IE R. 61426Noemer Hrc Oug Fecomfigfıes F He Aiiänainlcn
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th~ id th~ id -IE r. 61426Noemer hrc oug fecomfigfýes f he AiiäNainlCn~wreten,cJkedtodet SO 1lörUgteaoninPrtoraSothA nT Ls aastheesnecsad tvt i ve fte -it h ol eia l M NE L FÖ thre atrot. å frjlijiar uren copågnto to Asocaton n erinc o CANCELLOR! wol opinio iV pa s6/ thxeuioasbelancW41hli M eotr'fiaiagitlc Nwa 7.7. our and Trades Hall (see ry on back page for y ÅA Group meets further details wlite 36 Kingsl.nd High m ES. is stpping:dp its mase public awareness ern Africa. struggle Åsions by the borough ÄbIråý Ä6 Bazdays' t, t- rönat. cowmcts ~t j.X a apartheid. The, -iing ý -'ý of film,t hÄ 1,- -d Napubia, -tm-'ý -L'itics f.. 13-1ýy, carirpaig. and ,t, (7'-ý'uctlon. Ä: M.Ilgret Winstanley, ,cwd;,häxtorf, Condon 3 5118. rmo~ droup å t. b. fom.d i. all Inau~ mecting on ih, fil. 'ÅPýthM ide' -ffi b, h,,ýn and cf khý AA3,1 Office will cr Richard KinL 14 ue, Exeter, tel 0392ý ac AAM Office. h.~-- to St, ,p.ft,, a mend,-f the le A& (Iri*p w,, -re~ -e, F- ÅA -MMmhw tvteý to tl,, c. 7 F,>od Sýuth 1-I.Jkilig .hen th, ýk'Imerselale bc k, -YS Own ýýty I ýj. Ti tter Wi,-cn taken up ,ctrý of the 1<ýeåt Trädes i lo-l NIEETING ,lin Winter of Namjbia ner, Labow MP f.ekland ( 10 APRIL 7.3Opin Parish Church Hall et, Stockton-on-Tees I by the ChristiWovement hk groups oups in the foUowing Nterb-ugh Reigatý Richmond St A-teLi Sheffiid Skýhneradalc S..ý'set humanitarian conduct of war. The declantiois was signed by ANC President Oliver Tambo on behalf of the National Executive Committee and the combatants of the South African liberation movement, Umkhonto we Sizwe. This is the first occasion on which such a declaration by a liberation movement has been formally made before the Red Cross and formally received by its President, M Alexandre Hay. KADER ASMAL, who conducted the negotiations with the International Red Cross on behalf of the ANC, reports. For the President of the International introdoces a vital element, therefor, Committee of the Red Cross to meet in the str-ggle against apartheid for-, . leader of a liberation movement as Oliver Tastbo said at the offtciallyis in itself a aniqoe ceremony: ensconterinthehistoryofthis 'We oftheANChavealways international organisation. rspeeted homanitarian The reception of Oliver Tambo, principles is ourstrggle. We who was lecdng an ANC delegation have always defised the enemy toGeneva,byAlexandreRay, the intermsofasystemof President of the ICRC, represernts the dominatin and not as a people culmination of a legal and political or a race... We are freedom campaigir which finally recognises the fighters set on a road to huild a legal status of the national liberation new society.. [and] we do not movements of Southern Africa and Lake nur standarde from those coesfers on them the right to over- of sur enemy, who have shown throwthesystem of economic and sach shameles andrathless racialdominationinSouthAfeia disregard of all the norms of and Naiihia. These wars of iational humanity. Ours is a libention liberation are not internat ceoflits struggle, and we are imbeed but examples of inte4tional armed with the morality of liberatios.' conflitts where, ta ai% the language The South African regime is of Protocot 1, 'nenales are fi tnine bound by he rnonar~ -. 1.. these countries to recogrise their legal duty under the Geneva Conventions to enure the observance of what ose Wesrtern mflitary lawyer has called the 'mot basic valaes' in amd conflicts. The ANCa declaration n Geneva was an historic step m iti struggle ginst apartheid and colonialisi. It is now up to aetivists, especially i the West, to mobillse public opinion in sopport of the kind of sntiments espeessed by thousands of Africans at the funeral of the three militants killed at Silverton: 'They are not terrorists bet heroes: Amandla!' Kader .mal s a law tecurerat th T'inity College, Dublin, end cheirman of the Jrih 44M. He wit mupply informee«nn on the Genea r les end the cempaign for POW status to interested grnups. IT IS the conviction of the African National Congress .of South Africa that international rules protecting the dignity of human beings must be upheld at all times. Therefore, and for humanitarian reasons, the African National Congress of South Africa hereby declares that, in the conduct of the struggle against apartheid and racism and for self-determinatlpn in South Africa, it intends to respect and be guided by the generalprinci. ples of humanitarian Iew applicable in armed conflitt Wherever practially posible, the African National Congress of South Africa will endeavour to reapectthe rulesof the four Geneva COnventioné of 1949 for the victims of