S4144 — SENATE April 22, 2005 an up-or-down vote. This is rank hypocrisy. tesy. After all, he has in his lineage a When we explain in public session the When the tables were turned, Republicans Senator. His father, as does he, served basis on which we have decided to op- filibustered President Bill Clinton’s choice as a Senator. He knows, as did his fa- pose a nomination of somebody we be- for surgeon general, forcing him to choose ther, the normal courtesies that make another. And , the Senate majority lieve does not merit a lifetime appoint- leader, who now finds judicial filibusters so this place run so much more smoothly. ment to the Federal bench, the judicial offensive, himself joined one against Richard So I appreciate it. activism we detail is ignored and we Paez, a Clinton appeals court nominee. I spoke at the beginning of the week are smeared as anti this or anti that. Yet these very same Republicans are about the alarming rise of religious So I thank the many religious leaders threatening to have Vice President Dick McCarthyism. I hoped that by drawing who have come forward this week to Cheney rule from the chair that a simple ma- attention to this situation the major- uphold America’s great traditions of jority can confirm a judicial nominee rather ity leader and other Republican leaders respecting faith, honoring faith, and than the 60 votes necessary to stop a fili- would speak out against any campaign buster. This is known as the ‘‘nuclear op- ensuring that the constitutional prohi- tion’’ because in all likelihood it would blow that improperly characterizes Senators bition against any religious test for up the Senate’s operations. The Senate does as being ‘‘against people of faith.’’ public office be strictly observed. much of its work by , That demonizing of Senators and their Christian leaders from a variety of which keeps things moving along and pre- motives has no place in this country, denominations, Muslim leaders, and vents ordinary day-to-day business from and absolutely none in debate among Jewish leaders, have joined to reject drowning in procedural votes. But if Repub- Senators. It is a slur. It is a smear. It these disgraceful efforts of a few par- licans change the filibuster rules, Democrats is untrue. Every Senator, Republican tisans injecting religion into the dis- could respond by ignoring the tradition of and Democratic, knows it. The Repub- unanimous consent and making it difficult if cussion of judicial nominations. They not impossible to get anything done. Arlen licans should denounce a campaign have publicly denounced the efforts of Specter, the Republican who is based on bigotry and demagoguery. the religious demagogues making slan- chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has With rare exceptions, they have re- derous charges in a win-at-all-costs bid warned that ‘‘the Senate will be in turmoil fused to do so. And even the majority to rile the passions and to further di- and the Judiciary Committee will be hell.’’ leader will apparently act in support of vide Americans one from another. I am Despite his party’s Senate majority, how- such a campaign this weekend. grateful for the voices of these reli- ever, Mr. Frist may not have the votes to go Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, will gious leaders. We need less division, nuclear. A sizable number of Republicans— the Senator yield for a question? including John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I will not more. We need to work together Susan Collins, Lincoln Chafee and John War- yield for one, but I would prefer— more, not less. We need to unite, not ner—could break away. For them, the value Mr. BENNETT. It is only one. divide. of confirming a few extreme nominees may I wonder if the Senator heard my de- I share the disappointment of the be outweighed by the lasting damage to the more than 400 religious leaders who Senate. Besides, majorities are temporary, nunciation of that kind of thing when have written to Majority Leader FRIST and they may want to filibuster one day. I gave my speech? There is one way to avert a showdown. The Mr. LEAHY. I was about to refer to urging him to ‘‘repudiate those who White House should meet with Senate lead- that. So I now do refer to the fact that misuse religion for political purposes ers of both parties and come up with a list of the Senator from Utah said people and who impugn the faith of any who nominees who will not be filibustered. This should not be demonized as being disagree with them.’’ means that Mr. Bush—like Presidents Bill against people of faith if they oppose All of us need to repudiate the mes- Clinton, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. somebody. sage of divisiveness and religious ma- Bush before him—would agree to submit I appreciate it. It is the first time I nipulation. nominees from the broad mainstream of The Reverend Dr. Weldon Gaddy, legal thought, with a commitment to judg- have heard that said on his side of the ing cases, not promoting a political agenda. aisle. Unfortunately, many others have president of the Interfaith Alliance, re- The Bush administration likes to call itself been saying just the opposite. That is cently wrote to Senator FRIST to warn ‘‘conservative,’’ but there is nothing con- why I wish the majority leader would against transforming ‘‘religion by bap- servative about endangering one of the great not act in support of such a campaign tizing it as a disciple of partisan poli- institutions of American democracy, the this weekend. tics.’’ , for the sake of an ide- The upcoming telecast to incite Abraham Foxman, national director ological crusade. congregants with the false charge that of the Anti-Defamation League, re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- those who oppose judicial activists are minded Senator FRIST: pore. The Senator yields back. anti-Christian or anti-faith is wrong. It Religious liberty has flourished in our na- The Senator from Vermont. is divisive and it is destructive. That tion precisely because Americans have been Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, in light Republican officials will lend support steadfast in their commitment against sow- of the speech of my distinguished col- to that effort through their silence, ing religious discord as a means to achieve league from Utah, I have a few com- rather than denounce it, is disturbing political success. ments I think I will make about this and disappointing. I appreciate the My Irish and my Italian grand- issue. Senator from Utah, Mr. BENNETT, fi- parents, like so many others, came to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nally speaking out, or having a voice this country seeking a better life for pore. The Senator is recognized. finally speak out from that side of the their families, not just a better job but Mr. LEAHY. What is the parliamen- aisle denouncing it. the freedoms that have always been so tary situation, Mr. President? Are we To divide the American people along much a part of America’s great attrac- in morning business? religious lines is wrong. It has always tion. But it has taken time and pain The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- been wrong. Smearing political oppo- for us to realize as a nation that dream pore. Morning business, with a 10- nents as anti-faith is despicable. Ap- of religious freedom and tolerance. minute time limit. parently, some will stop at nothing and I remember my parents talking about Mr. LEAHY. Thank you. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask stoop to any level. No scurrilous days I thought were long past, when unanimous consent that the Senator charge is too coarse; no baseless accu- Irish Catholics were greeted with signs from Vermont be allowed to speak for sation is too outlandish. When a few of that told them they need not apply for more than 10 minutes. I certainly did. us had the honor of attending the fu- jobs. Italian Catholics were told that I want to be sure he has the same cour- neral of Pope John Paul II in Rome as they and their religious ways were not tesy. part of the official Senate delegation wanted. That is what my grandparents The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- recently, guess what happened. Demo- experienced and my parents saw. The pore. Is there objection? crats, but not Republicans, were casti- smears we are seeing today mock the Hearing none, it is so ordered. gated for not being present in Wash- pain and injustice that so many Amer- f ington. There were, of course, seven ican Catholics endured. We have come Republicans and seven Democrats. The too far to turn back to the darkness of RELIGIOUS MCCARTHYISM same people who make these charges intolerance. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank castigated the Democrats for being in Partisans these days are seeking to my friend from Utah for his usual cour- Rome. rekindle the flames of bigotry for

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:56 Apr 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.003 S22PT1 April 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4145 short-term political gain. That is more term political gains subvert the Con- controlled by Democrats or by Repub- than just wrong, it is despicable. To stitution and damage the country. licans. raise the specter of religious intoler- There are those who say that we are Our Senate Parliamentarian, who ance in order to try to turn our strong, against people of faith if we have op- steps away from politics and simply independent Federal courts into an posed a handful of the President’s tells us what the rules are, and the arm of a political party is an outrage. nominees. By their false logic, the 205 Congressional Research Service, the It is shocking that some would cava- judicial nominees nominated by Presi- nonpartisan Congressional Research lierly destroy the independence of our dent Bush whom Democratic Senators Service, have both said the so-called Federal courts and with it the best pro- have helped to confirm would seem not would violate Senate tection Americans have of our free- to be people of faith, if that is our lit- precedent. I would ask my friends on doms. mus test. Of course, that is as false and the Republican side, do you really want This tactical shift follows on the rhe- ridiculous on its face as are the slurs to blatantly break the rules just for torical attacks on judges over the past being insinuated against those who some short-term political gain? Do you few weeks in which Federal judges were have opposed the few other nominees really want to turn the Senate, this likened to the KKK and ‘‘the focus of who have not been confirmed. unique Chamber, into a place where the evil.’’ At an event attended by Mem- Those who hurl these false charges parliamentary equivalent of brute bers of Congress, we have heard calls never mention that the same Senators force is what prevails? for Stalinist solutions to problems; the they are slandering have supported The recently constituted Iraqi Na- Stalinist solution being, of course, if hundreds of nominees who are people of tional Assembly was elected in Janu- you have somebody you don’t agree faith. They never hesitate to stoke the ary. In April it acted pursuant to its with, you kill them. Stalin said: No flames of bigotry and to encourage governing law to select a presidency man, no problem. their supporters to continue the smear council by the required vote of two- We have heard the calls for mass im- in cyberspace or the pages of the news- thirds of the Assembly. It required peachments. Last week the Senate papers or through