Symbols of the Nature Destruction in Transformers Movie

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Symbols of the Nature Destruction in Transformers Movie SYMBOLS OF THE NATURE DESTRUCTION IN TRANSFORMERS MOVIE A THESIS Submitted to the Adab and Humanity Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora By: DYAH SUPROBOWATI Reg. Num. 40300112014 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITY FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2017 PERNYATA.ANXTASIIAN SKRJPSI Dsed Fnuh ksadan4 p6dis yeg t€rtaa&$lgan diblsth ini rMrllrlo! b.hM sldiFi iii teE-b@r athhlt hail L|ttr Frulis 3€idi4 do ji16 dikmudie h4i teibuld berupolonduplita! tiru!, plasia! at8udrbur oleh otug s€.d ks.ludlEn ataupws6!gia4 nEka skipsi ini &tr gElu t&g diFrel.t t6ral dq lutun, Smd!4osr, 20 Juni201? PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBINC Pembimbing peneliti slcripsi saudari Dyah suprobowati, NIM: 40300112014' mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa d*n Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alanddin Makassar" setelah dengan seksama meneliti dan ..Symbols mergoreksi skripsi yang bersangkutan dengan judul of the Nature Destruction in Transformer:s Movie' memandang bahwa skripsi tersebut telah memenuhi syarat ihniah dan dapat disetr{ni untuk diajukan ke sidang Munaqasyah. Demikian persetujuan ini diberikffi untuk dipergunakan dan diproses lebih lanjut. Samata-Gowa, 20 Juni 20 1 T Pembimbing I 2 200302 1 701 tl1 APPtr{,OYAt, SHEII'I 'fitlo o{'J'hesis . Sinrbols ol'the Nature Destruction in "T'ransformsrs Movie" Name . Dlrnfu Suproborvati ftsrg, hiumtrer : 403001 i?0 l,{ Frop,ra nr : Bachslor o1' I-lumanities ilate ol'Proposal i:.varnrn*fion . Janiinrv lgll'?017 on g, 1 I(onr angpol "l une',)()'h, 20 7 Supen isor Supervisor [[ NtP. i97s06Q2 2 3i)2 I 701 The Lleatl of English and ture lle;partnrenf, ,l' ( l r06 ?00312 1 003 Acknou'ledged lry: lJarsihannor. M.A NIP 19691012 199603 1 003 tv ACKNOWLEDCMDNTS 5r.i,r- -r AthandntiltahiR'\ttl 1ldnin.6s{ o{ all rne llMns \rculd likc to cx''es hd dep€sr pmise dd €Dtitude to Alla! SWI who hd gjveo bei His blesinS dd neroitul lo 6pl€te this thesis.shalawat ed elm h€ won b tne fnal chosn relieiousheMger, lhe PiopheiMuh@nad sAw The Esoher @liz.d that ndy leople had Biv.n th.n hebs md ustul slgeestiffi f6. nlkhins this tlsis. Widout ine sndalc ofth@, this the$s srdd new nav€disred. Therefore,6. r.s€ehq {ould like lo dpress h.r appreciation md sincere$d*s for fim. For lhe fist, theEsdchs crv.s specialetrtilude lo herprenls, pho have siva den afeorior, nodvation,ed siM@ prayfor her sfety dd su(es dunns herstudy. Rs@chd fels norni.Bwiltout rhemin herside. Seondly, The resrcher address her ereatest dudl$ io D H.BdihMor,M.Aa., fie demof Adab{d HunanniesF&ulty ol UlNAlauddin, H. Muh. Nu Albr Raslrd,M.Pd.Mld.PnD.. lhe lrcadof Enelished lndatuc Detannenrof Adahffd Hundiries lrculty of UIN Alauddindd ,lso Syahmi J@a4S S.JetPd., lie $ci.lary ofEnelishdd Utenlur Dcpaioe'it. Thirdlx lhe rs.sher addres apF€oiation lo her 6st ed wo.d supepier Srlndni Junaid,S.S., MPd aDdMunenad Tautt, S.S.,Hun. for theii snidme, $ppon, ad{6, dd p@ions time dudngwidns this thesis. B.sid6 thal. the r€wher doesnot forget lo say a lol of lhanksto all lectur6 of EnSlished LneEtm Depainent lor tlrcir paliocc in shsing laowledge lo de miler dfing A lol of thdks @ also addEssd lo the Esdcnecs best |riads. Siii Nur A ian, Nujmr\ Syusid{. Fia Klnia Ealin, DNi Musiika. Sifti Nur Hikoan, Andi Nul Utd', Ne R syid S.ltum, and sludenlsof Eqlisn .nd tnerature 2012 ee.cially lo her clasaies in AO l&2 who ha@shared then edness &d nappine$ Fitr.lly, (h{ks ftr thos Ndo htd n€lFn dE lsNh6 ihal cfror be hentioned one by one Th€ resedcherr€ali4s d lnis th€sis is fd ftoh b.i6g perf.ct, but n is dpeted $at ii will b€ Btul nol only fd lhe edcher, but tlso for the Fad6. T[e last but not lasl. the es.her pEsenlslhis lh€sisfor lh6e who de inr@ned i. rerdiq rhis rhesis. 00112014 TABLE OF CONTENTS HALAMAN JUDUL ...................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI....................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING.................... ............................................ iii APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ............................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... viii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background .......................................................................................... 