Under support of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Science Council of Japan (SCJ) COE "Sustainable Urban Regeneration" of the University of

Hiroshima Univ., 13 September 2007 JFES-WFEO Joint International Symposium on River Restoration Organizers: The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES) and The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Under support of The Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), The Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and 21st Century COE "Sustainable Urban Regeneration" Program in the University of Tokyo

September 13th, 2007 10:40 – 12:00 Venue: Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Campus Reception Hall, Faculty Club (Gakushikaikan in Japanese), 2nd Fl.


Chair: Prof. KAWASHIMA, Kazuhiko, Member of National Committee on WFEO, Science Council of Japan Opening Addresses: 10:40 – 10:50 (10 minutes) Dr. ISHII, Yumio, Chairperson of IAC-JFES, Member of Senior Advisory Board and Committee on Engineering and Environment, WFEO

Presentation (10:50 – 11:50) 15min.x 4 presentations 1. Water Environmental Pollution and Control in China Prof. Hong-Ying HU, Dept. of Environmental Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University (China)

2. Cheongge cheon Restoration Project Mr. Kil-Dong PARK, Flood Management Div., Seoul Metropolitan Government, (Korea)

3. A study on River Space Restoration and Improvement of Water Quality in River Dr. ITO, Kazumasa, Research Center for Sustainable Communities, CTI Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan)

4. Poverty Eradication by water harvesting and storages by people participation and case study of river restoration Mr. VASOYA, B. J., Chairperson of WFEO Committee on Engineering and Environment (India)

Question and Answer (11:50 – 11:55) (5 minutes)

Closing Address (11:55 – 12:00) (5 minutes) Prof. IKEDA, Syunsuke, Vice-President of JFES

Discussion: Lunch time


ISHII, Yumio President, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Chairperson, International Activities Committee, Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES) Member, Senior Advisory Board and Committee on Engineering and Environment, World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Member, Japan National Committee on WFEO, Science Council of Japan (JNC-WFEO)

It is my great honor to give the address at the opening of JFES-WFEO Joint International Symposium on River Restoration. Fist of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to our distinguished guest panelists from various countries, Prof. B. J. Vasoya, WFEO’s Vice-President from India, Prof. Hong-Ying Hu from Tsinghua University, China, Mr. Kil-Dong Park from Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea and Dr. Kazumasa Ito from CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan for sharing their precious time to make presentations on River Restoration that I trust are very useful and fruitful for engineers in this field. River restoration has been one of the highly interested issues to engineers and the public around the world. The Cheonggeycheon Restoration Project of Seoul is a typical and successful example in those around the world. I also send my thanks to my colleagues in JFES, SCJ and COE “Sustainable Urban Regeneration” in the University of Tokyo for warm and positive helps to hold this Symposium. The last but not the least thanks should be sent to JSCE for their support to this symposium.

Next, I would like to use this opportunity to briefly introduce WFEO, SCJ, JFES, JSCE and the relationship among these organizations. WFEO, The Federation of Engineering Organizations, was founded in 1968 under the support of UNESCO. It now covers 90 nations and represents some 15 millions engineers from around the world. SCJ, The Science Council of Japan, was established in 1949 under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister. Today it consists of 210 members and some 2,000 associate members officially representing 820 thousand Japanese engineers and scientists. SCJ has been a national member of WFEO from 1972. JFES, The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, was founded in 1897 and it is consolidating 98 academic and engineering organizations in Japan that cover some 600,000 individual members. JFES has jointed with SCJ in the collaboration activities with WFEO since 1972.

- ii- JSCE, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers was established in 1914. It has been very active in the academic and professional arena with 39 thousand members for the development of infrastructure. JSCE is an active member of JFES. To enhance the collaborations with WFEO, International Activities Committee of JFES (JFES-IAC) and Japan National Committee on WFEO of SCJ (JNC-WFEO) were established respectively from 2005 and 2006. Both the two organizations nominated their members to WFEO’s Committee on Engineering and Environment, Committee on Information and Communication, Committee on Capacity Building and Anti-corruption Task Force. They are also having their member to Committee on Energy.

Finally, I expect this Symposium will be a catalyst for the engineers participating to this Symposium from various countries to deepen their understanding of WFEO, SCJ and JFES and have collaboration among their organizations. Moreover, I expect this symposium will furnish us with the measures to solve such urgent issues as the world climate change, degradation of environment through the exchange and transfer of technology, information and experience and to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals. JNC-WFEO and JFES-IAC are discussing and planning to suggest WFEO to establish a new Task Force to research and propose measures to manage flood disasters and water resources problems relevant to the global warming.

I hope we will realize the fruitful collaborations through the symposium.


HU* Hong-Ying and SONG Yu-Dong ESPC State Key Joint Laboratory, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Abstract: The current situation of water environmental quality and water pollution control in China are briefly introduced in this paper. Rivers, lakes and oceans in a wide range are polluted, which resulted in destruction of natural aquatic ecosystems and landscapes. In recent years, China has made great efforts on water pollution control and the wastewater treatment rate increased quickly. However, the treatment ratio of the total municipal wastewater and municipal domestic wastewater was only 52% and 37.4% respectively in 2005. Large amount of wastewater was discharged to water environment without enough treatment. A pilot scale study on water river quality remediation and ecosystem restoration was also introduced.

Keywords: Water environment, Water pollution control, Water treatment


Since 1980’s, with the rapid economic development, the demand for water resources increased and the water environmental quality deteriorated seriously in China. China is a country short of water resource, the per capita water resource is limited and the spatial distribution of water resources is extremely uneven. As a result, many cities and regions are facing serious problem of water shortage. At the same time, the water pollution has not been controlled effectively, which intensifies the water shortage problem. Rivers, lakes and oceans in a wide special range are polluted, which resulted in the destruction of natural aquatic ecosystems and landscapes. Water quality pollution, quantity shortage, aquatic ecosystem degradation and landscape destruction are the main water environmental problems in China. The water resource and water environment has become one of the key factors affecting sustainable development of China. 2. WATER ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION IN CHINA

2.1 Water Environmental Situation of Rivers There are seven main rivers in China: Changjiang River, Yellow River, Pearl River, Songhua River, Huai River, Hai River and Liao River (Fig.1). State of the Environment in China 2006 shows that the water quality of the seven main rivers in 2006 was similar to that in 2005 and was not improved significantly[1].

Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002)defines five water quality classes for different environmental functions: Class I for headwaters and natural reserve; Class II for 1st class of drinking water sources and habitats of rare aquatic organisms; Class III for 2nd class of drinking water sources, aquiculture and human contact; Class IV for water source of industrial use and recreation area for indirect human contact; Class V for water sources of agriculture use and landscaping requirement. Among the 408 monitoring sections, the sections with water quality

- 1 - belong to Class I~III, Class IV~V and below Class V accounted for 46%, 28% and 26% [1] respectively . The main pollutants were Oxygen Consumed (CODMn), oils and ammonium.

Fig.1 The seven main rivers in China

The water quality classification of monitoring sections in the seven main rivers is shown in Fig.2. Changjiang River and Pearl River, which locate in the south of China, have a better water quality because of their high dilution capability. The percentage of the monitoring sections fit for drinking water source and human contact (Class I~III) was 76% and 82% respectively for Changjiang River and Pearl River. The five other rivers, which locate in the north of China, showed a poorer water quality and the monitoring sections of Class I~III were below 35% except Yellow River. Hai River was polluted most seriously. The sections of Class I~III and below Class V accounted for 22% and 57% respectively among the 63 monitoring sections of Hai River.




40 Percentage (%) 20

0 Changjiang Pearl Yellow Liao Songhua Huai Hai Rivers Class I & II Class III Class IV& V Below Class V

Fig.2 Water quality classification of monitoring sections in the seven main rivers in 2006 [1]

The water quality classification of monitoring sections in the seven main rivers since 2002 is shown in Fig.3. From 2002 to 2006, the overall river water quality was slightly improved: the section percentage of Class I~III increased while the section percentage below Class V decreased. However, the overall river pollution situation was not improved significantly in recent years.

- 2 - 100




20 Section percentage (%) percentage Section 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Class I & II Class III Class IV& V Below Class V

Fig.3 The water quality classification of the seven main rivers (2002~2006) [1]

2.2 Water Environmental Situation of Lakes and Reservoirs According to State of the Environment in China 2006, 48% of the key lakes and reservoirs had a water quality below Class V and only 29% belong to Class I~III which are fit for drinking water source and human contact. The main pollutants of these lakes and reservoirs are total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP), indicating that the lakes in China is facing serious eutrophication problems.

Table 1 Water quality classification of state key lakes and reservoirs in China in 2006[1] Class Class Class Class Below Lakes Number Class I II III IV V Class V Three lakesa 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 Big fresh-water lakesb 9 0 1 1 1 2 4 Municipal lakes c 5 0 0 1 0 0 4 Reservoirs d 10 0 1 4 0 2 3 Sum 27 0 2 6 1 5 13 Percentage(%) 0 7 22 4 19 48 Note: a. Dianchi, Taihu and Chaohu b. Xingkaihu, Erhai, Jingbohu, Poyanghu, Dongtinghu, Nansihu, Baiyangdian, Dalaihu and Hongzehu c. Kunminghu (Beijing), Xuanwuhu (Nanjing),West Lake (Hangzhou), East Lake (Wuhan) and Daminghu (Ji’nan) d. Shimen, Qiandaohu, Danjiangkou, Miyun, Dongpu, Yuqiao, Songhuahu, Dahuofang, Menlou and Laoshan

Taihu Lake locates at the downstream of Changjiang River. Its adjacent regions are the most developed area in China. Taihu Lake has been seriously polluted and the water quality in 1994~2006 is shown in Fig.4. Although great efforts have been made on water pollution control in the last decades, the water quality of Taihu Lake has not been improved significantly and was still below Class V in 2006. Serious water bloom occurred in Taihu Lake in this May. The water bloom deteriorated the water quality and affected the water supply around the lake greatly.

- 3 -

6 0.14

5 0.12

0.10 . 4 0.08

(mg/L) . 3

Mn 0.06 TN(mg/L) 2 TP(mg/L)

COD 0.04

1 CODMnCODMn TN TP 0.02 0 0.00 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Year Fig.4 Water quality in Taihu Lake (1994~2006) [1, 2]

2.3 Water Environmental Situation of Groundwater Up to 2006, shallow groundwater quality was monitored in 125 cities. The shallow groundwater quality deteriorated in 21 cities which mainly located in the northeast, northwest, east and south central China, and was improved in 9 cities. Deep groundwater quality was monitored in 75 cities. The deep groundwater quality deteriorated in 12 cities which mainly located in the eastern coastal regions, and was improved in 5 cities.

Because of overexploiting groundwater, 216 groundwater descent funnels were formed and mainly located in north, northeast and east China. The area of these descent funnels ranged from tens to thousands of square kilometers. Among the 171 groundwater descent funnels, the area of 65 funnels expanded (6736 km2 in all), while the area of 57 funnels decreased (2175 km2 in all) and that of the other 49 funnels remained stable[1].

2.4 Water Environmental Situation of the Seas The water in the near-coast China seas was also polluted and some areas are still seriously polluted.