direct mail or radio two-thirds, a supermajority. That same Democratic leadership called upon the ads. Maybe this slander is the only governing law says it can only be President and the Republican leader- thing that tests well in their political amended by a three-quarters vote of ship of Congress to denounce the in- polls so that even though untrue, it is the National Assembly. The use of the flammatory statements against judges. the one thing they can agree upon. nuclear option in the Senate would be This week I renew my call to all Sen- Sort of the equivalent of the weapons akin to the Iraqis in the majority po- ators—and in particular to my friends of mass destruction, the justification litical party of the Assembly saying on the other side of the aisle, the Re- for attacking Iraq: it turned out it they have decided to change the law to allow them to pick only members of publicans—to denounce the religious wasn’t true, but it was certainly con- their party for the government, and to McCarthyism that is again pervading venient. this debate. I am sad to see so many Not only must this bogus religious do so by a simple majority vote. That is certainly different than what Senators stay silent when they should test end, but Senators should denounce our own President has praised it for in disavow these abuses. Why Republicans the launching of the so-called nuclear requiring that supermajority. They do not heed the clarion call that our option, the Republicans’ precedent- might feel justified in acting contrary former colleague, Senator John Dan- shattering proposal to destroy the Sen- to law because the Kurds and the Sunni forth, an Episcopalian priest, sounded a ate in one stroke while shifting more were driving a hard bargain and be- few weeks ago, I don’t know. power over the Senate to the White cause governing through consensus is The demagoguery and divisive poli- House, to destroy the kind of checks not as easy as ruling unilaterally. Gov- tics being so cynically used by sup- and balances the Senate has histori- erning by consensus is not supposed to porters of the President’s most ex- cally had. be. That is why our system of govern- treme judicial nominees needs to stop. I would like to keep the Senate safe ment is the world’s example. These smears are lies and, like all lies, and secure and in a ‘‘nuclear-free’’ If Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds depend on the silence of others to live zone. The partisan power play Senate can cooperate in their new government and to gain root. It is time for the si- Republicans are now likely to employ to make democratic decisions, I would lence to end. The Bush administration will undermine the checks and bal- think it would be a lot easier for Re- has to accept responsibility for the ances established by the Founders in publicans and Democrats to do so in smear campaign. They have to end it. the Constitution. One of the beauties of the Senate. If the Iraqi law and Assem- This kind of religious smear campaign this country is we have always had bly can protect minority rights and doesn’t just hurt Democrats, it hurts checks and balances. That is how the participation, so can the rules in the the whole country. It hurts Christians most powerful Nation on Earth re- Senate. That has been the defining and it hurts non-Christians. It hurts all mains a democracy, and it does not characteristic of the Senate. It is one of us because the Constitution requires have the temptation to become a dicta- of the principal ways in which it was judges to apply the law, not their per- torship, something that none of us, Re- designed to be so distinct from the sonal views. Remember that all of us, publicans or Democrats, would want. House of Representatives. no matter what our faith—and I am If you remove the checks and bal- This week, the Senate debated an proud of mine—are able to practice our ances so that you can nominate judges emergency supplemental appropria- religion as we choose or not to practice who will be basically an arm of one ele- tions bill to fund the war efforts in Iraq a religion. The beauty of the first ment of the Republican Party, then and Afghanistan. The justification for amendment is we can practice any reli- you have taken a giant leap toward an these billions of dollars being spent gion we wish or none if we wish. It is a unfettered executive controlling all every single week—billions of dollars fundamental guarantee of our Con- three branches of the Federal Govern- in American taxpayers’ money—is that stitution. The Constitution’s prohibi- ment—a Republican-controlled House, we are seeking to establish democ- tion against a religious test in Article Republican-controlled Senate, the racies. VI is consistent with that fundamental Presidency, and now the Federal judici- How ironic that at the same time we freedom. ary, the one part that should be above are undertaking these efforts at great All Americans should understand the politics. cost to so many American families, Constitution is there to protect all of It will not only demean the Senate— some are seeking to undermine the pro- us. It is the protection of the Constitu- a Senate I have been proud to serve in tection of minority rights and the tion that has allowed this country to for 31 years—but it will destroy the checks and balances represented by the evolve into a tolerant Nation. It was comity on which it depends. It also will Senate through our own history. not always a tolerant Nation; it has undermine the strong independent Fed- This week the Secretary of State said evolved into one. But the Constitution eral judiciary that has protected the in Moscow that ‘‘the centralization of has protected that evolution. rights and liberties of all Americans the state power in the presidency at Those who would try to drag us back against the overreaching of the polit- the expense of countervailing institu- into religious intolerance for short- ical branches, whether the branch is tions like the Duma or an independent

