THE INGHAM Hp!Ng Shlp[H'ri from Mnson in Fnr Nwr•, Bot![Lhl Northi.!R'n Sjly's Strvenson, Alnhnma, to Lw Trnlned Dnm from Fl, A

THE INGHAM Hp!Ng Shlp[H'ri from Mnson in Fnr Nwr•, Bot![Lhl Northi.!R'n Sjly's Strvenson, Alnhnma, to Lw Trnlned Dnm from Fl, A

.. Grand Circuit Trainer Likes Colt Jloh Pnlrner'H Nor·thern Spy IB Palmer, Lr>sllo t~r•r.llllHIIsl nnrl THE INGHAM hP!ng shlp[H'ri from Mnson In fnr nwr•, bot![lhl Northi.!r'n SJly's Strvenson, Alnhnma, to lw trnlned dnm from fl, A. Lnxlon of Mnson Ninoly- Third Year, No. 46 Mason, Micl,1gan, Thursday, November 13, 1952 Thrco •Soclions, 22 P~gos hy Snundrors llussr•ll. IJI''H fl,dnrrl The dnm hns nnuthr>r l'nlt, now 1111111> of llw j)('~l trolll'rs and strl'ldng. l'nlmL'I Jr]()lwd at on11 p.rrl'rs now on liH' Grand Clr o( his llpple lli'I'H When IH• WIIH State Erects Mason Building in Lansing (till r nnsldr•rlng lllllll!'H, JUst IIH hi• NmiiH'IIl Spl \\Ill ill' 2 In .IIIII· dlrl with Nnttlwr n Sp:, 1 'l iu• County Asl<s for 11111 y llr 's oul of Mnblro Jl yonng r•oll is nrtmrod Dr>llr lnm Ht1Hii11ll olllcl oi!H'l' IIIII HP.Illl'll Canvass Trims 382 SpPilll'l, ol full slslr•J' to All Spr ru P.t, :l 0 I ~/!i, Nnrllu'r 11 Spy's wl10 holVC' seun Nor tlwrn Spy lw 50-mile Lim~t slico Is J)co)oto !i,liHlVPI !leIs thr• l!rw• :;hP Is nii nrnl' pet fer·t us slico of lltl"nln who wr•nt 2:00 2t C, an\ roll lhry !]avro sl't'll, nusseli ,rl Lroxlnglon llllsoln Is owm•d hy Soll<l hi' was anximrs to gel tlw Dr I' 1\1. !\It N,1hh of lthrll'a oJJfiortunll> to tr,rln lwr On Lo(al Roads Off Williams Total lnglt.tlll Slll>l'l\iHIIlS 1\lrllldll\ II' News Index lur·r ·lilt iy a)::ll'l'ti to <lSI( fm '•Jit•fld \Vnnt .trls, PagPS li 7 .rml H, limits nf ;)() miles pt•r hour nil Draft Notices I. Hl'f lllldaJ) I OolllS, Till' Wtle \1 ol>i In Ingham County Sot l,rJ IJI"VH l'olJ.:I'S I olllli ), J.i 11 in favor of till' limit I'.l!t I, P.tgt• I, P.111 2 Adopllo11 hy lhe lngii<\ITI stqu•r i1• Ingham's offtctal c.tnv,rsli completed TUL·sduy lt•tnmwd Go to 72 for ('hlllril lli'W', l'oll~f' 'i, J',!ll J VIHOIS doGS 1101 JIUI lhr• Hjll'l'<l I:rlitnl'lotl~. P,tJ-:1'!! P.nt ,{ lrmll In fortt' SpPPd lilllliS llf' 38:! volt's fmm Gowt·nm· G Mcllll<!ll Williams' maL'J.llll. !'.11111 111 ws, !'.tgt's I, 'i otnd .1 rnotiiPr foJ lh" lr•glslotllllt' l\!11 lr 'l'hc Ingham official count aclually inct eased FtPd M H. P.u t :J lg.rn now h,rs whorl rs lorn\\ n "~ 7 November Call Alger's county total by Ill and tml< :n:2 •1\\'UY ftom Wll­ L1•g,11 noth ~'"' J',rgr• H l'otrr a hotslt spC'I'tl lnw wlthnllt IllY 1, P.tJ.