Sea Water Quality Standards (GB 3097-1997) defines four seawater quality classes for different environmental functions: Class I for marine fishery and marine natural reserves; Class II for aquiculture and human contact; Class III for areas of industrial use and seashore scenic and tourist areas; Class IV for coastal harbor and ocean development. In 2006, the sea area with the water quality below Class I, was 1.49×105 km2, which was 1×104km2 more than that in 2005. The heavily-polluted sea area with water quality below Class IV, was 2.9×104 km2 and mainly located at Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, the mouth of Changjiang River, Hangzhou Bay, the mouth of Pearl River, nearshore sea areas of Jiangsu Province and some cities [3].The Bohai Sea and East China Sea were most seriously polluted.

The main pollutants in seawater are inorganic nitrogen, phosphorous and oils. The China Sea is facing serious problem of eutrophication. Ninety-three red tides occurred in 2006, up 13% than 2005. And the total area of red tide was about 19840km2, down 27% than 2005. The area of 32 red

- 4 - tides exceeded 100km2 and seven of them exceeded 1000km2. Most red tides occurred in the East China Sea. The number and area of red tide occurrence in East China Sea accounted for 68% and 76% respectively. The occurrence of red tides from 1989 to 2006 was shown in Fig. 5. Both the area and number of red tide occurrence showed an increasing trend in recent years and this should be paid more attention.

30000 140 Area 25000 120 ) Number 2 100 20000 80 15000 No Area data 60 10000 40 Number of occurrence occurrence Number of Area (km occurrence of 5000 20

0 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Fig.5 The occurrence of red tides in China Sea in 1989~2006


3.1 Wastewater treatment and non-point source pollution control The annual production of industrial and domestic wastewater in China is shown in Fig.6. The annual production of industrial wastewater decreased from 1989 to 2000 and then increased from 2000 to 2006. In 1989~2006, the domestic wastewater increased gradually along with the urbanization. The domestic wastewater production in 2006 was nearly 3 times of that in 1989.

In recent years, China has made great efforts on water pollution control and the wastewater treatment rate increased quickly. The treatment ratio of municipal domestic wastewater was doubled in the four years of 2001~2005 (Fig.7). However, the treatment ratio of the total municipal wastewater and municipal domestic wastewater was only 52% and 37.4% respectively up to 2005[4]. Large amount of wastewater was discharged to water environment without enough treatment, and this is one of the most important reasons for the deteriorating water environment in China.

The non-point pollution source is another important reason for the water environmental pollution. The effect of non-point pollution source on water pollution in China is being recognized in recent years, however no necessary measures have been proposed or carried out.

- 5 - 60 Domestic wastewater t) 9 50 Industrial wastewater 40



10 Wastewater production (10 production Wastewater

0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year

Fig. 6 Annual production of industrial and domestic wastewater in China (1989~2006) [1, 4]




Treatment rate of rate Treatment 10

0 municipal domestic wastewater (%) (%) wastewater domestic municipal 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Fig.7 Treatment rate of municipal domestic wastewater in China(2001~2005)[4]

3.2 River Water Quality Remediation and Ecosystem Restoration In the last 5 years, under the support of “National High Technology Research and Development Program” (863 program)of the government of China”, bio/ecological technologies and integrated solution for polluted river water remediation and ecosystem restoration have been developed and demonstrated in 11 cities.

A pilot scale research station for river water purifying and ecosystem restoration was established in the Xiaofu River, Zibo city, Shandong Province. Zibo city was a famous capital city two thousand years ago in China and now is a rapid developed and medium sized city. Its major industry includes pottery making, chemical industry. The Xiaofu River, flowing through most part of the urban area of Zibo City, is seriously polluted by industrial and municipal wastewater.

Based on their pollutant removal permanence, stability and safety, natural-system-likeness, and economic feasibility, four kinds of technology, namely river water detention pond, constructed wetland, biofilm filtration system and nature-like river construction technologies were selected to study. The pilot scale research station covers about 10,000 m2, including the above-mentioned four

- 6 - kinds of technological units. The four units can be easily connected in series and/or in parallel. All the units in the station were started up since April 2004, and were continuously operated up to now. The performances of the systems are monitored once or twice a week. Based on the long-term pilot scale study, an integrated solution for polluted river water quality remediation and ecosystem restoration on technology base is suggested as shown in Fig.8.

River water detention pond

Wetland/ Biofilm filtration Oxidation ditch Nature-like river bank

Wetland Fig.8 Integrated system for river water quality remediation and ecosystem restoration


Rivers, lakes and oceans in a wide range are polluted in China, which resulted in the destruction of natural aquatic ecosystems and landscapes. Water quality pollution, quantity shortage, aquatic ecosystem degradation and landscape destruction are the main water environmental problems in China.

China is making great efforts to improve the water environmental quality, but the improving trends have not been so significant yet since the water pollution control can’t be completed in such a short time. As the water pollution sources, both the point source and non-point source, are controlled effectively, the water environment of China will be improved greatly and become an important basis for the sustainable development of China.


[1] State Environmental Protection Administration of China. State of the Environment in China (1989~2006) [1] State Environmental Protection Administration of China. China Environment Yearbook 2000 [1] State Oceanic Administration of China. Marine Environmental Quality Bulletin of China (1990~2006) [1] State Environmental Protection Administration of China. China Environmental Statistic Bulletin(1995~2005)

- 7 - Some slides in the presentation

Water quality pollution --River Water quality pollution--Lake South-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP), which aimed to solve the water shortage problem in north China, Water quality of Taihu Lake(太湖) is facing water pollution problem.

Beijing er West Route iv R ow ll r e Mid Route ve Y i R w lo el Y East Route r ive g R ian ngj Shanghai ha C

(2) Bio/ecologicalOverview of technologies the pilot scale for water research quality station remediation (2) Bio/ecologicalOverview of technologies the pilot scale for water research quality station remediation (Midsummer)

Constructed wetland

Biofilm filtration system

Nature-like river

River water detention pond

Bio/ecological approaches for water environmental remediation Bio/ecological approaches for water environmental remediation

Late autumn Overview of the pilot scale research station (Winter)

- 8 - Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project

PARK Kil-Dong, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea

1. Background

About the Cheonggyecheon

Joseon Period Cheonggyecheon was a stream running through the center of Seoul from east to west. Its waters flowed down from Mt. Bugaksan and Mt.Inwangsang to the north, Mt. Naksan to the east, and Mt. Namsan to the south.The 600-year history of Seoul began when King Taejo, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty, moved the capital to Hanyang (today’s Seoul) in 1394. Ever since, the Cheonggyecheon has been inextricably linked to Seoul’s history. The stream overflowed every time there was heavy rain, and it was usually so polluted at all other times due to lack of flow that there was already talk of covering Cheonggyecheon during the early Joseon period. King Taejong (1400-1418) opposed this notion, reasoning that it was against nature to do so. In his 11th year of reign (1411), he ordered the construction of Gwanggyo Bridge. It was a stone bridge, and it was built of remarkable proportions for the time to make sure that it would not be swept away by floods. During the reign of King Sejong, the stream was occasionally dredged, and Supyogyo Bridge was built over it. The water table was established at the mid-point of the stream to measure the height of water to give indication of possible floods. In 1760 (the 36th year of King Yeongjo’s reign), 200,000 people were mobilized to widen the stream and build stone embankments along both banks, and the waterways were straightened as it is today. Cheonggyecheon Stream was fed by 14 tributaries, including Baegundongcheon Stream and Junghakcheon Stream. Records of the Joseon period indicate that 86 bridges were built over the stream. Today, only a few of these bridges remain, including Gwanggyo and Supyogyo Bridges. As Seoul’s sewage system, a laundry for women, and playground for children, Cheonggyecheon was an integral part of the common people’s lives. Various events, including bridge stepping festivities, team events, and lantern festivals were held at the bridges of Cheonggyecheon. In the late Joseon period, the homeless made Cheonggyecheon their shelter as they gathered along its banks. Cheonggyecheon is an important historical cultural site that witnessed the difficult lives of the common people during the Joseon period.

Japanese Occupation During the Japanese colonial period, farmers who had been deprived of their farmlands migrated to Seoul. They flocked together along the banks of Cheonggyecheon and illegally built houses there. With the increase in the urban poor population, the stream became more polluted, earning notoriety as a breeding ground for infectious diseases and crime. Because yearly floods continued to take lives and inflict property damage, the Japanese used Cheonggyecheon as a sewage system. In order to protect the Japanese residences to the south of Cheonggyecheon, dredging of Cheonggyecheon and its tributaries began

-9 - around 1913. - 1918~1924 : Dredging of Cheonggyecheon and improvement of tributaries - 1937~1942 : Covering of sections from Taepyeongno to Gwangtonggyo

After Liberation from Japan From 1937 to 1942, the section of the Cheonggyecheon from Gwanghwamun to Gwanggyo Bridge was covered for the first time. In the years immediately following the nation’s liberation from Japan and the Korean War, the construction to cover the Cheonggyecheon was abandoned due to social unrest and lack of funds until 1958, when full-scale work to cover the stream started. It took 20 years to complete the project. The construction of Cheonggye Elevated Highway started in 1967 and was completed in 1976. - 1949 ∼1950 : Sewerage from Gwanggyo to Yeongmido improved - 1958 ∼1978 : The Cheonggyecheon covered - 1967 ∼1976 : Cheonggye Elevated Highway constructed

2. Description of the initiative or project (Cheonggyecheon before Restoration)

Cheonggye Road Cheonggye Road was created by covering Cheonggyecheon Stream and is 50-80m wide and approximately 6km long. It became a publicly accepted road on November 7, 1984. The structure covering the stream is 6.27 km long. Under the structure covering Cheonggyecheon Stream is a 2~5m wide and 11km long intercept sewer that extends from Gwanggyo Bridge to Sindapcheolgyo Railway Bridge. There is a sewage under drainage 7m wide and 480m long from Taepyeongno to Gwanggyo Bridge and electric power points under the crossings of Cheonggye Road.There are also 32 buried pipes with a combined length of 33.5 kilometers, most of which are beneath the pedestrian walks on either side of Cheonggyecheon, including 5,620m of water pipes, 13,960m of sewage pipes, 4,560m of electric power ducts, 9,090m of telecommunications ducts, and 330m of gas lines.

Cheonggye Elevated Highway Cheonggye Elevated Highway, stretching from Namsan Tunnel no.1 to Majang-dong is 16m wide and 5.8km long. It has a four-lane two-way highway exclusively for automobiles. Before the highway was dismantled, daily traffic volume was 168,556 vehicles, with 65,810 going down Cheonggye Road and the remaining 102,747 going up Cheonggye Elevated Highway.

Maintenance of the Structure The Korean Society of Civil Engineering conducted a safety evaluation on Cheonggye Elevated Highway from January 1991 to October 1992.According to a report prepared by the Society in 1992, the bridge piers were in fair condition. The beams of pre-stressed concrete (PSC) were found to be in relatively good condition, but more than 20 percent of the steel beams were found to be corroded or damaged. The top plates were generally in poor condition, and it was recommended that they be reinforced or replaced. During the first phase, from August 1994 to December 1999,the 2-kilometer section from the entrance of Namsan Tunnel No. 1 to Cheonggye 4-ga was completely repaired. Access to the Cheonggye Elevated Highway by all vehicles except passenger cars was prohibited

-10 - starting in May 1997. The results of the evaluation on the structural engineering on the section from Cheonggye 4-ga to Majang-dong conducted from August 2000 to May2001 revealed that work should be done to address certain deficiencies of the elevated expressway. Based on this report, a second phase detailed design for3.8kilometers of this section was drafted from May 2001 to June 2002. It was decided that repair work would be conducted for three years starting in 2003 with a budget of 100 billion won. However, despite the fact that repair work has been on-going nearly continuously since 1992, the long-term stability of the structures still could not be ensured. It was for this reason that the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project was formulated. It addresses the stability and safety problems as a solution to fundamental problems.

