moo,ty nliUIHt UCA-VHLill ltCnill hm Is Walter C~arnecl;:l, Karl B Me· nt Hilton & Uichnrd11 hulldll\g lh~ I \\ hteh \\.1~ Jo have hecn clone 2 mile stretch from Holt south to she appem ed before the Lansing Beauty Is more than slun·deep !•leur ChiiHlrnu• g1ft '"" 1 The Slll m •r monel J. Kelly, nil o( Detroit; A Ul!cOI d C1 om lhc Mn~un llomu ~\tl• lay the Mason by-pass paving, the anytime beyond Novemhel' 15, 'Moody, beaten by Rep. Potter by club and the Sales alld Advertls· 1 0 " ______11llnnct UCA·VIr.lor record bu1 itt lln Miss America weighs 118 Ins '"'' I•« ' 111" 1 Karl l{ypcr, Dundee; Anthony eontractot·s said. Sargent cngincel's stated. Even •17,000 votes, Is pointing to "lr­ lng club. • ultnl ClulstmnK gift \Qwt and ts 5 feet and 6 Inches (,!II K11Pilc1 thnriiHI Slamm, Kalnmazoo; Sib Rumery, l'egnl<1rltles and mcldents." Ilnm tllltlll~nl tl h' Mt When tlw bids for the gradmg with the drainage delay1 the Miss Langle>' was" ct·ownad Mrs. Foote Js the former PhyJ. Yttlltllltll(J"!ehlJl !ti\V~!lh\ \\ ~ c ~ Wayland; John D. Htbbard, S~ec .Jun ln~1unm ut Ho\ ClniHitl\~('lt ana Jla\ lng on the Holt-Mason company had planned to complete Miss An1e1•1ca following the lis $carlctt of Holt. 'rhmtHIII!!, Nm • min 1 .!II Fi-7 HI I' m $J li'oJtr S~tlt'~ rm 11\ltl 1+olll rot Clul!ttmn!4. S·llnl CJOr;t •oUI un lhnH hm 11~1 IH!I~flll Ul\\ 1 C:rnnd R.tplcls; Gco1·gc Loomis, lllwl }VId~nlng wcr<1 let, the llnl< wns to pw link by thb fall, they staled. llt DtL\0 tl\ • J)J ll~ Jt '

1'.\il'fli'J();\1 )1, lt.:~HI\'l,ll Kiwanis Leader l State Must face l'rlll nf 1111• JJrlllillonln~ Ill 1h1• Plan~J~u·J~~ to leave Hospital, 1 1 } ~, ;. I •,1 Ill Ill l'llllldllt' lln II Wlll'i ~lt·lllfllllsl tllltl'l'll wlllolflf'!,tlt• Or Go Bankrupt h••<~llh riPilllllllll'lll Willi thr• •II l•:lnll'l' I I I 'I,IIJI,Iill, 'I Hill I '11'1' HotP•·Ill·lll\1 1111rl 11 gl'lltHI· Next April 6th shilling nl mlcllllonr~l pr•tHonnPI ll'll'ri d 1.11 I) li• II I .ill ll'k oil Spr11 SOil ill lll.illlolgl' II Ill i11• )Ia if· No long1•t l'flll 1)11• !(11\'l'l'J!IJI dllrl lo Lnnn111g fill' LDttldot SfUH I' Is lOW hosplldl Ill I rill 111,0 \\'• rlnrs IH•.tit'IH. 'f'h1 solls·ltildl\ ,]){ IiLII I IPg!Hllllllll• riflrlgt• Mlr lilgun's II Lunslng I It,\ oil ill 11\0RI ( I lill' 110 lolll{l'l IIPI'III'd Iii' 1111' ril')lllll rl.ty 11111'111111111 ll••\\'\r•t· of Bowling nnrl lllilll'l tl.tmc•rl Hkhm·d Dl'lll· gnVI'I!\Cll' .tilt! 1111• ll'glsl.illlil' cot purullon sclwnw I ,:Jll7 to •17ii. Ill'! folllllll li!d Ill I hllllll olllrll l'vt ~rarlyn Jfowr• of C'ollllll low, high srhnol ptlnt'lpal, as Snl!ll' ol lh.tt sllill' <'otms f111111 Altl',uly on file Willi lho hollld 111'1 l'lllldil'n .111<1 f;l lnII ll.ll miles .tj.(IJ. 'l'h<'ll' Ill' I~ l'ldlllll lnlrli\'11, Dl'fl'llllll'] :!, IJI! Ttii'SII.IY nrgllt oil no~vy nlfi<·cr In r·hnrgP of an \Ill· With I(S wr.o~llh illltr' IS IJ(l ,.,.: Dolllld n.tsst•lt, Murlun l'll'hll'l, .tnd Skippy nnrl A2/1' and Mrs \\!'!'!( All duh members wlll haV<) ensl of Lansing's pt<•sr•nl zig-zag unci II gl!·o~l g1 trHiilulrlrllt \ IIIH• lnf(llo~n1 , ounll' ,11 lur•vPrm·nl. rletwall't' xpl,uned I Tlnu·scl.ly fill Cheyennl', Wymn N Ph rvl·ce Ita) monrl L :.lrolln11 11! !111• ~!.rs11n son Thursrhry ntglll s 1 I The llUSll'l'IIY Jll O>(l ollll Whll'h ( Ult'l'IS IHIOAJJCAto;'I'S mg, ,tftcr spending ,t I:l·d~tY Ill!· ew one e llhl' ll'grslniliH' .mrl rll•p,l!IJTII'ill Iough With his wllP ,mrl son .mel Alan S. Cllt lls, Mason snpho· hPo~ds have rmposr•d Will nul 1c· more .tl Michigan State college, his parents, Mr. and Tlh·s. Lt•wls New Number 2-3 3 81 Ingham County News November 13, 1952 Page 2 Manager Picked llc1e lhe ~iludtwn, onlv sla\P off HatiJburn. per fm met I in .1 musit'al program I he day of JC•C'Iwnrng Lod1 sail I. over WKAR Monday, Ill• accom· Mr. ami Mrs. Norris P.ulwr, For Dairy Bar The people tlwmspJ\•es, L•Jdl panied ,,n oboP soloist un lhe pi· Tr., .uul ~on spPnt Sunday wtth Thorburn Lumber 6t Coed Co. rleclarNI, musl sh.tl'CJ lllltr'h ol IIH' Lcwi~ 24 Hour .mo. The M S. C department of hls parents, Mt·. :mrl Mrs. Ma..'iOD Mrs. Lucille Shepard has taken blame for till' sl,tiP ill'lllg in till' music J!resents 2 pt ogr.1m~ week· Hathllurn. Wrecker Service over tlw mtter. ellyn Risch. Edward Sltobel .tnd Lind.r called lin, Rtrll! Hamltn Thomas Het We haw· 2 new bo) s at tendmg •111 lhl' Sllobels !thy, Wtlma F'elton, GeJ.tld Be!· our sd10ol, R1clmrd Rlbby in the 1\lr and Mrs G~ot don lite b, Jl mu Em1k0 Heed and H.onalcl seventh J,(lcHh• and P,utl \Vh1tm•y ,J,uwl and KPII h .md i\<11 s. Molly Ham 1m in the iourt h gt a de :\Ian:, wc>re \Vl'P.k PIHI gu<'sls of The Motlwb club met Moml.ty Last I'ttclay nlghl the Lee Mr . .tml .Mt' Ch,liiP, Staffmrl. l r•ven111g and dectded to hnve a sc·hool <·ommumty h.tll a com· Mr· and Mts George Glove! lcommunit) 'I'IMnksglvlng suppet munlty supper. About 60 people and cluldll•n r.tiiC'd •Jil Mr.• uvl ,11 llw sehnnlhouse nn Ftlclay eve· : P.I!Juyed the supper and pr·ogram. Mt s. R~lph Bed\l'r Suntln; I' VI' nrng, Nuwmhl!l 21, at 7:30. Mr~.J Wayne Karn s,mg fm us then ning. Geolgl' Glover and Mrs. Don Me· 1 Mr. .tnd Mrs.· Bond of Williams· Mt ~. RoJ J.;rng, J11n and 13ob KPI!ZIP ,JrP 111 l'hm ge uf Ihe !>Up· ton showed us slides of their railed on Mts At'chtc House Sat· per. i\.1r~. Edward 131'1'1111'1 a11cl re,·ent 1r1p to Europe ' urclny and on Sumla) illr .tml M1s. Erne-t Knoch an• in chmg-1• When you say The Lee school ehtldten had Mrs. AI Semite and chtldwn .trl(l of entertainment. thetr hear111g tests la~l 'I'hurs· good-bye to summer •• ; day. Mr. Bmol

lluy your 'l'V where you can be sur1\ of service. We have !\Jason's only eom­ JIIete TV Sen•lco Contm·. W11 tnlw cnrt~ of our own Silts, wo don't farm tbom out. ' \ Collins Sales &. Service Start right now' to enjoy work•aavlng, monty•aavlng Pl10ne Mason 2·5311 Timkc11 Silent Automallc Heat! Your choice of fuela­ oll or go5. You'll novor have to tend your heating plant tatlmatea. Eaay terms.

STUBBORN STU Ia the IJPII &f pedtltrla who blllna I~ "Forner Amber!' He allrtt to cr01 tilt 111.. 'With the ytllow light IMt whiR Itt knows that It ,,m· chana• to red hfore It•'• ocroat-t~unterlna tltt nat of tilt woy deflontlr. He'a like thdrl¥tr who chtt11 011 tilt yellow 11d clolm1 hi'• ~ r!QL He '"!I .. right ~rl. Schools Get Cash November 13, 1952. P11ge 3 From State Fund Ml1•hlgun sllli i111.' ttllllll''. Leslie News· Deer Hunter f'lltllll{h ill'iilliil>il• I II Jill)' I hi' II IIIII l'JIHI 'l'tll'ltiw lnslullnll~lll of sd11Jrol prilllill')' rtliiiJI'Y in ftlil. County 'l'n•n:illl'l'l' L)'il' it' ,\tlri· • H ld f IChurl'lt lu Oh.~"rvn Auni\IL~l'Hlii'Y tin t'('('toivl'rl :11~ 1~.i12!i,!J~ 'l'llllt'~da.\' SerVICeS e Or 'J'he l•'lnwm· Mrmot•lnl ~plrltunl· SPECIALS ill ill' puld Ill Tlli!ltam sd/IHtl dis· 1st dlUI'dt will cclr.hrat£! tlw 20th ITic•f:;, 'l'ht• dll!diS wJJJ ~~~till( lii'XI lmniVI't'snry nf Its clmrter under l\'1'1'11, Ausl in said. l'uynwnl>< an~ Stella, Woodworth Uw MRSA' 011 Sunclny, Nuvmnl)()r l'lllllllll'd a! $~.til 1"'1' dtild l11 lhl' , . _ l!i, nr~v. Mnhlc> BnrneH of. Pontlnr RED WOOL PARKAS-$17.95 lfJ:Jl Hl'iltllti l'l'liSliS. Miss Ktl'lla. Woodwol'lh, lt1, of will Ill' llw H(ll!nlwr nsHisted hy i\i'IIW Hx:IO L1•sllt~ rllt~ti Stnuiny l'VIJnlng nl otlwt• visiting wo 1·Jwrs. ~ct·vkr.s llon'l Shnol not~N Lansing will .l!,l'l !till~.:liH.H!J. Army Ska Pacs In will lll!gln ut m., with lllnnr.r 'J'h1• J•:usl Lnn.'illli'. shun• J:; :iiii,.l •.h(' O~te,oJI:tt~lk .~~~~~pita~ .r.nr~k·l :l 11 • Work Shirt son. Khc Is Hill\ I\ c d h~ 11 hi of 11· the chtu·eh nt 5 p. m, and serv· !l:l!I,HH. Kllwilflrirlgr•, Wlih an t'X· 1111 Binoculars "1', Lesllt• Wm11lworlil ol ltlws kes at 7::JO p. m. ·aeconllng to $8.95 j). m. '!'hose .taltlng part will tw Carol Chesley, l~vcl)'ll ,Army O·IG.IiO; C't)llllllttltily, ~~!Jtil.li; a111l Hampton, gslJwt• Vinee, Betty Fon•sl HtHirl, $l,!J!Itl.!l~. EOTC Members St Ul'mnn, Lui~ Che~IC!Y nncl Mary Folding TIH•Hl• ill'l' lilt' ,,izt• of dil't'ics Montgonwr~·. Mrs. Paul Tuclml' Is !ol' llll' Ddhl sehools: lloll, $!i,· director. Till! public is Invited. IJ,iJ.72; lsla11d, $7BJ .. ill; Norlit, Meet Tuelday Cots $:i,Hti:J,.J!I; ami Mapl1• (11'11\'l', $ i.­ . I Mrs. Luelllt• Goff was llw Compasses H:l:!..IH. MAU-MAU MAN-No momn's H.unting Knife · boy is this sinister member of speaker at the K '0, T. C. duh Dart Schqol ', ·; Camp Axes ln Mt~l'ldl2\i."/2; 'I' IiC~ tribe In ceremonial dress. The M1·. 'l'amplt•r · aer~ompnnled the attended t'helr bt'o\hct··in·lint:~ (~·~ Alaiedon IOII'IlShip ttttil will draw, J(IJ,uyu group Is the largest tribe numlwrs. During tlw iluslncss nel'!ll at Puuldlng, ·Ohio. · · · Compare P X $2,312.40. \VPhlll'rvillt•'s silal'l• is • in tile tcn;ltory. English offi­ mt!el[J1g, at wl!leh Mrs. guen Cui· clnls sny most Mnu-Mnu mem- Glr.nalle Tlltts tipelltr~unclay. at What We $t,11a.1:!. . . . 1 11~11 !!residPd, It wu~ vott~d to eon· -.bcrs nrc from this tribe and the .Iearl McC11be !tome. 1; Prices with ·Household Onondaga's HI\'I'I'SIIil• 11'111 dra1·• trlhlltt~ to ihe Girls '!'own. pro.let:t hnvc urrestcd mnny of them In .Joyce and Rtttlt· Wnld were $ti26.0.1 i!nd J{ittl!l'villt•, wltt·n• lilt' I un effort to stop the rebellion. nne! also to tlw H1~rl Feather 1lriV!', Ain't Got VFW llonw is ltll'itH•d, has $1.- A shower of l'anned fruit and Sunday guests of -Dorothy. apd Chain Stoie 2!'17.72 vomlng. jelli£~s was annutmced lor ihc Barbara Dti11Snlore,• Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilson Specials You Won't Want next meeting, tu be glvt~n to the 1 Woman's Home in Lansing. wer·e Sunday evC!nlng guests o! Prices • lETTERS Mr. and Mrs'. Art L'ange. Mrs. Hobert · Fari!'V was tli~ Glen Stewart D1es ln~iuuu CO}lrl . .'\t•r·olmtks leadl'r ·for tlw evenii1g and In­ Mr .. and Mrs. William 13ow¢n No, g~ntk· render, !hat scene llroduced Mrs. Goff, Engll~h ami spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. HAN RIVIm - AVONDAU~ 1\'iJich (JI'CLIITed in lngham co.urt, dramatics. teacher in the El~llJII .Joe Gullel1. Of Heart Attack jus I at dusl1 Tuesday evcmngo, Hap ids Iugh school. Mrs. Goff Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Scrlpter Lat•~st Uemnant were guests at dinner Sunday of Glen Slewart, (i~. sui'f1•rerl a fa. ;.vas not a ma11 who should know goavr. cuttings from "The Amrri· ·D r1~ss-I.r.ngt h tnl heart attack Sli!Hiay aflf•rnotllt ltcllr•r eloping with a yo1111g girl. cnn Way•: !Jy George ,I

IJC!tcrs from I Miss Doil!la t\at'l'ar cif Sunfield Clothing the Mason and Lansing area com· and Jean.ne Purcell 11,11d Leat~r pet eel Sunday at tlw Mnson Gun Enness·of ~agl!! S[ll!nt Sundn:(, at elub range on Dexter Trail for the homq o! Mr~ al)!j ·1\~r~. LenlliS lurlwys. The turlu~y shoot was Eastman and· fan'll!y; · . · . Huys' First. Qunllty sponsored by tlic club. Mrs. P.eat'l ~ut·¢~11 : ancl. chi!· .Five different silOOtPrs took ' • dren caJied on ~r .. aud Ml's. Lyle Ulanlwt-I~iued home a total of G huge birds. I • . • '' ' • • Brown ~n\1' Jam und tamarack i~. prevented In ner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. cates maintain thut beaver do n(ll th oreos flooded by beaver. Burgess of Mason. . ·. ', . . to buy at a bargain, to destroy anything of value and that Beaver dams located nt tt. outlets Mr. l!lld Mrs. Wayne Gallaway . P. ·X. Bonus Jackpot sell for quick cash, to get a protecting them impt•oves Rsbin~, of ·large lakes and str\!.l!m& conservtl and family were Sunday after• home, job, or worlt done conserves water and gena rally aids 'these waters on!:• temporarily. When noon callers of ·Mr. and Mrs. John MART CO. llolder of Sales Slip No.·ll9lllatt1d November 7 listing through· the result-getting In the wildlife and conservation rainfall Is low in the area of the Carr of OkeinOI!. · · · . 1 pair oto.shoes, will receive $10 In trade at the P. X. . 'OI'ogt•rim. smaluh·eoms and laku, the dammed· Want-Ads. It's ·a 't1·ick . Mr; and Mrs. George . Hldgon Be Foxy.- Be Wise If not cllllnted by ·Satunlay, $6 will be 11dded and next worth trying· soon! · However, those wltl1 less senti· i.tp water becomes. dirty, discolored, slient. Sunday .41rernoon with· Mr. week'K JacktJO& will be $16. Each Wt.'Ck "a Sales Slltl IN ment fot• the ."hnrd·worklng heave••" and· stagnant. , Beaver then ,.loo]t · and· Mrs. George Sodt of Jaek· Economize . picked at random from. lasl. week's SaleH Slips. Tl\•! · Phone 9011 . and Q .11101'0 foClUnl pOint .Of VIeW cleewliere far more waier, ' . ·~I ------~'------son. • \ ho!der of thahllp get.!! the P •X, Jack(lot. • chilm that this animal ~hould not ·The extent · of·· the bonvcr's iu· 'I 1 be protected· because It causes the flue nee, lioOd ·or bad, u~ ;.p; n W.lll ii. w. MATIIIAS · pll'llHe eall at. t.he P. X. for .Ills blocltnge of streams, hinders the deponds on th~ !~I· .c~ndltlons;;_ WANT~~Aps . .' migration; fish, f\ooda out'fore1ts tho nature of the stream Mild i!Ur­ le:~n::c:;~ns~t~nekft~::· ·.cut.·~. R. ate Depart.m.e. nt St. o.. re .lree Cllrton of clgarots. · ' :· •,._ of ti-ack4 this rear; 11 ·; tliv ·son of ." · ..and enndo tree.!· hi ~e~reatlonril areas, roundlns. envlro~&i, ·Dr:·creliler Ql~: J(ona,;Ky., c:oat~ll\tr~ .' 1-:..••·-·-·· ··----111111111!111-•·--·-·----· ------•-•• ····'...... /'. I• ·•· ~ :. ,,: .. ,,. ·:.:.: I o • ""·•~ .. "'~.".' • •

J " ·',\' ,li'ON'rANAS IIONOHIW Mr. nnct Ml's, Joseph T•'ont nnn, Day ~ewlyweds. Will Live Sr., celehmterl their 32nd werl· Armistice rllng nnnlvursnry Snturctay w!\h a llut'p!'lsC! [Jill'tY given hy tlwlr Dinner Is Held anJ rtmtghter, Vilrt l•'nntnna, 'l'wenty· Soclal flvcJ friends nf the I•'nntnnnH wore Commemot'C\llng the of ~ignlng ~ . • • • . . "' • • • . preHent,. Ann!VIJI'Hill'Y l'lll\e, tho ArmistlcC! 011 November ke 11, Prenm nnd eoffee were ~ervec! by 1!118, mmnhers nf Browne·C'nvcm· the llostr.ms. Ml', nncl MrH. l~on· der Post nnd Auxlllnry of Mnson NtqJlial Vows Solemnizerl Friday Evening Mrs. ·D. C. Dart lnnrt reerJivcd many nice giflH, .. • • mel Tuesrlny evening nt the Lr.- Mmmn Metlwrll~t church was Entertains Club Mr. llllll Mrs. I~lmcr• Grimes, ginn Memorial hulidlng. the ~r·enl' of tlw WPrhllng of MI~H S1·., unrl Ml'. nnri 'Mrs, Elmer A covered dish dinner was GlDrin ,l;rJw Rathburn unrl WI!· Mrs. D. C. Dart enterlatnecl !i2 Grimes, .Jr., nnrl clnughler• nf Ln· served nt 7 o'clocl<, follow'rcl hy it lliun /\. Conl\lln l~rlday evening memt>ers of the Mnson Woman's pem· spent the wcPI< C!IHI with Mr. short prog1·am unrl sol'inl hour. ul H o'elocl<. cltih at a 1 o'clric·l< Juneheon Tues­ nntl Mrs. LPsllc! Hodgson. Commt\nlly singing wa~ Pnjoyeri 'J'lw hridP is t hr. rlaughl!!r of day, Officers of the Ingham Mr. nnrl ~lrh, .lo:;npll Fontnna. nnrl IWI'moniPn nnrl guitnr num­ Mr·. nnrl MrH. Jcranlt L. Rnlh· County Ji'edemllon of Women's ,Jr., nncl SldJhnnle .renn of New hers were plnyecl by ,John Powell. hurn. Mr. Conlrl an. anangcment of Mrs. C. Ji'. Schultz, Mrs. Howard 1st church. Ann is the rlauglller cws of the bride, acted as ring yr•limv anrl white rosebuds tied I Smith and Mrs. Don Snyder. of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Simons nnd bearer>~. willl while rlhilons. the bridegroom's I>arr.nls are Mr. Mothers of the r•oupiP wore Xmas Layaway Budget l\!:1 rv 1\lcnovsl

',\' .... ::1.- I • '.

