Wednesday 22 June 2016 at 2.00 - 4.00Pm, in Boardroom, Forth Valley College, Alloa Campus

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Wednesday 22 June 2016 at 2.00 - 4.00Pm, in Boardroom, Forth Valley College, Alloa Campus A meeting of the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Joint Board will be held on Wednesday 22 June 2016 at 2.00 - 4.00pm, in Boardroom, Forth Valley College, Alloa Campus Please notify apologies for absence to [email protected] AGENDA 1. NOTIFICATION OF APOLOGIES For Noting 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES For Noting 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST For Noting 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON 5. MINUTE OF THE CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 27 APRIL 2016 For Approval 6. MATTERS ARISING 7. DELAYED DISCHARGE PROGRESS REPORT For Noting (Paper presented by Kathy O’Neill) 8. PARTNERSHIP FUNDING 8.1 INTEGRATED CARE FUND: 2015/16 SCOTTISH For Noting and Approval GOVERNMENT RETURN (Paper presented by Ewan Murray) 8.2 UPDATE ON EVALUATION AND REVIEW OF For Noting and Approval INTEGRATED CARE PROGRAMME (Paper to Follow) (Paper presented by Ewan Murray) 9. PROGRAMME WORKSTREAMS UPDATE For Noting (Paper presented by Lesley Fulford) 10. GOVERNANCE 10.1 AUDIT COMMITTEE For Approval (Paper presented by Ewan Murray) 10.2 CODE OF CONDUCT & STANDARDS OFFICER For Approval (Paper presented by Shiona Strachan) 10.3 COMMISSIONING FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE For Noting (Paper presented by Chris Sutton) 10.4 STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER For Approval (Paper presented by Hugh Coyle) 11. LOCALITY PLAN DEVELOPMENT (Paper to Follow) For Noting and Approval (Paper presented by Lesley Fulford) 12. COMMUNICATIONS ACTION PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT OF For Noting VISUAL IDENTITY (Paper presented by Deborah Kilpatrick) 13. LOCAL DELIVERY PLAN 2016/17 For Noting (Paper presented by Dr Graham Foster) 14. STIRLING CARE VILLAGE – FULL BUSINESS CASE For Approval (Paper presented by Kathy O’Neill) 15. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTORATE For Noting (Paper presented by Kathy O’Neill) 16. MODELS OF NEIGHBOURHOOD CARE For Noting and Approval (Paper presented by Irene Warnock & Chris Sutton) 17. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS 17.1 SUPPORT SERVICES (Verbal update by Shiona Strachan) 17.2 STIRLING COUNCIL REDESIGN (Verbal update by Stewart Carruth) 18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 21 September 2016, 2.00-4.00, Kildean Suite, Forth Valley College, Stirling Campus Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board 22 June 2016 This report relates to Item 5 on the agenda Minute of Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on 27 April 2016 For Approval Page 1 of 8 Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on Wednesday 27 April 2016, at 2.00pm, in Kildean Suite, Forth Valley College, Stirling Campus. Present: Councillor Les Sharp, Council Leader (Chair) John Ford, Non-Executive Board Member (Vice Chair) Councillor Donald Balsillie Councillor Johanna Boyd, Council Leader Stewart Carruth, Chief Executive, Stirling Council Joanne Chisholm, Non-Executive Board Member Val de Souza, Chief Social Work Officer Councillor Scott Farmer Graham Foster, Executive Board Member Fiona Gavine, Non-Executive Board Member Jane Grant, Chief Executive Ms Tracey Gillies, Medical Director Tom Hart, Employee Director Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed, Unpaid Carers Representative for Stirling Alex Linkston, Chairman Councillor Kathleen Martin Morag Mason, Service User Representative for Stirling Natalie Masterson, Third Sector Representative for Stirling Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer Teresa McNally, Service User Representative for Clackmannanshire Elaine McPherson, Chief Executive, Clackmannanshire Council Kathy O’Neill, General Manager, Community Services Directorate Elizabeth Ramsay, Unpaid Carers Representative for Clackmannanshire Abigail Robertson, Chair, Joint Trade Union Pamela Robertson, Chair, Forth Valley Joint Trade Union Forum Wendy Sharp, Third Sector Representative for Stirling Councillor Christine Simpson Shiona Strachan, Chief Officer Lesley Fulford, Programme Manager Elaine Vanhegan, Head of Performance Management, NHS Forth Valley Prof Angela Wallace, Nurse Director In Attendance: Jim Boyle, Chief Finance Officer, Stirling Council Elsbeth Campbell, Communications, NHS Forth Valley Kevin O'Kane, Audit Manager, Stirling Council Margaret Robbie, PA to Chief Officer (Minute) Chris Sutton, Service Manager, Clackmannanshire & Stirling Social Services Sarah Dickie (Shadowing Prof Angela Wallace) 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies given. 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES Page 2 of 8 There were no notifications of substitutes. 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON There was no urgent business brought forward. 5. MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON 22 MARCH 2016 The minute of the meeting held on 22 March 2016 was approved as an accurate record. 6. MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON 30 MARCH 2016 The minute of the meeting held on 30 March 2016 was approved as an accurate record. 7. MATTERS ARISING All matters were covered within substantive agenda items. 8. DELAYED DISCHARGE PROGRESS REPORT Kathy O'Neill provided an update on the status of Delayed Discharges. A summary of people delayed at the census point in March 2016 was provided as well as an overview of the management actions being taken. Kathy also advised that services were also considering a public campaign to promote Power of Attorney. The Integration Joint Board noted performance and acknowledged the management actions being undertaken. 9. PARTNERSHIP FUNDING Ewan Murray advised that the purpose of this report was to update the Integration Joint Board on the following: • Progress on the review and evaluation of projects supported through Partnership Funding Streams including Integrated Care Fund, Delayed Discharges Funding and Partnership Bridging Resources. Page 3 of 8 • An update on reported expenditure, subject to audit, to 31 March 2016 against these funding streams • Further detail on use of the Partnerships share of £250m Integration Fund Clackmannanshire £2.390 million Stirling £3.800 million Ewan advised that a short life working group has been established to carry out an evaluation and review of projects funded through partnership funding streams in 2015/16. A full report and proposed spending plan will be submitted to the 22 June 2016 Integration Joint Board for approval. The Integration Joint Board noted: • the content of the report • that a further report will come to the 22 June 2016 meeting 10. PROGRAMME WORKSTREAMS UPDATE The Integration Joint Board noted the content and progress to date. 11. EQUALITIES MAINSTREAMING & OUTCOMES REPORT Lesley Fulford advised the Scottish Government added Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) to Schedule 19 of the Equality Act 2010 and to The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations. This means that all Integration Joint Boards are subject to the equality legislation and Specific Duties. Equality Outcomes are distinct to each organisation and need to reflect its functions, responsibilities, priorities and methods of working. At its meeting on 22 March 2016 the Board approved the adoption of outcomes based on the local outcomes already identified in the preparation of the Integration Scheme and the Strategic Plan The Integration Joint Board: • Noted the work undertaken to draft the report • Approved the draft report for publication by 30 April 2016. 12. GOVERNANCE 12.1 CHIEF INTERNAL AUDITOR This paper confirms the nomination of Stirling Council’s Audit Manager (Kevin O’Kane) as Chief Internal Auditor to the Integration Joint Board, and sought formal ratification of this appointment, which is for the period covering financial years up to 31 March 2019. The Integration Joint Board: Page 4 of 8 • Approved the appointment of Kevin O'Kane as Chief Integration Auditor of the Integration Joint board • Noted that a draft internal audit plan for 2016/17 paper would be presented on 22 June 2016 12.2 AUDIT SCOTLAND REPORT Kevin O'Kane, Auditor, Stirling Council presented this paper. This paper builds on the previous report published in December 2015. It sets out a number of key messages: transformational change is not happening fast enough; new approaches are emerging although they are small scale; there is a lack of national leadership. Forth Valley had received a good practice note within the Audit Scotland report regarding Advice Line for You (ALFY) and the Closer to Home service. It is anticipated that the third, planned Audit Scotland report will be published in the near future. The Integration Joint Board noted the contents of the report, key messages and recommendations 13. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Dr Graham Foster presented this report. This is a report on the health of the local area and describes the demographics and background health of the local population and highlights a number of key areas of public health work ongoing in NHS Forth Valley. This is the first report produced by Dr Foster and covers the period from 2013 - 15. The report is no longer published but is available electronically via NHS Forth Valley website; where possible the electronic version provides web links to relevant background data and other useful resources and web sites. The Integration Joint Board noted the NHS Forth Valley Report of the Director of Public Health 2013 - 15 14. COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL & FRAMEWORK Elsbeth Campbell, Head of Communication, NHS Forth Valley presented this report on behalf of all partners. The purpose of the report is to set out a proposed framework and protocol for internal and external communication by the Integration Joint Board. Clear, consistent, timely and accessible communications for service users,
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