Surrounding Markets The area to be restored stretches east to west and covers 13 dong (smallest municipal administrative unit) in four different gu (district office). Following Cheonggyecheon from Taepyeongno to Cheonggye 1-ga through 8-ga, there are 6,026 buildings, most of which are less than 50 pyeong (165㎡) in size. Of these, 29% are offices, 49% are commercial, 13% are residences, and the remaining 9% are used for miscellaneous purposes. Most of the 200,000merchants in this area are engaged both in wholesale and retail trade. Most of the building in Cheonggye 1-ga and 2-ga are office buildings. Those on 3-gaand 4-ga are wholesale and retail establishments selling tools, fire extinguishing devices, electronic goods, electric appliances, and lighting. They are also home to the traditional Korean markets of Gwangjang Market and Bangsan Market. Along 5-ga and 6-ga, which have been designated as a Special Tourist District named Dongdaemun Fashion Town, are numerous shops for apparel and other fashion goods. From 7-ga to 8-ga are shops that sell shoes, aquariums, birds, second-hand electronic goods, and many other types of shops. There are as many as 500 street venders in Hwanghak-dong and Cheonggye 5-ga and 6- ga. On weekends, some 300 of these street venders set themselves up in the streets.

Necessity of Restoration

Seoul needs to transform itself into a human-oriented and environment-friendly city. The covering of Cheonggyecheon Stream may have been prudent during the early years of Korea’s economic development, when it was necessary to focus on functionality and efficiency. Now that Korea has reached a level of considerable affluence, environmental protection and respect for ecology have become the major concerns. The restoration of Cheonggyecheon will transform Seoul’s image, presently associated with gray concrete, to that of a lush, green city where clear waters flow. Through this and other such projects, Seoul will be re-born as a human-oriented environmental city, greatly increasing Seoul’s ‘brand’ value.

Seoul must recover its 600-year history and create cultural spaces. The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project is of historical significance in that it will help Seoul rediscover its historical roots and original look, which have been long forgotten. Gwanggyo Bridge is a valuable part of the historic heritage of the Joseon period, and it is presently buried under the roads over Cheonggyecheon. Supyogyo Bridge was relocated to Jangchungdan Park. The purpose of the excavation was to preserve the historical sites

-11 - under Cheonggye Road. As it was being carried out, foundation stones were discovered at four sites of bridges, and as tone embankment was found near Mojeongyo Bridge and Gwanggyo Bridge. The restoration project will recover these artifacts of historic heritage and restore the pride of the Korean people in their 600-year old city. It is also necessary for Seoul to explore its cultural resources in order to become a cultural city for all citizens to share and enjoy.

The safety of citizens is threatened. The structures covering the Cheonggyecheon and Cheonggye Elevated Highway were built in the late 50s and 60s. In view of the technology and construction materials in use during those times, it is safe to say that these structures are well past their intended life expectancies. These structures are so old and worn that they are beyond repair. What is worse, the bottom of Cheonggyecheon bed is polluted with heavy metals such as lead, chromium, and manganese. The corrosion of the structures is accelerated by carbon monoxide, methane gas, and other gases underground. Under these circumstances, the dismantling of the elevated highway and structures covering Cheonggyecheon Stream was inevitable to ensure the safety of the citizenry.

Balanced regional development should be achieved by revitalizing neglected city centers. The neighborhood around the Cheonggyecheon Stream is of mainly dilapidated buildings aged 40-50 years, and it is rapidly losing its population of permanent residents. With the area deteriorating rapidly, it is becoming a slum and losing any appeal it may have had as a residential or commercial area. When Cheonggyecheon is restored, the neighboring areas will be revitalized and will be able to realize their growth potential by attracting important industries such as international financing, the cultural industry, and the fashion and tourism industry. The project will also stimulate urban redevelopment, which will contribute to the balanced regional development of regions to the south and north of the Hangang River. This will, in turn, bolster the prospects for Seoul to become more competitive as an international center of finance and business in Northeast Asia.

Progress in the Restoration Effort

Sections of Cheonggyecheon Stream to be Recovered The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project engendered a master plan to dismantle the structures covering the Cheonggyecheon Stream and the Cheonggye Elevated Highway, move existing facilities to other places, build facilities to restore Cheonggyecheon Stream, including the sewage system, road, bridges, landscaping, and lighting. Restoration of the Baegundongcheon and Junghakcheon Streams at the upper reaches of the Cheonggyecheon will be pursued over the long-term. The improvement of the section from Majang-dong to Jungnangcheon will also be carried out as a separate project and will apply the same concept as that for Cheonggyecheon.The section to be restored under the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project stretches 5.84 kilometers from Taepyeongno to Dongdaemun to Sindapcheolgyo Railway Bridge. Considering that the construction work is being done within the center of the city, the entire section was divided into three construction sectors on a design-build basis. In order to ensure continuity and consistency of the stream, the entire project is being coordinated by a joint design office staffed by

-12 - architects and contractors.

Restoration of the Stream The Cheonggyecheon will be restored as an ‘urban stream in nature,’a human-oriented, environment-friendly urban space with a waterfront and walks along the banks. The proper safety management of the stream including measures to prevent overflowing is also under careful consideration. Due to global warming, weather anomalies are increasingly frequent: there could even be torrential rains in the central part of the city in summer. In consideration of the increasing incidence of floods and the extraordinarily heavy volume of floods, Seoul Metropolitan Government received consultation and advice from the Citizens’ Committee for Cheonggyecheon Restoration and experts on streams. It designed the sections of the stream in such a way as to ensure maximum flood capacity and built embankments that can withstand the worst possible flood that is expected to occur every 200 years. The safety of the citizenry comes first. The torrential rain last July inflicted huge damage in the center of city. Gwanghwamun, City Hall, and Seosomun districts were all flooded. Tall buildings, not to mention small ones, including the Dong-A Ilbo Daily building and Sejong Center, were inundated. Sejong-no main street was also inundated. Terraces and lower-lever sidewalks will be built along the upper and lower reaches of the stream. The mid-stream section from Samil-ro to Nangye-ro, extending 3.4 kilometers, will be made water-friendly. Main roads will be built along the lower level of the left bank of the stream to allow citizens visiting Cheonggyecheon to access the water more easily. From Baegundongcheon to Junghakcheon, the upper reach of Cheonggyecheon, intercepting sewage lines will be installed to collect rainwater and wastewater separately. Covering structures will be used in order to prevent wastewater from flowing into Cheonggyecheon during periods of rainfall.

Water Supply It is most desirable for a stream to receive water from its upper reaches. However, Cheonggyecheon is an intermittent stream: it is normally dry and, therefore, requires additional flow to maintain a certain depth of water throughout the year.The water for the restored Cheonggyecheon will come from the Han River, until advanced technology to treat environmental hormones, smell, and foaming of wastewater is developed. The Ttukdo water plant will supply a maximum120,000 tons of water daily. In emergencies, Jungnang sewage treatment plant will supply 100,000 tons a day. Only after the results of monitoring on the wastewater treated at Jungnang plant prove that the BOD level of the water is below 3㎎/ℓwill the treated water be supplied to the restored Cheonggyecheon, or mixed with water from the Hangang River. The water for Cheonggyecheon will be supplied at four locations; at the starting point, Samgak-dong, Dongdaemun, and the downstream of Seongbukcheon. Cheonggyecheon will be accessible 22,000 tons of groundwater each day from the subway stations. All told, the average water depth will be 40㎝, and 120,000 tons of water will flow through Cheonggyecheon each year.

Waterfront Roads and Access Road The roads will be as small size as possible in order to minimize the flood hazard.The roads will facilitate the business operations of neighboring stores and allow for parking. According to this plan, the central parts of structures covering the stream were dismantled. Along either bank of the Cheonggyecheon, a two-lane road will be constructed. A five-meter-wide road including two meters for parking will be

-13 - constructed for stores. Thus, the function of Cheonggyecheon-ro will be changed to allow access instead of serving as one of the city’s major arteries. (intended speed limit: 50km/hr)Apart from sidewalks for stores, there will be a two-meter-wide sidewalk along the stream where citizens can enjoy the scenery of Cheonggyecheon. Access to Cheonggyecheon will be afforded by bridges and waterfront roads. Citizens will be able enjoy walks along the waterside and use various facilities.The restored stream will be accessible at 17 locations, nine on left bank and eight on the right bank. The handicapped will be able to access the stream at seven locations, four on left bank and three on right bank. For emergency escape due to flooding, emergency ladders will be set up at 16 locations at appropriate intervals. Two accesses for vehicles for maintenance will be constructed, one each at the starting point and the ending point.

Restoration of Ecology Basic concept of ecology of Cheonggyecheon restoration The effort to restore the ecology of Cheonggyecheon is based on the concept of three axes: history, culture, and nature. These three axes are further classified into eight key sceneries, which serve as modules of what will be known as the ecology street. As Cheonggyecheon is an urban stream running through the center of the capital east to west, it cannot be practically restored as a natural stream. As such, sections of the central part will be restored as an ecology section and street, and key scenery and biotope will be created at specific intervals for environmental conservation. At the downstream section where Cheonggyecheon and Jungnangcheon Streams join, a swamp and habits for fish and birds will be created so that nature and the city can co-exist.

Restoration of Ecological Environment The waterfront will be planted with wide plants that grow well along bodies of water to create natural scenery. Some parts of the waterside will be restricted from access by citizens, and will be created as green areas for insects and birds. Following the stream, plants will be planted and swamps will be created, making a link of greenery. Reservoirs will be built to allow the fish from the Hangang River to move, to serve as habitats for plants and animals, and also to control water depth. Channels will be created where the water flow is interrupted to allow fish to pass.

3. Main partners Chenongguecheon retoration project was accomplished by only Seoul Metropolitan Government. (All budjet, staffs etc)

4. Impact

City Center will be recreated anew - Development Plan for the Center of Seoul When the Cheonggyecheon is restored, the center of Seoul will be greatly changed. Seoul City formulated a long-term vision and development principles for the entire central part of Seoul and the neighborhood of Cheonggyecheon. It is preparing a plan for vital and healthy change in the area, while preserving the unique characteristics of the city center. The plan, in principle, will seek a balance between conservation and development to make

-14 - the city both more economically competitive and livable, keeping the charms of the city center. Unplanned, haphazard development will be prevented, while private sector-led natural changes will be respected. The competitiveness of Seoul will be raised by increasing public sector investment. The plan for the management of the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project and urban development will increase economic vitality. The cultural and historical heritage of the city center will be preserved. Seoul city will make the city center a pleasant place for citizens to shop as well as to learn about and enjoy culture. The neighborhood of Cheonggyecheon had long been neglected despite the fact that it is in the center of the city, but it will now be managed under a well-organized plan. In order to make the area more pleasant, the streets and roads will be laid out with pedestrians being given priority. At the same time, historical and cultural resources will be recovered, restored, and fully utilized as tourism resources. Furthermore, the neighboring areas of Cheonggyecheon will be designated as redevelopment districts of the city center or districts for unit development to be placed under systematic management. The plans hall unfold over several phases, and it will restore the dignity and prestige of the center of Seoul, a city boasting a long history and rich culture. The area will, therefore, play central role for Seoul, a hub of Northeast Asia with a dynamic economy, diversity, and vitality.