VerDate Aug 04 2004 23:45 Apr 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.011 S22PT1 S4146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2005 judiciary is clearly very wrong.’’ Just more than a crown jewel, it is a daz- I close by asking unanimous consent as those developments undercut democ- zling jewel, a light to the rest of the that copies of letters sent by hundreds racy in Russia, so, too, our American world, especially those parts of the of religious leaders to Senator FRIST, democracy is undercut by the con- world that want to become democratic the letter from the Interfaith Alliance centration of power in the Executive, nations. to Senator FRIST, the statement by the removing checks and balances and un- Judicial fairness and independence is National Council of Churches, the let- dermining the independence of the Fed- also essential if we are to maintain our ter from the Anti-Defamation League eral judiciary. It is ironic given that freedoms. I would say to the majority to Senator FRIST, and a statement the President and Secretary of State leader of the other body, Mr. DELAY, from Rabbi David Saperstein, Director speak so eloquently about the funda- and others, stop slamming the Federal of the Religious Action Center of Re- mental requirements of a democratic judiciary. We don’t have to agree with form , be printed in the society—and I applaud them for doing every one of their opinions. And we RECORD. that. They do it when they meet with don’t on either side. Let us respect There being no objection, the mate- President Putin of Russia. At the same their independence. rial was ordered to be printed in the time, the Bush administration and When the U.S. Supreme Court de- RECORD, as follows: Senate Republicans are intent to em- cided the Presidential election in 2000, APRIL 21, 2005. ploy the nuclear option to consolidate I thought that the 5-to-4 majority—a AMERICAN RELIGIOUS LEADERS AND SUP- power in this Presidency in this coun- very close majority, a one-vote major- PORTERS OPPOSED TO ‘‘’S’’ try. ity—engaged in an incredible and over- MANIPULATION OF FAITH The President has, in his own words, reaching act of judicial activism. But I Hon. BILL FRIST, acknowledged that democracy relies on went on the floor of the body and be- Hart Senate Office Building, fore the television cameras and I called Washington, DC. the sharing of power. I publicly ap- DEAR SENATOR FRIST: We write as religious plauded his inaugural speech when he for Americans to respect the opinion of leaders who cherish America’s distinctive talked about this issue. He acknowl- the Court, even though I disagreed tradition of religious respect, tolerance, and edged that democracy relies on the with it. pluralism. sharing of power, on checks and bal- On the Judiciary Committee at the We write as members of religious tradi- ances, on the independent court sys- time, I attended the argument of Bush tions that revere truth and are guided by v. Gore, side by side with my Repub- prophetic calls to seek justice. tem, the protection of minority rights, We are gravely disappointed that you have and on safeguarding human rights and lican counterpart. We wanted to show lent support to those who are trying to cre- dignity. But the so-called nuclear op- the country that we had to get along ate confusion and sow division with false tion is in direct contradiction to main- and work together. Democrats didn’t charges of religious discrimination and per- taining those values and those compo- ask to impeach Justice Scalia when we secution. Good people can and do differ on nents of our democracy. wholeheartedly disagreed with his ac- policy questions like the filibuster. We em- Just as Abu Ghraib and other abuses tion. Instead we took to the floor of phatically reject claims that those who seek make it more difficult for our country this body and the other body and to the to uphold the country’s traditions of checks airwaves and said the Supreme Court and balances are forcing Christians to choose effectively to condemn torture and between their faith and public service. abuse when we speak to the rest of the has spoken. We must uphold the deci- It is simply not truthful to assert that sup- world, the nuclear option used as a par- sion of the Court. porting the filibuster amounts to an attack tisan effort to consolidate power in a Part of upholding the Constitution is on people of faith. Most, perhaps all, of the single political party and institution upholding the independence of the 95% of the Bush nominees who have been ap- would make all the lectures on democ- third branch of Government. One polit- proved, have been people of faith. They en- racy we give to leaders of other coun- ical party or the other will control the joyed support from both sides of the aisle. Presidency, as they have for over 200 As Senate Majority Leader, you have a re- tries ring hollow. sponsibility to defend your colleagues on I spoke to a group of Russian Parlia- years. One party or the other will con- both sides of the aisle, public servants whom mentarians—if I might tell a short trol Congress. you know to be deeply religious people, from story—who came to see me shortly In my 30 years here, I have been in shameful and divisive accusations that they after the Soviet Union collapsed. They the majority several times and in the are attacking people of faith. You have a re- wanted to talk about our Federal judi- minority several times. These things sponsibility to defend the Nation from ef- ciary. Like other representatives I go back and forth. No political party forts utilizing deception and fear-mongering heard in other emerging democracies, should control the judiciary. It has to to manipulate Americans of faith. And, per- haps most importantly, as one of our Na- they asked: ‘‘Is it true that the U.S. be independent of all political parties. Think of it, that was the genius of the tion’s highest elected officials, you have a Government might be a party in a law- responsibility to repudiate those who misuse suit, but then the Government could Founders of this country: one branch of religion for political purposes and who im- lose?’’ Government, totally independent of pugn the faith of any who disagree with I said: Absolutely right. the other, independent of political par- them. They said: You mean people would ties. That genius has protected our lib- Your participation in the ‘‘Justice Sun- dare to sue the Government? erties and rights for well over 200 day’’ event gives your personal stamp of ap- I said: It happens all the time. We years. It is a genius of this country proval and legitimizes an event built on in- that will continue to protect us, unless flammatory falsehoods. We urge you either have an independent judiciary. Yes, to withdraw your participation in this event they could. we allow some to destroy it for short- or, if you participate, to use that oppor- They said: Well, if the Government term political gain. It would be a ter- tunity to repudiate the message of divisive- actually lost, don’t you fire the judge? rible diminution of our rights if we ness and religious manipulation that is at I said: No, they are an independent were to remove the independence of our the core of the gathering. judiciary. Federal judiciary. We are liable to do Sincerely, I have argued cases on behalf of the something that no army that marched Signed by 406 religious leaders. Government where it might have been against us have ever been able to do to APRIL 17, 2005. nice to fire the judge, but that is not this most wonderful of democracies. If Hon. WILLIAM FRIST, the way we do things. It amazes people you take away the independence of our Senate Majority Leader, U.S. Capitol, Wash- in other parts of the world. They are Federal judiciary, then our whole Con- ington, DC. amazed that people have disagreed stitutional fabric unravels. And that DEAR SENATOR FRIST: As President of The with their Government and could actu- bright promise that brought my ances- Interfaith Alliance, a national, grassroots ally go to court, bring a challenge, and tors here from Italy and Ireland would organization with 150,000 members coming seek redress, even if it meant the Gov- be diminished—the bright promise that from over 75 different faith traditions, I write to you again about your interest in in- ernment would have to lose to get that I hope continues for my children and troducing to the United States Senate your redress. grandchildren. so-called ‘‘nuclear option.’’ However, the Chief Justice Rehnquist is right to Mr. President, I have spoken long focus of this open letter to you is the asso- refer to our independent judiciary as and I appreciate the courtesy of my ciation being made between a person’s polit- the crown jewel of our democracy. It is colleague from Utah. ical position on the nuclear option and the

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:56 Apr 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.013 S22PT1 April 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4147 legitimacy of that person’s religion. Though democratic process that has been tried and good people of faith who hold political be- my personal language to you does not reflect true? If I feel that way as a person who is a liefs that differ from theirs. the precise manner in which each of our member of your faith tradition, you only can ‘‘To brand any group of American citizens 150,000 members would speak to you, the cru- imagine what people from other religious as ‘anti-Christian’ simply because they differ cial concern in my message to you rep- traditions and people within no religious tra- on political issues runs counter to the values resents a primal interest and resonates with dition are feeling about such tactics and the of both faith and democracy. It is especially the mindset of these diverse individuals in implicit, if not explicit, endorsement of disheartening when that accusation is aimed this inter-religious movement. those tactics by you and other political lead- at fellow Christians. The National Council of Senator Frist, I suppose it was bound to ers. Churches encompasses more than 45 million happen. Leaders of the religious right and For you to use your prestigious Senate po- believers across a broad spectrum of the- politicians pushing a partisan agenda in the sition to encourage ferocious attacks on the ology and politics who work together on name of religion have so intermingled poli- judiciary launched by the people to whom issues important to our society. If they dis- tics and religion that, now, even you, the you plan to speak next Sunday and for you agree with Senator Frist’s political posi- leader of the United States Senate, appear to condone their framing of partisan polit- tions, are these 45 million Christians now unable to discern the difference between au- ical posturing as an act of faith so that all considered ‘anti-Christian’? thentic faith and partisan politics. I can who are opposed to their theocratic aggres- ‘‘In the spirit of 1 Timothy 6:3–5, we urge think of no other reason that you would ad- sion are dubbed anti-religion are insults to Senator Frist and the Family Research dress a group of people and even offer en- the Senate, a blow to democracy, and a cause Council to reconsider their plan. We will be couragement to people who have announced for great anxiety in the broader community praying for the Lord to minister to them and that opposition to the elimination