S4144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2005 an up-or-down vote. This is rank hypocrisy. tesy. After all, he has in his lineage a When we explain in public session the When the tables were turned, Republicans Senator. His father, as does he, served basis on which we have decided to op- filibustered President Bill Clinton’s choice as a Senator. He knows, as did his fa- pose a nomination of somebody we be- for surgeon general, forcing him to choose ther, the normal courtesies that make another. And Bill Frist, the Senate majority lieve does not merit a lifetime appoint- leader, who now finds judicial filibusters so this place run so much more smoothly. ment to the Federal bench, the judicial offensive, himself joined one against Richard So I appreciate it. activism we detail is ignored and we Paez, a Clinton appeals court nominee. I spoke at the beginning of the week are smeared as anti this or anti that. Yet these very same Republicans are about the alarming rise of religious So I thank the many religious leaders threatening to have Vice President Dick McCarthyism. I hoped that by drawing who have come forward this week to Cheney rule from the chair that a simple ma- attention to this situation the major- uphold America’s great traditions of jority can confirm a judicial nominee rather ity leader and other Republican leaders respecting faith, honoring faith, and than the 60 votes necessary to stop a fili- would speak out against any campaign buster. This is known as the ‘‘nuclear op- ensuring that the constitutional prohi- tion’’ because in all likelihood it would blow that improperly characterizes Senators bition against any religious test for up the Senate’s operations. The Senate does as being ‘‘against people of faith.’’ public office be strictly observed. much of its work by unanimous consent, That demonizing of Senators and their Christian leaders from a variety of which keeps things moving along and pre- motives has no place in this country, denominations, Muslim leaders, and vents ordinary day-to-day business from and absolutely none in debate among Jewish leaders, have joined to reject drowning in procedural votes. But if Repub- Senators. It is a slur. It is a smear. It these disgraceful efforts of a few par- licans change the filibuster rules, Democrats is untrue. Every Senator, Republican tisans injecting religion into the dis- could respond by ignoring the tradition of and Democratic, knows it. The Repub- unanimous consent and making it difficult if cussion of judicial nominations. They not impossible to get anything done. Arlen licans should denounce a campaign have publicly denounced the efforts of Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican who is based on bigotry and demagoguery. the religious demagogues making slan- chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has With rare exceptions, they have re- derous charges in a win-at-all-costs bid warned that ‘‘the Senate will be in turmoil fused to do so. And even the majority to rile the passions and to further di- and the Judiciary Committee will be hell.’’ leader will apparently act in support of vide Americans one from another. I am Despite his party’s Senate majority, how- such a campaign this weekend. grateful for the voices of these reli- ever, Mr. Frist may not have the votes to go Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, will gious leaders. We need less division, nuclear. A sizable number of Republicans— the Senator yield for a question? including John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I will not more. We need to work together Susan Collins, Lincoln Chafee and John War- yield for one, but I would prefer— more, not less. We need to unite, not ner—could break away. For them, the value Mr. BENNETT. It is only one. divide. of confirming a few extreme nominees may I wonder if the Senator heard my de- I share the disappointment of the be outweighed by the lasting damage to the more than 400 religious leaders who Senate. Besides, majorities are temporary, nunciation of that kind of thing when have written to Majority Leader FRIST and they may want to filibuster one day. I gave my speech? There is one way to avert a showdown. The Mr. LEAHY. I was about to refer to urging him to ‘‘repudiate those who White House should meet with Senate lead- that. So I now do refer to the fact that misuse religion for political purposes ers of both parties and come up with a list of the Senator from Utah said people and who impugn the faith of any who nominees who will not be filibustered. This should not be demonized as being disagree with them.’’ means that Mr. Bush—like Presidents Bill against people of faith if they oppose All of us need to repudiate the mes- Clinton, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. somebody. sage of divisiveness and religious ma- Bush before him—would agree to submit I appreciate it. It is the first time I nipulation. nominees from the broad mainstream of The Reverend Dr. Weldon Gaddy, legal thought, with a commitment to judg- have heard that said on his side of the ing cases, not promoting a political agenda. aisle. Unfortunately, many others have president of the Interfaith Alliance, re- The Bush administration likes to call itself been saying just the opposite. That is cently wrote to Senator FRIST to warn ‘‘conservative,’’ but there is nothing con- why I wish the majority leader would against transforming ‘‘religion by bap- servative about endangering one of the great not act in support of such a campaign tizing it as a disciple of partisan poli- institutions of American democracy, the this weekend. tics.’’ United States Senate, for the sake of an ide- The upcoming telecast to incite Abraham Foxman, national director ological crusade. congregants with the false charge that of the Anti-Defamation League, re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- those who oppose judicial activists are minded Senator FRIST: pore. The Senator yields back. anti-Christian or anti-faith is wrong. It Religious liberty has flourished in our na- The Senator from Vermont. is divisive and it is destructive. That tion precisely because Americans have been Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, in light Republican officials will lend support steadfast in their commitment against sow- of the speech of my distinguished col- to that effort through their silence, ing religious discord as a means to achieve league from Utah, I have a few com- rather than denounce it, is disturbing political success. ments I think I will make about this and disappointing. I appreciate the My Irish and my Italian grand- issue. Senator from Utah, Mr. BENNETT, fi- parents, like so many others, came to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nally speaking out, or having a voice this country seeking a better life for pore. The Senator is recognized. finally speak out from that side of the their families, not just a better job but Mr. LEAHY. What is the parliamen- aisle denouncing it. the freedoms that have always been so tary situation, Mr. President? Are we To divide the American people along much a part of America’s great attrac- in morning business? religious lines is wrong. It has always tion. But it has taken time and pain The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- been wrong. Smearing political oppo- for us to realize as a nation that dream pore. Morning business, with a 10- nents as anti-faith is despicable. Ap- of religious freedom and tolerance. minute time limit. parently, some will stop at nothing and I remember my parents talking about Mr. LEAHY. Thank you. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask stoop to any level. No scurrilous days I thought were long past, when unanimous consent that the Senator charge is too coarse; no baseless accu- Irish Catholics were greeted with signs from Vermont be allowed to speak for sation is too outlandish. When a few of that told them they need not apply for more than 10 minutes. I certainly did. us had the honor of attending the fu- jobs. Italian Catholics were told that I want to be sure he has the same cour- neral of Pope John Paul II in Rome as they and their religious ways were not tesy. part of the official Senate delegation wanted. That is what my grandparents The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- recently, guess what happened. Demo- experienced and my parents saw. The pore. Is there objection? crats, but not Republicans, were casti- smears we are seeing today mock the Hearing none, it is so ordered. gated for not being present in Wash- pain and injustice that so many Amer- f ington. There were, of course, seven ican Catholics endured. We have come Republicans and seven Democrats. The too far to turn back to the darkness of RELIGIOUS MCCARTHYISM same people who make these charges intolerance. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank castigated the Democrats for being in Partisans these days are seeking to my friend from Utah for his usual cour- Rome. rekindle the flames of bigotry for VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:56 Apr 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.003 S22PT1 April 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4145 short-term political gain. That is more term political gains subvert the Con- controlled by Democrats or by Repub- than just wrong, it is despicable. To stitution and damage the country. licans. raise the specter of religious intoler- There are those who say that we are Our Senate Parliamentarian, who ance in order to try to turn our strong, against people of faith if we have op- steps away from politics and simply independent Federal courts into an posed a handful of the President’s tells us what the rules are, and the arm of a political party is an outrage.
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