Goddess Bata-Mangala Temple at Batamangala, Puri

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Goddess Bata-Mangala Temple at Batamangala, Puri Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669 Goddess Bata-Mangala Temple at Batamangala, Puri Dr. Ratnakar Mohapatra Introduction Mangala’. The temple of Goddess Bata-Mangala The temple of Goddess Bata-Mangala is is famous in Odisha for its religious sanctity and historicity. The present article attempts to highlight one of the important Sakta shrines of Srikshetra the detailed art and architectrue of the temple of in Odisha. This temple is located about 5 kms to Bata-Mangala with religious importance. the north east of the Jagannatha temple on the right side of the main road, which lies from Puri Art and Architecture of the Temple:- to Bhubaneswar. It is a small temple dedicated to The temple of Bata-Mangala consists of goddess of auspicious locally two structures such as Vimana called as Bata Mangala. and Jagamohana. This temple is Generally, pilgrims come to Puri built in sand stones and bricks. and go from Puri offer prayer It faces to west. to the goddess for Her blessing. According to mythological A. Vimana:- episode, once Brahma came to The Vimana of the Srikshetra to construct the temple is a small pidha deula temple of Lord Vishnu, at that and its height is about 15 feet time, he was diverted on his way from the ground.3 The base of and then goddess Mangala led the structure is approximately a him to the proper way to square of 8 feet. The bada of Srikshetra. From that day the Vimana is devoid of Goddess Mangala has been decorative ornamentations. engaged to show path to the There is no Parsvadevata image devotees to Srikshetra(Puri).1 found in the central niche of the Hence, She is called Marga bada. So the side deities of the Devi, the Goddess that protects temple are completely absent in the road into Puri.2 central niches. Subsequently, this place came to The bada of the Vimana be popularly known as ‘Bata is surmounted by the pyramidal September - October - 2016 47 ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review superstructure, which consists of three pidhas and feet. The three side outer walls of the Jagamohana each pidha is decorated with tankus in all sides. are completely plain. Lion, the conventional mount The mastaka of the Vimana consists of of goddess Mangala is noticed in the floor of the beki, ghanta above which there is another beki, Jagamohana. The niches of the northern side inner amalaka sila, khapuri, kalasa, ayudha (chakra) wall of the Jagamohana contain images of and dhvaja. Dasamahavidyas. These images are made of black-chlorite and installed in a row as the The sanctum preserves the image of additional deities of that shrine. They are such as Goddess Mangala as the presiding deity of the Kali, Tara, Bhairavi, Bhubanesvari, Chhinna temple. The four armed image of Devi Mangala Masta, Sodasi, Dhumavati, Bagala, Matangi and has been installed on the double petalled lotus Kamala.The iconographic features of the above pedestal of 2 feet high. Her upper right hand holds Dasamahavidya images are being mentioned as conch, the upper left hand possesses trident and follows: the lower two hands display abhaya and varada mudra respectively. The slab of Devi Mangala is Kali: - The four armed image of goddess Kali about 2 feet in height and it is made of black- stands on the prostrate body of Lord Siva, Who chlorite. The inner walls of the sanctum are lies upon the single petalled lotus pedestal. She completely plain. The temple seems to be very displays a pot of blood in upper right hand, ancient as the garbhagriha is several feet below varada mudra in lower right hand, khadga in the road level.4 upper left hand and cutting head in left lower hand The sanctum has one doorway towards respectively. The backside head of the image is the Jagamohana. The doorjamb of the sanctum is decorated with trefoil arch. Here Devi is wearing surmounted by the makara headed arch. The a garland of beads(small cutting head designs) in navagrahas are carved on the architrave above Her body. the doorway lintel and they are all in yogasana Tara: - The four armed image of Tara has been posture with usual attributes in their hands. There installed on the double petalled lotus pedestal. She is an image of Ganesa carved on the above the holds khadga in left upper hand, flower in left navagraha slab. The doorway of the sanctum is lower hand, agni dhupa in upper right hand and about 4½ feet in height. The figures of Vyaghra the lower right hand is completely broken. Here Mukhi and Simha Mukhi are installed on both Devi is sitting on the carpet of tiger skin and she sides of the doorway. They are acting as the wears a necklace in Her neck. dvarapalikas of the temple. The frontside outer wall of the Vimana is covered with marbles. The Bhairavi: - The four armed image of Devi Bhairavi Vimana is thickly plastered with lime mortar. has been installed on the double petalled lotus pedestal. She holds sankha in upper right hand, B. Jagamohana or Mukhasala:- pasa ankusa in lower right hand, bow in upper The Jagamohana of the temple is a left hand and arrow in left lower hand. She is modern flat roof deula and its height is about 12 carved in seated posture on the carpet of tiger feet. This structure is built in 1980’s. The base of skin. The backside of the head of Devi is the Jagamohana is approximately a square of 30 decorated with flower medallion. 