Professor Digs His Work 44 4 44 1 U Tells Remarkable Tale Highline Professor Is a Nationally of Human Tragedy .Recognized Archaeologist by Eaylene Pa- Stafreporter
Holocaust survivor ., Professor digs his work 44 4 44 1 U tells remarkable tale Highline professor is a nationally of human tragedy .recognized archaeologist By Eaylene Pa- StafReporter By Connie Harshman Some revisionists claimthe StaffReporter Holocaust never, happened. Solomon Feder says it defi- ,y?Highline hasits own Indiana ' nitely happed, and he should -. *ones. know, he lived thmgh it. Rick Reanier, archaeology Feder was at Highline last . instructor,has more than 20 "lay to speak about his ex- years field experiencein arch- periencesthrough the Holo- ology. He has been on many caust. He spoke to a group of exhibitions around the globe . about 35 in Building 7 at the in- from Utah to Holland. vitation of Team Highline. Rcanier grew up in the Wash- Feder was only 12 years old . ington area. He went to high when German soldiers came to school at Highline, in what he bii house on Sept. I, 1939, a describes as 'We stone age." ,date .' Feder says hewill never .. Reanier fiist became iw- _. .. ested in archaeology while at- e. tending Highline cotkgc, . "Iwent kre fw a arbile in wanted . ' or ,weren't . strong 1970 and 1931, or 1972, and us.w eMwghtodowhattheywan~ then went to the University of Eachmember of Fder's you didn't live another day." , Washington to get my bach- family wasput in separaie Manytimesattheendofthe elor's degree. Itook anthmpol- rooms with a German soldier. day's work the Gcrnmns would ogy here hman instnrctor who &gee in €?orest Servias from dent archa~~logicllsi@ ~OIC ~a#r~taIl,IWashalfhave the Jews dig 8 large pit, only retired a coupleof yeus the University of Wmhington.
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