armed confliets and thet 1977 'adeNtional Protocol 1 relatingta the protection of victtme of international armed confliets. - Extract from thea"sta ent illued by the ANC following thcerenmony ANC President Oliver Temb is reeied by Alexandre Hay, President of the ICRC, in Genera Pretoria Three«Do Not Cry For Us!» THE trial of ANC freedom fighters NCIMBITHI LUBISI, PETRUS MASHIGO and NAPITTALI MANANA (see Front Page story) provides revealing insights into the real state of the armed liberation struggle inside South Africa - details which tie apartheid regime normally goes to considerable lengths to suppress. The three men, all of whom were sentenced to death, were tried oncharges of treason and at tempted murder, with additional charges under the Terrorism Act. Six others tried with them rqceived prison terms of between 10 and 20 years. The three sentenced to death were granted leave to appeal against convietion and sentence. In January 1980, the threc men accords full prisoner-of-war stetus-to bad been involved in a raid on a aptured feedom fighters. South African polite station an Be[re sentence was passed the S.ek.ekaar, situted in the extreme nine aecesed et the tral came up the nrtb of the Transval on the border stairs from the underground cets with the Lebowa hantustan. The raid chanting 'We shall overcome some sark ne of man>r dating ntions by day'. Interviewed by the press, ANC freedom fighters against the parents of themen trced ther,most blatsnt symbols of the commitment to the armed struggle apartheid state and the eonomic and back to the events of June 1976. 'My military machinery of qppression. ton asked me to do hin one ig Giving evideace in court, 20-yea-ild favoor,' said the mother of one Petus Massgo expleined that the accused, '- not to ery for hin. And attack had been intended by the tn battling harddot to.' ANC as an armedpropaganda The brutal sentenes handed exergie in solädaety stth African down by the Pretoria Sepreme COuet rsideote of hea-a.ho have ben have been -oodmqre by the foccibly remioved from theit homes Chairman of the UN Special by the South Africasantto tjliee. Commitrtee gainst Apatleid, Dr Masbaig. etso d-arhted the Akpn,,dý Clark, He has appealed to trammg tha[he and -,t South all goveness and organisations, Africanstrad reeiv!ctsn Angola e, tanch an orgent campåign to save sad that they had been instructed by the ives of the three men sentenced the ANC not toie methods which to death. involved the killing of civilians oe to The ON SetretaryGeneral has tak, haeges for ra.rsom. expressed his concern to the South to the fae of te apartheid African government. ln Britain, the regimne's eff~et. teassear adl Labour Party cm.t'nim ia-sdiale discee dit theiliberata-n ateoggle, lthe telegram, signd by Gde,,al Seretery ANC, in signing the relevant Ros Haywerd, to South African protocols of the Gernev Conventions Pime Minister Botha. Many other has undertaken to obsetve the organisations have taken action on international iaws of war. Justice and the issue, and it is erucial that bese morality denand that South Africa protesms ,,ieac aar steppd op. Heroes Day OLIVER TAMBO, President of the African National Congress of South Africa, told a London rally to mark South African Heroes Day on 16 December that 'the British people are allowing their govermment to get away with mnurder'. President Tambo seid that despite the arns embargo Britain was arinsg the apartheid regime. There were renewed efforts to bring South Africa back int the international community and South Africa was being given 'nuolear teeth' by Britain and the other major Western powets The otfi'eispeaker at the Coaway Hall rally were Shapua aukungua, Chaef Repreesntative of SWAPO, and Abdet S Minty, Hon Sentary of the At-Aparthesd Movement. South Africa Henoes' Day, 16 Anoe s mnty, non ecretary of AAM, on the platform of the Heroes Day rålly flscrre by Morni g St,,e De>,cember, is the snni-esary'nf the 1838 nc.e of tbingaas i ans at BlnOO River and the lataet oi.the armed strggle by tmkhate we Sizwe, the armedwwiin of the ANC, in 1961. pagainst the in brief mortuaries Jonath 44)wen so mmoned to the h eadmaster's South Africa has supplied Chile THE South African police carry office to 'explain' why the school ith South Africa? with two batteries of French- apartheideven beyond death - by halt had not been properly cleaned. msiderable designed Crotale sir defence missiles. storing black and white bodies i They were made to bend over and yin meeting and The missiles, which are known in separate refrigerators at mortuaries, each given two cuts with-the easre. aised bythe South Africaas the Cactus, were sent Three ofthefour refrigerators at 'we felt humiliated.