of the fili- committed to the historic values of democ- change their hearts so that they will not buster signals antipathy toward religious racy. continue to take our nation down this de- faith, thus fostering a redefinition of religion All of us should be clear in understanding structive path.’’ that is blasphemy and a redefinition of de- that the most anti-faith initiatives in our mocracy that is scary. nation right now are those that seek to APRIL 15, 2005. Politically-based judgments about faith transform religion by baptizing it as a dis- Hon. BILL FRIST are inappropriate at best, but, at worst, they ciple of partisan politics. A call for respect U.S. Senate, raise suspicions about the motivations of for balancing the three branches of govern- Washington, DC. those who make them. Do such politically- ment and for respecting minority voices in DEAR SENATOR FRIST: We are deeply trou- motivated judgments about religion come Congress even as in society is not a religious bled by reports that you will be participating from people—political leaders or spiritual act, but it is a pervasively patriotic act on in the upcoming telecast ‘‘Justice Sunday,’’ leaders—attempting to manipulate religion the part of people who feel like a few are try- scheduled for April 24, and we strongly urge to advance their personal brand of politics? ing to steal the nation from the many in the you to reconsider lending support to that Regardless of the reason for the out-of- same way that they have tried to hijack reli- program. The heated debate regarding the bounds judgment, the judgment does not gion and claim that only their voices rep- status of the filibuster in the United States work. Oh, to be sure, it may gain a person or resent people of faith. Senate is a quintessentially political con- a group an edge in political advantage, but it Members of The Interfaith Alliance like test, not a religious struggle. Nor should it fails as a valid criterion for evaluating reli- me personally love this nation too much and be portrayed as such. Whatever one’s views gion. A particular political posture never appreciate the role of religion in the nation may be on this or any other issue, playing will be the standard by which to measure the too much to allow a destructive entangle- the ‘‘religious’’ card is as unacceptable as authenticity of a religious conviction! Even ment of religion and politics to go without playing the ‘‘race’’ card. the suggestion that a person’s support or op- challenge. I urge you to reconsider your The proposal to change the Senate’s proce- position to religious faith can be determined commitment to speak to a group on Sunday dural rules draws both support and opposi- by that person’s support or opposition to a evening that seems to love the nation only tion from people of all faiths, as well as from political initiative called ‘‘the nuclear op- when the leaders of the nation favor their citizens who do not ascribe to religious be- tion’’ is derogatory of religion and an insult particular religion and their preferences in liefs. ‘‘Justice Sunday’s’’ message—that the to democracy. I would think that you would politics. If you proceed with the speech, how- filibuster is being used as a weapon in the ju- want to disassociate yourself from such ever, I urge you to make clear that neither dicial confirmation process to discriminate thought. your politics nor their politics, whether against ‘‘people of faith’’—is deeply flawed Though I personally disagree with your en- those two are the same or different, rep- and a dangerous affront to fundamental prin- thusiasm for eradicating the historic prac- resent a religious position. Even though you ciples of American democracy. tice of the filibuster, viewing your efforts as will be speaking to people gathered in a Religious liberty has flourished in our na- a broadside to a democracy that values the church, we all know that you are doing poli- tion precisely because Americans have been rights of the minority whether in the Senate tics and claiming a divine blessing depicted steadfast in their commitment against sow- or in society as a whole, I never would pass as exclusive to your position. Such an act ing religious discord as means to achieve po- judgment on the integrity of your religious has no place in a house of worship or, for litical success. History shows that doing oth- faith because of your commitment to that that matter, in the repertoire or rhetoric of erwise promotes destructive religious com- political strategy. petition, discrimination, and even persecu- Senator Frist, I grew up in the state that a statesman in this great, diverse nation. tion. Responsible leaders must avoid taking you represent. In a fundamentalist Baptist Sincerely, this country down that road. church in West Tennessee, I was taught the REV. DR. C. WELTON GADDY, Sincerely, value of religious liberty—its value for President, The Interfaith Alliance Pastor of ABRAHAM H. FOXMAN, Christianity and its value for government. Preaching and Worship, Northminster Baptist National Director. The people in that congregation knew the Church, Monroe, Louisiana sad history of a denial of rights to religious Member of the Council of 100 Leaders, World [From the Religious Action Center of Reform minorities prior to the passage of the First Economic Forum. Judaism, April 15, 2005] Amendment to the Constitution. With grati- tude to God for that invaluable education, DISAGREEING WITHOUT DEMONIZING REFORM JEWISH MOVEMENT CALLS ON SEN- my conviction about the dangers of entan- A partisan political campaign to change ATOR FRIST TO REPUDIATE CLAIM THAT JU- gling religion and government (not faith and the Senate filibuster rules has taken a de- DICIAL NOMINEES ARE VICTIMS OF A ‘‘FILI- politics) has intensified across the years. tour through church-state