(I' (i, l'nrl 2, l'ngr•s l.trHi lll<IXirmqn SJlPI'd llrnll hPin,; ''I {/; lt,rms, m.tldng a net loss of 382 for the govet'llot Srxl) Ill II•' lllltng llii'IJI h, I'm t :l Sitpflt, rsor Wn.1 A DPII of L.ur 1 l•'om Lansing prccmcts figutc<l in the change. In .l of ,lf\11 l lt.lltsfets .111 !P,tVrng Ill sing, who .tslll•tl lot r tJdotsr•tnt'lll tlwm the dtscrepande~ l'Pi'illlled from tnc•ot'l'ecl tabulaltons on till' rit.Jii ll<'XI 'fUPSd I) 'J'ltPj , of lltt• SJll crJ limit prii)JIISoll <X 0 tlw (IW\1:-;IJ.t[lel') count. The iotuliJ eame lt·nm a Jr,l\(' IHt'll orrlPII'rl Itt ll'fllllt "' (omniiSSIOn Buys (lilllllPd IIH' Jt•porl o[ [JW h lO .r rn 11 I!Jt• Vo•lr J,tns hulld ho~m's ar tlon will hr• st>nt to lt>g (fl I tmsl ,tlw 111 adddlg. up vot mg mnchi ue tot n Is 111 K JH'ectnct of itrg 21l ~ ( .tprtol in L111sln;..: R d E • t lsintors ,mrl In otllf•t hn.tlfls nf I I L.u1Hing':; sixth ward. In .!i K tlic LltiOffict,\1 count ctwhtcd 'litl'l IIIII hu.rtrl hllst•s lhtll' oa qulpmen SI!Jli'IVISillli J)p)l lnlwrillll'rl 1111• tl I Algct' With iNO votes ollld Wil- l'lu• r.!l fllllll Jn~-:h.trn "'" .IIIII I • 1 lflSillullllll .tl tltfl Otlllbf'J IIHI'I f r I 1111 lltll. !Jltolllf' L llullron, r:tl.l Costing $7770 lng ol lltC' lngh.nn ho IJ'rl It \1 IS 1Jinms 1\lth !1:3H \Vtth lhe \Volltl 1\1 ~lrN.tllllll.t, M.rx j) I I Jll'fl'liPcj to lit• lt•gisltll\t 10111 f l •-· Eddy· Discusses I CI'I'OI' 111 arldittqn COI't ectPd, J:gJ'il'slon Ruir,ntl I' M.llshotll, I miiiPt> Supl'i\lsot ft••x 'lnwnsPtlll j·; i\]get· cart ted the pt·cc·met 8\H Hi<h.rtd L Slt,nrss, llirh,llrl Jl AI rts 2 It'll Ill llli'PIIngs I H' of lngh,Jill atul \Vllftl'd )1'111'11 of t' i\1Pdt1Jugl1 !{d\ r: Hnnd, .II lngh.tlll t'lllllll\ ll>.irl l'lll111l1iSsiOII Vevdy ll'jlOtltd rl IJLII Monrl.t\ ) ' Lansing Politics to R:JR • I D.11 ul !{ f'rPt~o. Hrtiri'Jt !) 1:11 hough I $77 Rll7 111 11 th of mtdnn 111rl tleh,rle immu!J,It<>h htnl<e I I Ill lflt', ' f \Vllh 1111 ~I IIIIlS IIll' AI rh.tll.tii,HIIhllrl ,1. WPII(.ttl', lnhn e11, lilttl<~. t,JJS .1nrl othPt rqurp (]Ill. ,' I On County Board gel tot,rl Ill 1nglJ 1111 12,910 H H.tll's, II• Ill< II H \\ hI"'' I til, llll'n I for h lghW<i\ t ons t J ur t Jon Opjlllsltlmr U<•\ Plops ·' ' Williams got .l'l,72~ S<oll C l'urnfrr \' ~1 titus!. Hnl .tnt! m.tlntell.JIH<' SUJll'r\Jsor (' r: <'.llrl Ch.rh mtn 1Iuber t l~rldy, <.If!