Current, February 21, 2000

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Current, February 21, 2000 University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 2-21-2000 Current, February 21, 2000 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, February 21, 2000" (2000). Current (2000s). 7. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 33 FEATURES Tis the season to do Februa[Y 21, taxes: April sneaks up on many people quickly, but 2000 there are some places that rJPMli'f\ and in{orma . offer assistance, ISSUE 981 ..... See page 3 http://W"W.W.thecurentonllne.coll.l. UNIV E R SITY O F M I SSOURI - ST.LO UIS What's New bill could allow University of Missouri to collect tuition Inside BY MARY LINDSLEY sary." instances. For example, filed a class-action law­ is also representing the Ku Klux Klan senior editor At present, the four schools of the UM schools can charge suit against the UM in their attempt to sponsor program­ UM system are not allowed to charge tuition to take classes in Board of Curators con­ ming on canlpus radio station KWMU. A bill recently introduced in the students tuition. A law originally enact­ professional depart­ tending that the educa­ The lawsuit asks for a ruling on Missouri Senate would allow the . ed in 1872; which has been reenacted ments, such as the vet­ tional fees the system three points: that the University of University of Missouri system schools several times since, says that "All erinaf)' medicine courses charges are actually Missouri is in fact charging tuition, that to collect tuition instead of educational youths, resident of the state of offered at UM- tuition. the system be forbidden from doing so, fees. Missouri, over the age of sixteen years Columbia. The In February 1998, and that the system issue refunds to State senators Sidney Johnson, D­ shall be admitted to ... the University University of Missouri is Herman spoke at a students. Agency, and John T. Russell, R­ of the State of Missouri without pay­ also pennitted to cbarge Student Government Senator Johnson said the legislation Herman Lebanon, introduced a bill on Feb. 2 ment of tuition; provided, that each fees to maintain labora- A,sociation meeting at he and Senator Russell introduced stating that the University of Missouri applicant possess such scholastic . tOlies, for libraries, hos- the request of then-SGA would not be retroactive. "Board of Curators may charge and attainments and mental and moral pitals, incidental expenses and late reg­ president Jim Avery. At the meeting, Hennan said in an interview last 8usl a move: The dance collect reasonable tuition and other qualifications [necessary] ..." istration. Herman said he became aware of the week that he is still proceeding with The current law does allow the In January 1998, Robert Herman, no-tuition statute when he was was 'just one of tbe liIigh­ fees necessary for the maintenance and the lawsuit, which is currently in the operation of all the departments of the University of Missouri to collect "rea­ an attorney with the St. Louis law firm researching another case he had filed ligh~ of Homecoming week university, as they may deem neces- sonable tuition fees" in certain of Schwartz, Herman and Davidson, against the Board of Curators. Herman see T UITION, page 8 last week. (neck out a page ot fL!tt-CO'lOF photos. Court ·of Appeals ~ See page 10 upholds decision U ,·Wire NeW's in KWMU case Professor alleges BY BENJAMIN ISRAEL Klux Klan, a white Christian organiza­ ...... " ......... " .. .. "., - staff editor tion, standing up for the rights and val­ mass cheating at ues of ChristianAmerica since 1865." As the result of an appellate court The judges aU agreed with lawyers Dartmouth College ruling, the Knights of the Ku Klux that although KWMU is govemment­ Klan, !v1issouri Realm won't be able to owned, "the First Amendment does BY ANDREW MARNELL. send its message over KWl\1U-FM. not preclude the government from ...... ,., .. ·· .. fh~ ijizmn;~ti; .. · .,. ...... A three-judge panel from the exercising control over its own medi- . United States Court of Appeals for the urn of expression." Eighth Circuit in St. Louis upheld a According to court records, attor­ (U·W1RE) HANOVER, N.H. - The lower court decision that gave ney Robert Herman, who represented Dartmouth College Computer Science KWMU-FM the right to refuse to the Klan, argued that underwriting a will begin an investigation department accept underwriting contributions show on public radio is a public this ~ of allegations of widespread hum the Klan or anyone else. If the cheatiog that may have ocallTed late forum, and that, as an arm of the gov­ last week in its introdudoly CflfIlputer University-owned radio station had errul1ent management at KWMU Science 4 dass. accepted the money, federal law would does not have the right to linn! what As many as 40 students al ~l)' require KWMU to acknowledge the others say in public forums. accessed areas of the CS4 website OIl contribution on the air with a message Chanccllor Blan he Touhill testi­ Feb. 2 and Feb. 3 thdt ra.