territory, and BUSTER AGAINST FAITH’’ Please understand that many of us are NCC General Secretary Bob Edgar has chal- WASHINGTON—In response to Senate Major- scared to death that we see a precious con- lenged the tactics as ‘‘dangerous and divi- ity Leader Bill Frist’s plan to join a telecast stitutional principle being dismantled in sive’’ to the nation’s religious and public whose organizing theme is that those who order for a few religious people who claim to life. In a statement issued Tuesday, Edgar oppose some of President Bush’s judicial speak for all religious people to have their says: nominees are engaged in an assault on ‘‘peo- religious views imposed on the entire popu- ‘‘We are surprised and grieved by a cam- ple of faith,’’ Rabbi David Saperstein, Direc- lation of the nation through the power of the paign launched this week by Family Re- tor of the Religious Action Center of Reform United States government. search Council and Senate Majority Leader Judaism, issued the following statement: With a religious conscience as enflamed as Bill Frist, who said that those who disagree The news that Senate Majority Leader Bill the conscience of anybody in the religious with them on President Bush’s judicial Frist plans to join a telecast whose orga- right, I oppose the election of judges who nominees are ‘against people of faith.’ nizing theme is that those who oppose some will, in the name of religion, make decisions ‘‘This campaign, which they are calling of President Bush’s judicial nominees are en- that politicize religion and blunt the vitality ‘Justice Sunday,’ should properly be called gaged in an assault on ‘‘people of faith’’ is as well as compromise the integrity of the ‘Just-Us’ Sunday. Their attempt to impose more than troubling; it is disingenuous, dan- rich religious community in this nation. on the entire country a narrow, exclusivist, gerous, and demagogic. We call on him to re- Must my religious conviction be attacked as private view of truth is a dangerous, divisive consider his decision to appear on the tele- ‘‘anti-faith’’ simply because I do not agree tactic. It serves to further polarize our na- cast and to forcefully disassociate himself with you when you attempt to destroy a tion, and it disenfranchises and demonizes from this outrageous claim.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:14 Apr 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.006 S22PT1 S4148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2005 Senator Frist must not give legitimacy to there is no denying the overwhelming lation in the Ottoman Empire. After those who claim they hold a monopoly on historical record and eyewitness ac- the round-up, Armenian soldiers serv- faith. They do not. They assert, in the words counts that documented the appalling ing in the Ottoman army were seg- of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Re- search Council and organizer of the telecast, events of 1915–23, which occurred dur- regated into labor battalions and bru- that there is a vast conspiracy by the courts ing the time of the Ottoman Empire. tally murdered. In towns and villages ‘‘to rob us of our Christian heritage and our The United States Ambassador to the across Anatolia, Armenian leaders religious freedoms.’’ There is no such con- Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, were arrested and killed. Finally, the spiracy. They have been unable to ram stated at the time that ‘‘When the remaining Armenian population, through the most extreme of the President’s Turkish authorities gave the orders for women, children, and the elderly, were nominees, and now they are spinning new these deportations, they were merely driven from their homes and deported claims out of thin air. Alas, this is not an isolated incident. This giving the death warrant to a whole to the Syrian Desert. past week, the Christian Coalition convened race; they understood this well, and, in In reality, ‘‘deportation’’ was merely a conference in Washington entitled, ‘‘Con- their conversations with me, they a euphemism for death marches. Otto- fronting the Judicial War on Faith.’’ Their made no particular attempt to conceal man Turkish soldiers allowed brigands special guest speaker was the House Major- the fact . . . I am confident that the and released convicts to kill and rape ity Leader, Rep. Tom DeLay. When leaders whole history of the human race con- the deportees at will; often the soldiers of the Republican Party lend their impri- tains no such horrible episode as this.’’ themselves participated in the attacks. matur to such outrageous claims, including, The annual remembrance of the Ar- Driven into the desert without food at the conference, calls for mass impeach- ment of Federal Judges, it should be of deep menian genocide is not a condemnation and water, weakened by the long concern to all who care about religion. It of our ally, the present day Republic of march, hundreds of thousands of Arme- should also be of concern to President Bush Turkey. But, our mutual interest with nians succumbed to starvation. In whose silence, in the wake of the claims our NATO partner and our friendship areas of Anatolia where deportation made both at the conference in Washington with, and respect for, the Turkish peo- was not deemed practicable, other vi- and in the upcoming telecast, is alarming. ple are not reasons to ignore historical cious actions were undertaken. In the The telecast is scheduled to take place on the second night of the Passover holiday, fact. Nobel Laureate writer Elie Wiesel towns along the Black Sea coast, for when Jews around the world gather together has said that the denial of genocide example, thousands of Armenians were to celebrate our religious freedom. It was in constitutes a ‘‘double killing’’ for it packed on boats and drowned. part for