Establishment of the Cheonggyecheon Cultural Center The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project is giving momentum to the construction of the Cheonggyecheon Cultural Center, where citizens are invited to reflect on the past, feel the present, and imagine the future of Cheonggyecheon. The Center will be a place of culture and history, and it will be located in Majang-dong, Seongdong-gu, which is easily accessible by public transportation. The Center will be a four-story building with floor space of 5,715㎡on a plot of 2,486㎡. It will house exhibition halls for permanent exhibits and special exhibits, an auditorium, seminar room, and maintenance office.The Cheonggyecheon Cultural Center will be designed as a more dynamic exhibition space for the public rather than an elegant and quiet place such as a gallery or museum. An outdoor escalator will take visitors to an observation platform, from which they will be able to command a view of the blue sky, clearwater, Mt. Namsan, and Seoul Tower instead of the concrete buildings seen along the Cheonggye Elevated Highway in the past. The Center will open in September2005. There, citizens will learn about the historical, social, cultural, economic, and urban environmental change brought about by the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project. It will explain the restoration process and will serve as a place for academic research on the historical, cultural, urban architectural, environmental, social, and economic impact of the project. The Cheonggyecheon Cultural Center will be a joyful place for citizens to visit and an attraction with a friendly atmosphere.

5. Sustainablity (Challenges of the Restoration Project)

Transportation Measures Despite the fact that various measures had been formulated to deal with expected traffic congestion as a result of the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project, much of the citizenry was very concerned. Citizens and interest groups involved in the restoration project insisted that a simulation test be carried out under actual conditions with roadblocks as they firmly believed that the narrowing of Cheonggye Road, one of the city’s major arteries, would lead to serious traffic congestion. However, it did help the citizenry

-15 - prepare for difficulties in advance by staging a massive campaign to encourage them leave their cars at home and instead use public transportation during the course of the restoration project. While implementing transportation measures, Seoul City improved services to ease traffic. Among other actions, it established traffic information facilities and deployed traffic guides to the sites where traffic congestion was serious. There was some traffic congestion at the initial stage of demolition work, but traffic flow quickly returned to normal with the full cooperation of the citizenry. The great traffic disaster that had been so widely feared never occurred.The transportation measures for the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project were designed to minimize inconvenience to the citizenry. In several respects, the traffic flow system in the center of the city was improved. Among other measures taken, a number of streets were designated as one-way streets; public transportation was made more convenient by establishment of bus-only lanes and operation of downtown shuttle buses; and the car owners were encouraged to leave cars at home one out of every 10 days. The restoration project is also an excellent opportunity for Seoul to expand the low-emission public transportation system and encourage wider use of pubic transportation, thereby facilitating citylife without the need for cars.

Measures for Neighboring Merchants Cheonggye Road from 2-ga to 9-ga passes through a sprawling commercial district serviced by a nationwide distribution network. This district is home to more than 200,000 merchants and 60,000 shops. It is a vital part of the economy of the capital and will play a key role in raising the competitiveness of downtown Seoul as an economic enterprise zone. To collect opinions of merchants on the impact of the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project on business, Seoul City held public hearings andpresentation sessions for each commercial block. It helped organize the Cheonggyecheon Residents and Merchants Council and the Cheonggyecheon Merchants Association. Seoul City also conducted more than 4,000 interviews with merchants before the start of the demolition work. Based on the opinions collected, measures were devised to address complaints relating to inconveniences to businesses and to find ways to stimulate business activity inconsideration of the characteristics of the Cheonggyecheon commercial district, which is composed of different business quarter with widely varying interests. The most advanced engineering technology was employed to minimize the inconvenience caused by the demolition work due to noise and dust. To resolve parking space shortage, a parking lot was created in Dongdaemun Stadium and free shuttle bus service was provided through Cheonggyecheon. The distribution complex to be built in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu in the southeastern part of Seoul will be 150,000 pyeong (120 acre), and a comprehensive distribution complex will be constructed by the end of 2007.This new complex will house wholesales and retail shops, support facilities such as logistics facilities including a distribution center, a large- scale discount store, and a multiplex movie theater. It will certainly contribute to the development of economy of the region. To help street vendors who were no longer be able to do business due to restoration, Seoul City continued dialogue with them and encouraged them to move. Most of the street vendors moved to Dongdaemun Stadium and created anew and unique market there. Seoul City is preparing various measures so that the neighborhood of Cheonggyecheon can be developed in systematic and efficient way in the long-term. Plans to develop downtown and unit sections are being formulated. Seoul City formulated the Downtown Re-development Project Model, under which the downtown redevelopment project for the neighborhood of the Sewunsangga commercial district is

-16 - being implemented.

6. Transferability and upscaling

Cheonggyecheon, Witnessing a Renaissance of Culture and History The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project will recover the long-forgotten history and culture of Seoul. Traditional cultural activities such as bridge stepping on Supyogyo Bridge and the lantern festival will be revived, and Gwanggyo and Supyogyo Bridges will be restored, while solving fundamental safety problems of the Cheonggye Elevated Highway and structures covering the Stream. Seoul will attract more tourists by linking such traditional cultural events in the neighborhood of Cheonggyecheon to historic sites in the center of the city.

7. Innovation

Cheonggyecheon, Where Ecology Is Alive and Well Cheonggyecheon Stream will be restored to its original state. Once again, the sun shall sine brightly over the Stream, the air will be clear, and the fish will swim in clean water. The waterfront will be created as an ecological park where the citizenry can enjoy rest and recreation. Seoul will be transformed into a human-oriented, environment-friendly city.

Balanced Development of the Northern and Southern Parts of the City The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project will be an important step toward balanced development between the northern and southern parts of the city. The Gwanggyo area will become a center of history, culture, and financing; the Sewunsangga area will be developed into a center of IT and electronics; and the Dongdaemun area will play a pivotal role in the fashion industry.

Seoul, an Emerging Global City The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project will secure the identity of Seoul as a historical city and establish a new paradigm of urban management. The neighborhood of Cheonggyecheon will be developed into a center of international finance and business, which will increase the nation’s global competitiveness. Seoul will be reborn as ‘A City of Culture and Environment in the 21st Century.’

-17 - 8. Recognition of the initiative

(1) Magazines Date Subject Media Note 07/25/2005 What India can learn from Seoul Rediff 07/25/2005 Seoul's mayor shows his green streak International Herald Tribune 09/12/2005 Seoul's Mayor seeks to give his city a LA Times makeover 09/20/2005 A river runs through Seoul city once again e-Travel Blackboard 09/28/2005 Festival to celebrate Seoul's PrimeZone Cheonggyecheon Restoration 09/30/2005 Now he's captain of Seoul Electric New Paper 10/01/2005 Seoul to help Hanoi develop river project Thanh Nien Daily 10/01/2005 Seoul revives buried stream in a bid to Reuters turn green 10/04/2005 Seoul restores underground stream, Taipei Times paved over 50 years 10/07/2005 World Chinese entrepreneurs convention Xinhua to be held in Seoul 10/13/2005 Seoul peels back concrete to let a river The Christian run freely once again Science Monitor 11/11/2005 Cheonggyecheon, the new star of Seoul's e-Travel Walking Tours Blackboard 11/17/2005 Seoul's way sets a good development Taipei Times precedent 01/08/2006 Seoul reclaims a river that development The New York had paved over Times 01/16/2006 Taking Back the Waterfront Newsweek 05/09/2006 Saving Seoul [Time Asia] Time Asia 10/17/2006 Seoul's revitalized waterway is awash in L.A. Times ideas for L.A.

(2) Journal Papers (Overseas) 1. J.H. Shin and I.K. Lee, Cheon Gye Cheon Restoration in Seoul , Korea, Proceedings of Institute of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering, Nov, 2006, Vol.159, No.4, 162-170. 2. T.S. Lee, Buried Treasure; Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project, Civil Engineering, the Magazine of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004, Vol.74, No.1, 31-41. 3. J.H. Shin, Y.H. Lee, W.T. Kewon, and Y.J. Kim, A Large Scale Demolition in a Densely Populated urban area, Bridge Management, Thomas Telford, London, the UK, 2005, 195- 202.

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Some slides in the presentation

Seoul at a glance Cheong Gye Cheon

ƒ Capital city of Korea for over 600 years ƒ Area : 605.6 km2 ƒ Population : 10.3 M Jung Rang Cheon

Cheong Gye Cheon Cheong Gye Cheon CBD CBD

Han River

ƒ Catchment area: 61 km2 ƒ Length: 13.7 km ƒ Width: 20~85 m 4 5

Why restore? Cheong Gye Cheon Flows to the future

‰ Paradigm shift of urban management Before ƒ Development Æ High quality of life Functionality and Efficiency → Environmental protection and preservation ƒ Human-oriented and Environment-friendly city After ‰ Recovery of 600 year-history and culture ƒ Rediscover of Seoul’s historical roots and original look ƒ Cultural space for all citizens

8 6

Site location Design for Stream Restoration ‰ Total length: 5.84 km ‰ Design Criteria for Stream Section and Embankments • Secure the stream capacity for 200 years frequency rainfall (118mm/hr) ƒ Divided into 3 sections to reduce the construction schedule ‰ Access to Water: • Install sidewalks along the lower level of the bank

Section 1 (L=2.04km) Section 2 (L=2.1km) Section 3 (L=1.7km) HWL (200yrs) Gwanghwamun

Gwangjang Nangyee-ro Market DongA Ilbo Gwangyo Hwanghak-dong Wangsimni

City hall Dongdaemun

Seunsangga Stadium Samil-ro

11 13

-19 -

Sewer system Bridge design

‰ Design Criteria: acceptable stream water quality ‰ Number of bridges: 22 • Combined system for rainfall and wastewater • 15 brs for motorists (with sidewalks) • Capacity: ① 3 times estimated wastewater (3Q: 1.95m tons/day) ② combined sewage overflow up to 2mm/hr rainfall • 7 brs for pedestrians ③Excessive rainfall ‰ Combined Sewer System ‰ Design Criteria • harmony with surrounding environment • artistic landmark

15 16

Landscape design Lighting design

‰ Concepts ‰ Concepts • Uninterrupted track of green space of 5.8km • Ensure the safety of citizens at night • Create more attractive night view • Gradual transformation from urban landscape to natural environment • Thematic places: ecological parks, waterfall and fountains - Fences reflecting light in every direction - Spot lighting on specific points of interest and along walks

17 18

Restoration of Ecology Historic relics restoration

‰ Basis : Restore the identity of Seoul with 600 yr history ‰ Concepts • Three axes: history, culture, nature ‰ Site survey : Feb 2003 to June 2004 ‰ Restoration of ecological environment ‰ Advisory Committee for CGC Cultural Properties • Wild plants along the stream ƒ Preservation harmonizing ‘the past and the present’ • green areas for insects and birds – Restore 600 year old bridge: Gwang tong gyo • reservoirs for fishway and water-depth control

19 20

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ITO Kazumasa

CTI Engineering Co., LTD, Tokyo, Japan Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration, Tokyo, Japan Lecturer, Musashi Institute of Technology Advisor, Japan Water Forum

Abstract : Nihombashi River takes more time to discharge water pollution because it runs low-lying areas and is easily affected tidal flow from downstream. After rainfall, the water environment of the river has become worse. Even though the river is located in the important metropolitan area in Tokyo, it does not have any connection with people’s lives. We took Nihombashi River as an example to consider methods for river restoration of improving water quality and river environment in densely inhabited urban areas. Especially, the major issue of river restoration is how smoothly and quickly discharges water pollution which flows into with river flow. The conclusion of this project is the effectiveness of improvement of water environment to construct lock gates in Nihombashi River and to control inflows from upstream and tidal flows from downstream..

