The Ingham County News Oh! ~.No ••••• Published THURSDAY AFTERNOONS Rev

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The Ingham County News Oh! ~.No ••••• Published THURSDAY AFTERNOONS Rev ·stranger Rules Mason While Mayor Fishes Thein m Whllt! M11yor CuriiH Mur•fon of qroc·r!r' nnrl mmnhm· 11f I he C!lly IlnrriHorr \VflH htrsy runnlnr: f!ity r·mrneil. llnrpcr Is jii'I!Sii!ent of the 4 Sections - 20 P4gos uf'f:ilm In Mason Monday, Mnsun's 'lanlsun Eciwol honrd. Mnynr Pnul ftlchlll'ris und Pollen 'l'ha vlr;!Jurs ,were met nt the Chief IInrry Chundler wenl fish· north dly limits nnrl Cicicnrtcd to Copy Mus# Come. Ill!~· 'own hy Cuptnln Tim Stol?. and Mayor Murlon nnrl Mnynr Welt· '::ounellman Nels Ji'nrrlby, of'flclul A· Day Earlier onls r.xdrungPd jnlm Monduy 011 Mn,~nn hosl. After· a ~>lop al city Hospital Pledges 1\ltmtorhll ilay Uri~ year• fllll!i mnyor· cxchungc day, a Jlart of hnll the group nltcnclctl 11 lunch· Mlehlgan weelt. on puhllmUon duy for f.lw lllJI'· con at Mrtson golf cour~e. After hum County New~. 1'1mt nwunH l11nch Counellman F'orrll>y pre­ Evnrymw In 1\ln~;nn Is In· tho lliiJler will lmve lo go to M:ntcrl Mayor· Mut·ton with u gnld Vlfllli ~~~ Nf.op ovm• In JlnrTINon pm~li Wedncr>duy noon lnstmul lwy In Mason, and v!Hitlng women of 'l'IIIII"IHiuy, .Pass $300~000 · In Urelr· h·nvi!IH' llu·nuJ:·h Uw wil h flowers, nnr·t.h nne! Hit 11 whlh!, 'l'hnt'.~ Cot'I'L'IIIIonctnnl!! 111111 IUivm·· Worlwrs in the $500,000 Mason lhnt nil of the eampalgn lltcrn· tho lnrltatlon extmulml hy '!'hn rr•st of llw afl['rnoon May· tlserH rnuHt hlt\'e Uwlr ltmnH hospital cum p nl g n cheered or Murl on's party look a r:rand lure nnrl puhlldty has clearly !Udym· Mnrion dur·ln~; his und co11Y In th(! otfh!e 11 ctuy Wedncs·day night when the score· sllrled fmm the beginning that vl~lt her·e. lour of Mason, Including' stops at t!urller Uum IIHuitl. bonrcl showed $301 215 pledged, Mnsnn's sehools, churches and a 1 there ls no plan In mnl<e over tlw Mnyrll' Murton und his ufflf'ial fr·lp through Wyelh Labor·atrJt•les l'll(l(!rK Will l'e.tU:h IUlWKKIIIndH Wlth severn! teams no! report· present hospital hullrllng hut to parly Wt!I'P. gtrcsls ui M:tsrlll. In· Inc. Wedncsduy night. 1'\uhscrllwr·s lng nt the first general report provide nn entirely new structure, will mcelm their llllllei'H l~rhluy meeting Wednesday night, nnd He urlderl tlwt with the new C'lurlcrl In llw par·fy were Mrs. 'J'Iw visitors wm·o 4l~IJII'i!lully lnOI'nlng liS USIIII], with urrnlhcr week lo go, the pledges lUJ'Jl[!rl In Wednesday 1\lurtnn, Mr. and Mrs. Duvld A~lt· lntm't!Sh•tl in nlnsoll'!i JIIIY•IIS· $500,000 goal looked to leiulers to night there Is every lnrllcatlon em fl. nnrl Mr. nnd Mrs. Chm•lps yrm·g-o sdwol hullliing- JII'O• ' Harper, Ashcraft Is a Ilarrlson he within reach. lhut the $~00,000 goal cun !.Ill gl'lllll, ranched hy Mny 2fl. Uuwlll'tl )>', Sf'ibr:rt, g"i:ru:r•ul While Mti!wn:s l1onnrccl guests Doctor Finds Sclhcrt nrlrlcrl lhnl. the enm· Wt!l'c sr•,.Jng the sigh l.q, Mayor f'lmlmuur uf tlw c·nmJIIIh.,'ll, pnlnll!cl out thul W1:dJU'Htlay palgn will end In .June nnrl Hlclwrds, M1·s. Hiclutr·i/s, Pollee that steps will he lalwn In start Chief 1 Iili'I'Y Clmmller u nd Mrs, nlght.'s totnl 11'1 ut tlrc1 60'Y, New Patients mul'l\, constnw!lon of lilt• new hospital Millage Board Clmnd/er went fishing. builrllng al. the ear·lle:;t possible The trout fishing IV11S part of Ahout 150 members of Ow G moment. The present hospital Mayor Hicluli'Ct's rlay as gLICst ot· Two patients came flying aJ. most Into the lap of n young Lan· soliciting committees gathered nt building will h(' snlrl, he salrl, for Awaits Report till' ellv of llarrl.,on, the Legion hullcllng Werinesday the best prlr:e oht:ilnah/e and the 11nl'l:ison rt!ally pul on a show ~ing doctor In Mason Wednesday Ing-ham's tax allor:atlon hwll'tl Dfternoon. nlr:ht to report. Seibert U!'gC<I all pmccerls applied ·I o lite new hos­ Js awaiting- a report of 1/w slate for its gtl<!sls. Mayor Richards workers to complete their crtn· pital building and equipment hoar·d of f!fJLIIllizallon before set· hcadrnl a pamrle Info town for nr. Austin R. Suwvell, an vass before the second report costs. ling fnt~luun tax ralcs. liuwlwon ill the Sur'l't!y House Intern