Daniel Gordis | 288 pages | 27 Mar 2014 | Schocken Books | 9780805243123 | English | New York, United States Menachem Begin: The Battle for 's Soul -

Look Inside. A powerful orator and mesmerizing public figure, Begin was imprisoned by the Soviets injoined the Free Polish Army inand arrived in Palestine as a Polish soldier shortly thereafter. Welcoming Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to Israel and cosigning a peace treaty with him on the White House lawn inBegin accomplished what his predecessors could not. He spent the next nine years in virtual seclusion, until his death in This title is part of the Jewish Encounters series. Daniel Gordis is the award-winning author of Saving Israel. He is a regular contributor to… More about Daniel Gordis. For those not familiar with the riveting story, this certainly serves as an enjoyable and important introduction to this fascinating man. Regardless of how readers feel about Begin — adoration or condemnation — they are sure to find this biography compelling, fascinating, and enthralling. Beautifully written and insightful, [it] is an important Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul to contemporary scholarship about the political history of the modern Jewish state. Daniel Gordis expertly recreates that epic and passionately passes that tradition on to his readers. The portrait he paints of Begin is that of a man of singular devotion not just to the State of Israel, but also to the Jewish people. After reading this compelling book, most readers are likely to agree. Passionately argued, beautifully evoked, this biography will become an indispensible part of the Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul Jewish bookshelf. This is a riveting recounting of the passionate, meticulous, triumphant, dark, pivotal peacemaker, Menachem Begin. Gordis is not only precise, honest, and insightful, he is also a deeply talented and sensitive writer. Introduction: Who Was That Man? Between the Kaiser and the Czar 2. A Pit of Decay and Dust 3. This Year We Are Slaves 4. We Fight Therefore We Are 5. A Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul Act 6. Deadly Road to 7. Of Whom Were We Afraid? The Style of a Good Jew Give Those People a Haven A Time for War and a Time for Peace It Belongs to My People Crazy Like a Fox When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Our Holiday Gift Guide. Read An Excerpt. Mar 04, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Hardcover —. Also in Jewish Encounters Series. Also by Daniel Gordis. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Daniel Gordis. The Family. David Laskin. Thirteen Days in September. Lawrence Wright. Sylvain Cypel. The Girl Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul Human Street. Breaking Ranks. Ronit Chacham. The Outside World. Iran Awakening. Shirin Ebadi and Azadeh Moaveni. How I Stopped Being a Jew. Yiddish Civilisation. Paul Kriwaczek. Kitty Kelley. Murder in Amsterdam. The Diary of Lady Murasaki. Murasaki Shikibu. I Saw Ramallah. Mourid Barghouti. The Barefoot Woman. Scholastique Mukasonga. Wojciech Jagielski. Annelise Orleck. On Black Sisters Street. Chika Unigwe. Ahmet Altan. The Children of the Ghetto. Elias Khoury. Suddenly, Love. Aharon Appelfeld. A Bintel Brief. Isaac Metzker. The Patience Stone. Journey from the Land of No. Roya Hakakian. Friendly Fire. Ami Ayalon and Anthony David. Conscience and Courage. Eva Fogelman. Why Are Jews Liberals? Norman Podhoretz. A Journey. Shah of Shahs. Ryszard Kapuscinski. Worthy Fights. Leon Panetta and Jim Newton. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. a book review by Karl Wolff: Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel's Soul

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Menachem Begin by Daniel Gordis. A powerful orator and mesmerizing public figure, Begin was imprisoned by the Soviets injoined the Free Polish Army inand arrived in Palestine as a Polish soldier shortly thereafter. Welcoming Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to Israel and cosigning a peace treaty with him on the White House lawn inBegin accomplished what his predecessors could not. He spent the next nine years in virtual seclusion, until his death in This title is part of the Jewish Encounters series. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Menachem Begin. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Menachem Beginplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 10, Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-bookbiographyeuropean-historyhistoryworld-war-ii. Begin had run for prime minister eight times when in he won on his ninth try. Apparently Begin was extreme right wing, he helped formed the Herut party. Begin was despised by the ruling establishment. The Egyptian and Syrian attack in set up the change to help Begin win in Gordis in his biography of Begin starts with his childhood and adolescence in a Polish Shtetl. Begin was an active Zionist. Begin graduated from University as an attorney. Gordis tells about Begin and his wife Aliza flight from Poland in to escape the Nazis, only to be imprisoned in Siberia by the Russians. They finally arrived in Palestine in Begin lost his family in the Holocaust and that had a major influence on his belief in a homeland for the Jews. Begin welcomed Ethiopian Jews to Israel. The author discusses the peace treaty with Egypt and the war in Lebanon. Begin won the Nobel Peace Prize for the peace with Egypt. The author says Begin was a person whose Jewish soul dictated virtually everything he says; every action he took. Gordis states that Begin remains the, most Jewish prime minister that Israel has ever had. I read this as an audio book downloaded from Audible. Walter Dixon narrated the book. Menachem Begin was something of a curiosity to me, being the first Prime Minister of Israel from the conservative Likud Party, yet also willing to meet with Anwar Sadat of Egypt to sign a peace treaty. Considered a terrorist by the British before the State of Israel was formed, and then someone who ultimately became the head of State. A man who approved the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor, and also