I 1 f;tJU!l tfSI•.j! <'I.U'I'lliNlltrot' lilt' lti\llllll' lllf'l't'll Hlli>lrll IJlllr•li '/b ACHI~.'l n1st c:l<~b:. ·land, nt- PLA::>'l'J~I~1NL<·-AH l\llld~> i1L plns· ." t~t 111111 .(o"nty News November 13, 1952 fEunlly, III to!IIH! Ii<•fom ym1 t111' ·.. ll<•, huH 0 <'lllliJHII'IIrl('!lls, Real L~tate· ll'llctlve mor1t1rn 11ome, hoaull· terlng rlonc; Pl\tchtnu 11 speclul· "' buy your full i\1111 wlnlel' l'inthmg l•'rmwl~ .lorw~, ~111 1·~.,~1 fl,vr·u· A, .o. ('tl'OC!tOUg'h fnl grounds, guocllmrn. Bqy imm t~. nolmrt fl. BllrnH, 3811 .1\UI'C!• cilifii'Thi'ir_A.:..'r_c_t_Il_N_O__,d_li_C_IIB-IIn-i1-~G~,A':":l:-l-::A-::G-::l~:-w-nr-,t-e(--=-,-:-t-u_r_l'l--:lt-::-ro-•• -:-:tho Want Ads 110 sure anti vlsll tlw Dol'rltliy Infrrr•, fllilHon, ·lllWI u - owner, Will COI!Hlrtm• offer lund Ius mnll, Lnt~~~ng, Route ::. r.icc!Hil, ~J~cullont worlt, good wlnll•l', lH'eflll' I ho Wl'HI ~lrlt>, iJP!Pn Ht>HH!r Shop, fi~·l CPnter • Q , jnrHI houHo aepnrntoly, Phone Lnn· Phone Lllnslng ~·.1lOB, 1wtt fn~ubrltor, ~0 ycnl'li ex!Jcrlcmce, Pltulll' 2·12U1 Mu~ou. ·lllwl lllr't•Pt, MIIHrll], •lliw I rm·u~ :1~ Hpl't'wi WlrwhPHI<'l' • Fnut 1.Jpccml H!ng )i-;i108. · il2wlf --- ·--·-·-- A1ll!llll Montor, l2Bfi5 Pc!acqclt Page 2 lll~Ll' WAN'I'Im, wnltr<'Hs, Ap· ... dt•l'l' rir!l', MII~IJII L!d(l', I·IH I•;iiHllr~rWI'l' l•'AIU\'1, .IUhl Hlill'ling In r rtoLLING vmw-n~riu;n~-~~tes Bert's Garage .l'M,nl', wllll ldlllul :~. IIlii Jl<'ll<'h, 1 8 miles south of Lunslng mmr Qeneml nepn!rlng ·-----·•_w__ i'Oi\l (ill' Hili<'. 'P('OJHigP HlZI', In •\II hour plus nwalH, ·ltlwlp Wherd, fmnnl~. Good c·hlltl'n Sales and Sel'Vice ·llhvlp hlgllwny, All. lnn!H nnd r•qulp· lelmH. II. C,' Rlethmlller, owner, 1-2wtt rot• hrllrl purchnse, l'ellnanclnl(, COA'rS--Mun'~ nil wool ma<'ldll· 11 111 dug. Pl!nne MaHon 2:mfl1. 1lllwl uw, neVI!!' been wm·n and 2 lup mrnl • lnl'!udrng tmr-t~n· ! \4•185 Dexter Trail Slocltbrldge. tnodci'nlznllon, o~nnchhlct'Y or uny A fnvorltQ for more than :iO t•ou!H lllw new. Nc•a1·ly lli'W !o'LJitNAC!•: l'All.'l'S-New fur• ChPvrnlPI IJIIC 1\ lifl,,Ol, Ill· ' 14wtf ·· ·,-----· flliiTl plJrpoHC with tlll'mR to Hlllt WAN'l'IW C Action 12R7 Lumh road. ·lflw I Jl ' J.:l'nnomlcnl fll:i Daby Lunr., plwnP LnnHing :uul ''''''"'· ,, I,ll to Linotlle - Asphnlt Tile Doble road, phone Lansing H7:l2P S-liwh <'lrculnr snw with stand' IN DANSVILLE-7-room house, ling and save. c. J. Porrln,' 113 you w!sh W gf' \at home. 5. Pho1W Mason 2•1GG2.' •11iwl · Carli Tlle 1 • · HAS'l'INGS 4lwt f ml motor, 1/3 h. p. Many other 1 not modern, nerlr roum house to bc1,movcd, for "Rubber Base" E. ·D, Franklin & Son regular fnrm work. Must beT~· We Install GOUth of Mason on US-127. Phone iG VIcARS recnrd of prompt, fair willr .1.room housr anrl hath. Rnlf'. Casell Bailey, 1 ~" miles eaRl Floor Enamel . , , · liable ami suher. Permanent year· Mnson 22233. ,12w1f paymr.nl of windstorm !ussc~-- Near Vnntown, r,;.i,~ll.l. of Bunl1cr II!II Catholic church on, Licensed Dealers, ¥nson ruuml job If satlsfnctory. Law· Ball-Dunn ------h.rt'~ tl1e rPl'or·d of tlw StatP. Mu· IF i'UU UtiN"l ,,,., wnat you Murray road. Phone Dnnsvllle Usc it on Phone 26793 Mnson renee Stowe, 1075 Stockbridge Phone 5231 Mason PULLETS-24 White Hor·k spring tin! Cy<·lonilonr. Maso11 ::l7fll. Alva Lent. , m. 18\Vtl Antes .. 81!5 North Clarl( rand, , , ro Detroit Pacldng Hous~' nnd ------, _. ------laying. 27:\l Cedar road at l~i-~ •15w2 ______---·------D4nsvlile. 46wlp 1 YOU CAN1 HURT IT, Yards WANTED--All kinds o! Jogs and Phune 2a63 Dnn11yllle · lG"' · t -· ------··-- · ------·- ·- · ------·----, under ordlnnry wear and us~ ' standing timber call Charlotte 35wtf ff'rt, phone Holt · "21. 'lliiV I . OUR LOG TIWCK will be avail· Monda)'& and Tuesdays · ~o ------·-·------·- ~ · z· 1 379 dnytlmes or 19u cvenmgs or GEESE-65 geese re~ COACH,.i947,i22·.fl .. rnod~l Fie)~ r.oail, phone Dansvtllc 20:J~. • One. ul the best. Level land, 500, terms. I mas · W · forestry methods If you so desire. sleeps 4, nlsu 9x7 wired room ~------·-·---~~] lg-oo:I Jr.nccs .. n.lOcll!rll 8-room home Iso ACRES with 70 il['l'i'S under I Pl bi d welding Shop Contn~t us before selllng. ~rhure· nnd· 5xll" sto~a:ie 1room, $225 casl1 GEESE- White Chinese geese I eonclli!Oll, plow, 7-l'Oorn holiFI', :llxGO l:ir·: w· son Lumber Company, Howell,• 3~~~.II~:~1 1 .t!aS~l~lell\12 52 b~r:l, u~ n~ an . ·a''nted . and take .ove1• .-;pntract of· $425 at. for salit $3 each. Flll your li xo • her_ house X • ,rlso roof barn. •·rmrJnr slab ~"lo, Heating Fixtures , Will be closed for the deer hunt· • phone 931. 6wt1 1 $35 per· .month. Phone· Mason t 0 k rs 0·1 ' 11 a 11 0 1 AI 1 other iltuldrngs. Lots of seedmg, other llt's , · ·, _.. _._. •· · ;.. 1 '· : • 4 ,J.l Calves Wanted .., ' · . HOUSE FOR SALE, close to Holt, p 1·~c~ bath Ll!l, 2·tJiecc bath A]Jpllanc~ Phillips CARE FOR ,CHILDREN.~WJJ ·••-~-11o1'1'E"'···H· nl'i"'!)-" ,r!o.i;7 ·•on'e• Sportster, with eleatrlc_ rett·lg "hevrolet or Oldsmoll!le and J't!st btlllt large 1·room. DeetJ ~ ~ n • l ~ S11les, 1849 t I f 1 • t """'-, ..,..,... ,.1 .. u 8,..,w, o1 c Nlll buy deacon calves one wee)t IH'atot• and bottlt• 'ga~ stove. I.::lltr ., 111e, othP.t' models. vears 1948 , , · . down, full ba~em~nt, h.u dwoOl <"oar!. Phone BMA·9606, a <:e Pare o ll!an s or pre h.,'is' ·de I .. · . 6 Li · · new and Vf!I'Y reasonable. 311' 'I . 1 1952 . 1 70.0 l5 h at, 011 blncktop. Plctme window. nom·s up and down, gas heat, school children. Daytime and dur- ,8 ,rot."' .',_,a e':'B•• 912•· ·· n.Qoh o ti'o:ee weeks old, at my farm, · uoug 1 ' a so · w ee 1' H's neat and pleasant. If you see Terms 28Wtf lng the week In my home. Bes ?rive, Whl~o~ · Liike; ·, Phone 298 Haslett ron , Also chlld's rocl\er, child's Iron· o( closets and storage cupboards. ,500. Terms. office.estimates. Minimum Call J. job Knapp$10.00. comFrm -1A•"""·"A'.n y ·w .nn,.. """ED. Che· VANT.,.,..,.,,... chll c tenWs, h ea,,.,.kiT .. , ., son ·22811:' · 46wl W. ,~.., 01 .--dJV10r~ 'ng board ond Iron, 24·1nch Pan· House fully Insulated, recently Piclt·UP and Delivery Service pany, Lansing, Michigan, phom Phoim 4~ .Lartslnt or evt' ' tryers on spr ngers. 111 P1 c ·" COAT ...-. Woman's wine CQlorec' Ia, white shoe slmtes, size 2; ancl shingled and has screens and 12·ROOM 3-apnrtment house. Lansing 9·6551, extension 58. •lnlrs 8'1:ill:·...... 4wt lp. W. X. Steadman . Poultl.Y W'inter· coat,.,. trimmed with Per 10y's 4· hltckle boots • size 2· l'hone storm windows for all windows Modern. o11 4 lots,- J,"r·ge" g"rage~ Wl"lli'ams Brothel·s. · aswl2r ~arm. 620 S. Edgar road, phone M 21941 r R 16 u Qnd outside doors. Cash or terms. and on a paved street. 'rerms. WANTE~Car~nters t&)4 Mason. , · 19wU ,.. sian lamb, Size .38. $12, Al~o blacli ~son • ra os~. • w Shown by appointment. Call Ma· Genernl Trucking · oorera· ··for • Kinnevllle ~ridge. ..:.·....__...______....,._ .faJl coat, $7.00. Both like new ~ Y PEw RITER - Undet·woou qon 2·1941. Ira Rose, 734 w. Co· IN MASON-Nearly new 4-room 704 w. Center Street, Mason farm SerVI. ,.e·S Phone.Lanslng 9:0400 or repol•t at· WANTED-Scrap iron, old cors .., 2613 PJt!lllps road ot• phone Lon , portable typewriter with case lumbla. 46wtf modern house, hardwood Phone 24261 " Qb' site, Klnnevm~ brld~e: , and trucks, also farm machln· sing B-7432. 45w: 'ke ·ni!W, to trade for television floors, full basemenl, large lot, · · · · . · · · 46w2 ·ry ·for remelting purposes, old 1 C.,;_THING ,:_·Blue Berge sk' . ·ntenna with tennarotor or will MUCJ{ FARM for sa1i!, 60 acres. $7,000. Only $l,rl00 clown,. bnl· 14wtt Dead or Alive I lire and sheet metal. We sell ' ..v · ad t d d If! 1:' t on Fitchburg road,.2 houses and ance on time. , .. . •WANTJ;:O.:,.,.Udy l9 ~ark. in rsedftlres and parts, also cedar pants, $e 12: ·brown rldlnr· -~ e or goo eer45595 r e. 'orres lrv sheri. William 'F. Kahler, Dol a. BULLDOZING - Bulldozer with bokecy, ·iulnl'i' JitUt' t!nu~:"ldii'st "1'osts by order. Call 1433 A~ro: breeches · !IIZe U· green rldlnr 1946I .. Kraus, phone Lansing,1 Ohio Phone 2486 Do1a or see IN HOLT-5-room modern house winch, backhoe ond dragllne Horses $1 'fiVe goOd· re.(el'llll(e!l. Call "be· Ius after 6:00p.m. ~ .,.. breeches: ·size '16;' riding boots Miller I'Oad. 46W Rny~ond McLean 302' E . Oak wlth hardwood floors, full bnse· worlt. Also bury stonp piles with Cows $1. - IIi :ween ·G and 7 p. m. Phone. Ma· size 7, ond black·!.~ .skates, size IKATES-Woman's whlte,hocl~ey street ' '26wu · ment, stol•er heat, garage, extra back-hoe bulldozer. Basements According to size and condition son 21485.J; f' .. '< · , ·~Swl NANTED-All kinds of hOrses ....> 6. Also Dutlcan Phyfe ae~tee 11 kates, size 7 fot' sale. In very __._ large lot, $8,000. Terms. dug, ditch digging. Either by the Small anlm~ls rem~ved ~ree. - Robert Sheathelm, Route ), ·' ..., Ca\1. 2731,.1 r.tas.on, ·.. 46w~ 10od condition. $5. Ellen OWI!]l, Jewett Real Estate Lo·rs job or by the hour, See William Tomhnson s Feed WANTE~A~~~--' ri},e ~ban I c 6 Le~~le. PhOJlC 2153 U!slle. 39w,,U 3 .tACKET-Biack'fur'jacket, BIZf =~ • .Mason. Phone M:t~~ For farm and 'city Abel Real Estate ~~~~~~~~!~:t:~t:&~~~~~~~:. 'Store . abre·~::.~~~:~:~tge:~~: "' . 16·, hll e"cellent condltlon;·:Aisr property call us Route 2. W!lllnmston. 9wtptf . Holt,.Michlgan IY gllar~t~ •. paid vocation, blllek· all ,wool suit,· size 18,' &eV· !)EER RIFLE for sale, 32·40 with A -- Phone 4·2881 collec~ . jp'()Up. cnoe.,,4.4- hour. w~ek, Lost and .Found ··. eral;YeJ;Y. good •lze.16.·l.J. '2' boxes of shells, 01' will olaU kinds, porK, . . . worklflll con· d~aes,· $35 E1 H J . t.. . genry BU'l'CHERl~G htat;f ' ' clean ~ . 3 palr&:iabai'dlne·rldlnR ~reechea ~fit' for season. Also coal and mery- . ewe ~ Tuesday and Wednesday; beet, C'QSTOM 'S,A~G. :~~80 slab dJtion.. :.!1M ~:d;;rm~nen~ ~lnP.!Of• :' •. I just·•llke:cnew. slze·34·3ti. ·Mrs;;~· wood ranges, oil heaters and com. .Brolmr !• 209 W. 'Ash Thursday; poultey any d..y. We wood ~9r ·sale: Frank Ward. men~ t• wftle. or.'phone, Ray DOGS-Report own or stray dop t• M. Boli&~ 1 mile. souUt. of~·MaiOII ulete home furnishings. Abbott :!29 Stnt'e St.. Mason ·, · · ~- . 'Milson, liiiichlgan pick up and de!lver, Leslie Food Ifirst form eouth of Harper 1Clh091l!!~£s , · . Cbevrollit, Inq., 81~1 to C!a.y Hulett, eounty dol w~ on us:t2'f,,:phone Mason.3-2311. Storage, Hulett.road, phqne Lan· Phone 22571 Phone ,:1lGl Lockers, phone Le11te 5361 or on US·127 at Butler's Reltaunm. West ,.... ·ro.c~," St\artfl, den. Mallon phone 2-osse, or til · · . . : ~·.aewlp sin~ .80571 or .87863. · . 46wl 19\Vtf Mason 4591: 4wtf 1Phone LlnliDiil Gll81. ' ~ plj~~-~l\ll'lli,. 111.; . · . ~1 ·~ om.. 8861. -~ 1....- i~ ' ... ~ ...... t, '' ' • • ' • ' FOR RENT-Wullpr1per utearner Page 8 "TillS l\lWIIOlNI~ Ingham County News November 13, 1952 1111d floor arinder, Inquire tit I'U'fS YOU 'fO WOitl~" Sl!nfer Decomtlng Supply, iJ25 R Death Claims .Teffmson, Phone 23461, 45wU HOUSE-7 t~oms and hath h;-Du.l Charles Drake 1 Solvent C~assified Ads pl~x for rr.n t, Modot n, nowly Chnrlca H. Drnitc, !lfi, Rhcum,1li' dccrmltcrl. Avnllnblo Novembnr 1. 'J'htnRdny mol'Jllng nt thl.l homl' Star Improved It, V Griffin, H2 01{emos Slt't:!el, Ile1o me two of the mnny ttnunncc of fnt ~nlurlcs. of his 1lnughtcr, Mrfi. Ell Mho on 1 pr oblcms confronting the now "' • * FOUND-Dug Hed nml white AI'AH'l'l\ll~N'l' fill rPnt. Lnt[ll' 2· phone MaHOn :mil •HlW1 Admlnlstrntlon l'robably ~en, /Uoxandcr Wll· Onmutngn wnrl 1 "Sixlct>lt ycn1 ' of HUffer in1: setter PIJOJH' 2 !!212. J.Jw3 1oom mpdctn npnrtmcnt, with~------• "' • cy or Wisconsin will lmvc some lie wns bo1 n August !.!h, 1867 In hom nrtlniiiH i1nrl !Pfl Ill~' ver·y - lMIIl P,ully Hlllllslwrl, private ( d f Th k One problem has been pit>- wmrln on lire subject when Uomr• Dhnonrlnll•, till' so,1 n1 I~II.~in" $2'1 l' ----.> es •'Jl c•, JllOilC a l!OUSI> ~~ IOJJin ilotlsC 11'1111 IJ,t!IJ " ··· .ud to thl' nntmn's lncompl\icnt arc rroo 1 p t 1 1 tl ""11 11 tf "lectrlcll" Clller.s ti\C bod'' Opera· So It Is little uomlcr that Crl" " r s or s, arcorr 111g o 1C son :J:J • ' W trJI' !"til 'j 1111 t1's r' 1st of 111',tso 11 " J J 1 lhc fnrm of lush jobs in nn N t 1 \V llllf F " " '1011 IS sim'lar to equipment bllill I nellan money Is worth mote ,n •lton suoh as OPS. a 101111 1 c c PU'lnt1 1on mllt•H ••nst ol J:nnl.t•l IIIII SANDI:H:-; !111 -11'111 -.Jiil'lloiw lll.tson .l·'lli>lJ IUW1 Jw sc~mc manuf,rcturcrs for ho:; U. s. moue)•. A10und \"' ,, ,, • Tlus likeable olrlSj ·' " - 111 1 11001 lies so much we arc (,,J 1 t d tl t lat•gnt for I 1 I I I --< 1 son ~3Ll. 14wtf I fmnlslwrl .l[l:ll llnent Ill! renl t,uls .tnrl hooklet, WI itc p 0 Box I selves with lrlnlln~·Js.'' •' so ctru\ ow,n tellbra· if! " I ntlr!Jc r n 1 g llllfJ.VCI'<'l 51, Mo1son, Mlcl irrdn. 4Gwl t~·m o 'mcrcnn cr· r cs ll'ltl ccsropiC sJgtts, ~Pt 1 1 APATITMI!'.NT-1IIO!lcrn 3 room. I:!J ~ Ctm m phone J\ldsor •.:lliJl '"' 1 * ~ • lu~h a prtcc. Cong1css- lllcre arc nearly as mam toclay as Vern Walker, Prop. llpst'llr" .tJlll llni'Jll fat rellt 4ltW1 W S C S I f t Another problem is 1 cy, APAH l'J\.H:N r _U[lslnl~' :;- ; ~;; I ups1 llb 1u 1111 siwrl ap.nt menl rln:v <~I I!0wlelt s TmpiPmcnt out of molclulb to J Ji'urllwrmorc 0lll door smcn nnd 0 St01r. P1urecrls Will go to the mount,uneers hnvP rlcveloperl ,1 Anrilnlll'l'1 llllfllltllsiled a11U1 tnwnt fo1 "1 1II 1 C' Iusc I s .tm I I1 1II 1 II~'•' I I ur 11 1 11 1 11 r 1 t Rupl'rl Dtmlons in Tapan. Prcs, great admllation for tlw comnge rent Newlv decor nted Chuck ms cr ' rr ust> , Jdsenwn · c.titcs fr csll warm (IIPd r•.t!.es, of tile while goal It never IUns 108 I Swarlout, plwm' 2Si81 IGwll '.vorhJng <'ouplc ' Wcsl Aslt htrmn hlrul h.ti