Key words : Space Restoration, Improvement water quality, Nihombashi River

1 INTRODUCTION 2 CURRENT STATE AND ISSUES OF KANDA Nihombashi River is running through the central of Edo, RIVER AND NIHOMBASHI RIVER which was former name of Tokyo. The river was the heart of history and culture of Edo until modern government was Kanda River, which flows into , runs down established. However, today it has become a drainage river through cities, such as Shinjyuku Ward, Toshima Ward, under highways with many combined sewers in the densely Chiyoda Ward, Chuo Ward in Tokyo. Nihombashi River is a inhabited urban area surrounded by numerous buildings. major tributary of Kanda River. These two rivers, as well as Moreover, Nihombashi River runs low-lying areas, thus has discharge from the Sotobori that flows into Kanda River and physical features, such as slow flow speed, sensitivity to Nihombashi River during flood, constitute a river network tidal flows, detention of polluted water. For these reasons, (Fig.1) particularly after rainfalls, its water environment remains In the following, the overview and current state of water considerably poor. This has made the river loose in touch quality of these rivers as well as their historical background with civil society regardless of its being located in the in terms of river space will be introduced. important part of the urban area. Against such backgrounds, this study, by analyzing the 2.1 Over View of the Kanda River case of Nihombashi River as an example, aims to consider Kanda River, whose total length is about 25.5km, takes methods for restoring urban rivers that are located in densely its water from the spring water in Inogashira Park in habited urban areas through water quality improvement and Musashino City, Tokyo. river space restoration. Particularly, it is a major issue regarding to river space Its basin includes cities, such as Musashino, Suginami, restoration how to smoothly and quickly discharge polluted Nakano, Shinjuku, Toshima, Bunkyo, Chiyoda and Chuo.In water that flowed into the river due to flooding. In this study, this study, the target section of Kanda River is: the section a hypothesis is the water quality of Nihombashi River can be from the Takadabashi Bridge that is contiguous to low-lying improved through accurately controlling both the flow from downstream area to the branching point from Nihombashi upstream and the backwater from downstream due to tidal River at the downstream Suido Bridge and the point where it flow, by establishing lock gates on Nihombashi River and flows into Sumida River near the Ryogoku Bridge. Kanda River.

- 21 - however, there is occurrence of scum and malodor, which is possibly due to the inflow of wastewater from the Sotobori. Particularly, the scum frequently occurs near Iidabashi. Moreover, during rainfall, untreated concentrated wastewater flows into the river through combined sewer system, and tide level change causes backflow phenomenon in the Sumida River, to which the water from the Kanda River is discharged. This makes the recovery of water quality to take several days after the rainfall. At the branching point from Nihombashi River, part of such Fig. 1 Location of the Nihombashi River polluted water flows into Nihombashi River. The current state of water quality of Kanda River can be summarized as follows: 2.2 Overview of the Nihombashi River ・Its BOD meets the chemically defined environmental The Nihombashi River, whose total length is about 4.8km, quality standard (Fig.2) diverges from the Kanda River at the Koishikawa Bridge at ・The inflow of turbid water, in relation to the tide level of the upstream of the Suido Bridge, and runs through the its discharge destination, makes the recovery of water central areas of Tokyo such as Iidabashi, Otemachi and quality take long time and its condition remain poor. Nihombashi into the Sumida River near the Eitai Bridge. Its ・As it is connected to the Sotobori through channels, basin includes Chiyoda City and Chuo City. water-bloom occurred in the Sotobori flows into the Kanda River, which also affects on the water of the 2.3 Overview of the Sotobori Nihombashi River The Sotobori is the site of the outer moat of , ・ The same as the case of Nihombashi River, its which today remains along JR Sobu Line from Akasaka- waterretention in the downstream estuary is worsening its mitsuke to Iidabashi, and its water runs through Yotsuya and water quality. Ichigaya surrounding the Imperial Palace to flow into the Kanda River through a channel near Iidabashi Station. In the 2.5.2 Water Quality of Nihombashi River Sotobori, algae bloom that accompanies eutrophication can The water quality of Nihombashi River also meets the type bee seen due to the stagnation of the spring water flows and C of environmental quality standards (BOD: 5mg/l) as small amount of rain water. Moreover, during flood, such shown in the Fig.2, however, its nitrogen level and polluted water is discharged into the Kanda River near phosphorus level are high, which creates an environment Iidabashi, which results in the algae’s floating in the Kanda where phytoplankton and algae can easily grow. River. In the Sotobori, its water hardly circulate, which causes the explosive increase and growth of phytoplankton, 2.4 Overview of Sumida River which flows into Kanda River and Nihombashi River as Sumida River first appeared in a book in the Heian period water-bloom. Moreover, its flow speed is slow due to the (794-1185). It has been symbolized of Edo culture, such as low river gradient, which makes it difficult to flow out the navigation, fireworks, fishing, and other various activities polluted water that has flowed into the river. Also during with rivers. People along with the river enjoyed various rainfall, untreated wastewater together with the rain water activities through all seasons, such as viewing cherry flows into the river through the combined sewer system. blossom, boating walking and fireworks. The river was a The current state of the water quality of the Nihombashi part of people’s daily lives. However, Sumida River has River can be summarized as follows: been polluted and smelly because of population growth and ・ Its BOD meet the environmental quality standard, industrialization. The river has been restored its original however, it provides an environment for phytoplankton to water environment to develop public sewerage, to educate grow easily, which together with the inflow of water- people in communities and to promote nature conservation bloom and scum, worsen the image of the water quality of and restoration movements since the late of 1960s. the Nihombashi River. ・ The source of the pollution is the inflow of polluted 2.5 Current state of the water quality water from the upper Kanda River, The Sotobori and the The water quality of the Nihombashi River is dependent on combined sewer system during rainfall. those of the Kanda River and the Sotobori, as well as the ・ Due to its low river gradient, its flow speed is slow, wastewater which is discharged into the Nihombashi River which causes the water retention at its downstream through combined sewer system. estuary and worsen the water quality.

2.5.1 Water Quality of Kanda River In the upper course of Kanda River, as the discharge from 2.5.3 Water Quality of the Sotobori Water Reclamation Center in Ochiai and Nakano flows into, The Sotobori takes its water from the small amount of spring its water volume is affluent. The water quality meets the water flows and the input of rain water, hence its water does type C of environmental quality standards (BOD: 5mg/l), not circulate and causing detention. For this reason, water-

- 22 - bloom grows explosively and malodor occurs in the Sotobori rivers in the area where currently known as Chiyoda City during summer. The inflow of polluted water from the and Chuo City in 1947, and they were neither covered with Sotobori to Kanda River and Nihombashi River is part of elevated bridges nor lamdfill at this point. the water quality problems such as water bloom.

Sumida River

2.1 1.7 2.5 2.8 Kanda River Kanda River

7.2 Sumida River Nihombashi River 1.9 2.2 Sotobori

Kamejima River Picture.1. Aerial Photograph of Tokyo Station Area (1947)

Fig. 2 BOD level of the Nihombashi River


3.1 History and current state of Nihombashi River’s River Space Fig. 3 shows the fish market of Tokyo in the Meiji Period. Then, the prime means of transportation was river boat, and the rivers were the prime route for transportation. Therefore, Picture.2. Aerial Photograph of Tokyo Station Area (1986) there were numbers of fish market on riverside. From the existence of the numerous river banks, it can be assumed Picture.2 is the aerial photograph that shows the state of that the riverside space, where various goods are exchanged, Nihombashi River in 1986. By this point, the construction of was an active living space for the people of that time. This the Metropolitan Expressway had been already completed, also suggests that people were familiar with riverside space hence the river is invisible in this photograph taken from in Tokyo even in the past. above. The photograph also reveals that the area around the Nihombashi River was closely packed with buildings. Thus, the Nihombashi River has lost its open space. The history of Nihombashi River and its open space can be summarized as follows: ・In the Meiji Period, river boat was the prime measure of transportation, and there were numbers of fish market on Nihombashi River. ・As a part of the social infrastructure improvement towards the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Nihombashi River was covered with the Metropolitan Expressway. ・Since then, rapid improvement of social infrastructure continued, in which Nihombashi River lost is open space.

3.2 Current State of Open Space Fig.4 is the map based on field observation which shows the current state of open space of Nihombashi River. Fig. 3 Fish Market in Tokyo in the MEIJI Period ・In some sections of the river, desirable pedestrian spaces are established such as the case of Iidabashi Eye Garden Picture.1 is the aerial photograph that shows the state of Air in the upper reach (Picture.3). Nihombashi River in 1947. As it was taken before the ・However, overall, pedestrian space on the riverside is construction of the Metropolitan Expressway, Nihombashi very limited (about 30%). River was not yet covered with elevated bridges, and it can ・Many open spaces are occupied with buildings and car be seen that the river was visible also in front of Tokyo parks, which hampers people’s access to the river station. This picture reveals that there were many moats and (Picture.4).

- 23 - ・Except emergency jetties, facility and space which lead to the waterfront are not developed. In addition, these emergency jetties are normally locked and not open for the public (Picture.6)

Picture.5. Space State (2) Space State (4) (Concrete Bank Protection)

Fig. 4 Current State of the OPen Space along the Nihombashi River

Picture6. Space State (4) (Emergency Jetty)

3.3 Problems of the Nihombashi River The major problems of the Nihombashi River areas “water pollution” and “lack of pedestrian space and recreation space on the riverside”. The main problem structure of the water pollution is that the water stagnates and gets polluted in the Sotobori, where water does not circulate, and the polluted water flows into the Kanda River and the Nihombashi River. Another cause of the water pollution is the untreated wastewater from combined sewer system that flows into the Picture.3. Space State (1)(Iidabashi Eye Garden Air) river during rainfall. In addition, being a tidal river, backflow from its downstream, the Sumida River, occurs during an incoming tide of . Also, because of its slow flow speed due to low river gradient, once its water becomes polluted, it stays in the river and the recovery of water quality takes long time. As the Nihombashi River is located in the metropolitan area in Tokyo, its open space is occupied with buildings and car parks, which makes it difficult to establish continuous pedestrian space on the riverside and the people’s access to the waterfront. The above problems of the Nihombashi River can be Picture.4. Space State (2) summarized as follows: (A Building at Waterfront and Elevated Bridge of the Metropolitan Expressway) ・The inflow of the water from the upper Kanda River and the Sotobori as well as the wastewater from the combined sewer system during rainfall ・ Water stagnation at the downstream estuary ・ Limited pedestrian space on the riverside ・ Limited ropen space that provide access to the waterfront due to its being surrounded by numerous buildings

- 24 - 4 THE RIVER WALK FOR THE UTILIZATION constant water level on the side of the Nihombashi River OF OPEN SPACE Walk can be maintained by establishing a lock gate at the confluence with the Sumida River, it would not only 4.1 Open Space of Nihombashi River establish a pedestrian space but also a recreational space on The elevation of the levee at the downstream end of the the riverside, which would contribute to the urban Nihombashi River is set as AP5.1m of the tidal wave’s development in harmony with the waterfront. Also, when the design sea level, and its crown elevation is set as AP5.5m Sumida River’s water level is low such as after flood, a which includes the additional 0.4m as allowance height. If high-speed flow from the Nihombashi River to the Sumida tidal wave can be controlled, the crown elevation will be River can be artificially created by the opening operation of determined according to overflow elevation. That is, by the lock gate, which would promptly discharge the polluted subtracting the tidal wave elevation, it may become possible water from the Nihombashi River. As previously shown in to make the current crown elevation 2.9m lower at the Fig.4, the Nihombashi River runs through the central maximum (Table1). This will probably allow an urban area of Tokyo, hence most of its open spaces are occupied development in harmony with the waterfront. However in with buildings or used as car parks, and riverside pedestrian this case, installation of drainage pumps in case of the space is very limited. flooding at high tide.