48 September - October - 2016 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669 Bhubanesvari: - The four armed image of Devi pedestal. She displays abhaya mudra in upper Bhubanesvari has been installed on the double right hand, varada mudra in lower right hand, petalled lotus pedestal. She displays trident in jataka (horoscope) in left lower hand. She wears upper right hand, varada mudra in lower left hand a garland of flowers in Her body. respectively. The background slab of the deity is Kamala:- The four armed image of Kamala has carved with flower medallion. been installed on the double petalled lotus Chhinna Masta: - The two armed image of pedestal. She holds Padma in upper right hand Chhinna Masta has been installed on the double as well as in left upper hand, the lower right hand petalled lotus pedestal, which is carved with a displays abhaya mudra and the lower left hand figure of jackle in it. She holds khadga in right exhibits varada mudra respectively. The hand and cutting human head in left hand. Blood backside of the head of Devi is decorated with a is being sprayed from Her cutting neck portion flower medallion. (headless deity). Two female attendant figures are carved in standing posture on both the sides of The western side inner wall of the Devi Chhinna Masta. Jagamohana contains an image of Mahavira Hanumana. The image of Hanumana (Mahavira) Sodasi: - The four armed image of Sodasi has is installed on the plain pedestal. His right hand been installed on the double petalled lotus displays gada and the left hand holds a huge rock pedestal. She displays jataka (horoscope) in (Gandha Mardana Parvata) respectively. upper right hand, rosary in left upper hand, varada mudra in lower right hand and abhaya The doorjambs of the Jagamohana are mudra in lower left hand respectively. The back completely undecorated and it is surmounted by side of the head of Devi is also decorated with the trefoil makara headed arch. Two lions are flower medallion. projected on both sides of the gateway (doorway). The figure of Mahisamardini Durga Dhumavati: - The two armed image of is depicted on the top of the doorway (gateway). Dhumavati has been installed on the double The outer frontside top wall of the Jagamohana is petalled lotus pedestal. Her right hand displays decorated with images of different deities. On the abhaya mudra while the left hand holds a kula entrance, the top of the leftside wall of the (winnowing object). The pedestal of the Devi is Jagamohana is decorated with Chaturddha murtis carved with two wheels. such as Jagannatha, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Bagala:- The two armed image of Bagala has Sudarsana Chakra made of modern cement. They been installed on the double petalled lotus are all housed in the caitya shaped arch. There is pedestal. Her right hand displays pasa ankusa a fine painting of goddess Lakshmi depicted and the left hand has kept on the mouth of an beneath the Chaturddha murtis. A big conch is asura. She is sitting on the body of an asura. The noticed in the left side of the Caturddha murtis. backside of the head of Devi Bagala is decorated The right side of the outer top wall of the with a big flower medallion. Jagamohana is also decorated with Matangi:- The four armed image of Matangi has Dasamahavidya figures of the modern cement been installed on the double petalled lotus works. They are housed in the chaitya shaped September - October - 2016 49 ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review arch and also depicted with paintings. All the Dasamahavidya images enshrined inside the Dasamahavidya figures possess as usual attributes Jagamohana of the temple indicates the in their hands. Beneath these figures, there is a workmanship of the Odishan artists of the modern painting of Durga seated on lion. She holds trident, period. All the devotees of the Hindu pantheon lotus flower, sword, chakra etc. in Her hands. offer prayer to Goddess Mangala when they come Date of the Temple : from Puri and go to Puri for their safe journey. Though the temple of goddess Mangala does not There is no authentic evidence with regard show any novelty in architecture but it occupies a to the exact date of the construction period of the prominent place in the cultural history of Odisha.
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