1\lrs. Mal'l't•ll" r:rilllll!. ~lro .. Nina I full iii Hi ~.lr: ..IIlli.< I 'I'""'' IJi•J'Inin alli'IHII'd 11!•• illsl:t!lnlitJII 11f llf!'li't•r•; 11! IIH• !),.!1:,\'ilii• l'il.tp· II'!' 11! till• r >nlr·r "I 1111• l·:a.'I••J'II Sial's Sarnnlay •·vt•JliiiJ',. l\1 r. and :\11 •.. .11 tltn 1 lt•olt•llt• 1111\'l' :uti \'I'll :11 lin• II flllll' <1 I lilt'll sor1 and tlilliJ~I!it'<·in-1:111', M:·: an

tiere' s Your Chance ·Extension Group Of a "Christmas Time" Elects· Officers The 'l'IJree Lalws r'xtension g1·oup met Tuesday at the home \'mtl' Cln·istmas (Htl'ehast•s at tlw Wt•stc·rn Auto of Mrs. Susie Speerbecl(er. :1Jm•t• Ill:!:; hl'inp; ,ron OJ:~· or LIH'SI' valuablt• !{ins. .New officers for the year· were Visit lJt:t' :;!ot'l' :u;d IPal'il tlu• dt·tnils. Nected as follows: Chairman, ' l LPlah Virtue; vice-chairman, Beu- lah Gi-<~ham; sec~~tat·y·treasurer, Betty Gilroy; ·news reporter, Shirley Graham; rect·eation lead· 30-lnch Doll er, Helen Partridge; community c·l!air·man, Pat Epley; and proj· Lionel "Swut" Electric Train eel lead.et•, Mm·garet Hosl\ins. Marga1·et Hosltins was also voted Electric Deep Fryer as the nominee to the county ex· Sewer Proposal Ieeutive committee for 1953. The group planned a Thanlcs- Carries 4 to .1 givln~ dinner for the November meeting whkh will be held at the The propo~al on the sewer sys· I .. AYA\VAYS POR CIDUSTMAS home of Helen Partridge. The tern and sewage disposal plant group discussed having a club carried by a vote of almost 4 to I trip this year. The birthday of In the recent ·eleclion.' Out of a Cecilia Lounsbury was also cele- tolill of 1,0J3 votes cast on this bt•atetl. · proposition· there were 700 yes The noon lunch was followed votes and 203 no votes. Forty-one ·Western Auto· Assoc. Store hy the lesson on ·''Textile Paint· ballots were void or· nol marked. ing." Mrs. Kate. !\lng was the This was a more decisive vote W. DAVIS POS'l', OWiwr guest leadet'. The gr·oup will than was anllcipated and gives Mason have its second les~on on pain I ing I he <'lty council a de'tlnlte· answer at lhe November· meeting to be for the correction of sewage tind I held Tuesday, November 18. building of a disposal plant. ------~ l~obet·t L. Stuart left Friday for Ttunpa, Florida, where he' will Pupl"ls Attend •e\ stay until next .Tune. l!! s Mrs. Gus l{uehn and daughter, . ~ ! Helen Kuehn, altehded the In· Cl.tl"zenshl'p Meet' exciting. new Tu 0 ~N . E . I I I 'stallation of the·LIIUJ'P.l Court No. 15, Ordfor of. Amamnth of rhe . State of !\'li<'higan, and the rm·· Mrs. Gertrude Eclc chaperoned onation of the royal matron, Mrs.. 4 members selectes.l by the stu· Glnd>·s B. Jones, Saturda>· in dent eoun~!l to ~tt!P.nd a l'Onfer· Jackson. . . ence on pltrzer1shcp nt Ann Ar·hm· In celebration or their 25th: wed·. Octo her 29. ding anniver~<\l'Y, Mr:, and ;Mrs. Ac<:ompanying her were i\tax Paul Gibbs . ana . Mr.' aiul Mrs~ Alieni Wesley Exclhy, ,.Thomas Max Ward of L.e~lil! :;pent Satur- Beatty :~nd c:crol Dllllnghmn, 1lay ancl· Sunday In Ohhl and Di~ Transportation was furnished fur trol~. 'fhe 2 c01ipies w"re riuuTied Olt~lltOS, Haslett, Holt and Wll· nt VVmtseoh, ·ohio; 'Novenibt\r ~: liamston by the Okemos school 1927. · • · · • . ·. · . bus. · Mr·s. ··L,iuise I{:'silir·, who liv~li- All gnthered at the' Raclmm with 'lier daughle1·;.·Mrs. 'Thelma hall for· a genet·al assembly on D' Arcy, left for Florida this week leader!'!hip. Following UJ!s they and J>lans lo remain there untll at tended various d l s cuss l on May. On Sunday afternoon groups- tluc·ing the day. friends :md relatives vi~ltt'i.l her fl'Om Jacl