1 B. Problem statement ................................................................................ 3 C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 3 D. Significances of the Research .............................................................. 3 E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 4 CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Study ..................................................................................... 5 B. Partinent ideas ...................................................................................... 7 1. Semiotic Approach ......................................................................... 7 2. Definition Concept of Disaster ...................................................... 8 3. Kinds of Disasters .......................................................................... 9 a. Natural Disasters ........................................................................... 9 b. Natural hazards increased by humans ........................................... 10 c. Disasters caused by humans .......................................................... 11 d. Theory symbols of Pierce .............................................................. 12 e. The Useof Triangle Meaning Based on Semiotic Analysis of Charles S. Peirce ........................................................................... 15 viii ix f. Classification Symbol ................................................................... 16 g. Hazard Warning Label. ................................................................. 21 h. Biography of Ehren Kruger.. ......................................................... 23 i. Synopsis ........................................................................................ 27 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH A. Research Method .................................................................................. 28 B. Sources of Research ............................................................................. 28 C. Instrument ........................................................................................... 28 D. Technique of Data Collection .............................................................. 29 E. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 29 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Findings ................................................................................................ 30 B. Discussions ........................................................................................... 57 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 58 B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 60 BIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 62 ABSTRACT Name : Dyah Suprobowati NIM : 40300112014 Major : English Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humanity Title : Symbols of the Nature Destruction in Transformers Movie Supervisor I : Syahruni Junaid Supervisor II : Muhammad Taufik This research discussed about symbols of the nature destruction in Transformers movie by Ehren Kruger that based on Pierce’s theory about symbols of the semiotics triangle such as object, representament, interpretant and Sobur’s theory about interpretation of the object meaning. This research was descriptive qualitative method. The writer used note taking as instruments in order to get the valid data. The findings showed eight picture symbols of the nature destruction in the movie as they were; detector, nuclear, nest, an engine ship, pillar, enemy, the driller, and the space bridge. The researcher concluded that symbols of the nature destruction were symbols that describe about something damaged due to action or something else that can be seen from the things that have potential to damage, such as pictures, tools, creation, and light. Keywords: Symbol, nature destruction, and movie CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with background of the research, problem statement, objectives of the research, significance of the research, and scope of the research. A. Background Human are social beings. In order to communicate each other, they need a language. Language is an important tool in communication. As we know that language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating thought, emotion, and other aspects. The term “symbol” derives from the Greek stem
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