exactly such freedom that we fled seeks to rewrite history by absolving The efforts to annihilate the Arme- Egypt. It was in part for exactly such free- the perpetrators of violence while ig- nian population were well documented dom that so many of us came to this great noring the suffering of the victims. in first-hand accounts, press reports, land. And it is in very large part because of During my time in the Senate, I have and other testimony. Henry Morgen- exactly such freedom that we and our neigh- spoken about the Armenian Genocide thau, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey bors here have built a nation uniquely wel- coming to people of faith—of all faiths. We many times. It is important that we at the time, personally made vigorous believe Senator Frist knows these things as take time to remember and honor the appeals to stop the genocide, calling it well. His association with the scheduled tele- victims, and pay respect to the sur- ‘‘a campaign of race extermination’’ cast is, in a word, shameful. We call upon vivors who are still with us. In addi- and ‘‘the greatest horror in history’’. him to disassociate himself from the claim tion, we must reaffirm our commit- Leslie Davis, a U.S. diplomat stationed that the Senate is participating in a fili- ment to ensuring that history is not re- in eastern Anatolia, had a similar ac- buster against faith, and to withdraw his peated. This is the highest tribute we count, writing once to the State De- participation from April 24th event. can pay to the victims of any genocide. partment, ‘‘it has been no secret that Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I yield Mr. President, I urge my colleagues the plan was to destroy the Armenian the floor. to honor the memory of the 1.5 million race as a race, but the methods used The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Armenian genocide victims by recog- have been more cold-blooded and bar- pore. The Senator from Utah is recog- nizing that there are still those in the barous, if not more effective, than I nized. world who will stop at nothing to per- had at first supposed.’’ Even Germany, Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I sug- petuate campaigns of hate, intoler- Ottoman Turkey’s own ally, con- gest the absence of a . ance, and unthinkable violence. We The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- demned the Turkish ‘‘acts of horror.’’ must do all we can to stop atrocities, Despite the testimony from U.S. dip- pore. The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- like those in the Darfur region of lomats who were witness to the events ceeded to call the roll. Sudan, from occurring as well as con- and the abundance of credible, inter- Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask tinue to provide adequate recovery aid national evidence documenting the Ar- unanimous consent that the order for to survivors. In doing so, we will truly menian genocide, there are still those the be rescinded. honor the memory of genocide victims who refuse to acknowledge its occur- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and fulfill our responsibilities as a rence. To anyone who doubts this bru- pore. Without objection, it is so or- world leader. tal history, I would recommend a visit dered. Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I rise to the National Archives, where much to commemorate the 90th anniversary f of the evidence collected by our dip- of the Armenian genocide, the first lomats, along with survivors’ accounts, 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE genocide of the 20th century. One and a are stored. ARMENIAN GENOCIDE half million men, women, and children I do not deny that coming to terms Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, today, as lost their lives as a result of the vio- with history is a difficult and painful in previous years, I would like to honor lent massacres and extensive deporta- process, as those who lived in South the memory of the victims of the Ar- tion carried out by the Ottoman Turk- Africa and the countries of the former menian genocide. This year marks the ish rulers against their Armenian citi- Soviet bloc can tell us. But the chal- 90th anniversary of the brutal cam- zens. Today, as we remember the brav- lenge of acceptance does not justify the paign to eliminate Armenians from the ery and sacrifice of the Armenian peo- distortion of truth. Falsifying history Turkish Ottoman Empire. ple in the face of great suffering, we insults the memory of those who suf- April 24 was chosen as the day of re- renew our commitment to protecting fered and threatens our very under- membrance because on that date in the fundamental rights and freedoms of standing of justice and humanity. 1915, more than 5,000 Armenians includ- all humanity. We have a national interest in seek- ing civic leaders, intellectuals, writers, Nine decades have passed since the ing that our foreign policy is grounded priests, scientists, and doctors were terrible blows that befell the Armenian in the same principles on which this systematically rounded up and mur- people in 1915. On April 24 of that year, Nation was founded, a respect for the dered. The systematic and intentional more than 250 Armenian intellectuals truth, the rule of law, and democratic killing continued until 1923, leaving and civic leaders in Constantinople institutions. Clearly, this was in part nearly 1.5 million Armenians dead. were rounded up and killed, in what the administration’s motivation for its There are those who attempt to deny was the first step in a systematic plan recognition last fall of the genocide in that this atrocity ever occurred. But to exterminate the Armenian popu- Darfur. In his testimony before the

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