.• ' . • I~ , : r, ., • ": : ,.. ; - Novembct' H ut lhe ltomu ol tim llolloway NewB Ralph C. Bond-Barbara Royer lender, VIola Wagner, It wns cledclr.d to change the Mt'H, Georr,n Brownlee nnd MrE, nnmo of the cl11h from tho 'l'rnv· .John Wiliott nf Leslie eallerl nn United in Saturday Ceremony elin[~ Nldwl HI elub to lllf1 l"IY· Jl.lr~. Llz~le Mltclwll 'l'ltursdny anJ Persona~ lng Ncwrlies slrlf'nt, Marilyn lng Itt Palmer's Grocery, township hnll in Hall. The music rlmrghter, MrA. nny Clmlc nnd Howr•. lit! IH the son of Mr. and formed the douhlc·rlng ceremony will he furnl~hcd by the Ethel \VIII I.lve In LanHing Senti; vk<•·pn!slrlent, Connie 1\111· family Snturday. Out·of·town guests at the rc· before nn altar hanlwrl with ha~· JVII·s. Pa11l nowe, also of Mason. Nichols orchestra. 'fhc commit· .~ftcr a short wedding lrip Um ler; se,·rrlat)', .Johonnn Boyd; Mr. ruHt lVll's. Will lam :3! lcld,!s !lev. V. ,J. Gritzmacher of the r!eptlnn came from Enton Hnplds, lwtH of chrysnnllwmums, palms couple wlll reside on Capitol avr.- treasumr. MnrJnrll' Wright; 1'1!· ·.·: Harrison, Lansing, River Rouge tee Is planning on clrlor nnrl nnrl family of Charioll'' viHited South :'ltrcct Church of God in 11ml lighted cnndelahrr.. nue In Lansing. For trnveiing porter, .Janet Jo:bet•Jy; !lag hrnr· Mr.s. l,ama Hiiwndahi Saturday. and Dearborn. conlSf'iJLrds. red roses nnd white streamers. tiw Balli!! Creel<. Miss MarJorie Fletcher, sister i<'orry relatives •wer·e )!resent. Spindler Dormitory for girls at. Her only jewelry was a p3lr of The regular meeting of ntng. MnurePn MutTII\' of Wil· the I 1\lr. ntH! ll1rs. !~red LPr• nf li:unston nnd Lnwrenn; Dassunm o[ tltr! bride, donned 11 blue and lyn Symonds of Lansing presided The mirmr over the llreplaee at WcHtm·n Miel1lgan college opened earrings, gift of the bridegroom, Busy Beavers was held at rnsf' slrlperl tnJTcta dress and at the gLrcst register:. Its doors Saturday evening, for home of Maryann and Knrl 1\'lu· Alltens visit!'d Mr. nnri Mr·s. Burt of Gmnd L"dgl' atWnrlerl 1he llw Culham home was decorated and a strnnd of pearls. c-;rPPn last wel'ic 1\lrs. 1\lnry Las. wore a pin!< rosr.hud corsa~e for .A pink and while dt•cnraterl •.vit II a hanner· giving. the names the annual open house. The af. self, November 8. 1 COU(Iie, Mrs. Robert Miller a( Lansing, c•nhy of .Jnci"nn anrl .Jess Wirldls her dtttlc!s as maid of l1onor. wedding caiw cent.en!d wtlh whi!P of the ht~trothcrl pn.!r and t11elr fair was from 8:00 to 12:00, with sister of the bride, was matron of · Mr. and Mr·s. It·a .Jump were nf Dell'llil IVf'\'r r.:uests ill. till' 1\lr. n!HI Mrs. t·:tcin\1 lllll'lot! Mltl Jtonaid Sowers, cousin of the linen am! lnce covered scrvln~ werlrilnrr rial~! which will bP. Jan· a floor show at fl:30. Miss Bonita honor. She wore a blue taffeta guests. Fred Ford, who was a Grr!en home Satunlay night. fnmlly or Del mit SJIPIII the wee!< br!dPgroom, was best man. table. 'l'hc calli>PP 1\'PI'I' Ptlli with 1\lr.~. l.<•o Burton. Mr. chrysanthemums. talten on tile annual dull tour Surl!lay afternoon J.:lll'sts of 1\'lrs. 1 ami Mrs. Hnss Burton nf Char· r·n'P'' gown with black accessor· rosebuds. White mums.werc used am Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Darling taffeta gown nnrl carried a hou- November fi was .Jndr. l'lilil'C'I1 "l'ltnr>l, !l :111 nil! Glynn, Rl'fle!llml•'lll'l of plr, 'l'htn•,rla\' !'Vf'llllll!, November 13 r.nnlly II Lan .in);. T~1e Jlroject IH tlcslgnc.t to ns 1 l.hlp, 11 " m ~ltTHlt , r~n\( rnlH'I I' Ill ; II 01 ·illp '11'11'11 I' ft)•;JIIH 111. ~.'st tlw ymtlh In rnlsi11g shme e.1Jw nnrl c•nfff'l' WC!'I' nl•,o fm Mr. nnll Mrs. Russel Groshhans I !lit '• !'I,JO •'tH" llPvan It' •nPh· a 111 011 Ill, I> tlw :rtxth ::undo~> IH•fol" ~ltriW1 1 k lrtllr•n sr•1virl' cvety of a spl'clnl cnmp lmproVPtn!!lll nlsited by tliC' snnJC r,rottp. 'l'hr. r'elnhmtad thr.lr 2~th WPrlriing nn er tlw N(•i ' sl'hool, o.;lltCI· nrlvr•nt ollie! thP IH·f~lll11111t' o( tilt' Community l'!uh plnns to meet nlversnty nn1t Mr. and 1\h~ r:d tnlnrll thP P·lll'llts 'l'lllll'ldny aft· \\'rrltol'ri.t; night oil H p m project whic•h Is hr.lng lnunctwd 11 "norl Nt•flds Ynu" <..:1'' Jj 'I'il1. agnin Dc•·rmher !i with Mt•, and SC'huhcri ohscr·vr.1l thelt• thlrrl nn· rornnnn • tl' 1 A VI'I'Y nlec rll8· Bit"·~ ti11• Lurtl, 0 my soul, and fol'f•,t't nul ull his ht•lH'I';Ifl. this ~enr throughout tlte Michl· :-iUtlfill; () 1;. 'i 11'(1111111 \ til II•' Mt•s Glen Wntl;ills nnd nllotllf'l nivcrsur>' by itavlng dilll1l'l' In pl,ty of till' tilllrltPil'>I ,wtlvilies \\'lllltun•tinn IIPJ>ti•tl, il,>rolril (l'1 IJH' SC'I'\'111,~ rlh11. V,illtr•t' \\lJtild gi\C liP a IC- fcctlveness In the p,tst sewr.tl slnn gi'OliJl nwmhrrs mrt 'l'illll "'I Mll'!wy WPJ'l' I(IIPSIH at dinner Mnsoll l'll'··h:, ltllhll, l'o~lll L L!t nttps r. .10 p m, l'httrsrl.t\. 111111rlr•,• hy f tYltl', "Look on your f'latr•." Yf'HI'S, to Sill h rtn PXIent tilnl rlr>y with l\Ir· •. llr.IPn I'oiiDk in sunday nr 1\Jr .tml 1\ll•s, !toy 1\11•,, Ali1·r· Nllilflil \I Ill cntrr· In ' 1111 Mir•hi~.Tn Mctilodlst~ llnve founrl Mason. Glarlslmtc' nne! Jhclr mnlhcr, I .tin tiw Sllll' lllltl' '!niL• Tlnm;- Arnold nunhlo•r 10 ' ' 't'l'i•adwrs h•sson stllciy folloWPdlw TltJ; I'• 1\l'iC counst~l Jot• tlr. 'l'ho Jll.ry. Iw,tcacl of nsl:mr; clay, Nt)\!PJnlwr :.m. of wmslup L>;.tit1 :.und.' 1 111 "11'1'"\Pr sl'llitr .tl H p m L.ui!Ps. ,;ol!wr l>lfll'lJ andmm·p Wt' sltuuld lnlw Jlolc ol what \VC a: It nccr.ssal'Y to pure Iinse n new Snndny afternoon guests of Ji'forencr. Holme~. Mrs. Ilolmr.:; tC· !Vf'IY lllllllhl'l lolllldS'i l'lt•dPI', ll t I If I 'l I \\1 I I ._, . ' . I l l <'amp site. Till' plnee JS Clear Mr. an1l 1\ft·s. lvnn Lamiw nnd turned to Lansing with thrm, l'.ttrld.l ~lnnroP SJl'llt tlw weelc , 1 •• , , , I I ' .ljJ IS II 1111 • II f I llf'sr .IV, J! ;HJy hdVI', 'J'!Jl'l C IS WISC lll11 Ill [ H' [lSilJilltSl'S l'l'llllllC Cl', fol 1.1 ol 111!1 he 11111111 11 :-:1 I p In ltnmes 1 , I 1 I I 1 11 1 · 1 f't " lnlw, rwnr Battle Cleel(, m11l the family WCI'P 1\lr. nncl 1\lrs Emil l'nd wltil ftH•uris .rt D.tnsv!llr., mon, "f'ltc Mt'lll'lll' t l'lllt'll"ll · 111 · 'JllPss !tlf' Lmrl, (, 1ny son, a11t 110 a liS Jcnc Is. 11 o.•:•' buildings are to lw stnrtcrl this Mmqua~rit <~ntl 1\lr. .JtHI l\lr> Jilt•. anrl !Ill •. St,lllil'\' lli',eh en· Lov.tlt\'." 11 11 .,' II\ clltllliJ Tlll• l1UI111Jl'l' or iJl'llCIJI~; fll'[' hm!,J •. ,•;, hit! Ollll011f~ 1hl'lll1li'C the yPnr. fn a pr.tiod of 2 ypms, the 1 Freet Mntqll.mlt of Lansln~. South leRoy tcllallwd ftlcnd, J1orn Detroit •elton!, ri p tn, \V1 tt1iln•.tl't BuniCI·t· Hill !-:r' ""'11·Bnr 1\•1· llt>.ltlty .111d lhtillultws:; ol tlw nut-nl-dum.;, tlw lu\c nnd com- Met horllsts of tlw Michigan con· lt·ntisll'lnul'h. S,iiJh,llll sl'llllol.tl 1 l 1 · · 1 'I • · f j Mt'H, Rex Gorton SJWilt Thlll'fi· Sund 1y l'Pilllll'flllp [nt 111•11111' dill! '!"\!Ill JWII}(ilh I!Jl o/ l.tl1lt yam (t)(>ll( ;,, I •C ,ltlll'tLIJ:llll'~ 0 [ lC l11Ell'· fcH'I1CI' hope to mise $I:Jn,ooo. rJ,I\' with lwr daughtrot·, Mrs. II,u·· 1\Ir!!. 1\fertnn Rice ~It·, Orr An•,pJ nncl son o! high \OUt II ..~.>tutri 11. Ntlli•ml"'t to:rlll 11 rn ~ •• ttud.,v. i'rP.tdllng VPlous ,1er·lmmso~1 ol uu1' hochcs, and •;,1ul 1 cclcmjJtion Uu·ough 1 Thl~ !LmoUtjiS to IIJlproxlmntely old r.tynn, ,md f.tmlly. 1\lrs. SP!dnn l\1o111 or an1l PHII'l· Conwa; spPnl 11 t wt•r•k wtth lwt• I r I I II HlrVIII' lt·OO'1 ,., • .'•lf'!hlltil',l, /\ youths. Mrs. Dr.e I3t'<1Y Is ciMlr· sing and Mrs. Edna Fox of WI!· Ml' litH! Mrs. 1\!rJ·tun rtirc Sun I 1\lts. 1\!1,11 " 11 Htcr' 111,111 'l'Ll"'· l'H \'/Ll! man elf the dinner. · llamston. day nlglil "' n. 1 f11c k.Ht.ll, t' ,.,, >t f'iturrlt 3!'""" Lnttl'·tan, \\',Tit•'t r\or•p· 'i'h~ hll'~sin).ls to 11:-<, ont· l'aHH•I', Jill' ns I'll' s:m·s of th•• IH'IL\!'IIS · , · d I\' ll'tlh l1r•t rt.ur;oltli't' .11t1l chil· ~d10ol 111 .t Ill \\'or i1ip 'if'lll!l plm, )'l,lol' ''''IIIII'~ wtll hi' Mrs. r~mma Mor~an spent Sun 11 , ,. 11 111 r;u't'"' \ .~nd tlwy nil uul dw snnds ni' thr• ~wn. 111 t.•ln:n '.\'•' J,u-,o• only IIIIISI'!Vrs to giVI'. l!.ty with l1ls stslrt, Mts. llo~ttll' ' 11 a. rn. ,Jtui H l:i,p 1:1 Yo.llllllv 1111 d. 1y .tl 'l'1i ,1 m .tt the L<' . tlt f p t 1 I 1•,ttrd ll'Liitvt•s in ,f,lllcsnn . . lt·!·,ns lilis 1l.ty, nnrl in ih,• r!n;,, 1o tonw, lo1;iH• outol'hl's wholr· Plainfield rr,1111 on o on tilr·. ]lOIII, 7 ,!() Jl Ill ll.i)fl .'!'I lire hill!! J1 til Youths Buy Gifts '• ' Tilt II Slid\' H p. 111 II •,11 (I IllY I I Hl'l'\ ' olill':", i:l '1'!Jy llllllW IUIIl flu•, lo Hl'l'Vl' 'i'ht•t•, In 1\lrR, llnzcl Slcpll<'ns it • 'pit II ol' l htl•,t 1\1' prlly. /,m<'n. for Christmas Box \':l!linm;;ton JI••I !11 •ft•,!, llr01 "''~' Ingham County News \','lllinrn•,llm st. l\al:ll'lllll''s TIIOUCIIT FOh TTIF: D1\ Y 'l'hc Frlrndly 13lble clas~ of the November 13, 1957. Page 5 .T.~mr· .. Jw.tnt· t'ltun h sr iwol 111 One of the classes 111 the Jun· l:!'iSI'IIIIItl, Dt Noltll Ill hr 11111• P1ainflrlrl l'i1lltC'h sriwol will hnlcl .I 111 \VIII •,Jllp 'il'li'II'P 1J d, Ill In p1·ayf't' s1111 Prrsbytetlnn Mr. and Mrs Arthur P,tl1on ( I tiPs Jnri \'.'r'rltH• d 11 111 iwnws r!.J} of the da~;s gave to each of the Worship 'CJ' tr" Ill,, Ill (Inn"'' l'illll111, oillt'llllo•d a ;) Cllll(CI· and Dav111 spent the week c•nrl Tlltllot ,rJ ,.Hnt>sr•flTnilc•dlttl'ilnt•n, Hr'\'1:-;rl>nnl,ll.Oil, worshtp st'll'il'r.,l ~ J ~ n;;;;,~ V'- !I so~ry of Mrs Eft'le Armstron::: of 1 ing the money to purcha~;e gifts 8 P. 1\1, - L1•gion il1l'!lHII ial B;:i:d:n;~ wntrsl, llh'l C:ltllm.JII 111,td 1.. h 'l.tllk ll!J'IIIfor!, P ''•till' Suncl.tl 7 :lll Jlrf. Y. F s(•Jvicl', foii011Prlh) :ih•,, Gllt·nlr.n [fshl'r Iosen. for the Christmas box which the Kl'lr)(, l'"'•lnr S,•flnrlt• r!nnrl1 ''!'""' 1000 '''t'htp sr•t•v!f'c llthk ,Inti; Prayrt· mrcttn,; , . Mr.'l na)'moml Strplwns ami juniots drc now pacldng for 11 s<'llllnl 1 21) I' 111 \\111',)\lp 'C'II 1l•f1(1; Clnisttrtn r:nril'.>llll, 70n.,Till11Sdl\ C\Cillllg ,LI 7:.l0 .tl l•,J,f'l 1'11'1' mg clllfl lllSilliC'· Mr nncl 1\lrs. Alger l:!olllngct and ir·P, 2 i:J p m J'll\·r·nt,t'il hou,, 1 11rshtp srtVIII', S 011 Pt.t~cr chu!C t;~>t1s wtll be .'rc•ld .tt the church community in the Tennessee famtly c.JIIccl on 1\lt. ,tnd Mrs. Ll•cl I! l'l'l' 11 1 \V.JIM 1 p 111. S11111l:l\ Jll!'PI1ng \Vc•clnrsr!a} C\'Cillll~~ atl l.r'l 1lC"·"'I lll'(hl. mountains. Halph Nichoson of 1\lillvtllr Sun­ :-l.IJO nt IIIC' du11r·h t ('I J C t s . 1 Tl1r m•llllhlv ntf'riiii? nf W S. cl,ly afternoon Mr~ Nicho~in is a 1 11 11 0 1 Old'lllth ('nmnlltlllt), ' . .' rn··• "''"' ltl'll·l C' ,, 11 til b • !1. :rJ .tl tiw hail dattghte1 of Mt s Steplwns ,llld a c. ,. .. ,. ~1st, ~\L.,~on holds ~PI\ h P:-. .tt 1111 , StaniP;' E1.1ns, p.tsOI>I \,IIJ,hlp, l~tllllllll'•'"" f';P~>ha•t '•l'il'llt'P liHIIril 101111,1 111 O,tl, .mri hllll•, lhur.r!o~l \lith lhr nottll r·ommll· sister of Mrs. BDIImgcr Chlcag;o, m;uois SCIVItr•, !I ,:ol dllr\ 11 o, rillllllti"'"'li'J\, l"ic•\' llutldtllg, \Vrll ,itjp ,ltr•t•t• f'l'l'l\ Sltolfl,tl' .tl !!•Oil tc '.''1•111' tlw rilllllCI' Book Talk Mrs. Elmer .Tacl<f'l't and fiarolrl Lnm· M .. modnl J~ih111ry Tlnliy 2·l'i: Mnn W•d The ntfnnt ~on horn to Mr. anrl ,SDI fo1 the olrltt gt huul ytnr). Sul 101.! n. m. vemhcr •1, cltcrl Saturday, Novem· - , 11.1• on ~li•Jiw,!ts:, H '' mcnrl L !11 ".1111 t" IOOP1 1s nptu!Sil Tho~e long wintet eventng~ are bcr 8 Gurt.tl 1\':ts In Pl:11nJ:ctrl. He•\ M-;•t ('illtirs 1•'1'111111~ I'd' •lllp Ill (I(); '•'!111111, 'lho•l't.t'rl utci," fJo,n2tn I TIJ.1I till' 1<11 just about here now, ancl tlw Ing. Dann) Green~!,, nf Camp Nel­ of tlw tor ~J.t-;s \',Iii he 'dH!.tt ll11• l'il.>p I! olHI ' riH11rh •,r!wol. 11.1), ham count,\' llbrar:. has ~everal lis air forcr. IMse, L.ts Vcgds Ne· rJ ,JJ 1111• IIIIIJO'I ' [ C,q 'II\ .I.(IPI '''illl(' dl JJoil,\1 1\ [[,plf' [2•,,1); ,llllfiol onh Ill tJtl' lll\I'S 10( f;m: mtere~tlllg new hooks tins wePI• vncl,J, arrive1l at the home of Mr. FIRiilT CHUIWJI OF Cmmn·, ~CmNT1ST son llld C'ilt'l'l'l 11 Ill )II :iu•Hi.ll lllllllfll' I fu;il l'!•llow: lltp. h.ll!l .s Pmpt 1 , 1 , 1 ~r· 1 t in tlw Jp•,son •r 1 Ihat will add to your enjoyment ami Mr~. Roy Gladstone Weclncs- 1 mmntng ''till .full\ t:ml'll" nnrJ Sho~ron lmon l'lllillrd "i\!ntlllls .1nrl lm [dt Ill I of them. dP rP,Hilllclll Cllt''"' i ;\ll .. nol ':r•,, F1,•rl Bngl.(s nt· THE ALEXANDRIANS, by him orclr.rmg 111m to return to i11s \l'tlliamston \\'•··1••\,:n 'll'l!mrJI]',,I!,I,,illp 1no. IP.Jri•r t;,,tiJ.!l,{jJ 1,111 ~•'llll<'rchurf'!wsonSuncit) I ( nr!Pr! (IJttl'c'll oil r !r• ~\l'loZf'nlwrg .111d ent to most of the mndPrn south· Mt·. mul Mrs. Emerson Kmsey sel\lll' II :111 t m lllllll" i"'"JliPsi'IJ• lh!icli,; rinll.l' Ptd\1'1 "•IIIIJI :'tla'iOII •iltlrlr,•n llil .111d Mts . .Tess!' r.rn novels. Il ts, however, a spent the week eud .tl tho ltomP lUI Cllll'~ 1; Ill p Ill n '\\ < .i>H'stid,\ oil ·, '11(1, I ,_;;,lllll/1 ~hronide of the lives of the mhab· <~ncl ~tstcr·tniaw,l'------\,d·,·. pn ... tm; G<·OI~<' '\unplwll. Wtlllam F'oUI\, Ethel of then· brothel f'ol~1mii1P'' II 7 ·~p hun suppl r r·l•oll' dill'< 1111, ~~~ s L. G. C,r!rt 'I Ilint .J.H '"r G,\IO .tnrl Mr. <111d ttants of a small town in Georgia, 'P"Il'nt Prl Ill tiH' Yn11til 1• Plio I\\ 1\11, Gu01 don Uslwr had dtnnr.r begmntng with till! founding of Inter-City Tnbemaclc "''' lltgdl\lsl. 111 I)() .1 m. trorn slup Thur scl.11 )•;)117' '0 CIH>II 11 1unrlnv .. tth i\lr and Mrs. Flovu Alexandria 111 1.(!39 and Pnrltng '!H'!7 ! ... :.~h·lugu.J, J.an~mg ll•Jw,uscll, I'lltttsrlrt\ .Jt '7 ·~n. 111,~ \VOl's! 1p, ~nrm011 J'h0 H<'!l ~ 1 ho11kle of '\ih1rJI1 n honor of !he with the celebration of Its cen· Sen let,"' at : 1 a. m .•1nd 7 ::~0 lor G11d 1J·t'\ .t m, -;undl,l I~ 1 1 tenntal. The prindpal character sr h11ol to· 'II p m, Youtl1 Fc:lm1 \VC'dd 1l!~ clllll\VC1Sarlr S of the ALL \\ J•,LCOMI' ' lliiiiS\ tllo• 1'1'1'<' 'lr•!hut!tst, Hro'. is Ann Anderson Redding, a NEW Curvc-lfo1din~ ship 1101 Jllllllll .tlld SL'I\101 f\ottkiPs 1111ri C'nmpb~lls Hule- New "St.dllhwr" j1: II !,IIH'llli, p.tstnJ ID 00, S1111 d;,ughter nf one of the founding IIIUI!Js 7 'J() jl 111, !lit .Tmi j,iJs Ch.nhe Ith Coronel I. lll Young l'cop!Ps lilt .md i\IJ' .Jesse Campbell tell us a great deal mmc about - Meadowbrook Series. \lllnri<~~ nwht what the South was really ltke I l•:•lt"l tJnitr•rl ~~t·t•t!Jr·r'JJ, ;llt•. \V,lllcr BiluPr ,mel Mrs. than the famous Gone With the ~ ~'Pj ~ Gamhll', pastor Suntl.t;. NEW Sleek, Trim Action :iuu rlon Usiwr attended a stork Wind. NEW Surging Pc;>wor­ Stylrng-Gtves morulup­ I ali;, !() ,J. Ill , lllOIIllllg St'II'IC'f' 1 All H!ltn JOI'.l'I iHJilloi mr; 1\lrs .John Stef· THE SECRET ROAD, by Bnwe Mtghty HO-h.p. Rdd room, ho,ul·toom and 11 .t. m, l~I'V. E. K. Luncl prrw 11 • .11 rlw hnn'f' of her parents, Lancaster, Is a stHTtng story, V-Eight ... most cllicicnt olbow-room. Up to 11 cu. mg. ]'\CI\tng :lldt ~ ',lstrr at I:nton Rapids cept for Ius lowly origin~. had Dt\ me Gr"lacemeot, ~ Howm d Townsend home mcnts, relief, the housing situa- let us help )Ou select tho size and type ~ Inn i\Ir F'.Ht l'll ,md daughters of tion around var1ous tmportant H"od. · New Pilot-View Curved Windshield. Action-Tailored to Your Driving Meeds of henrinll' t'lnnt thnt will give you '\ Ql(Pmos WC'te Sunday dmnct• army posts, and education over· the most snusf.rctory results. Our con· Vnnlown Commnnlty, C.ufon ~ursts ol ~IT and ?vlrs. Robert seas. su!tntion scrvico is free, bttt it can be Poltz, ]1::tstor Church school, Gall.trd ot Mnson. Tile birlhrJa~· 'l'IIE HOUSE OF CHAN COOK­ of great' alue to you rn reducin~t cost 10·13 11 m.: worship sc1 vice, .tnlll\ crsaries o( Mr and Mts. BOOK, .by Sou Chan, is a new of instnllatlnn and providing comfort 11·1:3. Sermon on the church his· l~lmPJ Ot 1s, J\lt, Gerald i\Iartin bool\ which contains recipes for throughout the years to come. tory. and Max .mel Lonny Ballard wetc delicious food in all catagor·ics r clclnatccl from appetizers to desserts. Most Wlll~AT ••. ANil COAl;. i\11 s Ralph \Vel]('r .mll claup;h· of them nrc easy to mnlw nnd can F. C. · Anderson & Sons In the wheat state of Kan~as IC'l', .Tttd) .