CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 8 May 24, 2005 and So out Into the Road the Three the Two Older Villains Did As They Had Mr
May 24, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 8 10929 Leahy Obama Snowe state, to calm the dangerous seas vice, but here it is. And by considering Lieberman Pryor Specter Lott Reid Stevens which, from time to time, threaten to that advice, it only stands to reason Lugar Roberts Sununu dash our Republic against rocky shoals that any President will be more as- Martinez Rockefeller Talent and jagged shores. sured that his nominees will enjoy a McCain Salazar Thomas The Senate proved it to be true again kinder reception in the Senate. McConnell Santorum Thune Mikulski Schumer Vitter yesterday, when 14 Members—from The agreement, which references the Murkowski Sessions Voinovich both sides of the aisle, Republicans and need for ‘‘advice and consent,’’ as con- Nelson (FL) Shelby Warner Democrats; 14 Members—of this re- tained in the Constitution, proves once Nelson (NE) Smith (OR) Wyden vered institution came together to again, as has been true for over 200 NAYS—18 avert the disaster referred to as the years, that our revered Constitution is Biden Dorgan Levin ‘‘nuclear option’’ or the ‘‘constitu- not simply a dry piece of parchment. It Boxer Feingold Lincoln tional option’’—these men and women is a living document. Cantwell Jeffords Murray of great courage. Yesterday’s agreement was a real-life Corzine Kennedy Reed illustration of how this historical docu- Dayton Kerry Sarbanes As William Gladstone said, in refer- Dodd Lautenberg Stabenow ring to the Senate of the United ment continues to be vital in our daily lives. It inspires, it teaches, and yester- NOT VOTING—1 States, the Senate is that remarkable body, the most remarkable day it helped the country and the Sen- Inouye of all the inventions of modern politics.
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