-ealed solu­ A sign along Natural Bridge Rd. notifies passers-by of the status of Nonnandy Community Hosprtal. a eptable to the Klan. fi ed in court that accepting support tions to a homework a£sigrunent due According to court records, from the Klan would jeopardize dona­ the fol lowillg week. Michael Cuffley, state coordinator of tions from African-American donors The portion of the webslte (00. the Klan faction, asked the station to tainirg the solutions was previMly and co t the station more money than protected from outside users, but fot- Hospital stilll viable, courting thank his organization by announcing it would gain. 19wing a p-eseritarion af the solutions that the news show "All Things The court ruled that when an in class, the sIte was nat reprotected. Considered" is funded in part by a "We are looking into it, n said Chair prospective buyers, CEO says donation from 'The Knight~ of the Ku see KWMU, page 8 of the Computer Science Department Rithard Drysdale, "Until we know BY BENJAMIN ISRAEL ly four miles from campus. J :muary, ''That would indicate it was mOTe" there's not a whole lot \ can ~;ay , though the preliminary evidence indi­ staff editor Nancy Magnuson, Student vel)' busy," Spezia said. cates cheating took place." Health Service-s administrator at He often tried to admit patieuts Students found out last week that Nornlandy Community Hospital UM-St. Louis, said she regularly there when beds were empty but " the North carolina State visiting pro­ may not De closed permanently. sent students to the X-ray and labo­ couldn't because the intensiv -care­ Committee unveils lessor Rex Dwyer, who teaches: the The hospital that borders the ratory facilities at Normandy unit beds were often full . hB _ law, dass, suspected that several students UM-St Louis campus closed on Jan. Community Hospital. you can't accept any patients if the cheated on the assignment after he 31 after· the board of directors of ,·It was very convenient," the ICUs are full" in case a patient tJrought up the incident in class. new constitution ~{agnuson SGA HeaJthplus+, the Houston-based for­ said. Now student health . would worsen, Spezia said. ''What Dwyer also wrote that he received an arqnymous pOcoe call, alerting him profit corporation iliat owns majori­ sends students to tbe St. Louis would ou do if you have an lCU thilt the members of a certain frater­ ty interest in the hospital, voted to County Health Department clinic in that's full? You might think of nlty do~m\lladed the solution- after he shut the hospital down. Berkeley and other free-standing expanding your lCU. That' never at February meeting failed to reprotect the file, though he But Thomas Walther, chief exec­ clinics, she said. happened.-· did not write which hou<;e it wa£. utive officer of the hospital, said he The hospital at 784D Natural Walther aid the eighl-bed lCU Stut'ent Brent.Morrisoo $aid Dwyer has requested that the Missouri Bridge Road opened in 1953 as averaged between five and six assi%ooo the ess;q CIt the end of a Department of Health suspend the Normandy Osteopathic Hospital patients, wi th the unit being full "l10rma! class, " adding that students hospital's license rather than take it with 198 beds. Deaconess Hospital about six days a month. were at first surprised b;# the home­ away. bought it out and later closed it in 'The other issue W' public rela­ wort< assigpment but that the room was quickly overcome by a "stUllned "That gives us 90 days to find a 1993, precipitating protests from the tions," Spezia said. "You're in a sllence/' buyer," Walther said. "If an interest­ neighborhood. competitive market: you have to "He said tie was shocked and dis­ ed buyer does come to the fore, it can In 1995, Healthplus+, along \vith know how to ge-.t busines :' appointed," fIorrisoo said. "He alro be activated." 16 physicians as limited partners, 'The best marketing a hospital told us that he was gp)ng to go Otherwise, Walther said, a buyer bought the hospital, reopening it in can have is that done by the patients through all the coOe." would have to apply for a certificate March 1997, licensed for 80 beds.
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    Friday, February 25,21 Friday, February 25, 2000 AGGIELIFETHE BATTALION Page 3 SS What sort of budget did you have on this picture? It I thought maybe we shouldn’t have it [the intro] because I Q seemed a little smaller, for example, than Ronin. thought it would tip the movie. 1 thought maybe we should just start out in prison. 1 cut the pieture like that first and tested it. I 1 don’t know why you would think it was smaller. We had thought, “Be honest with the audience. Show them at the begin­ everything we needed to do this pieture. We didn’t compromise ning, that this is not going to be some cute little movie.” I put it; WITH anything. I really never even worry about a budget in a picture be­ back and I think it works. It puts a spin on the whole movie. cause so much of the budget in pictures is wasted money. In real­ ity, any movie you do, you are out there trying to get the most of # Was it a challenge to tell that type of story in this THE BAIT what you can get out every day. You are struggling to get the shot # movie? and get it as quickly as you can. Q The main thing I had to do was really make sure of two How much did you have to work with Ben and Gary things. One, I really had to tell the story honestly. I could nev­ to get their great chemistry? Director Q er wink at the audience.
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