•1lt~IHlecl the yvedding be l>l'eparecl from materials easily , two million tons of bitummnus nf Mtss JJeuy Briggs and Paul m•allublc, but they are dishes Philp Motor Sales Phouc ;~3!il nans\'illc 1 l coal arc prodLlccd .mnu,\lly, with Brockil' S.rturda~· evening at the which have 111 ovcd 'to be favor•ltcs St•rvice 'l'hat Satisli1•s Your Certified LENNOX Dealer .tbout !JO';• coming irom surface Ganson Bap!Jsl church in Jacl\· of the patrons of , this famous i\lason milung opc1·ations, snn. Nrw York t•r.staurnnt. 'rhot'llltHI, wlio linH lirru llil'i> 1111 Bowling IWheatfield Center full, a1111 IH t•xpPe•litll: lu 111111••n{n Seniors Present iHIIHIIII ll('(trtiiiHOll f,NI!flJO J ill1·~. 1•!1'11111 ,Juhnr,on his lOth "IWI'illlun HOOIJ, 'I'IIB Juh Stockbr~dge ~tems ,Jlm'H Mni'IU!I llllcl tho 1\'IIH l'lllll[lll'IL•rl In a hellii'H IIIHl hi!• StllHia,\' dilllll'l' gut•s!H of ~h·, 1 tOHtn HHrieH W)lh !!(i(l8 HI]!) tdHO I'II!IHL' 11f IJW I'XII'Il 1111!11 atul Jl'ill • Mrs. Ileh•u neeman Annual Play o11d r\11 s, lli•J ton .Johnson and high Hingle ganw of HH2. Hklmrd tors IIIJil'l' j11hH Wl!rl! tllllll' ill'll!lli.l '•1111il\' 11'1'1'1' ~II'. awl Mrs, Lcon- 'l'he Hl'!liot• t•litHH of Hluridll'ldgP. Lyonn anti Wnynn llni'IIPI' 111 e till• flli'!Jl. Pllltli'l' \VIIS Ht'I'Vl'd ill nppnlnlt•d II,\' lilt• lottill'd lo lu• :01'1'· 111'11 I l:-;1 111 a t'haJwu" 11 t·unwcty•ln Wuy1w B;u·llet• hnd hll-[h Hl'l'ie>H 11f , 1\'111111'11 llf 1111' l'lllllnlllltlty. William Kohls '1'1"· ,,,.,,,.,, st'JI'<'d · r<'f11·~l1· 1\JiiH'il, JI.IJ, iilld flit'S, l 'lair ,iiiiJt•S :t IH'IS, N11VPmlu•1' 1:1 unci 1·1 at ll thP wt•l'll wllh !.!O:J.fiHI nnrl Clltl' , IIH'IJIH ill 1111• '''""' 111 1111 nwt•l· 'llld ,-ltlltll'<'ll ol Fowl' rvlllt•, 1\11'. o'dol'i1, HotlgPI'H hurl 1111-[h 1-[111111' ul :J:J:I­ 111111 Mr, •. 'i.l'lllllll d ,JlllrllHIJII II lid Dies Sunday Jtm,c•lyn l•'wciPIIhurg and Holl· van'lown !i2fl. LlndiJ l.oll of tr•pht•lls, nln 'l'h111lliiH Jllll'lrny 2 ghosts whn OIIH!I' high HCfll'I!H W(•re l'Olh•cl 'Jtld Mrs. I•:d11 111 l'r'IIIHiall ul Mll­ :III'N, 1•• 1'. Wllllums M1'tl, G. D. CuiV!!r, dll'd ill tiH• .111\'l'l' t 'ollilll(>i illlll 1\l.ii'Y 'l'inguy ll,u·a:;s a J'llllllg lll'l'IJUIIIIInl and hy Vinet• ('ariPnH, 221i·5fl:-J: l.h 11 ·;oJr illld ;\lr. :trrd :VIrs. IVI'llliall University hospllul, Arrn i\rl"'r, \Vl'i'l' hli'oii'Shl'' for il lillie• ililll IllS wile•, .flm i~Sdl IIIICI Nfiiii'Y IJorlon, 521: Holland DPMarl hi, ,/olm,0 rJ. 1\lrs. '1'1'11<' Marlin \\'liS IHIWI1 In tall! flunrlay t'Vl'nin 1.(. pin/, sllll:olilllll sl!li\VI'I' ill till' ll!'lll'Sillllll', until tlu•y ill'!' rl'tlll:> 21!1 5i1B;.IL><' l~llurhy, 521: N1~ls ~IJ,, Nt·va lllllll:,on of l't•ttlrnl till' lllt'L'Iolld, Cltill'r t·hHrllt·lei'S who lwv" AdHmH, 22:1; LPl{oy Let!, 202-!iCil; ~Jr,, llt•rton ,/ollil''"'l n11d tarnlly. witlr Mrs. All<'t! Nldu!ls anti MI'S. his slstf'l' 111'1'<', 11111! gl'llcllllill•cl 1\lro. i\liil',\' :-;llliih and NPIIil' 'll'IJlliiiP with \Ill' t~hosls Jlll': Maurlt•P H.lcl;ly, :127; Bill Cum· :\Jr . .111d ~lis. J•'lo\'d lltlllill oilld l'lrol'lll• :-imlth ill lilt' Nit'hnls Jrom Ml!·hlgnn SIHit• Normiil ,.,!) Sit•plu·rl:; III'<'OIIl{lilJill'd 211 yo11ng .l11y<'e Brenls:!l', Nina Bttauchamp, mlngs, 52:1; Ed Clllnphell, !il!l; fills. l.linlli" l!;ll·lol'; \l'l'l'l' Stlllllil\' 1Jol111' 'l'lllii'Sdily, NoVPJIIIH•r !lll. legt:, Ypsilunll. Ill• was rn <'llili"'''' \ll'llpli• to 1111• Jlill'lilllllisl dnrrdr f'iJIIY ljrlliVI'l', ltlllhro CIIVl'llller, Les SwnnlngPI', fi:n: and 1-Iownnl r•l't•rrilll' vHJors 1d illr. 111111 :VIt:;, i\Jrs. L1•tlll' fo'plJows lras ill'L'II rJJ' labor l'l'lutlons 111 \VynrJdolJt• 111 i\11n 1\rlwr· Suwlay tllll'lllllllll Marvin llllal'll, Hamid Hllhl'Hon MeCuW1111, filii. ll111J Allt•ll 1111d l:11nlly. sll'i1 with llw 1111 • Chemlr:al Cln·poralion lnJI n·­ lrJ attund il Ylllilh l•'<•ll.tii'Hirip 111111 Glt•IJJI 'l'rapp. . '!'cam slanrllngs lll'f' as fullows: ~II' . .tlld ;\\; s. l;<'lll't:l' Va11 iJI'· ~Irs. l'. E. /\ndt•rson and dill· slgnecl llJS jo!J dlll' to jHIIll' iJI'iiiiJo, illl'l'lillg. itlta 'J'Padwut IH student di· 'I'PIInl . Pis. ll1iill\ o111tl f.trnil\' t'idl,•d "n fllr•:. rll'l'll •JI Ft'l'llllalf' HtJl'lll 1111• \Vt'Pll SLtrvivlng him is IIJI• widow, il 'I'll<• lJ 11 ad ill a Prf'~ilYII'rian ""l'llll' and Plllly Miltl'l'l' is promp­ Mor·sc's J~(!Staurant ...... St<•lla Tll~··l: and "'ll in J..ursin1~ L'IHI with 111'1' fatltf'r, 13nrt·P lll'lln· i.laughter, 1\uy, ar11l Ills nwtlrt•r ir1 l'iJun·lt h11~ a Ill'\\' pa.,ltJr, Ht!V, trr. ,Jewett's Flowe~•· Shop . Htwlcfonl. Illinois, Sundo~y l'l'<'llillg. g(IJ', \1'1lli:nn Yo~r1• 11. 11:• allll his fam· Mrs. Barbfll'H McGI't!gor, J~ng· Wolverlue J~nglneering Mrs. lluglr 01's\Prll' allt•ndl'd a FUIJP!'al SPI'I'kPs \1.'1!1'1' Ju•ld iii ii)' lliil'l' 11111\'l'ci lrlllll tilL' Llppt'l' llsh ll'flt'lJ<'r In the IJigiJ sdwoi, is ~.Jr. illJd Mrs. l.li'IJ Wolf and Carol's Hhne StCll'l' ...... 2:{ :\11'. and i\lrs e'llll!'atl \Vlllf llf maos lllPI'tlng at thl' J\.!Ptllodlst the N(Jrthrup fLllrl'ral IJol!H' i11 l'e•Jiill'iiJlll. till' [aCLtlty dlrec.:lol'. Bement's Cleaners ...... 22 MilliJl'StJ\a \Vl'l'l' ~iond.ty l'Vl'llillg l'lttlrl'lr in Ann Arlull' S111lday aft· Dett•oft WetlltC!Sdily 111 :.!::111 p. 111, Jim's Markel ...... 22 ilil's. llllll'anl JliC'I;t•ll IIIHI son, ~: ur•sls ol ill 1, ill ill 1\lrs. i{lllll'rl <•rnoon, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bt•eman ami .J;wl\, art• vb.;tting 1't lati'.'t•s at Mlclwlson-Balenclinv. the whi1er Wye'tlt Ino(1rpm·nt:ed ...... 1·1'~ Club Has Meet The l!on"crvnfion 1lc)mrtmcnt IVill nHk t!ccr:l\nnlcl'!l this fnll to give t,otn, wilD ht•r·u visiting n•la· ~/\.,, ll<•IJIIL:\', 111111 Arclit' Collill:-l with her slsiPI', Mrs. Mariella · · llo~\'t• hunt inA informntion- good or bud- to dcJJBrlmcpt·biologists nt lillY ti\'l's ill ~lll'hll~illl. 'l'ht·y ··Jll'tll · 'l'hf! Home Cullum l'lllil nwt lJI\ Brown. Le!\A'lll' ·. Jill' 1'1111'\'\ililll\11'111 l'OlllllliliL'I!. I~olt !Hen·lutnl~ of eight l'l1~ddug ~tnlions in tho northcrll·lower.pcnlnsuln. Age nnd sl'\'t·t·nl dill·-: with M1·. a11d i\Jrs. with MrH. Do I'll J-I.tll J•'ridny a I' I· ~lr. anrl i\!1 ,;. 1·\~J tl Uartlr an· Cephas and Emmn Smith and Hll~er ami Co, had· high team hcnllh nf dN•r nnrl hunter succl'HH informntion I~ ·needed for continun• Dl•ll \\'oil.· 'l er)IOOJI With JH IIJCIIJiH·l'S p;r•:,L'lli, 1\(JliJH'(' tiu• ''n~'ttlf(\J11£11ll of tlluir ~'h:. Emm:1 Dllldnsun vlsllecl the scrlus with 2502 a1ic! J-Jitchen's tiun of 11 sound deer herd mnnngcmcnt .progrnm. Stntion locntimt~ ~ • 'l'he past presltlent, I if'lrn Ul•C·· nJdt·~l dllllJ'hlt'i·: r:r:.rilyn Jl.o,;e, to Mt•tltocllst i!oml' al Clwlsca, Sun­ drug store ·lwei 8[Jthet· 35'tl. whil'h doesn't leav( a hct• and. wilh 7 pie·kers and ll lhu·l Nutlouul llmlli Uuildin~· ncr. Other guests were Mrs. !Huson Womens Ltmglll' hologists have br.en handing much of a seed stocl~ yet till' reel·· tr·actDI'S lll~l;,•d anrl IDok t'W't' of i\lt&sun Beatrice Wl'st, Myra and Clyde Lansing Ice and Fuel took the •ucks on a gi)ll1111 ie seal co in North 1eads eoml! through in gooclly 25 acres of corn for DPXIPI' lead again afler· taldng all ;: West of Eaton RapidR, Mrs. Mae <\merka--aml sur pr is I 11 g I y JUmbet'H each year. ,------...:.------·' Spring and Mr. ami Mrs. Don polnrs from the Ferris Company. Spenny's Oldsmobile tool< 2 "nough the return of tile banrls FIJg-ht lluhlts ()han.~<· Barr and son of Onondaga. '"ws been gratifying. Hunters are Here In Michigan !,trnngc Hen:' s What Your Friends Will Say The Clarl~e relatives in this points from Mason Dairy and dropped to seeonli place. Parist;;Je 'nterested in IIJe past life history thing~ are going on alung th~ neigi11Jorhood :.ttended the wed­ of tile clucks they :;hoot, so they duck highways in the sl1y. Sug· ... ABOUT ARVON tlwr words half the total. mal· wlJieh of course mea us good IT IS EASY TO APPLY! !teeGrd:, Mr. ancl lVII'S, .James Clarl~e and Margaret· McLean, 400; Theo Spenny, 161; Helen Lyon, 153, 'ani population liveH from one slwotlng .where Lilt• pres>:urP i:i ·amlly visitt•cl Mr. and Mrs. year to lhe next. The otlwr half g1·eutest ami a r.ol'l'('SjlOlHiingly Call at our store for a free finished sample * ~{!'COI'tl:; for Wayne Galusha and family Sun· 171-451; Bobby Bryde, 178446; Mary Kay Ware, 167, 162-4.'17; lies from natural c·auses or from heavier' ll\11. Chlldi't'il ~lay aftemoon. hunter~' guns. It all goes to prove that cluci1s Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartenburg Beverly Groomer, 154, 156-433· SHA~raR DECORATING SUPPLY Marguerite Williams, 162·401: i\ University of Wisconsin sur- are doing tiu!]'[· share in Hl52 to * Classieal 1ncl family spent Sunday evening ·;ey has pt•ovecl still morP about make top. sport fot· hunter's in\ .t;2:) t;, ,Jdi'er:;on 7!Iasou 'JI tiJC W .•T. Clarlnlo manulncturer Buiidiug? Rt•mo1h•ling? Hti!Hlir- for honpitala, inatltutiontJ, ctt. Philp Motor ...... :...... 12 lf 120 W. Ma1lle Phime 2-5!Hl- For dotnll• and booklet, wrlta P. 0. Hamburg Shoppe ...... 12 lf ing? YOll can tlo an eX(IN't ,lob. ' Box 1)4, MauCJn, Mtchlaan. Mason Dairy ...... 9 21 Schmidt's Dept. store .... 6 24 Wt• art• worl,iug In coo(Jei'Rtlon :\luson Buslness !\len with Ut•ttt;r, Uonws & Gartlens High games and sel'ies were and Succt•ssfui Farmiu~ mo.ga· I I I rolled lly Bob Inghram, 211·582: Jacl' ShatTer, 202·549; John Den· ziut~!l to ~ivn you the very best lei', 535: Lloyd Hayhoe, Jr., 531; Dick Lyon, 522; and Chellis Hall, itlt•as, suggt~stious, tools, and ma· 516 •. Mason Dairy had high team Behind W1~ hnve tm•nptl complete management ol' our l\laplt~ series for the night with 841·2371. tt•rials to hd(l you malw your Str.ert. stor<• owr to Mrs. Lucile Shepard until our son has re· Team standings are as follows: The Scenes Team W L own homt~ improvements. covere-d from poHo m:l1 wo cun a~aiu give both our stores the l{arbelt ...... 21 15 WI~ DO not. consider It Mason Elevator ...... 20 16 morbid when 11~ople ex­ ti.me they re,tuirc. Anderson's Hardware· .... 18 18 pre.~~ a nut uml cml'loslty Mason Dairy ...... 17 19 us to how a funeral home i3chmldt's Dept, Store .... 16 20 111eruteM. Ours Is a com· Collins Sales & Service .. 15 21 Jlex profession, ~:ulll.ug W~1 l~now that 1\~rs. Shepanl is fully qualifietl and capable :or S]Jecl:~l cducutlon amd Here's your chance to lt•al'll some real training-. We will be gl11d of bringing to you the sez·vice you I'cqulre •. She is 1leslrous Young 1\len's League craftsmuiiSbita! Better Homt's & Gardens Monday nlght found Thorburn '·o h1ke uny lnl ure!lled FREE ot' maldug new friends and meeting tlw old. Lumber & Coal and Coul't Cafe mrso11 "bt~cll stuge" and has Jtrovlded us with reprints of their re­ winning 4 points from Whiz Kids :X{Ilnin fully. For mutua' and Roy Christensen Ford Sales, •couv1mlem!e may 'Wt~ ask cent article called "Yon Can llt!conw n "You Cwl Become a Handy tllut you 11111lm a dt•finlte while Dutcher Constructlon wa~ Haudymo.n.:' Get your CODY oi \Ve will continue to operate the Cedar street store nnd taking 3:paints from Davis Cloth· apllolntmenl.? Ho.ndy Ho.udyman." Talm one home and lng. read It over. this IJctwr Homes & Gardens ·tJlo.ut. High bowlers for tl1e· night were Fred Silsby, 203·536; Jack article for new how-to for the Jewett Come ln next time o.ud let us heiJI you with Whipple, 514.; Ken Sheffer, 511; ha01lyman. and U:Roy, Lee, .502. your home' lmpro\•ement.'l. Thank_You Team .~tandlngs· are as' follows: Fu1zeral H.ome Te~ Pts. Tho Rome of Friendly Dutcher Constnlctlon ... :...... 28" ' SllrviCo Court Cftf~ ...... ,..... :...... :...... 25.%'. ·Phone 1\loson. 2·61111 Roy; Chrlstenset1 Ford Silles .. 19 \mbuloncc service day and night. .Ambulance equipped Mickel so.._-Baker· .. Lumber Co. Whiz l(id~· ...... 19 Mr. &. Mrs~ N. N~ Rouse 'with oxygen ond Emerso11 D~vts·.Clothlng_ .1 ...... 17% LesUe resuscltutnr. Mason / ·~~77~~---....;o-~~--...._ _ _.... _____:,_ ___.;....._~--....1 Thorburn· Lumber&. Coal .... 11 • . I lnuhnm County News Nove111ber 13, 1952 ; Ononda~Jil I ..... I Ml'.•:, llnl'l"!l B:tldwin I I(), Jo:. H. ll••ldH lwd:tllnllon Farmer Peck's l\lr:-:. 1·::11 if' :·:dill II:~ was In· ave Thrift Ev8n stall1•d ii'!'I'(IIJ'IIi\' lllilli'llll of tlu• in'A,P's ()llfJililfl!fll l'llii]ll;•r ol (), 1•!. ~-:, Wife :-;;llunli'\' ,.,.,.llllll! ill t\1<• t\la:iillllc • ,, ' I h:dl. ,lnliil l:,•nll· .... ,. 11"11:; ill:it:tlld Flavor-Rich! Value fanB®Ms! •••• ns 1\'lli'IIJy j>:Jil'<:ll. ~In>. ,111,\' .. 1' lli'lll h t ulu·H t'u I h••r·, 1\'ul!lt• \\'il~~ Jw;l:tllf'd ;1:-: :t:--:s!Jt'LIIC' I I ~ \1'111'111\· J!lilll'llll illlll llr•an Nolih• ,\II'UIUI'h'H Will 111'\'t'l' futlc•, :J:< a:,,;ol'i:ll•• \1'111'1\iy plltl·nn. I IIIH•r ,,ffir·r•r.-> :11'1•: !VII's. i\liil',l 1 COOKED l•'n'IJdJ. .'".i'I'J"t'ial'V; fvfn;, I l1 1'1l:t· IIH Jllwll lllf' IJiw I WIIN, ditH' Mdvlit'lli!l'l, .ll'•'li!!lil'<'l'; i\lrs. l•:rlith llnfftnaJJ, t·ondiil'll'l'.q';; JVJrs. ,It'll II I Jttylv, ;J~huc·Ld(• ('!111· (• I r jl I I ') Ill 'thing Ol' PI'OVC my~clf to feel lila\ I 1\LIC'Il'l'oo; 1\\i':', ·(.:i•i(i'\l.'i'il ltldllll'd· Because theso hnnis ore cut' T l111n It ,w ol' e 1: am ~ ' ' I . It! I 1 1 rJ \''l'"llli'i \IIi SHANK 'POR'I'ION tl· •iris who m·llw l'iJoJ'eH oi!CIO 1 amounted tn someth ng. I lc sntJ, l'l!IJl an; v l':i. , : , ·. ~ .' lrorn young, corn-fed porkers j L g ' ' · Jllll Ill<' he ci!Jncr to me just ns T ehlllf' to ::o11, mar::IJ:il; r\!n:. f,r;lt'l' Lillld:., natuml :IJHIIll'l't!sSary an< · " · ·. ' ... ·.. , 1·1 ·rl .. Jl·uiiII 1 lclll'\1' \luili, J\olr,;, Fra 111 ·,•:; f:\','1'11111; Will'· 11 And because illnl'ss of ;1 \Vl't•l< and 2 clays, His lietter. Molht•l' called II maldng dc·r, M 1·:;. Ali•·•· nuke:; :ciHI S('ll· cost, 1oo. they'm' illness was wor:;e tc1 watch than mnnlwy uf nlf' for as far lladt n~ tln:r\. \\'c•:;ln· 11llz. Tlu· I'Piil'· nlrendy COOlced they SIIVC S•·: 1 carton $189 1 ·till' still enlm pc•ar.·c• of death Is, 1 l'iln l'l'memhl'r lw laught•cl HI t111 : n1:11 r1111 , ·i\fl'::, Virc~inia ,\lli:;ort 'you time 118 weil.113.ffiOilll)'~ Most of you will lwow whal. lllhing~ .[ sairl nnd did .ami r~:~·Jll'l'sirlc•rl. :':!Jr• illirlll!ill'~d .guPsis 1110 11 llif'an, I !mow, for WI' have SP()II ]l('lliecl lhern In fronl ot • s : d il 11 • rr:·;c::rl 1··ifU1 \'.'1'1'1' Jll'l'· WHOLE or CENTER 111 LB. how some folies live on In a IJolly :1 goocl lhlng 1\Yothl!r loolt a firm '''llil'd. ~Irs. :\l:11y llYJ'Uill. fHI'I BUTT PORTION SLICES LB. 89c that i.~ worse lh\lll dying ... thnt liand for I hupt! she tOIH!rl sortll' \\'(JI'Ih~· gmnrl 1'\J:iplain of ill." 0. 63c dealt! longer yet It did I muldn't haw fr:lt 11\w this ... ill'l'llnl \','Wi :~:·: ·i~ll·d h.~· Dole,~·~·:, . FANCY- OVEN READY I·DI. lb. st>t•rn so 'verv long. It was lnnr.: IJelng resignl'cl to him hrlng just Ifllsl\1'1', tnanolc:rl. III:m:n, B.ACON 1 1 11 !mow ns for a hrlef set•otHl ami 1 desperately dung tu somr•l hing Fl";; 1l!i\'ll'llflri 1111ri Flor<>nt·<• n.i'nmur's Treet II·••· oan 45c A~~- T Droalll~tl iroal lhis .dlcl'nol fade t·Jght LIP to tltr .. , to him.·... as a baby who 'i'l',,., 111 p::o1', 1-,·,•n: IIi!' cummilll'l' .ennessee Sa usage ' lb. 49~ Fresh Herring rancy, tnrae, Pan Roady' lb. 2?c y,ery lust liut mostly hr: t.all of tilt' f.0r\'ing. f,iorme~'s S11am 45c FanCJ)', Bonolo11 HID~!! times so far hack that I)Oll~ unci lovingly filler! that need and · Corned Beef . Bloor Brlakoll lb. 79c Whitefish ranoy, rruh Drunod lb. ~~ of us 3 <:hllllren rwl.' Mlna could never ma!le me feel he was ~orry Mr~. G1·:H'<' fll:r~>es of Le::\1£> R~l!h1 Hood Flour •·lit. ~.. 470·· 89c remember the people he men· hut glad ... glall ... glallanll \\'as S!H!III 1:1:'1 Wr•dr:. Ja;:pr•r Tary. RHfl Cratkers lolb. l:iox 31c :J.'l, Elizabeth Is ·10 unrl I am :l8. Mr. ; Ht illr~. l.lt'n Barr and I Dtroollrom lh• con•t - Slnndord• .tnl. 11 ,0 JSt&rS 1 89e Lobster Tails foncy, ll•GI, pnCL:illJO UCih 99c . Nll\\' that Ill! Is gone memurlr.s Kl'pp Community Nt•il ami ~lr::. IVI::t• :;priJJ:.; Wl!l'l' ~·~e~nnan's Saltines 1·111. l:iox 23c come flooding over tiS to live sunr.Ja.\' f'lll'!il>: ot ji,JJ·. :111cl :.r,Irs.l . '.\·" ... Oonufne, $1 98 Sliced Bacon .. Bupor Righi 1·1b. cello pkg, 57c Holland Herring 9·lb, keg• Mlll:o1·• I with ils rm·evCI' to llf'C[l him !lf!UI', Xunt•y Huugh~l' 1: ... 11"1'1 \lt'i•,J;:J