Table 1 Levee Elevation of the Nihombashi River and Design Water Level

1) Crown Elevation of the Nihombashi Ap 5.5m River’s Levee Revetment River Walk Ground Elevation: Ap+4.0-5.0m 2) Estimated high-water level Ap 5.1m 3) Tidal wave elevation 2.9m

4) Tidal wave elevation subtracted [ 1)-3)] Ap 2.6m Pedestrian 5) Current riverbed elevation (Average) Ap-2.5~-2.0 Space Elevation: Depth: 6.0- 6) Surrounding ground elevation (Average) Ap 4.0~5.0 Ap+2.5-3.0m 7.5m Water 5m 7) Tidal level variation at Tokyo Bay Ap-0.33~2.67 Depth

(Reiganjima 2004-2006) Fig. 5 Image of the River Walk along the Nihombashi River 8) Average tidal level at Tokyo Bay Ap 1.15~1.23

(Reiganjima 2004-2006) 4.3 Structures for Water Level Control In addition to the River Walk that is free from flooding for 285 days per year, by establishing lock gates at the 4.2 Suggestions on Open Space Based on the Current confluence of the Kanda River and the Sumida River as well Local Terrain as at the confluence of the Nihombashi River and the The width of the Nihombashi River is 30m in the upstream, Sumida River and conducting their operations, the while 60m in the downstream. As for the current river Nihombashi River’s water level can be kept constant when channel section, its riverbed elevation is from Ap-2.5 to Ap- the Sumida River’s water level is low and the polluted water 2.0m, while its land elevation is from Ap+4.0 to Ap+5.0m. can be discharged through lock gate operation after flooding. This creates a valuable urban area with the width of 30-60m, height of 6.5-7.0m and the total length of 4.8km. In Tokyo, the average number of days with rainfall is about 80, hence during the rest of the year (285 days), a space with the average water level of Ap+1.2m, the maximum water level of Ap+2.67m and the minimum water level of Ap- 0.33m is available. Particularly, based on the water level after subtracting the tidal wave elevation (Ap+2.6m) (Table- 1, 4)) and the maximum water level in Reiganjima during the past 3 years (Ap+2.67m), the development of a riverside pedestrian space (River Walk) at the level of between Ap+2.5 and Ap+3.0m can be considered. Such pedestrian Fig. 6 Concept of Lock Gate and Water Flow space will not be flooded on the days without rainfall (285 days/year), thus would allow securing of a valuable pedestrian space in the urban areas. In addition, if the

- 25 - 4.3.1 Water Retention at High Tide characteristics, the following findings were obtained in the By opening the lock gate at the downstream end of the following: Kanda River while closing the lock gate at the downstream end of the Nihombashi River, the backwater from the 5.1.1 Difference of the water level change between Sumida River flows into the Kanda River and the Sumida River and Nihombashi River Nihombashi River, thus water retention near the high tide While the water level change of the Sumida River was 2.0m, level becomes possible. the water level change at the branching point of the Nihombashi River was only 0.5m. 4.3.2 Discharge at Low Tide This indicates that although the water level change at the By keeping the lock gate at the downstream end of the estuary of the Nihombashi River was 2.0m, due to the fact Kanda River closed while opening the lock gate at the that the branching point is 4.8km away from the estuary and downstream end of the Nihombashi River, the water will be the maximum slope of water surface is only 1/9,600, enough discharged at the altitude difference of 2-3m from the water amount of backwater could not be gained. level of high tide (from Ap+2.0m to 2.67m) towards the Sumida River’s water level (from Ap-0.33m to 0.0m), which Total Length of the Nihombashi River 4.8km will be applicable to the pollution discharge etc. Water Surface Slope=(0.5-0.25m)/4800 =1/9600-1/19,200 4.3.3 Water Level Control for the River Walk As for how to keep the Nihombashi River’s water level constant, it can be achieved through reserving backwater 2.0m from the Sumida River by establishing lock gates at the branching point of the Kanda River and the Nihombashi River as well as at the both sides of the downstream end of the Nihombashi River. Also, when small-medium scaled Fig. 7 Concept of Hydraulic Characteristics floods occur, desirable water quality of the River Walk can be secured by preventing the inflow of pollution from the 5.1.2 Backflow Detention by Lock Gate Operation and Kanda River through keeping the lock gate at the branching Effect of Water Level Lowering point closed. After floods, polluted water directly discharged For backwater detention, lock gate operation according to from the combined trunk sewer can be released from the the water level of the Sumida River is indispensable. That operation described in 4.3.2. is, backflow needs to be allowed when the water level is high, while discharge needs to be halted by closing operation 5 WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT when the water level is low. By repeating such operations, it THROUGH THE OPERATION OF LOCK becomes possible to keep the water level of the Nihombashi GATE River at high tide level.

5.1 Hydraulic Characteristics of Lock Gate Operation High Tide Low Tide The hydraulic behaviors in the Nihombashi River and the T T h h e Kanda River were analyzed with MIKE11, covering the e

S S u u period from 4th to 11th of September, for which the data on m m i i d d a gauged rainfall, water level etc. were provided by the Tokyo a

R R i i

Metropolitan Government. The Nihombashi v v e e

River r r

The flood on the 4th of September, 2005 occurred due to a heavy rainfall mainly in the downstream area of the Kanda The Nihombashi River River System, and 96mm of moderate total rainfall was recorded at the Chuo Gauging Station (in Otemachi). Fig. 8 Concept of Lock Gate Operation The runoff volume from the Kanda River and its basins was calculated based on the Time-Area method, and the 5.1.3 Water Quality Improvement Effect water level of the Sumida River was taken from the record As the hydraulic characteristics indicate, the hydraulic of the Reiganjima Gauging Station near the confluence of behaviors at the river estuary have an effect of accumulating the Kanda River and the Nihombashi River. Thus, hydraulic pollution in the river channel. Therefore, once polluted water characteristics such as regurgitate flow and water level flows into the river channel by flooding, it will stay there for change were analyzed in unsteady flow calculation. In this long term. In the case of the flood on 4th September, 2005, analysis, it was assumed that lock gates will be established which only lasted for 3 days, it takes 7 days for the intake of at the downstream ends of the Kanda River and the polluted water to be released according to a simulation. Nihombashi River, and the operations according to the water As an early solution for this problem, while the water level of the Sumida River will be conducted such as the including pollution is accumulated (Fig.8, Right), the gate detention operation that only allows backflow when the can be opened to release the polluted water when the water water level is high, followed by the discharge operation level of the Sumida River (discharge destination) is low and when the water level lowers. From this analysis on hydraulic its water-level difference from the Nihombashi River

- 26 - becomes largest. essential to secure desirable water quality and recreational However, installing a lock gate only at the estuary will delay space near the waterfront. In this study, it was proved that the release of the pollution. The case of the 4th September the establishment of lock gates in the Nihombashi River and flood also indicates that it takes 4 days for the discharge the Kanda River, more concretely the operation of these without lock gate, however 4 days and 14 hours is required gates for water diluting and purification as well as water if the lock gate operation is conducted. level control, will be effective as a solution for the problems In order to avoid this phenomenon, there is a method of of the Nihombashi River regarding water quality and river controlling the inflow of pollution from the upstream (the space. As in this study, by linking the diluting and Kanda River), that is to conduct lock gate operation at the purification of water quality with the development of river branching point for avoiding the inflow of flood water. walk, a prospect for the Nihombashi River restoration will Keeping the lock gate on the upstream side at over Ap+2.5m rise. It should be also noted that discussions on the removal will enable avoiding the flood water inflow from the Kanda of express highway that has no specific schedule for River, which will limit the discharge volume to that of the implementation is not a sufficient enough, hence other Nihombashi River basin from its upstream to the branching approaches such as those suggested in this study should be point. As assumed by the scale of basin area, this will reduce considered first/simultaneously. the target pollution amount to less than one-fifth, and enable rapid discharge. 6.2 Future Prospects As the result of a simulation on the rainfall from year 2004- This project was analyzed about results from the 2005, it was found that among all the rainfall events of over establishment of lock gates at the junction where Lower 80 times per year, the rainfall events that exceeds Ap+2.5m Nihombashi River and Kanda River meet Sumida River as at the branching point of the Nihombashi River occurs when well as the branching point of the Upper Nihombashi River the total rainfall measured at the Chuo Gauging Station and Kanda River. In the future studies, it will be necessary to exceeds about 30mm (15 times, about 20%). figure out a steady operation method by modeling to the Therefore, its occurrence is about for 20 days out of 365 day, details of combined rainwater drainage in the basin as well hence the number of overflow days will be less than 10% of as by the examination of specific pollution behaviors with the whole year. Also, as for the changes in BOD level during the model including the inflow processes of the pollution the 8 days from 4th to 11th September, assuming the load during limited rainfall. It is necessary to decrease water conduction of the operation for avoiding the overflow from income by developing facilities to improve disposal capacity the Kanda River, the average change was from 6.2ppm to 4.4ppm, while the maximum change was from 36.4ppm to 24.6ppm, that is 30% reduction in average and 33% 7 REFERENCES reduction at maximum. Thus, despite the complexity of lock gate operation, it was 1) Chiyoda City: “City Planning Master Plan for Chiyoda found that the establishment of a lock gate at the branching City”, pp.28-31, 1998.03 point will be highly effective in water quality improvement 2)Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and of the Nihombashi River. Transportation,“General Technology Development Project, Report on the Development of Land Infrastructure 6 SUMMARY Technologies in Accord with Nature”, pp.540-589, 2005.10 6.1 Conclusion 3) Technology Research Center for River Front In this study, the current state of the Nihombashi River was Development: “Japan’s Water Villages and Aqua polices – analyzed, through which its problems regarding water Emotional and Recreational Space to Engage with Water”, quality and open space was revealed, and lastly solutions for pp.100-111, 2006.03 these problems were examined. 4) Yoshikawa Katsuhide, “River Basin Environment logy – As for the solution regarding water quality, by establishing River Engineering for the 21st Century”, GIHODO lock gates at the both ends of the Nihombashi River and SHUPPAN Co., Ltd., pp.198-226, 2005.03 preventing the inflow of flood water when the total rainfall 5) Yutaka Takahashi, “River Engineering”, University of is below 30mm, water quality can be improved for about Tokyo Press, pp.36-76, 2002.03 90% of the whole year. 6) Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, In terms of the spatial solution, the possibility of developing “The Current State and Future Issues of the Kanda River”, a riverside pedestrian space by maintaining the constant direct water utilizing the water level of the Sumida River aimed at water quality improvement can also be effective as the operation for keeping the constant water level, which enhances the potential for the establishment of a river walk that is close to the waterfront, which thus enables the urban development in harmony with waterfront. To allow people to use river space as an urban space, it is

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B. J. VASOYA, Chairman, Engineering & Environment Committee, Vice-President, WFEO FORMER : President, Institution of Engineers (India) Secretary, Department of Water Resources Government of Gujarat Chairman, Federal Environment Committee for EIA Government of India Chief Engineer, Sardar Sarovar Project – River Narmada

Global – Warming : The whole world is facing the fury of frequent earthquake, devastating floods, droughts, water crisis, etc. due to mainly environmental damages resulting to global warming etc. The temperature is continuously increasing due to abnormal emission of carbon dioxide from green houses and the use of fossil oils by the transport industry. The number of vehicles are increasing at very high rate to provide the needs of over population. Also over utilization of the natural resources like coal - mines for generation of thermal power etc. have also added to the creation of unbalances.