nt Splu·r·ow hosplt.ul In meeting next Wednesday night The Inglwm hnarrl mel in Ma· with lhe J(iwanis clu!J. J,anslng, wus drlvhiJI' \V(~~t on at the Legion building. Afler the n/Tir·ia/ wckomc l-Iar· Ash In his mmver·tlhle when 2 son last Thursrtay. After dtPI'king "If everyone will cooperate," county, town~hlp and sr:hrHll rlis· rison merchants hmi(J('c[ gifts on boys OJ! 11 bllm t!lllliP. hurtling llw visitors and then sent them Seiher·t said, there's· a possibility 2 Men Refuse trlr:t hurlr:ets} ncl,lournmcnt was ut him. '1'1wy left their hllm that the $500,000 go:1l can he out 011 a IoLII' throLigh tllC resort tal<cn ,to May 28. when It struclc the cur·. On rcaclrecl within the week." area, the sprawling- Cornwell the hllm were Fl'llnll n~r·gc!y, On JHa,v 27 thn statn lumrrl ranr:h ancl Fowler orchards and a H, unci Duvld Stevenson, 15. Committees r('porting Wec:lnes· School Posts of nt(llltlizuHtm Is IWiwduiPrl stop at a private trout poncl clay night .11nd the amount of new to l'i!II!IISil lis l'f'IJOI't, \VIt.h where Mayor Hlclwrcls and Chief U, S. marines also got into the Plr:!d"'es \Ver·~· Dr. R. .R. Dcl'lrarlin :mrl Louis o- ~. Slid will not he candirlalcs for I'C!· thOSil fig-UI'P.S IIVIliluhln ll11• Chandler hoolwcl into some big act. Two marine recruiters were Area, $2!1,807; puhllc ~ervirc election to the Mason schll.ll mumty, township unci 11dwnl ones, ac:r:ording to the mayO!j'S ncar the scene and they dlrectcrJ $17,722; teams, $:5,:386; special board. They nnnounccrl lllf'lr de. dlsfl•lr:l ral.t!S will lm Ht!l. In report. traffic until pollee arrived. · Dr. gifts, $6,670: husiness n.nrl i 11· cislons , thIs wnek In an 1lcipalion ln>;"luun, eXJIIulur•rl Grmnty DANSVILLE YOUNGSTERS will be Sawvell checl~cd the· condition o.f dustry, $50,180; and clubs and or· of the July 8 school election. 1'r•tmSUI"t!l' J,uurmu•e ·l'ur·l,m·. pt·oud of the painting. They are shown with hoth boys and calmed them until ganlzations, $2,100, able to rest their eyes on this landscape the picture foliowing the presentation. Mrs. lin Is a nwmbl!r" of the hou1·d. masterpiece painted by Mrs. Myrtle Briggs, an ambulance arrived for Bergey. Among the pledges was one for Both said that It's time for Briggs, now 85, began her painting career .Stevenson rode to Mason General $4,970 from employes of the hos· others lo help shoulrler sd10ol re· State appraisers made a spol City Council Dansville artist. The painting was pre­ at the age of 60. She has exhibited in sevet•al hospital in a pollee car, pita!. sponsibllitlcs. They agreed that chccl\ on Ingham valuations nnil sented to Dansville Agricultural school art shows and has won many awat·ds. S!Je the hoard job takes a lol of lime up with a total figure o~ <'amc Wednesday afternoon by the Ingham Couu­ favors landscapes and this one is considered Dr. Sawvell also went to Mason Anothtw whh•h hrou>;"ht and places on it should he shared. $~:31i,fJ12,7!l7. TIJal was 47'/r more Rejects Bills· ty News. Two of Mrs. Briggs granddaugh· General hospital to stand by while cheers wus $12,500 fmm than supervisors asscsserl. Tile an outstanding example, It was purchased the boys were being examined Wyeth Inc. llluH D1·. IJP:Unrlin hns ser·vc!d ters, Jill and Janet Briggs, are especially J,uhorutorlt~~ 1 r. y<'ar· before the stale figure Jur at the l 956 Bt•iggs exhibition. Yl!lll'li M;tson's eily council saki, "No," and treated. There were no brok· $17,722 from (!Jnplnyr·s of und i.~ ru·nshlm1t of tlw Ingham was $143,!)06,552. en bones. Bergey came out of the w u1 1'1 ''' tl 1 1 hmml. Stir! has St!r'Vf'd 3 twice Monday nir:ht to elaims for ye • w • ye (!lllp oyc!s ••en1·s, .loinhw thn !Uuson AI lhc April 24 meeting of the payment of hills. crash with a cut l<nee. Stevenson have not completed tlwlr so· J " bnard of supervisors, when th!! Kessler Construction company was gashed about his head, licltutlon, LeRoy SadmJs of brmrtl ut tlw limB Uw lluw. state figures were adopted, Sli· presented 2 invoices totaling $3,. Salk Vaccine Crews Go Around Again tho comr1any l'eiiOrtcd, and Icy sehoul dlstrlet united wlllt pcrvisor James McClure nf Mcri· The 11ergey boy llctnully h.uve Silt theh· ~:·ortl ut $20,· 1\luson.
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