Some things s<•t•m IIIu• a picture HPi~:hu:. ~~· ., . to me, they are I hal clear and we M1·. and Mt·s. Louie Ilrnder· Mi:-:s Zi'il:r f!ollillh :rnrl Mr:;. All Cood l·lb. oollo pha. 49c Mhccd 1.89 do have sonw good eolorell ll!IJV· shot and family ami Mr. ami Mrs. Giac\vs Collin:: :mrl rln•.rf'.lltcr, '!';,·, ~mea Peaches Ko. '"''ann 29c ies. That movie camem has pale! Carl Foote of Leslie, Mr. ami wc•r:: ;:; 11 ,Hi: 11· :l~'l1·rno•111 ami c:\·r·· for Itself In the way we have 1\lrs. Henry Foote of Lansing, 11 ing \'bil11r:-: 111' !Ill'. and Mr~. Roh­ ISlna Peas 2· Ke, SOJ coru 25o BROADCAST Mollu•t' and Dar! with us In laugh· Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hui'J'Inl' and l'l'i llrl:.l! ;;r•ol cl:runliter,;, ~:; . . ·' '('~1~· ing anti almost-alive flashes on family ani! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd :vrr::. E:·rrr: 1 !::rltiwin, Sl1arnnl !bm Pa~e fbyonnaise ljl.jll 49c the ~creen. Wheeler were Saturday evening ami Gull'il and J(•Jil'cl'la :>JHI ·One day I stood by his bed ad guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fn·d Lo- C:ll'lil:• ;:u,t1 >-Pl'lli :~;cturria.\' ar:­ 29c REDI~MEAT PILLSBURY FLOUR thc hospital and he opened his! Vette and family. l'rnnon in J:ars· l•yes and grinned and (•ailed me ·Mr. and Mrs. Fred LoVcw: ami ,ie HLI.o·IJ n·ILlrJrr•d 10 Onontlar,u ~~;~:·· 25·1b. s'o·nwthlng he hasn't In years. It family were Sunday chnn~J· with tlwm o:nd <111 Sunday, i\1rs. Prepared Spaghetti ·2 27c \ bog $198 was, "Hello, my little old dnun:" guests of Mr. aml Mrs. Lollle llil:ih :rml ~,Jt·. :nul ~irs. BUI'IOit ···s· u::L ·29c ·~~~· 89c I ·u~f'd to he "old churn" to him Hendershot and family. The oeea- U:ildl•:i 11 :11 :rl hntily visited Mr. Tcmato Soup Ann hue all tlw time and I had .almost sion was to celebrate Mr~. Lo· and ilil'>:. l:!r' J)c> /,rmoJHI in Sandwich Bags 'l'Jdy lfOUJe l>hfl. ol30 10c 8 o'Clock Coffee t·lb. h•u 77c forgotten it. When Elizabeth ami Vette's birthday anniversary. C:raml 1~:1pid:·. Tlwy :ilso viHitetl DaUy Dog Food .,~ · ·· 3 !~~; 25c I went to live with Mother ami Mr. and Mr~. Gerald Hammell with 1\fr. :rnnlinetl tu his l1r:d Oh DCa ov~ err1es or Brnch'• ·. l·lb. box C Whitehouse Mil~ 2 tnll cons 27c 10.111 big Q9c and J did him, luo. He surely was callers of Mr. am! l'vlrs. Luren :ts ;1 r•!;:nil 1Jf :1 i·i,ll :.! l'.'l'c'ks ago. PMre Cane Sugar my chum. In fact he's the only Sweel. ~Ir:;. :l1'11n Dr>,l'iP \'::ts IJOSI(':i~ t~J wDnhrnor• l·lb. box Our OvJn Tea Bags I I•U.. pkgr. Ohoc. Cream Drops 33c pkg. or u 39c person I eve1· knew who took me Mr. and Mrs. Wayne LoVette :t j~l·:c'li'.l' p::!'l:: :tl lirr !Hmw Mon· 6~~~.m or 41 Sugar .2 25c as I was, and around him I nevet•. spent Sunday i1fternoon with Mr. r\ay r1·r·1Ji11):'. Thin Mints warwlak l·b•H 39c. Stuffed Olives Sullonu JO'Io•oz. Jnr hat! to try to live up to some- I and Mrs. Wayne Cosg1•ay. i·.Irs. Elmir:t :·~umo cntc·J'I11iJH".i C[~Ml~te Wax Paper IU•It.roll 25c 49c · · · Alan Doxtator of Battlr• Creek 11 t'l'oliiJ c,[ !o:ir·,i•.l:: :11 l'L'I' liornl! Cocoa spent the weclc end with Mr. and 'l'tic.,;d:::•: ,.l.llrin;.: :11 :1 plastic· '~s~~Uies" Facial Tissues 2 tt"""" too 27c Horahoy's or Bakor'r 1·111. pkg. 49c Dill Pickles Frosh Pook, Mo•h•r ql. I•r 29c Mrs. Ben Bt1rch and Lany. [Jariy. l(aren Lecato visited IH'L' !'.Jr. :u1d ~ire: . .Tanws B01ts nnd grandparents,· Mr. ami Mrs. B:lrh:.ll':: %•cit:: '.':r:c·•! .:~r1nd:1)' 'Jf\<;r·. · Contaira~ ·Solium- · )ge•.. Grove1· ;\l{ers last week end. Mr. noon milt::·:; "; C:11·J :l.o~ilz. pkg. 25c 11 IT 15 A BIG BUY" lHfR~S NO· :md Mr~. Al\ers spenl SuJHl:ty f{o!Jcrt Bnnr:·1 ol' ~;;rlem, Ol'l~· with Mt·. and Mrs. Henry Ll'eato gun, :·:Tiv:·.'i :li il~r· lionw of Ills Jumbo 54 Size and brought .Phl!Jp home .Willi [JHt'l.'Jl!.':, :\'Jr. :"~'! M;·:-:. \Viii By· DUNCAN them. nnn, :.;undil.•.! for ,o visil. pkg. OIHIR WASHIR Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carp£>11· !\!>·. and i'.Jn. Cl:trcnce Doyle ·Ivory Flakes 25c 6 for .4 9 c· NOT Sr:EDLES.S ter and fam!lv of Charlotte :1nd. and f:pn'dy 1.1' Lr ::lie· 1\'l'l'e Sunday ·~·· 1\oJr. and Mrs. ·Rolland Carpentet· li~llc'sls .or Mr. :':lid i'vJ.rs. Larry D_eUclous Flavor- Heavy Juice Content wlllllhls eaclusi~ ::~~mblnatloa and family of Eust Lansing were · Do~'IC' :1;:d "''!i:'. lge, pkgo. of lhe ~aatest leatures Sunday rlinner g1ws\s of Mr. nnd !1!1> o\!'11ie _l·:·r•n('illJas ;.;onl' I~ Lux Flakes 25c Mrs. R. V. Dangle;· and familv. [!a:;rrn:;': 111 l't:iri al the lh•QW ot in automatic washing! Mr. and Mrs. Lynwn Fr(.':;l;ouL· i\lr. and ?drs. ;'.rt II:ll'cns fur se\·· Fancy, Fresh, Tender attended the wedding t·ece[Jt i<;,n of I!J'al wc<'lc:. lge. Mr.. and Mrs. Russell Rowe sun. Mrs. Nellie lloa;:; :c:~r 1 Allie Ly· pkg. 25c LARGE BUNCH 1Oc day afternoon. l.mlt wer~ Sru:dny callers of Mrs. Duz CARROTS Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Frt~slmm· Hazel L,·b:',Jr: nnrl Alfred. went to Ann Arbor Sunday to Nil'o,· C)!'JJlJa !)ammons dosed lge. ·Selected - Idaho, U.S •. No. 1 - Size A s :e MarJe who has spent the past 1H'l' ll~>llH' r,w llw wlntc•J' mgnth;; 1 pkg. LB. ~Iond:>'>' :tild rc•iurncd to Detroit Super. Suda 25c wee!{ at the Ann Arbot· hospital. 1., rna~Zr~ IH'c' J-.nn,c! witil Tit:\'. and BAG Evelyn 'Freshour spent Sunday POTATOES 25 rt:ernoon with Judy Brown. Mr~. Dmlll'y ;vlosure and bt•ldge. 'l'he weclcllng has Cnt·ol Ann of GJa(lwln were Tues­ l'hone lUa&son 2Z671 bcetl set for Janum·y 4. dnv dinner J!llC!llS ·of Mr. unci Angel Food Bar~::~u~~~;~· ... ~~ 48a Sam .Conway ~vas repcntly Sandwich Rolls •• ~~::., 19c UO W. Elm Mrs. Forest Bcclcll., horne on a lO·day vacation from Rev. John Prudcten of Lansing his wot·k nt the '1as 'fllieSil II. Dcnrup nnd Han, of the Auxlllnry'R hospltnl I'Om· we're proud I Vena llttvet'i nnrl Hr.rgcmnt a'l (I b RI.Jl D_ S1l\H1'l, w!1o hnvc heen vlslth\g mlltre, "our wher.l clmlrs, H In legion Auxiliary I fll'lllS, EllzniJr.th Chnppclll, ' u uveemuers Mrs, JGdlth Bearup, left MotHlny nmnlmr, WP.re. nil In UHr>, NhHl nf of our Judy Flulw, gunst, and riPic•· for IInrnlltrm, N••w Yorl1, where 0111' 13 lloR(lltnl heriH nlsn Wlli'C' Ignte of tho Girls state nt Ann i'llll'.os..ault "'1~\Diet they lenve hy plane to join Cap· lonncd out, tlw other 4 hnvlnr, installs Offic€u5 Arbor for 1031, gni'P. n rr.pnrt nnd If' U~ ..:;a Jt" U 1 taln Df'arup, Hc Is an Inspector nf heen returned only n few days PR~NTING Inlso rl'ad the I'I']Jort of 1!l.'i0 by food scrvlee In the Nurnherg enrJiC!I'," The A~wrlcm~ .Au;.;.lllm,~ ~~~·~ Hoi>erta Chnpmnn, who wn~ un· !"IV() memlwrn of the llol1 Child nrca In Germany. They expect to Rtnllcd new o!fllC1H lnBt \\((hitS· "h'r tn hr pt·rsf•nt. Site Is attend· Study club presente•l a plnylc:>t 1 Jive In Europe for 3 yenrH, The unit aiRo hns n ~;upply nf I I 1 1 11 lwfm·e tlw P. 1'. A. Council In , . , smnlll'r NJIIIpmcn!, mwh as r ny cVl'n ng nl tw town lll • 1 Jng college. The girl:; werc given Lanslna Wednc~sday cven!Jtg nnri 1\11'. and Mrs. Harold ,J. I'wlng e1'tltdwu, hP.d mils, heel tnhll'll and .... Mrs. Lila Gl<'nwn n1111 !\Irs., gtuH. then rr.turtwri to llnlt 10 nltcnd announce the f'ngngement of nlher ~mali nccessltlr.s for tlw Dorothy fifllr'I'Y, pn•slrient and, lldres!unents ended the r.ve. tlw Holt Child Study cluh meeting 11:()1r :lnugh.ter, Joyce A. to !loh· sld1room, which arC! in uHe much f:ecrctary of IIH~ st;.;tlt rllstrir•t, ln·lnlng. at the home of 1\!ahr.I'E!IIIH. I'll \\, Wm,lhlngton, son of Mr. of llw lime. ~lnllcrl tim following offlr:m·~ nJ 1\ . cl Mr:;, Allllt! O'llflrn, visiting and Mrs: Spc!WCI~ ':"m,·thingl~n. the Duf'k !ll'HH1li1Cl' Post of the Snturrlny gursts of 11 . 1111 lcnc!Jr>r of Hull sl'!wol spoke nJ Hobert Is In the 1MV~ IR sin· "We plan this year," said Mrs. Amerlmn ;\uxllinrv: l'residl•nl, Mrs. Er...rbcrt SnariWH WPre IH'r I . . . . ' . t!Otln(l In Not·[oll· V'l 'rhn wnct Jflwett, "to ]HirriJnsr. al lenst one • llTTERIIlftDS ~ ·· ,. T'l.ll\l'lcl.l "Sndal Problems of Our Chi!· c '• • • ~ " • Mnrgnrrl HPasolwr; nrst vier· t.wln brollwr, Edmund • s , r1 ·rn." IIoll teaclwrs wnre guc~ls. dlnr, date has not heen set. additional wlwr.l rhnlr, as tlw de· 1 mnnd fo1· thc:;e u:;ually ext•epcls preslrlent, Emily l.lrlce; scr.IJIH1 1 nntlltls famllv f1om n1ve1·1louge. Mrs. !~!mer Waterworth wns co· F'umlly night will be held nt vlee·preHidenl, F.rlnn Jennings; 'l'lwy l'clehraiPrl the hlrthrlny an· hostess. the Community church prnlors tlw supply." 'l'lw worl1crs In the chuplaln, Cornelia Vanr!er~rP.r; nlversnrir.s of Mrs., Spru;,lls nml Spealwr for I he November l!l fo'1•1day night with a potlucl( din· rnmpnlgn cnrry letters of Jdmlll· llcallon slgncrl by Mr~. Ermn historian, Mabel Voight; seere· Mr. I~lshwlclc. meeting will he Miss Ethel HcJ·· 1101. at G: 30 followed by special Dr. Paul D. Engwall (lr.['t) of Enst Lanr.lng, f0!111Ct' lli'C.~i- ricll, supervisor or the clinic at movleH. dent of the National ,Juniot• Chumhor of Comme1·co, has bocn Ingham County News November 13, 1952 Page 8 Walnut St1·cet school In Lansing. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Claude Linn hr~vc appointocll\1ichigan chail•nutn or the 1!)53 March of Dimes to ,.....------l•'mnces Wlrlrlt Is to he hostess. rr.celvi!d an announccmr.nt of the be hold in .January hy Basil O'Connor (l'ir,;ht) president of ;!'he topic of Miss Ilrrrlck, is mmTingc of their youngest the National Foundation fot· Infantile Pamlysis. D1·. Bag- ClenDents IF~ower Shop See the New Cree Coach Helping Children with Hamil· daughter, Frances I. Linn of Ml· well snifl a minimum of $2,000,000 must be t·alscd in Miehigan Flowers Feu· All OcmL~iems Let us lwlp yon nmlw your mqtHnu mum Illl'nsunt. with u C1·c~c caps to Ilelp 'l'hr.msclvcm." nm( !"lorida to Ralph E. Van t:o conlimw the fight against polio which has stl'icken more Phono llolt 41701 Prices Stal'l At - R-fL $!!20 - 10-ft. $1,020 ~id1lcs of Miami on Satt~r~lny, than 3,G0[) persons in Mithip;an thi::; year. 1 Nt•w Oft'lem·s Honored 2-whec~l 'f1·ailer - &;zoo ; The nrwJy.eleclecl worthy ma· October 25 In St. Michaels Cat.h· -·------We hnve nnw t.rnclt:; and coaehcs cmnpleto for llll low ns ' trmi', Mrs Ellen JunP. Logan, ani! ollc church rectory. Lcnnnrrl at 10 a. m. Till~ le.'isnn· A ·1· 1n1 f $:!,li:W.IJO the worthy patmn, 11tt.ssell Lo· Olwmos Junlol· Chllrl Study will he on "Dollar ~avinl~ Mrals." UXi rary r- ans or "Whero Customers become friends ami sincorHy never gan, wm·e honored at a reception club meets Tuesday, November Funeral ~Prvil'es wcr1~ heir! last 1\11 • ( • ends" N. C. Spurgeon I glvf'n by the Holt Chapter of the 18 with Zclr!a !\eel<. Rev. David Friday nt tlw Gnn;linc-Huncimnn n1nagazme Clnlj)iHd]Jl CREE COACH SAtES S. Evans will be the spcalcet•, His [Lincml llnmr for Mrs: Malwl B. I l l Nm·lh CcdUI' In llnlt on 1JS-l:l7 Distributor I\ 1. K S. Tuesday evening In the H AND M ~a Masonic Temple with a pollucll subject will be "Living with Wilson who died ln;;l wcrk ln r•n~;;,~~~~Vc!;,tf 1 lll~;.~~!::l().~:~~~:~:t'~~ .. . . ~ ~ea ne~rs at G:30. Mrs. Hilda Cornelltls, as· I~nllh." Roseburg, On•gon. Rev. N. A. A . L I A . . f II I McCune oiTicl:.ltcd anrl burial was mcrtcitll eg on uxl 1mry 0 e en llllllln (•hone 'l-3()(il. - Holt so cia to matron, was cha i1·man. Olwmo:; extension group meets ln Mt: Hope. Mrs. Wll~on was Mason Is again being emuluclt~rl November 18 with Mrs. Bernice formerly from here nncl the wid· lhrouglwut Inr,ham county. Us- I':======: Bress Shop. OJ>~nH ---·-···------ow of the lnfe! Don \VilRon. · in~=r the proceeds enell year for BEAT THE RUSH! Jole's Drr.ss Shop opened Mon· rlay morning In Holt at .the em·· Court Proceedings Mrs. Walter Hralhmnn cnlcrccl thP. purclwsc of ho~pltal equip· tiJc Masm\ Gcneml hospital Mon· menl, the Mnsnn Au;.;ilint•y hns ncr of Cedar and East Delhi Natiqnally Advert~sed' CHANCm TO WINTI~H OIL ThP P(!fJp!,. of 1h·~ · Klat1• of Mlc:hhmn clay for Htn·gery. IHIL·d Watches work in shops In Paris anrl Lon· ~nllty, ucPeptl!tl, Hl•rnundud. don. 'l'llt.J i'l'npll! nf tlu! ~lnlu ot Mli•hlgun Get llw .lump on winter with tire chlllns, snow tlt'es, S•moco \'/1, llHIJ.-1tun C:atwon•l JJj;.~mu};t•H, A1· .. ebber.v~~~e All Famous Makes )fiF!:JI!I·CJ St!J\oo \N batteries :mel oth~l' mm l'IH'f'fl\N driving aids which we sl01~l,, l':tll-{flt\11:111, 1-{UI!J:;, JU.'('I.'Jllr~IJ. Pu(•l' 1\leetlng Planned tfliWt•, Mix monLhR In .. hnm t~nunt.~· lnJI. 1\lyrl Phone Cuh Scont Pack mecl!ng will to J'Uil "OIIetii'J'1!11lly with otbcl' IUIOUJCcn.' ]}[rs. Graham - 66-F-2 'I 1 0 'fhP Pt·opl .. nf tlw St.utt! of Mh:hin-r•n Men's and Women's Phone Holt 0151 IJC I1C I( l rJ lllrsc ay,' Nnvcinhcr 2 r VII. floll:llt)ll tfrtlwnml JJI:o:mul.;m~. Al'l'lliJm- Mrs. Hnlanrl Gt·~h~m, 1\lrs. ln tlie high SCI10ol at 7:15. The ""'"'· I'"''"'''" l:tlilt)', ncee(lled. Scllt•mcn, Senl'ors Choose therne for this month Is jjFaith nlllPIY fiH}'H In!-!hllrn (!llllllty j;d\, to rnn Hownrd McComb and Mrs. Grace c-ont•ttl'rt!lltly with otlwl' ~t!ll1t•nc~. (VIo- Ttrirnann were In Mnson to at· o[ His l~a!hrr." Activities will lution ur l•'innnt:lnl Act!. - ll""'· y b k Off' tend oWcct·s training meeting l:m·n•·r or Am,.lins road nJul Nm·th <.:etlar in Holt be rlcn i:I;Jts ilflRCd on tlw pilgrim 'I'll•' P•·ople of Jill, Stut .. or ~lit-hknul e!!lr 00 ICe~'S idea and dcj.,ictlng high spot~ ·of vH. H~tnH Hnt;mllli'1f!n. At·•-nJgnmcnt., a c !a!;t \Vcdnesriay. ·------1 - ph•suiCld not J.Hiilly, rcmHnllcd. . . . Here's ,Just a Sample\ of What Wn Mean------, Iearly America, maldng friends Th•.· l'enpi., or thn ~tntc of Mlchi""" l'hPa.~unt: Dlnn••t• GIVI'll Mr~. Roland Graham was in . with tile Indians and the nrsl VH., ,/ohu Hllndnll. Al'l'lli~umenl, tdcudc•l '1'1 I . Lansing last Thur~day anrl de· 'rJ I ·!Tnitn""""'· well attended. The mnney will be the comfort of self-delusion • The Little duh met \V[th .I\-1rs Jllt~rJdufl not K•Jllty, rcnumtled. d' ·I 1 I , na•ed hy !he Wnmai1's Advance I Shocl• !,roof- Water l'rnof- Anti-lHa~?;ndic I . . . . 'lim p.,uplc UJ th·· ~tnll! of MlohiK:tll 1\'ICec cqua ly between the 2 dlill. 1 Stanley Davis 'fnr.Rclay evening. ,.,, Allnn WlnJ,rH. Arrnl•nmcnt, 1oicudc•l r:lHsse~ fnr the expenHes o[ meet· ] 7 rlt'WPII The group was shown a film and !:"!'.' y, ,,.c,.,.tcd, "'''"".""''"· . . ino~ t!Jev will ., ltend Shirley Ha!!:m1 o[ Cohociall hiis heard a talk on tuberculosis, 1 he J•,·opl" of llw Slntu of Mwlmrnn '1 ~ ' - · v~. R4mh~n McGrny. A1'1'lli).:'nmt.:nl, rntcred the lirst J!r"l~ndctJ not. J.\'11ilty, l't~lJHintletl. S~1·vke noxes Are FiHtl u( Midli~nn Now $2.9.95 \'fl. H•~utu~ri McCmy. <.:hHII$!l! of Jdeu t.u Tl1e boxeg for srrvice men haw! fourth grade, ha:; moved to \VIJ. Grovenburg guilty, ltt!CP.utcd, l'l'mundcd. bern [IJJerl anrl nn~ hl!ing HCtll. liamst.on. Tht~ P•~oplf! of th~ :ilult~ nf MichiJ:"IIIl lUi·s. Hownrd North vn. Wlllium !"llwnklin. An·HIHnrn·· ct nl V/1, c. L. Kt!YI!S, Lansing \\'as given ily l\'lrs. for the winning ~ide. Tlwy solrl Complete WHh E.>.:{mnsion Hand on, ami gmnrldnughter, .Judy d HI, Ol'dl'/', . 11ol;ll1d Graham, Mrs. Grnec S:i1.1 worth of mar:azines which t~u:iiwll Jo', F:Htlll, dim gf4tlll Cull'l'ing steru necessity of advising restrictions iu your usual Cross uf Lansing, and Mr. 1111d Schutt gave n paper on "IIow made a pl'Gfi t of $1SD. C\"), \'li, AtlllCRI Bn:ard of M. r~. s. c .. l.'l Nurses' Clirntcn VI @tches routine. Your favorite Je;scrt or that comforting Mrs. Dan Hugger met Frirlay eve· lmlt·J· ior ln~unncc yf writ of ct!t'ti­ to gel the most out of life." l\Ir.-;. nlng for a potluck dinner at the onu·i. Gladys Jason gaw a reading. Self-WiuJin~ I .ut• Pt!Ofllt~ of t.he Sl.:lte of MichiJ:nn Michigntl Stale r:ollege ltnrticul· cigar may be dcuicJ you. There is a strong tempta­ 1 home o[ Mr. 11ml Mrs. Robert \'R. Ot·l'fllll'cl ~)lohniT••1·. S1•1llf•ncL• 1·1;; t urists arc coniinuing lite ~enn·h Luminous Dial - Water Proof 11eece in Lansing. ~·t!at·H Jnehnn pd~un to ,.,1n concuJ·,·pnt- The seniors have seiCctcd offi· for a eueumber vnric;ty th:1t will tion to treat such advice lightly, to feel you know 1y with Jll'l'!tu=nt tH'flli!OC:P, · I 1 · h 1 1 Joyce Hugger anrl friends vb· 1'hc Po~Otllt! of l.ht! Sl.lttc nl ::~fil'flig;tn Ce!'S 01' f 1e11• year 001\, resist hotll sc:Jh anrl ·mosaic as WAS $38.7:) your needs better than your uoctor. ited in 13acl Axe over the wee!( \'H. Willilun Po\~'t:ll CJnyton. S•mlcnc•· They are: Editor, .innlCs Ilcyn- tlw 2 discw;cs overlap in many .:J'"5 Y' 1ar/'i .Jat:k,wn ttritmn. olt1s; co-edlt·or, Grncc Aclcn11s: Such self-delusion may be comft>rting, hut it de· end. Chnunt't!5' Hnt'!·dulol'f VB. Ar.ro\•cnt Pnu • areas. Mr. ancll\!rs. Percy Barrett, Mr. .oi .Bquipmenl Inc:., ct nl. 'Hill! (;UII\• business- ~ditnr, Pnt Pcrk!ns; fl.S· Federal Tax lncltuiell in all Prict·~ feats tho very cad~ you seck. Carefully follow your ' """"""· sistant business m. annf",er, .To and Mr;;. Cletus Strid\ling and Clmunr•~Y Hunthdorr V!\. Arot·ovent. Fnn ... doctor's advice. Ronnie anrl 1\'lr~. Mamie Strick· & l~uh•rn.,nt Inc .. et nl. Motion r.,,. di· /\nne \1\fcst i and ~port~ cdllorR, I'I!Ctcd \'IH'rlir:l., L/1[{{11\ under tHiviu·~ment Bob Bcnlcnt nncl Irene Formnan. ling of .l\-Iason <:~nci Mrs. Mildred Your prescriptions have prompt, expert attention uy 'pnurt, . Happy North attended the HawaWtn Re· Tlu· l'<•oJ•I" o'r the Slntc nf Mid1l~'"' Mr. lllld Mrs. Vick Bedford We Are Not Permitted to Advertise vli. uil~huJ·cJ v. -l"ic1·•··~· Trlul ttn•l '''!!'diet spent the \Veck end ·in L~Inxjng. at our stom. vue pm~cnled by Norman En;.:· guilty n~ {~hnr~etl, t-.~ ..;JHillllcnt rtJmnnthHl. !ish Studios at Sexton high sdwo! '1'11<' ['.•oJIIo: of the Slute "'· ioildll""" at the home or Mr. and .Mr~. H!Ulrrrap!fu·ew' s Other Better-Known Fine Watches Ja. J\icluu·cl V. Pie1·ce. UJ'd(!J" tll!nyin~! Hugh Potter. auclitorium. Lansing, Sunday aft· nwtlnn fm• nti~tl'lul. rmoon. Nilney Barrett and Gill Chnull<:)' 1hil•gh'•turr v.: ·HCt'llHI:I run· ..Mr. unci Mr.s. Robert \r;u\ Dale OPI~N ;on Sl rick ling were among 1;1e tulonc & Aii'O\'l'Ol Fun & . Jo:.,uinlnellt hnve a son bOl11 October 22. ALI" WlN~nm sturl,'~-· Toasters HITCHENS Chnuncey lllli'Jthdol'r Vth H<.•t·mnn • "t 1 '·I 1 ]\" D 11 G ... ., .. _, Mr. and Mr.~. Hugh Angell at· Pnntulone & Airovm1l Fun & l•:quit"nonl, VIS! ec "r. anc .,rs. ona C 1':1· ~~~!.'lllur $fll.f)fi- NOW $1 ~.llii :ended tlw fall fcstivnl nt Pleas· lnc. 't'wcnt;··dlly Klny unl'll 7:3ll 1,, m .. 8:00 p. m. Drug S·~ou·e ·win r-:. Hnlrn,.,ycr, lhc Central Fire Stntlon In Lan· Holt Holt pupils there. ot.nen•t· lll. n~Ordt)J' u mcmbt!rudding orDurwin Got·nlim~·H.uncl E. n,.., ... .. ,:s~in=g~: ______.::======: Cpl. Floyd Bell, home on leave, mnn c~omtliLn~·. Jiig·hly Adl'~rtis('d mammu!s - llp to loll% lill\'1111; visited at the home of his broth· rl'lw Peop!~~ of th1l Stntu of Michigan II'~. Jnhn WilliH, On.lt!r. er, Arlen, Sunday. AIIHt111e Inti.· Cu., ut. nl vH. Cleo Kin • . igh nncl Ho!H•rt Shudow, OniPl'. Phone Holt Mrs. Percy Enrrett attended the In the m~Jttcr or Lhu (tUtitlon or l•"loyd annual State Farm Bureau Wom· Hacltml (01' HIIJIOintrncnt or lli!Xt fl•icnil 6H0-4-6741 en's meeting Ht Michigan St,Jtc :or P!nnnc llacluw. IL mlnm·. Ot·llt:r. Sew~ml l'attt•t•us It> Choo~e Fmnt - :~~·Jlil'l't\ S.~ts 'J'h1! Pt•oplt! nf tlw Stutt• of Mil::ti'""lt'i college Wednesday. vt~. 11nnJdcl Ahhm. /\a'l'l!il{mnunL. tJicntl•·ll Sen·Je~ fm· ~ KtJilt.y, ucmqllt!tL hnnd cnntlnucrl fm· :mn· Hcg-u!ur $ii:l.il0 - NOW l.i·I:J./ill Mr. and Mrs. Willard F1lrnbt!1'f; lt:nc•~ NO\'Nnhc:· ~1. lfl5~ ut li1:no a.m. 'Tloveo Saturday to their ne·.v 'l'he Pt:Ottlc nr th•! StHtll of Michi;.wn Is the Gift home. yr;, Julimm R. ·ci'IHt. Armh-rument,. wni\'t:d l'~tulln~ or infol'nllltinn, ltlc~lli}Cd not Altei'ing · Mr. and .Mrs. Ja)' Coburn ilrc wilt.y, bolld r·onti:lued. WatchBands , leaving this \\'eek for Tucson, 'l'lw Pcnttll• of thr~ St.ntt~ or Michil.wn v~. John JIU\\'t~. Al'l'llil-t"llmt•nt. IJiendr·d Tailoring H1•gnlar $0.9;1 - NOW $6.fill ~For ALL the Family Ariwna, anrl ;tvtr. and Mrs. Guy ~o:ullty, IICCf'IH.cll. l't•mandt!d, McCue Lor Holbrool\, Arizona. 'rh,. Pl'opl11 · nf th1! Sll,llt! or. .M l_!•h!J.l"llll Furs l~rJgulnr $8.ii0 - NOW $:l.OU v:1, HolmrL W. 'l'nyloJ', Al'rnh.cnmcnt, IT'S TUE PERFECT GIFT FOi~ EVEmYONE Mr. ancl Mrs. M. J. Rem; enter· .vniHd ,.,,,.lin~ or Jnro1·mntinn, pl<•<«led. 2000 South Ceda1·, Holt tainect' all the members of their contitlWHI~oruiltv on rorhot.h il'inl. ('ounLH, rcfuttt.Hl, Uuntl. ·------' Eamily as dinner guests Sunduy SPECIAL \'H,'l'hw Hcl'nnrd Pt!OI•It• )), orCnrtitt. t.h1t Coi\LttmtltSLntn of Miehil-:'1111o[ court,, r------, aflcmoon. t·emnndtJd for ucnt' in Lansing. -,-ulltl ugr., woul!l you he nhlc to J'C• .We st~rvice all the sets we seU. tent by lUll( hl.1fOI'O Hnld Clllll'l: It itt Ol•dt!l'ml. 'l'hnt Cl'oditut·M of tUI!tl bulld your home? You wouhl, Christmas Shop Now tlhJntully · lncontpul•~lll nr~ 1'{'rtlilt•ml to ·If. It's fully pl'Otectc!l · by in· · ~'-"-.O:Ailii!:! ''l'l!tt(•nl thcil' clulmH 'to tHiid cmn·t 11t tho \ P1·ohute Oll'icm, In thr. .'city of Jthuwn, sur nn c e. lJon't; tnlw auy -A~~~~~~~~~;;;I;t: Mlchh.mn, on Ol' IJc:oro tho 2llth clny of dutncc.s-see ns I oduy! Buy· for Graduation Jnmtnl'y, A. lJ. I !Hi3,· nt t~n o'clock in the for•!noon, Rnid timt~ ntHl t1lnce lwl'uhy It Will Pay Plt.tlt Ahe1td Sparton Sales ·and Service 'ISfii .. flllllOint•~ll fol' tlu~ esnminntlon nn1\ nd·' to . ' . . JuKtmr.. nt or ull chlimH nntl thmuuu1H ,.WE CAN FIGURE COI~REC'J.' COVERAGE . Tllll/ail/ng ug-nln~t tmid mentully lncon'ipt!lcnt · . \ . . It itt Pttt'tllt't' 01·dm•ml, 'l'hut. Jl;lhilc 110• Full21 day supply , .. ., tlcn tlwrcof br~ ~lvr:n l1y 1111hlicntion o( n RADIO and TV CENTER .~ $2,98 llli,IIIR r.om' nf thiA m·dt!r, fur tln·cc MUC(insHivo Wel!k:i fll'l!\·iou~ t.n "nhl 1lny of h~ul'ill){, in .. ·. . n. 1ll. \Vm.cn, Service l~nghaooJ• • lbt:o ltHthnm County NcwR, n ll[IWKJUlJICI' ::: l'hone:, ~(ott :1·411~ Oln• locai)Oit saves you 111011ey printed nnd cll'culntt"d In ttnid ·cnunty, H. Chappell, Agency JOHN McCLI~l.LAN, Ho~t Jewelry . WARE's··.: 4S~7 W. nelhl llolt Judge of Pt•obnt• l'hone 6110··12loll Ilolt · % Block W••st of Trafl'ic l~ight Mason Polishes Off Comets 31-0 November 13, 1952 ' ' THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Section 3· Before Belding Finale Thursday Jim nlnuw~lt, Bill Post, Tion !-lurnto, Hob Jewc•tt, Don Lyon, Mnwu dltlllJH•d · Grnnd Lc!df~" llol1 .IPWIHt toHsPd :HI YHI'ilti to Dulo BIII'W'Hs, Hnlph !Gillson, Mnr· 'Greatest Show on I Earth' Reaches Fox Ha ..slett Takes Ramblers 46~0 Fl'idny ulr;hl :Jl.tl, 'l'ht• HullrillJ{j•llm Blnll\'i'lt wlm l11ol\ !liP hall vln Shupnrd, Did< llnrtlell, Bill Only 2 shows lll'(l hool· 1111 e;•t•s In tlw Capltnl Cit·t·ult lavish nnrl eostllest productl•m. fiH' llnsll'tl wallwd uVl'r the Lan· Bulldogs huve only onC' ri!!Cc•nJ on ing toward nPxt yc•ut•. Still thr \\'en• foc·us~Prl on 1111~ wlilll·liJl hat· Arlvnrwe rP[JOt'ls lnrllrnte wlthclllt sing Sr!xlon Hc~crvcH, llol t new•t· t hl'l!ll tcned. The till' n~t'lll'd !Jool<.~ tills yr·ar. f'lwr· 11ullilur;s ru;Jn•d. Conlon Slt•t• gol tiP of Jill' ;:l'nson o\'t'l' nt ChEll'· I!XCP.JIIion thnt It Is also his best. !l.arns Jll!V!•t· once rL•nrhccl beyond llnslcll's victory over llult Haslett's :JO.ynrcl line. Iotti! ups•!l a fa\'lll't'rll\lnson team I into the sc·o•·in;: ar·l w.ith a smasl1 lnttP. 'file Orioles and Enton Hap· 1\'lcm~ thnn $4,000,000 nnrl almost droppc•d tile Hnmhll•rs all the way l~lnnl standings in the Ingham early In tl11• sPason. ttp .tile mlrldl" Pnrly. Ill tlw tllll'rl Ids f]rc!,l'hounrls put 1111 a light to :J years of planning, rr.scmn!h, down to a :;.way t le for tlllrtl Conwls Illlt'lll'll Out JlPI'IOd :till! ltnlph fo.llison arlcl••11. tlw flnl~h with E;llon Hnpids mm· tr·nlnlnr.: and actual production, County lengue are: W L Pet. pi:H'I', ;, Ill'\\' PXJH't'lcnc·r! fot· the Haslett ...... 7 0 1.000 friri:Jy nigl1t ~bson J•ould !111 IamJtlwl' touchdown t>ll an end·11ng nul on top 7-li. Tlw loss was \\'Pill Into "The Grralc!st :ihow on llHLially powerful rtnmblc•t·s. Oil!!· Olccmo.~ ...... rl 2 .71·1 nt J{arns will hi' lnunplnr; llC'acls oul of tlw Compls, Jn thr. second 'l'lllll'!irlay's gnm•! will rnarl; tl11• dimmed l!i.ll'ly in tlw sr.con;l plr:tu.IC! lu deal authentically wilh CAm:HS :-\1'.\WI' I'UM:TJcJo: wit II t lw largl'r si'IJrmls in t lw Conch D1Jn Carr:y stat'!C'rl his pPriorl Co:ll'li Lou Lori's crew Pill I of til•~ foot hall tt·ail fol' 1:1 quarter.. Johu llettv 1111, Oriole tlw c•trcus and thr.pnrformP.rH am1 Capital C:lt·c:ull. I II I 11 lit 'l tnl!r•ltrlowns Mason sc!niur.~. Alton .J1•nnin•,•s, 1 · ' workPrs who lwep It rnlllng, II Is Stars .Tames Stewart and Cornel Wilde tensely watch the .Mason euget·s out. 011 till' Jon!-( i: ·o Ill • · • • ' SJIIIr rr•yhounds. ric citing realism arc Betty Hutton, Theatre. rc•en\"f'l'f'ri an Orioll' fum hiP on tlu• who soars daringly nhnvc thP tan· ------Citru·lntte 32·yarcl line. 13lll Catn· bm·k as Holly, tlw trnJH'l!' conditions \\'''1 .. 1' rluplimtel\ in ot•.J Gl 'd' L · litw :mil Bill Sehram ground 0111 bcnuty; and Come! Wild!!, who der to get the nec·essill')' dfec·t. a tators ose LET •I yards apiC'f•P. Tlif' Orioles rlug- In stunts pn~earlously on the flying- William 'l'alnwn, Ch;1rlw; Me- and stopflerl the Grc,l'hounds for hnr ns Sebastian, the clashing Graw and Margaret Slwridnn an! T 'H' hi d YOUR .1 plays. Then Cataline stcppr.cl aerialist. top-feattn'ed in pivotal roles. Tnl· 0 1g an ers MASON I' I· ONE 2·7421 hi1rl1 anrl IDss!'d 11 perfcet stril;c~ Trim Glori11 Grahame 11lso ells· man will be rcmemhr.rf'cl ns the TOASTER to Chllf'l\ Connelly, who SIC'JlJll'cl playNI a jaunty dl.~rcgarcl for lite honest. young cop In "Thr. Ha!'l\· Fowli•tvillc rlicln'l have tlw Evnuing Show• Sta,·t 1't 7:00 P. M. PROVE C.:ontluuC'IU!I !iatln·day from :~;11,1 P. M. Cnnlinuou" Sund41Y , 11t'l'oss the! last. stripn. Catalinn frail lie.~. of tJw humi111 body hy et;" McGraw's re<·Pnl siPIIar l'rilr• horses to slop llm\'1'11 Friday rrnm 3:00 P. M. Admiuion-·10c und 3Ac-TnK Jncludecl. · bud;Prl the ball a!'ross for that ~upporting an elephant's foot. on ln "The Narrow Margin" sr:olHI IT r wy -.--- -· I nll·lrnportflnl·extra point. her facP. in the role of Angel, tl1c a hil; amll\1:[rg;rrf't Shnrirl c s co 01' eamems a so Ca]l· •. , ,, "' I u Ull u ~ un II UUI\ ililfl/1 ~ I play. tun!d intimate bchind·lhc·SCCIICS Bill Fouty paced Stockbridge in ZCI', 1 • WWI"Mtoi:.I·Ulfrni~I·U~!INcrnlt.m•UIMfnlllti·WCCflU·Ahl~i:J~ITCUiiUUD 1 I Final st;uulinr.s in the CaJlital glimpses of thr. cireus at worlc a .'!3·7 swccp over Pinrkney Fri· ----·------1 A•~•"I~JirfrWr: WASil· Ann Blyth in Howard Hughes' light for the Vikings. He tallied IN'n'l'O:\" !"1'0HY with Whi[l \\'i!:mu in NIGHT J{AIDI-:RS; "One Minutc:.1o· Zero," the. film hoth touchdowns in the second ax1 0 llin~· Crosh:o··law• Wyman in .ms1· FOJ{ YOU In 'I'I'C"hni!'olo•·; blaws ··across t11e sci·cen · In l1alf. Tile Chiefs completely clomi· authentic H:iga of lacllnic .h~ro· 11 ~Tr•al l!onwcly Wlllmi~'S CIIAm.J•:Y In 'l'l•ehnkolm: with nated thr. 11rst haiL Jerry Hossa ism, brutal humot•, ·.clclicatc · ro· Hu:v Hol~•;t· tallied the flrst Chief score and ma nee nnd grim efficic!]cy, .: · . Diek Ewing coltt?cted the second. 'rhc film' will pln·y itt.. the Fox Beautiful New L~oks! Beautiful New Interiors! theatre Tuesday, Weclnesday nnd . . - Thursday. ' Things you'd like lo know about your Railroad Mitchum portrays a symi1athe· tie, highly disciplined colonei whose sole object is to save as It's The Most Beautiful New De So to Ever Introduced! Who! on the many of his men as possible, hut whose training has taught him 1o .' accept., no matter· how bitterly Railroad Safe;fy Team? and relucllintly, the cruel fuct that casunltles arc a part. of war. His eo·star, Ann Blyth depicts a splrltr.d American gh•l working in the official UN rani<~ for 1he one reason which has motivated such civilians since thr. beginning of wars ... an earnest desire to help in ·wha lever capac! I y they may he t1eedcd. Together, the Z popular stars form a highly 1111- derstandablc and complclcly real­ istic team. Thr. Edmund Gmlngcr produc­ t.ion for ni