Many environmental acts have been formed by the world countries. The major harm has been done by the developed countries and they were expected to finance to the protective measures to control the environmental damages. But to the surprise, these countries though agreed during the KYOTO AND EARTH SUMMIT in Rio are not coming forward for timely help. The issue has become so grave even the Ozone layer has been ruptured causing the acid rains. It is high time that the leading world countries to wake up to save the mankind over the universe. The good news appeared in Economic Times, New Delhi of 5th August, 2007 as news from Washington “Bush calls global warming meet for September”.


The restoration can be divided in two parts. Part- I : Large Rivers The major rivers which are perennial and carrying huge quantity of water and creating heavy damages during floods. The flood water overtops the banks of rivers submerging the cities and villages including washing the agriculture crops causing devastating damages to the human beings, properties and infrastructure. Such rivers during spate meanders creating new path of water. The measures for restoration can be by providing groynes across the banks and other protection works. Such rivers are getting silted up at the confluence with the sea water. Such silting and the encroachment of civilians in river are also the causes. Sometimes, the surplus water from such rivers is diverted to other nearby river basins to moderate the floods. The international experience of inter-basin water transfer is known such as International Transfer of Water from Canada with USA, Texas water diverted to Mexico, Diversion of Siberian rivers (Volga) in Russia and South-North diversion (3 links) in China and the related disputes in dialogue since years.

(1)The Narmada river restoration – A case study

River Narmada starts from Central Plateu in India runs south and west. It is about 1200 kms. long and meets the Arabian Sea in Gulf of Cambay. There are major irrigation projects on this

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river. One is Indira Sagar Dam in Madhya Pradesh and Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat. There are 26 states in India. There is federal government at New Delhi and 26 state governments. Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are two states out of twenty-six. To keep the rivers restored with the natural benefits there are 30 major, 135 medium and 3000 minor irrigation projects completed or under construction on this river. The flow of water in the river is from the starts to the end of the river.

Salient Features of Sardar Sarovar Project on river Namada :

4.5 maft. of water is stored in the reservoir of Sardar Sarovar Irrigation Project on river Narmada just about 100 kms. upstream of the Arabian Sea. This is the wrold’s largest single canal system project carrying 40,000 cusecs of flow of water in the canal to irrigate 5.2 million acres of command area. It provides drinking water to about 14,000 villages of Gujarat State and generate about 3000 MW of hydro power. The length of the main canal is 440 kms and the length of the branches and distribution system is 73,000 kms. with 92,000 turnouts to be operated for supply of water for irrigation. The canal operation system is with computerized operation for the main canal and branches. The distribution system is operated manually. There sare series of complicated engineering problems like transients, mathematical models for various system studies.

There were endless environmental issues to be studied and sorted out as 254 villages and 40,000 hectares of land are getting submerged in the spread of reservoir water of Sardar Sarovar Dam on river Narmada in Gujarat. The problem of submergence of forest lands, and providing land against land and the rehabilitation of oustees upto 254 villages and resettling them at suitable places, providing the facilities for living as per customs. The cost of the project is about 9,000 million US Dollars.

The photograph no.1 reveals the length of the river Narmada and construction of dam at Sardar Sarovar in Gujarat.



Narmada Sagar Bargi


Sardar sarovar

Photographs no.2 and 3 reveal the construction of concrete dam. Photograph no. 4 reveals the Narmada Main Canal with cement concrete lining.

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Sardar Sarovar Dam Type : Concrete gravity Length of main dam : 1210.02 m (3970 ft) Top E.L. of dam : 146.50 m (480.6 ft) Maximum height above : 163.00 m (535.0 ft) deepest foundation level (-16.5 m to+146.50 m Top EL

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(2) River Tapi in Gujarat :

The River Tapi runs in the region of state of Maharashtra and state of Gujarat and meets Arabian Sea at city named Surat. The reservoir on river Tapi is created by constructing an earthen dam with the cement concrete gated spillway on the saddles to store 8500 mcm. of water. It is named as Ukai Dam. The dam is completed in about 1972. It provides irrigation water to 365000 hectares of land. It also provides the drinking water to many surrounding industries and mainly to the city of Surat having population of about 4 million people. After the completion of the project, there are number of encroachments in the river, downstream of the Ukai Dam.

The rainfall pattern is changed probably due to global warming affecting the atmosphere. There were very heavy rains in the month of August 2006. The inflow in the Ukai Reservoir was unanticipated. The spillway gates were to be opened to discharge about 9,00,000 cusecs which was much more than the operational schedule. The flood water in the downstream over stopped the dam on both sides and city of Surat was submerged in water of 2 ft. to 12 ft. depth. Many residential and industrial areas were submerged causing heavy damages. The restoration of the river is taken up by strengthening the river banks by providing geo-fabric with rockfilled Gabions. The photograph No. 5 and 5A reveal the flood in river and in Surat and photograph No.6 reveal outflanking damaging the river banks and 6A reveals the restoration of the banks by gabions protection. The encroachments in the river by public and industry will be removed and heavy silting raising bed levels at the confluence with the sea will be dredged as part of the restoration work.

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The global warming will make glaciers melting early with frequent floods resulting into perennial rivers converting to dry rivers. The availability of water will go on reducing by the demand of water will go on increasing at very high rate because of abnormal continuous rise in population and development of industries, will need more and more water. The water will become scarce and costly. The production of foodgrains will also decrease due to rise in temperature. The water is a state subject in India and the scarcity of water will be varying from states to states as there are certain states having surplus water and others having acute shortage of water. The Government of India is planning for an ambitious project for inter-linking of Indian rivers. It involves the engineering, agricultural, electrical, mechanical, environmental problems. It may take many years but may be a sure solution. In India, the government is constructing the reservoir projects and controlling the distribution of water for irrigation, drinking and industrial uses. The water for irrigation is supplied from the reservoir to certain limited areas surrounding the storage by constructing canal network. Also supplies drinking water through pipelines to urban and certain rural areas. It is difficult for any government to provide drinking and irrigation water to all the villages. There are 3,00,000 villages in India and Gujarat has about 18,000 villages. It is impossible for the federal government or the state government to provide irrigation water or even drinking water to the rural people, residing in small villages spread over the country. By providing irrigation water to nearby areas and depriving the further downstream area from water is resulting into rich people becoming richer and poor people having no facility of water becoming poor and poor. The great unbalance gets created. By constructing dams across rivers - the downstream of river become dry increasing the problem for even drinking water.

We had started the work to create awareness into the villagers about the use of self labour and making people of the same village united for the co-operative working in public participation. We had arranged the programme of touring village by village with the supporting documents like photos, maps, movies and workshops for water harvesting. 101 villages were toured in 10 days in the region of acute scarcity of water known as Saurashtra, the western part of Gujarat. The villagers were educated for becoming self sufficient in drinking water and partly for irrigation water as how to divert rain water into dug wells, tubewells and hand pumps by recharging with water. They were also educated as how to store rooftops water during rains to the underground tanks in the individual house compound. They were also trained as how to dig a small pond into their agriculture fields by self labour and store rain water. Such stored water can be used to provide one or two watering to the crops getting withered due to shortage of timely rains. The crop can be fully saved. Similarly, the urban people were trained as to store the terrace/rooftop water and from the roof of big railway and industrial sheds. The copy of small booklets published for ground water recharge and water harvesting explains the technique. The water stored from the rooftops in Singapore is so much that it provides the drinking water to the whole city. The photograph no.7 will show Mr. B.J. Vasoya educating the huge crowd of 7000 farmers (villagers)for water harvesting and storage.

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The photograph no. 8 reveals Mr. Vasoya educating the tribals staying in forest area as how to protect the forests and also to harness the water from the hilly areas for their drinking purpose.



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The further awareness created was to create co-operative societies and working altogether in a village for self-sufficiency of water for their own village. The farmers have constructed small check-dams of their owns across the rivers at their village by raising the masonry/concrete walls of 1 or 2 metre high to store running water in the river after the monsoon flood. If the river is large, the people of three – four villages meet together and jointly construct a longer wall across the big river to store water of rains. The facilities for getting financial help from Co-operative Banks were arranged. The farmers of such villages with the help of government public participation projects have constructed large check-dams across the rivers. Such series of check- dams in the same river are constructed either by rural people themselves or with some help of government in public participation programmes. 4,70,000 such check-dams are constructed in Gujarat in last few years.

The storage of water in such series of check-dams have penetrated in sub-soil and recharged the ground water. The ground water is continuously rising and the farmers are lifting the under ground water from the wells, pond to irrigate their crops. The water stored in check-dams is also used for drinking and irrigation till it exists. But the ground water recharge has much improved availability of water and the economy of all such villages to a very great extent. The income of poor people is increased and standard of living is also increased. Such efforts have a great contribution to the removal of poverty in downtrodden people of villages. Such small rivers which used to remain dry are restored as wet with water available in the entire length of river at surface as well as underground. The photograph no.9 & 10


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reveal the construction of check-dams showing storage of water and overflowing the check-dams going downstream in the river to get stored in down check-dams and so on till the end of river. The photograph no. 11 & 12 are revealing temporary check-dams known as Borry Bund which is built by villagers by putting earth in the empty gunny bags and arranging one over other to create a temporary wall across the river. Such wall / bunds will get washed away out in the flood waters during the monsoon of the next year. The cost of the construction of such temporary check-dams is negligible as villagers have them self done by self labour without any expenditure.


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- 38 - PART II Briefs of WFEO, SCJ and JFES

1. The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Founded in 1968 by a group of regional engineering organizations, under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) in Paris, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is a non governmental international organization that brings together national engineering organizations over 90 nations and represents some 15 millions engineers from around the world. WFEO is the world wide leader of the engineering profession and cooperates with national and other international professional institutions in developing and applying engineering to the benefit of humanity. WFEO and UATI (International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations) jointly created in 1994 the International Council for Engineering and Technology (ICET), one of the twelve NGOs formally associated with UNESCO. WFEO, UATI and FIDIC (International Federation of Consultant Engineers) created in 1992 the World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development (WEPSD). Role • WFEO provides information and leadership to the engineering profession on issues of concern to the public or the profession; • WFEO serves society, and is recognised by national and international organizations and the public, as a respected and valuable source of advice and guidance on the policies, interests and concerns that relate engineering and technology to the human and natural environment; • WFEO facilitates communication and cooperation among engineering organizations and with other organizations particularly those of the UN system and international non governmental institutions dealing with science, engineering, technology and business; • WFEO fosters peace and promotes sustainable development on a global basis as well engineering education and training , the exchange and sharing of technology and application of ethics concern and conduct; • WFEO brings together the developed and the developing nations for mutual benefit; • WFEO facilitates relationships between governments, business and people by contributing an engineering dimension to discussions on policies and investments; • WFEO is working on the transferability of engineering qualification. Activities Most of the technical activities of the Federation are carried out by 6 standing committees, which cover particular areas of engineering: • Committee on Education and Training (CET)

- 39 - • Committee on Information and Communication (CIC) • Committee on Technology (ComTech) • Committee on Capacity Building (CCB) • Committee on Energy (CE) Many projects relating to the professional interests of members are undertaken in cooperation with other world bodies: those of the UN system (UNESCO, UNEP, UNIDO, UNDP, UNCSD) as well as the World Bank, the Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the International Council for Sciences (ICSU), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development WEPSD)… Membership The Federation consists of National, Regional, or Affiliated Members (one engineering organization per country), according to specific circumstances, and International Members (group of national engineering bodies organised on a geographical or other international basis). Organizations, firms or individuals who wish to interact with the Federation but do not fulfil the membership conditions are incorporated as Associates. Management Structure The General Assembly, the supreme governing structure of the Federation, meets biennially. Between meetings, the affairs of the Federation are directed by the Executive Council, urgent business being transacted by the Executive Board. The Secretariat headed by the Executive Director, conducts the day-to-day business in consultation with the President. Source: For more details please refer to the above website.

