Baptist Joint Committee Supporting Bodies Capital Campaign Update Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Churches USA Baptist General Association of Virginia It’s time to narrow the gap; enter the campaign now Baptist General Conference Baptist General Convention of Texas The 2008 presidential campaign is not the inroads, we have made plans to bring our Baptist General Convention of only campaign taking place this dream to reality. We are retain- Missouri year. This year we’re hoping to ing a realtor to help us find the Baptist State Convention of North meet our goal for the capital perfect property needed for the Carolina campaign for the Center for BJC to expand its advocacy and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Religious Liberty. Thanks to the educational efforts, and we are National Baptist Convention of summer’s matching challenge, exploring various ownership America we ended 2007 with a bang. But options. National Baptist Convention U.S.A. Inc. National Missionary Baptist we’re still in the primaries. For more information con- Convention Pledges at the end of 2007 tact Kristin Clifton, develop- North American Baptist Conference totaled $2,624,471.10, and so far ment officer at 202-544-4226 or Progressive National Baptist we’ve received $1,595,807.90. In
[email protected]. Convention Inc. 2007 alone, you gave more than Religious Liberty Council $1 million to the capital cam- Seventh Day Baptist General paign ($1,099,065.82) and still Partners in Giving Conference helped us fund 97.4 percent of We invite you to become a from the Capital our general budget expecta- Partner in Giving by establish- REPORT tions.