Easy Remedies for Ballot• Ills Political Campaigns Warp Thinking Htmwdi~>s 111'1' elosr• at band fn)' nwldn~ cusicl' t.lw )Jlnl'k- lly Vt•I'IIHII ·'· lh'CI\1'11 1wcnunts and gent.!l'nus rltvltlr•ntls i'lll]Jioyt•rt tu IIHl'L!t'lllln snnw fll£!tH ln~ of l>a!lot s and t ilc r~otllll in~ nf t hmn nl't PI' t hny am marked, 1dong wllll higil .~nlnrltJH tn n J'ew ul!ulll our l•ig corpomtion~, who All too .!n!fJliPntly 1111~ J.(t!ru~rid ropnolclu•rs eomplt•tt! our nwlttal owns them and how rnnny·-llllri Yr•s, llu•rt• is t lw voting mac:hirw mel lwei. Vol ing ma­ 1111 "But~ Paid puhlie flnrl~ Jl,;nJ[ lwil,•ving "" '· plr•tun•. With lhiti pl,·tme ermH•s flll'lill'l' who works for thtJill !llld c:hirws ill't' nil ri!~llt wlwn thuy at·c in wor·klng or·cler nne! thing that Is huHr!rl on iP•Jir<'H· llH! illllli'(!Hslon of hunctrerls and !HJW many. voters nt'P nwdmnleally-minclr•d L'nough to use them. But. slorls IIJHI ldr!I!H thut have spl'LIIl'~ IIHIU~anrts of slwp workers lnllor· 1\ st11rty wns madt> of lr\ of the IIJI Jronr some t'r•nwte :;ourvr!, •Jf· lng 1o plll' up lrraHtll'(! for IIH' the maehines sonwt.illll!HJ~et out of kilter· as some of them did lnt•gpsl Anwl'ic.·un I'IH'JHtratlon~. nt That Bi~~, lt!ll for~ot ten, llul Jll'Yl!I'IIH!Ir>s:; Javured fr!W. (t>asl IIH• largr!.-il from the stand· in Lansing Nnvemllt!l' '1. In one prec:inet no votes were regis­ tal,:<: In L!W!I';< partlt•l!lru·. Most nf 'J'II!' fiwts arP, our r!or]mrulion:;, poinl of t lw number of worlwrs tcl·ed on n pmposit ir111. Tl could jus·!. ns well have happened uur pn!,lw.llees have c•ume to us at lt!ust out• lnr.iustrial r'UI'pura· r•mployr•rl. 'l'lu• ~ur·vr•y r(ltl not In· In ~mull [H>I'lion~. We havn tlor1s which l'lll[Jioy tllf' most of to a eanrlidall'. r:lurll' mining nm· Lltillty mm· I some hilts ii!Hi ah· our· Wtll'lwr,.;, ill't' 110 t ownPd IJy pani,•s r!xer!pl for Anwr·tc:an 'J'cll'· Ot· clicl ynu '? 'I'ht! cost of providing all pl'ecincts with voting machlncs sorlH•d somP JH'eemweptlon, lin· Wall Stn!et, nor ewn by Main plwnco iiiH( 'J'pJc•graph, wtlich by idf'nttfied hnpn!ssluns have lnfil· Str' of the inlf'l'llfliionnl ledger. looked mighty ~lylislt in their the ballot. Correct ion of 1he error would result in shortening l"••ws••s hud lu•••n rmt. In (hi' I Here is unother factor in this party clothes. Ttwy were on tlwir ll"f·ong· pill' l111• nh.rht hdon• and l'fll'P for .indust rit.tl supremaey. the ballots, making I hem c!aHier to murk in cramped voting way to attend an election party II'US. nul lrll'nll•ct until llw. l'ity In 1800 American industry em: booths, and easier to <'Ollnl. They would be easier to handle in .Jackson. t'Ut'I'U'I'H hull l~·ft. HP SJUJiw Ius r·•··~ ployerl one engineer fnl' every in the booths and on the tables while making the count. g-rt!ls and suul llmt tlu• IJIIIII'I'S .1~0 production worlwrs. Today With a schrJiarship of $175 would tm worlwct immt•clhltt•ly. there is one engineer to every The three-sixteenths Hquare (18 point) would also cut the added to the prize Jist litis year, coHt of pl'inlin!~ tlw ballots. It is plenty big enou[!;h. This is 1'1mt.'s g·oirJg u gTal'ions slt'Jl !Jp.l fill prodtwtion workers. Chemists the chcny pic contest for girls ymul JHI'Inl t't•g-ulatious. Ir!mployecl in imlu.>try are doubl· the liize: 0 · . between 15 and 20 should draw more contestants. Practiring Once til(' ground .floor front of I ing every 15 years and tlw· num· There is another plan, now available, which malle ''un't find t.tH'il' particular hrand of economy will ing occa.sions as they arise, and way tu sPe them. tal•e care of all these problems. harder to mark and harder to count. · rHrely ·miss the expedient enurse Serious study by the legislators, willingness on thcj"r, part of".. action. to cot·rcct a 22-yem:-old etTOL' and the courage tojnsist ·that · Next, those who are decent and 0 • minor parties usc n blank column would remedy n1ost of the honorable· In theit· Intercourse ills of marking an:! counting paper· ballots. ·Having . one with nll: men, bcfl.ring easily and column for minor pa:·ilc:: would also speed up the voting and g-ood·n\lturedly what is offensive or-unpleasant in others and being tallying on voting machines. . · as a!(reeabie and rca· Remedies rm· ballot ills arc so close athan!l ~U)d .so easy their associates as is to apply that there is no excuse fm· not putting tlien') into possible to be. effect. · ··· · ·. ,. ' FtJrthermore, those who hold' thei~ .. plf?nsures always under GREAT GOING control, who arc.. not unduly over­ Transplanted Government come by their misfortunes, bear· When pioncel's f1·om New England and ·_New York came ing .\lP under· them bravely arid to Michigan they brought their familiaL· form of. township in·a manner worthy of our com· and city government with them. That's why townships wet•e mon natures. -any way you ftgure set up to govern themselves and why township_· and city Finally, and most important of rept•csentatives govern a county through a board of super- all, those who are not spoiled by visors. . their successes, who do not de· sert their true. selves hut hold At about the same time the New England pioneers were their,ground steadfastly, as wise . . DELIVEREDPRICE , coming west to what is now Michigan, missionaries 'and and sober·n1inded men, rejoicing LOCAL · . . . SPECIAL .: . whalers from New England were settling in)'law~ii ..· :I'hey llQ:rnore mthe good things which r~r.THf NEW 1952 BUICK . ·.. carded the same puttel'n of government there. Hi/.\Yaii: has ha,•e come to them by chance fom· counties each govcmecl by a bom·d of supervisors.'· .They than in those which through their have the same eounty ol'ficcrs we do-prosecutor,· sheriff, own .nnt.u1·e and intelligence arc clerk and treasUI'el'. theirs since birth. Those who have a character which nccm·d There arc many political science professors who point to not with one of these things, but county govcl'nmenl as being archaic or outmoded. Always all of them. These I maintain are the professors want to reform county government by making educated, and whole men pos· it dictatorial, with one or a few men chosen to govern the sesscd of all the virtues of a man. county. Jlow many women would g·IDII· This New England type of county government may not Iy pu.y $61i t() tullt with aL lms· work well in the big industrial counties lilte Wayne, It does band? l'lf•·s. Rldtu.rd Slumlt of tlu! work well in smaller counties. It is adaptable to conditions. Jngluun Count.y News str1ff, gln~l· It is responsive. It is representative-in Hawaii as in Mich- ly J•uld t.Jud. fee. After 6 months igan. In Kort~u Pfc. Shank went to tb111 J:H;i'c •f1111an 011 rost Jea\'t!, He put. UMBER ONE item on: most anyone's list Buick 1·ide fet~tm·es cost, literflllv, ld Thet·e arc probably some improvements which cou through u. cu.ll to his wift1, The N of automobile "musts" is power:-the tba1111 milliifll dollars to engiuee1·, . be made in the structure of county government. Those mJNt Willi $44 r•Ius $11 tax ror 11 changes should not be made just because our system is old. I mlnnt.!s .. "It w11s wm·t.h e\'cr~· life and lift of your going. Then there's style, there's room, there's visi· Why it has grown old is because it wm•ks. The fact that tHmny or It," the soldier's wiJ'tl bility, there's handling ease-all part of your people here in Michigan as well as those in Hawaii have kept cleelu.red. Wilen i\lrs. Slumk bJ this Buick SPECIAL ~'ott get a valve-itt· trav~l- all helping to make the difference this form of govemment so long is a good indication that it talked It wns 8 o'clock nt night bead bigb-comfn•essiou. FiJ·eball 8 E11gitte becween good going and great going. works. We should go slow in male·-1\lld at I'OIUllf.ftltal, ·. ·. · News had ·• Hi·lton & Rich-ards· Buick lll.o~• oopl~~ .,; ...... ;.;,.;,_ .o~ ... > : · · · · · ' .'' . suci:essor ·it M'uo~, _Michigu ... ' ... ~·