· Bei,I\Jsl' of I lit' Sl'jJ.IJ .tiP IJflllots !I'd,!' l\IP!Itn L ')roll, M.rjot pltt'PS of l'f(llljlllH'Ill 111 Lo~nsrng r(pcJ,nl'rl th,Jt .rtlopllonof fc,llt•d .rs a L,\JlSII\g otldPI11loll1jiiSt for Pl<'sidPntl.rl ~.ltlllitl.tti'S, lht•Jt' Cil< 11 <' ltl'\, Vl'ln.rrd D <lurll'd lhl'sl' llPms. such " spe<•d limit would jllll\1' week l.tshctl out at some of Ire \l'l'lt' 91-; IPs~ 1otr•s L.tst for pte' 'llrompson Aron Clit•nn W,lggon I r;r.ltl,rll prmer gJ,td<•t, $2l,i21llrnP[fcrllvc bPc.riJsP pt•opl<> would Monday, ncfnrc the nlr•nt 11t.r11 f111 gn\t r nor· In tlw rr J{,htrl A 1\lush.tii,'DIIn L 'fwm '!Pifor'rl EquJpnH'nt Co rgnm<> rt ,111rl thPtP rouid hr• 110 ho.ud of supPrvlsors Ch thrnnn sellllld drsltl• I lllH'II' (r.tfll'l h.rl So hill liZ, !~Irion DI'LIISS Fullt•t L lllS\Ilg. olrli'CjU.Jtl' rnfor rr•mr•nl wrtlr(]ilt T'tld1 ,rss.rJIPtl some of tltl' ell'· lr,ts .1r1• l\St•tl lll!'ll' II t•t I' only ll J<JSI'Jlh Dt•m}rts ('arl I·~ Moote v.typl' snrm plo11 doubling tlw slwnffs p.1trol Su llll'J;ts \\hlch he saul !nought llH>Jt•votPs t.tsl for gll\CIIltll'lhm l'ugt•np V !.1ndtH'I, Dontld L I fr•om Root Sprrng St r.rpi'J flt'l\ tsrll Ch.ulPs JJ,I\tll'n nf Loill .rholtt the drfP.rt of hirnsl•lf and 3 pHsuleut In L.ursrug IIIJPIP \ol Mr !. (' l!oss Ut v.rl \V f.: 1!, rn, zno srng potlliPd oul tlloll offrrPJ s r•.tnl Other Sttpet'l !SOl'S lng nr:rd11nrs .111' usr•d llw rr.rrnr•s ~l.rrrn I 1 1 ol JIII'Hic!Pnlt tl t•nnrlJtl.rtt•s 1\r.te ~fl\VI.rl lliintlri I' Htilllls, BtU<<' Power s.rnrlsptl'drli'l, $1)2110 nnw mtl<f ,urr•sts of .til 11ho "I rlon I s.ty lh tl !hi' I' tty of OI'N' ht>> nnd tlw em OIH'I s .ttl!! JUS! l' l"tlzgt•t.llrl l'llilip 'I Lu••••,l ft<Jill ScJP!ltlfl< Br<il<fl .rnrl fcqurp rlrtvl' f,rslcr th.1n rondrtiiJils 11.11 L.1nsmg c.1n't gPt .rlong wrthout ,dll':td of 11011 .p.utrs,1n jurllt•Jtl J\lonlltl!ild ('()1111'\ \nwnt Co 1tlll oiiHi titus d SIH'IIflt 1111111 IS ~.tgm.m· me 111 some of the othcls who <'Hllrlrtlatps 'l'h•• l'nte for Jll Psrdl'nt r;rnrlnn \\' Cir.tnl !.11\d ~~ Gallon pml<~illt' wllt•t, S2 ~1.11 nol llPP.rlPd Clr.urm.rn HrJhPII lost, E:tlch dc•d.lrPd. "I'm not ''"' ll{2 lt•ss th til fol ,(11\t•tnor 111 Ctl(lfll'll lV>I.JI G Sl,trk IJ,ur~ 10 from i\1ri1Pt E:qlllflllll'lll Co l'drh olllri SupPJI'ISOIS John Rlls sot c lis Jirst the prlndple of the ptt, II\< Is usrng m.rPhrnr•s Jt Sp lli<S Burlri) :'It :'-Jill liS Hob Gt.tnri fl.,lplrls Sl'll dJHI R I' w.rll .•111 of L Ill tl1111g I'w nh1n~s IJ!ed to do " Thl' offJu,tl fot l'l!tlnJs l'l• \\ l lrlt• d Bill\ H.rl l\turhll.

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