COMMUNITY SECTOR NEWS AMBER VALLEY CVS EXISTS TO DEVELOP AND BE PART OF SUMMER 2012 A VIBRANT VOLUNTARY SECTOR Community Directory Derbyshire Inside this issue: Over 5000 Community groups at your fingertips! Funding 2, 3 Did you know that there are over Training 4, 5 5000 voluntary and community groups in Derby city and Derbyshire? That‟s 5000 groups doing Volunteering 6, 7 everything from supporting people in times of need to providing fun activities for children and young people not to mention the groups who tackle race and hate crime and those who offer a meeting place Member News 8, 9 &10 for like-minded people be they railway enthusiasts or keen walkers. Health and 12 For the first time all of these groups, in their rich diversity, are Social Care available in one place – the Community Directory Derbyshire! The Directory is available for everyone to explore and find out what goes Community and on in the world of community and voluntary groups in Derby and 13 Marketing Derbyshire. Community Directory Derbyshire was created by a partnership of local charities, led by Community Action Derby, who provide support to community groups. The new online directory Derbyshire LINk 14 makes it easier to find groups by area, interest or type of support. Help at Home 16 If you are part of a community group you can check if your group is registered by visiting - if you find your group isn‟t listed, registering is just a click away and it‟s FREE! CIRCULATION LIST For more information about the Community Directory Derbyshire (Please tick) email:
[email protected] or call 01332 227719.