a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Quite a man, quite a leader, and quite a story, and theref Menachem Begin was something of a curiosity to me, being the first Prime Minister of Israel from the conservative Likud Party, yet also willing to meet with Anwar Sadat of Egypt to sign a peace treaty. Quite a man, quite a leader, and quite a story, and therefore I was curious to pick up Daniel Gordis' book " Menachem Begin ". Gordis' book covered the bulk of Begin's life as a member of the underground Irgun, the leader of his Herut political party, his term as Prime Minister. Gordis clearly shows how dedicated Begin was to the creation and continuation of a Jewish national home. But one drawback I found was a lack of regional historic context which coincided with some of the events in the book. The various battles and wars in Israel from its founding in the late 's to today were mentioned, of course, but I found myself looking for additional description of the underlying details of the conflicts, and of the Arab perspective leading up to these events. Also, I would have liked deeper insights into other Begin policies. For example, I would have liked reading more about his Peace Agreement with Egypt. I had hoped the book might explain if the peace deal with Egypt was the lesser of two evils for him, one in which he gave back some territorial gains in the Sinai, but by so doing avoided having to participate in a broader International Conference being championed at the time by the U. Gordis was also silent about Begin's rumored involvement with the unsuccessful assassination attempt of Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and I was curious about Begin's involvement, if any. But I recognize that every book must draw the Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul on what to include and what to exclude, and there was more than enough information to make the book worthwhile. Aug 26, Alan Jay rated it really liked it Shelves: owned. I thoroughly enjoyed Daniel Gordis' biography on Menachim Begin. I found it to be very thorough highlighting the major incidents in the Prime Minister's life. I also found it consistent with what I have read from other sources. He portrayed Menachem Begin not as a hero or villain, but as someone who had laudable and Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul incidents in his life; however, he never backed away from his beliefs. He came from a generation where most, but not all, demonstrated incredible integrity. One of the interesting vehicles in the book is comparing Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul Begin's actions to Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul of David Ben-Gurion. The two were rivals their entire lives, and highlighting their contrasting opinions and approaches served the book well. I found the epilogue to be extremely interesting; especially for American readers. Although Menachem Begin was a Nobel Peace Prize winner, there were several incidents in his past that always haunted his legacy. Daniel Gordis calls on his American readers to compare and contrast the actions Menachem Begin undertook to build the modern State of Israel to the actions the founding father's took to build the United States of America. He posits although many of the actions were similar, American's seem to conveniently forget or ignore the actions their fore-fathers took Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul critically judging those of Menachem Begin's. I believe this insight into how American's look at Menachem Begin could be the beginning of the divide we see today between Israelis and American Jews. Apr 04, Steve Gross rated it it was ok. I really wanted to like this book as I am a big fan of Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul Begin. Unfortunately, it is a poorly written effort. The author repeats himself endlessly; for Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul, we are told at least a half a dozen times that Begin is "inching" towards being Prime Minister. Most disappointing is that there is very little personal detail on Begin. Avoid this book. Jul 16, Phil rated it really liked it. An absolutely crucial figure in the foundation and development of the State of Israel, Menachem Begin was vilified by his enemies and unwavering in his principles. A survivor of the Polish ghettoes and the Nazi Holocaust, he was never disposed to compromise on his commitment to establishing and safeguarding a homeland for the Jewish people. This frequently led him into violent conflict with the British Mandate authorities in Palestine, with other factions of the Jewish independence movement, and An absolutely crucial figure in the foundation and development of the State of Israel, Menachem Begin was vilified by his enemies and unwavering in his principles. This frequently led him into violent conflict with the British Mandate authorities in Palestine, with other factions of the Jewish independence movement, and of course with armed Palestinian Arab groups and their supporters and exploiters in the Arab states surrounding Israel. Those who hated him called him a terrorist for his command of the paramilitary Irgun Zvai Leumi group, which attacked British targets, hanged British soldiers in retaliation for death sentences carried out on Jewish militants, bombed the Mandate headquarters in the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, and carried out the notorious "Deir Yassin massacre" although the cause and consequences of this has, by common consent among serious historians, been much-exaggerated and distorted. He fought eight General Elections as leader of the right-wing parliamentary bloc, was beaten in seven, and finally became Prime Minister himself in Whereupon he made peace with Israel's old antagonist Egypt, destroyed for good Iraq's nuclear weapons-building capacity by ordering the bombing of the Osirak reactor, then entered into what was intended as a purely defensive incursion into south Lebanon - a country without central control - to drive back Palestinian terror groups that were attacking northern Israel, but which turned into a bloodbath which robbed him of much of his military credibility. Already in