- 40 - 2. The Science Council of Japan (SCJ) The Science Council of Japan was established in January 1949 as a "special organization" under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the field of science, and having science reflected in and permeated into administration, industries and people's lives. Following are its two functions: ● To deliberate on important issues concerning science and help solve such issues. ● To make coordination among scientific studies to achieve higher efficiency.

● The SCJ consists of 210 members and some 2,000 associate members officially representing 820 thousand Japanese engineers and scientists. ● The SCJ organization comprises a General Assembly, an Executive Board, three Section Meetings (Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences and Engineering), 30 committees based on fields of specialties, five Administrative Committees for operation, and issue-oriented ad hoc committees. Source: For more details please refer to the above website.

Japan National Committee on WFEO (JNC-WFEO) Since 1972, the Science Council of Japan is a member of WFEO. Professors Fumio Nishino and Shinichiro Ogaki served as an executive board member of WFEO for 1995-1999 and 1999-2001 respectively. However because there was not a concrete body in SCJ for supporting WFEO activities, systematic actions were limited. For enhancing the capacity of SCJ in cooperating with WFEO, Japan National Committee on WFEO (JNC-WFEO) was established in SCJ in February 2006. It consists of 7 SCJ members and is chaired by Dr. Tsutomu Kimura. JNC-WFEO sends members to 3 WFEO standing committees, i.e., Committee on Information and Communication, Committee on Engineering and Environment, and Committee on Capacity Building, and is sending members to Committee on Energy and Task Group on Combating Corruption. JNC-WFEO establishes the strategy of Japanese cooperation with WFEO.

- 41 - 3. The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES) The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies is the sole incorporated organization in Japan consolidating 98 academic and engineering organizations as its regular member. The number of individual members belonging to these member organizations adds up to about 600,000 with some duplication. JFES covers entire areas of engineering, namely fundamentals (e.g. physics and informatics), metallurgy, mining, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, architectural engineering, electrical and electronics engineering and chemical engineering. JFES’ member list is shown in Appendix 1.

The object of JFES is to promote by the cooperation of membership organizations the progress of engineering and industries through the following activities: 1. To foster cooperation between membership organizations 2. To participate in the domestic and international activities representing members 3. To submit proposals and petitions to government and public with regard to the welfare of engineering societies and engineers 4. To undertake research and investigations on engineering subjects 5. To sponsor and co-sponsor engineering events 6. To do all others to fulfill the object

JFES has traditionally advocating the importance of capacity building of engineers. One of the recent achievements is the contribution to the establishment of the accreditation system for the engineering education in universities and colleges. It is a co-founder of the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education inaugurated in 1999. Following the engineering education in school, JFES is currently focusing its effort to foster the continuing education of professional engineers. In 2002 it established the PDF (Professional Development of Engineers) Council within itself and has been working on to organize a system to coordinate continuing education programs and engineering licenses for engineers. Other current activities of the common interest of the members include participation in WFEO (See the last paragraph.), sponsoring symposiums and seminars on the subjects common to the members, and promoting information exchange among secretariats of members regarding the operation of academic and engineering societies.

JFES was founded on 18 November, 1897 by the 23 graduates from the Japanese first college of engineering for the purpose of exchange of knowledge and information among each other. The graduates were from seven departments: civil, electrical, mechanical, architectural, chemical, mining and metallurgical engineering. It made an outstanding contribution to the start-up of Japanese modern industry by undertaking the publication of technical magazines, the sponsorship of seminars,

- 42 - the presentation of rewards to engineering achievements, the research on countermeasures against natural disasters, etc. JFES was awarded the status of corporation by the Japanese government on 31 January, 1901. According the expansion of Japanese industry from late 19th century, engineering societies were founded dedicated to specific engineering areas and individual members of JFES left to join such specially focused societies. Hence, in 1922, JFES was reorganized as a federation of the engineering societies and this structure has been followed until today.

In 1971, Prof. OSATAKE, Tonau, then Vice President of JFES, attended the third General Assembly of WFEO as an observer and was invited to join WFEO. After returning Japan he discussed this invitation with the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), an advisory organization for the cabinet regarding scientific issues. The Japanese government granted for SCJ to apply for the WFEO membership and SCJ made an application in conjunction with JFES. This application was admitted by the Executive Council of WFEO in September 1972. JFES interrupted the contribution to WFEO in 2003 because of its financial problem but resumed the activity in May 2005 by organizing the international activity committee. It has been supporting the SCJ’s. It is scheduled to be an associate member of WFEO after November 2007.

JFES-IAC The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, International Activities Committee (JFES-IAC) was founded on 11 April 2005 to conduct JFES’ international activities. At the moment it focuses on international collaboration with WFEO. Dr. Ishii, Yumio, member of WFEO’s Senior Advisory Board and CEE, has been Chairperson, Prof., Dr. Ohgaki, Shinichiro, WFEO-CEE member, Vice Chairperson and Prof., Dr. Ikeda, Syunsuke, JFES’ Vice President, a member from the start. In addition, Prof., Dr. Kimura, Tsutomu, Chairperson of National Committee on WFEO of SCJ has acceded to its Advisor. In 2007 the member number of JFES-IAC increased to 13 from 9 in 2005. For more details please refer to:

- 43 - Appendix 1 List of JFES Members No Name Website No Name Website 1 Japan Society for Safety 20 The Illuminating Engineering Engineering Institute of Japan 2 The Institute of 21 Catalysis Society of http://www.shokubai.or Television Engineers of Japan g/ Japan 3 Japan Institute of 22 Japanese Society for Electronics Packaging Artificial Intelligence .jp/jsai/ 4 The Japan Society of 23 The Japan Society for Applied Physics Precision Engineering 5 The Society of Chemical 24 The Japan Petroleum Engineers, Japan Institute /jpi/ 6 The Visualization http://www.visualizatio 25 The Society of Fiber Society of Japan Science and Technology. Japan 7 The Institute of Image 26 Turbomachinery Electronics Engineering /iieej/ Society of Japan of Japan 8 The Resources 27 Cryogenic Association Processing Society of rpsj/ of Japan yo/ Japan 9 The Society of Heating, 28 The Electrochemical http://www.electroche Air-Conditioning and Society of Japan Sanitary Engineers of Japan 10 The Japan Institute of 29 The Institute of Light Metals es/member/jilm.html Electrical Engineers of Japan 11 The Society of 30 Research Group of Instrument and Control dex.html Electric Furnace Steel Engineers 12 The Society of Polymer 31 The Institute of Science, Japan Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan 13 Japan Institute of 32 The Telecommunications Aggregate Technology Association 14 Japan Society of Colour 33 The Institute of Material / Electronics Information n/index.html and Communication Engineers 15 The Mining and 34 Japan Society of Civil Materials Processing Engineers dex.html Institute of Japan 16 Institute of Systems, 35 Society of Grinding Control and Information Engineers Engineers 17 Society of Automotive 36 The Japan Institute of Engineers of Japan, Inc. Energy 18 The Japanese 37 The Magnetics Society Geotechnical Society of Japan /msj2/index.html

- 44 - No Name Website No Name Website 19 Information Processing 38 Japan Society of Society of Japan Engineering Geology /jseg/ 39 The Operations Research 59 The Society of Society of Japan Materials Science, ex.html Japan 40 Acoustical Society of 60 Japan Society for Japan Simulation Technology /jsst/ 41 The Society of Sea Water 61 The Society of Science, Japan Photographic Science and Technology of Japan 42 The Chemical Society of 62 Japanese Society of Japan .html High Technology in Agriculture 43 Japan Association for 63 Japanese Society of Fire Science and Agricultural, Biological /seikan/ Engineering and Environmental Engineers and Scientists 44 Gas Turbine Society of 64 The Society for Japan /gtsj/ Biotechnology ,Japan /sfbj/ 45 The Japan Society of 65 The Adhesion Society Mechanical Engineers of Japan /%7Eadhesion/ 46 The Japan Institute of 66 Society of Plant Metals /jim/index-j.shtml Engineering Japan 47 Japan Industrial 67 The Ceramic Society of http://www.ceramic.or.j Management Association Japan p/welcomej.html 48 The Japan Society for 68 The Society of Naval http://www.jasnaoe.or.j Computational Architects of Japan p/ Engineering and Science 49 Atomic Energy Society 69 The Society of of Japan /aesj/ Materials Engineering for Resources of JAPAN 50 Architectural Institute of 70 The Japan Society for Japan homej.htm Technology of Plasticity 51 The Japanese Society of 71 Japan Society for Electron Microscopy Software Science & Technology 52 High Pressure Institute 72 Japanese Foundry of Japan /hpi/ Engineering Society 53 Japanese Society for 73 Japan Society for Engineering Education /jsee/ Science of Design 54 The Japan Society for 74 The Iron & Steel Aeronautical and Space web/index.html Institute of Japan Sciences 55 Japan Aeronautical 75 Heat Transfer Society Engineer's Association of Japan dex-j.html 56 The Society of Rubber 76 Japanese Society of Industry. Japan Tribologists

- 45 - No Name Website No Name Website 57 Japan Concrete Institute 77 The Japan Society for / Heat Treatment /jsht/index.htm 58 The Japan Society of 78 The Japanese Society Multiphase Flow for Non-Destructive /jsndi/ Inspection 79 The Surface Science 89 The Japan Society of Japan Fluidpowersystem Society 80 The Japanese Society for 90 Robotics Society of Quality Control Japan 81 The Japan Society for 91 The Surface Finishing Composite Materials Society of Japan /sfj/ 82 The Physical Society of 92 Japan Society of Japan /jps/index.html Corrosion Engineering 83 The Japan Society for 93 The Society of Analytical Chemistry /jsac/ Exploration Geophysicists of Japan 84 The Marine Engineering 94 Japan Society of Society in Japan Polymer Processing 85 The Japan Welding 95 Japan Society of Engineering Society ndex.html Powder and Powder Metallurgy 86 The Japan Society of 96 The Society of Fluid Mechanics / Synthetic Organic /ssocj/ Chemistry, Japan 87 Japan Society of 97 Japan Welding Society Refrierting and Air /jws/ Conditioning Engineers 88 The Society of 98 The Laser Society of Rheology, Japan Japan /lsj/

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