,l~~~~+-~~~.;_,~;..~...... ;~~~;;..~.l~~ll.eQm:'trvm: Ule 1 P.zt=e~t: Ingham County News November 13, 1952 ParJC 3 I ILGAI, NOTIOJJ:~ Legal Not~ces

SPLIT-RAIL FULL-PAIL MEMEI~ fOES-Souvcnhs !10m ott.~ , moro bitter presldenllal campaigns ou! examined by M1 s Polly Lovett ot the Chicago Hisloilcul Society exhibit Big nxe swung high in her right hund lo C! om the Lincoln • 1 nll-spllllln " cam­ paign of 1800 Dangling nt lower right is u lull dinncL pull U!l{ld In McKJnle;; rallies In 1896 Budges dccmntln[l' her blousl! date campnlsns bnclt to 1840 lllslorlons predict n centur~ hence liym• bol ot lltc-Stcvcuson campuian w11l be a broom -~ ... _f""!" ___ ·-- - ... n·, US lJ!Jill~er Wins .fersey Production Ingham D. II.[, A .. ~gsters Report Country &. Town Jly ,JI!\1 JlllOWN 'J'en lwn\s In Iill' Ingham No. r> !•:!wynn ('o/lar, iP'IIdl' Ilolslrin, 71 gl'llrir !Tolstnin, fl2 11m hulterfnl; ~·Title jroun Canadian Cow Champ D, If, J, A. HVI'I'rlgl'd ll1Dt'P ti1an lit•; lat. 1•:11!(1'111' Lj•ons, grru\f' Guern~Py, Smtih Am1wlifm·s. -Lc·stcr 13enjamln & n load on a llama ttnlt'RS the nnirnnl can sec anoiiJCI' llama hL•• Closn In llw midnir.:ltl hour 11n ramlly·slzr•d dairy fnl'ln wltldt is r\iPil nt lfi\~ yPnt•s or ngu only n fJCHttHI.~ mlll<. 'i'IJP olill't' ltigl1 •1.1, .. ,.ro ll'<·r·r• 1 ~ ill'rrls In t'u• ln~:· Casr•rly, grarll' .Jrrsey, li·l.O lhs Ing loaded. That's why llama cal'Uvnns nr·e ulways lined up Oc•lobr•r 2() slw •·ornpiPird a :Hi~- 0\l'lll'd and opP!'atPrl hy Mr. and f<•w clay~ hrfoi'P his llltJHtl'iott: lwrdswrrc!: ,lwnr ('r•nln~l ll. 11. 1. A. wllil'l1 hutlc•rfal; Gmf Hnm., gmde lin!· faee-to-face when the blll'den iR being Rharecl. tiny r•••·ord of ::!fl,ll!li IHitiiHi•; mill\ ~lr•,, ,Jolin I·~ J.lmlnw and lltPir 2 lia11gh11•r mmplc>trcl hl'r dt Donn! Parks, lfi gnnil' llcil·l avPI'ilJ;<•d ow•r llls ! IJI,Jil•!'fal stl'ill, fifl lhs huiiPrfat; Lester <'tttHis illllll'l'· f'lllldil'n, .Jnlli', If•, and .Danny, fl. onship l'r'('OI'd, :m 11 I don't know native dot•s if he only has one steins, '10.2 Ills of fal, \Ifill Ill•; lor IIH• mont II of Or·IIIIH•t', .LC('flt'rl· BPn,lamin & Casarly, graclu .Tm·· what a fat In IH•I' hal'll tip On•gon way. 'l'lw c·ow wo~s /c>d ft•nm 'tH to 20 l•'antnsy I~ no/ only n pmch1 mlll1; Lamc;n<·c Jo'nstr.r, II> gr:ulr• lrw to tltP rPjHJrt of till' INif'l', sPy, ;,fl.fl Ills butterfat, llama, A minimum would he 2 llamas ncl'ol'ding tn llnmn lt 111'111 hy !i pounds tlw l'illlld hy 111·amp· tninlnr: "'"'"' lli'; pmtlily ,,],.• wo1s on !Psi nnd all of milk s\H• has prndtii'Pd in ·1 mixed, :JG.a Ills fnt, tii:UJ ll11; m1\k; Hros. :ill grmlr• and I'PglsiPrl'rl 'l'l1r·rP wc•t'<' 2G herd:; l<'stcrl In Y1•s, llamas ar1• a Int. lilw )ll'lll'l'·· l'l'llltli• J.:t•n• yunl s1ncP lfi:J:I. till' lop qllilllly hny site C'OIIId Ita~ hrought ;qJproxlmntPly $!i,•I:JO notwrl and ChariPS lll'llll.lll'll, :21 !JolsiPiltS, 17.!1 Ills hutlrrfat, l:lli:i llw Tngham-Srrlllh ussodation «•r·ally will l~:u·•·y tht• loatlns long as its IH'in1~ sha rf•tl. Tlw nPW pnuhtl'lion c hnmp It; r·on;.unw. Slw gmzPd with llw on the S11lc•m milk marlwt. A grmle Iloislc!ills, :IIi !11s r::t, III:JII Ills mill;; g 11 ,,sr•ll ,J. 1\lels, (J r<'g· rturin1: ()roloiJI!I'o with a tol~l nf oWIHYI ~~~· Lindow .JPI'Sf'.\' ]o':,t·m, rPst ot IIH• lwrrl during llw sum- liaughll'l' wu~ sold In tlw "Your lbs mill<; l~IW,\'Iln Cot,ar, Ill btc•n•d IIol•:tPim;, 11.1 llls h;lltP!'· •l:l•llwncl in<'lurling dry eows. Sev­ Amerimn tmdition calls !'or IH'"I'''' to wait in lint• IndPpPnd<'IH'P, OrPr:on, Sltr• stnrl· nu•t' months. Sc•vl'n dit'I'Prenl ofi'I-,OpjJOI'Itlllll~· Snle" nl North Port· grudc~ IIolHtelns, :w lhs Jat, !!!IIi Lll, lll!ll llts nlill;; Tv!. 11. AvPr'>• enly·lwo or· Hi.fi'; or all <·ows I'm· turns. A l'mv tu•opli• lmdlin~ tlw lint• e:m urnl''' r.d hPr mllldng r·ar<'PI' "' tlw "~'" dill tPsling HIIIH'I'Visnrs fl'om Or·•·· lan1i, Ot'<•gnn, for $1,7!ifl. lim mlll<; DPnzll L. 11111, l,l 1:rnd1' !I rr·>~if.t<•rcrl f:Uf'l'llS<'Y''' :1~.::: Ills \\'1'1'1' dry. Till' ayr•mge produc· t~wryllody dismttisfit•ll with thn lhll'·IIJI and U11• srs· !IoislelnH, :m.l Ills r:Jt, I llls llltllc·•·fal, 7Ci:J Ills mllk; J:ur:ronc• I lou was 770 llrs mill<, lhs 1t•m fails. of 1 yenr nrul fJ months nl n pilr'l' >:on, \l'nshlnglon, and Idnho By dc•!lnition tlw nllllW "l•'un• ~Jtl :n.o nol too nflen <'!JllaiPd hy till' 11111sl du•••kPd IJPI' daily IH'oduc•tlon on lasy" would lllys nnd r;mrlf' f:uPrnfic'ys, :lK:J IPsl. If people arc lilw llamas 01' llamas ut·e like people, then ottiHianc waged Stowe, 51 grade !lolsil'ilt;, :1:1 Ill·; I \ It' . awragcrl owt· :In lhs of hulterfat by the Hepubllcuns. If services ar·,~ cut and taxcH cut !!(]urtlly, hrePd l"('('Ol'rl thai lt;Jd slorHI l11r Th•• l"''lif~l'l'<' of ,lunP Volun· prmltll'l a t·roalily. 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 !at, !lOii lhfi mill<; Mc•lvlrl OPstl'l'· .,~·: 111 ' l'<•rH' .' gr;1;c• rJ.s elns, for tilt' montlt . the American people ought 1o i.Je able to take it in stl'idP. But 11 1 111 1 1 11 1111 1 le, •11 ).(radl! and rPgistdrPd J!ul· '' ' ' . .l:>ll 's lk; , , ,,·"'' ITr.r·r·ls ItolJet·t a few peor;le.manuge.t.o. sidestep the intent of the govcr·n· ln:tn•·••. C'knnlng titnP for most l11• S<'I'Vii-Pd by a <'ll'anPr. Laho!' 11 1 ~.'1 ': 1 1 1~'~'111 "1 : 1 1 111 \v~.rr!·. if I t s '11 H II • I1 1t HKII It · 1 Ill" ,. a ·" H'il rr• • '' grac c illH reg- ,, " llnrns is niloul 10 rninutr•s, SIIJiply, pl!y.~lc·al handleaps am! sre ~ · • • · ·l-wm &:· ._. 1.:·" :,'.. ' : lslr·IPr) liobtl'ills, :17.0 Ills hullnne lh ..s ,111 tt.ll.·l.·f.•.•t. 1, :li.fl lhs m.llk•; Ell· I l1acl ,·t goocl look at Miss Amcriea last Weclne_scla:[. 1' I "rigin:ll l'irHn"r cost,; will !lnd ' , ''' · ' ' - : " . '· :111d :-'ons, II reglsll't'ed Jfolsll'ins, 1 i'>t It & S 7 I II J l\laridPx n•ports thai mo~t 11 011 0 (I I Olll'l'ollion msts low. lti'I'IJ!'rls lwpt In0 lhs tl I . l I •1 • • t I · I fl 1 1 · t . on Hl'\'1'1':11 !'.lif'i1igan fnl'tns nel's.werc: l·:.rrl !';1,.,., 011 , I:~ grarlP and l'<'gis· mill<; II. & DPnnls Unclcrwonrl, 1e -w.ns e u l umnet· JUS as was gomg. as tee a pic till' f't's would ratiH,'l' glvr up any .r. D;lirymt•n ill'!' ltn ning lrlOI'P ,;ltii\I'Pd a •·r•sl of~(· lrr ·tC' per c·ow Mature• dass: Lawl'PilCl' Stowe, lc•t't'l\ tioi"tr·im,, :! 1.:1 "" hull I'!'· .IS grarlr. and reglstcrcars dass: l'IIPI\'in ()p:;. · t ht• nt•xt. d:Ly. So I wai1 I'll until this \\'I'd\ to t I'll t!H• nwinly by lnrg•• "i"'rators hut tcrlc, grade llolstcin, fll 11 " fat; hilltr•r!.tl, !tIt H1s mill<; \Vaynl' tat, JIJD:i Ills milk; Frank Fetters n•movP mHnliJ'I' fmm stahlros In tlH•t•r• is 110 minimum sizP herd tu WJI•·"x. Iii gr:n\P I Jolstr·ins and ,\l Sons, :J:J grad!' Holsteins anc\ wholt~ world of my tm·ding with JUiss Auwri1•a in thl' I lamld Loekwo()(\ & Son, g•·adl' 'liP leis witlwul <·ost l,v hand labor, :J?.Ii all1•y. Ir 1 · 7,1 11 f 1 l'l'f:istc·n·d c;ul'r'nsl'ys, :n:l lhs .IPl'SPys, ll1s hutlr.rfal, !l:1Ci L. 0 s-tr.m, ' IS a · I II I I II '11 M' 1 ' lhs mill\', 1 aceonling to ftol)(>l't Madi\Px. 111 11 ~·W 1111 11 Ingham County News November 13, 1952 Page 4 Four years I'! ass: l'llauril'e Or•s. •·r ' ' ·' " <; ,,. ~ana 1\liss Anwriea tlmnlu•tlme for the l~onsilll'l'ation. I'Xtc>nsion spedHiist in ;q~ri< ul· No. 'I l, ~1:1 l'P",l~tfTI'd G11Prnse.us, T IT ·trtcl n J) Clt'lmllnr]"I'J1 0 0 tet·le, grade !Iolstl.'ill, 7·I lhs fill; t ·' '. • n. ' ' " ' Sllll thowrht tlw tldav was downl'i~ht. dl'\'('l' what . :12.0 Ills lnriiPl'fal, fil~ 1\,. milk; 1S rc•gislererl Holsteins, :n.a lbs " ~ tural Pngnwcrln!-( at !\lil'ltigan ,.------.. liLI/~h I·:ll•.wnrllt, :!:l rP~islered hultcrrat, 888 Jbs mill<; Hlc:hard with the elrction results taldnJ,!; Uw ma,in•· inh·r.. st !'-:talc! colleg-e. Vli'J'J.;ItJN AltiAN r:ur•rn"'\'~. :11.s lhs lnlltPrf;,l, CiKl w. Smith, 14 rc_glstcrerl ancl gr·acle last. week 1\liss Anwrica SJtolm hiJ,\hly uf tlw Lions Two 11111in IY]J0.S of f:uttPr 1: \II<: mille IJolsteins, 3li.fi Ills butterfat, 9Ci3 club meml.mJ·s. She was I'SIIl'Cially plrasell at IIH• r•leanl'l's arc• \)(>ing- mar\;plr•cl. Tht• fill) 8. ,Jel'fl'rsnn l'hom• 2R~Ot 1: Jligll <'11\l's 111 ecls, acc'Ording hC"H;.; nnrl wil'(1 nwshtnr~. i Almost any type of l'i(',rlll'l' will I 11 fat, RIG lbs milk; LaVem Eldred, to Richard W. Bell, Michigan According tu st\l[liCB made in 21 registered ~nd grade G'ucrn- Stale rollcg~ extension spC· be satisfactory if propr>t·iy ilt· I Consumers Pov1er Co. scys, :31.1 lbs butterfat, 658 tbs cialist in farm crops. These Mkhigan, herdsmen r·an cul t lte stalled, ;vialoniror much lower than for other types l..cF!Illl lbs butterfat, 2430 lbs milk. the last youngster who showed of farming, and this is one of tile Drills. The rcgulnr feeds wirh two speed drive handle everything from ·his calf at the International I Under 1 years class: Robert reasons for the 1G'.'r drop since ·------' soybeans to lla:.:. Adt'IJUat~· Pl'niP1'1ion All !n One· I'o!it•y Rltines, grade Holstein, 75 lbs show in Chicago. He was Lloyd Grnin ,growers also prefer Moline-Monitor Drills because o( their Robinson, Big Spring, Texas, who ~;t in COl\' numbers in this <·oun- .---W--E-R-·EMQVE dependability and long-life, troublc.frce operation. Typical o( rhe butterfat, 1780 lbs milk; Fred 1 Ruthig, registered Holsteins, 62 in 1950 to.ol< $12.00 per pound for bmcr construction arc the axle bc~rings which are cxw1 lArge and · · a total of $12,300 with his llnished Farmers can cut costs, increase completely enclosed in a ~elf·aligning dustproof housing. Ills butterfat, 1500 lbs milk. Your friendly MM Dealer has complere information on MM Mod· OLD RELIABLE STOCK CO. Hereford "block of beef." Lilte milk l>roduction and returns b) Undrr a years class: L. 1:1. Har· adopting the following practices. Dead or Disal>letl ern Machines, Visionlined Tractors, and Power Uniu. many another youngster before I•'ull Covera~?;e N () A!iSI'SSilWII t ris and E. W. LitchJield, regis· 1. Upbreed the herd [rom poor Ilorses and Cattle tered Holstein, GO.O lbs butterfat, hlm, Lloyd poclteted his high SEE US FOR COMPLETE FACTS ON MM MODERN MACHINES, or average stock to good cows. Allnt t11 rnH•rs 11111sl ~I'll ll'ttlrl mlllt ri't: lJl'OIIcl·ill'I'/ISi<'rl IIIII'S Ill I hill, 111"1~ Hl'llilll' In IJigh oelwol, .Is tt·ying rellnetlng poni' llllll'imt !ugH a uri n n lcil of r~xJWI'ii'JH'<' 1111 tlw housr• yeat'H, IIC'L'OI'mslmns, lit• hns liJis 1hesltanl HtOJ'ugn rlemnml. 'l'hul'H ngrlmtlt lll'ill r•ommit tr~r•. Hope• hnH Stair• r·ollrgl' ngrlt!ultural r•••on- '1'. 'J'romnn nf Lr•sllr•, hr<'mi ns his 1~. 1•', A. pmJror•t. II whrtt llw Nallolllll LIVI'Hio<'i< l'ro· gunr• nlong on tll'nrly nil !ann omlsts, llr'lll111111 will lu• slmng fm• Bad< lu I!Hl tliro 'J'1·onwns pur· is a mulalion fl'llm llw llront.!), ' chtcnr srws alwad. Tlwrc should lw lnglslullon In n•c•r•nl y<'ars I'X<'rl iluirl tnill; 111111 I•:" r·rPtlln unrl lr~s 11 genm·ully Htrongm· 1114rl;rot for r-JIHSI'rl 2:! HCrl'S at lhf' lllll'ill llr\g'll hut. with mostly white .fwtllwrs. I the Bl"llllll<•[ pl'it'I'S hnw d!l'r·l;r•d IIi<; Jllllil; lljllrl~l'i 11'111_ IJP Hll'ongr.l', llmr~ yr~nr. lion. dOWliWIII'CI ll'('l1li ill rl:dt•y r·ow ilirlll'l' . fl pount(H hut fi yr~ars ago IH• rlr•l'iriPrl to go fill' 1h11 first Ihis USDA hus devc!loprd rt new In· <'OI~S\11~[1,1 1 1011-- Into llw lurlwy business. On a smnll twr<~ngl! llw 'I'm· Hc•rlueml supplies nne! 1111 lll'liVII numlleJ's, !"'" ''"P'':' 111 I.J:•- pmllalliy will sect idiiC'l', It's r!ullc•rl allethrin. !11• lP,;s, 'I ill' •:pl'l'llli llPIWCen lnlll'• At that time a rlec.:lslon hnrl to mllliH luww thut llwrc! Is nol JrtiC! Ioedl11g llmnnnd shoulll mnlw ll's an r~Hcclii'P wr•nprm against A fpw mor;• cows and hlgllrl' gm·inl' 1111rl lntllr•t' prir•r•s has C'Oll· llC• nHule in n•garrl to lho hrer•rl. rmough land to provlrlt~ dL>nn the lumb mai'IWI HllhHII11Jiinily moHqllitoco!;, m r1n y llousr>holrl prurluctlon will menn rnm·r~ milk lillll<'ri In wirglnnlng .ruly 1. Mnln hlgh-prnduem·s will he pmfitahiP. South T'a'r·lfit·. nul ahoul l:i !rJ 1!1 Ills so we lmve 'fhe poults ure stnrtl'rl In hat­ Hlats with nn Jlocn·. All the ma· fal. and arP. hroughl lnlo thr. and local gove1·nmenls will in· Tlw 1!J!i2 hny r•rop Is mnplr• 1111rl lllrds of 1111' Wl'lght that is wanll'd tc>ries. Five hunrlr"ed are plal'erl lu nm·p g11es through the sluts llll dres. In· of roonlaminulirnJ. pir-lts lll!'m mechanically and any 1!qulpm11nt 'l'romuns won 1-1 rlh· l!conmnlsts thnt'rldense si1cndlng, tobnt'l!ll supply In Jirw with rle· lalmr-saving r•qulpmPnl will lH· N. Ut~rra r Kt. !IInson Ohio, ancl an~ r•allcorl Bt·oatl· thrii· llvr1s so a 2X' ;. pt•otr•ln. J'er•tl fPrl. '!'his is a I'Olllhination of oats, lums ut the 1\llehlgun tlll'lmy and 'Jnvet!tments for nc!W ex pan· maml and help growers ~o:ct fnir good husinf'.~:> if fannPrs h1-wan• l'honc1 llluHon 11701 hn•astrorl Whlil' I lollanrls. 'l'lwy is ll:><'rl for ahrllll H Wtll'ks. Wlwn em·n, harley, alfulfa meal and I'Pslil•ul In Gmnd IIUIJids lasJ. · slon may·ievel off tlw'latter parl prices hy llmlllng ut•reage nnrl of gmlg!•ls that clo not pay. Labor llve ·ttp ICJ tlwlr IHilllPS. Thr• till! hints are tukf'n to I hc• rearing molnsfies. It is fed until the !Jirds wr•c•lc. It. \\'US the lint. tlmw of n'exl year·. sPiting minimum pr·ices. VIrginia anrl Pqulpment will hC' nwrP pffi. '------' drrssPrl hirds haw• an unusually p11ns tlwy · m·r. placed on 2 hy ~ are al>oul 20 Wl'rks of age. For that. t111• LPslle tm·lwy rttl!wrs history going as far back-as W31 --"""'"---:------­ the last X ot· 10 wt•Pks the tur·· luwc~.r·mnp<•ll•rlut tl111 fesHval. Crops· matumcl • and 'l'I'UIIIIm rlh· ehanical rlryers hasn't been ,as measures lmI'<' r•ntm·l!d in the r•onleHt. are available through county forhldcllng the fer cent of thr. hirrls blnls are available at alm11sl all portunities fo1· profit and huosl Mis!'ella11y ... A new type of Pts. li5c Qts. $1.15 Gal. $3.75 nre sold during 11w hulidays," times of the year. pork output. ··Cunently llw na· grape julee frot'n white grapes Ffo:!WI;>o;(; lllltEC'I'IO~; ...; · NO'l'IIING Lllm 11'! ! ! Mrs. '!'roman ~tated. "Most of In the dressing room every· lionul avel"!lge number ()[ pigs Jms been rlevelopetl. Usual hot· Hi% llA!It\' !H•:t•:J•' C'A1'TU: them are sold pt·ivatcly though thing is spick and span. The same press process hasn't wurlwd on weaned per lltter iH 6.'1. · :100 lb~ Wur;·mL WhPPI :!1111 lh:; Wu~·on Whr~c•l some arc soJct wnotesate. All ure is true in the rearing pens. As a tltese grapes. lleports Indicate ·II>';;,, :\1 iII< l'mthi<'t' ,. sold oven-dressed, and are in· resull. the Tromans are producing What eUecl will· the election jlllce from white grapes now has l,!Oii lbs Jcur Corn dividually wrnppNl and boxer!. a high-quality lurl

Farm Youihs Win 4-H Honors at Annual Meeting

A. Andris Jeweler and Watchmalcer 01 ~I .,!5 ~I IrS I XI'JCIICIICC WI all ma!,es of 1\ Mchcs Cnmnllt aft d 11 ntcll!'s n spcCitlty Childs District All \\ orJ, Gutuan!t etl One Year lUlls Leone rlolmston Prompt Service

Fill that coal hm mul Aurelius Items be sure of the heat n 11 haua Jones you'll need ir. that first "surprise" cold sn:t{l. Call us!

for Prompt Delivery Phone 26001 Bloclt and Crushed Ice

Sunday hours 11 a. m. to 1 I>· m,