poor health, he resigned in For someone who had such a major effect on his country's fortunes, it seems almost incredible that his premiership should have been so short. This is a sympathetic account of Begin's life and career, one which goes some way to correcting the predominant negative discourse around him, both among foreign enemies of Israel and critics within that country, by pointing out the factors which drove Begin in his commitment. Firstly, having witnessed the destruction of European Jewish culture and the genocide of European Jews, he was utterly dedicated to the survival of his people and the preservation of their culture, with its religious, philosophical, intellectual, humane and communitarian principles. Secondly, he was clear in his mind that, as had been pointed out by his mentor, the 'revisionist' i. Thirdly, he was a democrat completely convinced of the necessary preeminence of the Rule of Law, which led him to face down Ben-Gurion's attempts to avoid giving the new State a constitution and also, at a time when he was being accused of 'racism' toward Arabs, to insist on offering Israeli citizenship, the vote, and all associated civil rights to all people living under Israeli governance. Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul a Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul and persuasive coda to the biographical content of this book, Gordis makes a fruitful comparison between the foundation of Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul and that of the United States, from where many of Begin's critics, Jewish and Gentile, have originated, pointing out that the displacement in the s of the Palestinian Arabs, while regrettable, pales into fairly limited significance compared with the genocide of Native Americans during the 19th century, about which the beneficiaries of the US's current stability and constitutional safeguards prefer to remain silent. In many ways, Begin's implacability has served his enemies on the Israeli Left well, in that it has given them a villain to castigate for actions which they recognise as having been necessary to protect their country, but for which they themselves do not wish Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul assume responsibility. A large proportion of the human race has a probably quite laudable desire to be led by people whose conduct conforms in all respects to an abstract notion of 'goodness', a counsel of perfection which we all know is extremely unlikely ever to be achieved. Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel's Soul | Jewish Book Council

Begin was a man who sought to save Israel's metaphorical soul with daring acts, both on and off the battlefield. It earned him ire and derision at home and abroad, but it also preserved Israel during times of crisis. Menachem Begin was the Prime Minister of Israel from to During his tenure, he oversaw several controversial events in Israeli history. With the help of his Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, he intervened in the Lebanese Civil War and in gave the go ahead for the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osirak. In this short compelling biography, distinguished academic Daniel Gordis distills the essence of Begin's long, storied, and contentious career. Unlike Sharon, when he immigrated to Israel inhe did not Hebraicize his name. Throughout his life, he self-identified as a Jew, not as an Israeli. Gordis sees this as a way to view his later political decisions. Following the defeat of Nazi Germany, Begin continued to battle the British colonial forces. Once the British left, Begin was also instrumental in nearly causing the young state to lapse into civil war. This was because he belonged to Irgun, a radical Zionist group that refused to fully integrate with the nascent Israeli Defense Forces. But Begin's radicalism had been tempered by his experiences in Europe. These experiences included fighting for the Polish Army, surviving a Soviet prison camp, and having his parents die in the Holocaust. This made Begin sensitive to those who Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul seek to destroy the state of Israel. Unlike Ben-Gurion, Begin was not a Socialist. After the state of Israel was born inBegin entered politics by forging alliances against the Labour majority. Following decades of tenacious alliance building and relentless criticism, he attained the Prime Minister post in When Begin became Prime Minister, he became the first politician to hold the office since not to be from Labour. Begin and his new Likud party could be seen as part of a larger global trend. He joined Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher as conservative Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul to the Left's overconfidence and ideological drift. His election was seen as a resounding renunciation of the hubris that caused the Six Day War. Current events have illustrated how these politico-religious alliances could be characterized as Faustian, discriminatory, and self-defeating. Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul insistence on Eretz Israel—the contiguous territory including all of Gaza and the West Bank—had its roots in the European Jewish experience. Unfortunately, demographics and global popular opinion eventually turned against Israel's post- independence conquests. The analogue of seeing every Israeli killed as an irreplaceable tragedy was with those seeing the same tragedy in giving up even an inch of Israeli soil. Because Begin thought in Biblical terms and possessed a stirring charisma, this made it harder to face up to the changing realities in the Middle East. Gordis has written a concise and exciting political biography of Menachem Begin. He also includes appendices that chart the growing popularity of Begin-led political parties and a chronology of Begin's life. Karl Wolff is a freelance writer living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His work has appeared in local Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israels Soul international publications. Enter your keywords. Author s :. Daniel Gourdis. Release Date:. March 4, Buy on Amazon. Reviewed by:. Karl Wolff.